
Defines functions receiver_line_det_sim

Documented in receiver_line_det_sim

#' @title Simulate detection of acoustic-tagged fish crossing a receiver line
#' @description
#' Estimate, by simulation, the probability of detecting an acoustic-tagged
#' fish on a receiver line, given constant fish velocity (ground speed),
#' receiver spacing, number of receivers, and detection range curve.
#' @param vel A numeric scalar with fish velocity in meters per second.
#' @param delayRng A 2-element numeric vector with minimum and maximum delay 
#'   (time in seconds from end of one coded burst to beginning of next)
#' @param burstDur A numeric scalar with duration (in seconds) of each coded 
#'   burst (i.e., pulse train).
#' @param recSpc A numeric vector with distances (in meters) between receivers. 
#'   The length of vector is N-1, where N is number of receivers. One receiver
#'   is simulated when \code{recSpc = NA} (default).
#' @param maxDist A numeric scalar with maximum distance between tagged fish 
#'   and any receiver during simulation (i.e., sets spatial boundaries)
#' @param rngFun A function that defines detection range curve; must accept a 
#'   numeric vector of distances and return a numeric vector of detection 
#'   probabilities at each distance.
#' @param outerLim A two-element numeric vector with space (in meters) in which 
#'   simulated fish are allowed to pass to left (first element) and right 
#'   (second element) of the receiver line.
#' @param nsim Integer scalar with the number of crossings (fish) to simulate
#' @param showPlot A logical scalar. Should a plot be drawn showing receivers 
#'   and fish paths?
#' @details
#' Virtual tagged fish (N=\code{nsim}) are "swum" through a virtual receiver 
#' line. The first element of \code{recSpc} determines spacing between first 
#' two receivers in the line, and each subsequent element of \code{recSpc} 
#' determine spacing of subsequent receivers along the line, such that the 
#' number of receivers is equal to \code{length(recSpc) + 1}. Each fish moves 
#' at constant velocity (\code{vel}) along a line perpendicular to the 
#' receiver line. The location of each fish path along the receiver line is 
#' random (drawn from uniform distribution), and fish can pass outside the 
#' receiver line (to the left of the first receiver or right of last receiver) 
#' if \code{outerLim[1]} or \code{outerLim[2]} are greater than 0 meters. 
#' Each fish starts and ends about \code{maxDist} meters from the receiver 
#' line.  
#' @details 
#' A simulated tag signal is transmitted every \code{delayRng[1]} to 
#' \code{delayRng[2]} seconds. At time of each transmission, the distance is 
#' calculated between the tag and each receiver, and rngFun is used to 
#' calculate the probability (p) that the signal was detected on each receiver. 
#' Detection or non-detection on each receiver is determined by a draw from a 
#' Bernoulli distribution with probability p.
#' @return A data frame with one column:
#'   \item{detProb}{The proportion of simulated fish that were detected more  
#'   than once on any single receiver.}
#' @author C. Holbrook \email{cholbrook@usgs.gov}
#' @references
#' For application example, see:  \cr\cr
#'   Hayden, T.A., Holbrook, C.M., Binder, T.R., Dettmers, J.M., Cooke, S.J., 
#'   Vandergoot, C.S. and Krueger, C.C., 2016. Probability of acoustic 
#'   transmitter detections by receiver lines in Lake Huron: results of 
#'   multi-year field tests and simulations. Animal Biotelemetry, 4(1), p.19.
#'   \cr \url{https://animalbiotelemetry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40317-016-0112-9}
#' @examples
#' #EXAMPLE 1 - simulate detection on line of ten receivers
#'  #Define detection range function (to pass as rngFun) 
#'  # that returns detection probability for given distance
#'   # assume logistic form of detection range curve where 
#'   #   dm = distance in meters
#'   #   b = intercept and slope
#'  pdrf <- function(dm, b=c(5.5, -1/120)){
#'     p <- 1/(1+exp(-(b[1]+b[2]*dm)))
#'     return(p)
#'  }
#'  #preview detection range curve
#'  plot(pdrf(0:2000),type="l",ylab="Probability of detecting each coded burst", 
#'	xlab="Distance between receiver and transmitter")
#'  #Simulate detection using pdrf; default values otherwise
#'  dp <- receiver_line_det_sim(rngFun=pdrf)
#'  dp
#'  #Again with only 10 virtual fish and optional plot to see simulated data
#'  dp <- receiver_line_det_sim(rngFun=pdrf, nsim=10, showPlot=T) #w/ optional plot
#'  dp
#'  #Again but six receivers and allow fish to pass to left and right of line
#'  dp <- receiver_line_det_sim(rngFun=pdrf, recSpc=rep(1000,5),
#' 	outerLim=c(1000, 1000), nsim=10, showPlot=T)
#'  dp
#'  #Again but four receivers with irregular spacing
#'  dp <- receiver_line_det_sim(rngFun=pdrf, recSpc=c(2000,4000,2000),
#'  	outerLim=c(1000, 1000), nsim=10, showPlot=T)
#'  dp
#' #EXAMPLE 2 - summarize detection probability vs. receiver spacing
#'  #two receivers only, spaced 'spc' m apart
#'  #define scenarios where two receiver are spaced 
#'  spc <- seq(100,5000, 100) #two receivers spaced 100, 200, ... 5000 m
#'  #loop through scenarios, estimate detection probability for each
#'  for(i in 1:length(spc)){
#'    if(i==1) dp <- numeric(length(spc)) #pre-allocate
#'    dp[i] <- receiver_line_det_sim(recSpc=spc[i], rngFun=pdrf)
#'  }
#'  cbind(spc,dp) #view results  
#'  #plot results
#'  plot(spc, dp, type="o",ylim=c(0,1), 
#'    xlab="distance between receivers in meters",
#'	  ylab="proportion of virtual fish detected") 
#'  # e.g., >95% virtual fish detected up to 1400 m spacing in this example
#' #EXAMPLE 3 - summarize detection probability vs. fish swim speed
#'  #define scenarios of fish movement rate
#'  swim <- seq(0.1, 5.0, 0.1) #constant velocity
#'  for(i in 1:length(swim)){
#'    if(i==1) dp <- numeric(length(swim)) #pre-allocate
#'    dp[i] <- receiver_line_det_sim(vel=swim[i], rngFun=pdrf)
#'  }
#'  cbind(swim,dp) #view results
#'  #plot results
#'  plot(swim, dp, type="o", ylim=c(0,1), xlab="fish movement rate, m/s",
#'	  ylab="proportion of virtual fish detected")
#'  # e.g., >95% virtual fish detected up to 1.7 m/s rate in this example
#'  # e.g., declines linearly above 1.7 m/s
#' #EXAMPLE 4 - empirical detection range curve instead of logistic
#'  #create data frame with observed det. efficiency (p) at each distance (x)
#'  edr <- data.frame(
#'    x=c(0,363,444,530,636,714,794,889,920), #tag-receiver distance
#'    p=c(1,1,0.96,0.71,0.67,0.75,0.88,0.21,0)) # detection prob
#'  #now create a function to return the detection probability
#'  # based on distance and linear interpolation within edr
#'  # i.e., estimate p at given x by "connecting the dots" 
#'  edrf <- function(dm, my.edr=edr) {
#'    p <- approx(x=my.edr$x,y=my.edr$p,xout=dm, rule=2)$y
#'    return(p)
#'  }
#'  #preview empirical detection range curve
#'  plot(edrf(0:2000),type="l",
#'    ylab="probability of detecting each coded burst", 
#'	  xlab="distance between receiver and transmitter, meters")
#'  #use empirical curve (edrf) in simulation
#'  dp <- receiver_line_det_sim(rngFun=edrf, nsim=10, showPlot=T) #w/ optional plot
#'  dp
#' @export
receiver_line_det_sim <- function(vel=1,delayRng=c(120,360),burstDur=5.0,
  #check if rngFun is function
    stop(paste0("Error: argument 'rngFun' must be a function...\n",
        "see ?receiver_line_det_sim\n check: is.function(rngFun)"))

  #Define receiver line

  if(any(is.na(recSpc))) recSpc <- 0 #to simulate one receiver
    xLim <- c(0,sum(recSpc)+sum(outerLim))
    recLoc <- c(outerLim[1], outerLim[1] + cumsum(recSpc))
    yLim <-  c(-maxDist, maxDist)

  #Simulate tag transmissions
  nTrns <- floor((diff(yLim)/vel)/delayRng[1]) #number of transmissions 

  #sample delays
  del <- matrix(runif(nTrns*nsim,delayRng[1],delayRng[2]),
    nrow=nsim, ncol=nTrns) 
  del <- del + burstDur #add burst duration (for Vemco)
  trans <- t(apply(del, 1, cumsum)) #time series of signal transmissions
  #"center" the fish track over the receiver line; with some randomness
  trans <- trans - matrix(runif(nsim, trans[,nTrns/2],trans[,(nTrns/2)+1]), 
    nrow=nsim, ncol=nTrns)
  #row = simulated fish; col = signal transmission
  fsh.x <- matrix(runif(nsim, xLim[1], xLim[2]), nrow=nsim, ncol=nTrns)
  #convert from time to distance from start
  fsh.y <- matrix(trans*vel, nrow=nsim, ncol=nTrns) 

  #Optional quick and dirty plot just to see what is happening
      plot(NA, xlim=xLim, ylim=yLim, asp=c(1,1),
        xlab="Distance (in meters) along receiver line",
        ylab="Distance (in meters) along fish path")
      #fish tracks and transmissions
      for(i in 1:nsim){
        lines(fsh.x[i,], fsh.y[i,], col="grey") #fish tracks
        points(fsh.x[i,], fsh.y[i,], pch=20, cex=0.8) #signal transmissions
      #receiver locations
      points(recLoc, rep(0,length(recLoc)), pch=21, bg='red', cex=1.2)
      legend("topleft",legend=c("receiver","sim. fish path","tag transmit"),
  #Simulate detections 
  #calculate distances between transmissions and receivers
    for(i in 1:length(recLoc)){ #loop through receivers
      if(i == 1) { #pre-allocate objects, if first receiver
        succ <- detP <- distM <- vector("list",length(recLoc))
        nDets <- matrix(NA, nrow=nsim, ncol=length(recLoc)) #col = receiver
      #tag-receiver distances in meters
      distM[[i]] <- sqrt((fsh.x - recLoc[i])^2 + (fsh.y)^2) 
      #detection probabilities
      detP[[i]] <- matrix(rngFun(distM[[i]]), nrow=nsim) 
      #detected=1, not=0
      succ[[i]] <- matrix(rbinom(length(detP[[i]]), 1, detP[[i]]), nrow=nsim) 
      #number of times each transmitter detected on ith receiver
      nDets[,i] <- rowSums(succ[[i]]) 

    #max detects on any one receiver for each transmitter
    maxDet <- apply(nDets, 1, max) 
    #proportion of transmitters detected more than once on any receiver
    detProb <-  mean(maxDet>1) 
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.