
Defines functions extract_station convert_sex query_worms_common concat_list_strings convert_otn_erddap_to_att

Documented in convert_otn_erddap_to_att

#' Convert detections, transmitter, receiver, and animal metadata to a format
#' that ATT accepts.
#' Convert \code{glatos_detections} and transmitter, receiver, and animal
#' metadata from the OTN ERDDAP to \code{ATT} format for use in the Animal
#' Tracking Toolbox (\url{https://github.com/vinayudyawer/ATT}).
#' @param detectionObj a data frame from \code{read_glatos_detections}
#' @param erdTags a data frame with tag release data from the OTN ERDDAP
#' @param erdRcv a data frame with receiver station data from the OTN ERDDAP 
#' @param erdAni a data frame with animal data from the OTN ERDDAP
#' @details This function takes 4 data frames containing detection, and ERDDAP
#'   data from the tags, receivers, and animals tables, and transforms them into
#'   3 \code{tibble::tibble} objects inside of a list. The input that AAT uses
#'   to get this data product is located here:
#'   https://github.com/vinayudyawer/ATT/blob/master/README.md and our mappings
#'   are found here: https://gitlab.oceantrack.org/GreatLakes/glatos/issues/83
#'   in a comment by Ryan Gosse. The OTN ERDDAP instance is here:
#'   https://members.oceantrack.org/erddap/tabledap/index.html but please note
#'   that this only contains public data.
#' @author Ryan Gosse
#' @return a list of 3 tibble::tibbles containing tag dectections, tag metadata,
#'   and station metadata, to be ingested by VTrack/ATT
#' @examples
#' #--------------------------------------------------
#' # EXAMPLE #1 - loading from the OTN ERDDAP + vignettes
#' library(glatos)
#' #get path to example files from OTN ERDDAP
#' ani_erd_file <- system.file("extdata", "otn_aat_animals.csv",
#'                             package = "glatos") 
#' animals <- read.csv(ani_erd_file) # load the CSVs from ERDDAP
#' tags_erd_file <- system.file("extdata", "otn_aat_tag_releases.csv",
#'                             package = "glatos") 
#' tags <- read.csv(tags_erd_file)
#' rcv_erd_file <- system.file("extdata", "otn_aat_receivers.csv",
#'                             package = "glatos") 
#' stations <- read.csv(rcv_erd_file)
#' #Remove first row; (blank or metadata about the column) 
#' animals <- animals[-1,] 
#' tags <- tags[-1,]
#' stations <- stations[-1,]
#' #get blue shark example data
#' shrk_det_file <- system.file("extdata", "blue_shark_detections.csv",
#'      package = "glatos")
#' blue_shark_detections <- read_otn_detections(shrk_det_file) # load shark data
#' ATTdata <- convert_otn_erddap_to_att(blue_shark_detections, 
#'                                      tags, stations, animals)
#' @export

convert_otn_erddap_to_att <- function(detectionObj, erdTags, erdRcv, erdAni) {

  transmitters <- 
    if(all(grepl("-", detectionObj$transmitter_id, fixed=TRUE))){
    } else { 
      concat_list_strings(detectionObj$transmitter_codespace, detectionObj$transmitter_id)
  tagMetadata <- unique(tibble::tibble( # Start building Tag.Metadata table
    Tag.ID = detectionObj$animal_id,
    Transmitter = as.factor(transmitters),
    Common.Name = as.factor(detectionObj$common_name_e)
  tagMetadata <- unique(tagMetadata) # Cut out dupes
  nameLookup <- tibble::tibble( # Get all the unique common names
    Common.Name = unique(tagMetadata$Common.Name)
  nameLookup <- dplyr::mutate(nameLookup, # Add scinames to the name lookup
    Sci.Name = as.factor(purrr::map(nameLookup$Common.Name, query_worms_common))
  # Apply sci names to frame
  tagMetadata <- dplyr::left_join(tagMetadata, nameLookup) 

  # Matching cols that have different names
  colnames(erdTags)[colnames(erdTags) == "tag_device_id"] <- "transmitter_id" 
  detectionObj <- dplyr::left_join(detectionObj, erdTags)
  erdRcv <- dplyr::mutate(erdRcv,
      station = as.character(purrr::map(erdRcv$receiver_reference_id, 
  # Matching cols that have different names
  colnames(erdAni)[colnames(erdAni) == "animal_reference_id"] <- "animal_id" 
  detectionObj <- dplyr::left_join(detectionObj, erdAni)

  releaseData <- tibble::tibble( # Get the rest from detectionObj
    Tag.ID = detectionObj$animal_id, 
    Tag.Project = as.factor(detectionObj$animal_project_reference), 
    Release.Latitude = as.double(detectionObj$latitude), 
    Release.Longitude = as.double(detectionObj$longitude), 
    Release.Date = as.Date(detectionObj$time),
    Sex = as.factor(detectionObj$sex)

  releaseData <- dplyr::mutate(releaseData, 
    # Convert sex text and null missing columns
    Sex = as.factor(purrr::map(Sex, convert_sex)),
    Tag.Life = as.integer(NA),
    Tag.Status = as.factor(NA),
    Bio = as.factor(NA)
  # Final version of Tag.Metadata
  tagMetadata <- unique(dplyr::left_join(tagMetadata, releaseData)) 

  detectionObj <- detectionObj %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dummy=TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(erdRcv %>% dplyr::mutate(dummy = TRUE), 
                                   rcv_latitude = latitude, 
                                   rcv_longitude = longitude, 
                                   deploy_datetime_utc = time, 
                                   recovery_datetime_utc)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(deploy_datetime_utc = as.POSIXct(deploy_datetime_utc, 
                                              format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS"), 
                  recovery_datetime_utc = as.POSIXct(recovery_datetime_utc, 
                                              format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(detection_timestamp_utc >= deploy_datetime_utc, 
                  detection_timestamp_utc <= recovery_datetime_utc) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(ReceiverFull = concat_list_strings(receiver_model, 
                                                   receiver_serial_number)) %>%

  detections <- tibble::tibble(
    Date.Time = detectionObj$detection_timestamp_utc,
    Transmitter = as.factor(detectionObj$transmitter_id),
    Station.Name = as.factor(detectionObj$station),
    Receiver = as.factor(detectionObj$ReceiverFull),
    Latitude = detectionObj$deploy_lat,
    Longitude = detectionObj$deploy_long,
    Sensor.Value = as.integer(detectionObj$sensorvalue),
    Sensor.Unit = as.factor(detectionObj$sensorunit)

  stations <- unique(tibble::tibble(
    Station.Name = as.factor(detectionObj$station),
    Receiver = as.factor(detectionObj$ReceiverFull),
    Installation = as.factor(NA),
    Receiver.Project = as.factor(detectionObj$collectioncode),
    Deployment.Date = detectionObj$deploy_datetime_utc,
    Recovery.Date = detectionObj$recovery_datetime_utc,
    Station.Latitude = as.double(detectionObj$deploy_lat),
    Station.Longitude = as.double(detectionObj$deploy_long),
    Receiver.Status = as.factor(NA)
  att_obj <- list(
    Tag.Detections = detections,
    Tag.Metadata = tagMetadata,
    Station.Information = stations

  class(att_obj) <- "ATT"


# Function for taking 2 lists of string of the same length and concatenating 
#  the columns, row by row.
concat_list_strings <- function(list1, list2, sep = "-") {
  if (length(list1) != length(list2)) {
      stop(sprintf("Lists are not the same size. %d != %d.", 
                   length(list1), length(list2)))
  return (paste(list1, list2, sep = sep))

# Simple query to WoRMS based on the common name and returns the sci name
query_worms_common <- function(commonName) {

  url <- utils::URLencode(
      payload <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url)
  }, error = function(e){
      stop(sprintf('Error in querying WoRMS, %s was probably not found.', 

# Convert the sex from 'F' and 'M' to 'FEMALE' and 'MALE'
convert_sex <- function(sex) {
  if (toupper(sex) %in% c("F", "FEMALE")) return("FEMALE")
  if (toupper(sex) %in% c("M", "MALE")) return("MALE")

# Converts the reciever reference id to station name
extract_station <- function(reciever_ref) {
  reciever_ref <- as.character(reciever_ref)
  return( # Split the string by _ and drop the array name
        strsplit(c(reciever_ref), c("_"))
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.