#' @title Make a scanone plot of genotype means.
#' @description
#' \code{meanScan} Like qtl:effectscan, but plots the genotypic means across the
#' marker / pseudomarker grid.
#' @param cross The qtl cross. Must contain genotype probabilities or imputed genotypes
#' @param pheno.col Character or numeric vector indicating the phenotype to be tested.
#' Only 1 phenotype can be tested at a time. If numeric, converted to character.
#' @param covar dataframe of covariates like addcovar in qtl::scanone. Can only be a single column.
#' If the data is numeric, or character, converted to factor first.
#' @param chr The chromosomes to analyze. If not supplied, all are tested.
#' @param leg.pos The character of numeric (length 2) position of the legend. Default is "topright".
#' @param mean.FUN The function applied to generate the line positions. Defaults to mean(x, na.rm = T)
#' @param se.FUN The function applied to generate the confidence interval around the mean.
#' Defaults to sd(x, na.rm = T)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(x)))
#' @param sw.width The window size to use if smoothing is desired. If 1, no sliding window smoothing
#' is conducted. Must be smaller than the number of markers on the smallest chromosome.
#' @param plot.se Logical, should standard errors around the menas be plotted?
#' @param se.alpha Numeric coding of the transparency for the standard error regions.
#' @param col Character vector of colors to plot.
#' @param leg.pos The position of the legend.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to plot.scanone
#' @details Calculates genotypic means at each marker/psuedomarker, plots them.
#' @return The plot and an object of class scanone containing the means
#' for each combination of genotype and covariate.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(qtlTools)
#' library(qtl)
#' data(fake.bc)
#' cross<-fake.bc
#' cross<-calc.genoprob(cross)
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = NULL)
#' # Some simple customization
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = NULL, col = c("black","orange"),
#' leg.pos = "top")
#' sex<-data.frame(sex = ifelse(pull.pheno(cross, "sex") == 0,"F","M"))
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = sex, leg.pos = "right")
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = sex, chr = c(2,7), leg.pos = "right",
#' col = c("black","grey","darkblue","lightblue"))
#' cross.fem<-subset(cross, ind = sex[,1] == "F")
#' cross.male<-subset(cross, ind = sex[,1] == "M")
#' par(mfrow = c(2,1))
#' ms <-meanScan(cross.fem, leg.pos = "topright", leg.inset = .05, main = "females only")
#' ms <-meanScan(cross.male, leg.pos = "topright", leg.inset = .05, main = "males only")
#' data(fake.f2)
#' cross<-fake.f2
#' cross<-calc.genoprob(cross)
#' ms <- meanScan(cross, covar = NULL, leg.pos = "bottomright", leg.inset = .1)
#' sex<-data.frame(sex = ifelse(pull.pheno(cross, "sex") == 0,"F","M"))
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = sex)
#' data(fake.4way)
#' cross<-fake.4way
#' cross<-calc.genoprob(cross)
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = NULL)
#' sex<-data.frame(sex = ifelse(pull.pheno(cross, "sex") == 0,"F","M"))
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = sex, chr = c(2,7))
#' data("multitrait")
#' cross =multitrait
#' cross<-calc.genoprob(cross)
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = NULL)
#' ms<-meanScan(cross, covar = NULL, sw.width = 5)
#' }
#' @import qtl
#' @export
meanScan<-function(cross, pheno.col = 1, chr = NULL, covar = NULL,
mean.FUN = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = T),
se.FUN = function(x) sd(x, na.rm = T)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(x))),
sw.width = 1, plot.se = T, se.alpha = .2,
col = NULL, leg.pos = "topright", ...){
# -- Drop non -autozomes
clss= sapply(cross$geno, function(x) attr(x, "class"))
cat("found non-autozomes, dropping these\n")
cross = subset(cross, chr = clss=="A")
# -- Subset cross if chr specified
if(!is.null(chr)) cross<-subset(cross, chr = chr)
# -- Get phenotype names in order
if(!pheno.col %in% phenames(cross)) stop("phenotype ", pheno.col, " not found\n")
# -- Find the names of the genotypes
if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])){
if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])){
stop("run either calc.genoprob or sim.geno first.\n")
# -- pull the best-guess genotypes
ag<-argmax.geno(cross, step = atr$step, error.prob = atr$error.prob,
off.end = atr$off.end, map.function = atr$map.function,
stepwidth = atr$stepwidth)
gen<-pull.argmaxgeno(ag, include.pos.info=F)
map<-pull.argmaxgeno(ag, include.pos.info=T, rotate = T)[,1:3]
# - get the phenotype data
phe<-pull.pheno(cross, pheno.col)
covar = data.frame(fake = rep("fake",length(phe)))
stop("covar must be a vector of length = nind (cross)\n")
covar[,1] = as.factor(covar[,1])
cov.levs = levels(covar[,1])
tmp = tapply(phe,data.frame(gen = as.factor(gen[,1]),covar), mean)
gen2 = gen
for(i in 1:length(genotypes)){
for(j in colnames(gen2)){
#for(i in colnames(gen2)) gen2[,i]<-factor(gen2[,i], levels = genotypes)
ou = tapply(phe, data.frame(gen2[,1],covar), mean.FUN)
tap.names = apply(expand.grid(colnames(ou),rownames(ou)),1,
function(x) paste(x, collapse = "_"))
means<-data.frame(t(apply(gen2,2, function(x){
tapply(phe, data.frame(x,covar), mean.FUN)
colnames(means) <- tap.names
ses<-data.frame(t(apply(gen2,2, function(x){
tapply(phe, data.frame(x,covar), se.FUN)
colnames(ses) <- tap.names
hasZoo = requireNamespace("zoo", quietly = TRUE)
if(sw.width>1 & !hasZoo){
warning("install the zoo package to conduct sliding window averaging\n")
sw.width = 1
means2 = zoo::rollapply(means,width = sw.width, by.column = T,
partial = T, fill = NA, FUN = mean.FUN)
rownames(means2) = rownames(means)
ses2 = zoo::rollapply(ses,width = sw.width, by.column = T,
partial = T, fill = NA, FUN = mean.FUN)
rownames(ses2) = rownames(ses)
means2 = means
ses2 = ses
out.means<-cbind(map, means2)
out.ses = cbind(map, ses2)
uplim = means2+ses2
lowlim = means2-ses2
out.uplim<-cbind(map, uplim)
out.lowlim = cbind(map, lowlim)
col.base = list(a = c("pink","red4"),
b = c("cornflowerblue","darkblue"),
c = c("lightgrey","black"),
d = c("gold","darkorange"),
e = c("chartreuse","darkgreen"))
if(length(genotypes)>5) stop("if n genotypes > 5, manually specify colors")
pals = lapply(1:length(genotypes), function(x) colorRampPalette(col.base[[x]]))
cov.levs= length(levels(covar[,1]))
cols = lapply(pals, function(x) x(cov.levs))
col = as.character(unlist(sapply(cols, function(x) sapply(1:cov.levs, function(y) x[y]))))
if(length(col)!=ncol(means2)) stop("length of color vector must match the number of covariate / genotype combinations\n")
lims = c(min(as.matrix(lowlim), na.rm = T), max(as.matrix(uplim), na.rm = T))
me = mean(as.matrix(means2), na.rm = T)
plot(out.means, type = "n", ylim = lims, ylab = "mean phenotypic value", ...)
poss = xaxisloc.scanone(out.uplim, thechr = out.uplim[,1], thepos = out.uplim[,2])
ul = cbind(map$chr, poss, uplim)
dl = cbind(map$chr,poss, lowlim)
for(i in 1:ncol(means2)){
for(j in chrnames(cross)){
u = ul[ul[,1]==j,]
d = dl[dl[,1]==j,]
polygon(x = c(u[,2],rev(d[,2])),
y = c(u[,i+2], rev(d[,i+2])),
col = adjustcolor(col[i],alpha.f = se.alpha),
border = NA)
plot(out.means, lod = i, col = col[i], add = T)
legend(leg.pos, colnames(means2), col = col, lwd = 1, cex = .8, bty = "n")
return(list(mean.scanone = out.means,
se.scanone = out.ses))
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