
Defines functions drawPvalBracket `%>%` rowApply runningFunction topoScatter new.cluster.map colmapLegend colmap colAlpha is.color toChars combo c2q q2c fin as.df to.df mcc ith.rank global.extract.groups extract.groups zbind new.counter getArg canRead

Documented in as.df c2q canRead colAlpha colmap colmapLegend combo drawPvalBracket extract.groups fin getArg global.extract.groups is.color ith.rank mcc new.cluster.map new.counter q2c rowApply runningFunction toChars to.df topoScatter zbind

#' Can read file
#' Determines whether the given file exists and is readable
#' @param filename the name of the file
#' @return boolean
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' canRead("foobar.txt")
#' }
canRead <- function(filename) file.access(filename,mode=4) == 0

#' Get CLI argument
#' Retrieves a user-supplied argument command-line argument
#' with a given name. Argument syntax: name=value
#' @param name The name of the command line argument
#' @param default If no value was given by the user, default to this
#' @param required Whether the argument is required or not. If TRUE,
#'   an error is raised when no value was provided.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' infile <- getArg("inputFile",required=TRUE)
#' userIQ <- getArg("userIQ",default=0)
#' }
getArg <- function(name, default=NULL, required=FALSE) {

  if (length(commandArgs(TRUE)) == 0) {
    if (required) {
      stop("Required argument:",name)
    } else {

  #tabulate arguments by name
  argTable <- do.call(rbind,strsplit(commandArgs(TRUE),"="))
  #get index of argument with given name
  i <- which(argTable[,1] == name)

  if (length(i) == 0) {
    #return default value if no matching arguments are found.
    if (required) {
      stop("Required argument:",name)
    } else {
  } else if (length(i) > 1) {
    #if multiple matches are found, throw error message.
    stop("Multiple values for", name, "found!")
  } else {
    #if everything checks out, return the argument value

#' Create new Counter
#' This constructor method creates an object that can count 
#' occurrences of different items. It allows importing and exporting
#' of the counter status in string form.
#' The object has the following methods:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{inc(id)}: Increase the counter for item with \code{id} by 1.
#'  \item \code{add(id,x)}: Add \code{x} occurrences for the item with \code{id}.
#'  \item \code{get(id)}: Get the number of occurrences seen for item \code{id}.
#'  \item \code{ls(id)}: List all counts for all items by id.
#'  \item \code{export(id)}: Exports the counter state to a string that can be saved or logged.
#'  \item \code{import.add(str)} Imports a previous counter state from the string \code{str} 
#'      and adds it to the current counts.
#' }
#' @return An object of type \code{yogicounter}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cn <- new.counter()
#' cn$inc("foo")
#' cn$inc("bar")
#' cn$add("foo",6)
#' cn$get("foo")
#' # 7
#' cn$ls()
#' # foo 7
#' # bar 1
#' cn$export()
#' # foo=7,bar=1
new.counter <- function() {

  a <- list()

  # Add x occurrences to item id
  add <- function(id,x) {
    if (!is.character(id)) {
      stop("Illegal argument:",id)
    if (is.null(a[[id]])) {
      a[[id]] <<- x
    } else {
      a[[id]] <<- a[[id]] + x

  # increase counter for item id by 1
  inc <- function(id) add(id,1)

  # get the counter state for id
  get <- function(id) a[[id]]

  # list counts for all ids
  ls <- function() a

  # export counter state as a string
  export <- function() {
    paste(lapply(names(a), function(id) paste(id,"=",a[[id]],sep="") ), collapse=",")

  # import counter state from string
  import.add <- function(strs) { 
    lapply(strsplit(strs,","), function(eqs) {
      lapply(strsplit(eqs,"="), function(vals) {

      inc = inc,
      add = add,
      get = get,
      ls = ls,
      export = export,
      import.add = import.add

#' 3D-bind matrices
#' Binds matrices of same size together to a 3D array, analogously
#' to cbind and rbind.
#' @param ... Any number of matrices of the same size
#' @return A 3D array of the bound matrices
#' @export
zbind <- function(...) {
  x <- list(...)
  y <- array(0,dim=c(nrow(x[[1]]),ncol(x[[1]]),length(x)),dimnames=dimnames(x[[1]]))
  for (i in 1:length(x)) y[,,i] <- x[[i]]

#' Extract regex groups (local)
#' Locally excise regular expression groups from string vectors.
#' I.e. only extract the first occurrence of each group within each string.
#' @param x A vector of strings from which to extract the groups.
#' @param re The regular expression defining the groups
#' @return A \code{matrix} containing the group contents, 
#'      with one row for each element of x and one column for each group.
#' @keywords regular expression groups
#' @export
extract.groups <- function(x, re) {
  matches <- regexpr(re,x,perl=TRUE)
  start <- attr(matches,"capture.start")
  end <- start + attr(matches,"capture.length") - 1
  do.call(cbind,lapply(1:ncol(start), function(i) {
      if (start[j,i] > -1) substr(x[[j]],start[j,i],end[j,i]) else NA

#' Extract regex groups (global)
#' Globally excise regular expression groups from string vectors.
#' I.e. only extract the all occurrences of each group within each string.
#' @param x A vector of strings from which to extract the groups.
#' @param re The regular expression defining the groups
#' @return A \code{list} of \code{matrix}'s containing the group contents, 
#'      with one list item for every element of x, and with each matrix 
#'      containing one column for each group and one row for each occurrence
#'      of the pattern.
#' @keywords regular expression groups
#' @export
global.extract.groups <- function(x,re) {
    all.matches <- gregexpr(re,x,perl=TRUE)
    mapply(function(matches,x) {
        start <- attr(matches,"capture.start")
        end <- start + attr(matches,"capture.length") - 1
        apply(zbind(start,end),c(1,2),function(pos) substr(x,pos[[1]],pos[[2]]) )

#' Get i'th rank from list
#' Retieve the i'th ranked item from a numerical vector
#' @param values a numerical vector
#' @param i the rank
#' @param high whether to rank by highest or lowest values.
#' @return the ith ranked value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vals <- rnorm(100,0,1)
#' ith.rank(vals,4)
ith.rank <- function(values, i, high=TRUE) sort(values,decreasing=high)[[i]]

#' Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC)
#' Calculate Matthew's correlation coeffient (MCC). 
#' See \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthews_correlation_coefficient}
#' @param t the score threshold
#' @param scores vector of scores for each measured item
#' @param truth \code{logical} vector classifying each item as a 
#'    member of the hidden true or false classes
#' @return a vector listing the MCC value, the precision, and the recall
#' @export
#' @examples
#' patientHasDisease <- sample(c(TRUE,FALSE),100,replace=TRUE)
#' patientDiganosticScore <- sapply(patientHasDisease,
#'    function(d) if (d) rnorm(1,20,3) else rnorm(1,18,3)
#' )
#' mccval <- mcc(21,patientDiganosticScore,patientHasDisease)
mcc <- function(t, scores, truth) {

  # exclude <- is.na(scores) | is.na(truth)
  # scores <- scores[-exclude]
  # truth <- truth[-exclude]

  .truth <- truth == 1
  .calls <- scores >= t

  tp <- sum(.truth & .calls)
  tn <- sum(!.truth & !.calls)
  fp <- sum(.calls & !.truth)
  fn <- sum(.truth & !.calls)

  # mcc <- (tp * tn - fp * fn)/sqrt((tp+fp)*(tp+fn)*(tn+fp)*(tn+fn))
  #this formula prevents integer overflow errors
  mcc <- exp( log(tp*tn - fp*fn) - ( log(tp+fp) + log(tp+fn) + log(tn+fp) + log(tn+fn) )/2 )
  prec <- tp/(tp+fp)
  recall <- tp/(tp+fn)

#' Convert row-bound lists to data.frame
#' Running \code{rbind} on lists with the same element names
#' yields a datastructure very similar to a \code{data.frame}, but does not
#' provide the same full functionality. This function converts such 
#' objects to a real dataframe.
#' @param x the result of the rbind call.
#' @return a \code{data.frame}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rbind(list(a=1,b="foo"),list(a=2,b="bar"))
#' y <- to.df(x)
to.df <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  y <- lapply(1:ncol(x), function(col) {
  names(y) <- colnames(x)

#' Convert list of lists into data.frame
#' The list of lists should only contain lists with the same element names.
#' @param x the list of lists
#' @return a \code{data.frame}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- as.df(list(list(a=1,b="foo"),list(a=2,b="bar")))
as.df <- function(x) {
  df <- as.data.frame(lapply(1:length(x[[1]]),function(i) sapply(x,`[[`,i) ), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(df) <- names(x[[1]])

#' Remove infinite and NA values 
#' Removes infinite and NA values from vectors, lists, matrices and data.frames.
#' Warning: If the given object is matrix or data.frame, any row containing infinite or NA
#' values is removed entirely. All columns must be numeric.
#' @param x the object to which the function is applied
#' @return the same object, with NAs and infinite values removed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fin(c(1,2,NA,3))
#' fin(data.frame(a=c(1,2,NA,3),b=c(4,5,6,7)))
fin <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x,"data.frame") || inherits(x,"matrix")) {
    x[apply(x,1,function(.x) all(!is.na(.x) & is.finite(.x))),]
  } else {
    x[!is.na(x) & is.finite(x)]

#' Convert from Quadrant to Coordinate adress
#' Converts address tags for 384-well plates from the quadrant system (e.g. C_A08)
#' to the raw coordinate system (e.g. B15). 
#' @param x a quadrant coordinate (e.g. C_A08) (do not directly use on vectors!)
#' @return the raw plate coordinate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' q2c("C_A08")
q2c <- function(x) {
  q <- which(LETTERS==substr(x,1,1))
  r <- which(LETTERS==substr(x,3,3))
  c <- as.numeric(substr(x,4,nchar(x)))
  .r <- r*2 - (q<3)
  .c <- c*2 - q%%2

#' Convert from Raw coordinate to Quadrant address
#' Converts address tags for 384-well plates from the 
#' raw coordinate system (e.g. B15) to the quadrant system (e.g. C_A08). 
#' @param x a raw coordinate (e.g. B15) (do not directly use on vectors!)
#' @return the quadrant plate coordinate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' c2q("B15")
c2q <- function(x) {
  r <- which(LETTERS==substr(x,1,1))
  c <- as.numeric(substr(x,2,nchar(x)))
  .r <- ceiling(r/2)
  .c <- ceiling(c/2)
  .q <- ((r-1)%%2)*2 + (c-1)%%2+1

#' Set of subsets
#' Generates the set of all possible subsets for a given list or vector
#' @param l a list or vector
#' @return a list of lists containing all possible subsets of the input
#' @export
#' @examples
#' combo(1:4)
combo <- function(l) {
    tab <- combn(l,n)

#' Deconstruct a string into single characters
#' Converts a single character string into a a vector of individual characters
#' @param str the input string
#' @return a vector of characters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nucleotides <- toChars("ACTTGCTAAACTTGA")
toChars <- function(str) {
  if (!is.character(str) || length(str) != 1) {
    stop("input must be a single character string")
  sapply(1:nchar(str), function(i) substr(str,i,i))

#' Checks if a string is a valid color
#' Given a character vector, this function will check whether each element in the vector
#' is a valid color descriptor, such as "black", "chartreuse2", or "#ff0000"
#' @param str a character vector
#' @return a logical vector of the same length indicating which elements are valid colors
#' @references \url{http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13289009/check-if-character-string-is-a-valid-color-representation/13290832#13290832}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.color(c(NA, "black", "blackk", "1", "#00", "#000000"))
is.color <- function(str) {
  sapply(str, function(x) {
      error = function(e) FALSE

#' Add alpha channel
#' Adds an alpha channel (i.e. transparency) to a predefined color
#' @param color a predefined color string (e.g. "firebrick")
#' @param alpha a number between 0 and 1 for the alpha channel value
#' @return the corresponding color with the added alpha channel value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' transparentChartreuse <- colAlpha("chartreuse3",0.3)
colAlpha <- function(color, alpha) {
  if (length(color) != 1) {
    stop("argument 'color' can only be a single value!")
  if (length(alpha) != 1 || !is.numeric(alpha) || alpha < 0 || alpha > 1) {
    stop("alpha must be a single numerical value between 0 and 1")
  if (!is.color(color)) {
    stop("argument 'color' must be a valid color!")

#' Create a color gradient function
#' Creates a color gradient function that maps numerical values to colors on a gradient.
#' Multiple stops in the gradient can be defined as different input colors and be assigned
#' to numerical values. For example, a gradient could start at '0' with the color blue, transition
#' towards white as it approaches '1' and further transition to red as it approaches '2'. Values
#' outside of the defined range would be mapped to the nearest extreme color; e.g. in the previous
#' example, '3.1' would still map to red.
#' @param valStops a vector listing the numerical values mapped to the color stops. Defaults to
#'   \code{c(0,1,2)}. 
#' @param colStops a vector of color strings. Defaults to \code{c("royalblue3","white","firebrick3")}.
#' @param naCol the color to assign to NA values. Defaults to "gray"
#' @return a function accepting a numerical vector as input, which will produce the 
#'   corresponding color vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mycolmap <- colmap(c(0,1,2),c("royalblue3","white","firebrick3"),naCol="gray")
#' mycolors <- mycolmap(seq(0,2,0.01))
colmap <- function(valStops = c(0,1,2), colStops = c("royalblue3","white","firebrick3"), naCol="gray") {
  if (!all(is.color(colStops))){
    stop("colStops must contain valid colors")
  if (!is.color(naCol)) {
    stop("naCol must be a valid color")
  spacing <- 1/(length(valStops)-1)
  f <- function(vals) {
    ramp <- colorRamp(colStops)
    trvals <- sapply(vals,function(x) {
      if (is.na(x)) NA
      else if (x <= valStops[[1]]) 0
      else if (x >= valStops[[length(valStops)]]) 1
      else {
        stopIdx <- if (!any(valStops > x)) 1 else which(valStops > x)[[1]]-1
        offset <- (x-valStops[[stopIdx]])/(valStops[[stopIdx+1]]-valStops[[stopIdx]])
        spacing*(stopIdx-1) + offset*spacing
    apply(ramp(trvals),1,function(x) if (any(is.na(x))) naCol else do.call(rgb,as.list(x/255)))
  attr(f,"valStops") <- valStops

#' Draw legend for a color gradient map
#' Draws a legend for a color gradient map created by <code>colmap()</code>.
#' @param cm the colmap object created by colmap()
#' @param label the label for the legend
#' @param corner a plot corner described as "top" "topleft","bottomright", etc.
#'    in which the legend will be drawn. Defaults to "topleft"
#' @param size a vector of relative width and height of the legend relative to
#'     size of the plotting area. Defaults to c(0.3,0.15)
#' @param res resolution of the gradient
#' @param marginSize size of the legend margin relative to its width. Default 0.2.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #create colmap object
#' cm <- colmap(c(0,1,2),c("royalblue3","yellow","firebrick3"),naCol="gray")
#' #create some fake data
#' data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(1000,2,4), y=rnorm(1000,1,5), z=cm(rnorm(1000,1,1)))
#' #plot the data
#' with(data, plot(x,y, col=z))
#' #draw the legend
#' colmapLegend(cm,"z",corner="topright")
colmapLegend <- function(cm,label,corner="topleft",size=c(0.3,0.15),res=20,marginSize=0.2) {
  valStops <- attr(cm,"valStops")

  relw=size[[1]] #width of legend box relative plotting area width
  relh=size[[2]] #height of legend box relative to plotting area height
  u <- par("usr")
  uw <- u[[2]]-u[[1]]
  uh <- u[[4]]-u[[3]]

  leftx <- c(u[[1]],u[[1]]+uw*relw)
  rightx <- c(u[[2]]-uw*relw,u[[2]])
  centerx <- c(mean(u[1:2])-(uw*relw/2), mean(u[1:2])+(uw*relw/2))
  topy <- c(u[[4]]-uh*relh, u[[4]])
  bottomy <- c( u[[3]], u[[3]]+uh*relh)
  centery <- c(mean(u[3:4])-(uh*relh/2), mean(u[3:4])+(uh*relh/2))

  corner <- match.arg(corner,c("top","bottom","left","right","topleft","topright","bottomleft","bottomright"))
  bb <- switch(corner,
  margin <- uw*relw*marginSize
  inner <- c(bb[[1]]+margin, bb[[2]]-margin, mean(c(bb[[3]],bb[[4]])), bb[[4]]-margin)
  xs <- seq(inner[[1]],inner[[2]],length.out=res+1)
  xvals <- seq(min(valStops),max(valStops),length.out=res)
  xmarks <- inner[[1]] + (valStops-min(valStops)) * (inner[[2]]-inner[[1]]) / (max(valStops)-min(valStops))

#' Cluster mapper
#' Constructor for an object supporting simple connected-component-clustering
#' The process starts with n objects, each in their own cluster. Whenever a link
#' is between two objects is reported, their clusters are merged.
#' Contains the following functions:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{addLink(i,j)}: Creates a new link between items i and j. Whenever a link
#'      is created, the clusters encompassing the two objects are merged.
#'   \item \code{getClusters()}: Returns a list of lists representing the clusters
#'   \item \code{getIdxOf(i)}: Returns the cluster index of a given object.
#' }
#' @param n The number of elements to cluster.
#' @return the mapper object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cmap <- new.cluster.map(10)
#' cmap$addLink(1,5)
#' cmap$addLink(3,5)
#' cmap$addLink(1,5)
#' cmap$getClusters()
new.cluster.map <- function(n) {
  .clusters <- as.list(1:n)

  .getIdx <- function(i) which(sapply(.clusters,function(x) i %in% x))

  addLink <- function(i,j) {
    i.idx <- .getIdx(i)
    j.idx <- .getIdx(j)
    joint <- union(.clusters[[i.idx]],.clusters[[j.idx]])
    .clusters[c(i.idx,j.idx)] <<- NULL
    .clusters[[length(.clusters)+1]] <<- joint

  getClusters <- function() .clusters

  list(addLink=addLink, getClusters=getClusters, getIdxOf=.getIdx)

#' Topographical scatterplot
#' Draw a 'topographical scatterplot' or 'scatter-heatmap' 
#' @param x a vector of x-coordinates
#' @param y a vector of y-coordinates (must match x in length)
#' @param resolution the resolution of the plot, that is into how many bins each axis will
#'    be sub-divided. Defaults to 20.
#' @param thresh a threshold of how many data points must fall into a bin before it they 
#'    replaced with a density-indicating color
#' @param topoCol a vector of colors defining a color gradient to use for the density map
#' @param xlim the x-axis range (see plot()).
#' @param ylim the y-axis range (see plot()).
#' @param log As in plot(). "x" draws the x-axis in log scale, "y" draws the y-axis in log-scale, 
#'    "xy" draws both in log scale, "" draws both linearly. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10000,0,1)+10
#' y <- rnorm(10000,0,1)+10
#' topoScatter(x,y,resolution=60,xlab="foo",ylab="bar",thresh=2)
#' topoScatter(x,y,log="xy",resolution=60,xlab="foo",ylab="bar")
topoScatter <- function(x,y,resolution=20,thresh=5,
          topoCol=colorRampPalette(c("black","red","yellow"))(20), maxFreq=NULL,
          xlim=range(x,na.rm=TRUE),ylim=range(y,na.rm=TRUE),log="",...) {

  if (length(x) != length(y)) {
    stop("x and y must be of same length!")

  #remove infinite values and na
  fin2 <- function(x) x[apply(x,1,function(.x) all(!is.na(.x) & is.finite(.x))),]
  xy <- cbind(x,y)
  xy <- fin2(xy)
  x <- xy[,1]
  y <- xy[,2]

  widenRange <- function(x) {
    a <- x[[1]]
    b <- x[[2]]
    .a <- a - (b-a)/10000
    .b <- b + (b-a)/10000
    if (a > 0 && .a < 0) .a <- a/10
  xlim <- widenRange(xlim)
  ylim <- widenRange(ylim)

  xBins <- if (regexpr("x",log) > 0) {
  } else {
  yBins <- if (regexpr("y",log) > 0) {
  } else {
  bins <- matrix(0,ncol=length(xBins)-1,nrow=length(yBins)-1)

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    xbi <- max(which(xBins <= x[[i]]))
    ybi <- max(which(yBins <= y[[i]]))
    bins[[ybi,xbi]] <- bins[[ybi,xbi]]+1

  restFilter <- sapply(1:length(x),function(i) {
    xbi <- max(which(xBins <= x[[i]]))
    ybi <- max(which(yBins <= y[[i]]))
    bins[[ybi,xbi]] <= thresh
  xRest <- x[restFilter]
  yRest <- y[restFilter]

  maxFreq <- if (is.null(maxFreq)) max(bins) else {
    if (maxFreq < max(bins)) max(bins) else maxFreq
  cat("maxFreq =",maxFreq,"\n")

  colMap <- apply(bins,c(1,2),function(v) {
    ci <- round((v/maxFreq) * (length(topoCol)-1) + 1)


  for (xbi in 1:ncol(bins)) {
    for (ybi in 1:nrow(bins)) {
      if (bins[ybi,xbi] > thresh) {


#' Generic function for running means/medians etc across 2D data
#' @param x the axis over which bins will be formed
#' @param y the dimension on which the function 'fun' is applied
#' @param width the width of the bins
#' @param nbins The number of bins to use
#' @param fun the function that will be applied to the y values in each bin
#' @param logScale whether or not bin-size will be at log scale across x
#' @return a matrix with two columns: bin centroid, and value of fun
#' @export
runningFunction <- function(x,y,nbins,fun=mean,logScale=FALSE) {
  if (length(x) != length(y)) {
    stop("x and y must be of equal length!")
  if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y)) {
    stop("x and y must be numeric!")
  if (logScale) {
    if (any(x <= 0)) {
      warning("Ignoring infinite values and values <= 0 on x-axis!")
      bad <- x <= 0 | is.infinite(x)
      x <- x[!bad]
      y <- y[!bad]
    x <- log10(x)
    # width <- log10(width)
  rng <- range(x,na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
  binSides <- seq(rng[[1]],rng[[2]],length.out=nbins)
  binMids <- binSides[-1]-(rng[[2]]-rng[[1]])/(2*nbins)
  out <- sapply(1:length(binMids), function(i) {
    bin <- y[which(x > binSides[[i]] & x <= binSides[[i+1]])]
  if (logScale) {
    binMids <- 10^binMids

#' apply a function to a data.frame's rows
#' This is intended to work similar to apply(x,1,f), but instead of 
#' coercing the row into vector, they are provided as individual function arguments.
#' This helps preserve the original data types
#' @param tbl a data.frame
#' @param f a function with parameters matching the column names
#' @return a list of the return values of f
#' @export
rowApply <- function(tbl,f) {
  lapply(1:nrow(tbl),function(i) do.call(f,tbl[i,]))

#' envelop a function in another
#' This is intended to help with apply statements, where one may want 
#' to pass a function that simply wraps one function in another
#' @param f the inner funtion
#' @param g the outer function
#' @param a new function that simply wraps the inner inside the outer function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #an example matrix with some NA values in it
#' mat <- sample(c(NA,1:5),100,replace=TRUE)|>matrix(nrow=20)
#' #find all rows that don't have NA values in them
#' cleanRows <- apply(mat, 1, is.na %>% any %>% `!`)
`%>%` <- function(f,g) {
  function(...) g(f(...))

#' Helper function for drawing p-values over barplots
#' @param p p-value
#' @param i x-coordinate of the left bar 
#' @param j x-coordinate of the right bar 
#' @param h height (y-coordinate) at which to draw the bracket
#' @param s spacer size (distance between brackets; size of feet)
#' @param th tick height (how tall the tick marks will be drawn)
#' @return nothing
#' @export
drawPvalBracket <- function(p,i,j,h=1.1,s=0.02,th=0.02) {
  #choose the correct notation and build an expression object accordingly
  pExpr <- if (p < 0.001) {
    #if p=0, then the p-value is smaller than the numerical
    #  precision of the test, so we can only indicate that it's smaller than 2.2e-16
    if (p < 2.2e-16) {
      #build math expression
      expression(p < 2.2%*%10^-16)
    } else {
      #use scientific notation for values < 0.001
      #first, extract the exponent
      expo <- floor(log10(p))
      #then extract the mantissa
      sfd <- signif(p*10^-expo,digits=3)
      #use bquote to interpolate mantissa and exponent into math expression
      bquote(p == .(sfd)%*%10^.(expo))
  } else {
    #use regular decimal noation for values > 0.001
    sprintf("p = %.03f",p)
  #draw the bracket
  #draw the p-value expression
  #return nothing

#' Helper function for drawing error bars
#' @param xs vector of x coordinates of data points (In case of vertical=FALSE, 
#'   these are interpreted as y-coordinates)
#' @param val the values (heights) of the data points.
#' @param err the size amount of error associated with each bar
#' @param l the length of the terminators of the bar
#' @param vertical whether the bars are vertical or horizontal
#' @param topToBottom whether the error is represented as the distance
#'   between the top and bottom of the bar, or the middle and the top.
#' @param ... any other graphical parameters
#' @export
errorBars <- function(xs,val,err,l=0.01,vertical=TRUE,topToBottom=TRUE,...) {
  factor <- ifelse(topToBottom,2,1)
  if (vertical) {
  } else {

#' join multiple datapoints weighted by stdev
#' @param ms data means
#' @param sds data stdevs
#' @param dfs degrees of freedom for each data point
#' @param ws datapoint weights. By default these get auto-calculated from sds
#' @return a vector containing the joint mean (mj), joint stdev (sj), and combined degrees of freedom
#' @export
weightedAverage <- function(ms,sds,dfs,ws=(1/sds)/sum(1/sds)) {
  #some safety precautions
  if (length(ms)==0) {
  #weighted mean
  mj <- sum(ws*ms)
  #weighted joint variance
  vj <- sum(ws*(sds^2+ms^2)) -mj^2
  #return output

#' Finds runs of TRUE values in a boolean vector
#' @param bools a logical vector
#' @return an integer matrix with columns 'start' and 'end' indicating runs
#' @export
findRuns <- function(bools) {
  if (length(bools) == 0) {
  runs <- list()
  changes <- c(
    bools[[1]]+0,#pretend the outside of the array is "FALSE"

# #' Retrieve Protein sequence from UniProt
# #' 
# #' Retrieves the amino acid sequence for a given protein identified by
# #' a Uniprot Accession.
# #' @param The uniprot accession
# #' @return the protein sequence
# #' @export
# getUniprotSeq <- function(uniprot.acc) {

#   url <- paste0("https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/",uniprot.acc,".fasta")

#   readFASTA <- function(file) {
#     lines <- scan(file,what="character",sep="\n")
#     if (length(lines) < 2) {
#       stop("Invalid FASTA format in ",file)
#     }
#     if (substr(lines[[1]],1,1) != ">") {
#       stop("Missing FASTA header in ",file)
#     }
#     paste(lines[-1],collapse="")
#   }

#   prot <- readFASTA(url)

#   sapply(1:nchar(prot),function(i)substr(prot,i,i))

# }

# provean.input <- function(uniprot.acc,wt.aa) {
#   aas <- c("A","V","L","I","M","F","Y","W","R","H","K","D","E","S","T","N","Q","G","C","P")
#   featable <- expand.grid(pos=1:length(wt.aa),mut.aa=aas)
#   provean.in <- data.frame(protein=uniprot.acc,pos=featable$pos,
#     wt=wt.aa[featable$pos],mut=featable$mut.aa
#   )
#   write.table(provean.in,paste0(uniprot.acc,"_provean_input.txt"),
#     sep="\t",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE
#   )
# }
jweile/yogitools documentation built on May 11, 2023, 7:42 p.m.