
Defines functions nqtl print.summary.compactqtl summary.compactqtl print.compactqtl reorderqtl plot.qtl print.summary.qtl summary.qtl print.qtl locatemarker dropfromqtl addtoqtl replaceqtl makeqtl

Documented in addtoqtl dropfromqtl locatemarker makeqtl nqtl plot.qtl print.compactqtl print.qtl print.summary.compactqtl print.summary.qtl reorderqtl replaceqtl summary.compactqtl summary.qtl

# makeqtl.R
# copyright (c) 2002-2019, Hao Wu and Karl W. Broman
# last modified Dec, 2019
# first written Apr, 2002
# Modified by Danny Arends
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: makeqtl, replaceqtl, addtoqtl, dropfromqtl, locatemarker
#           print.qtl, summary.qtl, print.summary.qtl, reorderqtl
#           plot.qtl
#           print.compactqtl, summary.compactqtl, print.summary.compactqtl

# This is the function to construct an object of class "qtl"
# The phenotype data and genotype data for a given list of
# chromosome and locations will be extracted from the input
# "cross" object
makeqtl <-
    function(cross, chr, pos, qtl.name, what=c("draws", "prob"))
    if( !inherits(cross, "cross") )
        stop("The first input variable must be an object of class cross")

    # cross type
    type <- crosstype(cross)
    chr_type <- sapply(cross$geno, chrtype)
    names(chr_type) <- names(cross$geno)
    sexpgm <- getsex(cross)

    what <- match.arg(what)

    themap <- pull.map(cross)

    # try to interpret chr argument
        chr <- as.character(chr)

    # chr, pos and qtl.name must have the same length
    if(length(chr) != length(pos))
        stop("Input chr and pos must have the same length.")
    else if( !missing(qtl.name) )
        if( length(chr) != length(qtl.name) )
            stop("Input chr and qtl.name must have the same length.")

    # local variables
    n.ind <- nrow(cross$pheno) # number of individuals
    n.pos <- length(chr) # number of selected markers
    n.gen <- NULL

    # initialize output object
    qtl <- NULL

    # take out the imputed genotypes and/or genoprobs for the
    # selected markers (if there are there)
    if(what == "draws") { # pull out draws
        if(!("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
            stop("You must first run sim.geno.")

        # take out imputed genotype data
        n.draws <- dim(cross$geno[[1]]$draws)[3] # number of draws

        # initialize geno matrix for selected markers
        geno <- array(rep(0, n.ind*n.pos*n.draws),
                      dim=c(n.ind, n.pos, n.draws))

        for(i in 1:n.pos) {
            # get the index for this chromosome
            i.chr <- which(chr[i]==names(cross$geno))
            if(length(i.chr) == 0) # no this chromosome in cross
                stop("There's no chromosome number ", chr[i], " in input cross object")
            i.pos <- pos[i] # marker position

            # make the genetic map for this chromosome
            if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws)))
                map <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws,"map")
            else {
                stp <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "step")
                oe <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "off.end")

                if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws)))
                    stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "stepwidth")
                else stpw <- "fixed"
                map <- create.map(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)

            # pull out the female map if there are sex-specific maps
            if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,]

            # locate this marker (given chromosome and position)
            marker.idx <- locatemarker(map, i.pos, i.chr, flag="draws")
            if(length(marker.idx) > 1)
                stop("Multiple markers at the same position; run jittermap.")

            # if everything is all right, take the genotype
            geno[,i,] <- cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws[,marker.idx,]
            pos[i] <- map[marker.idx]

            # no. genotypes
            n.gen[i] <- length(getgenonames(type,chr_type[i.chr],"full",sexpgm, attributes(cross)))

            # Fix up X chromsome here
            if(chr_type[i.chr]=="X" && (type=="bc" || type=="f2"))
                geno[,i,] <- reviseXdata(type,"full",sexpgm,draws=geno[,i,,drop=FALSE],
        # give geno dimension names
        # the 2nd dimension called "Q1", "Q2", etc.
        dimnames(geno) <- list(NULL, paste("Q", 1:n.pos, sep=""), NULL)
        # output
        qtl$geno <- geno
    else { # pull out probs

        if(!("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
            stop("You must first run calc.genoprob.")

        # initialize prob matrix
        prob <- vector("list",n.pos)

        # locate the marker
        for(i in 1:n.pos) {

            # get the index for this chromosome
            i.chr <- which(chr[i]==names(cross$geno))
            if(length(i.chr) == 0) # no this chromosome in cross
                stop("There's no chromosome number ", chr[i], " in input cross object")
            i.pos <- pos[i] # marker position

            if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob)))
                map <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob,"map")
            else {
                stp <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "step")
                oe <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "off.end")

                if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob)))
                    stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "stepwidth")
                else stpw <- "fixed"
                map <- create.map(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)

            # pull out the female map if there are sex-specific maps
            if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,]

            # locate this marker (given chromosome and position)
            marker.idx <- locatemarker(map, i.pos, i.chr, flag="prob")
            if(length(marker.idx) > 1)
                stop("Multiple markers at the same position; run jittermap.")

            # take genoprob
            if(chr_type[i.chr]=="X" && (type=="bc" || type=="f2")) { # fix X chromosome probs
                prob[[i]] <- reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm,
                prob[[i]] <- cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob[,marker.idx,]

            pos[i] <- map[marker.idx]

            # no. genotypes
            n.gen[i] <- ncol(prob[[i]])
        qtl$prob <- prob

    if(missing(qtl.name))  { # no given qtl names
        dig <- 1

            step <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "step")
            step <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "step")

        if(!is.null(step)) {
            if(step > 0) dig <- max(dig, -floor(log10(step)))
        else {
                stepw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$draws, "stepwidth")
                stepw <- attr(cross$geno[[i.chr]]$prob, "stepwidth")

            if(!is.null(stepw) && stepw > 0) dig <- max(dig, -floor(log10(stepw)))

        # make qtl names
        qtl.name <- paste( paste(chr,sep=""), charround(pos,dig), sep="@")

    # output object
    qtl$name <- qtl.name
    qtl$altname <- paste("Q", 1:n.pos, sep="")
    qtl$chr <- chr
    qtl$pos <- pos
    qtl$n.qtl <- n.pos
    qtl$n.ind <- nind(cross)
    qtl$n.gen <- n.gen
    qtl$chrtype <- chr_type[qtl$chr]
    names(qtl$chrtype) <- NULL

    class(qtl) <- "qtl"
    attr(qtl, "map") <- themap


# This is the function to replace one QTL by another.
replaceqtl <-
    function(cross, qtl, index, chr, pos, qtl.name, drop.lod.profile=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(qtl, "qtl"))
        stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

    if(any(index < 1 | index > qtl$n.qtl))
        stop("index should be between 1 and ", qtl$n.qtl)

    if(length(index) != length(chr) || length(index) != length(pos))
        stop("index, chr, and pos should all have the same length.")
    if(!missing(qtl.name) && length(index) != length(qtl.name))
        stop("index and qtl.name should have the same length.")

    if("geno" %in% names(qtl)) what <- "draws"
    else what <- "prob"

        newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, what=what)
        newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, qtl.name=qtl.name, what=what)

    if(what=="draws") {
        qtl$geno[,index,] <- newqtl$geno
    else {
        qtl$prob[index] <- newqtl$prob

    qtl$name[index] <- newqtl$name
    qtl$chr[index] <- newqtl$chr
    qtl$pos[index] <- newqtl$pos
    qtl$chrtype[index] <- newqtl$chrtype

    if(qtl$n.ind != newqtl$n.ind) stop("Mismatch in no. individuals")

    qtl$n.gen[index] <- newqtl$n.gen

        attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- NULL


# This is the function to add a QTL to given qtl object

addtoqtl <-
    function(cross, qtl, chr, pos, qtl.name, drop.lod.profile=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(qtl, "qtl"))
        stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

    if("geno" %in% names(qtl)) what <- "draws"
    else what <- "prob"

        newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, what=what)
        newqtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr, pos, qtl.name=qtl.name, what=what)

    if(what=="draws") {
        do <- dim(qtl$geno)
        dn <- dim(newqtl$geno)
        if(do[1] != dn[1] || do[3] != dn[3])
            stop("Mismatch in number of individuals or number of imputations.")

        temp <- array(dim=c(do[1], do[2]+dn[2], do[3]))
        temp[,1:ncol(qtl$geno),] <- qtl$geno
        temp[,-(1:ncol(qtl$geno)),] <- newqtl$geno
        colnames(temp) <- paste("Q", 1:ncol(temp), sep="")
        qtl$geno <- temp
    else {
        qtl$prob <- c(qtl$prob, newqtl$prob)

    qtl$name <- c(qtl$name, newqtl$name)
    qtl$chr <- c(qtl$chr, newqtl$chr)
    qtl$pos <- c(qtl$pos, newqtl$pos)
    qtl$n.qtl <- qtl$n.qtl + newqtl$n.qtl
    qtl$altname <- paste("Q", 1:qtl$n.qtl, sep="")
    qtl$chrtype <- c(qtl$chrtype, newqtl$chrtype)
    if(qtl$n.ind != newqtl$n.ind)
        stop("Mismatch in no. individuals")
    qtl$n.gen <- c(qtl$n.gen, newqtl$n.gen)

    attr(qtl, "formula") <- NULL
    attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- NULL

        attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- NULL


# This is the function to drop a QTL from a given qtl object
dropfromqtl <-
    function(qtl, index, chr, pos, qtl.name, drop.lod.profile=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(qtl, "qtl"))
        stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

    if(!missing(chr) || !missing(pos)) {
        if(missing(chr) || missing(pos))
            stop("Give both chr and pos, or give name, or give a numeric index")
        if(!missing(qtl.name) || !missing(index))
            stop("Give chr and pos or qtl.name or numeric index, but not multiple of these.")
        if(length(chr) != length(pos))
            stop("chr and pos must have the same lengths.")

        todrop <- NULL
        for(i in seq(along=chr)) {
            m <- which(qtl$chr == chr[i])

            if(length(m) < 1)
                stop("No QTL on chr ", chr[i], " in input qtl object.")

            for(j in seq(along=m)) {
                d <- abs(qtl$pos[m[j]] - pos[i])
                if(min(d) > 10) stop("No qtl near position ", pos[i], " on chr ", chr[i])

                wh <- m[d==min(d)]
                if(length(wh) > 1)
                    stop("Multiple QTL matching chr ", chr[i], " at pos ", pos[i])

                if(min(d) > 1)
                    warning("No QTL on chr ", chr[i], " exactly at ", pos[i],
                            "; dropping that at ", qtl$pos[wh])

                todrop <- c(todrop, wh)

        todrop <- unique(todrop)
    else if(!missing(qtl.name)) {
            stop("Give chr and pos or qtl.name or numeric index, but not multiple of these.")

        m <- match(qtl.name, qtl$name)
        if(all(is.na(m))) # if no matches, try "altname"
            m <- match(qtl.name, qtl$altname)

            warning("Didn't match QTL ", qtl.name[is.na(m)])

        todrop <- m[!is.na(m)]
    else {
            stop("Give chr and pos or qtl.name or numeric index, but not multiple of these.")
        if(any(index < 1 | index > qtl$n.qtl))
            stop("index should be between 1 and ", qtl$n.qtl)

        todrop <- index

    # input drop is an integer index
    # get the index for exclusing drop QTL
    idx <- setdiff(1:qtl$n.qtl, todrop)

    # result object
    qtl$name <- qtl$name[idx]
    qtl$chr <- qtl$chr[idx]
    qtl$chrtype <- qtl$chrtype[idx]
    qtl$pos <- qtl$pos[idx]
    qtl$n.qtl <- qtl$n.qtl - length(todrop)
    qtl$altname <- paste("Q", 1:qtl$n.qtl, sep="")
    qtl$n.ind <- qtl$n.ind
    qtl$n.gen <- qtl$n.gen[idx]
    if("geno" %in% names(qtl)) {
        qtl$geno <- qtl$geno[,idx,,drop=FALSE]
        colnames(qtl$geno) <- paste("Q", 1:ncol(qtl$geno), sep="")
    if("prob" %in% names(qtl))
        qtl$prob <- qtl$prob[idx]

    attr(qtl, "formula") <- NULL
    attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- NULL

        attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- NULL


# locate the marker on a genetic map. Choose the nearest
# one if there's no marker or pseudomarker one the given
# location
# This is the internal function and not supposed to be used by user

locatemarker <-
    function(map, pos, chr, flag)
    marker.idx <- which(map == pos)
    if( length(marker.idx)==0 ) {
        # there's no this marker, take the nearest marker instead
        # if there's a tie, take the first nearst one
        m.tmp <- abs(pos-map)
        marker.idx <- which(m.tmp==min(m.tmp))[[1]]

    if(length(marker.idx) > 1)
        marker.idx <- marker.idx[sample(length(marker.idx))]

# print QTL object
print.qtl <-
    function(x, ...)

# summary of QTL object
summary.qtl <-
    function(object, ...)
    if(is.null(object) || length(object) == 0 || length(object$chr)==0) {
        object <- numeric(0)
        class(object) <- "summary.qtl"

    if("geno" %in% names(object)) {
        type <- "draws"
        n.draws <- dim(object$geno)[3]
    else type <- "prob"

    output <- data.frame(name=object$name, chr=object$chr, pos=object$pos, n.gen=object$n.gen, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    rownames(output) <- object$altname

    attr(output, "type") <- type
    if(!is.null(attr(object,"mqm"))) attr(output, "mqm") <- attr(object,"mqm")
    if(type=="draws") attr(output, "n.draws") <- n.draws
    class(output) <- c("summary.qtl", "data.frame")

    if("formula" %in% names(attributes(object)))
        attr(output, "formula") <- attr(object, "formula")
    if("pLOD" %in% names(attributes(object)))
        attr(output, "pLOD") <- attr(object, "pLOD")


# print summary of QTL object
print.summary.qtl <-
    function(x, ...)
    if(is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) {
        cat("  Null QTL model\n")
    else {
        type <- attr(x, "type")
            thetext <- paste("imputed genotypes, with", attr(x, "n.draws"), "imputations.")
        else thetext <- "genotype probabilities."
        if(!is.null(attr(x,"mqm"))) thetext <- paste("model created by mqmscan")
        cat("  QTL object containing", thetext, "\n\n")

        print.data.frame(x, digits=5)

    if("formula" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
        form <- attr(x, "formula")
        if(!is.character(form)) form <- deparseQTLformula(form)
        cat("\n  Formula:")
        w <- options("width")[[1]]
        printQTLformulanicely(form, "               ", w+5, w)

    if("pLOD" %in% names(attributes(x)))
        cat("\n  pLOD: ", round(attr(x, "pLOD"),3), "\n")

# plot locations of QTLs on the genetic map
plot.qtl <-
    function(x, chr, horizontal=FALSE, shift=TRUE,
             show.marker.names=FALSE,  alternate.chrid=FALSE,
             justdots=FALSE, col="red", ...)
    if(!inherits(x, "qtl"))
        stop("input should be a qtl object")

    if(length(x) == 0)
        stop("  There are no QTL to plot.")

    map <- attr(x, "map")
        stop("qtl object doesn't contain a genetic map.")

        chr <- names(map)
    else {
        chr <- matchchr(chr, names(map))
        map <- map[chr]
        class(map) <- "map"

        plotMap(map, horizontal=horizontal, shift=shift,
                show.marker.names=show.marker.names, alternate.chrid=alternate.chrid,
                ylim=c(length(map)+0.5, 0), ...)
        plotMap(map, horizontal=horizontal, shift=shift,
                show.marker.names=show.marker.names, alternate.chrid=alternate.chrid,
                xlim=c(0.5,length(map)+1), ...)

    whchr <- match(x$chr, names(map))
    thepos <- x$pos
    thepos[is.na(whchr)] <- NA

    if(any(!is.na(thepos))) {
        whchr <- whchr[!is.na(whchr)]

        if(shift) thepos <- thepos - sapply(map[whchr], min)

        if(is.matrix(map[[1]])) whchr <- whchr - 0.3

        if(length(grep("^.+@[0-9\\.]+$", x$name)) == length(x$name))
            x$name <- x$altname

        if(!justdots) {
            if(horizontal) {
                arrows(thepos, whchr - 0.35, thepos, whchr, lwd=2, col=col, length=0.05)
                text(thepos, whchr-0.4, x$name, col=col, adj=c(0.5,0))
            else {
                arrows(whchr + 0.35, thepos, whchr, thepos, lwd=2, col=col, length=0.05)
                text(whchr+0.4, thepos, x$name, col=col, adj=c(0,0.5))
        else {
                points(thepos, whchr, pch=16, col=col)
            else {
                points(whchr, thepos, pch=16, col=col)


# This is the function to reorder the QTL within a QTL object
reorderqtl <-
    function(qtl, neworder)
    if(!inherits(qtl, "qtl"))
        stop("qtl should have class \"qtl\".")

    if(missing(neworder)) {
        if(!("map" %in% names(attributes(qtl))))
            stop("No map in the qtl object; you must provide argument 'neworder'.")
        chr <- names(attr(qtl, "map"))
        thechr <- match(qtl$chr, chr)
            stop("Chr ", paste(qtl$chr[is.na(thechr)], " "), " not found.")
        neworder <- order(thechr, qtl$pos)

    curorder <- seq(qtl$n.qtl)
    if(length(neworder) != qtl$n.qtl ||
       !all(curorder == sort(neworder)))
        stop("neworder should be an ordering of the integers from 1 to ", qtl$n.qtl)

    if(qtl$n.qtl == 1)
        stop("Nothing to do; just one qtl.")

    if("geno" %in% names(qtl))
        qtl$geno <- qtl$geno[,neworder,]
        qtl$prob <- qtl$prob[neworder]

    qtl$name <- qtl$name[neworder]
    qtl$chr <- qtl$chr[neworder]
    qtl$pos <- qtl$pos[neworder]
    qtl$n.gen <- qtl$n.gen[neworder]
    qtl$chrtype <- qtl$chrtype[neworder]

    attr(qtl, "formula") <- NULL
    attr(qtl, "pLOD") <- NULL

    if("lodprofile" %in% names(attributes(qtl))) {
        lodprof <- attr(qtl, "lodprofile")
        if(length(lodprof) == length(neworder))
            attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- lodprof[neworder]


# print compact version of QTL object
print.compactqtl <-
    function(x, ...)

summary.compactqtl <-
    function(object, ...)
    class(object) <- c("summary.compactqtl", "list")

print.summary.compactqtl <-
    function(x, ...)
    if(is.null(x) || length(x) == 0)
        cat("Null QTL model\n")
    else {
        temp <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
        rownames(temp) <- paste("Q", 1:nrow(temp), sep="")
    if("formula" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
        form <- attr(x, "formula")
        if(!is.character(form)) form <- deparseQTLformula(form)
        cat("  Formula:")
        w <- options("width")[[1]]
        printQTLformulanicely(form, "               ", w+5, w)

    if("pLOD" %in% names(attributes(x)))
        cat("  pLOD: ", round(attr(x, "pLOD"),3), "\n")

# nqtl: number of qtl
nqtl <- function(qtl) ifelse(length(qtl)==0,0,length(qtl$chr))

# end of makeqtl.R
kbroman/qtl documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 12:33 a.m.