
Defines functions chrtype crosstype omit_x_chr formMarkerCovar updateParallelRNG phenames calcPermPval typingGap cleanGeno nqrank switchAlleles shiftmap rescalemap convert2risib convert2riself findDupMarkers `[.cross` `[.map` subset.map scantwoperm2scanoneperm charround convert2sa testchr matchchr LikePheVector find.pseudomarkerpos find.markerpos getid imf.stahl mf.stahl print.map jittermap locateXO qtlversion strip.partials find.flanking find.pheno convert.map convert.scantwo convert.scanone convert print.summary.map summary.map movemarker comparecrosses makeSSmap bayesint lodint adjust.rf.ri find.pseudomarker find.marker checkcovar fill.geno c.cross subset.cross flip.order switch.order mf.cf imf.cf imf.m mf.m imf.h imf.k mf.h mf.k geno.crosstab genotab.em geno.table drop.dupmarkers pull.markers drop.markers nullmarkers drop.nullmarkers clean.cross clean reduce2grid create.map chrnames markernames

Documented in bayesint c.cross checkcovar chrnames clean clean.cross cleanGeno comparecrosses convert convert2riself convert2risib convert2sa convert.map convert.scanone convert.scantwo create.map drop.dupmarkers drop.markers drop.nullmarkers fill.geno findDupMarkers find.flanking find.marker find.markerpos find.pheno find.pseudomarker find.pseudomarkerpos flip.order formMarkerCovar geno.crosstab geno.table getid imf.cf imf.h imf.k imf.m imf.stahl jittermap locateXO lodint markernames matchchr mf.cf mf.h mf.k mf.m mf.stahl movemarker nqrank nullmarkers phenames print.map print.summary.map pull.markers qtlversion reduce2grid rescalemap shiftmap strip.partials subset.cross subset.map summary.map switchAlleles switch.order typingGap

# util.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2022, Karl W Broman
#     [find.pheno, find.flanking, and a modification to create.map
#      from Brian Yandell]
# last modified Oct, 2022
# first written Feb, 2001
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: markernames, c.cross, create.map, reduce2grid,
#           clean, clean.cross, drop.nullmarkers, nullmarkers
#           drop.markers, pull.markers, drop.dupmarkers
#           geno.table, genotab.em
#           mf.k, mf.h, imf.k, imf.h, mf.cf, imf.cf, mf.m, imf.m,
#           mf.stahl, imf.stahl
#           switch.order, flip.order, makeSSmap,
#           subset.cross, fill.geno, checkcovar, find.marker,
#           find.pseudomarker,
#           adjust.rf.ri, lodint, bayesint,
#           comparecrosses, movemarker, summary.map (aka summaryMap),
#           print.summary.map, find.pheno,
#           convert, convert.scanone, convert.scantwo
#           find.flanking, strip.partials,
#           qtlversion, locateXO, jittermap, getid,
#           find.markerpos, geno.crosstab, LikePheVector,
#           matchchr, convert2sa, charround, testchr,
#           scantwoperm2scanoneperm, subset.map, [.map, [.cross,
#           findDupMarkers, convert2riself, convert2risib,
#           switchAlleles, nqrank, cleanGeno, typingGap,
#           calcPermPval, phenames, updateParallelRNG

# markernames
# pull out the marker names for selected chromosomes as one big vector

markernames <-
    function(cross, chr)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
    temp <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    names(temp) <- NULL

# chrnames
# pull out the chrnames for a cross

chrnames <-

# create.map
# create a new map with inserted inter-marker locations
# Note: map is a vector or a matrix with 2 rows
# stepwidth = "fixed" is the original R/qtl version;
# stepwidth="variable" is for Brian Yandell and the qtlbim package
# stepwidth="max" creates the minimal number of inserted pseudomarkers
#                 to have the maximum stepwidth = step
create.map <-
    function(map, step, off.end, stepwidth = c("fixed", "variable", "max"))
    stepwidth <- match.arg(stepwidth)
    if(step<0 || off.end<0) stop("step and off.end must be > 0.")

    if(!is.matrix(map)) { # sex-ave map
        if(stepwidth == "variable") {
            if(off.end > 0) {
                tmp <- names(map)
                ## Append and prepend by off.end value (exact here, no roundoff).
                map <- c(map[1] - off.end, map, map[length(map)] + off.end)
                names(map) <- c("loc000", tmp, "loc999")
            if(step == 0)

            ## Determine differences and expansion vector.
            dif <- diff(map)
            expand <- pmax(1, floor(dif / step))

            ## Create pseudomarker map.
            a <- min(map) + cumsum(c(0, rep(dif / expand, expand)))

            ## Names are marker names or locNNN.
            namesa <- paste("loc", seq(length(a)), sep = "")
            namesa[cumsum(c(1, expand))] <- names(map)
            names(a) <- namesa

        if(stepwidth == "max") {
            if(off.end > 0) {
                toadd <- c(map[1] - off.end, map[length(map)]+off.end)

                if(step==0) {
                    names(toadd) <- paste("loc", 1:2, sep="")
                    map <- sort(c(map, toadd))

                nmap <- c(map[1] - off.end, map, map[length(map)]+off.end)
            else {
                nmap <- map
                toadd <- NULL

            if(step==0 || (length(map)==1 && off.end==0)) return(unclass(map))

            d <- diff(nmap)
            nadd <- ceiling(d/step)-1
            if(sum(nadd) > 0) {
                for(j in 1:(length(nmap)-1)) {
                        toadd <- c(toadd, seq(nmap[j], nmap[j+1], len=nadd[j]+2)[-c(1,nadd[j]+2)])
            if(length(toadd) > 0)  {
                names(toadd) <- paste("loc", 1:length(toadd), sep="")
                map <- sort(c(map, toadd))

        if(length(map) == 1) { # just one marker!
            if(off.end==0) {
                if(step == 0) step <- 1
                nam <- names(map)
                map <- c(map,map+step)
                names(map) <- c(nam,paste("loc",step,sep=""))
            else {
                if(step==0) m <- c(-off.end,off.end)
                else m <- seq(-off.end,off.end,by=step)
                m <- m[m!=0]
                names(m) <- paste("loc",m,sep="")
                map <- sort(c(m+map,map))

        minloc <- min(map)
        map <- map-minloc

        if(step==0 && off.end==0) return(map+minloc)
        else if(step==0 && off.end > 0) {
            a <- c(floor(min(map)-off.end),ceiling(max(map)+off.end))
            names(a) <- paste("loc", a, sep="")
        else if(step>0 && off.end == 0) {
            a <- seq(floor(min(map)),max(map),
                     by = step)
            if(any(is.na(match(a, map)))) {
                a <- a[is.na(match(a,map))]
                names(a) <- paste("loc",a,sep="")
            else return(map+minloc)
        else {
            a <- seq(floor(min(map)-off.end),ceiling(max(map)+off.end+step),
                     by = step)
            a <- a[is.na(match(a,map))]

            # no more than one point above max(map)+off.end
            z <- (seq(along=a))[a >= max(map)+off.end]
            if(length(z) > 1) a <- a[-z[-1]]

            names(a) <- paste("loc",a,sep="")
    } # end sex-ave map
    else { # sex-specific map
        if(stepwidth == "variable") {
            if(off.end > 0) {
                tmp <- colnames(map)
                map <- cbind(map[, 1] - off.end, map, map[, ncol(map)] + off.end)
                dimnames(map) <- list(NULL, c("loc000", tmp, "loc999"))
            if(step == 0)

            ## Determine differences and expansion vector.
            dif <- diff(map[1, ])
            expand <- pmax(1, floor(dif / step))

            ## Create pseudomarker map.
            a <- min(map[1, ]) + cumsum(c(0, rep(dif / expand, expand)))
            b <- min(map[2, ]) + cumsum(c(0, rep(diff(map[2, ]) / expand, expand)))

            namesa <- paste("loc", seq(length(a)), sep = "")
            namesa[cumsum(c(1, expand))] <- dimnames(map)[[2]]
            map <- rbind(a,b)
            dimnames(map) <- list(NULL, namesa)

        if(stepwidth == "max") {
            if(step==0 && off.end==0) return(unclass(map))
            if(step==0 && off.end>0) {
                if(ncol(map)==1) { # only one marker; assume equal recomb in sexes
                    L1 <- L2 <- 1
                else {
                    L1 <- diff(range(map[1,]))
                    L2 <- diff(range(map[2,]))

                nam <- colnames(map)
                nmap1 <- c(map[1,1]-off.end, map[1,], map[1,ncol(map)]+off.end)
                nmap2 <- c(map[2,1]-off.end*L2/L1, map[2,], map[2,ncol(map)]+off.end*L2/L1)
                map <- rbind(nmap1, nmap2)
                colnames(map) <- c("loc1", nam, "loc2")

            if(ncol(map)==1) L1 <- L2 <- 1
            else {
                L1 <- diff(range(map[1,]))
                L2 <- diff(range(map[2,]))

            nam <- colnames(map)

            if(off.end > 0) {
                toadd1 <- c(map[1,1] - off.end, map[1,ncol(map)]+off.end)
                toadd2 <- c(map[2,1] + off.end*L2/L1, map[2,ncol(map)]+off.end*L2/L1)

                neword <- order(c(map[1,], toadd1))
                nmap1 <- c(map[1,], toadd1)[neword]
                nmap2 <- c(map[2,], toadd2)[neword]
            else {
                nmap1 <- map[1,]
                nmap2 <- map[2,]
                toadd1 <- toadd2 <- NULL

            d <- diff(nmap1)
            nadd <- ceiling(d/step)-1
            if(sum(nadd) > 0) {
                for(j in 1:(length(nmap1)-1)) {
                    if(nadd[j]>0) {
                        toadd1 <- c(toadd1, seq(nmap1[j], nmap1[j+1], len=nadd[j]+2)[-c(1,nadd[j]+2)])
                        toadd2 <- c(toadd2, seq(nmap2[j], nmap2[j+1], len=nadd[j]+2)[-c(1,nadd[j]+2)])
            newnam <- paste("loc", 1:length(toadd1), sep="")

            toadd1 <- sort(toadd1)
            toadd2 <- sort(toadd2)
            neword <- order(c(map[1,], toadd1))
            nmap1 <- c(map[1,], toadd1)[neword]
            nmap2 <- c(map[2,], toadd2)[neword]
            map <- rbind(nmap1, nmap2)
            colnames(map) <- c(nam, newnam)[neword]


        minloc <- c(min(map[1,]),min(map[2,]))
        map <- unclass(map-minloc)
        markernames <- colnames(map)

        if(step==0 && off.end==0) return(map+minloc)
        else if(step==0 && off.end > 0) {
            map <- map+minloc
            if(ncol(map)==1) { # only one marker; assume equal recomb in sexes
                L1 <- L2 <- 1
            else {
                L1 <- diff(range(map[1,]))
                L2 <- diff(range(map[2,]))

            nam <- colnames(map)
            nmap1 <- c(map[1,1]-off.end, map[1,], map[1,ncol(map)]+off.end)
            nmap2 <- c(map[2,1]-off.end*L2/L1, map[2,], map[2,ncol(map)]+off.end*L2/L1)
            map <- rbind(nmap1, nmap2)
            colnames(map) <- c("loc1", nam, "loc2")
        else if(step>0 && off.end == 0) {

            if(ncol(map)==1) return(map+minloc)

            a <- seq(floor(min(map[1,])),max(map[1,]),
                     by = step)
            a <- a[is.na(match(a,map[1,]))]

            if(length(a)==0) return(map+minloc)

            b <- sapply(a,function(x,y,z) {
                ZZ <- min((seq(along=y))[y > x])
                (x-y[ZZ-1])/(y[ZZ]-y[ZZ-1])*(z[ZZ]-z[ZZ-1])+z[ZZ-1] }, map[1,],map[2,])

            m1 <- c(a,map[1,])
            m2 <- c(b,map[2,])

            names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(paste("loc",a,sep=""),markernames)
        else {
            a <- seq(floor(min(map[1,])-off.end),ceiling(max(map[1,])+off.end+step),
                     by = step)
            a <- a[is.na(match(a,map[1,]))]
            # no more than one point above max(map)+off.end
            z <- (seq(along=a))[a >= max(map[1,])+off.end]
            if(length(z) > 1) a <- a[-z[-1]]

            b <- sapply(a,function(x,y,z,ml) {
                if(x < min(y)) {
                    return(min(z) - (min(y)-x)/diff(range(y))*diff(range(z)) - ml)
                else if(x > max(y)) {
                    return(max(z) + (x - max(y))/diff(range(y))*diff(range(z)) - ml)
                else {
                    ZZ <- min((seq(along=y))[y > x])
            }, map[1,],map[2,], minloc[2])
            m1 <- c(a,map[1,])
            m2 <- c(b,map[2,])
            names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(paste("loc",a,sep=""),markernames)

# reduce2grid
# for high-density marker data, rather than run scanone at both the
# markers and at a set of pseudomarkers, we could reduce to just
# a set of evenly-spaced pseudomarkers
# first run calc.genoprob (or sim.geno) and then use this.
reduce2grid <-
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # sample one element from a vector
    sampleone <- function(x) ifelse(length(x)==1, x, sample(x, 1))

    # for a map containing a grid with a given step size,
    # find the grid min(map), min(map)+step, min(map)+2step, ...
    gridindex <- function(map, step) {
        if(is.matrix(map)) stop("reduce2grid isn't working for sex-specific maps")
        grid <- seq(min(map), max(map), by=step)
        index <- match(grid, map)
            index <- sapply(grid, function(a,b) { d <- abs(a-b); sampleone(which(d == min(d))) }, map)

    attr2fix <- c("error.prob", "step", "off.end", "map.function", "stepwidth")

    reduced <- FALSE
    if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])) {
        stepwidth <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$prob, "stepwidth")
        if(stepwidth != "fixed") {
            warning("You need to have run calc.genoprob with stepwidth=\"fixed\".")
        else {
            step <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$prob, "step")

            for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
                pr <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob
                map <- attr(pr, "map")
                butes <- attributes(pr)

                reduced <- gridindex(map, step)
                pr <- pr[,reduced,,drop=FALSE]
                attr(pr, "map") <- map[reduced]
                for(a in attr2fix)
                    attr(pr, a) <- butes[[a]]

                attr(pr, "reduced2grid") <- TRUE
                cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- pr

            reduced <- TRUE
    if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])) {
        stepwidth <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$draws, "stepwidth")
        if(stepwidth != "fixed") {
            warning("You need to have run sim.geno with stepwidth=\"fixed\".")
        else {
            step <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$draws, "step")

            for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
                dr <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws
                map <- attr(dr, "map")
                butes <- attributes(dr)

                reduced <- gridindex(map, step)
                dr <- dr[,reduced,,drop=FALSE]
                attr(dr, "map") <- map[reduced]
                for(a in attr2fix)
                    attr(dr, a) <- butes[[a]]

                attr(dr, "reduced2grid") <- TRUE
                cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- dr

            reduced <- TRUE

        warning("You first need to run calc.genoprob or sim.geno with stepwidth=\"fixed\".")


# clean functions
clean <-
    function(object, ...)

# clean.cross
# remove all of the extraneous stuff from a cross object, to get back
# to just the data

clean.cross <-
    function(object, ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    cross2 <- list(geno=object$geno,pheno=object$pheno)

    if("cross" %in% names(object))
        cross2$cross <- object$cross

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(object))
        cross2$founderGeno <- object$founderGeno

    if(!is.null(attr(object, "alleles")))
        attr(cross2, "alleles") <- attr(object, "alleles")

    if(!is.null(attr(object, "scheme")))
        attr(cross2, "scheme") <- attr(object, "scheme")

    for(i in 1:length(object$geno)) {
        cross2$geno[[i]] <- list(data=object$geno[[i]]$data,
        class(cross2$geno[[i]]) <- class(object$geno[[i]])

    class(cross2) <- class(object)

# drop.qtlgeno
# remove any QTLs from the genotype data and the genetic maps
# from data simulated via sim.cross. (They all have names "QTL*")

#drop.qtlgeno <-
#  n.chr <- nchr(cross)
#  mar.names <- lapply(cross$geno, function(a) {
#    m <- a$map
#    if(is.matrix(m)) return(colnames(m))
#    else return(names(m)) } )
#  for(i in 1:n.chr) {
#    o <- grep("^QTL[0-9]+",mar.names[[i]])
#    if(length(o) != 0) {
#      cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,-o,drop=FALSE]
#      if(is.matrix(cross$geno[[i]]$map))
#        cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[,-o,drop=FALSE]
#      else
#        cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[-o]
#    }
#  }
#  cross

# drop.nullmarkers
# remove markers that have no genotype data from the data matrix and
# genetic maps

drop.nullmarkers <-
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    keep.chr <- rep(TRUE,n.chr)
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        o <- !apply(cross$geno[[i]]$data,2,function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))
        if(any(o)) { # remove from genotype data and map
            mn.drop <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)[o]
            if(length(mn.drop) == ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
                keep.chr[i] <- FALSE # removing all markers from this chromosome

            cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,!o,drop=FALSE]

                cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[,!o,drop=FALSE]
                cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[!o]

            # results of calc.genoprob
            if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$prob))
                cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

            # results of argmax.geno
            if("argmax" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$argmax))
                cross$geno[[i]]$argmax <- cross$geno[[i]]$argmax[,-o,drop=FALSE]

            # results of sim.geno
            if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$draws))
                cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

            # results of est.rf
            if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
                attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$rf))
                cross$rf <- cross$rf[-o,-o]

                if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib)) # save the onlylod attribute if its there
                    attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod
    cross$geno <- cross$geno[keep.chr]

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(cross))
        cross$founderGeno <- cross$founderGeno[,markernames(cross)]


# nullmarkers
# identify markers that have no genotype data from the data matrix and
# genetic maps

nullmarkers <-
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    keep.chr <- rep(TRUE,n.chr)
    all2drop <- NULL
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        o <- !apply(cross$geno[[i]]$data,2,function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))
        if(any(o)) { # remove from genotype data and map
            mn.drop <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)[o]
            all2drop <- c(all2drop, mn.drop)


# drop.markers
# remove a vector of markers from the data matrix and genetic maps

drop.markers <-
    function(cross, markers)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    keep.chr <- rep(TRUE,n.chr)
    found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        # find markers on this chromosome
        o <- match(markers,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
        found[!is.na(o)] <- TRUE
        o <- o[!is.na(o)]
        a <- rep(FALSE,ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
        a[o] <- TRUE
        o <- a

        if(any(o)) { # remove from genotype data and map
            mn.drop <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)[o]
            if(length(mn.drop) == ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
                keep.chr[i] <- FALSE # removing all markers from this chromosome

            cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,!o,drop=FALSE]

                cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[,!o,drop=FALSE]
                cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[!o]

            # results of calc.genoprob
            if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$prob))
                cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

            # results of argmax.geno
            if("argmax" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$argmax))
                cross$geno[[i]]$argmax <- cross$geno[[i]]$argmax[,-o,drop=FALSE]

            # results of sim.geno
            if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$draws))
                cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

            # results of est.rf
            if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
                attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

                o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$rf))
                cross$rf <- cross$rf[-o,-o]

                if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib))
                    attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

    if(sum(keep.chr) == 0)
        stop("You're attempting to drop *all* of the markers, which isn't allowed.")

        warning("Markers not found: ", paste(markers[!found],collapse=" "))

    cross$geno <- cross$geno[keep.chr]

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(cross))
        cross$founderGeno <- cross$founderGeno[,markernames(cross)]


# pull.markers
# like drop.markers, but retain just those indicated
pull.markers <-
    function(cross, markers)
    mn <- markernames(cross)
    m <- match(markers, mn)
        warning("Some markers couldn't be found: ", paste(markers[is.na(m)], collapse=" "))
    drop.markers(cross, mn[is.na(match(mn, markers))])

# drop.dupmarkers
# drop duplicate markers, retaining the consensus genotypes
drop.dupmarkers <-
    function(cross, verbose=TRUE)
    mn <- markernames(cross)
    tab <- table(mn)
    if(all(tab==1)) {
        if(verbose) cat("No duplicate markers.\n")

    dup <- names(tab[tab > 1])
    if(verbose) cat(" ", length(dup), "duplicate markers\n")

    # get consensus genotypes
    g <- pull.geno(cross)[,!is.na(match(mn, dup))]
    ng.omitted <- rep(NA, length(dup))
    tot.omitted <- 0
    nmar.omitted <- 0
    for(i in seq(along=dup)) {
        gg <- g[,colnames(g)==dup[i],drop=FALSE]
        res <- apply(gg, 1, function(a)
                     if(all(is.na(a))) return(c(NA, 0))
                     a <- unique(a[!is.na(a)])
                     if(length(a)==1) return(c(a, 0))
                     return(c(NA, 1))
                 } )
        if(verbose>1) {
            cat("  ", dup[i], ":\t", sum(res[2,]), " genotypes omitted\n", sep="")
            if(sum(res[2,]) > 1) cat("      ", paste(which(res[2,]>0), collapse=" "), "\n")
        tot.omitted <- tot.omitted + sum(res[2,])

        flag <- FALSE
        for(j in seq(along=cross$geno)) {
            mn <- colnames(cross$geno[[j]]$data)
            wh <- mn==dup[i]
            if(!any(wh)) next
            wh <- which(wh)
            if(!flag) {
                flag <- TRUE
                cross$geno[[j]]$data[,wh[1]] <- res[1,]
                if(length(wh)==1) next
                else wh <- wh[-1]
            if(length(wh) > 0) {
                nmar.omitted <- nmar.omitted + length(wh)
                cross$geno[[j]]$data <- cross$geno[[j]]$data[,-wh,drop=FALSE]
                    cross$geno[[j]]$map <- cross$geno[[j]]$map[,-wh,drop=FALSE]
                    cross$geno[[j]]$map <- cross$geno[[j]]$map[-wh]
    if(verbose) {
        cat("  Total genotypes omitted:", tot.omitted, "\n")
        cat("  Total markers omitted:  ", nmar.omitted, "\n")

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(cross))
        cross$founderGeno <- cross$founderGeno[,markernames(cross)]


# geno.table
# create table showing observed numbers of individuals with each
# genotype at each marker

geno.table <-
    function(cross, chr, scanone.output=FALSE)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

        cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    type <- crosstype(cross)
    is.bcs <- type == "bcsft"
    cross.scheme <- attr(cross, "scheme")
        is.bcs <- (cross.scheme[2] == 0)

    chr_type <- sapply(cross$geno, chrtype)
    allchrtype <- rep(chr_type, nmar(cross))
    chrname <- names(cross$geno)
    allchrname <- rep(chrname, nmar(cross))

    ## Actually plan to have our own geno.table.bcsft routine.
    if(type == "f2" || (type == "bcsft" && !is.bcs)) {
        n.gen <- 5
        temp <- getgenonames("f2", "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
        gen.names <- c(temp, paste("not", temp[c(3,1)]))
    else if(type %in% c("bc", "riself", "risib", "dh", "haploid", "bcsft")) {
        n.gen <- 2
        gen.names <- getgenonames(type, "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
    else if(type == "4way") {
        n.gen <- 14
        temp <- getgenonames("4way", "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
        gen.names <- c(temp,
                       paste(temp[c(1,3)], collapse="/"),
                       paste(temp[c(2,4)], collapse="/"),
                       paste(temp[c(1,2)], collapse="/"),
                       paste(temp[c(3,4)], collapse="/"),
                       paste(temp[c(1,4)], collapse="/"),
                       paste(temp[c(2,3)], collapse="/"),
                       paste("not", temp[1]),
                       paste("not", temp[2]),
                       paste("not", temp[3]),
                       paste("not", temp[4]))

        gen.names[5:8] <- substr(temp[c(1,2,1,3)], c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2))
    else stop("Unknown cross type: ",type)

    res <- lapply(cross$geno, function(a,ngen) {
        a <- a$data; a[is.na(a)] <- 0
        apply(a,2,function(b,ngen) table(factor(b,levels=0:ngen)),ngen)

    results <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(res))
        results <- rbind(results,t(res[[i]]))

    colnames(results) <- c("missing",gen.names)
    rownames(results) <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) colnames(a$data)))

    pval <- rep(NA,nrow(results))
    if(type %in% c("bc","risib","riself","dh","haploid") || (type=="bcsft" & is.bcs)) {
        sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
        if((type == "bc" || type=="bcsft") && any(chr_type == "X") && !is.null(sexpgm$sex) && any(sexpgm$sex==1)) {
            for(i in which(allchrtype=="A")) {
                x <- results[i,2:3]
                if(sum(x) > 0)
                    pval[i] <- chisq.test(x,p=c(0.5,0.5))$p.value
                else pval[i] <- 1

            gn <- getgenonames("bc","X", "full", sexpgm, attributes(cross))
            wh <- which(is.na(match(gn, colnames(results))))
            temp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(results), ncol=length(wh))
            colnames(temp) <- gn[wh]
            results <- cbind(results, temp)

            for(i in which(chr_type=="X")) {
                dat <- reviseXdata("bc", "full", sexpgm, geno=cross$geno[[i]]$data,
                dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0
                tab <- t(apply(dat, 2, function(x) table(factor(x, levels=0:length(gn)))))
                colnames(tab) <- c("missing", gn)
                results[allchrname==chrname[i],] <- 0
                results[allchrname==chrname[i],colnames(tab)] <- tab

                for(j in 1:ncol(dat)) {
                    stat <- apply(table(sexpgm$sex, cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]),1,
                                  function(a) if(length(a) > 1 && sum(a)>0) return(chisq.test(a,p=c(0.5,0.5))$stat)
                                  else return(0))
                    pval[allchrname==chrname[i]][j] <- 1-pchisq(sum(stat),length(stat))
            results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)
        else {
            for(i in 1:length(pval)) {
                x <- results[i,2:3]
                if(sum(x) > 0)
                    pval[i] <- chisq.test(x,p=c(0.5,0.5))$p.value
                    pval[i] <- 1
            results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)
    else  if(type == "f2" || (type == "bcsft" && !is.bcs)) {
        sexpgm <- getsex(cross)

        ## F2 with set initial genotype probabilities.
        init.geno <- c(0.25,0.5,0.25,0.75,0.75)
        ## BCsFt initial genotype probabilities need to be computed.
        if(type == "bcsft") {
            ret <- .C("genotab_em_bcsft",
                      init.geno = as.double(init.geno))
            init.geno <- ret$init.geno

        for(i in which(allchrtype=="A")) {
            dat <- results[i,2:6]
            if(sum(dat)==0) pval[i] <- 1
            else if(dat[4]==0 && dat[5]==0)
                pval[i] <- chisq.test(dat[1:3],   p=init.geno[1:3]   )$p.value
            else if(all(dat[2:4]==0))
                pval[i] <- chisq.test(dat[c(1,5)],p=init.geno[c(1,5)])$p.value
            else if(all(dat[c(1,2,5)]==0))
                pval[i] <- chisq.test(dat[3:4],   p=init.geno[3:4]   )$p.value
            else { # this is harder: some dominant and some not
                pval[i] <- genotab.em(dat, init.geno)

        for(i in which(chr_type=="X")) {
            gn <- getgenonames("f2","X","full", getsex(cross), attributes(cross))
            wh <- which(is.na(match(gn, colnames(results))))
            temp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(results), ncol=length(wh))
            colnames(temp) <- gn[wh]
            results <- cbind(results, temp)

            dat <- reviseXdata("f2", "full", sexpgm, geno=cross$geno[[i]]$data,
            dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0
            tab <- t(apply(dat, 2, function(x) table(factor(x, levels=0:length(gn)))))
            colnames(tab) <- c("missing", gn)
            results[allchrname==chrname[i],] <- 0
            results[allchrname==chrname[i],colnames(tab)] <- tab

            cn <- colnames(results)
            f <- grep("f$", cn)
            r <- grep("r$", cn)
            if(length(f)>0 && length(r)>0) {
                results <- results[,c(1:2,f,3,r,(1:ncol(results))[-c(1:3,f,r)])]
                colnames(results) <- cn[c(1:2,f,3,r,(1:ncol(results))[-c(1:3,f,r)])]

            sex <- sexpgm$sex
            pgm <- sexpgm$pgm
            for(j in 1:ncol(dat)) {
                g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
                if(!is.null(sex)) {
                        g <- matrix(as.numeric(table(g,sex,pgm)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
                        g <- matrix(as.numeric(table(g,sex)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
                else {
                    if(!is.null(pgm)) {
                        g <- matrix(as.numeric(table(g,pgm)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
                    else g <- matrix(table(g),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
                stat <- apply(g, 1,
                              function(a) if(sum(a)>0) return(chisq.test(a,p=c(0.5,0.5))$stat)
                              else return(0))
                pval[allchrname==chrname[i]][j] <- 1-pchisq(sum(stat),length(stat))

        results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)
    else if(type == "4way") {
        for(i in 1:length(pval)) {
            x <- results[i,2:5]
            y <- results[i,-(1:5)]
            if(sum(x) > 0 && sum(y)==0)
                pval[i] <- chisq.test(x,p=c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25))$p.value
            else {
                if(allchrtype[i] == "A") {
                    res <- results[i,-1]
                    if(all(res==0)) pval[i] <- 1 # entirely missing
                    else if(all(res[-c(1,11)]==0))      # AC/not AC
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,11)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(2,12)]==0)) # BC/not BC
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(2,12)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(3,13)]==0)) # AD/not AD
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(3,13)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(4,14)]==0)) # BD/not BD
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(4,14)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(5,6)]==0)) # A/B
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(5,6)], p=c(0.5, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(7,8)]==0)) # C/D
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(7,8)], p=c(0.5, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(9,10)]==0)) # AC/BD or AD/BC
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(9,10)], p=c(0.5, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(2,4,5)]==0)) # BC/BD/A
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(2,4,5)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(1,3,6)]==0)) # AC/AD/B
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,3,6)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(3,4,7)]==0)) # AD/BD/C
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(3,4,7)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(1,2,8)]==0)) # AC/BC/D
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,2,8)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(2,3,9)]==0)) # AC/BD or AD or BC
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(2,3,9)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
                    else if(all(res[-c(1,4,10)]==0)) # AD/BC or AC or BD
                        pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,4,10)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
        results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)

        return(data.frame(chr=rep(names(cross$geno),nmar(cross)),results, stringsAsFactors=TRUE))

    themap <- pull.map(cross)
        thepos <- unlist(lapply(themap, function(a) a[1,]))
    else thepos <- unlist(themap)

    temp <- results[,1:(ncol(results)-1),drop=FALSE]
    res <- data.frame(chr=rep(names(cross$geno),nmar(cross)),
                      missing=temp[,1]/apply(temp, 1, sum),
                      temp[,-1]/apply(temp[,-1], 1, sum), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    class(res) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")
    rownames(res) <- rownames(results)
    res[,1] <- factor(as.character(res[,1]), levels=unique(as.character(res[,1])))

genotab.em <-
    function(dat, init.geno, tol=1e-6, maxit=10000, verbose=FALSE)

    genotab.ll <-
        function(dat, gam, init.geno)
            p <- c(init.geno[1]*(1-gam[2]), init.geno[2]*gam[1], init.geno[3]*(1-gam[3]),
                   gam[2]*init.geno[4], gam[3]*init.geno[5])
            if(any(p==0 & dat > 0)) return(-Inf)
            return( sum((dat*log(p))[dat>0 & p>0]) )

    n <- sum(dat)

    gam <- c(sum(dat[1:3]), dat[4], dat[5])/n

    curll <- genotab.ll(dat, gam, init.geno)

    flag <- 0
    if(verbose) cat(0, gam, curll, "\n")
    for(i in 1:maxit) {
        # estep
        zAA <- dat[1]*gam[3]/(gam[1]+gam[3])
        zBB <- dat[3]*gam[2]/(gam[1]+gam[2])

        # mstep
        gamnew <- c(sum(dat[1:3])-zAA-zBB, dat[4]+zBB, dat[5]+zAA)/n

        newll <- genotab.ll(dat, gamnew, init.geno)

        if(verbose) cat(i, gamnew, newll, "\n")

        if(abs(curll-newll) < tol) {
            flag <- 1
        gam <- gamnew
        curll <- newll
    if(!flag) warning("Didn't converge.")

    gam <- gamnew
    p <- c(init.geno[1]*(1-gam[2]), init.geno[2]*gam[1], init.geno[3]*(1-gam[3]),
           gam[2]*init.geno[4], gam[3]*init.geno[5])
    ex <- p*n
    1-pchisq(sum(((dat-ex)^2/ex)[ex>0]), 2)

# geno.crosstab
# Get a cross-tabulation of the genotypes at two markers,
# with the markers specified by name
geno.crosstab <-
    function(cross, mname1, mname2, eliminate.zeros=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(missing(mname2) && length(mname1)>1) {
        mname2 <- mname1[2]
        mname1 <- mname1[1]

    if(length(mname1) > 1 || length(mname2) > 1)
        stop("mname1 and mname2 should both have lenght 1, or mname1 should have length 2 and mname1 should be missing.")

        stop("You must give two distinct marker names.")

    pos <- find.markerpos(cross, c(mname1, mname2))
    if(any(is.na(pos$chr))) {
            stop("Markers ", mname1, " and ", mname2, " not found.")
            stop("Marker ", rownames(pos)[is.na(pos$chr)], " not found.")

    chr_type <- sapply(cross$geno[pos$chr], chrtype)
    crosstype <- crosstype(cross)

    g1 <- pull.geno(cross, pos$chr[1])[,mname1, drop=FALSE]
    g2 <- pull.geno(cross, pos$chr[2])[,mname2, drop=FALSE]

    if(chr_type[1] == "X")
        g1 <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", getsex(cross), geno=g1, cross.attr=attributes(cross))

    if(chr_type[2] == "X")
        g2 <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", getsex(cross), geno=g2, cross.attr=attributes(cross))

    g1[is.na(g1)] <- 0
    g2[is.na(g2)] <- 0

    g1names <- getgenonames(crosstype, chr_type[1], "full", getsex(cross), attributes(cross))
    g2names <- getgenonames(crosstype, chr_type[2], "full", getsex(cross), attributes(cross))

    if(chr_type[1] != "X") {
        if(crosstype == "f2")
            g1names <- c(g1names, paste("not", g1names[c(3,1)]))
        else if(crosstype == "bc" || crosstype == "risib" || crosstype=="riself" || crosstype=="dh" || crosstype=="haploid") {
        else if(crosstype == "4way") {
            temp <- g1names
            g1names <- c(temp,
                         paste(temp[c(1,3)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(2,4)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(1,2)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(3,4)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(1,4)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(2,3)], collapse="/"),
                         paste("not", temp[1]),
                         paste("not", temp[2]),
                         paste("not", temp[3]),
                         paste("not", temp[4]))

            g1names[5:8] <- substr(temp[c(1,2,1,3)], c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2))
        else stop("Unknown cross type: ",crosstype)
    if(chr_type[2] != "X") {
        if(crosstype == "f2")
            g2names <- c(g2names, paste("not", g2names[c(3,1)]))
        else if(crosstype == "bc" || crosstype == "risib" || crosstype=="riself" || crosstype=="dh" || crosstype=="haploid") {
        else if(crosstype == "4way") {
            temp <- g2names
            g2names <- c(temp,
                         paste(temp[c(1,3)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(2,4)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(1,2)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(3,4)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(1,4)], collapse="/"),
                         paste(temp[c(2,3)], collapse="/"),
                         paste("not", temp[1]),
                         paste("not", temp[2]),
                         paste("not", temp[3]),
                         paste("not", temp[4]))

            g2names[5:8] <- substr(temp[c(1,2,1,3)], c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2))
        else stop("Unknown cross type: ",crosstype)
    g1names <- c("-", g1names)
    g2names <- c("-", g2names)

    g1 <- as.character(g1)
    g2 <- as.character(g2)

    for(i in 1:length(g1names)) {
        j <- as.character(i-1)
        g1[g1==j] <- g1names[i]
    g1 <- factor(g1, levels=g1names)

    for(i in 1:length(g2names)) {
        j <- as.character(i-1)
        g2[g2==j] <- g2names[i]
    g2 <- factor(g2, levels=g2names)

    tab <- table(g1, g2)
    names(attributes(tab)$dimnames) <- c(mname1, mname2)

    if(eliminate.zeros) { # eliminate rows and columns with no data (but always include missing data row and column)
        rs <- apply(tab, 1, sum); rs[1] <- 1
        tab <- tab[rs>0,,drop=FALSE]
        cs <- apply(tab, 2, sum); cs[1] <- 1
        tab <- tab[,cs>0,drop=FALSE]


# map functions
mf.k <- function(d) 0.5*tanh(d/50)
mf.h <- function(d) 0.5*(1-exp(-d/50))
imf.k <- function(r) { r[r >= 0.5] <- 0.5-1e-14; 50*atanh(2*r) }
imf.h <- function(r) { r[r >= 0.5] <- 0.5-1e-14; -50*log(1-2*r) }
mf.m <- function(d) sapply(d,function(a) min(a/100,0.5))
imf.m <- function(r) sapply(r,function(a) min(a*100,50))

# carter-falconer: mf.cf, imf.cf
imf.cf <- function(r) { r[r >= 0.5] <- 0.5-1e-14; 12.5*(log(1+2*r)-log(1-2*r))+25*atan(2*r) }

mf.cf <-
    d[d >= 300] <- 300

    icf <- function(r,d)

    sapply(d,function(a) {
        if(a==0) return(0)
        uniroot(icf, c(0,0.5-1e-14),d=a,tol=1e-12)$root })

# switch.order: change the marker order on a given chromosome to some
#               specified order

switch.order <-
    function(cross, chr, order, error.prob=0.0001,
             maxit=4000, tol=1e-6, sex.sp=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    map.function <- match.arg(map.function)

    # check chromosome argument
    if(missing(chr)) {
        chr <- names(cross$geno)[1]
        warning("Assuming you mean chromosome ", chr)
    else {
        if(length(chr) > 1) {
            chr <- chr[1]
            warning("switch.order can deal with just one chromosome at a time; assuming you want chr ", chr)
        if(!testchr(chr, names(cross$geno)))
            stop("Chr ", chr, " not found.")
    chr <- matchchr(chr, names(cross$geno))

    # check order argument
    n.mar <- nmar(cross)
    if(n.mar[chr] == length(order)-2 || n.mar[chr]==length(order)-1)
        order <- order[1:n.mar[chr]]     # useful for output from ripple()
    if(n.mar[chr] != length(order))
        stop("Incorrect number of markers.")

    # save recombination fractions
    flag <- 0
    if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
        attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

        rf <- cross$rf
        # determine column within rec fracs
        whchr <- which(names(cross$geno)==chr)
        oldcols <- cumsum(c(0,n.mar))[whchr]+seq(along=order)
        newcols <- cumsum(c(0,n.mar))[whchr]+order
        rf[oldcols,] <- rf[newcols,]
        rf[,oldcols] <- rf[,newcols]
        colnames(rf)[oldcols] <- colnames(rf)[newcols]
        rownames(rf)[oldcols] <- rownames(rf)[newcols]
        flag <- 1

    # remove any intermediate calculations (except rec fracs),
    #   as they will no longer be meaningful
    cross <- clean(cross)

        first <- min(cross$geno[[chr]]$map)
        first <- apply(cross$geno[[chr]]$map,1,min)

    # re-order markers
    cross$geno[[chr]]$data <- cross$geno[[chr]]$data[,order,drop=FALSE]
    m <- seq(0,by=5,length=ncol(cross$geno[[chr]]$data))
    names(m) <- colnames(cross$geno[[chr]]$data)
        cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- rbind(m,m)
        cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- m

    # re-estimate rec fracs for re-ordered chromosome
    if(flag==1) {
        temp <- est.rf(subset(cross, chr=chr))$rf
        rf[oldcols,oldcols] <- temp
        cross$rf <- rf
        if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib))
            attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

    # re-estimate map
    newmap <- est.map(cross, chr=chr,
                      error.prob=error.prob, map.function=map.function,
                      maxit=maxit, tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp)

        cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- newmap[[1]] + first
    else {
        cross$geno[[chr]]$map[1,] <- newmap[[1]][1,] + first[1]
        cross$geno[[chr]]$map[2,] <- newmap[[1]][2,] + first[2]
        rownames(cross$geno[[chr]]$map) <- NULL


# flip.order: flip the order of markers on a set of chromosomes

flip.order <-
    function(cross, chr)
    # utility function to flip a map
    flipChrOnMap <-
            if(is.matrix(map)) {
                map <- map[,ncol(map):1,drop=FALSE]
                for(j in 1:nrow(map))
                    map[j,] <- max(map[j,]) - map[j,]
            } else {
                map <- max(map) - map[length(map):1]

    # utility function to flip intermediate calc
    flipChrInterCalc <-
        function(object, attr2consider=c("error.prob", "step", "off.end", "map.function", "stepwidth"))
            the_attr <- attributes(object)
            ndim <- length(dim(object))
            if(ndim == 3)
                object <- object[,ncol(object):1,,drop=FALSE]
                object <- object[,ncol(object):1,drop=FALSE]
            for(a in attr2consider) {
                if(a %in% names(the_attr))
                    attr(object, a) <- the_attr[[a]]
            if("map" %in% names(the_attr))
                attr(object, "map") <- flipChrOnMap(the_attr$map)


    chr <- matchchr(chr, names(cross$geno))

    for(i in chr) {
        nc <- ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,nc:1,drop=FALSE]
        cross$geno[[i]]$map <- flipChrOnMap(cross$geno[[i]]$map)

        if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
            cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)
        if("argmax" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
            cross$geno[[i]]$argmax <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$argmax)
        if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
            cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$draws)
        if("errorlod" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
            cross$geno[[i]]$errorlod <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$errorlod,
                                                          c("error.prob", "map.function"))

    cross$rf <- NULL


# subset.cross: General subsetting function for a cross object

subset.cross <-
    function(x, chr, ind, ...)
    if(!inherits(x, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(missing(chr) && missing(ind))
        stop("You must specify either chr or ind.")

    n.chr <- nchr(x)
    n.ind <- nind(x)

    # pull out relevant chromosomes
    if(!missing(chr)) {
        chr <- matchchr(chr, names(x$geno))

        if("rf" %in% names(x)) { # pull out part of rec fracs
            if(totmar(x) != ncol(x$rf))
                x <- clean(x)
            else {
                attrib <- attributes(x$rf)

                n.mar <- nmar(x)
                n.chr <- n.chr
                wh <- rbind(c(0,cumsum(n.mar)[-n.chr])+1,cumsum(n.mar))
                dimnames(wh) <- list(NULL, names(n.mar))
                wh <- wh[,chr,drop=FALSE]
                wh <- unlist(apply(wh,2,function(a) a[1]:a[2]))
                x$rf <- x$rf[wh,wh]

                if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib)) # save the onlylod attribute if its there
                    attr(x$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

        x$geno <- x$geno[chr]

        if("founderGeno" %in% names(x))
            x$founderGeno <- x$founderGeno[,unlist(lapply(x$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))]

    if(!missing(ind)) {
        theid <- getid(x)

        if(is.logical(ind)) {
            ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
            if(length(ind) != n.ind)
                stop("ind argument has wrong length (", length(ind), "; should be ", n.ind, ")")
            ind <- (1:n.ind)[ind]

        else if(is.numeric(ind)) { # treat as numeric indices; don't match against individual identifiers
            if(all(ind < 0)) { # drop all but these
                ind <- -ind
                if(any(ind > nind(x))) {
                    a <- -ind[ind > nind(x)]
                    if(length(a) > 1) a <- sample(a, 1)
                    stop("Invalid ind values (e.g., ", a, ")")
                ind <- (1:n.ind)[-ind]
            else if(all(ind > 0)) { # keep these
                if(any(ind > nind(x))) {
                    a <- ind[ind > nind(x)]
                    if(length(a) > 1) a <- sample(a, 1)
                    stop("Invalid ind values (e.g., ", a, ")")
            else {
                stop("Need ind to be all > 0 or all < 0.")

        else if(!is.null(theid)) { # cross has individual IDs
            ind <- as.character(ind)
            if(all(substr(ind, 1,1) == "-")) {
                ind <- substr(ind, 2, nchar(ind))
                m <- match(ind, theid)
                    stop("No matching individuals.")
                    warning("Individuals not found: ", paste(ind[is.na(m)]))
                ind <- (1:n.ind)[-m[!is.na(m)]]
            else  {
                m <- match(ind, theid)
                    warning("Individuals not found: ", paste(ind[is.na(m)], collapse=" "))
                ind <- m[!is.na(m)]
            ind <- ind[!is.na(ind)]
        else { # no individual IDs
            stop("In the absense of individual IDs, ind should be logical or numeric.")
        # Note: ind should now be a numeric vector

        if(length(ind) == 0)
            stop("Must retain at least one individual.")
        if(length(ind) == 1)
            warning("Retained only one individual!")

        x$pheno <- x$pheno[ind,,drop=FALSE]

        if("cross" %in% names(x))
            x$cross <- x$cross[ind,,drop=FALSE]

        for(i in 1:nchr(x)) {
            x$geno[[i]]$data <- x$geno[[i]]$data[ind,,drop=FALSE]

            if("prob" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
                temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$prob) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
                x$geno[[i]]$prob <- x$geno[[i]]$prob[ind,,,drop=FALSE]
                # put attributes back in
                for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
                    if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
                        attr(x$geno[[i]]$prob, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

            if("errorlod" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
                temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$prob) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
                x$geno[[i]]$errorlod <- x$geno[[i]]$errorlod[ind,,drop=FALSE]
                # put attributes back in
                for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
                    if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
                        attr(x$geno[[i]]$errorlod, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

            if("argmax" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
                temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$argmax) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
                x$geno[[i]]$argmax <- x$geno[[i]]$argmax[ind,,drop=FALSE]
                # put attributes back in
                for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
                    if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
                        attr(x$geno[[i]]$argmax, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

            if("draws" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
                temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$draws) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
                x$geno[[i]]$draws <- x$geno[[i]]$draws[ind,,,drop=FALSE]
                # put attributes back in
                for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
                    if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
                        attr(x$geno[[i]]$draws, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

        if("qtlgeno" %in% names(x))
            x$qtlgeno <- x$qtlgeno[ind,,drop=FALSE]

#pull.chr <-
#function(cross, chr) {
#  warning("pull.chr is deprecated; use subset.cross.")
#  subset.cross(cross, chr)

# c.cross: Combine crosses

c.cross <-
    args <- list(...)
    n.args <- length(args)

    for(i in seq(along=args)) {
        if(!inherits(args[[i]], "cross"))
            stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # if only one cross, just return it
    if(n.args==1) return(args[[1]])

    if(any(sapply(args, function(a) !inherits(a, "cross"))))
        stop("All arguments must be cross objects.")

    # crosses must be all the same, or must be combination of F2 and BC
    classes <- sapply(args, crosstype)
    if(length(unique(classes))==1) {
        allsame <- TRUE
        type <- classes[1]
    else {
        if(any(classes != "bc" & classes != "f2"))
            stop("Experiments must be either the same type or be bc/f2.")
        allsame <- FALSE
        type <- "f2"

    if(length(unique(sapply(args, nchr))) > 1)
        stop("All arguments must have the same number of chromosomes.")

    x <- args[[1]]
    chr <- names(x$geno)
    n.mar <- nmar(x)
    marnam <- unlist(lapply(x$geno,function(b) colnames(b$data)))
    marpos <- unlist(lapply(x$geno,function(b) b$map))

    map.mismatch <- 0
    for(i in 2:n.args) {
        y <- args[[i]]
        y.marnam <- unlist(lapply(y$geno, function(b) colnames(b$data)))
        y.marpos <- unlist(lapply(y$geno, function(b) b$map))
        if(any(chr != names(y$geno)) || any(n.mar != nmar(y)) ||
           any(marnam != y.marnam) || any(marpos != y.marpos)) {
            map.mismatch <- 1
    if(map.mismatch) { # get the maps to line up
        for(i in 1:nchr(args[[1]])) {
            themap <- NULL

            themaps <- vector("list", n.args)

            for(j in 1:n.args)  {
                    stop("c.cross() won't work with sex-specific maps.")

                themaps[[j]] <- args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$map
                themap <- c(themap, themaps[[j]])
            themap <- sort(themap)
            mn <- unique(names(themap))

            newmap <- rep(0,length(mn))
            names(newmap) <- mn
            for(j in 1:length(newmap))
                newmap[j] <- mean(themap[names(themap) == mn[j]])

            for(j in 1:n.args) {
                m <- match(names(themaps[[j]]), mn)
                m <- m[!is.na(m)]
                if(any(diff(m)) < 0)
                    stop(" Markers must all be in the same order.")

                if(!all(mn %in% names(themaps[[j]]))) {
                    temp <- matrix(ncol=length(mn), nrow=nind(args[[j]]))
                    colnames(temp) <- mn
                    temp[,names(themaps[[j]])] <- args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$data
                    args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$data <- temp
                args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$map <- newmap


    } # end of map mismatch fix

    x <- args[[1]]
    chr <- names(x$geno)
    n.mar <- nmar(x)
    marnam <- unlist(lapply(x$geno,function(b) colnames(b$data)))

    # create genotype information
    geno <- x$geno
    for(j in 1:nchr(x)) { # drop extraneous stuff
        geno[[j]] <- list(data=geno[[j]]$data, map=geno[[j]]$map)
        class(geno[[j]]) <- class(x$geno[[j]])
    for(i in 2:n.args)
        for(j in 1:nchr(x))
            geno[[j]]$data <- rbind(geno[[j]]$data,args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$data)

    # get all phenotype names
    phenam <- names(x$pheno)
    for(i in 2:n.args)
        phenam <- c(phenam, names(args[[i]]$pheno))
    phenam <- unique(phenam)

    # form big phenotype matrix
    n.ind <- sapply(args,nind)
    pheno <- matrix(nrow=sum(n.ind),ncol=length(phenam))
    colnames(pheno) <- phenam
    pheno <- as.data.frame(pheno, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

    if(!allsame) {
        crosstype <- factor(rep(c("bc","f2")[match(classes,c("bc","f2"))],n.ind),
        pheno <- cbind(pheno,crosstype=crosstype)

    for(i in 1:length(phenam)) {
        phe <- vector("list",n.args)
        for(j in 1:n.args) {
            o <- match(phenam[i],names(args[[j]]$pheno))
            if(is.na(o)) phe[[j]] <- rep(NA,n.ind[j])
            else phe[[j]] <- args[[j]]$pheno[,o]
        pheno[,i] <- unlist(phe)

    # indicator of which cross
    whichcross <- matrix(0,ncol=n.args,nrow=sum(n.ind))
    colnames(whichcross) <- paste("cross",1:n.args,sep="")
    thecross <- rep(NA, sum(n.ind))
    prev <- 0
    for(i in 1:n.args) {
        wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
        prev <- prev + n.ind[i]
        whichcross[wh,i] <- 1
        thecross[wh] <- i
    pheno <- cbind(pheno,cross=thecross,whichcross)

    x$pheno <- pheno

    if(!map.mismatch) { # keep probs and draws only if we've not re-aligned the maps
        # if probs exist in each and all have the same
        #     set up values, keep them
        wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("prob",names(a$geno[[1]])))
        step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"step"))
        error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"error.prob"))
        off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"off.end"))
        map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"map.function"))
        map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"map"))
        if(!any(is.na(wh)) && length(unique(step))==1 &&
           length(unique(error.prob))==1 && length(unique(off.end))==1 &&
           length(unique(map.function))==1) {
            if(allsame) { # all same cross type
                for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
                    geno[[j]]$prob <- array(dim=c(sum(n.ind),dim(x$geno[[j]]$prob)[-1]))
                    dimnames(geno[[j]]$prob) <- dimnames(x$geno[[j]]$prob)
                    prev <- 0
                    for(i in 1:n.args) {
                        wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
                        prev <- prev + n.ind[i]
                        geno[[j]]$prob[wh,,] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$prob
            else { # mixed F2 and BC
                for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
                    wh <- match("f2",classes)
                    geno[[j]]$prob <- array(0,dim=c(sum(n.ind),dim(args[[wh]]$geno[[j]]$prob)[-1]))
                    dimnames(geno[[j]]$prob) <- dimnames(args[[wh]]$geno[[j]]$prob)
                    prev <- 0
                    for(i in 1:n.args) {
                        wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
                        prev <- prev + n.ind[i]

                            geno[[j]]$prob[wh,,] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$prob
                        else # backcross
                            geno[[j]]$prob[wh,,1:2] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$prob

            for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
                wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("prob",names(a$geno[[j]])))
                step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"step"))
                error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"error.prob"))
                off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"off.end"))
                map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"map.function"))
                map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"map"))

                attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"step") <- step[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"error.prob") <- error.prob[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"off.end") <- off.end[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"map.function") <- map.function[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"map") <- map[[1]]

        # if draws exist in each and all have the same
        #     set up values, keep them
        wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("draws",names(a$geno[[1]])))
        step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"step"))
        error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"error.prob"))
        off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"off.end"))
        map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"map.function"))
        map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"map"))
        ndraws <- sapply(args,function(a) dim(a$geno[[1]]$draws)[3])
        if(!any(is.na(wh)) && length(unique(step))==1 &&
           length(unique(error.prob))==1 && length(unique(off.end))==1 &&
           length(unique(map.function))==1 && length(unique(ndraws))==1) {
            for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
                geno[[j]]$draws <- array(0,dim=c(sum(n.ind),dim(x$geno[[j]]$draws)[-1]))
                dimnames(geno[[j]]$draws) <- dimnames(x$geno[[j]]$draws)
                prev <- 0
                for(i in 1:n.args) {
                    wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
                    prev <- prev + n.ind[i]
                    geno[[j]]$draws[wh,,] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$draws

                wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("draws",names(a$geno[[j]])))
                step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"step"))
                error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"error.prob"))
                off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"off.end"))
                map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"map.function"))
                map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"map"))

                attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"step") <- step[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"error.prob") <- error.prob[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"off.end") <- off.end[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"map.function") <- map.function[1]
                attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"map") <- map[[1]]

    x <- list(geno=geno, pheno=pheno)
    class(x) <- c(type,"cross")

# fill.geno: Run argmax.geno or sim.geno and then fill in the
#            genotype data with the results.  This will allow
#            rough genome scans by marker regression without
#   the newer method, "no_dbl_XO", fills in missing genotypes between
#   markers with matching genotypes

fill.geno <-
    function(cross, method=c("imp","argmax", "no_dbl_XO", "maxmarginal"),
             error.prob=0.0001, map.function=c("haldane","kosambi","c-f","morgan"),
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    method <- match.arg(method)

    # don't let error.prob be exactly zero (or >1)
    if(error.prob < 1e-50) error.prob <- 1e-50
    if(error.prob > 1) {
        error.prob <- 1-1e-50
        warning("error.prob shouldn't be > 1!")

    # remove any extraneous material
    cross <- clean(cross)
    n.chr <- nchr(cross)
    n.mar <- nmar(cross)

    if(method=="imp") {
        # do one imputation
        temp <- sim.geno(cross,n.draws=1,step=0,off.end=0,
        # replace the genotype data with the results,
        #     stripping off any attributes
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            nam <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
            if(n.mar[i] == 1)
                cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
                cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
            colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data) <- nam
    else if(method=="argmax") {
        # run the Viterbi algorithm
        temp <- argmax.geno(cross,step=0,off.end=0,error.prob=error.prob,
        # replace the genotype data with the results,
        #     stripping off any attributes
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            nam <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
            if(n.mar[i] == 1)
                cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
                cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
            colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data) <- nam
    else if(method=="maxmarginal") {
        temp <- calc.genoprob(cross, step=0, off.end=0, error.prob=error.prob,

        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            p <- temp$geno[[i]]$prob
            whmax <- apply(p, 1:2, which.max)
            maxpr <- apply(p, 1:2, max)
            g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
            g[maxpr >= min.prob] <- whmax[maxpr > min.prob]
            g[maxpr < min.prob] <- NA
            cross$geno[[i]]$data <- g
    else {
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
            dat <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
            dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0
            nr <- nrow(dat)
            nc <- ncol(dat)
            dn <- dimnames(dat)
            dat <- .C("R_fill_geno_nodblXO",
            dat[dat==0] <- NA
            dat <- matrix(dat, ncol=nc, nrow=nr)
            dimnames(dat) <- dn
            cross$geno[[i]]$data <- dat

# checkcovar
# This is a utility function for scanone and scantwo.  We remove
# individuals with missing phenotypes or covariates and check
# that the covariates are of the appropriate form.

checkcovar <-
    function(cross, pheno.col, addcovar, intcovar, perm.strata, ind.noqtl=NULL, weights=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
    chr_type <- sapply(cross$geno, chrtype)

    # drop individuals whose sex or pgm is missing if X chr is included
    if(any(chr_type=="X")) {
        sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
        keep <- rep(TRUE,nind(cross))
        flag <- 0
        if(!is.null(sexpgm$sex)) {
            if(any(is.na(sexpgm$sex))) {
                keep[is.na(sexpgm$sex)] <- FALSE
                flag <- 1
        if(!is.null(sexpgm$pgm)) {
            if(any(is.na(sexpgm$pgm))) {
                keep[is.na(sexpgm$pgm)] <- FALSE
                flag <- 1
        if(flag) {
            if(verbose) warning("Dropping ", sum(!keep), " individuals with missing sex or pgm.\n")
            cross <- subset(cross, ind=keep)
            if(!is.null(addcovar)) {
                if(!is.matrix(addcovar)) addcovar <- addcovar[keep]
                else addcovar <- addcovar[keep,]
            if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
                if(!is.matrix(intcovar)) intcovar <- intcovar[keep]
                else intcovar <- intcovar[keep,]

    # check phenotypes - we allow multiple phenotypes here
    if(any(pheno.col < 1 | pheno.col > nphe(cross)))
        stop("Specified phenotype column is invalid.")
    # check if all phenotypes are numeric
    pheno <- cross$pheno[,pheno.col,drop=FALSE]
    idx.nonnum <- which(!apply(pheno,2, is.numeric))
    if(length(idx.nonnum) > 0)
        stop("Following phenotypes are not numeric: ",
             paste(colnames(pheno)[idx.nonnum], collapse=", "))

    orig.n.ind <- nind(cross)

    # drop individuals with missing phenotypes
    if(any(!is.finite(unlist(pheno)))) {
        keep.ind <- as.numeric(which(apply(pheno, 1, function(x) !any(!is.finite(x)))))
        #    keep.ind <- (1:length(pheno))[!is.na(pheno)]
        n.drop <- nind(cross) - length(keep.ind)
        keep.ind.boolean <- rep(FALSE, nind(cross))
        keep.ind.boolean[keep.ind] <- TRUE
        cross <- subset.cross(cross,ind=keep.ind.boolean)
        pheno <- pheno[keep.ind,,drop=FALSE]
        if(verbose) warning("Dropping ", n.drop, " individuals with missing phenotypes.\n")
    else keep.ind <- 1:nind(cross)
    n.ind <- nind(cross)
    n.chr <- nchr(cross)      # number of chromosomes
    type <- crosstype(cross)   # type of cross

    n.addcovar <- n.intcovar <- 0
    if(!is.null(addcovar)) { # for additive covariates
        if(!is.matrix(addcovar)) {
                stop("addcovar should be numeric")
            if(is.vector(addcovar) || is.data.frame(addcovar))
                addcovar <- as.matrix(addcovar)
            else stop("addcovar should be a matrix")
            stop("All columns of addcovar must be numeric")
        if( nrow(addcovar) != orig.n.ind ) {
            # the length of additive covariates is incorrect
            stop("Number of rows in additive covariates is incorrect")
        addcovar <- addcovar[keep.ind,,drop=FALSE]
        n.addcovar <- ncol(addcovar)

    if(!is.null(intcovar)) { # interacting covariates
        if(!is.matrix(intcovar)) {
                stop("intcovar should be a numeric")
            if(is.vector(intcovar) || is.data.frame(intcovar))
                intcovar <- as.matrix(intcovar)
            else stop("intcovar should be a matrix")
            stop("All columns of intcovar must be numeric")
        if(nrow(intcovar)[1] != orig.n.ind) {
            # the length of interacting covariates is incorrect
            stop("The length of interacting covariates is incorrect!")
        intcovar <- intcovar[keep.ind,,drop=FALSE]
        n.intcovar <- ncol(intcovar)
    if(!is.null(perm.strata)) perm.strata <- perm.strata[keep.ind]
    if(!is.null(ind.noqtl)) ind.noqtl <- ind.noqtl[keep.ind]
    if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[keep.ind]

    # drop individuals missing any covariates
    if(!is.null(addcovar)) { # note that intcovar is contained in addcovar
        wh <- apply(cbind(addcovar,intcovar),1,function(a) any(!is.finite(a)))
        if(any(wh)) {
            cross <- subset.cross(cross,ind=(!wh))
            pheno <- pheno[!wh,,drop=FALSE]
            addcovar <- addcovar[!wh,,drop=FALSE]
            if(!is.null(intcovar)) intcovar <- intcovar[!wh,,drop=FALSE]
            n.ind <- nind(cross)
            if(!is.null(perm.strata)) perm.strata <- perm.strata[!wh]
            if(!is.null(ind.noqtl)) ind.noqtl <- ind.noqtl[!wh]
            if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[!wh]
            if(verbose) warning("Dropping ", sum(wh), " individuals with missing covariates.\n")

    # make sure columns of intcovar are contained in addcovar
    if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
        if(is.null(addcovar)) {
            addcovar <- intcovar
            n.addcovar <- n.intcovar
            if(verbose) warning("addcovar forced to contain all columns of intcovar\n")
        else {
            wh <- 1:n.intcovar
            for(i in 1:n.intcovar) {
                o <- (apply(addcovar,2,function(a,b) max(abs(a-b)),intcovar[,i])<1e-14)
                if(any(o)) wh[i] <- (1:n.addcovar)[o]
                else wh[i] <- NA
            if(any(!is.finite(wh))) {
                addcovar <- cbind(addcovar,intcovar[,!is.finite(wh)])
                n.addcovar <- ncol(addcovar)
                if(verbose) warning("addcovar forced to contain all columns of intcovar")

    if(n.addcovar > 0) { # check rank
        if(qr(cbind(1,addcovar))$rank < n.addcovar+1)
            if(verbose) warning("addcovar appears to be over-specified; consider dropping columns.\n")
    if(n.intcovar > 0) { # check rank
        if(qr(cbind(1,intcovar))$rank < n.intcovar+1)
            if(verbose) warning("intcovar appears to be over-specified; consider dropping columns.\n")

    pheno <- as.matrix(pheno)

    list(cross=cross, pheno=pheno, addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=intcovar,
         n.addcovar=n.addcovar, n.intcovar=n.intcovar, perm.strata=perm.strata,
         ind.noqtl=ind.noqtl, weights=weights)

# Find the nearest marker to a particular position
find.marker <-
    function(cross, chr, pos, index)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(missing(pos) && missing(index))
        stop("Give either pos or index.")
    if(!missing(pos) && !missing(index))
        stop("Give just one of pos or index.")

    # if chr has length 1, expand if necessary
    if(length(chr) == 1) {
            chr <- rep(chr,length(pos))
            chr <- rep(chr, length(index))
    # otherwise, chr and pos should have same length
    else {
        if(!missing(pos) && length(chr) != length(pos))
            stop("chr and pos must be the same length.")
        if(!missing(index) && length(chr) != length(index))
            stop("chr and index must be the same length.")

    markers <- rep("",length(chr))
    chrnotfound <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(chr)) {
        # find chromosome
        o <- match(chr[i], names(cross$geno))
        if(is.na(o)) {
            markers[i] <- NA  # chr not matched
            chrnotfound <- c(chrnotfound, chr[i])
        else {
            thismap <- cross$geno[[o]]$map # genetic map
            # sex-specific map; look at female positions
            if(is.matrix(thismap)) thismap <- thismap[1,]

            if(!missing(pos)) {
                # find closest marker
                d <- abs(thismap-pos[i])
                o2 <- (1:length(d))[d==min(d)]
                if(length(o2)==1) markers[i] <- names(thismap)[o2]
                # if multiple markers are equidistant,
                #     choose the one with the most data
                #     or choose among them at random
                else {
                    x <- names(thismap)[o2]
                    n.geno <- apply(cross$geno[[o]]$data[,o2],2,function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))

                    o2 <- o2[n.geno==max(n.geno)]
                    if(length(o2) == 1)
                        markers[i] <- names(thismap)[o2]
                        markers[i] <- names(thismap)[sample(o2,1)]

            else { # by index
                if(index[i] < 1 || index[i] > length(thismap))
                    stop("Misspecified index ", index[i], " on chr ", chr[i])
                markers[i] <- names(thismap)[index[i]]
    if(length(chrnotfound) > 0) {
        chrnotfound <- sort(unique(chrnotfound))
        if(length(chrnotfound) == 1)
            warning("Chromosome ", paste("\"", chrnotfound, "\"", sep=""), " not found")
            warning("Chromosomes ", paste("\"", chrnotfound, "\"", sep="", collapse=", "), " not found")


### Find the nearest pseudomarker to a particular position
find.pseudomarker <-
    function(cross, chr, pos, where=c("draws","prob"), addchr=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # if chr has length 1, expand if necessary
    if(length(chr) == 1)
        chr <- rep(chr,length(pos))
    # otherwise, chr and pos should have same length
    else if(length(chr) != length(pos))
        stop("chr and pos must be the same length.")

    markers <- rep("",length(chr))

    where <- match.arg(where)
    if(where=="draws" && !("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
        stop("You'll need to first run sim.geno")
    if(where=="prob" && !("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
        stop("You'll need to first run calc.genoprob")

    for(i in 1:length(chr)) {
        # find chromosome
        o <- match(chr[i], names(cross$geno))
        if(is.na(o)) markers[i] <- NA  # chr not matched
        else {
            if(where=="draws") {
                if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$draws)))
                    thismap <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "map")
                else {
                    stp <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "step")
                    oe <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "off.end")

                    if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$draws)))
                        stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "stepwidth")
                    else stpw <- "fixed"
                    thismap <- create.map(cross$geno[[o]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)
                    attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "map") <- thismap
            else { # prob
                if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$prob)))
                    thismap <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "map")
                else {
                    stp <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "step")
                    oe <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "off.end")

                    if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$prob)))
                        stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "stepwidth")
                    else stpw <- "fixed"
                    thismap <- create.map(cross$geno[[o]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)
                    attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "map") <- thismap

            # sex-specific map; look at female positions
            if(is.matrix(thismap)) thismap <- thismap[1,]

            # find closest marker
            d <- abs(thismap-pos[i])
            o2 <- (1:length(d))[d==min(d)]
            if(length(o2)==1) themarker <- names(thismap)[o2]
            else themarker <- names(thismap)[sample(o2, 1)]

            if(addchr && length(grep("^loc[0-9]+\\.*[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]+)*$", themarker)) > 0)
                themarker <- paste("c", chr[i], ".", themarker, sep="")
            markers[i] <- themarker


# expand recombination fractions for RI lines
adjust.rf.ri <-
    function(r, type=c("self","sib"), chrtype=c("A","X"), expand=TRUE)
    # type of RI lines
    type <- match.arg(type)
    chrtype <- match.arg(chrtype)

    if(type=="self") {
        if(expand) return(r*2/(1+2*r))
        else return(r/2/(1-r))
    else {
        if(chrtype=="A") { # autosome / sib mating
            if(expand) return(r*4/(1+6*r))
            else return(r/(4-6*r))
        else { # X chromosome/ sib mating
            if(expand) return(8/3*r/(1+4*r))
            else return(3/8*r/(1-1.5*r))

# lodint: function to get lod support interval
lodint <-
    function(results, chr, qtl.index, drop=1.5, lodcolumn=1,
    if(!inherits(results, "scanone")) {
        if(!inherits(results, "qtl"))
            stop("Input must have class \"scanone\" or \"qtl\".")
        else {
            if(!("lodprofile" %in% names(attributes(results))))
                stop("qtl object needs to be produced by refineqtl with keeplodprofile=TRUE.")
            else { # qtl object
                if(lodcolumn != 1) {
                    warning("lod column ignored if input is a qtl object.")
                    lodcolumn <- 1
                results <- attr(results, "lodprofile")
                if(missing(qtl.index)) {
                        results <- results[[1]]
                        stop("You must specify qtl.index.")
                else {
                    if(length(qtl.index)>1) stop("qtl.index should have length 1")
                    if(qtl.index < 1 || qtl.index > length(results)) {
                        stop("qtl.index should be between 1 and ", length(results))
                    results <- results[[qtl.index]]
                chr <- results[1,1]
    else {
        if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn +2 > ncol(results))
            stop("Argument lodcolumn should be between 1 and ", ncol(results)-2)

        if(missing(chr)) {
                stop("Give a chromosome ID.")
        else {
            if(length(chr) > 1) stop("chr should have length 1")
            if(is.na(match(chr, results[,1])))
                stop("Chromosome ", chr, " not found.")
            results <- results[results[,1]==chr,]

    if(all(is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]))) return(NULL)

    maxlod <- max(results[,lodcolumn+2],na.rm=TRUE)
    w <- which(!is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]) & results[,lodcolumn+2] == maxlod)
    o <- range(which(!is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]) & results[,lodcolumn+2] > maxlod-drop))

    if(length(o)==0) o <- c(1,nrow(results))

    else {
        if(o[1] > 1) o[1] <- o[1]-1
        if(o[2] < nrow(results)) o[2] <- o[2]+1

    if(expandtomarkers) {
        markerpos <- (1:nrow(results))[-grep("^c.+\\.loc-*[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*$", rownames(results))]
        if(any(markerpos <= o[1]))
            o[1] <- max(markerpos[markerpos <= o[1]])
        if(any(markerpos >= o[2]))
            o[2] <- min(markerpos[markerpos >= o[2]])

    rn <- rownames(results)[c(o[1],w,o[2])]

    # look for duplicate rows
    if(length(w)>1 && rn[length(rn)]==rn[length(rn)-1]) w <- w[-length(w)]
    else if(length(w)>1 && rn[2]==rn[1]) w <- w[-1]
    rn <- rownames(results)[c(o[1],w,o[2])]

    # look for more duplicate rows
    if(any(table(rn)> 1)) {
        tab <- table(rn)
        temp <- which(tab>1)
        for(j in temp) {
            z <- which(rn==names(tab)[j])
            for(k in 2:length(z))
                rn[z[k:length(z)]] <- paste(rn[z[k:length(z)]], " ", sep="")

    results <- results[c(o[1],w,o[2]),]
    rownames(results) <- rn
    class(results) <- c("scanone","data.frame")


# bayesint: function to get Bayesian probability interval
bayesint <-
    function(results, chr, qtl.index, prob=0.95, lodcolumn=1, expandtomarkers=FALSE)
    if(!inherits(results, "scanone")) {
        if(!inherits(results, "qtl"))
            stop("Input must have class \"scanone\" or \"qtl\".")
        else {
            if(!("lodprofile" %in% names(attributes(results))))
                stop("qtl object needs to be produced by refineqtl with keeplodprofile=TRUE.")
            else { # qtl object
                if(lodcolumn != 1) {
                    warning("lod column ignored if input is a qtl object.")
                    lodcolumn <- 1
                results <- attr(results, "lodprofile")
                if(missing(qtl.index)) {
                        results <- results[[1]]
                        stop("You must specify qtl.index.")
                else {
                    if(length(qtl.index)>1) stop("qtl.index should have length 1")
                    if(qtl.index < 1 || qtl.index > length(results))
                        stop("qtl.index should be between 1 and ", length(results))
                    results <- results[[qtl.index]]
                chr <- results[1,1]
    else {
        if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn +2 > ncol(results))
            stop("Argument lodcolumn should be between 1 and ", ncol(results)-2)

        if(missing(chr)) {
                stop("Give a chromosome ID.")
        else {
            if(length(chr) > 1) stop("chr should have length 1")
            if(is.na(match(chr, results[,1])))
                stop("Chromosome ", chr, " not found.")
            results <- results[results[,1]==chr,]

    if(all(is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]))) return(NULL)

    loc <- results[,2]
    width <- (c(loc[-1], loc[length(loc)]) - c(loc[1], loc[-length(loc)]))/2
    width[c(1, length(width))] <- width[c(1, length(width))]*2 # adjust widths at ends

    area <- 10^results[,lodcolumn+2]*width
    area <- area/sum(area)

    o <- order(results[,lodcolumn+2], decreasing=TRUE)

    cs <- cumsum(area[o])

    wh <- min(which(cs >= prob))
    int <- range(o[1:wh])

    if(expandtomarkers) {
        markerpos <- (1:nrow(results))[-grep("^c.+\\.loc-*[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*$", rownames(results))]
        if(any(markerpos <= int[1]))
            int[1] <- max(markerpos[markerpos <= int[1]])
        if(any(markerpos >= int[2]))
            int[2] <- min(markerpos[markerpos >= int[2]])

    rn <- rownames(results)[c(int[1],o[1],int[2])]
    # look for duplicate rows
    if(any(table(rn)> 1)) {
        rn[2] <- paste(rn[2], "")
        if(rn[1] == rn[3]) rn[3] <- paste(rn[3], " ")

    results <- results[c(int[1],o[1],int[2]),]
    rownames(results) <- rn
    class(results) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")

# makeSSmap: convert a genetic map, or the genetic maps in a cross
#            object, to be sex-specific (i.e., 2-row matrices)
makeSSmap <-
    if(!inherits(cross, "map")) {
        # input object is a genetic map
        for(i in 1:length(cross)) {
                cross[[i]] <- rbind(cross[[i]], cross[[i]])
    else { # input object is assumed to be a "cross" object
        n.chr <- nchr(cross)
        for(i in 1:n.chr) {
                cross$geno[[i]]$map <-
                    rbind(cross$geno[[i]]$map, cross$geno[[i]]$map)


# comparecrosses: verify that two cross objects have identical
#                 classes, chromosomes, markers, genotypes, maps,
#                 and phenotypes
comparecrosses <-
    function(cross1, cross2, tol=1e-5)
    if(missing(cross1) || missing(cross2))
        stop("Two crosses must be input.")

    # both are of class "cross"
    if(!inherits(cross1, "cross") ||
       !inherits(cross2, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # classes are the same
    if(crosstype(cross1) != crosstype(cross2))
        stop("crosses are not the same type.")

    if(nchr(cross1) != nchr(cross2))
        stop("crosses do not have the same number of chromosomes.")

    if(any(names(cross1$geno) != names(cross2$geno)))
        stop("Chromosome names do not match.")

    if(any(nmar(cross1) != nmar(cross2)))
        stop("Number of markers per chromosome do not match.")

    mnames1 <- unlist(lapply(cross1$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    mnames2 <- unlist(lapply(cross2$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    if(any(mnames1 != mnames2)) {
        #    stop("Markers names do not match.")
        for(i in 1:nchr(cross1))
            if(any(colnames(cross1$geno[[i]]$data) != colnames(cross2$geno[[i]]$data)))
                stop("Marker names on chr ", names(cross1$geno)[i], " don't match.")

    chr_type1 <- sapply(cross1$geno, chrtype)
    chr_type2 <- sapply(cross2$geno, chrtype)
    if(any(chr_type1 != chr_type2))
        stop("Chromosome types (autosomal vs X) do not match.")

    for(i in 1:nchr(cross1)) {
        if(any(abs(diff(cross1$geno[[i]]$map) - diff(cross2$geno[[i]]$map)) > tol))
            stop("Genetic maps for chromosome ", names(cross1$geno)[i],
                 " do not match.")

        if(abs(cross1$geno[[i]]$map[1] - cross2$geno[[i]]$map[1]) > tol)
            warning("Initial marker positions for chromosome ", names(cross1$geno)[i],
                    " do not match.")

    if(nind(cross1) != nind(cross2))
        stop("Number of individuals do not match.")

    for(i in 1:nchr(cross1)) {
        g1 <- cross1$geno[[i]]$data
        g2 <- cross2$geno[[i]]$data
        if(any((is.na(g1) & !is.na(g2)) | (!is.na(g1) & is.na(g2)) |
               (!is.na(g1) & !is.na(g2) & g1!=g2)))
            stop("Genotype data for chromosome ", names(cross1$geno)[i],
                 " do not match.")

    if(nphe(cross1) != nphe(cross2))
        stop("Number of phenotypes do not match.")

    if(any(names(cross1$pheno) != names(cross2$pheno)))
        stop("Phenotype names do not match.")

    for(i in 1:nphe(cross1)) {
        phe1 <- cross1$pheno[,i]
        phe2 <- cross2$pheno[,i]
        if(is.numeric(phe1) & is.numeric(phe2)) {
            phe1[phe1 == Inf] <- max(phe1[phe1 < Inf], na.rm=TRUE)+5
            phe2[phe2 == Inf] <- max(phe2[phe2 < Inf], na.rm=TRUE)+5
            phe1[phe1 == -Inf] <- min(phe1[phe1 > -Inf], na.rm=TRUE)-5
            phe2[phe2 == -Inf] <- min(phe2[phe2 > -Inf], na.rm=TRUE)-5
            if(any((is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2)) | (!is.na(phe1) & is.na(phe2)) |
                   (!is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2) & abs(phe1-phe2) > tol))) {
                stop("Data for phenotype ", names(cross1$pheno)[i],
                     " do not match.")
        else {
            if(any((is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2)) | (!is.na(phe1) & is.na(phe2)) |
                   (!is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2) &
                    as.character(phe1) != as.character(phe2)))) {
                stop("Data for phenotype ", names(cross1$pheno)[i], " do not match.")

    message("\tCrosses are identical.")

# move marker
# Move a marker to a new chromosome...placed at the end
movemarker <-
    function(cross, marker, newchr, newpos)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    mnames <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    chr <- rep(names(cross$geno),nmar(cross))
    pos <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) 1:ncol(a$data)))
    oldindex <- match(marker, mnames)

    # Marker found precisely once?
    if(is.na(oldindex)) stop(marker, " not found.\n")
    if(length(oldindex) > 1) stop(marker, " found multiple times.\n")

    chr <- chr[oldindex]
    pos <- pos[oldindex]

    # pull out genotype data
    g <- cross$geno[[chr]]$data[,pos]

    chr_type <- chrtype(cross$geno[[chr]])
    mapmatrix <- is.matrix(cross$geno[[chr]]$map)

    # delete marker
    if(nmar(cross)[chr] == 1)  { # only marker on that chromosome, so drop the chromosome
        cross$geno <- cross$geno[-match(chr,names(cross$geno))]
        delchr <- TRUE
    else {
        delchr <- FALSE
        cross$geno[[chr]]$data <- cross$geno[[chr]]$data[,-pos,drop=FALSE]
            cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- cross$geno[[chr]]$map[,-pos,drop=FALSE]
            cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- cross$geno[[chr]]$map[-pos]

    if(is.numeric(newchr)) newchr <- as.character(newchr)

    if(!(newchr %in% names(cross$geno))) { # create a new chromosome
        n <- length(cross$geno)
        cross$geno[[n+1]] <- list("data"=as.matrix(g),
        names(cross$geno)[n+1] <- newchr
        class(cross$geno[[n+1]]) <- chr_type
        colnames(cross$geno[[n+1]]$data) <- marker
        if(mapmatrix) {
            if(missing(newpos)) newpos <- 0
            cross$geno[[n+1]]$map <- matrix(newpos, ncol=1, nrow=2)
            colnames(cross$geno[[n+1]]$map) <- marker
        else {
            if(missing(newpos)) newpos <- 0
            cross$geno[[n+1]]$map <- newpos
            names(cross$geno[[n+1]]$map) <- marker

    if(missing(newpos)) {
        # add marker to end of new chromosome
        n.mar <- nmar(cross)[newchr]

        cross$geno[[newchr]]$data <- cbind(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data,g)
        colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data)[n.mar+1] <- marker

        if(is.matrix(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)) {
            cross$geno[[newchr]]$map <- cbind(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map,
            colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)[n.mar+1] <- marker
        else {
            cross$geno[[newchr]]$map <- c(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map,
            names(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)[n.mar+1] <- marker
    else {
        # add marker to the specified position
        dat <- cross$geno[[newchr]]$data
        map <- cross$geno[[newchr]]$map

        if(length(newpos) != 1)
            stop("newpos should be a single number.")

        if(is.matrix(map)) { # sex-specific maps
            wh <- which(map[1,] < newpos)
            if(length(wh) == 0) { # place in first spot
                map <- cbind(c(newpos,map[2,1]-(map[1,1]-newpos)),map)
                colnames(map)[1] <- marker
            else {
                wh <- max(wh)
                if(wh == ncol(map)) { # place at end of chromosome
                    map <- cbind(map,c(newpos,map[2,ncol(map)]+(newpos-map[1,ncol(map)])))
                    colnames(map)[ncol(map)] <- marker
                else {
                    left <- map[,1:wh,drop=FALSE]
                    right <- map[,-(1:wh),drop=FALSE]
                    marleft <- colnames(left)
                    marright <- colnames(right)
                    left <- left[,ncol(left)]
                    right <- right[,1]

                    newpos2 <- (newpos-left[1])/(right[1]-left[1])*(right[2]-left[2])+left[2]
                    map <- cbind(map[,1:wh], c(newpos,newpos2), map[,-(1:wh)])
                    colnames(map) <- c(marleft, marker, marright)
        else {
            wh <- which(map < newpos)
            if(length(wh) == 0) { # place in first position
                map <- c(newpos,map)
                names(map)[1] <- marker
            else {
                wh <- max(wh)
                if(wh == length(map)) { # place in last position
                    map <- c(map,newpos)
                    names(map)[length(map)] <- marker
                else {
                    map <- c(map[1:wh],newpos,map[-(1:wh)])
                    names(map)[wh+1] <- marker
        cross$geno[[newchr]]$map <- map

        if(length(wh)==0) { # place marker in first position
            dat <- cbind(g, dat)
            colnames(dat)[1] <- marker
        else if(wh == ncol(dat)) { # place marker in last position
            dat <- cbind(dat, g)
            colnames(dat)[ncol(dat)] <- marker
        else { # place marker in the middle
            dat <- cbind(dat[,1:wh],g,dat[,-(1:wh)])
            colnames(dat)[wh+1] <- marker
        cross$geno[[newchr]]$data <- dat

        # make sure the marker names for the data and the genetic map match
            colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data) <- colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)
            colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data) <- names(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)

    # update genoprob, errorlod, argmax, draws, rf
    if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
        # reorder the recombination fractions
        #  -- a bit of pain, 'cause we need LODs in upper triangle
        #     and rec fracs in lower triangle
        newmar <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) colnames(a$data)))

        attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

        rf <- cross$rf
        lods <- rf;lods[lower.tri(rf)] <- t(rf)[lower.tri(rf)]
        rf[upper.tri(rf)] <- t(rf)[upper.tri(rf)]
        lods <- lods[newmar,newmar]
        rf <- rf[newmar,newmar]
        rf[upper.tri(rf)] <- lods[upper.tri(rf)]

        cross$rf <- rf

        if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib)) # save the onlylod attribute if its there
            attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

    if(!delchr) thechr <- c(chr,newchr)
    else thechr <- newchr
    for(i in thechr) {
        tempg <- cross$geno[[i]]
        tempx <- subset(cross, chr=i)
        if("prob" %in% names(tempg))
            atp <- attributes(tempg$prob)
        if("draws" %in% names(tempg)) {
            at <- attributes(cross$geno[[1]]$draws)
            tempg$draws <- sim.geno(tempx,
        if("argmax" %in% names(tempg)) {
            at <- attributes(cross$geno[[1]]$argmax)
            tempg$argmax <- argmax.geno(tempx,
        if("errorlod" %in% names(tempg)) {
            at <- attributes(cross$geno[[1]]$errorlod)
            tempg$errorlod <- argmax.geno(tempx,
        if("prob" %in% names(tempg))
            tempg$prob <- calc.genoprob(tempx,

        cross$geno[[i]] <- tempg


# summary.map
# Give a short summary of a genetic map object.
summaryMap <- summary.map <-
    function(object, ...)
    map <- object
    if(inherits(map, "cross")) # a cross object
        map <- pull.map(map)
    if(!inherits(map, "map") && !is.list(map))
        warning("Input should have class \"cross\" or \"map\".")

    n.chr <- length(map)
    chrnames <- names(map)
    if(is.null(chrnames)) chrnames <- 1:length(map)
    if(is.matrix(map[[1]])) { # sex-specific map
        sexsp <- TRUE
        n.mar <- sapply(map,ncol)
        tot.mar <- sum(n.mar)
        fmap <- lapply(map,function(a) a[1,])
        mmap <- lapply(map,function(a) a[2,])

        len.f <- sapply(fmap,function(a) diff(range(a)))
        len.m <- sapply(mmap,function(a) diff(range(a)))
        avesp.f <- sapply(fmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); mean(diff(a))})
        avesp.m <- sapply(mmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); mean(diff(a))})
        maxsp.f <- sapply(fmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); max(diff(a))})
        maxsp.m <- sapply(mmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); max(diff(a))})
        totlen.f <- sum(len.f)
        totlen.m <- sum(len.m)

        tot.avesp.f <- mean(unlist(lapply(fmap,diff)), na.rm=TRUE)
        tot.avesp.m <- mean(unlist(lapply(mmap,diff)), na.rm=TRUE)
        tot.maxsp.f <- max(maxsp.f,na.rm=TRUE)
        tot.maxsp.m <- max(maxsp.m,na.rm=TRUE)

        output <- rbind(cbind(n.mar,len.f,len.m,avesp.f,avesp.m, maxsp.f, maxsp.m),
                          tot.maxsp.f, tot.maxsp.m))
        dimnames(output) <- list(c(chrnames,"overall"),
                                   "max.spacing.female", "max.spacing.male"))
    else {
        n.mar <- sapply(map,length)
        len <- sapply(map,function(a) diff(range(a)))
        tot.mar <- sum(n.mar)

        len <- sapply(map,function(a) diff(range(a)))
        avesp <- sapply(map,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); mean(diff(a))})
        maxsp <- sapply(map,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); max(diff(a))})
        totlen <- sum(len)
        tot.avesp <- mean(unlist(lapply(map,diff)), na.rm=TRUE)
        tot.maxsp <- max(maxsp, na.rm=TRUE)

        output <- rbind(cbind(n.mar,len,avesp, maxsp),
                        c(tot.mar,totlen,tot.avesp, tot.maxsp))
        dimnames(output) <- list(c(chrnames,"overall"),
                                 c("n.mar","length","ave.spacing", "max.spacing"))

    output <- as.data.frame(output)
    attr(output, "sexsp") <- sexsp
    class(output) <- c("summary.map", "data.frame")

# print.summary.map
# Print out the result of summary.map()
print.summary.map <-
    function(x, ...)
    sexsp <- attr(x, "sexsp")
    if(sexsp) cat("Sex-specific map\n\n")

    x <- apply(x,2,round,1)

# convert functions
convert <-
    function(object, ...)

# convert.scanone
# Convert scanone output from the format for R/qtl ver 0.97 to
# that for R/qtl ver 0.98
# (previously, inter-maker locations named loc*.c*; now c*.loc*)
convert.scanone <-
    function(object, ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "scanone"))
        stop("Input should have class \"scanone\".")

    rn <- rownames(object)
    o <- grep("^loc-*[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*\\.c[0-9A-Za-z]+$", rn)
    if(length(o) > 0) {
        temp <- rn[o]
        temp <- strsplit(temp,"\\.")
        temp <- sapply(temp, function(a)
        rownames(object)[o] <- temp

# convert.scantwo
# convert scantwo output from the format used in R/qtl version 1.03
# and earlier to that used in R/qtl version 1.04 and later.
# 1.03 and earlier: contained joint and interactive LOD scores
# 1.04 and later:   contains joint LOD scores and LOD scores from the
#                   additive QTL model
convert.scantwo <-
    function(object, ...)
    if(!inherits(object, "scantwo"))
        stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")

    lod <- object$lod
    if(length(dim(lod)) == 2) {
        u <- upper.tri(lod)
        lod[u] <- t(lod)[u] - lod[u]
    else { # multiple phenotypes
        u <- upper.tri(lod[,,1])
        for(i in 1:dim(lod)[3])
            lod[,,i][u] <- t(lod[,,i])[u] - lod[,,i][u]
    object$lod <- lod

# convert.map
# convert a genetic map from one map function to another
convert.map <-
    function(object, old.map.function=c("haldane", "kosambi", "c-f", "morgan"),
             new.map.function=c("haldane", "kosambi", "c-f", "morgan"), ...)
    old.map.function <- match.arg(old.map.function)
    new.map.function <- match.arg(new.map.function)
    if(!inherits(object, "map"))
        stop("Input should have class \"map\".")

    if(old.map.function==new.map.function) {
        warning("old and new map functions are the same; no change.")

    mf <- switch(old.map.function,
    imf <- switch(new.map.function,

    if(is.matrix(object[[1]])) { # sex-specific map
        for(i in seq(along=object)) {
            theclass <- class(object[[i]])
            thenames <- colnames(object[[i]])
            for(j in 1:2)
                object[[i]][j,] <- cumsum(c(object[[i]][j,1], imf(mf(diff(object[[i]][j,])))))

            class(object[[i]]) <- theclass
            colnames(object[[i]]) <- thenames
    else {
        for(i in seq(along=object)) {
            theclass <- class(object[[i]])
            thenames <- names(object[[i]])
            object[[i]] <- cumsum(c(object[[i]][1], imf(mf(diff(object[[i]])))))
            class(object[[i]]) <- theclass
            names(object[[i]]) <- thenames


# find.pheno
# utility to get pheno number given pheno name
find.pheno <-
    function( cross,  pheno )
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    seq( ncol( cross$pheno ))[match(pheno,names(cross$pheno))]

# find.flanking
# utility to get flanking and/or closest marker to chr and pos
find.flanking <-
    function( cross, chr, pos)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    map = pull.map(cross)

    if(is.matrix(map[[1]]) && nrow(map[[1]]) > 1)
        stop("This function works only for crosses with sex-averaged maps.")

    if(length(chr) == 1 && length(pos) > 1) {
        chr <- rep(chr,length(pos))
    wh <- match(chr, names(cross$geno))
    if(any(is.na(wh))) {
        stop("Chr ", paste(chr[is.na(wh)], collapse=", "), " not found.")
        wh <- wh[!is.na(wh)]
    chr <- names(cross$geno)[wh]

    marker = NULL
    for (i in seq(length(chr))) {
        tmp = map[[chr[i]]]-pos[i]
        m = names(map[[chr[i]]])
        left = sum(tmp < 0)
        at = sum(tmp == 0)
        right = sum(tmp > 0)
        f <- if (at > 0)
        else {
            if (right > 0)
        marker = rbind(marker,m[f[c(1:2,order(abs(tmp[f]))[1])]])
    dimnames(marker) <- list(paste(chr,":",pos,sep=""),
    as.data.frame(marker, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

# strip.partials
# Removes partially informative genotypes in an intercross.
# Input: a cross object; if verbose=TRUE, a statement regarding the
#        number of genotypes removed is printed.
strip.partials <-
    function(cross, verbose=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    type <- crosstype(cross)
    if(type != "f2")
        stop("This is for intercrosses only")

    n.removed <- 0
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
        wh <- !is.na(g) & g>3
        if(any(wh)) {
            g[wh] <- NA
            cross$geno[[i]]$data <- g
            n.removed <- n.removed + sum(wh)
    if(verbose) {
        if(n.removed == 0) cat(" --Didn't remove any genotypes.\n")
        else cat("Removed", n.removed, "genotypes.\n")

# print the installed version of R/qtl
qtlversion <-
    version <- unlist(packageVersion("qtl"))

    if(length(version) == 3) {
        # make it like #.#-#
        return( paste(c(version, ".", "-")[c(1,4,2,5,3)], collapse="") )

    paste(version, collapse=".")

# locateXO
# Locate crossovers on a single chromosome in each individual
# Look at just the first chromosome

locateXO <-
    function(cross, chr, full.info=FALSE)
    if(!missing(chr)) {
        cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
        if(nchr(cross) != 1)
            warning("locateXO works on just one chr; considering chr ", names(cross$geno)[1])

    # individual IDs
    id <- getid(cross)
    if(is.null(id)) id <- as.character(1:nind(cross))

    if(nmar(cross)[1] == 1) { # just one marker; don't need to do anything
        warning("Just one marker.")
        res <- vector("list", nind(cross))
        names(res) <- id
        for(i in seq(along=res)) res[[i]] <- numeric(0)

    geno <- cross$geno[[1]]$data
    geno[is.na(geno)] <- 0
    type <- crosstype(cross)

    if(!(type %in% c("bc", "f2", "riself", "risib", "dh", "haploid", "bcsft")))
        stop("locateXO only working for backcross, intercross, RI strains, or BCsFt.")

    map <- cross$geno[[1]]$map
    if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,]
    #  map <- map - map[1] # shift first marker to 0

    # bc or intercross?  thetype==0 for BC and ==1 for intercross
    if(type=="f2" || type=="bcsft") {
        if(chrtype(geno) == "X") thetype <- 0
        else thetype <- 1
    else thetype <- 0

    n.ind <- nrow(geno)
    n.mar <- ncol(geno)

    z <- .C("R_locate_xo",
            gleft=as.integer(rep(0, n.ind*2*(n.mar-1))),
            gright=as.integer(rep(0, n.ind*2*(n.mar-1))),
    location <- t(matrix(z$location, nrow=n.ind))
    nseen <- z$nseen
    if(full.info) {
        ileft <- t(matrix(z$ileft, nrow=n.ind))
        iright <- t(matrix(z$iright, nrow=n.ind))
        left <- t(matrix(z$left, nrow=n.ind))
        right <- t(matrix(z$right, nrow=n.ind))
        gleft <- t(matrix(z$gleft, nrow=n.ind))
        gright <- t(matrix(z$gright, nrow=n.ind))
        ntype <- t(matrix(z$ntype, nrow=n.ind))

        res <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, location), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                      function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })
    else {
        location <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, location), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                           function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        ileft <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, ileft), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                        function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        iright <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, iright), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                         function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        left <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, left), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                       function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        right <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, right), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                        function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        gleft <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, gleft), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                        function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        gright <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, gright), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                         function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        ntype <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, ntype), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                        function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

        res <- location
        for(i in seq(along=res)) {
            if(length(res[[i]])>0) {
                ntype[[i]][length(ntype[[i]])] <- NA
                res[[i]] <- cbind(location=location[[i]],

    names(res) <- id

# jittermap: make sure no two markers are at precisely the same position
jittermap <-
    function(object, amount=1e-6) # x is either a cross object or a map
    if(inherits(object, "cross")) {
        themap <- pull.map(object)
        return.cross <- TRUE
    else {
        if(!inherits(object, "map") && !is.list(object))
            stop("Input must be a cross or a map")
        return.cross <- FALSE
        themap <- object

    for(i in 1:length(themap)) {
        if(is.matrix(themap[[i]])) { # sex-specific maps
            n <- ncol(themap[[i]])
            if(n > 1) {
                for(j in 1:2)
                    themap[[i]][j,] <- themap[[i]][j,] + c(0,cumsum(rep(amount, n-1)))
        else {
            n <- length(themap[[i]])
            if(n > 1)
                themap[[i]] <- themap[[i]] + c(0,cumsum(rep(amount, n-1)))

        return(clean(replace.map(object, themap)))


print.map <-
    function(x, ...)
    for(i in seq(along=x))
        attr(x[[i]], "loglik") <- NULL

    if(length(x) == 1)
        print(unclass(lapply(x, unclass)))

# map function for Stahl model
mf.stahl <-
    function(d, m=0, p=0)
    if(any(d < 0))
        stop("d must be >= 0\n")
    if(m < 0)
        stop("Must have m >= 0\n")
    if(p < 0 || p > 1)
        stop("Must have 0 <= p <= 1\n")

    # handle missing values
    if(any(!is.finite(d))) {
        which.finite <- is.finite(d)
        dsub <- d[which.finite]
        dropped.some <- TRUE
    } else {
        dsub <- d
        dropped.some <- FALSE

    result <- .C("R_mf_stahl",
                 as.double(dsub/100), # convert to Morgans

    if(dropped.some) {
        d[!which.finite] <- NA
        d[which.finite] <- result
        result <- d

# inverse map function for Stahl model
imf.stahl <-
    function(r, m=0, p=0, tol=1e-12, maxit=1000)
    if(any(r < 0 | r > 0.5))
        stop("r must be >= 0 or <= 0.5\n")
    if(m < 0)
        stop("Must have m >= 0\n")
    if(p < 0 || p > 1)
        stop("Must have 0 <= p <= 1\n")

    # handle missing values
    if(any(!is.finite(r))) {
        which.finite <- is.finite(r)
        rsub <- r[which.finite]
        dropped.some <- TRUE
    } else {
        rsub <- r
        dropped.some <- FALSE

    result <- .C("R_imf_stahl",
                 PACKAGE="qtl")$result*100 # convert to cM

    if(dropped.some) {
        r[!which.finite] <- NA
        r[which.finite] <- result
        result <- r

# getid: internal function to pull out the "ID" column from the
#        phenotype data, if there is one
getid <-
    phe <- cross$pheno
    nam <- names(phe)
    if("id" %in% nam) {
        id <- phe$id
        phenam <- "id"
    else if("ID" %in% nam) {
        id <- phe$ID
        phenam <- "ID"
    else if("Id" %in% nam) {
        id <- phe$Id
        phenam <- "Id"
    else if("iD" %in% nam) {
        id <- phe$iD
        phenam <- "iD"
    else {
        id <- NULL
        phenam <- NULL

        id <- as.character(id)

    attr(id, "phenam") <- phenam


# find the chromosome and position of a vector of markers
find.markerpos <-
    function(cross, marker)
    if(length(marker) != length(unique(marker))) {
        warning("Dropping duplicate marker names.")
        marker <- unique(marker)

    output <- data.frame(chr=rep("", length(marker)),
                         pos=rep(NA, length(marker)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    output$chr <- as.character(output$chr)
    rownames(output) <- marker

    map <- pull.map(cross)
    n.mar <- nmar(cross)
    chr <- rep(names(map), n.mar)

    if(!is.matrix(map[[1]])) {
        pos <- unlist(map)
        onemap <- TRUE
    else {
        pos <- unlist(lapply(map, function(a) a[1,]))
        pos2 <- unlist(lapply(map, function(a) a[2,]))
        onemap <- FALSE
        output <- cbind(output, pos2=rep(NA, length(marker)))
        colnames(output)[2:3] <- c("pos.female","pos.male")

    mnam <- markernames(cross)

    for(i in seq(along=marker)) {

        wh <- match(marker[i], mnam)
        if(is.na(wh)) {
            output[i,1] <- NA
            output[i,2] <- NA
        else {
            if(length(wh) > 1) {
                warning("Marker ", marker[i], " found multiple times.")
                wh <- sample(wh, 1)
            output[i,1] <- chr[wh]
            output[i,2] <- pos[wh]
            if(!onemap) output[i,3] <- pos2[wh]


# find the chromosome and position of a vector of pseudomarkers
find.pseudomarkerpos <-
    function(cross, marker, where=c("draws","prob"))
    if(length(marker) != length(unique(marker))) {
        warning("Dropping duplicate pseudomarker names.")
        marker <- unique(marker)

    output <- data.frame(chr=rep("", length(marker)),
                         pos=rep(NA, length(marker)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    output$chr <- as.character(output$chr)
    rownames(output) <- marker

    where <- match.arg(where)
    if(where=="draws" && !("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
        stop("You'll need to first run sim.geno")
    if(where=="prob" && !("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
        stop("You'll need to first run calc.genoprob")

    themap <- vector("list", nchr(cross))
    names(themap) <- names(cross$geno)
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
            themap[[i]] <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$draws, "map")
            themap[[i]] <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "map")

    if(!is.matrix(themap[[1]])) {
        pmar <- unlist(lapply(themap, names))
        pos <- unlist(themap)
        onemap <- TRUE
        chr <- rep(names(themap), sapply(themap, length))
    else {
        pos <- unlist(lapply(themap, function(a) a[1,]))
        pos2 <- unlist(lapply(themap, function(a) a[2,]))
        onemap <- FALSE
        pmar <- unlist(lapply(themap, colnames))
        output <- cbind(output, pos2=rep(NA, length(marker)))
        colnames(output)[2:3] <- c("pos.female","pos.male")
        chr <- rep(names(themap), sapply(themap, ncol))
    whnotmarker <- grep("^loc-*[0-9]*", pmar)
    pmar[whnotmarker] <- paste("c", chr[whnotmarker], ".", pmar[whnotmarker], sep="")

    for(i in seq(along=marker)) {
        wh <- match(marker[i], pmar)
        if(is.na(wh)) {
            output[i,1] <- NA
            output[i,2] <- NA
        else {
            if(length(wh) > 1) {
                warning("Pseudomarker ", marker[i], " found multiple times.")
                wh <- sample(wh, 1)
            output[i,1] <- chr[wh]
            output[i,2] <- pos[wh]
            if(!onemap) output[i,3] <- pos2[wh]


# utility function for determining whether pheno.col (as argument
# to scanone etc) can be interpreted as a vector of phenotypes,
# versus a vector of phenotype columns
LikePheVector <-
    function(pheno, n.ind, n.phe)
    if(is.numeric(pheno) && length(pheno)==n.ind &&
       any(pheno < 1 | pheno > n.phe | pheno!=round(pheno)))

# for matching chromosome names
matchchr <-
    function(selection, thechr)
    if(is.factor(thechr)) thechr <- as.character(thechr)
    if(length(thechr) > length(unique(thechr)))
        stop("Duplicate chromosome names.")

    if(is.logical(selection)) {
        if(length(selection) != length(thechr))
            stop("Logical vector to select chromosomes is the wrong length")

    if(is.numeric(selection)) selection <- as.character(selection)

    if(length(selection) > length(unique(selection))) {
        warning("Dropping duplicate chromosomes")
        selection <- unique(selection)

    g <- grep("^-", selection)
    if(length(g) > 0 && length(g) < length(selection))
        stop("In selecting chromosomes, all must start with '-' or none should.")
    if(length(g) > 0) {
        selectomit <- TRUE
        selection <- substr(selection, 2, nchar(selection))
    else selectomit <- FALSE

    wh <- match(selection, thechr)
    if(any(is.na(wh))) {
        warning("Chr ", paste(selection[is.na(wh)], collapse=", "), " not found")
        wh <- wh[!is.na(wh)]
        if(length(wh) == 0) return(thechr)

    if(selectomit) return(thechr[-wh])

# check that chromosomes match appropriately
# TRUE = chr okay
# FALSE = problem
testchr <-
    function(selection, thechr)
    if(is.factor(thechr)) thechr <- as.character(thechr)
    if(length(thechr) > length(unique(thechr))) {
        #    warning("Duplicate chromosome names.")

    if(is.logical(selection)) {
        if(length(selection) != length(thechr)) {
            #      warning("Logical vector to select chromosomes is the wrong length")

    if(is.numeric(selection)) selection <- as.character(selection)

    if(length(selection) > length(unique(selection))) {
        #    warning("Dropping duplicate chromosomes")
        selection <- unique(selection)

    g <- grep("^-", selection)
    if(length(g) > 0 && length(g) < length(selection)) {
        #    stop("In selecting chromosomes, all must start with '-' or none should.")
    if(length(g) > 0) {
        selectomit <- TRUE
        selection <- substr(selection, 2, nchar(selection))
    else selectomit <- FALSE

    wh <- match(selection, thechr)
    if(any(is.na(wh))) return(FALSE)


# convert2sa
# convert a sex-specific maps to a sex-averaged one.
# We pull out just the female map, and give a warning if the male and
# female maps are too different
convert2sa <-
    function(map, tol=1e-4)
    if(!inherits(map, "map"))
        stop("Input should have class \"map\".")

        stop("Input map doesn't seem to be a sex-specific map.")

    theclass <- sapply(map, chrtype)

    fem <- lapply(map, function(a) a[1,])

    dif <- sapply(map, function(a) { if(ncol(a)==1) return(diff(a))
                                     a <- apply(a, 1, diff);
                                     if(is.matrix(a)) return(max(abs(apply(a, 1, diff))))
                                     abs(diff(a)) })

    if(max(dif) > tol)
        warning("Female and male inter-marker distances differ by as much as ", max(dif), ".")

    for(i in seq(along=theclass)) class(fem[[i]]) <- theclass[i]

    class(fem) <- "map"

# round as character string, ensuring ending 0's are kept.
charround <-
    function(x, digits=1)
    if(digits < 1)
        stop("This is intended for the case digits >= 1.")

    y <- as.character(round(x, digits))

    z <- strsplit(y, "\\.")
    sapply(z, function(a, digits)
           if(length(a) == 1)
               b <- paste(a[1], ".", paste(rep("0", digits),collapse=""), sep="")
           else {
               if(nchar(a[2]) == digits)
                   b <- paste(a, collapse=".")
                   b <- paste(a[1], ".", a[2],
                              paste(rep("0", digits - nchar(a[2])), collapse=""),
       }, digits)

# scantwoperm2scanoneperm
# pull out the scanone permutations from scantwo permutation results,
# so that one may use the scantwo perms in calls to summary.scanone
scantwoperm2scanoneperm <-
    if(!inherits(scantwoperms, "scantwoperm"))
        stop("Input must have class \"scantwoperm\".")
    if(!("one" %in% names(scantwoperms)))
        stop("Input doesn't contain scanone permutation results.")
    scanoneperms <- scantwoperms$one
    class(scanoneperms) <- "scanoneperm"

# subset.map
subset.map <-
    function(x, ...)
    cl <- class(x)
    x <- x[...]
    class(x) <- cl

`[.map` <-
    function(x, ...)
    x <- unclass(x)[...]
    class(x) <- "map"

# subset.cross with [ ]
`[.cross` <-
    function(x, chr, ind)
    subset(x, chr, ind)

# findDupMarkers
# find markers whose genotype data is identical to another marker
# (which thus might be dropped, as extraneous)
# chr          (Optional) set of chromosomes to consider
# exact.only   If TRUE, look for markers with the same genotypes
#                       and the same pattern of missing data
#              If FALSE, also identify markers whose observed
#                        genotypes match another marker, with no
#                        observed genotypes for which the other is
#                        missing
# adjacent.only   If TRUE, only consider adjacent markers

findDupMarkers <-
    function(cross, chr, exact.only=TRUE, adjacent.only=FALSE)
    if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)

    g <- pull.geno(cross)
    markers <- colnames(g)
    markerloc <- lapply(nmar(cross), function(a) 1:a)
    if(length(markerloc) > 1) {
        for(j in 2:length(markerloc))
            markerloc[[j]] <- markerloc[[j]] + max(markerloc[[j-1]]) + 10
    markerloc <- unlist(markerloc)

    if(exact.only) {
        g[is.na(g)] <- 0

        # genotype data patterns
        pat <- apply(g, 2, paste, collapse="")

        # table of unique values
        tab <- table(pat)

        # no duplicates; return
        if(all(tab == 1)) return(NULL)

        wh <- which(tab > 1)
        theloc <- themar <- vector("list", length(wh))
        for(i in seq(along=wh)) {
            themar[[i]] <- names(pat)[pat==names(tab)[wh[i]]]
            theloc[[i]] <- markerloc[pat==names(tab)[wh[i]]]

        if(adjacent.only) {
            extraloc <- list()
            extramar <- list()
            for(i in seq(along=theloc)) {
                d <- diff(theloc[[i]]) # look for adjacency
                if(any(d>1)) { # split into adjacent groups
                    temp <- which(d>1)
                    first <- c(1, temp+1)
                    last <- c(temp, length(theloc[[i]]))
                    for(j in 2:length(first)) {
                        extraloc[[length(extraloc)+1]] <- theloc[[i]][first[j]:last[j]]
                        extramar[[length(extramar)+1]] <- themar[[i]][first[j]:last[j]]
                    themar[[i]] <- themar[[i]][first[1]:last[1]]
                    theloc[[i]] <- theloc[[i]][first[1]:last[1]]
            themar <- c(themar, extramar)
            theloc <- c(theloc, extraloc)

            nm <- sapply(themar, length)
            if(all(nm==1)) return(NULL) # nothing left
            themar <- themar[nm>1]
            theloc <- theloc[nm>1]

        # order by first locus
        o <- order(sapply(theloc, min))
        themar <- themar[o]

        randompics <- sapply(themar, function(a) sample(length(a), 1))
        for(i in seq(along=themar)) {
            names(themar)[i] <- themar[[i]][randompics[i]]
            themar[[i]] <- themar[[i]][-randompics[i]]

    else {
        themar <- NULL

        ntyp <- ntyped(cross, "mar")
        o <- order(ntyp, decreasing=TRUE)

        g[is.na(g)] <- 0
        z <- .C("R_findDupMarkers_notexact",
        if(all(z$result==0)) return(NULL)
        u <- unique(z$result[z$result != 0])
        themar <- vector("list", length(u))
        names(themar) <- colnames(g)[u]
        for(i in seq(along=themar))
            themar[[i]] <- colnames(g)[z$result==u[i]]


# convert2riself
convert2riself <-
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("input must be a cross object.")
    curtype <- crosstype(cross)
    chr_type <- sapply(cross$geno, chrtype)
    whX <- NULL
    if(any(chr_type != "A")) { # there's an X chromosome
        whX <- names(cross$geno)[chr_type != "A"]
        if(length(whX) > 1)
            warning("Converting chromosomes ", paste(whX, collapse=" "), " to autosomal.")
            warning("Converting chromosome ", whX, " to autosomal.")
        for(i in whX) class(cross$geno[[i]]) <- "A"

    gtab <- table(pull.geno(cross))
    usethree <- FALSE
    if(!is.na(gtab["3"])) {
        if(!is.na(gtab["2"]) && gtab["3"] < gtab["2"])
            usethree <- FALSE
        else usethree <- TRUE

    g2omit <- g3omit <- g4omit <- 0
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        dat <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
        g1 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==1)
        g2 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==2)
        g3 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==3)
        g4 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat>3)
        if(usethree && chr_type[i] == "A") {
            dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=3] <- NA
            dat[!is.na(dat) & dat==3] <- 2
            g2omit <- g2omit + g2
            g4omit <- g4omit + g4
        else {
            dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=2] <- NA
            g3omit <- g3omit + g3
            g4omit <- g4omit + g4
        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- dat
    if(g2omit > 0)
        warning("Omitting ", g2omit, " genotypes with code==2.")
    if(g3omit > 0)
        warning("Omitting ", g3omit, " genotypes with code==3.")
    if(g4omit > 0)
        warning("Omitting ", g4omit, " genotypes with code>3.")

    class(cross) <- c("riself", "cross")


# convert2risib
convert2risib <-
    if(!inherits(cross, "cross"))
        stop("input must be a cross object.")
    curtype <- crosstype(cross)
    chr_type <- sapply(cross$geno, chrtype)

    gtab <- table(pull.geno(cross))
    usethree <- FALSE
    if(!is.na(gtab["3"])) {
        if(!is.na(gtab["2"]) && gtab["3"] < gtab["2"])
            usethree <- FALSE
        else usethree <- TRUE

    g2omit <- g3omit <- g4omit <- 0
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        dat <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
        g1 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==1)
        g2 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==2)
        g3 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==3)
        g4 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat>3)
        if(usethree) {
            if(chr_type[i] == "A") {
                dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=3] <- NA
                dat[!is.na(dat) & dat==3] <- 2
                g2omit <- g2omit + g2
                g4omit <- g4omit + g4
            else { # X chromosome
                if(g2 >= g3) {
                    dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=2] <- NA
                    g3omit <- g3omit + g3
                    g4omit <- g4omit + g4
                else {
                    dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=3] <- NA
                    dat[!is.na(dat) & dat==3] <- 2
                    g2omit <- g2omit + g2
                    g4omit <- g4omit + g4
        else {
            dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=2] <- NA
            g3omit <- g3omit + g3
            g4omit <- g4omit + g4
        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- dat
    if(g2omit > 0)
        warning("Omitting ", g2omit, " genotypes with code==2.")
    if(g3omit > 0)
        warning("Omitting ", g3omit, " genotypes with code==3.")
    if(g4omit > 0)
        warning("Omitting ", g4omit, " genotypes with code>3.")

    class(cross) <- c("risib", "cross")


rescalemap <-
    function(object, scale=1e-6)
    if(inherits(object, "cross")) {
        for(i in 1:nchr(object)) {
            object$geno[[i]]$map <-
                object$geno[[i]]$map * scale
        if(abs(scale - 1) > 1e-6)
            object <- clean(object) # strip off intermediate calculations
    } else if(inherits(object, "map") || is.list(object)) {
        for(i in seq(along=object)) {
            object[[i]] <- object[[i]] * scale
    } else {
        stop("rescalemap works only for objects of class \"cross\" or \"map\".")


shiftmap <-
    function(object, offset=0)
    if(inherits(object, "cross")) {
        if(length(offset) == 1) offset <- rep(offset, nchr(object))
        else if(length(offset) != nchr(object))
            stop("offset must have length 1 or n.chr (", nchr(object), ")")

        for(i in 1:nchr(object)) {
            if(is.matrix(object$geno[[i]]$map)) {
                for(j in 1:2)
                    object$geno[[i]]$map[j,] <- object$geno[[i]]$map[j,] - object$geno[[i]]$map[j,1] + offset[i]
            } else {
                object$geno[[i]]$map <- object$geno[[i]]$map - object$geno[[i]]$map[1] + offset[i]
    } else if(inherits(object, "map") || is.list(object)) {
        if(length(offset) == 1) offset <- rep(offset, length(object))
        else if(length(offset) != length(object))
            stop("offset must have length 1 or n.chr (", length(object), ")")
        for(i in seq(along=object)) {
            if(is.matrix(object[[i]])) {
                for(j in 1:2)
                    object[[i]][j,] <- object[[i]][j,] - object[[i]][j,1] + offset[i]
            } else {
                object[[i]] <- object[[i]] - object[[i]][1] + offset[i]
    } else
        stop("shiftmap works only for objects of class \"cross\" or \"map\".")


# switch alleles in a cross
switchAlleles <-
    function(cross, markers, switch=c("AB","CD","ABCD", "parents"))
    type <- crosstype(cross)
    switch <- match.arg(switch)

    if(type %in% c("bc", "risib", "riself", "dh", "haploid")) {
        if(switch != "AB")
            warning("Using switch = \"AB\".")

        found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
        for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
            cn <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
            m <- match(markers, cn)
            if(any(!is.na(m))) {
                found[!is.na(m)] <- TRUE
                for(j in m[!is.na(m)]) {
                    g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
                    cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==1,j] <- 2
                    cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==2,j] <- 1

    else if(type=="f2" || type=="bcsft") {
        if(switch != "AB")
            warning("Using switch = \"AB\".")

        found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
        for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
            cn <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
            m <- match(markers, cn)
            if(any(!is.na(m))) {
                found[!is.na(m)] <- TRUE
                for(j in m[!is.na(m)]) {
                    g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
                    cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==1,j] <- 3
                    cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==3,j] <- 1
                    cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==4,j] <- 5
                    cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==5,j] <- 4
    else if(type=="4way") {

            newg <- c(2,1,4,3,6,5,7,8,10,9,12,11,14,13)
        else if(switch=="CD")
            newg <- c(3,4,1,2,5,6,8,7,10,9,13,14,11,12)
        else if(switch=="ABCD")
            newg <- c(4,3,2,1,6,5,8,7,9,10,14,13,12,11)
        else # switch parents
            newg <- c(1,3,2,4,7,8,5,6,9,10,11,13,12,14)

        found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
        for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
            cn <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
            m <- match(markers, cn)
            if(any(!is.na(m))) {
                found[!is.na(m)] <- TRUE
                for(j in m[!is.na(m)]) {
                    g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
                    for(k in 1:14)
                        cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==k,j] <- newg[k]

    else {
        stop("Cross type ", type, " not supported by switchAlleles()")

        warning("Some markers not found: ", paste(markers[!found], collapse=" "))


# nqrank: Convert a set of quantitative values to the corresponding
#         normal quantiles (preserving mean and SD)

nqrank <-
    function(x, jitter=FALSE)
    y <- x[!is.na(x)]
    themean <- mean(y, na.rm=TRUE)
    thesd <- sd(y, na.rm=TRUE)

    y[y == Inf] <- max(y[y<Inf])+10
    y[y == -Inf] <- min(y[y > -Inf]) - 10
        y <- rank(y+runif(length(y))/(sd(y)*10^8))
    else y <- rank(y)

    x[!is.na(x)] <- qnorm((y-0.5)/length(y))

    x*thesd/sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)-mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)+themean

# cleanGeno: omit genotypes that are possibly in error, as indicated
#            by apparent double-crossovers separated by a distance of
#            no more than maxdist and having no more than maxmark
#            interior typed markers

cleanGeno <-
    function(cross, chr, maxdist=2.5, maxmark=2, verbose=TRUE)
    if(!(crosstype(cross) %in% c("bc", "riself", "risib", "dh", "haploid")))
        stop("This function currently only works for crosses with two genotypes")

    if(!missing(chr)) cleaned <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
    else cleaned <- cross

    thechr <- names(cleaned$geno)
    totdrop <- 0
    maxmaxdist <- max(maxdist)
    for(i in thechr) {
        xoloc <- locateXO(cleaned, chr=i, full.info=TRUE)
        nxo <- sapply(xoloc, function(a) if(is.matrix(a)) return(nrow(a)) else return(0))
        g <- pull.geno(cleaned, chr=i)

        ndrop <- 0
        for(j in which(nxo > 1)) {
            maxd <- xoloc[[j]][-1,"right"] - xoloc[[j]][-nrow(xoloc[[j]]),"left"]
            wh <- maxd <= maxmaxdist
            if(any(wh)) {
                for(k in which(wh)) {
                    nt <- sum(!is.na(g[j,(xoloc[[j]][k,"ileft"]+1):(xoloc[[j]][k+1,"iright"]-1)]))
                    if(nt > 0 && any(nt <= maxmark & maxd[k] < maxdist)) {
                        cleaned$geno[[i]]$data[j,(xoloc[[j]][k,"ileft"]+1):(xoloc[[j]][k+1,"iright"]-1)] <- NA
                        ndrop <- ndrop + nt
                        totdrop <- totdrop + nt
        if(verbose && ndrop > 0) {
            totgen <- sum(ntyped(subset(cross, chr=i)))
            cat(" ---Dropping ", ndrop, " genotypes (out of ", totgen, ") on chr ", i, "\n", sep="")

    if(verbose && nchr(cleaned)>1 && totdrop > 0) {
        totgen <- sum(ntyped(subset(cross, chr=thechr)))
        cat(" ---Dropped ", totdrop, " genotypes (out of ", totgen, ") in total\n", sep="")

    for(i in names(cleaned$geno))
        cross$geno[[i]] <- cleaned$geno[[i]]


# typingGap: calculate gaps between typed markers

typingGap <-
    function(cross, chr, terminal=FALSE)
        cross <- subset(cross, chr)

    n.ind <- nind(cross)
    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    gaps <- matrix(nrow=n.ind, ncol=n.chr)
    colnames(gaps) <- names(cross$geno)

    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map
        map <- c(map[1], map, map[length(map)])
        if(is.matrix(map)) stop("This function can't currently handle sex-specific maps.")

        if(terminal) # just look at terminal gaps
            gaps[,i] <- apply(cbind(1,cross$geno[[i]]$data,1), 1,
                              function(a,b) {d <- diff(b[!is.na(a)]); max(d[c(1,length(d))]) }, map)
            gaps[,i] <- apply(cbind(1,cross$geno[[i]]$data,1), 1,
                              function(a,b) max(diff(b[!is.na(a)])), map)
    if(n.chr==1) gaps <- as.numeric(gaps)

# calcPermPval
# calculate permutation pvalues for summary.scanone()
calcPermPval <-
    function(peaks, perms)
        peaks <- as.matrix(peaks)
        perms <- as.matrix(perms)

    ncol.peaks <- ncol(peaks)
    nrow.peaks <- nrow(peaks)
    n.perms <- nrow(perms)

    if(ncol.peaks != ncol(perms))
        stop("ncol(peaks) != ncol(perms)")

    pval <- .C("R_calcPermPval",

    matrix(pval, ncol=ncol.peaks, nrow=nrow.peaks)

# phenames: pull out phenotype names
phenames <-

# updateParallelRNG
# set RNGkind
# advance RNGstream by no. clusters
updateParallelRNG <-
    kind <- RNGkind()[1]
    if(kind != "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG")

    s <- .Random.seed
    if(n.cluster < 1) n.cluster <- 1
    for(i in 1:n.cluster) s <- nextRNGStream(s)
    .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- s ## global assign new .Random.seed

# formMarkerCovar
# cross: cross object
# markers: marker names or pseudomarker names (like "c5loc25.1" or "5@25.1")
# method: use genotype probabilities or imputated genotypes (imputed with imp or argmax)
# ...: passed to fill.geno, if necessary
formMarkerCovar <-
    function(cross, markers, method=c("prob", "imp", "argmax"), ...)
    method <- match.arg(method)

    if(!is.character(markers)) markers <- as.character(markers)

    # check if the marker names are all like "5@25.1"
    grepresult <- grepl("@\\d", markers)
    if(all(grepresult)) {
        spl <- strsplit(markers, "@")
        chr <- sapply(spl, "[", 1)
        pos <- as.numeric(sapply(spl, "[", 2))
        m <- match(chr, chrnames(cross))
            stop("Some chr not found: ", paste(unique(chr[m]), collapse=" "))

            markers <- find.pseudomarker(cross, chr, pos, where="prob")
            markers <- find.marker(cross, chr, pos)

        chr <- unique(chr)
    else {
        if(method=="prob") z <- find.pseudomarkerpos(cross, markers, where="prob")
        else z <- find.markerpos(cross, markers)

            stop("Some markers not found: ", paste(markers[is.na(z[,1])], collapse=", "))

        chr <- unique(z$chr)

    cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
    isXchr <- (sapply(cross$geno, chrtype) == "X")
    crosstype <- crosstype(cross)
    sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
    crossattr <- attributes(cross)

    if(method=="prob") {
        if(any(isXchr) && crosstype %in% c("f2", "bc", "bcsft")) {
            for(i in which(isXchr))
                cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", sexpgm=sexpgm, prob=cross$geno[[i]]$prob,


        if(any(isXchr) && any(!isXchr)) # some X, some not
            prob <- cbind(pull.genoprob(cross[!isXchr,], omit.first.prob=TRUE),
                          pull.genoprob(cross[isXchr,], omit.first.prob=TRUE))
        else # all X or all not X
            prob <- pull.genoprob(cross, omit.first.prob=TRUE)

        markercols <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(prob), ":"), "[", 1)
        m <- match(markers, markercols)
            warning("Some markers/pseudomarkers not found: ", paste(unique(markers[is.na(m)]), collapse=" "))
        return(prob[,!is.na(match(markercols, markers)), drop=FALSE])
    else {
        cross <- fill.geno(cross, method=method, ...)

        if(any(isXchr) && crosstype %in% c("f2", "bc", "bcsft")) {
            for(i in which(isXchr))
                cross$geno[[i]]$data <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", sexpgm=sexpgm, geno=cross$geno[[i]]$data,

        geno <- pull.geno(cross)
        markercols <- colnames(geno)
        m <- match(markers, markercols)
            warning("Some markers not found: ", paste(unique(markers[is.na(m)]), collapse=" "))

        geno <- geno[,!is.na(match(markercols, markers)), drop=FALSE]

        # expand each column
        nalle <- apply(geno, 2, function(a) length(unique(a)))
        g <- matrix(ncol=sum(nalle-1), nrow=nrow(geno))
        colnames(g) <- as.character(1:ncol(g))
        cur <- 0
        for(i in 1:ncol(geno)) {
            if(nalle[i] <= 1) next
            for(j in 2:nalle[i])
                g[,cur+j-1] <- as.numeric(geno[,i] == j)
            colnames(g)[cur - 1 + (2:nalle[i])] <- paste(colnames(geno)[i], 2:nalle[i], sep=".")
            cur <- cur + nalle[i] - 1

# omit the X chromosome from a cross
omit_x_chr <-
    function(cross, warn=TRUE)
    is_x <- vapply(cross$geno, function(chr) {
        chr_type <- chrtype(chr)
        !is.null(chr_type) && chr_type=="X" }, FALSE)

    if(any(is_x)) {
        if(all(is_x)) stop("Omitting X chromosome, but there are no other chromosomes.")
        if(warn) warning("Omitting X chromosome",
                         ifelse(sum(is_x)>1, "s", ""), " (",
                         paste0(names(cross$geno)[is_x], collapse=", "), ")")
        cross <- cross[!is_x, ]


# determine cross type
crosstype <-
        type <- class(cross)
        type <- type[type != "cross" & type != "list"]
        if(length(type) > 1) {
            warning("cross has multiple classes")

# determine chromosome type
chrtype <-
        if(inherits(object, "X")) return("X")

# end of util.R
kbroman/qtl documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 12:33 a.m.