anovaLike | A function allowing the identification of differentially... |
autocluster4clustering | Autoencoder clustering |
autoencoder | Autoencoder |
autoencoder4clustering | Autoencoder4clustering |
autoencoder4clusteringGPU | Autoencoder4clustering |
autoencoder4pseudoBulk | Autoencoder for pseudoBulk |
autoencoderAnalysis | Autoencoder Analysis |
autoencoderAnalysis4Clustering | Autoencoder Analysis |
autoencoderClustering | Autoencoder clustering |
autoencoderDB | Autoencoder4clustering |
autoFeature | Feature selection for autoencoder |
BCscTool | BCscTool |
BCscWrapper | BCscTool_wrapper |
bootstrapsVideo | Bootstraps vide |
bulkClusters | bulkClusters |
ccRemove | Cc remove |
cellCycle2 | Cell Cycle |
cellrangerCount | Cellranger count |
cellrangerIndexing | Cellranger indexing |
checkCountDepth | Running SCnorm checkCountDepth test. |
clusterIdentification | Cluster identification |
clusteringWADB_Wrapper | wrapperAutoencoder |
clusteringWA_Wrapper | wrapperAutoencoder |
clusterNgriph | Defining with griph the range of number of clusters to be... |
clusterReorg | Reorganize Cluster |
clustersFeatures | A function to extract priority lists of genes from ANOVAlike... |
clusterStability | Permutations and Clustering |
cometsc | Marker genes discovery with COMETSC |
cometsc2 | Marker genes discovery with COMETSC for autoencoder results |
counts2log | A function to convert raw count in log counts |
crossLabel | Cross Label |
csvToSparse | csv to Sparse |
deDetection | A function allowing the identification of differentially... |
deepClustering | deepClustering |
deltaFilter | Filterin |
demultiplexing | Generating running bcl2fastq |
dePblkae | dePblkae |
deTwoGroups | A function allowing the identification of differentially... |
dimensions | Cells count table size |
dockerTest | Testing if Docker is installed |
downloadContainers | Download for the first time all containers embedded in the... |
fastqc | A function to handle a docker containier executing fastqc |
filterZeros | A function plotting the distribution of zeros in cells... |
genesPrioritization | Gene prioritization with SIMLR |
genesSelection | Genes selection from genesPrioritization output |
genesUmi | Plotting genes to UMIs relationship. |
geneVisualization | GeneVisualization |
geneVisualization2 | GeneVisualization2 |
geneVisualizationSpatial | GeneVisualization |
gibbsR | gibbsR |
griphBootstrap | Executing clustering with griph. |
gseaXLmHG | gseaXLmHG |
h5tocsv | sparse to dense |
harmony | Harmony |
hfc | hfc, heatmap for clustering |
houseKeep | houseKeep Filtering |
impute | Imputing dropouts |
indropCounts | A function to handle a indrop V2 single cell data |
indropIndex | A function to create a genome index for indrop V2 single cell... |
integrationCircos | integrationCircos |
integrationPblkae | integrationPblkae |
integrationPsblk | integrationPsblk |
logTransform | Shifted logarithm transformation |
lorenzFilter | A function to handle sigle cell Lorenz Quality filter for... |
mergeMatrix | Merge matrix |
mitoRiboUmi | MitoRiboUmi |
mixcr | mixcr |
mixmodels | mixModels |
nClusterEvaluationSIMLR | Evaluation of the numbur of optimal clusters |
permAnalysis | Permutation Analysis |
permAnalysisGriph | Permutation Analysis Griph |
permAnalysisSeurat | Permutation Analysis Seurat |
permutationClustering | Permutations and Clustering |
permutationClusteringSHARP | Permutations and Clustering |
permutationMovie | Permutation Movie |
recatPrediction | Cell Cycle |
runDocker | Run docker container |
saver | Saver |
scannobyGtf | Annotating single cell counts table using ENSEMBL gtf and... |
scanpyBootstrap | Executing clustering with scanpy |
scanpyPermutation | Scanpy Permutation |
scAtomic | scAtomic |
schcl | Assigning cell types |
scnorm | Running SCnorm normalization |
seuratBootstrap | Executing clustering with Seurat |
seurat_ccycle | Seurat cell cycle |
seuratIntegration | Seurat Integration |
seuratIntegrationMulti | Seurat Integration |
seuratIntegrationPermutation | Seurat Integration Permutation |
seuratPCAEval | Estimating the range of PC components to be used in Seurat... |
seuratPermutation | Seurat Permutation |
seuratPrior | seuratprior |
sharpBootstrap | Executing clustering with SHARP. |
simlrBootstrap | Clustering with SIMLR |
slogosR | slogosR |
spatialAnalysis | spatial Analysis |
spatialAnalysis2 | spatial Analysis Plus |
splitClusters | Split Matrix for each clusters |
sraDownload | A function to handle fasterq-dumper SRA to download SRA fastq... |
stpipeline | Spatial transcriptomics pipeline |
subSetCell | Subset Cell |
toprnk | toprnk |
topx | A function to selectec top X on the basis of gene/transcript... |
tsneBootstrap | Executing clustering with tSne |
umap | umap |
umiNorm | Running SCnorm normalization |
unstableFiltering | unstableFiltering |
vioHTMLByGenes | vioHTMLByGenes |
wrapperAutoencoder | wrapperAutoencoder |
wrapperClustersIntegration | integrationCircos |
wrapperMixModelsUmap | wrapperMixModelsUmap |
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