
# phenocamr shiny interface / server back-end
# see matching ui.R code for formatting

# location of the data to be used in
# strings throughout
path = tempdir()

# set unix time origin
unix = "1970-01-01"

# list all colours to be used in plotting
# this allows for quick changes
col_sos_10 = "#7FFF00"
col_sos_25 = "#66CD00"
col_sos_50 = "#458B00"

col_eos_10 = "#8B6508"
col_eos_25 = "#CD950C"
col_eos_50 = "#FFB90F"

col_ci = "#C8C8C8"
col_line = "#787878"
col_text = "#787878"

# grab the latest roi list using jsonlite
# this should work across all platforms regardless
df = list_rois()

df = df[, c(

# download metadata, and select useful columns for the explorer
metadata = list_sites()

# use gridded (daymet / worldclim) data in case of missing site specific MAT / MAP
metadata$MAT = ifelse($MAT_site),
metadata$MAP = ifelse($MAP_site),

# what variables do I retain
metadata = metadata[, c("site",

# merge the roi list with the short metadata based on sitename
df = merge(df, metadata, by = "site")

# introduce jitter on lat/long coordinates
# this avoids that site locations with different PFTs
# will overlap, although not geographically accurate
# it helps visualize things
df$lat_j = df$lat + rnorm(length(df$lat)) * 0.00005
df$lon_j = df$lon + rnorm(length(df$lat)) * 0.00005

# subset data to exclude certain PFT / ROI classes which are irrelevant
# (no vegetation, bad ROI, mixed data types etc)
df = df[-which(
  df$veg_type == "XX" | df$veg_type == "MX" |
    df$veg_type == "UN" | df$veg_type == "NV" |
    df$veg_type == "RF"
), ]
row.names(df) = 1:dim(df)[1]

# create a character field with html to call as a marker
# popup. This includes a thumbnail of the site.
df$preview = unlist(lapply(df$site, function(x)
    "<table width=150px, border=0px>",
    sep = ""

# start server routine
server = function(input, output, session) {
  # Reactive expression for the data subsetted
  # to what the user selected
  v1 = reactiveValues()
  v2 = reactiveValues()
  reset = reactiveValues()
  # the list holding the the filenames and sizes of
  # the icons in the overview map
  vegIcons = iconList(
    WL = makeIcon("wetland_o.png", "wetland_o.png", 18, 18),
    DB = makeIcon("broadleaf_o.png", "broadleaf_o.png", 18, 18),
    EN = makeIcon("conifer_o.png", "conifer_o.png", 18, 18),
    DN = makeIcon("conifer_o.png", "conifer_o.png", 18, 18),
    EB = makeIcon("tropical_o.png", "tropical_o.png", 18, 18),
    GR = makeIcon("grass_o.png", "grass_o.png", 18, 18),
    SH = makeIcon("grass_o.png", "grass_o.png", 18, 18),
    TN = makeIcon("grass_o.png", "grass_o.png", 18, 18),
    AG = makeIcon("agriculture_o.png", "agriculture_o.png", 18, 18)
  # function to subset the site list based upon coordinate locations
  filteredData = function() {
    if (!is.null(isolate(v2$lat))) {
      if (input$colors == "ALL") {
        tmp = df[which(
          df$lat < isolate(v1$lat) &
            df$lat > isolate(v2$lat) &
            df$lon > isolate(v1$lon) & df$lon < isolate(v2$lon)
      } else{
          df$lat < isolate(v1$lat) &
            df$lat > isolate(v2$lat) &
            df$lon > isolate(v1$lon) &
            df$lon < isolate(v2$lon) & df$veg_type == input$colors
    } else{
      if (input$colors == "ALL") {
      } else{
        df[df$veg_type == input$colors,]
  getValueData = function(table) {
    # calculate the total number of site years
    # and sites in the dataset
    total_site_years = sum(table$site_years, na.rm = TRUE)
    total_sites = length(unique(table$site))
    output$site_count = renderInfoBox({
            icon = icon("list"),
            color = "blue",
            fill = TRUE
    output$year_count = renderInfoBox({
    infoBox("Site Years",
            icon = icon("list"),
            color = "blue",
            fill = TRUE
  # fill site count etc fields
  # create function to plot the climatology
  # occurs too many times to repeat the code
  updateClimatology = function(){
    output$climate = renderPlot({
      par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 1))
        type = 'n',
        xaxt = 'n',
        yaxt = 'n',
        xlab = '',
        ylab = '',
        bty = 'n',
        xlim = c(0, 100),
        ylim = c(0, 100)
           xlab=expression("MAT ("*degree*"C)"),
           ylab="MAP (mm)",
           main = "Climatology"
    }, height = function() {
  # Use leaflet() here, and only include aspects of the map that
  # won't need to change dynamically (at least, not unless the
  # entire map is being torn down and recreated).
  output$map = renderLeaflet({
    map = leaflet(df) %>%
        attribution = 'Tiles &copy; Esri &mdash; Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community',
        group = "World Imagery"
      ) %>%
        layers = "10004_31",
        options = WMSTileOptions(format = "image/png", transparent = TRUE),
        attribution = "MODIS Land Cover (MCD12Q1) &copy NASA",
        group = "MODIS Land Cover"
      ) %>%
        group = "Open Topo Map"
        ) %>%
        lat = ~ lat_j,
        lng = ~ lon_j,
        icon = ~ vegIcons[veg_type],
        popup =  ~ preview
      ) %>%
      # Layers control
        baseGroups = c("World Imagery","MODIS Land Cover","Open Topo Map"),
        position = c("topleft"),
        options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE)
      ) %>%
      setView(lng = 11,
              lat = 45,
              zoom = 2)
  # Incremental changes to the map. Each independent set of things that can change
  # should be managed in its own observer.
    leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData()) %>%
      clearMarkers() %>%
        lat = ~ lat_j,
        lng = ~ lon_j,
        icon = ~ vegIcons[veg_type],
        popup =  ~ preview
    # update the data table in the explorer
    output$table = DT::renderDataTable({
      tmp = filteredData()#[,-DT_drop]
      tmp = tmp[,-c((ncol(tmp)-2):ncol(tmp))]
    selection = "single",
    options = list(lengthMenu = list(c(5, 10), c('5', '10')),
                   pom = list('site_years')),
    extensions = c('Responsive'))
    # update value box
    # update climatology plot
  # grab the bounding box, by clicking the map
  observeEvent(input$map_click, {
    # if clicked once reset the bounding box
    # and show all data
    if (!is.null(isolate(v2$lat))) {
      # set bounding box values to NULL
      v1$lat = NULL
      v2$lat = NULL
      v1$lon = NULL
      v2$lon = NULL
      leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData()) %>%
        clearMarkers() %>%
        clearShapes() %>%
          lat = ~ lat_j,
          lng = ~ lon_j,
          icon = ~ vegIcons[veg_type],
          popup =  ~ preview
      # update climatology plot
    } else{
      # grab bounding box coordinates
      # TODO: validate the topleft / bottom right order
      if (!is.null(isolate(v1$lat))) {
        v2$lat = input$map_click$lat
        v2$lon = input$map_click$lng
      } else{
        v1$lat = input$map_click$lat
        v1$lon = input$map_click$lng
        leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData()) %>%
          clearMarkers() %>%
            lat = ~ lat_j,
            lng = ~ lon_j,
            icon = ~ vegIcons[veg_type],
            popup =  ~ preview
          ) %>%
            lng = isolate(v1$lon),
            lat = isolate(v1$lat),
            color = "red",
            radius = 3,
            fillOpacity = 1,
            stroke = FALSE
    # if the bottom right does exist
    if (!is.null(isolate(v2$lat))) {
      # subset data based upon topleft / bottomright
      # first put all data in tmp data table
      tmp = filteredData()
      # check if the dataset is not empty
      if (dim(tmp)[1] != 0) {
        # update the map
        leafletProxy("map", data = tmp) %>%
          clearMarkers() %>%
            lat = ~ lat_j,
            lng = ~ lon_j,
            icon = ~ vegIcons[veg_type],
            popup =  ~ preview
          ) %>%
            lng1 = isolate(v1$lon),
            lat1 = isolate(v1$lat),
            lng2 = isolate(v2$lon),
            lat2 = isolate(v2$lat),
            fillColor = "transparent",
            color = "red"
        # update the data table in the explorer
        output$table = DT::renderDataTable({
          tmp = filteredData()#[,-DT_drop]
          tmp = tmp[,-c((ncol(tmp)-2):ncol(tmp))]
        selection = "single",
        options = list(lengthMenu = list(c(5, 10), c('5', '10')),
                       pom = list('site_years')),
        extensions = c('Responsive'))
        # update the value box
        # update climatology plot
      } else{
        # set bounding box values to NULL
        v1$lat = NULL
        v2$lat = NULL
        v1$lon = NULL
        v2$lon = NULL
        leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData()) %>%
          clearMarkers() %>%
          clearShapes() %>%
            lat = ~ lat_j,
            lng = ~ lon_j,
            icon = ~ vegIcons[veg_type],
            popup =  ~ preview
        # then stuff it back into the shiny output
        # object
        output$table = DT::renderDataTable({
          tmp = filteredData()
          tmp = tmp[,-c((ncol(tmp)-2):ncol(tmp))]
        selection = "single",
        options = list(lengthMenu = list(c(5, 10), c('5', '10')),
                       pom = list('site_years')),
        extensions = c('Responsive'))
        # update climatology plot
  downloadData = function(myrow, frequency, percentile) {
    # if nothing selected return NULL
    if (length(myrow) == 0) {
    # Create a Progress object
    # Make sure it closes when we exit this reactive, even if there's an error
    progress = shiny::Progress$new()
    progress$set(message = "Making plot", value = 0)
    # grab the necessary parameters to download the site data
    site = as.character(df$site[as.numeric(myrow)])
    veg_type = as.character(df$veg_type[as.numeric(myrow)])
    roi_id = as.numeric(df$roi_id_number[as.numeric(myrow)])
    # formulate the filename of the data we need to download
    data_file = sprintf("%s/%s_%s_%04d_%sday.csv",
    # check if the data is on file, if so assume it is
    # checked for outliers and has smoothed data
    if (file.exists(data_file)) {
      # read the data to plot_data
      data_raw = read_phenocam(data_file)
      data = data_raw$data
    } else{
      # kick start progress bar
      progress$set(value = 0.5, detail = "Downloading PhenoCam data")
      # download phenocam data from the server
      # do not detect outliers and smooth in this step
      # do this separately to allow for proper progresss
      # bar updating (keep people busy as this takes a while)
        site = site,
        veg_type = veg_type,
        roi_id = roi_id,
        frequency = input$frequency,
        outlier_detection = TRUE,
        smooth = TRUE,
        out_dir = path
      # read the data to plot_data
      data_raw = read_phenocam(data_file)
      data = data_raw$data
    # grab the transition dates
    # trap errors, mainly if no dates can be detected return an empty
    # string (NAs) to prevent plotting errors further down.
    # code this up in the transition.dates() function TODO TODO TODO
    spring = transition_dates(data_raw,
                              percentile = percentile,
                              reverse = FALSE)
    fall = transition_dates(data_raw,
                            percentile = percentile,
                            reverse = TRUE)

    # Final plot preparations
    progress$set(value = 0.8, detail = "preparing final plot")
    # formulate variable names dynamically
    gcc_val = sprintf("gcc_%s", percentile)
    rcc_val = sprintf("rcc_%s", percentile)
    #out_val = data[,sprintf("outlierflag_gcc_%s", percentile)]
    col_val = colnames(data)
    smooth_val_gcc = sprintf("smooth_gcc_%s", percentile)
    smooth_val_rcc = sprintf("smooth_rcc_%s", percentile)
    ci_val = sprintf("smooth_ci_gcc_%s", percentile)
    # stuff things in reactive value
    date = data$date
    doy = data$doy
    year = data$year
    # calculate gcc / bcc / rcc time series
    gcc = data[, which(col_val == gcc_val)]
    bcc = data$midday_b / (data$midday_r + data$midday_g + data$midday_b)
    rcc = data$midday_r / (data$midday_r + data$midday_g + data$midday_b)
    # put outlier and interpolation flags into readable
    # variable names
    out = data[,sprintf("outlierflag_gcc_%s", percentile)]
    int_flag = data$int_flag
    # rename outlier values with proper descriptive names
    gcc_smooth = data[, which(col_val == smooth_val_gcc)]
    ci = data[, which(col_val == ci_val)]
    # create data frame which is exported and used in
    # all plotting routines
    plot_data = data.frame(date, year, doy, gcc, rcc, bcc, out, gcc_smooth, ci, int_flag)
    # return raw data, and derived phenology metric
    # in a structured list (split up later on depending on use)
    return(list(plot_data, spring, fall))
  # observe the state of the table, if changed update the data
  inputData = reactive({
  # plot the data ---------------
  output$time_series_plot = renderPlotly({
    # grab plotting data
    data = inputData()
    # grab some site specific data (sitename etc)
    myrow = as.numeric(input$table_row_last_clicked)
    site = as.character(df$site[as.numeric(myrow)])
    veg = as.character(df$veg_type[as.numeric(myrow)])
    roi = as.numeric(df$roi_id_number[as.numeric(myrow)])
    # axis styling
    ax = list(
      title = "",
      zeroline = FALSE,
      showline = FALSE,
      showticklabels = FALSE,
      showgrid = FALSE
    # plotting routine
    if (is.null(data) |  all(([[1]])) & all([[2]])))  ) {
      # populate the download handler with error message
      output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = sprintf(
        content = function(file = filename) {
            "NO DATA",
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE,
            quote = FALSE,
            sep = ','
      # plot error message
      p = plot_ly(
        x = 0,
        y = 0,
        text = "NO DATA - SELECT A (DIFFERENT) SITE",
        mode = "text",
        textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16)
      ) %>% 
        layout(xaxis = ax, yaxis = ax)
    } else{
      # split up the data into true plotting data (time series) and annotation (phenology dates)
      plot_data = data[[1]]
      spring = data[[2]]
      fall = data[[3]]
      # format dates correctly (unix time to date format)
      spring[, 1:9] = apply(spring[, 1:9], 2, function(x)
        as.character(as.Date(x, origin = unix)))
      fall[, 1:9] = apply(fall[, 1:9], 2, function(x)
        as.character(as.Date(x, origin = unix)))
      # bind spring and fall phenology data in a coherent format
      phenology = rbind(spring,fall)
      rising_length = dim(spring)[1]
      falling_length = dim(fall)[1]
      direction = c(rep("rising", rising_length),
                    rep("falling", falling_length))
      sitename = rep(site,rising_length + falling_length)
      veg_type = rep(veg,rising_length + falling_length)
      roi_id = rep(sprintf("%04d",roi),rising_length + falling_length)
      phenology[, 1:9] = apply(phenology[, 1:9], 2, function(x)
        as.character(as.Date(x, origin = unix)))
      # bind in new labels
      phenology = cbind(sitename,veg_type,roi_id,direction,phenology)
      # drop NA lines
      phenology = na.omit(phenology)
      # create header with output information
      phenology_header = matrix("#",12,1)
      # populate the header file
      phenology_header[2,1] = "# Transition date estimates"
      phenology_header[4,1] = sprintf("# Sitename: %s",site)
      phenology_header[5,1] = sprintf("# Vegetation Type: %s",veg)
      phenology_header[6,1] = sprintf("# ROI ID: %04d",roi)
      phenology_header[7,1] = sprintf("# Aggregation period: %s", as.numeric(input$frequency))
      phenology_header[8,1] = sprintf("# Year min: %s",
                                      min(strptime(as.matrix(phenology[, 5:13]),"%Y-%m-%d")$year +
                                            1900), # THIS IS UGLY THIS CAN BE SHORTER
                                      na.rm = TRUE)
      phenology_header[9,1] = sprintf("# Year max: %s",
                                      max(strptime(as.matrix(phenology[, 5:13]),"%Y-%m-%d")$year +
                                      na.rm = TRUE)
      phenology_header[10,1] = sprintf("# Creation Date: %s", Sys.Date())
      phenology_header[11,1] = sprintf("# Creation Time: %s", format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"))
      # populate the download handler with phenology data
      output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function(){sprintf(
        content = function(file = filename) {
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE,
            quote = FALSE
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE,
            quote = FALSE,
            sep = ',',
            append = TRUE
      # add an ID column to the phenology data
      # for easy reshaping and plotting
      spring = data.frame(id=1:nrow(spring),spring)
      fall = data.frame(id=1:nrow(fall),fall)
      # full time series
      if (input$plot_type == "bydate") {
        # duplicate outlier flag data, for plotting
        plot_data$outlier_symbols = plot_data$out
        plot_data$colours = plot_data$out
        plot_data$colours[plot_data$colours == 0] = rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
        plot_data$colours[plot_data$colours == 1] = rgb(1, 0, 0)
        # rename the outliers symbols
        plot_data$outlier_symbols[plot_data$outlier_symbol == 0] = "circle"
        plot_data$outlier_symbols[plot_data$outlier_symbol == 1] = "circle-open"
        # convert date
        plot_data$date = as.Date(plot_data$date,"%Y-%m-%d")
        # when showing multiple time series
        # remove the transition dates
        if (input$rccbcc == "FALSE") {
          # base plot shows the Gcc confidence interval
          # switch order for cleaner plotting
          p = plot_ly(
            data = plot_data,
            x = ~ date,
            y = ~ gcc_smooth,
            showlegend = FALSE
          ) %>%
              x = ~ date,
              y = ~ gcc_smooth - ci,
              mode = "lines",
              type = "scatter",
              line = list(width = 0),
              showlegend = FALSE,
              name = "Gcc 95% CI"
            ) %>%
              y = ~ gcc_smooth + ci,
              fill = "tonexty",
              mode = "lines",
              line = list(width = 0),
              color = I(rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
              showlegend = TRUE,
              name = "Gcc 95% CI"
            ) %>%
              y = ~ gcc_smooth,
              mode = "lines",
              line = list(width = 2, color = rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3)),
              name = "Gcc loess fit",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
              y = ~ gcc,
              mode = "markers",
              type = "scatter",
              symbol = ~ I(outlier_symbols),
              color = ~ I(rep(rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3),nrow(plot_data))),
              name = "Gcc",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
            # SOS spring
            # 10%
              data = spring,
              x = ~ as.Date(transition_10),
              y = ~ threshold_10,
              mode = "markers",
              type = "scatter",
              marker = list(color = "#7FFF00", symbol = "circle"),
              name = "SOS (10%)",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
            add_segments(x = ~ as.Date(transition_10_lower_ci),
                         xend = ~ as.Date(transition_10_upper_ci),
                         y = ~ threshold_10,
                         yend = ~ threshold_10,
                         line = list(color = "#7FFF00"),
                         name = "SOS (10%) - CI"
            ) %>%
            # 25 %
              x = ~ as.Date(transition_25),
              y = ~ threshold_25,
              mode = "markers",
              type = "scatter",
              marker = list(color = "#66CD00", symbol = "square"),
              showlegend = TRUE,
              name = "SOS (25%)"
            ) %>%
            add_segments(x = ~ as.Date(transition_25_lower_ci),
                         xend = ~ as.Date(transition_25_upper_ci),
                         y = ~ threshold_25,
                         yend = ~ threshold_25,
                         line = list(color = "#66CD00"),
                         name = "SOS (25%) - CI"
            ) %>%
            # 50 %
              x = ~ as.Date(transition_50),
              y = ~ threshold_50,
              mode = "markers",
              type = "scatter",
              marker = list(color = "#458B00", symbol = "diamond"),
              showlegend = TRUE,
              name = "SOS (50%)"
            ) %>%
            add_segments(x = ~ as.Date(transition_50_lower_ci),
                         xend = ~ as.Date(transition_50_upper_ci),
                         y = ~ threshold_50,
                         yend = ~ threshold_50,
                         line = list(color = "#458B00"),
                         name = "SOS (50%) - CI"
            ) %>%
            # EOS fall
            # 50%
              data = fall,
              x = ~ as.Date(transition_50),
              y = ~ threshold_50,
              mode = "markers",
              type = "scatter",
              marker = list(color = "#FFB90F", symbol = "diamond"),
              showlegend = TRUE,
              name = "EOS (50%)"
            ) %>%
            add_segments(x = ~ as.Date(transition_50_lower_ci),
                         xend = ~ as.Date(transition_50_upper_ci),
                         y = ~ threshold_50,
                         yend = ~ threshold_50,
                         line = list(color = "#FFB90F"),
                         name = "EOS (50%) - CI"
            ) %>%
            # 25 %
              x = ~ as.Date(transition_25),
              y = ~ threshold_25,
              mode = "markers",
              type = "scatter",
              marker = list(color = "#CD950C", symbol = "square"),
              showlegend = TRUE,
              name = "EOS (25%)"
            ) %>%
            add_segments(x = ~ as.Date(transition_25_lower_ci),
                         xend = ~ as.Date(transition_25_upper_ci),
                         y = ~ threshold_25,
                         yend = ~ threshold_25,
                         line = list(color = "#CD950C"),
                         name = "EOS (25%) - CI"
            ) %>%
            # 10 %
              x = ~ as.Date(transition_10),
              y = ~ threshold_10,
              mode = "markers",
              marker = list(color = "#8B6508", symbol = "circle"),
              showlegend = TRUE,
              name = "EOS (10%)"
            ) %>%
            add_segments(x = ~ as.Date(transition_10_lower_ci),
                         xend = ~ as.Date(transition_10_upper_ci),
                         y = ~ threshold_10,
                         yend = ~ threshold_10,
                         line = list(color = "#8B6508"),
                         name = "EOS (10%) - CI"
            ) %>%
            layout(xaxis = list(title = "Date"),
                   yaxis = list(title = "Gcc"))
        } else {
          p = plot_ly(
            data = plot_data,
            x = ~ date,
            y = ~ bcc,
            showlegend = FALSE
          ) %>%
              y = ~ bcc,
              mode = "markers",
              type = "scatter",
              marker = list(color = "#0000FF", symbol = "circle"),
              name = "Bcc",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
              y = ~ rcc,
              marker = list(color = "#FF0000", symbol = "circle"),
              name = "Rcc",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
              y = ~ gcc,
              symbol = ~ I(outlier_symbols),
              marker = list(color = "#00FF00", symbols = ~ outlier_symbols),
              name = "Gcc",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>% 
              y = ~ gcc_smooth,
              mode = "lines",
              line = list(width = 2, color = "#00FF00"),
              name = "Gcc loess fit",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
            layout(xaxis = list(title = "Date"),
                   yaxis = list(title = "Gcc / Rcc / Bcc"))
      } else{
        # condense to one plot along DOY
        if (input$plot_type == "byyear") {
          ltm = plot_data %>% group_by(doy) %>%
            summarise(mn = mean(gcc_smooth), sd = sd(gcc_smooth), doymn = mean(doy))
          # delete interpolated data
          # NA values == data available
          plot_data$gcc_smooth[!$int_flag)] = NA
          p = plot_ly(
            data = ltm,
            x = ~ doymn,
            y = ~ mn - sd,
            mode = "lines",
            fill = "none",
            type = 'scatter',
            line = list(width = 0),
            showlegend = FALSE,
            name = "1 SD"
          ) %>%
              y = ~ mn + sd,
              mode = "lines",
              fill = "tonexty",
              line = list(width = 0),
              color = I(rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
              showlegend = TRUE,
              name = "1 SD"
            ) %>%
              y = ~ mn,
              line = list(
                width = 2,
                dash = "dot",
                color = "black"
              name = "LTM",
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
              data = plot_data,
              x = ~ doy,
              y = ~ gcc_smooth,
              split = ~ year,
              type = "scatter",
              mode = "lines",
              line = list(width = 2, color = "Set1"),
              showlegend = TRUE
            ) %>%
            layout(xaxis = list(title = "DOY"),
                   yaxis = list(title = "Gcc"))
        } else {
          # these are the transition date regression plots
          if (dim(fall)[1] < 9 & dim(spring)[1] < 9) {
            p = plot_ly(
              x = 0,
              y = 0,
              mode = "text",
              textfont = list(color = '#000000', size = 16)
            ) %>% layout(xaxis = ax, yaxis = ax)
          } else {
            # grab dates from the fall and spring matrices
            fall_date = unique(as.Date(fall[,grep(sprintf("^transition_%s$",upper.thresh*100),names(fall))]))
            spring_date = unique(as.Date(spring[,grep(sprintf("^transition_%s$",upper.thresh*100),names(spring))]))
            fall_doy = as.numeric(format(fall_date, "%j"))
            fall_year = as.numeric(format(fall_date, "%Y"))
            spring_doy = as.numeric(format(spring_date, "%j"))
            spring_year = as.numeric(format(spring_date, "%Y"))
            # # regression stats
            reg_spring = lm(spring_doy ~ spring_year)
            reg_fall = lm(fall_doy ~ fall_year)
            # summaries
            reg_spring_sum = summary(reg_spring)
            reg_fall_sum = summary(reg_fall)
            # r-squared and slope
            r2_spring = round(reg_spring_sum$r.squared, 2)
            slp_spring = round(reg_spring_sum$coefficients[2, 1], 2)
            r2_fall = round(reg_fall_sum$r.squared, 2)
            slp_fall = round(reg_fall_sum$coefficients[2, 1], 2)
            p1 = plot_ly(
              x = spring_year,
              y = spring_doy,
              yaxis = "y1",
              title = "PhenoCam Phenology (DOY)"
            ) %>%
                x = spring_year,
                y = spring_doy,
                marker = list(color = "#66CD00", symbol = "square"),
                mode = "markers",
                type = "scatter",
                name = "Spring",
                yaxis = "y1"
              ) %>%
              add_trace(type = "scatter",
                        x = fall_year,
                        y = fall_doy,
                        marker = list(color = "#CD950C", symbol = "square"),
                        mode = "markers",
                        type = "scatter",
                        name = "Autumn",
                        yaxis = "y1"
              ) %>%
                x = spring_year,
                y = reg_spring$fitted.values,
                mode = "lines",
                type = "scatter",
                name = sprintf("R2: %s| slope: %s", r2_spring, slp_spring),
                line = list(width = 2, color = "#66CD00"),
                yaxis = "y1"
              ) %>%
                x = fall_year,
                y = reg_fall$fitted.values,
                mode = "lines",
                type = "scatter",
                name = sprintf("R2: %s| slope: %s", r2_fall, slp_fall),
                line = list(width = 2, color = "#CD950C"),
                yaxis = "y1"
              ) %>%
              layout(xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
                     yaxis = list(title = "DOY"))
  }) # plotly action end
} # server function end
khufkens/phenocamr documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 5:22 a.m.