
Defines functions search_na_taxon xref_taxonomy_number

Documented in search_na_taxon xref_taxonomy_number

## FIXME: This is too damn complicated, the taxonomy IDs shouldn't be this difficult to match up.

#' Cross reference the taxonomy data from GenomeInfoDb with EuPathDB metadata.
#' Previously this tried to set species and taxonomy number, but I am
#' having it only do the number now in the hopes that it simplifies
#' things somewhat.
#' @param metadata Information provided by downloading the metadata from a eupathdb sub project.
#' @param verbose Print some information about what is found as this runs?
#' @param species_column Because the species column name has changed.
#' @param taxon_column Because the taxonomy column name has changed.
#' @return List containing entries which pass and fail after xrefing against loadTaxonomyDb().
#' @export
xref_taxonomy_number <- function(metadatum, all_taxa_ids, verbose = FALSE,
                                 taxon_number_column = "TaxonomyID",
                                 metadata_taxon_column = "TaxonUnmodified") {
  retlist <- list()

  ## If we don't have a taxonomy number, iterate over the species names
  ## To try and find a suitable match
  if (is.na(metadatum[[taxon_number_column]])) {
    chosen_id <- search_na_taxon(metadatum, all_taxa_ids,
                                 taxon_number_column = taxon_number_column,
                                 metadata_taxon_column = metadata_taxon_column)
    retlist[["ID"]] <- chosen_id
    retlist[["status"]] <- "eupathdb_na"

  ## Now let us check the cases when the eupathdb
  ## _does_ provide a taxonomy ID number.
  id_idx <- all_taxa_ids[["tax_id"]] == metadatum[[taxon_number_column]]

  if (sum(id_idx) == 1) {
    ## There is a successful match, do nothing.
    chosen_id <- metadatum[[taxon_number_column]]
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
      message("Successful single match for metadata: ",
              metadatum[[metadata_taxon_column]], ".")
    retlist[["ID"]] <- TRUE
    retlist[["status"]] <- "exact_match"

  if (sum(id_idx) == 0) {
    ## No taxonomy ID was found, not sure yet what to do here.
    ## We will want to search the taxonomy ID using genus/species.
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
      message("Did not match a taxonomy ID when one was provided by the eupathdb!")
      message("Trying to match based on taxonomy names.")
    chosen_id <- search_na_taxon(metadatum, all_taxa_ids,
                                 taxon_number_column = taxon_number_column,
                                 metadata_taxon_column = metadata_taxon_column)
    retlist[["ID"]] <- chosen_id
    retlist[["status"]] <- "eupathdb_mismatch"

  if (sum(id_idx) > 1) {
    ## I am increasingly uncertain if the following is a good idea.
    id_gs <- glue("{all_taxa_ids[id_idx, 'genus']} {all_taxa_ids[id_idx, 'species']}")
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
      message("More than 1 match for metadata: ", metadatum[[metadata_taxon_column]], "\n",
              "             vs. genomeinfodb: ", id_gs)

    retlist[["ID"]] <- search_na_taxon(metadatum, all_taxa_ids,
                                       taxon_number_column = taxon_number_column,
                                       metadata_taxon_column = metadata_taxon_column)
    retlist[["status"]] <- "multiple_matches"

  message("We shold not fall through to here.")
  retlist[["ID"]] <- NULL
  retlist[["status"]] <- "no_match"

#' Try harder to fill in the taxonomy ID number.
#' I think if we look a little harder, we can figure out a taxonomy number.
#' @param metadatum Downloaded metadata from eupathdb.
#' @param all_taxa_ids Taxonomy Information.
#' @param metadata_taxon_column Column which contains the taxon name (not ID).
#' @param taxon_number_column Column which should (but not always) contain the ID number.
search_na_taxon <- function(metadatum, all_taxa_ids, metadata_taxon_column = "TaxonUnmodified",
                            taxon_number_column = "TaxonomyID", verbose = TRUE) {
  ## Calling make_taxon_names() again because we don't save all the
  ## combinations of species/strain in the metadata
  species_info <- make_taxon_names(metadatum, column = metadata_taxon_column, spaces = "space")
  starting_taxon <- species_info["unmodified"]
  taxon_id <- NULL

  all_genera <- all_taxa_ids[["genus"]]

  ## First identify genera in all_taxa_ids which are shared with this entry.
  found_genus_taxa_idx <- which(all_taxa_ids[["genus"]] %in% metadatum[["Genus"]])
  if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
    message("Found ", length(found_genus_taxa_idx), " candidate genera matching ",
  if (length(found_genus_taxa_idx) > 0) {
    ## Assuming we got more than 1 hit, narrow the search to species which match.
    ## Note that some organisms in tha taxonomy database have species set to what
    ## the eupathdb appears to call the combination of species+strain
    ## while others are just the species.
    ## Thus we should check for both, but for the moment I think I will check for
    ## only the most specific of the two and see how far that gets me.
    genus_taxa <- all_taxa_ids[found_genus_taxa_idx, ]
    found_species_strain_taxa <- which(
      genus_taxa[["genus"]] %in% metadatum[["Genus"]] &
        genus_taxa[["species"]] %in% species_info[["species_strain"]])
    found_species_taxa <- which(
      genus_taxa[["genus"]] %in% metadatum[["Genus"]] &
        genus_taxa[["species"]] %in% species_info[["species"]])
    species_strain_taxa <- genus_taxa[found_species_strain_taxa, ]
    species_taxa <- genus_taxa[found_species_taxa, ]

    ## If we still have more than 1 hit, I will arbitrarily choose the first.
    if (length(found_species_strain_taxa) == 1) {
      taxon_id <- species_strain_taxa[["tax_id"]]
      if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        message("Found an exact match for the combination genus/species/strain.")
      ## I do not expect to find multiple hits on species/strain.
    } else if (length(found_species_strain_taxa) == 0 &&
                 length(found_species_taxa) > 0) {
      if (length(found_species_taxa) == 1) {
        taxon_id <- species_taxa[["tax_id"]]
        if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
          message("Found an exact match for the combination genus/species not strain for ",
                  species_taxa[["genus"]], " ", species_taxa[["species"]],  ".")
      } else if (length(found_species_taxa) > 1) {
        taxon_id <- species_taxa[1, "tax_id"]
        if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
          message("Found multiple species matches for ", starting_taxon,
                  ", chose the first: ", taxon_id, ".")
      } ## End multiple species matches
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        message("Found a genus, but not species for ", starting_taxon,
                ", not adding taxon ID number.")
  } else {
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
      message("Did not find a genus id for ", starting_taxon, ".")
khughitt/EuPathDB documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 4:19 a.m.