
Run R-code

The code feature allows you to enter and run R-code with access to all functions and data in Radiant. By clicking the Run button, the code will be evaluated and the output will be shown on the right of the R > Code page. To evaluate only a part of the code use the cursor to select a section and press CTRL-return (CMD-return on mac) to create the (partial) output.

You can load an R-code file into Radiant by clicking the Choose File button and selecting an .r or .R file or save the R-code shown in the editor by pressing the Save button.

As an example you can copy-and-paste the text below into the editor and press Run to generate results.

## get the active dataset and show the first few observations
.getdata() %>% head

## access a specific dataset by name
r_data[['diamonds']] %>% select(price, clarity) %>% head

## add a variable to the diamonds data
dat <- r_data[['diamonds']]
dat$log_price <- log(dat$price)

## show the first observations
dat %>% select(price, log_price) %>% head

## create a histogram of prices
dat %>% ggplot(aes(x = price)) + geom_histogram()

## and a histogram of log-prices
dat %>% ggplot(aes(x = log_price)) + geom_histogram()

## open help in the R-studio viewer from Radiant
help(package = 'radiant')

## if you are familiar with Shiny you can call reactives here
## for example, if you just transformed some variables in Data > Transform
## you can call the transform_main reacive to see the latest result
## this can very useful for debugging
transform_main() %>% head

kmezhoud/bioCancer documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 10:29 a.m.