
Defines functions createObservationsString update.rlmerMod print.xtable.comparison.table xtable.comparison.table getInfo.rlmerMod getInfo.lmerMod print.comparison.table compare summary.rlmerMod print.rlmerMod .methTitle print.summary.rlmerMod lchol findBlocks .wgtxy .wgtxy2 wgt.e wgt.b dist.e dist.b .Dd2 .d2 .d .dk std.e std.b

Documented in compare getInfo.lmerMod getInfo.rlmerMod print.rlmerMod print.xtable.comparison.table summary.rlmerMod update.rlmerMod xtable.comparison.table

## Functions to generate commonly required objects   ##

## std.b: Return the spherical random effects or "Standardize" the vector
## vector: \eqn{\Lambda^{-1} vector / \sigma}{Lambda^-1 vector / sigma}
## @title Standardized values
## @param object rlmerMod object
## @param sigma to use for standardization
## @param vector vector to standardize
## @rdname std
std.b <- function(object, vector)

## std.e: Calculate the standardized residuals or "Standardize" the Matrix
## sigma: \eqn{R^{-1} matrix / \sigma}{R^-1 matrix / sigma}
## @rdname std
std.e <- function(object, sigma = .sigma(object), matrix, drop=TRUE) {
    if (missing(matrix)) return(object@resp$wtres / sigma)
    ## for the moment: just divide by sigma
    if (drop) matrix <- drop(matrix)

## Calculate scaled squared Mahalanobis distances per group
## @title Distances per group
## @param object rlmerMod object
## @param sigma to use for standardization
## @param bs spherical random effects
## @param center whether to return the centered distances.
## @param ... ignored
.dk <- function(object, sigma, center, bs = b.s(object), ...) {
    ua <- uArranged(object, bs / sigma)
    unlist(lapply(seq_along(object@blocks), function(bt) {
        us <- ua[[bt]]
        s <- ncol(us)
        if (s == 1)
        ## else: square, sum and subtract s
        ret <- computeDiagonalOfTCrossproductNumericMatrix(us)
        if (center)
            ret <- ret - .kappa_b(object)[bt] * s
## these helper functions are for the non-centered case, i.e., for estimating
## the random effects themselves. modularize distance function: compute
## sum(bs^2) - s
.d <- function(bs, s = length(bs)) {
    if (s == 1)
    if (is.matrix(bs))
        sum(bs * bs)
## same function, but assume we've already summed
.d2 <- function(sbs2, s) {
    if (s == 1) stop("s must be larger than 1") ## disable this test?
## inner derivative of .d2:
.Dd2 <- function(sbs2, s) {
    ##if (s == 1) stop("s must be larger than 1")

## dist.b: Calculate the distance from 0 standardized by sigma. This is just
## value divided by sigma for uncorrelated observations. For correlated items,
## this is the Mahalanobis distance from 0. If \code{shifted=TRUE} and
## correlated items, the squared distances are centered by -kappa_b*s. This is
## required to compute the weights used for the size of the covariance matrix of
## the random effects.
## @title Calculate distance
## @param object object to use
## @param sigma scale for standardization
## @param center whether to use the centered distances
## @param ... passed on to internal functions.
## @rdname dist
dist.b <- function(object, sigma = .sigma(object), center=FALSE, ...) {
    db <- .dk(object, sigma, center, ...)

## dist.e: Calculate dist for residuals always assume they are uncorrelated
## @rdname dist
dist.e <- function(object, sigma = .sigma(object)) {
    std.e(object, sigma) ## just the usual rescaled residuals

## wgt.b: Calculate the robustness weights psi(d) / d, standardized by sigma.
## The robustness weights are calculated with d the Mahalanobis distance. Each
## group of correlated items then gets a constant weight. The robustness weights
## for the random effects themselves are different than the ones used for
## estimating the size of the covariance matrix of the random effects. Those are
## additionally centered. That way, inlier can also be downweighted. If
## \code{center=TRUE}, then the centered distances are used to compute the
## robustness weights and the weight function given by rho.sigma.b is used.
## @title Calculate robustness weights
## @param object object to use
## @param sigma scale for standardization
## @param center whether return the centered robustness weights, see Details.
## @rdname wgt
## @export
wgt.b <- function(object, sigma = .sigma(object), center = FALSE,
                  use.rho.sigma = center) {
    db <- dist.b(object, sigma, center)
    rho <- rho.b(object, if (use.rho.sigma) "sigma" else "default")
    ret <- numeric()
    for (bt in seq_along(object@blocks)) {
        bind <- as.vector(object@idx[[bt]])
        ret <- c(ret, rho[[bt]]@wgt(db[bind]))

## wgt.e: robustness weights of residuals
## @param use.rho.sigma return the weights computed using rho.sigma.
## @rdname wgt
## @export
wgt.e <- function(object, sigma = .sigma(object), use.rho.sigma = FALSE)
    if (use.rho.sigma) object@rho.sigma.e@wgt(dist.e(object, sigma)) else
       object@rho.e@wgt(dist.e(object, sigma))
### Calculate robustness weights * squared effect
### Return sensible result in the infinite case
## Assume: x infinite <=> y infinite
.wgtxy2 <- function(rho, x, y)
    .wgtxy(rho, x, y*y)
## wgt(x) * y
.wgtxy <- function(rho, x, y) {
    ret <- rho@wgt(x) * y
    ret[is.infinite(x) & is.infinite(y)] <- if (rho@psi(Inf) == 0) 0 else Inf

## Find blocks of correlated random effects
## @title Find blocks in Lambda
## @param obj reTrms-object
## @param Lambdat transpose of matrix Lambda (U_b(theta))
## @param Lind vector of indices, mapping theta to Lambdat
## @return list of blocks
findBlocks <- function(obj, Lambdat=obj$Lambdat(), Lind=obj$Lind) {
    LambdaInd <- Lambdat
    LambdaInd@x[] <- as.double(Lind)
    LambdaInd <- t(LambdaInd)
    LambdaInd <- as(LambdaInd, "matrix") ## to avoid attempt to apply non function error
    bend <- unique(apply(LambdaInd != 0, 2, function(x) max(which(x))))
    nblocks <- length(bend)
    bstart <- c(1, bend[-nblocks]+1)
    bidx <- lapply(1:nblocks, function(i) seq.int(bstart[i],bend[i]))
    blocks <- lapply(bidx, function(idx) LambdaInd[idx,idx])
    bind <- match(blocks, ublocks <- unique(blocks))
    k <- unlist(lapply(1:nblocks, function(i) rep(i, length(bidx[[i]]))))
    bdim <- sapply(ublocks, NCOL)
    bidx <- lapply(1:length(ublocks), function (i)
                   matrix(unlist(bidx[bind == i]),nrow = bdim[i]))
    q <- sapply(bidx, length)
    list(blocks = ublocks, ind = bind, idx = bidx, dim = bdim, q = q, k = k)

lchol <- function(x) {
    r <- try(chol.default(x), silent=TRUE)
    ## if chol fails, return sqrt of diagonal
    if (is(r, "try-error")) {
        Diagonal(x = sqrt(diag(x)))
    } else r

## Summary / printing methods                        ##

.summary.cor.max <- 20

## Print method
## along the lines of printMerenv of lme4
##' @export
print.summary.rlmerMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                           correlation = NULL, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
                           signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
                           ranef.comp = c("Variance", "Std.Dev."),
                           show.resids = TRUE, ...) {
    ## check if doFit = FALSE is in call
    if (!is.null(x$call$doFit) && !x$call$doFit) {
        cat("Unfitted rlmerMod object. Use update(object, doFit=TRUE) to fit it.\n")
    ## title
    cat(x$methTitle, "\n")
    ## these are in fromLme4.R
    .prt.call(x$call); cat("\n")
    if (show.resids)
        ## need residuals.merMod() rather than residuals():
        ##  summary.merMod has no residuals method
        .prt.resids(x$residuals, digits=digits)
    .prt.VC(x$varcor, digits=digits, useScale= x$useScale,
	    comp = ranef.comp, ...)
    .prt.grps(x$ngrps, nobs= x$devcomp$dims[["n"]])

    ## fixed effecs
    ## this part is 1:1 from printMerenv
    p <- nrow(x$coefficients)
    if (p > 0) {
	cat("\nFixed effects:\n")
	printCoefmat(x$coefficients, zap.ind = 3, #, tst.ind = 4
		     digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars)
	if(is.null(correlation)) { # default
	    correlation <- p <= .summary.cor.max
	    if(!correlation) {
		nam <- deparse(substitute(x))
		if(length(nam) > 1 || nchar(nam) >= 32) nam <- "...."
		    "\nCorrelation matrix not shown by default, as p = %d > %d.",
		    "Use print(%s, correlation=TRUE)  or",
		    "	 vcov(%s)	 if you need it\n", sep="\n"),
				p, .summary.cor.max, nam, nam))
	else if(!is.logical(correlation)) stop("'correlation' must be NULL or logical")
	if(correlation) {
	    if(is.null(VC <- x$vcov)) VC <- vcov(x, correlation=TRUE)
	    corF <- VC@factors$correlation
	    if (is.null(corF)) {
		message("\nCorrelation of fixed effects could have been required in summary()")
		corF <- cov2cor(VC)
	    } ## else {
	    p <- ncol(corF)
	    if (p > 1) {
		rn <- rownames(x$coefficients)
		rns <- abbreviate(rn, minlength=11)
		cat("\nCorrelation of Fixed Effects:\n")
		if (is.logical(symbolic.cor) && symbolic.cor) {
		    corf <- as(corF, "matrix")
		    dimnames(corf) <- list(rns,
					   abbreviate(rn, minlength=1, strict=TRUE))
		} else {
		    corf <- matrix(format(round(corF@x, 3), nsmall = 3),
				   ncol = p,
				   dimnames = list(rns, abbreviate(rn, minlength=6)))
		    corf[!lower.tri(corf)] <- ""
		    print(corf[-1, -p, drop=FALSE], quote = FALSE)
		} ## !symbolic.cor
	    }  ## if (p > 1)
        } ## if (correlation)
    } ## if (p>0)
    ## robustness weights
    summarizeRobWeights(x$wgt.e, digits=3,
                        header="\nRobustness weights for the residuals:")
    summarizeRobWeights(x$wgt.b, digits=3,
                        header="\nRobustness weights for the random effects:")
    ## rho functions
    cat("\nRho functions used for fitting:\n")
    cat("  Residuals:\n")
    cat("    eff:", .sprintPsiFunc(x$rho.e, short=TRUE), "\n")
    cat("    sig:", .sprintPsiFunc(x$rho.sigma.e, short=TRUE), "\n")
    for (bt in seq_along(x$rho.b)) {
        cat("  Random Effects, variance component ", bt, " (", names(x$rho.b)[bt], "):\n", sep="")
        cat("    eff:", .sprintPsiFunc(x$rho.b[[bt]], short=TRUE), "\n")
        cat("    vcp:", .sprintPsiFunc(x$rho.sigma.b[[bt]], short=TRUE), "\n")

.methTitle <- function(object)
    sprintf("Robust linear mixed model fit by %s", object@method)

##' @export
print.rlmerMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                           correlation = NULL, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
                           signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
                           ranef.comp = "Std.Dev.", ...) {
    ## check if doFit = FALSE is in call
    if (!is.null(x@call$doFit) && !x@call$doFit) {
        cat("Unfitted rlmerMod object. Use update(object, doFit=TRUE) to fit it.\n")
    dims <- (devC <- x@devcomp)$dims
    ## title
    cat(.methTitle(x), "\n")
    useScale <- as.logical(dims[["useSc"]])

    varcor <- VarCorr(x)
    .prt.VC(varcor, digits=digits, comp = ranef.comp, ...)
    ngrps <- sapply(x@flist, function(x) length(levels(x)))
    .prt.grps(ngrps, nobs= dims[["n"]])
    if(length(cf <- fixef(x)) >= 0) {
	cat("Fixed Effects:\n")
	print.default(format(cf, digits = digits),
		      print.gap = 2L, quote = FALSE, ...)
    } else cat("No fixed effect coefficients\n")

##' @export
## this follows the lines of summary.merMod of lme4
summary.rlmerMod <- function(object, ...) {
    resp <- object@resp
    devC <- object@devcomp
    dd <- devC$dims
    cmp <- devC$cmp
    sig <- sigma(object)

    coefs <- cbind("Estimate" = fixef(object),
                   "Std. Error" = sig * sqrt(diag(object@pp$unsc())))
    if (nrow(coefs) > 0) {
        coefs <- cbind(coefs, coefs[,1]/coefs[,2], deparse.level=0)
        colnames(coefs)[3] <- "t value"
    varcor <- VarCorr(object)

    structure(list(methTitle=.methTitle(object), devcomp=devC,
                   ngrps=sapply(object@flist, function(x) length(levels(x))),
                   coefficients=coefs, sigma=sig,
                   vcov=vcov(object, correlation=TRUE, sigm=sig),
                   varcor=varcor, # and use formatVC(.) for printing.
                   rho.sigma.e=rho.e(object, "sigma"),
                   rho.sigma.b=rho.b(object, "sigma"),
                   residuals=residuals(object, scaled=TRUE)
                   ), class = "summary.rlmerMod")

##' Use \code{compare} to quickly compare the estimated parameters of the fits
##' of multiple lmerMod or rlmerMod objects.
##' The functions \code{xtable.comparison.table} and
##' \code{print.xtable.comparison.table} are wrapper functions for the
##' respective \code{\link{xtable}} and \code{\link{print.xtable}} functions.
##' The function \code{getInfo} is internally used to prepare object for
##' producing a comparison chart in \code{compare}.
##' @title Create comparison charts for multiple fits
##' @param ... objects to compare, or, for the \code{\link{xtable}} functions:
##'   passed to the respective \code{\link{xtable}} function.
##' @param digits number of digits to show in output
##' @param dnames names of objects given as arguments (optional)
##' @param show.rho.functions whether to show rho functions in output.
##' @keywords models utilities
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'   fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ (1|Batch), Dyestuff)
##'   fm2 <- rlmer(Yield ~ (1|Batch), Dyestuff)
##'   compare(fm1, fm2)
##'   require(xtable)
##'   xtable(compare(fm1, fm2))
##'   str(getInfo(fm1))
##' }
##' @export
compare <- function(..., digits = 3, dnames = NULL,
                    show.rho.functions = TRUE) {
    linfos <- list(...)
    if (!missing(dnames) && !is.null(dnames)) names(linfos) <- dnames
    linfos <- lapply(linfos, getInfo)
    ## check if all methods work at least on the same dataset
    if (length(unique(sapply(linfos, function(x) x$data))) > 1)
        warning("Comparison for objects not fitted to the same dataset")
    ## local helper functions
    .NULLtoNA <- function(lst)
        lapply(lst, function(x) if (is.null(x)) NA else x)
    .getComp <- function(lst, comp)
        sapply(lst, function(x) .NULLtoNA(x[comp]))
    .getComp2 <- function(lst, comp)
        sapply(lst, function(x) x[comp])
    .dropComp <- function(lst, comp)
        lapply(lst, function(x) { x[comp] <- NULL; x })
    .getNames <- function(lst)
        unique(unlist(lapply(lst, names)))
    .combineComp <- function(lst) {
        names <- .getNames(lst)
        tmp <- .getComp2(lst, names)
        if (!is.matrix(tmp))
            tmp <- matrix(tmp, ncol = length(tmp))
        rownames(tmp) <- names
        format(tmp, digits = digits)
    lnames <- .getNames(linfos)
    ## header
    call <- match.call()
    call$digits <- NULL
    call$names <- NULL
    call$show.rho.functions <- NULL
    split <- rep("", length(linfos))
    ## prepare coef slot:
    ## add stderr
    linfos <- lapply(linfos, function(linfo) {
        cf <- paste(format(linfo[["coef"]], digits=digits), " (",
                    format(linfo[["stderr"]], digits=digits), ")", sep="")
        names(cf) <- names(linfo[["coef"]])
        linfo[["coef"]] <- cf
        linfo[["stderr"]] <- NULL
    ## combine
    ## coefficients
    ret <- rbind(Coef=split,
                 .combineComp(.getComp(linfos, "coef")))
    ## variance components
    ret <- rbind(ret, NULL=split, VarComp=split,
                 .combineComp(.getComp(linfos, "varcomp")))
    ## correlations if there are any
    if (any(sapply(linfos, function(linfo) !is.null(linfo$correlations))))
        ret <- rbind(ret, NULL=split, Correlations=split,
                     .combineComp(.getComp(linfos, "correlations")))
    ## sigma
    ret <- rbind(ret, NULL=split, format(.getComp(linfos, "sigma"), digits = digits))
    rownames(ret)[nrow(ret)] <- "sigma"
    ## drop the items already included
    linfos <- .dropComp(linfos, c("data", "coef", "varcomp", "correlations", "sigma"))
    ## drop rho functions if requested
    if (!show.rho.functions)
        linfos <- .dropComp(linfos, grep("^rho", .getNames(linfos), value=TRUE))
    ## show the rest if there is any
    if (length(.getNames(linfos)) > 0) {
        ret <- rbind(ret, NULL=split)
        for (name in .getNames(linfos)) {
            ret <- rbind(ret, format(.getComp(linfos, name), digits = digits))
            rownames(ret)[nrow(ret)] <- name
    ## clean up and finish
    ret <- gsub("\\s*(NA|NULL)", "", ret)
    colnames(ret) <- if (missing(dnames) && is.null(dnames)) as.character(call)[-1] else dnames
    rownames(ret)[rownames(ret) == "NULL"] <- ""
    class(ret) <- "comparison.table"

##' @export
print.comparison.table <- function(x, ...) {
    class(x) <- "matrix"
    print(x, ..., quote=FALSE)

##' @rdname compare
##' @method getInfo lmerMod
##' @export
getInfo.lmerMod <- function(object, ...) {
    lsum <- summary(object)
    coefs <- lsum$coefficients
    varcor <- lsum$varcor
    isREML <- .isREML(object)
    .namedVector <- function(mat) {
        if (is.vector(mat)) return(mat)
        names <- rownames(mat)
        ret <- drop(mat)
        names(ret) <- names
    .getVC <- function(varcor) {
        vc <- lapply(varcor, function(grp) attr(grp, "stddev"))
        ret <- unlist(vc, use.names = FALSE)
        names(ret) <-
            unlist(lapply(1:length(vc), function(i)
                          paste(names(vc[[i]]), names(vc)[i], sep=" | ")))
    .getCorr <- function(varcor) {
        ret <- lapply(1:length(varcor), function(i) {
            grp <- varcor[[i]]
            corr <- attr(grp, "correlation")
            if (nrow(corr) == 1) return(NULL)
            names <- outer(colnames(corr), paste("x", rownames(corr)), paste)
            ret <- as.vector(corr[upper.tri(corr)])
            names(ret) <- paste(as.vector(names[upper.tri(names)]),
                                names(varcor)[i], sep = " | ")
    ret <- list(data = object@call$data,
                coef = .namedVector(coefs[,1,drop=FALSE]),
                stderr = .namedVector(coefs[,2,drop=FALSE]),
                varcomp = .getVC(varcor),
                sigma = sigma(object))
    corrs <- .getCorr(varcor)
    if (length(corrs) > 0) ret$correlations <- corrs
    if (!is(object, "rlmerMod")) {
        if (isREML) {
            ret$REML <- lme4::REMLcrit(object)
        } else {
            ret$deviance <- deviance(object, REML=FALSE)

##' @rdname compare
##' @method getInfo rlmerMod
##' @export
getInfo.rlmerMod <- function(object, ...) {
    linfo <- getInfo.lmerMod(object)
    linfo$REML <- linfo$deviance <- NULL
    linfo$rho.e <- .sprintPsiFunc(rho.e(object), TRUE)
    linfo$rho.sigma.e <- .sprintPsiFunc(rho.e(object, "sigma"), TRUE)
    rho.b <- rho.b(object)
    rho.sigma.b <- rho.b(object, "sigma")
    for (bt in seq_along(object@blocks)) {
        linfo[[paste("rho.b",bt,sep="_")]] <- .sprintPsiFunc(rho.b[[bt]], TRUE)
        linfo[[paste("rho.sigma.b",bt,sep="_")]] <- .sprintPsiFunc(rho.sigma.b[[bt]], TRUE)

##' The functions \code{xtable.comparison.table} and
##' \code{print.xtable.comparison.table} are wrapper functions for the
##' respective \code{\link{xtable}} and \code{\link{print.xtable}} functions.
##' @rdname compare
##' @param x object of class "comparison.table" or "xtable.comparison.table"
##' @param caption see \code{\link{xtable}}.
##' @param label see \code{\link{xtable}}.
##' @param align see \code{\link{xtable}}.
##' @param display see \code{\link{xtable}}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{xtable}}
##' @importFrom xtable xtable
##' @export
##' @method xtable comparison.table
xtable.comparison.table <- function(x, caption=NULL, label=NULL, align=NULL,
                                    digits=NULL, display=NULL, ...) {
    rn <- sapply(rownames(x), function(n) {
               Coef="Coefficients (Std. Error)",
               VarComp="Variance components",
               n) })
    tbl <- cbind(rn, x)
    rownames(tbl) <- NULL
    colnames(tbl) <- c(" ", colnames(x))
    if (is.null(align)) align <- c("r", "r", rep.int("l", ncol(x)))
    xtbl <- xtable(tbl, caption=caption, label=label, align=align,
                   digits=digits, display=display, ...)
    class(xtbl) <- c("xtable.comparison.table", class(xtbl))

##' @rdname compare
##' @param add.hlines replace empty lines in comparison table by hlines.
##'   Supersedes \code{hline.after} argument of \code{print.xtable}.
##' @param latexify.namescol replace \dQuote{sigma} and \dQuote{x} in the first
##'   column by latex equivalents.
##' @param include.rownames include row numbers (the object returned by
##'   \code{xtable.comparison.table} includes names in the first column)
##' @importFrom xtable print.xtable
##' @seealso \code{\link{print.xtable}}
##' @method print xtable.comparison.table
##' @export
print.xtable.comparison.table <- function(x, add.hlines=TRUE,
                                          include.rownames=FALSE, ...) {
    args <- list(...)
    if (add.hlines) {
        rns <- if (is.factor(x[[1]])) levels(x[[1]])[x[[1]]] else x[[1]]
        emptyCol <- sapply(rns, nchar) == 0
        x <- x[!emptyCol,]
        args$hline.after=c(-1, 0, which(emptyCol)-1:sum(emptyCol),nrow(x))
    if (latexify.namescol) {
        if (!is.null(args$sanitize.text.function)) {
            sanitize <- args$sanitize.text.function
        } else {
            ## from print.xtable
            sanitize <- function(str) {
                result <- str
                result <- gsub("\\\\","SANITIZE.BACKSLASH",result)
                result <- gsub("$","\\$",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub(">","$>$",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("<","$<$",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("|","$|$",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("{","\\{",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("}","\\}",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("%","\\%",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("&","\\&",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("_","\\_",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("#","\\#",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("^","\\verb|^|",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("~","\\~{}",result,fixed=TRUE)
                result <- gsub("SANITIZE.BACKSLASH","$\\backslash$",result,fixed=TRUE)
        ## sanitize text
        for (i in 1:ncol(x)) x[[i]] <- sanitize(x[[i]])
        args$sanitize.text.function <- identity
        x[[1]] <- sapply(x[[1]], function(rn) {
            rn <- sub(" x ", " $\\times$ ", rn, fixed=TRUE)
            rn <- sub("\\bsigma\\b", "$\\\\sigma$", rn)
    args$include.rownames <- include.rownames
    args$x <- x
    do.call(print.xtable, args)

##' @export
update.rlmerMod <- function(object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE) {
    ## update call
    ## set old object as init object
    ## run it
    if (is.null(call <- object@call))
        stop("object should contain a 'call' component")
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (!missing(formula.)) {
        call$formula <- update.formula(formula(object), formula.)
        extras$init <- NULL
    } else {
        ## set init to object, if not explicitly given (and no new data given)
        if (is.null(extras[["data"]])) {
            if (is.null(extras[["init"]])) {
                lcall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
                extras$init <- object
            ## copy pp and resp (to really get a new object)
            extras$init@pp <- object@pp$copy()
            ## reset calledInit... fields to FALSE:
            fields <- grep("calledInit", names(getRefClass(class(extras$init@pp))$fields()), value=TRUE)
            Map(function(field) extras$init@pp$field(field, FALSE), fields)
            extras$init@resp <- object@resp$copy()
        } else {
            extras$init <- NULL
    if (length(extras) > 0) {
        existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if (any(!existing)) {
            call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
            call <- as.call(call)
    if (evaluate)
        eval(call, parent.frame())
    else call

##' @importFrom utils head
createObservationsString <- function(indicator,
                                     max = 6,
                                     obs = which(indicator)) {
    n <- length(obs)
    if (n == 1) {
        return(paste("observation", obs))
    if (n > max) {
        nToShow <- max - 1
    } else {
        nToShow <- n - 1
    obsString <- paste("observations",
                       paste(head(obs, n = nToShow),
                             collapse = ", "))
    if (n > max) {
        obsString <- paste(obsString, "and", n - nToShow, "others")
    } else {
        obsString <- paste(obsString, "and", obs[n])
kollerma/robustlmm documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 2:18 a.m.