
Defines functions informativeDropout.bayes.splines summary.bayes.splines.fit summary.sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit prob.acceptance calculateDropoutTimeSpecificSlope calculateMarginalSlope updateCovarianceParameters.gaussian updateCovarianceParameters.binary updateRandomEffects.gaussian updateRandomEffects.binary updateFixedEffectsCovariates.gaussian updateFixedEffectsCovariates.binary updateFixedEffects.gaussian updateFixedEffects.binary moveKnot.gaussian moveKnot.binary removeKnot.gaussian removeKnot.binary addKnot.gaussian addKnot.binary bayes.splines.fit bayes.splines.model.options bayes.splines.iteration

Documented in addKnot.binary addKnot.gaussian bayes.splines.fit bayes.splines.iteration bayes.splines.model.options calculateDropoutTimeSpecificSlope calculateMarginalSlope informativeDropout.bayes.splines moveKnot.binary moveKnot.gaussian prob.acceptance removeKnot.binary removeKnot.gaussian sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit summary.bayes.splines.fit summary.sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit updateCovarianceParameters.binary updateCovarianceParameters.gaussian updateFixedEffects.binary updateFixedEffectsCovariates.binary updateFixedEffectsCovariates.gaussian updateFixedEffects.gaussian updateRandomEffects.binary updateRandomEffects.gaussian

# Supporting functions for the Spline model / RJMCMC loop
#' @include generics.R

#' Data stored with each iteration of the Bayesian spline model
#' during the RJMCMC run
#' @title bayes.splines.iteration
#' @param knots list of knot positions by group
#' @param Theta list of spline coefficients by group
#' @param betas.covariates regression coefficients related to covariates
#' @param sigma.residual covariance of the spline coefficients
#' @param sigma.randomIntercept variance of the random intercepts
#' @param sigma.randomSlope variance of the random slopes
#' @param sigma.randomInterceptSlope covariance of the random intercepts and slopes
#' @param sigma.error for Gaussian outcomes, the residual error
#' @param sigma.error.shape for Gaussian outcomes, the shape hyperparamter of the inverse gamma
#' distribution of the residual error
#' @param sigma.error.rate for Gaussian outcomes, the rate hyperparamter of the inverse gamma
#' distribution of the residual error
#' @param shape.tau
#' @export bayes.splines.iteration
bayes.splines.iteration <- function(knots=NULL, Theta=NULL, betas.covariates=NULL,
                                    sigma.residual = 1,
                                    sigma.randomIntercept = 1,
                                    sigma.randomSlope = 1, sigma.randomInterceptSlope = 0,
                                    sigma.error = 1, 
                                    sigma.error.shape = 0.001, sigma.error.rate = 0.001) {
  mi = list(
    # The following items are separated into a list 
    # with each item representing the value for a treatment group
    # knots per group
    knots = knots,
    # per group intercept and spline coefficients
    Theta = Theta,
    # The following items are shared across the groups
    # regression coefficients associated with the shared covariates 
    # (includes group offsets)
    betas.covariates = betas.covariates,
    # variance of residuals
    sigma.residual = sigma.residual,
    # variance / covariance of the random effects
    sigma.randomIntercept = sigma.randomIntercept,
    sigma.randomSlope = sigma.randomSlope,
    sigma.randomInterceptSlope = sigma.randomInterceptSlope,
    # residual error variance
    sigma.error = sigma.error,
    # hyperparameters describing the inverse gamma distribution of the variance components
    sigma.error.shape = sigma.error.shape,
    sigma.error.rate = sigma.error.rate,
    # indicates which changes to the model were proposed at this iteration
    proposed=list(knot.add=FALSE, knot.remove=FALSE, knot.move=FALSE,
                  fixedEffects=FALSE, fixedEffectsCovariates=FALSE),
    # incidates which changes were accepted at this iteration
    accepted=list(knot.add=FALSE, knot.remove=FALSE, knot.move=FALSE,
                  fixedEffects=FALSE, fixedEffectsCovariates=FALSE)
  class(mi) <- append(class(mi), "bayes.splines.iteration")

#' bayes.splines.model.options
#' Simulation and model options for the natural b-spline model
#' @param iterations number of iterations for the MCMC simulation
#' @param burnin burn in period for the simulation, i.e. the number of 
#' iterations to throw away at the beginning of the simulation
#' @param thin thinning interval, i.e. if thin=n, only keep every nth iteration
#' @param knots.prob.birth probability of adding a new knot to the model on a given iteration
#' @param knots.min minimum number of knots in the model. Must be greater than or equal to 1.
#' @param knots.max maximum number of knots in the model.
#' @importFrom matrixcalc is.positive.definite
#' @export bayes.splines.model.options
bayes.splines.model.options = function(iterations=10000, burnin=500, thin=1, print=1,
                                       knots.prob.birth=0.5, knots.min=1, knots.max=NA, knots.stepSize=3,
                                       knots.positions.start=NULL, knots.positions.candidate=NULL,
                                       prob.min=0.00001, prob.max=0.99999, accept.rate.adjust=1,
                                       sigma.beta=NULL, sigma.residual=NULL,
                                       sigma.error.shape.tau=NULL, sigma.error.rate.tau=NULL,
                                       sigma.randomIntercept = NULL,
                                       sigma.randomSlope = NULL,
                                       sigma.randomInterceptSlope = NULL,
                                       sigma.randomEffects.df = NULL,
                                       sigma.randomEffects.scale = NULL,
                                       eta.null=NULL) {
  # TODO: add na.rm to ignore subjects with missing outcomes or covariates
  # validate the mcmc options
  if (is.na(iterations) || is.null(iterations) || iterations < 1) {
    stop("model options error :: invalid number of iterations")
  if (!is.na(burnin) && !is.null(iterations) && burnin >= iterations) {
    stop("model options error :: the burn in period must be less than the total number of iterations")
  if (!is.na(thin) && !is.null(thin)  && thin > iterations) {
    stop("model options error :: thinning value must be less that the iterations")
  # validate the knot options.
  if (is.na(knots.prob.birth) || is.null(knots.prob.birth) || knots.prob.birth <= 0 || knots.prob.birth >= 1) {
    stop("model options error :: knot birth probability must be a value between 0 and 1.")
  if (is.na(knots.min) || is.null(knots.min) || knots.min <= 0) {
    stop("model options error :: The minimum number of knots must be 1 or greater.")
  if (is.na(knots.max) || is.null(knots.max) || knots.max <= knots.min) {
    stop("model options error :: The maximum number of knots must be greater than the minimum number of knots.")
  # validate the prior options
  if (is.na(sigma.error.shape.tau) || is.null(sigma.error.shape.tau) || sigma.error.shape.tau <= 0) {
    stop("Prior options error :: shape.tau must be greater than 0")
  if (is.na(sigma.error.rate.tau) || is.null(sigma.error.rate.tau) || sigma.error.rate.tau <= 0) {
    stop("Prior options error :: rate.tau must be greater than 0")
  if (is.na(sigma.randomEffects.df) || is.null(sigma.randomEffects.df) || sigma.randomEffects.df <= 0) {
    stop("Prior options error :: sigmaError.df must be greater than 0")
  if (is.null(sigma.randomEffects.scale) || 
      !is.positive.definite(sigma.randomEffects.scale)) {
    stop("Prior options error :: sigma.randomEffects.scale must be a positive definite matrix")
  # in the 1 group case, we let people pass in a vector of knots, but the
  # model fits are expected a list of vectors
  knots.start = knots.positions.start
  if (!is.list(knots.start)) {
    knots.start = list(knots.start)
  knots.candidate = knots.positions.candidate
  if (!is.list(knots.candidate)) {
    knots.candidate = list(knots.candidate)
  opts = list(
    # mcmc iterations
    iterations = iterations,
    # burn in period
    burnin = burnin,
    # thinning interval
    thin = thin,
    # printing interval
    print = print,
    # probability of adding a knot on a given iteration
    knots.prob.birth = knots.prob.birth,
    # minimum number of knots
    knots.min = knots.min,
    # maximum number of knots,
    knots.max = knots.max,
    # step size for moving a knot 
    knots.stepSize = knots.stepSize,
    # starting positions for the knots
    knots.positions.start = knots.start,
    # candidate positions for the knots
    knots.positions.candidate = knots.candidate,
    # minimum/maximum probability for Metropolis Hastings for binary outcomes
    # these control numeric instability with taking logs
    prob.min = prob.min,
    prob.max = prob.max,
    # acceptance rate adjustment
    accept.rate.adjust = accept.rate.adjust,
    # times at which the dropout time dependent slopes will be estimated
    dropout.estimationTimes = dropout.estimationTimes,
    # covariance of regression coefficients associated with fixed effects
    sigma.beta = sigma.beta,
    # covariance of residuals
    sigma.residual = sigma.residual,
    # for gaussian outcomes, the residual error starting value
    sigma.error = sigma.error,
    # hyperpriors for inverse gamma distribution of sigma.error
    sigma.error.shape.tau = sigma.error.shape.tau, 
    sigma.error.rate.tau = sigma.error.rate.tau,
    # prior for the poisson distribution of the number of knots
    lambda.numKnots = lambda.numKnots,
    # starting values for random effects covariance parameters
    sigma.randomIntercept = sigma.randomIntercept,
    sigma.randomSlope = sigma.randomSlope,
    sigma.randomInterceptSlope = sigma.randomInterceptSlope,
    # priors for the inverse wishart distribution of the covariance of random effects
    sigma.randomEffects.df = sigma.randomEffects.df,
    sigma.randomEffects.scale = sigma.randomEffects.scale,
    # for binary outcomes, eta null
    eta.null = eta.null
  class(opts) <- append(class(opts), "bayes.splines.model.options")

#' bayes.splines.fit
#' Model fit for a Bayesian spline model run
#' @param model.options the original model options
#' @param dist the distribution of the outcome ("gaussian" or "binary")
#' @param groups the list of groups
#' @param covariates.var list of covariate column names
#' @param iterations the model run iterations after removing burn-in iterations and thinning
#' @export bayes.splines.fit
bayes.splines.fit <- function(model.options, dist, groups, covariates.var, iterations) {
  fit = list(
    # store the model options for reference
    model.options = model.options,
    # distribution of the outcome    
    dist = dist,
    # list of group names
    groups = groups,
    # list of covariate names
    covariates.var = covariates.var,
    # list of dirichlet.iteration objects
    iterations = iterations
  class(fit) <- append(class(fit), "bayes.splines.fit")

#' addKnot.binary
#' For binary outcomes, add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model.
#' @param model.options model options
#' @param knots.previous previous set of knots
#' @param outcomes vector of outcomes
#' @param times.dropout vector of dropout times
#' @param times.observation vector of observation times 
#' @param covariates data frame of covariates
#' @param X.previous previous X matrix
#' @param Theta.previous previous Theta values
#' @param Z random effects design matrix
#' @param alpha random effects
#' @param betaCovariates regression coefficients for covariates
#' @return list containing updated X, knots, Theta, and boolean indicating if change accepted
addKnot.binary <- function(model.options, knots.previous, knots.positions.candidate, 
                           outcomes, times.dropout, times.observation, 
                           covariates, X.previous, Theta.previous,
                           Z, alpha, betaCovariates, eta.null) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  sigma.residual <- model.options$sigma.residual
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # add a knot by randomly selecting a candidate knot
  candidatePositions = knots.positions.candidate[!(knots.positions.candidate %in% knots.previous)]
  newKnot.value = sample(candidatePositions, 1)
  knots.star <- sort(c(knots.previous, newKnot.value))
  # get the interior and boundary knots, and grab the position of the knot that
  # was just added
  knots.boundary = range(knots.star)
  knots.interior = knots.star[-c(1,length(knots.star))] 
  newKnot.position = which(knots.star == newKnot.value)
  # Calculate spline transformation of dropout time and create the proposed X matrix
  X.star <- cbind(
    ns(times.dropout, knots=knots.interior, Boundary.knots=knots.boundary, intercept=T) * times.observation
  # Calculate y-random effects for least squares calculations
  y = outcomes
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
  } else {
    cBeta = rep(0, length(times.observation))
  zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
  # calculate residuals
  eta.wls <- eta.null + zAlpha + cBeta
  Theta.LSXprev <- wls.binary(y, X.previous, eta.wls, model.options, eta.null)
  Theta.LSXstar <- wls.binary(y, X.star, eta.wls, model.options, eta.null)
  Theta.LSresid <- Theta.previous - Theta.LSXprev
  #Draw a residual for the added coefficient and calculate coefficient transformation
  residual <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(sigma.residual))
  # adjust position by 1 since first coefficient is the group intercept
  beta.newKnot <- Theta.LSXstar[(newKnot.position+1)] + residual
  beta.other <- Theta.LSXstar[-(newKnot.position+1)] + Theta.LSresid
  # insert the new beta value in the correct position
  if (newKnot.position == 1) {
    Theta.star = c(beta.other[1], beta.newKnot, beta.other[2:length(beta.other)])
  } else if (newKnot.position == length(knots.star)) {
    Theta.star = c(beta.other, beta.newKnot)
  } else {
    Theta.star = c(beta.other[1:(newKnot.position)], beta.newKnot, 
  # Calculate birth and death probabilities                                                        
  probBirth <- ifelse(length(knots.previous) == model.options$knots.min, 1, model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  probDeath <- ifelse(length(knots.previous) == model.options$knots.max - 1, 1, 1 - model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  # calculate the previous eta and associated probability
  eta.previous = as.vector(X.previous %*% Theta.previous + zAlpha + cBeta)
  prob.previous = inv.logit(eta.previous)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.previous[prob.previous < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.previous[prob.previous > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.previous <- sum(log((1 - prob.previous[outcomes==0]))) + sum(log(prob.previous[outcomes==1]))    
  # calculate the proposal eta and associated probability
  eta.star = as.vector(X.star %*% Theta.star + zAlpha + cBeta)
  prob.star = inv.logit(eta.star)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.star[prob.star < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.star[prob.star > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.star <- sum(log((1 - prob.star[outcomes==0]))) + sum(log(prob.star[outcomes==1]))    
  #Calculate Acceptance Probability  
  rho <- (log(lambda.numKnots) - 
            log(length(knots.previous)) + 
            log(probDeath) - log(probBirth) + 
            log(sqrt(sigma.residual)) - 
            0.5 * log(sigma.beta) +
            (residual^2 / (2 * sigma.residual)) + 
            ((crossprod(Theta.previous) - crossprod(Theta.star)) / (2 * sigma.beta)) +
            loglikelihood.star - loglikelihood.previous
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(X=X.star, knots=knots.star, Theta=Theta.star, accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(X=X.previous, knots=knots.previous, Theta=Theta.previous, accepted=FALSE))          

#' addKnot.gaussian
#' Add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param model.options model options
#' @param knots.previous previous set of knots
#' @param outcomes vector of outcomes
#' @param times.dropout vector of dropout times
#' @param times.observation vector of observation times 
#' @param covariates data frame of covariates
#' @param X.previous previous X matrix
#' @param Theta.previous previous Theta values
#' @param Z random effects design matrix
#' @param alpha random effects
#' @param betaCovariates regression coefficients for covariates
#' @param sigma.error residual variance
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @return list containing updated X, knots, Theta, and boolean indicating if change accepted
addKnot.gaussian <- function(model.options, knots.previous, knots.positions.candidate,
                             outcomes, times.dropout, times.observation, 
                             covariates, X.previous, Theta.previous,
                             Z, alpha, betaCovariates, sigma.error) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  sigma.residual <- model.options$sigma.residual
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # add a knot by randomly selecting a candidate knot
  candidatePositions = knots.positions.candidate[!(knots.positions.candidate %in% knots.previous)]
  newKnot.value = sample(candidatePositions, 1)
  knots.star <- sort(c(knots.previous, newKnot.value))
  # get the interior and boundary knots, and grab the position of the knot that
  # was just added
  knots.boundary = range(knots.star)
  knots.interior = knots.star[-c(1,length(knots.star))] 
  newKnot.position = which(knots.star == newKnot.value)
  # Calculate spline transformation of dropout time and create the proposed X matrix
  X.star <- cbind(
    ns(times.dropout, knots=knots.interior, Boundary.knots=knots.boundary, intercept=T) * times.observation
  # Calculate y-random effects for least squares calculations
  y = outcomes
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
  zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
  # get the residuals
  yls <- as.vector(y - zAlpha)
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    yls <- (yls - cBeta)
  # Calculate least squares estimates for coefficients and differences between LS and current coefficients
  Theta.LSXprev <- ginv(crossprod(X.previous))%*%(crossprod(X.previous,yls))
  Theta.LSXstar <- ginv(crossprod(X.star))%*%(crossprod(X.star,yls))
  Theta.LSresid <- Theta.previous - Theta.LSXprev
  #Draw a residual for the added coefficient and calculate coefficient transformation
  residual <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(sigma.residual))
  # adjust position by 1 since first coefficient is the group intercept
  beta.newKnot <- Theta.LSXstar[(newKnot.position+1)] + residual
  beta.other <- Theta.LSXstar[-(newKnot.position+1)] + Theta.LSresid
  # insert the new beta value in the correct position
  if (newKnot.position == 1) {
    Theta.star = c(beta.other[1], beta.newKnot, beta.other[2:length(beta.other)])
  } else if (newKnot.position == length(knots.star)) {
    Theta.star = c(beta.other, beta.newKnot)
  } else {
    Theta.star = c(beta.other[1:(newKnot.position)], beta.newKnot, 
  # Calculate birth and death probabilities                                                        
  probBirth <- ifelse(length(knots.previous) == model.options$knots.min, 1, model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  probDeath <- ifelse(length(knots.previous) == model.options$knots.max - 1, 1, 1 - model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  # Calculate residuals for likelihood ratio
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    LRresid.star <- as.vector(y - X.star %*% Theta.star - cBeta - zAlpha)
    LRresid.prev <- as.vector(y - X.previous %*% Theta.previous - cBeta - zAlpha)
  } else {
    LRresid.star <-as.vector(y - X.star %*% Theta.star - zAlpha)
    LRresid.prev <- as.vector(y - X.previous %*% Theta.previous - zAlpha)
  #Calculate Acceptance Probability                                                        
  rho <- (log(lambda.numKnots) - 
            log(length(knots.previous)) + 
            log(probDeath) - log(probBirth) + 
            log(sqrt(sigma.residual)) - 
            0.5 * log(sigma.beta) +
            (residual^2 / (2 * sigma.residual)) + 
            ((crossprod(Theta.previous) - crossprod(Theta.star)) / (2 * sigma.beta)) +
            ((crossprod(LRresid.prev) - crossprod(LRresid.star)) / (2 * sigma.error))
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(X=X.star, knots=knots.star, Theta=Theta.star, accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(X=X.previous, knots=knots.previous, Theta=Theta.previous, accepted=FALSE))          

#' Remove a knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param 
#' @param 
#' @return 
#' @examples
removeKnot.binary <- function(model.options, knots.previous, outcomes, times.dropout, 
                              times.observation, covariates,
                              X.previous, Theta.previous, Z, alpha, betaCovariates,eta.null) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  sigma.residual <- model.options$sigma.residual
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # randomly remove an existing knot
  index = sample(1:length(knots.previous), 1)
  knots.star <- knots.previous[-index]
  knots.boundary = range(knots.star)
  knots.interior = knots.star[-c(1,length(knots.star))] 
  if (length(knots.star) > 1 ) {  
      rep(1, length(times.dropout)),
      ns(times.dropout, knots=knots.interior, Boundary.knots=knots.boundary, 
         intercept=T) * times.observation
  } else {
    X.star<-cbind(rep(1, length(times.observation)), times.observation)
  # Calculate residuals
  y = as.matrix(outcomes)
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
  } else {
    cBeta = rep(0, length(times.observation))
  zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
  yls <- as.vector(y - zAlpha)
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    yls <- (yls - cBeta)
  # calculate residuals
  eta.wls <- eta.null + zAlpha + cBeta
  Theta.LSXprev <- wls.binary(y, X.previous, eta.wls, model.options, eta.null)
  Theta.LSXstar <- wls.binary(y, X.star, eta.wls, model.options, eta.null)
  Theta.LSresid <- Theta.previous - Theta.LSXprev
  # update the coefficients
  residual.deletedKnot <- Theta.LSresid[index+1]
  Theta.star <- Theta.LSXstar + Theta.LSresid[-(index+1)]
  # calculate the previous eta and associated probability
  eta.previous = as.vector(X.previous %*% Theta.previous + cBeta + zAlpha)
  prob.previous = inv.logit(eta.previous)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.previous[prob.previous < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.previous[prob.previous > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.previous <- sum(log((1 - prob.previous[outcomes==0]))) + sum(log(prob.previous[outcomes==1]))    
  # calculate the proposal eta and associated probability
  eta.star = as.vector(X.star %*% Theta.star + cBeta + zAlpha)
  prob.star = inv.logit(eta.star)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.star[prob.star < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.star[prob.star > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.star <- sum(log((1 - prob.star[outcomes==0]))) + sum(log(prob.star[outcomes==1]))    
  # Calculate birth and death probabilities                                                        
  probBirth <- ifelse(length(knots.star) == model.options$knots.min, 
                      1, model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  probDeath <- ifelse(length(knots.previous) == model.options$knots.max, 
                      1, 1 - model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  #Calculate Acceptance Probability  
  rho <- (-log(lambda.numKnots) + 
            log(length(knots.star)) -  
            log(probDeath) + log(probBirth) - 
            log(sqrt(sigma.residual)) + 
            0.5 * log(sigma.beta) -
            (residual.deletedKnot^2 / (2 * sigma.residual)) + 
            ((crossprod(Theta.previous) - crossprod(Theta.star)) / (2 * sigma.beta)) +
            loglikelihood.star - loglikelihood.previous
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(X=X.star, knots=knots.star, Theta=Theta.star, accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(X=X.previous, knots=knots.previous, Theta=Theta.previous, accepted=FALSE))         

#' Remove a knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param 
#' @param 
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @return 
#' @examples
removeKnot.gaussian <- function(model.options, knots.previous, 
                                outcomes, times.dropout, times.observation, covariates,
                                X.previous, Theta.previous, 
                                Z, alpha, betaCovariates, sigma.error) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  sigma.residual <- model.options$sigma.residual
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # randomly remove an existing knot
  index = sample(1:length(knots.previous), 1)
  knots.star <- knots.previous[-index]
  knots.boundary = range(knots.star)
  knots.interior = knots.star[-c(1,length(knots.star))] 
  if (length(knots.star) > 1 ) {  
      rep(1, length(times.dropout)),
      ns(times.dropout, knots=knots.interior, Boundary.knots=knots.boundary, 
         intercept=T) * times.observation
  } else {
    X.star<-cbind(rep(1, length(times.observation)), times.observation)
  # Calculate residuals
  y = outcomes
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
  zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
  yls <- as.vector(y - zAlpha)
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    yls <- (yls - cBeta)
  # Calculate least squares estimates for coefficients and differences 
  # between LS and current coefficients
  Theta.LSXprev <- ginv(crossprod(X.previous))%*%(crossprod(X.previous, yls))
  Theta.LSXstar <- ginv(crossprod(X.star))%*%(crossprod(X.star, yls))
  Theta.LSresid <- Theta.previous - Theta.LSXprev
  # update the coefficients
  residual.deletedKnot <- Theta.LSresid[index+1]
  Theta.star <- Theta.LSXstar + Theta.LSresid[-(index+1)]
  # Calculate residuals for likelihood ratio
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    LRresid.star <- as.vector(y - X.star %*% Theta.star - cBeta - zAlpha)
    LRresid.prev <- as.vector(y - X.previous %*% Theta.previous - cBeta - zAlpha)
  } else {
    LRresid.star <-as.vector(y - X.star %*% Theta.star - zAlpha)
    LRresid.prev <- as.vector(y - X.previous %*% Theta.previous - zAlpha)
  # Calculate birth and death probabilities                                                        
  probBirth <- ifelse(length(knots.star) == model.options$knots.min, 
                      1, model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  probDeath <- ifelse(length(knots.previous) == model.options$knots.max, 
                      1, 1 - model.options$knots.prob.birth)
  #Calculate Acceptance Probability                                                        
  rho <- (-log(lambda.numKnots) + 
            log(length(knots.star)) -  
            log(probDeath) + log(probBirth) - 
            log(sqrt(sigma.residual)) + 
            0.5 * log(sigma.beta) -
            (residual.deletedKnot^2 / (2 * sigma.residual)) + 
            ((crossprod(Theta.previous) - crossprod(Theta.star)) / (2 * sigma.beta)) +
            ((crossprod(LRresid.prev) - crossprod(LRresid.star)) / (2 * sigma.error))
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(X=X.star, knots=knots.star, Theta=as.vector(Theta.star), accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(X=X.previous, knots=knots.previous, Theta=Theta.previous, accepted=FALSE))         

#' Add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return The sum of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
moveKnot.binary <- function(model.options, knots.previous, knots.positions.candidate,
                            outcomes, times.dropout, times.observation, covariates,
                            X.previous, Theta.previous, 
                            Z, alpha, betaCovariates) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  # priors
  sigma.residual <- model.options$sigma.residual
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # candidate positions
  potentialLocations = knots.positions.candidate[! knots.positions.candidate %in% knots.previous]
  # step size for moving a knot
  knots.stepSize = model.options$knots.stepSize
  #Pick a knot to move 
  knotToMove <- sample(knots.previous, 1) 
  # get index of knot to be moved
  index <- which(knots.previous == knotToMove) 
  # get the knots that are staying in the same place
  knotsToKeep <- knots.previous[-index] 
  # find a new location from the potential knot locations
  # here we only allow movement within some small window
  potentialLocations <- 
    potentialLocations[potentialLocations > (knotToMove - knots.stepSize) & 
                         potentialLocations < (knotToMove + knots.stepSize)] 
  if (length(potentialLocations) > 0) {
    # pick a new location
    if (length(potentialLocations) == 1) {
      p = potentialLocations
    } else {
      p <- sample(potentialLocations,1)
    # get the new knots
    knots.star <- sort(c(knotsToKeep, p))
    # get the potential locations we could move back to, from the proposed knot positions
    potentialLocations.star = knots.positions.candidate[! knots.positions.candidate %in% knots.star]
    potentialLocations.star <- potentialLocations.star[potentialLocations.star > (p - knots.stepSize) &
                                                         potentialLocations.star < (p + knots.stepSize)] 
    if (length(knots.star) > 1) {
      knotstar.b <- range(knots.star)
      knotstar.i <- knots.star[!(knots.star %in% knotstar.b)]
      # Calculate spline transformation of dropout time and proposed X matrix and residuals
      X.star <- cbind(
        rep(1, length(times.observation)),
        ns(times.dropout, knots=knotstar.i, Boundary.knots=knotstar.b, intercept=T) * times.observation
    } else {
      X.star <- cbind(rep(1, length(times.observation)), times.observation)
    # Calculate residuals for likelihood ratio
    y = as.matrix(outcomes)
    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
      cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
    } else {
      cBeta = rep(0, length(times.observation))
    zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
    # calculate the previous eta and associated probability
    eta.previous = as.vector(X.previous %*% Theta.previous + cBeta + zAlpha)
    prob.previous = inv.logit(eta.previous)
    # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
    prob.previous[prob.previous < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
    prob.previous[prob.previous > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
    loglikelihood.previous <- sum(log((1 - prob.previous[outcomes==0]))) + sum(log(prob.previous[outcomes==1]))    
    # calculate the proposal eta and associated probability
    eta.star = as.vector(X.star %*% Theta.previous + cBeta + zAlpha)
    prob.star = inv.logit(eta.star)
    # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
    prob.star[prob.star < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
    prob.star[prob.star > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
    loglikelihood.star <- sum(log((1 - prob.star[outcomes==0]))) + sum(log(prob.star[outcomes==1]))    
    # Calculate the acceptance probability
    rho <- (log(length(potentialLocations)) - log(length(potentialLocations.star)) + loglikelihood.star - loglikelihood.previous)
    if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
      return (list(knots=knots.star, X=X.star, proposed=TRUE, accepted=TRUE))
    } else {
      return (list(knots=knots.previous, X=X.previous, proposed=TRUE, accepted=FALSE))
  } else {
    # nowhere to move to
    return (list(knots=knots.previous, X=X.previous, proposed=FALSE, accepted=FALSE))

#' Add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return The sum of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
moveKnot.gaussian <- function(model.options, knots.previous, knots.positions.candidate,
                              outcomes, times.dropout, times.observation, covariates,
                              X.previous, Theta.previous, 
                              Z, alpha, betaCovariates, sigma.error) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  # priors
  sigma.residual <- model.options$sigma.residual
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # candidate positions
  potentialLocations = knots.positions.candidate[! knots.positions.candidate %in% knots.previous]
  # step size for moving a knot
  knots.stepSize = model.options$knots.stepSize
  #Pick a knot to move 
  knotToMove <- sample(knots.previous, 1) 
  # get index of knot to be moved
  index <- which(knots.previous == knotToMove) 
  # get the knots that are staying in the same place
  knotsToKeep <- knots.previous[-index] 
  # find a new location from the potential knot locations
  # here we only allow movement within some small window
  potentialLocations <- 
    potentialLocations[potentialLocations > (knotToMove - knots.stepSize) & 
                         potentialLocations < (knotToMove + knots.stepSize)] 
  if (length(potentialLocations) > 0) {
    # pick a new location
    if (length(potentialLocations) == 1) {
      p = potentialLocations
    } else {
      p <- sample(potentialLocations,1)
    # get the new knots
    knots.star <- sort(c(knotsToKeep, p))
    # get the potential locations we could move back to, from the proposed knot positions
    potentialLocations.star = knots.positions.candidate[!(knots.positions.candidate %in% knots.star)]
    potentialLocations.star <- potentialLocations.star[potentialLocations.star > (p - knots.stepSize) & 
                                                    potentialLocations.star < (p + knots.stepSize)] 
    if (length(knots.star) > 1) {
      knotstar.b <- range(knots.star)
      knotstar.i <- knots.star[!(knots.star %in% knotstar.b)]
      # Calculate spline transformation of dropout time and proposed X matrix and residuals
      X.star <- cbind(
        rep(1, length(times.observation)),
        ns(times.dropout, knots=knotstar.i, Boundary.knots=knotstar.b, intercept=T) * times.observation
    } else {
      X.star <- cbind(rep(1, length(times.observation)), times.observation)

    # Calculate residuals for likelihood ratio
    y = outcomes
    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
      cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
    zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
      LRresid.star <- as.vector(y - X.star %*% Theta.previous - cBeta - zAlpha)
      LRresid.prev <- as.vector(y - X.previous %*% Theta.previous - cBeta - zAlpha)
    } else {
      LRresid.star <-as.vector(y - X.star %*% Theta.previous - zAlpha)
      LRresid.prev <- as.vector(y - X.previous %*% Theta.previous - zAlpha)
    # Calculate the acceptance probability
    rho <- (log(length(potentialLocations)) - log(length(potentialLocations.star)) + 
    if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
      return (list(knots=knots.star, X=X.star, proposed=TRUE, accepted=TRUE))
    } else {
      return (list(knots=knots.previous, X=X.previous, proposed=TRUE, accepted=FALSE))
  } else {
    # nowhere to move to
    return (list(knots=knots.previous, X=X.previous, proposed=FALSE, accepted=FALSE))

#' Add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return The sum of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
updateFixedEffects.binary <- function(model.options, knots.previous, 
                                      outcomes, times.dropout, times.observation, covariates,
                                      X.previous, Theta.previous, 
                                      Z, alpha, betaCovariates) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  # priors
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # build components of eta
  y <- outcomes
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
  } else {
    cBeta = rep(0, length(times.observation))
  zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
  XTheta.previous = X.previous %*% Theta.previous 
  # calculate the previous eta and associated probability
  eta.previous = as.vector(XTheta.previous + cBeta + zAlpha)
  prob.previous = inv.logit(eta.previous)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.previous[prob.previous < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.previous[prob.previous > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.previous <- sum(log((1 - prob.previous[y==0]))) + sum(log(prob.previous[y==1]))    
  # create the covariance matrix for the intercept and theta coefficients for the splines - R0
  covarIntTheta <- diag(rep(sigma.beta, (length(knots.previous)+1))) 
  covarIntThetaInverse <- diag(rep(1/sigma.beta, (length(knots.previous)+1))) 
  # build y-tilde
  yt = XTheta.previous + (y - prob.previous) * (1 / (prob.previous * (1 - prob.previous)))
  # build the weight matrix
  weight <- Diagonal(x = prob.previous * (1-prob.previous))
  # build the covariance of the beta coefficients and make sure it is positive definite
  covar <- as.matrix(nearPD(solve(covarIntThetaInverse + crossprod(X.previous, as.matrix(weight %*% X.previous))))$mat)
  # build the mean
  mu <- covar  %*% (crossprod(X.previous, as.matrix(weight %*% yt)))
  # draw the proposed coefficients for the fixed effects
  Theta.star <- as.vector(rmvnorm(1, mu, covar))
  # get proposal probabilities
  XTheta.star = X.previous %*% Theta.star
  eta.star <- XTheta.star + cBeta + zAlpha
  prob.star = inv.logit(eta.star)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.star[prob.star < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.star[prob.star > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.star <- sum(log((1 - prob.star[y == 0]))) + sum(log(prob.star[y == 1]))    
  y.star <- XTheta.star + (y - prob.star) * (1 / (prob.star * (1 - prob.star)))
  weight.star <- Diagonal(x=prob.star * (1 - prob.star))
  covar.star <- as.matrix(nearPD(solve(covarIntThetaInverse + crossprod(X.previous, as.matrix(weight.star %*% X.previous))))$mat)
  mu.star <- covar.star %*% (crossprod(X.previous, as.matrix(weight.star %*% y.star)))
  # Metropolis hastings step
  rho <- (loglikelihood.star - loglikelihood.previous + 
            log(dmvnorm(Theta.previous, as.vector(mu.star), covar.star)) - 
            log(dmvnorm(Theta.star, as.vector(mu),covar)) +
            (crossprod(Theta.previous) - crossprod(Theta.star))/ (2 * sigma.beta))
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(Theta=Theta.star, accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(Theta=Theta.previous, accepted=FALSE))

#' Add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return The sum of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
updateFixedEffects.gaussian <- function(model.options, knots.previous, 
                                        outcomes, times.dropout, times.observation, covariates,
                                        X.previous, Theta.previous, 
                                        Z, alpha, betaCovariates, sigma.error) {
  # get the relevant priors from the model options
  # priors
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  lambda.numKnots <- model.options$lambda.numKnots
  # create the covariance matrix for the intercept and theta coefficients for the splines - R0
  covarIntTheta <- diag(rep(sigma.beta, (length(knots.previous)+1))) 
  covarIntThetaInverse <- diag(rep(1/sigma.beta, (length(knots.previous)+1))) 
  # Calculate residuals 
  y = outcomes
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    cBeta = as.vector(as.matrix(covariates) %*% betaCovariates)
  zAlpha = Z[,1] * alpha[,1] + Z[,2] * alpha[,2]
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    LRresid <- as.vector(y - cBeta - zAlpha)
  } else {
    LRresid <- as.vector(y - zAlpha)
  # calculate the covariance and mean of the proposal distribution
  proposedCovariance <- ginv(covarIntThetaInverse + (1/sigma.error) * crossprod(X.previous))
  proposedMean <- proposedCovariance %*% ((1/sigma.error) * crossprod(X.previous, LRresid))
  # Scale Cov to adjust acceptance rate
  adjust = ifelse(!is.null(model.options$accept.rate.adjust), 
                  model.options$accept.rate.adjust, 1)
  proposedCovariance <- adjust * proposedCovariance 
  # ensure the covariance is positive definite
  proposedCovariance <- as.matrix(nearPD(proposedCovariance)$mat) 
  # draw a proposed set of coefficients
  Theta.star <- t(as.matrix(rmvnorm(1, proposedMean, proposedCovariance)))
  # Calculate residuals for likelihood ratio
  resid.star <- LRresid - X.previous %*% Theta.star
  resid.prev <- LRresid - X.previous %*% Theta.previous
  # Calculate acceptance probability
  rho <- (log(dmvnorm(as.vector(Theta.previous), as.vector(proposedMean), proposedCovariance)) - 
            log(dmvnorm(as.vector(Theta.star), as.vector(proposedMean), proposedCovariance)) + 
            (crossprod(Theta.previous)-crossprod(Theta.star))/(2 * sigma.beta) + 
            (crossprod(resid.prev)-crossprod(resid.star))/(2 * sigma.error))
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(Theta=Theta.star, accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(Theta=Theta.previous, accepted=FALSE))

#' Update the regression coefficients related to common
#' covariates and group effects
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvt
updateFixedEffectsCovariates.binary <- function(model.options, outcomes, covariates, 
                                                X, Theta, Z, alpha, betaCovariates.previous) {
  # grab the relevant model options
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  # make sure there are covariates to update 
  if (is.null(covariates)) {
    return (list(betaCovariates=NULL, accepted=FALSE))
  # build components of eta
  y <- outcomes
  C = as.matrix(covariates)
  cBeta = C %*% betaCovariates.previous
  # build X * beta for each group and combine into a single vector
  XTheta = vector()
  for(i in 1:length(X)) {
    XTheta.group = X[[i]] %*% as.matrix(Theta[[i]])
    XTheta <- c(XTheta, XTheta.group) 
  zAlpha = Z[,2] * alpha[,1] + Z[,3] * alpha[,2]
  # calculate the previous eta and associated probability
  eta.previous = as.vector(XTheta + cBeta + zAlpha)
  prob.previous = inv.logit(eta.previous)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.previous[prob.previous < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.previous[prob.previous > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.previous <- sum(log((1 - prob.previous[y==0]))) + sum(log(prob.previous[y==1]))    
  # create the covariance matrix for the intercept and theta coefficients for the splines - R0
  covarBeta <- diag(ncol(covariates)) * sigma.beta
  covarBetaInverse <- diag(ncol(covariates)) * 1/sigma.beta
  # build y-tilde
  yt = cBeta + (y - prob.previous) * (1 / (prob.previous * (1 - prob.previous)))
  # build the weight matrix
  weight <- Diagonal(x = prob.previous * (1-prob.previous))
  # build the covariance of the beta coefficients and make sure it is positive definite
  covar <- as.matrix(nearPD(solve(covarBetaInverse + crossprod(C, as.matrix(weight %*% C))))$mat)
  # build the mean
  mu <- covar  %*% (crossprod(C, as.matrix(weight %*% yt)))
  # draw the proposed coefficients for the fixed effects
  betaCovariates.star <- rmvnorm(1, mu, covar)
  # get proposal probabilities
  cBeta.star <- C %*% t(betaCovariates.star)
  eta.star <- XTheta + cBeta.star + zAlpha
  prob.star = inv.logit(eta.star)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.star[prob.star < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.star[prob.star > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.star <- sum(log((1 - prob.star[y == 0]))) + sum(log(prob.star[y == 1]))    
  y.star <- cBeta.star + (y - prob.star) * (1 / (prob.star * (1 - prob.star)))
  weight.star <- Diagonal(x=prob.star * (1 - prob.star))
  covar.star <- as.matrix(nearPD(solve(covarBetaInverse + crossprod(C, as.matrix(weight.star %*% C))))$mat)
  mu.star <- covar.star %*% (crossprod(C, as.matrix(weight.star%*%y.star)))
  # Metropolis hastings step
  rho <- (loglikelihood.star - loglikelihood.previous + 
            log(dmvnorm(as.vector(betaCovariates.previous), as.vector(mu.star), covar.star)) - 
            log(dmvnorm(as.vector(betaCovariates.star), as.vector(mu), covar)) +
            (crossprod(as.vector(betaCovariates.previous)) - tcrossprod(betaCovariates.star))/ (2 * sigma.beta))
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(betaCovariates=as.vector(betaCovariates.star), accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(betaCovariates=as.vector(betaCovariates.previous), accepted=FALSE))

#' Update the regression coefficients related to common
#' covariates and group effects
updateFixedEffectsCovariates.gaussian <- function(model.options, outcomes, covariates, 
                                                  X, Theta, Z, alpha, betaCovariates.previous,  
                                                  sigma.error) {
  # grab the relevant model options
  sigma.beta <- model.options$sigma.beta
  # build X * beta for each group and combine into a single vector
  XTheta = vector()
  for(i in 1:length(X)) {
    XTheta.group = X[[i]] %*% as.matrix(Theta[[i]])
    XTheta <- c(XTheta, XTheta.group) 
  # calculate the residuals
  residuals <- outcomes - XTheta - Z$intercept * alpha$intercept - Z$slope * alpha$slope
  # get the proposed mean/variance of the fixed effects associated with covariates
  covariates.matrix = as.matrix(covariates)
  covarBeta <- diag(ncol(covariates)) * sigma.beta
  covarBetaInverse <- diag(ncol(covariates)) * 1/sigma.beta
  proposedCovariance <- ginv(covarBetaInverse + 
                               (1/sigma.error) * t(covariates.matrix) %*% covariates.matrix)
  proposedMean <- proposedCovariance %*% 
    ((1/sigma.error) * t(covariates.matrix) %*% as.matrix(residuals))
  # Scale Cov to adjust acceptance rate
  proposedCovariance <- proposedCovariance * 
           model.options$accept.rate.adjust, 1)
  # ensure the covariance is positive definite
  proposedCovariance <- as.matrix(nearPD(proposedCovariance)$mat) 
  # draw a proposed set of coefficients for the covariates
  betaCovariates.star <- rmvnorm(1, proposedMean, proposedCovariance)
  # calculate the residuals
  resid.star <- residuals - covariates.matrix %*% t(betaCovariates.star)
  resid.previous <- residuals - covariates.matrix %*% (as.matrix(betaCovariates.previous))
  # calculate the acceptance probability
  rho<-sum(log(dnorm(as.vector(resid.star), 0, sqrt(sigma.error)))) + 
    log(dmvnorm(betaCovariates.star, rep(0, ncol(covariates)), covarBeta)) + 
    log(dmvnorm(betaCovariates.previous, proposedMean, proposedCovariance)) - 
    sum(log(dnorm(resid.previous, 0, sqrt(sigma.error)))) - 
    log(dmvnorm(betaCovariates.previous, rep(0, ncol(covariates)), covarBeta)) - 
    log(dmvnorm(betaCovariates.star, proposedMean, proposedCovariance))
  if (rho > log(runif(1))) {
    return (list(betaCovariates=as.vector(betaCovariates.star), accepted=TRUE))
  } else {
    return (list(betaCovariates=betaCovariates.previous, accepted=FALSE))

#' Update the random effects
#' @param 
#' @return 
#' @examples
updateRandomEffects.binary <- function(numSubjects, numObservations, firstObsPerSubject,
                                       subjectsPerGroup, ids, outcomes, times.observation, 
                                       covariates, X, Theta, 
                                       Z, alpha, betaCovariates,  
                                       sigma.randomIntercept, sigma.randomSlope,
                                       sigma.randomInterceptSlope) {
  # Update B1 and B2 using MH step
  # get previous log likelihood
  y <- outcomes
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    C = as.matrix(covariates)
    cBeta = as.vector(C %*% betaCovariates)
  } else {
    cBeta = rep(0, length(times.observation))
  # build X * beta for each group and combine into a single vector
  XTheta = vector()
  for(i in 1:length(X)) {
    XTheta.group = X[[i]] %*% as.matrix(Theta[[i]])
    XTheta <- c(XTheta, XTheta.group) 
  zAlpha.previous = Z[,2] * alpha[,1] + Z[,3] * alpha[,2]
  # calculate the previous eta and associated probability
  eta.previous = as.vector(XTheta + cBeta + zAlpha.previous)
  prob.previous = inv.logit(eta.previous)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.previous[prob.previous < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.previous[prob.previous > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.previous <- rep(0, length(y))    
  loglikelihood.previous[y==0] <- log(1 - prob.previous[y==0])  
  loglikelihood.previous[y==1] <- log(prob.previous[y==1])
  ### Get the proposal log likelihood by drawing a candidate from a symmetric random walk proposal
  # get the random intercepts, one per subject
  alpha.onePerSubject = alpha[firstObsPerSubject,]
  noise <- rmvt(nrow(alpha.onePerSubject),sigma=diag(2),3) # TODO: why df=3??? or b+rmvnorm(n,sigma=Sigma)
  # get the proposed random effects
  alpha.star.intercept <- alpha.onePerSubject[,1] + noise[,1]
  alpha.star.slope <- alpha.onePerSubject[,2] + noise[,2]
  # calculate the proposal log likelihood
  zAlpha.star = Z[,2] * rep(alpha.star.intercept, numObservations) + Z[,3] * rep(alpha.star.slope, numObservations)
  # calculate the previous eta and associated probability
  eta.star = as.vector(XTheta + cBeta + zAlpha.star)
  prob.star = inv.logit(eta.star)
  # adjust probabilities within tolerance levels
  prob.star[prob.star < model.options$prob.min] <-  model.options$prob.min
  prob.star[prob.star > model.options$prob.max] <-  model.options$prob.max
  loglikelihood.star <- rep(0, length(y))    
  loglikelihood.star[y==0] <- log(1 - prob.star[y==0])  
  loglikelihood.star[y==1] <- log(prob.star[y==1])
  sigma.alpha = matrix(c(sigma.randomIntercept, 
                         sigma.randomSlope), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
  alpha.star.onePerSubject = cbind(alpha.star.intercept, alpha.star.slope)
  ratio <- (
    tapply(loglikelihood.star, ids, sum) +
      dmvnorm(alpha.star.onePerSubject, c(0,0), sigma.alpha, log=TRUE) - 
      (tapply(loglikelihood.previous, ids, sum) + 
         dmvnorm(alpha.onePerSubject, c(0,0), sigma.alpha, log=TRUE))
  update <- 1*(log(runif(numSubjects)) < ratio)
  randomIntercepts <- alpha.onePerSubject[,1]
  randomIntercepts[update == 1] <- alpha.star.intercept[update==1]
  randomSlopes <- alpha.onePerSubject[,2]
  randomSlopes[update == 1] <- alpha.star.slope[update==1]
  # build the new random effects matrix
  alpha.total = data.frame(intercept=randomIntercepts, slope=randomSlopes)
  alpha = alpha.total[rep(seq_len(nrow(alpha.total)), numObservations),]
  # expand back out to complete alpha matrix
  return (alpha)

#' Update the random effects
#' @param 
#' @return 
#' @examples
updateRandomEffects.gaussian <- function(numSubjects, numObservations, firstObsPerSubject,
                                         subjectsPerGroup, ids, outcomes, times.observation, 
                                         covariates, X, Theta, 
                                         Z, alpha, betaCovariates,  
                                         sigma.randomIntercept, sigma.randomSlope,
                                         sigma.randomInterceptSlope, sigma.error) {
  # get the random intercepts, one per subject
  alpha.slopeOnePerSubject = alpha$slope[firstObsPerSubject]
  alpha.interceptOnePerSubject = alpha$intercept[firstObsPerSubject]
  # calculate rho
  rho = (sigma.randomInterceptSlope / sqrt(sigma.randomIntercept * sigma.randomSlope))
  # some convenience variables
  tau.error = 1 / sigma.error
  tau.randomIntercept = 1 / sigma.randomIntercept
  tau.randomSlope = 1 / sigma.randomSlope
  tau.randomInterceptSlope = 1 / sigma.randomInterceptSlope
  # build the residuals
  XTheta = vector()
  for(i in 1:length(X)) {
    XTheta.group = X[[i]] %*% as.matrix(Theta[[i]])
    XTheta <- c(XTheta, XTheta.group) 
  # calculate the residuals
  residuals <- outcomes - XTheta - Z$slope * alpha$slope
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    residuals <- residuals - as.matrix(covariates) %*% as.matrix(betaCovariates)
  # get the conditional distribution of the random intercept, given the random slope
  variance.randomIntercept <- 1 / (tau.error * numObservations + tau.randomIntercept * 
                                     1/(1 - rho*rho))
  mean.randomIntercept <- (variance.randomIntercept * 
                             (tau.error * as.vector(tapply(residuals,ids,sum)) + 
                                alpha.slopeOnePerSubject * (rho / (1 - rho*rho)) * 
                                (1 / sqrt(sigma.randomIntercept * sigma.randomSlope))))
  # draw a new random effect sample
  randomIntercepts <-rnorm(numSubjects, mean.randomIntercept, sqrt(variance.randomIntercept))
  # get the conditional distribution of the random slope -- FIX RESIDUALS!
  # update the residuals
  residuals = outcomes - XTheta - Z$intercept * rep(randomIntercepts, numObservations) #alpha$intercept 
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    residuals <- residuals - as.matrix(covariates) %*% as.matrix(betaCovariates)
  variance.randomSlope <- 1 / (tau.error * as.vector(tapply(times.observation^2, ids, sum)) + 
                                 tau.randomSlope * 1/(1 - rho*rho))
  mean.randomSlope <- (variance.randomSlope * 
                         (tau.error * as.vector(tapply(times.observation*residuals,ids,sum)) + 
                            alpha.interceptOnePerSubject * (rho / (1 - rho*rho)) * 
                            (1 / sqrt(sigma.randomIntercept * sigma.randomSlope))))
  # draw the random slopes
  randomSlopes <-rnorm(numSubjects, mean.randomSlope, sqrt(variance.randomSlope))
  # build the new random effects matrix
  alpha.total = data.frame(intercept=randomIntercepts, slope=randomSlopes)
  # expand back out to complete alpha matrix
  alpha = alpha.total[rep(seq_len(nrow(alpha.total)), numObservations),]
  return (alpha)

#' Add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return The sum of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
updateCovarianceParameters.binary <- function(model.options, numSubjects, 
                                              firstObsPerSubject, alpha) {
  # sample from an inverse wishart to update the covariance of the random effects
  perSubjectAlpha = alpha[firstObsPerSubject,]
  sigma.alpha <- riwish(model.options$sigma.randomEffects.df + numSubjects, 
                        model.options$sigma.randomEffects.scale + crossprod(as.matrix(perSubjectAlpha)))
  sigma.randomIntercept = sigma.alpha[1,1]
  sigma.randomSlope = sigma.alpha[2,2]
  sigma.randomInterceptSlope = sigma.alpha[1,2]
  return (list(sigma.randomIntercept = sigma.alpha[1,1],
               sigma.randomSlope = sigma.alpha[2,2],
               sigma.randomInterceptSlope = sigma.alpha[1,2]))

#' Add a new knot and use a Metropolis-Hastings step
#' to determine if we keep the changes to the model
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return The sum of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @examples
#' add(1, 1)
#' add(10, 1)
updateCovarianceParameters.gaussian <- function(model.options, totalObservations, numSubjects, 
                                                outcomes, covariates, X, Theta, 
                                                Z, alpha, betaCovariates,
                                                sigma.error) {
  # sample from an inverse wishart to update the covariance of the random effects
  perSubjectAlpha = alpha[firstObsPerSubject,]
  sigma.alpha <- riwish(model.options$sigma.randomEffects.df + numSubjects, 
                        model.options$sigma.randomEffects.scale + crossprod(as.matrix(perSubjectAlpha)))
  sigma.randomIntercept = sigma.alpha[1,1]
  sigma.randomSlope = sigma.alpha[2,2]
  sigma.randomInterceptSlope = sigma.alpha[1,2]
  # update sigma.error
  # build the residuals
  XTheta = vector()
  for(i in 1:length(X)) {
    XTheta.group = X[[i]] %*% as.matrix(Theta[[i]])
    XTheta <- c(XTheta, XTheta.group) 
  # calculate the residuals
  residuals <- outcomes - XTheta - Z$intercept * alpha$intercept - Z$slope * alpha$slope
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    residuals <- residuals - as.matrix(covariates) %*% as.matrix(betaCovariates)
  # sample from an inverse Gamma to update sigma.error
  shape <- model.options$sigma.error.shape.tau + (totalObservations / 2) 
  rate <- model.options$sigma.error.rate.tau + (crossprod(residuals) / 2)
  sigma.error <- 1 / rgamma(1, shape, rate)
  return (list(sigma.error = sigma.error,
               sigma.randomIntercept = sigma.alpha[1,1],
               sigma.randomSlope = sigma.alpha[2,2],
               sigma.randomInterceptSlope = sigma.alpha[1,2]))

#' Calculate the marginal slope at the given iteration
#' @param knotsByGroup list of knots by group
#' @param ThetaByGroup list of spline coefficients by group
#' @param subjectsPerGroup list of number of subjects by group
#' @param times.dropout dropout times
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @importFrom gtools rdirichlet
calculateMarginalSlope <- function(knotsByGroup, ThetaByGroup, subjectsPerGroup,
                                   times.dropout) {
  marginal <- vector(0, mode="list")
  startRow <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(knotsByGroup)) {
    knots <- knotsByGroup[[i]]
    times.dropout.group = times.dropout[startRow:(startRow + subjectsPerGroup[[i]] - 1)]
    # get the current spline coefficients minus the intercept
    Theta <- ThetaByGroup[[i]]
    ThetaNoInt <- Theta[2:length(Theta)] 
    if (length(knots) > 1) {
      knots.boundary = range(knots)
      knots.interior = knots[-c(1,length(knots))] 
      # Calculate spline transformation of dropout time and create the proposed X matrix
      spline <- ns(times.dropout.group, knots=knots.interior, Boundary.knots=knots.boundary,
      # randomly select the proportion of subjects dropping out at each time
      propDroppedOut <- rdirichlet(1, rep(1,subjectsPerGroup[[i]]))
      # calculate the marginal slope for the current group
      marginal[[i]] <- sum(propDroppedOut * t((spline) %*% ThetaNoInt))
    } else {
      marginal[[i]] <- ThetaNoInt
    startRow = startRow + subjectsPerGroup[[i]]

#' Calculate the estimated slope at the given dropout times
#' @param dropoutEstimationTimes list of times at which to estimate the slope
#' @param knotsByGroup list of knots by group
#' @param ThetaByGroup list of spline coefficients by group
#' @param subjectsPerGroup list of number of subjects by group
#' @param times.observation observation times
#' @param times.dropout dropout times
#' @importFrom splines ns
calculateDropoutTimeSpecificSlope <- function(dropoutEstimationTimes, knotsByGroup, ThetaByGroup, 
                                              times.observation, times.dropout) {
  dropoutSpecificSlopes <- vector(0, mode="list")
  for(i in 1:length(knotsByGroup)) {
    knots <- knotsByGroup[[i]]
    # get the current spline coefficients minus the intercept
    Theta <- ThetaByGroup[[i]]
    ThetaNoInt <- Theta[2:length(Theta)] 
    if (length(knots) > 1) {
      knots.boundary = range(knots)
      knots.interior = knots[-c(1,length(knots))] 
      # Calculate spline transformation at specified dropout times
      spline <- ns(dropoutEstimationTimes, knots=knots.interior, Boundary.knots=knots.boundary, intercept=T)
      # calculate the marginal slope for the current group
      dropoutSpecificSlopes[[i]] <- t((spline) %*% ThetaNoInt)
    } else {
      dropoutSpecificSlopes[[i]] <- rep(ThetaNoInt, length(dropoutEstimationTimes))

#' calculate the acceptance probability for a given update step in the Bayesian
#' spline model run.
#' @param fit the bayes.splines.fit object
#' @param action the update action.  Valid values are "knot.add", "knot.remove",
#' "knot.move", "fixedEffects", "fixedEffectsCovariates"
#' @export prob.acceptance
prob.acceptance <- function(fit, action) {
  iterations = fit$iterations
  if (action == "knot.add") {
    total_accepts = sum(sapply(iterations, function(x) { return(as.numeric(x$accepted$knot.add)) }))
  } else if (action == "knot.remove") {
    total_accepts = sum(sapply(iterations, function(x) { return(as.numeric(x$accepted$knot.remove)) }))
  } else if (action == "knot.move") {
    total_accepts = sum(sapply(iterations, function(x) { return(as.numeric(x$accepted$knot.move)) }))
  } else if (action == "fixedEffects") {
    total_accepts = sum(sapply(iterations, function(x) { return(as.numeric(x$accepted$fixedEffects)) }))
  } else if (action == "fixedEffectsCovariates") {
    total_accepts = sum(sapply(iterations, function(x) { return(as.numeric(x$accepted$fixedEffectsCovariates)) }))

#' Create a trace plot of the specified parameter
#' @param fit bayes.splines.fit object from an informativeDropout run.
#' @export plot.trace.bayes.splines.fit
plot.trace.bayes.splines.fit <- function (fit, type="marginal_slope", groups=NULL,
                                          params=NULL) {
  if (is.null(groups)) {
    group_list <- fit$groups
  } else {
    group_list = groups
  if (type == "marginal_slope") {
    ### trace plot of marginal slopes
    for(i in 1:length(group_list)) {
      sample = unlist(lapply(fit$iterations, function(x) { 
      ts.plot(sample, ylab=paste("Marginal Slope for Group", group_list[i], sep=" "))
  } else if (type == "betas.covariates") {
    ### trace plot of covariate effects
    # determine which covariates to plot
    if (is.null(params)) {
      params_list <- fit$covariates.var
    } else {
      params_list <- params
    for(i in 1:length(params_list)) {
      sample = unlist(lapply(fit$iterations, function(x) { 
        index = which(fit$covariates == params_list[i])
      ts.plot(sample, ylab=paste("Covariate Effect", params_list[i], sep=": "))
  } else if (type == "knots") {
    ### trace plot of number of knots
    for(i in 1:length(group_list)) {
      sample = unlist(lapply(fit$iterations, function(x) { 
      ts.plot(sample, ylab=paste("Knot Count for Group", group_list[i], sep=" "))
  } else if (type == "covariance") {
    ### trace plot of covariance parameters
    # determine which covariance parameters to plot
    if (is.null(params)) {
      if (dist == "gaussian") {
        params_list <- c("sigma.randomIntercept",
                         "sigma.error" )
      } else {
        params_list <- c("sigma.randomIntercept",
    } else {
      params_list <- params
    for(i in 1:length(params_list)) {
      param = params_list[i]
      sample = unlist(lapply(fit$iterations, function(x) { 
      ts.plot(sample, ylab=paste("Covariance parameter", params_list[i], sep=": "))
  } else {
    stop("Invalid type")

#' plot.slopeByDropout.bayes.splines.fit
#' Plot the slope by dropout time for a Bayesian spline fit
#' @param fit the Dirichlet model fit 
#' @param groups list of groups to include in the plot(s) 
#' @param xlim the limits of the X-axis
#' @param ylim the limits of the Y-axis
#' @param show_ci if TRUE, displays the upper and lower credible interval
#' @param overlay if TRUE, overlays all groups on the same plot
#' @param lower_tail the lower tail probability for the credible interval
#' @param upper_tail the upper tail probability for the credible interval
#' @param colors vector of colors for each group
#' @export plot.slopeByDropout.bayes.splines.fit
plot.slopeByDropout.bayes.splines.fit <- function (fit, groups=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,
                                                   show_ci = TRUE, overlay=TRUE,
                                                   lower_tail=0.025, upper_tail=0.975,
                                                   colors=NULL) {
  model.options = fit$model.options
  if (is.null(groups)) {
    groups = fit$groups
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    colors = c("black", rainbow(length(groups)-1))
  slopes_by_dropout_time = data.frame(
    group = as.vector(sapply(groups, function(group) { 
      return (rep(group,length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes))) 
    time=rep(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes, length(groups)),
    mean=numeric(length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes) * length(groups)),
    median=numeric(length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes) * length(groups)),
    ci_lower=numeric(length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes) * length(groups)),
    ci_upper=numeric(length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes) * length(groups))
  for(group.index in 1:length(groups)) {
    for (time.index in 1:(length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes))) {
      slope_sample <- unlist(lapply(fit$iterations, function(x) { 
      offset = (group.index-1)*length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes)
      slopes_by_dropout_time$mean[time.index + offset] = mean(slope_sample)
      slopes_by_dropout_time$median[time.index + offset] = median(slope_sample)
      slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_lower[time.index + offset] = quantile(slope_sample, probs=lower_tail)
      slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_upper[time.index + offset] = quantile(slope_sample, probs=upper_tail)
  row.names(slopes_by_dropout_time) = NULL
  if (overlay) {
    for(group.index in 1:length(groups)) {
      group.color = colors[(group.index %% length(colors))+1]
      group.slopes_by_dropout_time = slopes_by_dropout_time[slopes_by_dropout_time$group==groups[group.index],]
      if (group.index == 1) {
        plot(group.slopes_by_dropout_time$time, group.slopes_by_dropout_time$mean, "l", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
             xlab="Dropout time", ylab="Expected Slope", col=group.color)
      } else {
        lines(group.slopes_by_dropout_time$time, group.slopes_by_dropout_time$mean, col=group.color)
      if (show_ci) {
        lines(group.slopes_by_dropout_time$time, group.slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_lower, "l", lty=3, col=group.color)
        lines(group.slopes_by_dropout_time$time, group.slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_upper, "l", lty=3, col=group.color)
  } else {
    for(group.index in 1:length(groups)) {
      group.color = colors[(group.index %% length(colors))+1]
      group.slopes_by_dropout_time = slopes_by_dropout_time[slopes_by_dropout_time$group==groups[group.index],]
      plot(group.slopes_by_dropout_time$time, group.slopes_by_dropout_time$mean, "l", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
           xlab="Dropout time", ylab=paste("Expected Slope (group ", groups[group.index], ")", sep=""),
      lines(group.slopes_by_dropout_time$time, group.slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_lower, "l", lty=3, col=group.color)
      lines(group.slopes_by_dropout_time$time, group.slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_upper, "l", lty=3, col=group.color)

#' sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit
#' Sensitivity analysis for models using the 'bayes.splines' model  Allows users to
#' determine how sensitive the results are if the true slope after dropout changes.
#' @param fit the fit object from a call to informativeDropout, using the 'bayes.splines' model
#' @param times.estimation vector of times at which to estimate the expected value of the outcome
#' @param deltas vector of multipliers to increase/decrease slope after dropout
#' @param data.onePerSubject data frame containing one row per participant. The data frame
#' must include dropout time and grouping variable (if multi-group design). Both time- and non-time-interacted
#' covariates should be specified if the user wishes to include them in the sensitivity analysis.
#' @param times.dropout.var column name containing drop out times
#' @param group.var column name containing group values
#' @param covariates.time.var vector of columns containing time-interacted covariates
#' @param covariates.nontime.var vector of columns containing non-time-interacted covariates
#' @export sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit 
sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit <- function(fit, times.estimation, deltas, 
                                          data.onePerSubject, times.dropout.var, group.var=NULL, 
                                          covariates.time.var=NULL, covariates.nontime.var=NULL) {
  if (is.null(fit) || !is(fit, "bayes.splines.fit")) {
    stop("Invalid model fit - must be of class bayes.splines.fit")
  if (length(fit$iterations) <= 0) {
    stop("No results found in Bayesian spline model fit")
  if (is.null(times.estimation) || length(times.estimation) <= 0) {
    stop("No times specified for estimation")
  if (is.null(deltas) || length(deltas) <= 0) {
    stop("No slope deltas specified")
  dist = fit$dist
  model.options = fit$model.options
  iterations = fit$iterations
  group_list = fit$groups
  covariates.var = fit$covariates.var
  groups = data.onePerSubject[,group.var]
  times.dropout = data.onePerSubject[,times.dropout.var]
  # calculate pre dropout slopes for each group
  preDropout.info = lapply(1:length(group_list), function(group_index) {
    group = group_list[group_index]
    data.group = data.onePerSubject[data.onePerSubject[,group.var]==group,]
    data.group.covar.time = NULL
    if (!is.null(covariates.time.var)) {
      data.group.covar.time  = subset(data.group,select=covariates.time.var)
    data.group.covar.nontime = NULL
    if (!is.null(covariates.nontime.var)) {
      data.group.covar.nontime  = data.group[,covariates.nontime.var]
    times.dropout.group = data.group[[times.dropout.var]]
    timeZero = matrix(rep(NA, nrow(data.group) * length(iterations)), 
                      nrow = nrow(data.group))
    preDropoutSlope = matrix(rep(NA, nrow(data.group) * length(iterations)), 
                             nrow = nrow(data.group))
    for(i in 1:length(iterations)) {
      Theta = iterations[[i]]$Theta[[group_index]]
      Theta_int = Theta[1]
      Theta_noint = Theta[-1]
      knots = iterations[[i]]$knots[[group_index]]
      betas.covariates.time = NULL
      if (!is.null(covariates.time.var)) {
        betas.covariates.time = iterations[[i]]$betas.covariates[which(covariates.var == covariates.time.var)]
      betas.covariates.nontime = NULL
      if (!is.null(covariates.nontime.var)) {
        betas.covariates.nontime = iterations[[i]]$betas.covariates[which(covariates.var == covariates.nontime.var)]
      knots.boundary = range(knots)
      knots.interior = knots[-c(1,length(knots))] 
      if (length(knots)>1){
        spline <- ns(times.dropout.group, knots = knots.interior, Boundary.knots = knots.boundary, intercept=T)
        }else{spline <- matrix(rep(1, length(times.dropout.group)), ncol=1)}
      if (!is.null(betas.covariates.time)) {
        cBeta.time = as.matrix(data.group[,covariates.time.var]) %*% betas.covariates.time
      } else {
        cBeta.time = 0
      preDropoutSlope[, i] = (spline %*% Theta_noint + cBeta.time)
      # intercept plus non-time interacted covariates
      if (!is.null(betas.covariates.nontime)) {
        cBeta.nontime = as.matrix(data.group.covar.nontime) %*% betas.covariates.nontime
      } else {
        cBeta.nontime = 0
      timeZero[, i] = (Theta_int + cBeta.nontime)
    return(list(group=group, slope=preDropoutSlope, timeZero=timeZero))
  sensitivity.info = lapply(1:length(group_list), function(group_index) {
    group = group_list[group_index]
    data.group = data.onePerSubject[data.onePerSubject[,group.var]==group,]
    times.dropout.group = data.group[[times.dropout.var]]
    preDropout.info.group = preDropout.info[[group_index]]
    times.drop.matrix = matrix(times.dropout.group,nrow=nrow(preDropout.info.group$slope),ncol=length(iterations),byrow=FALSE)

    result = list(group=group_list[group_index])
    for(delta in deltas) {
      for(time in times.estimation) {
        cat(time, " ", delta, "\n")
        # for each iteration, calculate expected y across subjects
        # if dropout before time, use post drop slope, else pre drop
        expected_y = apply(preDropout.info.group$timeZero + 
                             ifelse(times.drop.matrix > time, preDropout.info.group$slope * time, 
                                    (preDropout.info.group$slope * delta * (time - times.drop.matrix) + 
                                       preDropout.info.group$slope * times.drop.matrix)), 2, mean)
        result[[paste("delta_", delta, sep="", collapse="")]][[paste("time_", time, sep="", collapse="")]] = expected_y
  sensitivity.fit = list(
    times = times.estimation,
    deltas = deltas,
    sensitivity = sensitivity.info
  class(sensitivity.fit) = "sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit"

#' summary.sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit
#' Summarize sensitivity analysis results for a Bayesian spline model
#' @param sensitivity.fit the fit object from a call to sensitivity for a 'bayes.splines' model
#' @param tail.lower lower tail for confidence bounds
#' @param tail.upper upper tail for confidence bounds
#' @export summary.sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit 
summary.sensitivity.bayes.splines.fit <- function(sensitivity.fit, tail.lower=0.025, tail.upper=0.975) {
  result = list()
  for(group.info in sensitivity.fit$sensitivity) {
    cat(group.info$group, "\n")
    times.deltas = expand.grid(sensitivity.fit$deltas, sensitivity.fit$times)
    names(times.deltas) <- c("delta","time")
    times.deltas$mean = NA
    times.deltas$median = NA
    times.deltas$ci_lower = NA
    times.deltas$ci_upper = NA
    times.deltas$tail.lower = tail.lower
    times.deltas$tail.upper = tail.upper
    for(row in 1:nrow(times.deltas)) {
      delta_key = paste("delta_", times.deltas[row,]$delta, sep="", collapse="")
      time_key = paste("time_", times.deltas[row,]$time, sep="", collapse="")
      sample = group.info[[delta_key]][[time_key]]
      times.deltas[row,]$mean = mean(sample)
      times.deltas[row,]$median = median(sample)
      times.deltas[row,]$ci_lower = quantile(sample, probs=tail.lower)
      times.deltas[row,]$ci_upper = quantile(sample, probs=tail.upper)
    result[[paste("group_", group.info$group, sep="", collapse="")]] = times.deltas

#' Summarize a Bayesian spline model run
#' @param fit bayes.splines.fit object from an informativeDropout run.
#' @export summary.bayes.splines.fit
summary.bayes.splines.fit <- function(fit) {
  if (length(fit$iterations) <= 0) {
    stop("No results found in Bayesian spline model fit")
  dist = fit$dist
  model.options = fit$model.options
  iterations = fit$iterations
  groups = fit$groups
  covariates.var = fit$covariates.var
  result.summary = list()
  for (group.index in 1:length(groups)) {
    group = groups[group.index]
    ## number of knots
    knots_sample = unlist(lapply(iterations, function(x) { 
    knots = data.frame(
      ci_lower=quantile(knots_sample, probs=0.025),
      ci_upper=quantile(knots_sample, probs=0.975)
    row.names(knots) = c("knots")
    ## marginal slope
    marginal_slope_sample = unlist(lapply(iterations, function(x) { 
      slope = (x$slope.marginal[[group.index]])
      return (ifelse(is.null(slope), 0, slope))
    marginal_slope = data.frame(
      ci_lower=quantile(marginal_slope_sample, probs=0.025),
      ci_upper=quantile(marginal_slope_sample, probs=0.975)
    row.names(marginal_slope) = c("marginal slope")
    ## dropout time specific slopes
    slopes_by_dropout_time = data.frame(
    for (time.index in 1:(length(model.options$dropout.estimationTimes))) {
      slope_sample <- unlist(lapply(iterations, function(x) { 
        if (is.null(x$slope.dropoutSpecific)) {
      slopes_by_dropout_time$mean[time.index] = mean(slope_sample)
      slopes_by_dropout_time$median[time.index] = median(slope_sample)
      slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_lower[time.index] = quantile(slope_sample, na.rm=TRUE, probs=0.025)
      slopes_by_dropout_time$ci_upper[time.index] = quantile(slope_sample, na.rm=TRUE, probs=0.975)
    row.names(slopes_by_dropout_time) = NULL
    # summarize intercept
    intercept_sample = unlist(lapply(iterations, function(x) { 
    intercept = data.frame(
      ci_lower=quantile(intercept_sample, probs=0.025),
      ci_upper=quantile(intercept_sample, probs=0.975)
    row.names(intercept) = c("intercept")
    # build the summary list
    result.summary[[paste("group", group, sep="_")]] = list(
      knots = knots,
      intercept = intercept,
      marginal_slope = marginal_slope,
      slopes_by_dropout_time = slopes_by_dropout_time
  ## covariance parameters
  param_list = c("sigma.randomIntercept", "sigma.randomSlope", "sigma.randomInterceptSlope")
  if (dist == "gaussian") {
    param_list = c(param_list, "sigma.error")
  covariance_parameters = data.frame(
  row = 1
  for (param in param_list) {
    param_sample <- unlist(lapply(iterations, function(x) { 
    covariance_parameters$mean[row] = mean(param_sample)
    covariance_parameters$median[row] = median(param_sample)
    covariance_parameters$ci_lower[row] = quantile(param_sample, probs=0.025)
    covariance_parameters$ci_upper[row] = quantile(param_sample, probs=0.975)
    row = row + 1
  row.names(covariance_parameters) = param_list
  result.summary$covariance_parameters = covariance_parameters
  ## summarize covariate effects
  if (!is.null(covariates.var)) {
    num_covariates = length(covariates.var)
    covariate_effects = data.frame(mean=numeric(num_covariates), median=numeric(num_covariates),
                                   ci_lower=numeric(num_covariates), ci_upper=numeric(num_covariates))
    for(i in 1:length(covariates.var)) {
      beta_covariate_sample = unlist(lapply(iterations, function(x) { 
      covariate_effects$mean[i] = mean(beta_covariate_sample)
      covariate_effects$median[i] = median(beta_covariate_sample)
      covariate_effects$ci_lower[i] = quantile(beta_covariate_sample, probs=0.025)
      covariate_effects$ci_upper[i] = quantile(beta_covariate_sample, probs=0.975)
    row.names(covariate_effects) <- covariates.var
    result.summary$covariate_effects = covariate_effects
  if (dist == "gaussian") {
    ## residual covariance parameters
    sigma_error_sample = unlist(lapply(iterations, function(x) { 
    sigma_error_result = data.frame(
      mean = mean(sigma_error_sample),
      median = median(sigma_error_sample),
      ci_lower = quantile(sigma_error_sample, probs=0.025),
      ci_upper = quantile(sigma_error_sample, probs=0.975)
    row.names(sigma_error_result) = "sigma.error"
    result.summary$sigma.error = sigma_error_result
  # calculate acceptance probability
  acceptance_probabilities = data.frame(probability=c(
    prob.acceptance(fit, "knot.add"),
    prob.acceptance(fit, "knot.remove"),
    prob.acceptance(fit, "knot.move"),
    prob.acceptance(fit, "fixedEffects"),
    prob.acceptance(fit, "fixedEffectsCovariates")
  row.names(acceptance_probabilities) = c(
    "knot.add", "knot.remove", "knot.move", "fixedEffects", "fixedEffectsCovariates"
  result.summary$acceptance_probabilities = acceptance_probabilities

#' Fit a varying coefficient model for longitudinal studies with
#' informative dropout.  Uses a Bayesian approach with a spline fit
#' to model the relationship between dropout times and slope
#' @param data the data set
#' @param ids.var column of the data set containing the participant id
#' @param outcomes.var column of the data set containing the outcome variable
#' @param groups.var column of the data set indicating treatment group
#' @param covariates.var list of columns of the data set containing covariates
#' @param times.dropout.var column of the data set containing dropout times
#' @param times.observation.var column of the data set containing observation times
#' @param dist distribution of the outcome (either "gaussian" or "binary")
#' @param model.options the bayes.spines.model.options object (@@seealso bayes.spines.model.options)
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @importFrom gtools logit
#' @export informativeDropout.bayes.splines
informativeDropout.bayes.splines <- function(data, ids.var, outcomes.var, groups.var, 
                                             covariates.var, times.dropout.var, times.observation.var, 
                                             dist, model.options) {
  if (dist == "gaussian") {
    if (is.null(model.options$sigma.error) || is.na(model.options$sigma.error) || model.options$sigma.error <= 0) {
      stop("Prior options error :: for Gaussian outcomes sigma.error must be greater than 0")
  # if no group is specified, create a bogus column with a single group value, 
  # making sure it doesn't already appear in the data set
  if (is.null(groups.var)) {
    groups.var <- "generated_group_0"
    idx <- 1
    while(groups.var %in% names(data)) {
      groups.var = paste("generated_group_", idx, collapse="")
      idx <- idx + 1
    data[,groups.var] = rep(1, nrow(data))
  # sort the data by group, id, observation time
  data <- data[order(data[,groups.var], data[,ids.var], data[,times.observation.var]),]
  # add an id that is unique for all subjects across all groups
  key <- do.call(paste, c(as.list(data[c(groups.var, ids.var)]), sep = "__"))
  new_id.var = paste(groups.var, ids.var, "ID", sep="__")
  data[new_id.var] <- match(key, unique(key))
  ids.var = new_id.var
  rownames(data) <- NULL
  # get the list of treatment groups
  groupList <- unique(data[,groups.var])
  # number of subjects
  numSubjects = length(unique(data[,ids.var]))
  # number of subjects per group
  subjectsPerGroup = sapply(groupList, function(group) { 
    # get the covariates
    return(length(unique(data[data[,groups.var] == group, ids.var])))
  # start/end rows for groups
  numObsPerGroup = sapply(groupList, function(group) {
    return(nrow(data[data[,groups.var] == group,]))
  startRowByGroup = c(1, 1 + cumsum(numObsPerGroup)[-length(numObsPerGroup)])
  endRowByGroup = cumsum(numObsPerGroup)
  # number of observations per subject
  numObservations = sapply(unique(data[,ids.var]), function(id) {
    return(nrow(data[data[,ids.var] == id,]))
  # index of the first observation per subject
  firstObsPerSubject = c(1,1+cumsum(numObservations)[-length(numObservations)])
  # create some reasonable defaults for the start positions and candidate positions
  # if not specified
  if (is.null(model.options$knots.positions.candidate)) {
    dropout.min = min(data[,times.dropout.var])
    dropout.max = max(data[,times.dropout.var])
    if (is.null(model.options$knots.positions.candidate)) {
      model.options$knots.positions.candidate = sapply(1:length(groupList), function(i) {
        return(seq(dropout.min, dropout.max, model.options$knots.stepSize))
  } else {
    if (length(groupList) > 1 && length(model.options$knots.positions.candidate) != length(groupList)) {
      stop("Model options error: knots.positions.candidate must be a list of candidate positions with one vector for each group")
  if (is.null(model.options$knots.positions.start)) {
    model.options$knots.positions.start = sapply(1:length(groupList), function(i) {
      return(sample(model.options$knots.positions.candidate[[i]], model.options$knots.min))
  } else {
    if (length(groupList) > 1 && length(model.options$knots.positions.start) != length(groupList)) {
      stop("Model options error: knots.positions.start must be a list of start positions with one vector for each group")
  # initialize the random effects design matrix
  # note, this is not a true full 
  Z = data.frame(groups=data[,groups.var], intercept=rep(1,nrow(data)), times=data[,times.observation.var])
  names(Z) = c(groups.var, "intercept", "slope")
  # initialize the random effects
  alpha = data.frame(intercept=rep(0, nrow(data)), slope=rep(0, nrow(data)))
  names(alpha) = c("intercept", "slope")
  # initialize the X matrix - this is split by group since each group may
  X = lapply(1:length(groupList), function(i) { 
    group = groupList[[i]]
    knots.positions.start = model.options$knots.positions.start[[i]]
    groupTimes = data[data[,groups.var] == group,times.observation.var]
    groupDropout = data[data[,groups.var] == group,times.dropout.var]
    knots.boundary = range(knots.positions.start)
    knots.interior = knots.positions.start[-c(1,length(knots.positions.start))] 
      ns(groupDropout, knots=knots.interior, Boundary.knots=knots.boundary, intercept=T) * groupTimes
  # combine into an initial complete X matrix
  X.full = as.data.frame(abind(X, along=1))
  names(X.full) <- sapply(0:(ncol(X.full)-1), function(i) { return(paste("theta", i, sep=''))})
  # extract the outcomes - note, this needs to be a data frame
  # for when we get the initial theta and betaCovariates estimates
  outcomes = as.data.frame(data[,outcomes.var])
  names(outcomes) = c(outcomes.var)
  # extract the covariates
  covariates = NULL
  if (!is.null(covariates.var)) {
    covariates = as.data.frame(data[,covariates.var])
    names(covariates) = c(covariates.var)
  # use a simple linear model fit to obtain initial estimates for 
  # the spline coefficients
  Theta.init = getInitialEstimatesTheta(dist, groupList, data[,groups.var], X.full, covariates, outcomes)
  # use a simple linear model fit to obtain initial estimates for the
  # covariate coefficients
  betaCovariate.init = getInitialEstimatesCovariates(dist, covariates, data[,times.observation.var], outcomes)
  # now set the outcomes back to a vector
  outcomes = outcomes[,outcomes.var]
  # for binary case, initialize eta
  if (dist == 'binary') {
    if (!is.null(model.options$eta.null)) {
      model.options$eta.null = model.options$eta.null
    } else {
      model.options$eta.null <- lapply(1:length(groupList), function(i) { 
        group = groupList[[i]]
        groupY = data[data[,groups.var] == group,outcomes.var]
  # initialize the first model iteration
  # TODO: mcmc options specify starting values
  iterations.saved = ceiling((model.options$iterations - model.options$burnin) / model.options$thin)
  modelIterationList <- vector(mode = "list", length = iterations.saved)
  model.previous = 
      knots=lapply(1:length(groupList), function(i) { return (model.options$knots.positions.start[[i]]); }), 
      Theta=Theta.init, betas.covariates=betaCovariate.init,
      sigma.error = model.options$sigma.error,
      sigma.residual = model.options$sigma.residual,
      sigma.randomIntercept = model.options$sigma.randomIntercept,
      sigma.randomSlope = model.options$sigma.randomSlope,
      sigma.randomInterceptSlope = model.options$sigma.randomInterceptSlope,
      sigma.error.shape = model.options$sigma.error.shape.tau,
      sigma.error.rate = model.options$sigma.error.rate.tau
  # Run the reversible jump MCMC
  iterations.saved.next = 1
  for (i in 1:model.options$iterations) {
    if (i %% model.options$print == 0) {
      print(paste("Bayesian spline model iteration = ", i, sep=""))
    # make a copy of the previous iteration which will be modified as we move through the iteration
    model.current = model.previous
    for (group.index in 1:length(groupList)) {
      group = groupList[group.index]
      # get the subset of data for this group
      groupData = data[data[,groups.var] == group,]
      group.startRow = startRowByGroup[group.index]
      group.endRow = endRowByGroup[group.index]
      # group specific variables (these are unchanged throughout the iteration)
      group.outcomes = groupData[,outcomes.var]
      group.times.dropout = groupData[,times.dropout.var]
      group.times.observation = groupData[,times.observation.var]
      group.covariates = NULL
      if (!is.null(covariates)) {
        group.covariates = groupData[, covariates.var]
      group.Z = Z[Z[,groups.var] == group,c("intercept", "slope")]
      group.alpha = alpha[(group.startRow:group.endRow),]
      # randomly decide to add/remove a knot
      u = runif(1)
      if ((u < model.options$knots.prob.birth && 
           length(model.current$knots[[group.index]]) < model.options$knots.max) || 
          (length(model.current$knots[[group.index]]) <= model.options$knots.min)) {
        if (dist == "gaussian") {
          # add a knot
          result = addKnot.gaussian(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                    group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, group.times.observation, 
                                    group.covariates, X.previous=X[[group.index]], 
                                    model.current$Theta[[group.index]], group.Z, group.alpha, 
        } else {
          # binary case
          result = addKnot.binary(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                  group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, group.times.observation, 
                                  group.covariates, X[[group.index]], 
                                  model.current$Theta[[group.index]], group.Z, group.alpha, 
                                  model.current$betas.covariates, model.options$eta.null[[group.index]])
        # update the model iteration
        X[[group.index]] = result$X
        model.current$knots[[group.index]] = result$knots
        model.current$Theta[[group.index]] = result$Theta
        model.current$proposed$knot.add = TRUE
        model.current$accepted$knot.add = result$accepted
      } else {
        if (dist == "gaussian") {
          # remove a knot
          result = removeKnot.gaussian(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                       group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, group.times.observation, 
                                       group.covariates, X[[group.index]], model.current$Theta[[group.index]],
                                       group.Z, group.alpha, model.current$betas.covariates, 
        } else {
          # remove a knot
          result = removeKnot.binary(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                     group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, 
                                     group.times.observation, group.covariates,
                                     X[[group.index]], model.current$Theta[[group.index]], 
                                     group.Z, group.alpha, model.current$betas.covariates, 
        # update the model iteration
        X[[group.index]] = result$X
        model.current$knots[[group.index]] = result$knots
        model.current$Theta[[group.index]] = result$Theta
        model.current$proposed$knot.remove = TRUE
        model.current$accepted$knot.remove = result$accepted
      # Move knots
      if (dist == "gaussian") {
        result = moveKnot.gaussian(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                   group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, group.times.observation, 
                                   X[[group.index]], model.current$Theta[[group.index]], 
                                   group.Z, group.alpha, model.current$betas.covariates, 
      } else {
        result = moveKnot.binary(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                 group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, group.times.observation, 
                                 X[[group.index]], model.current$Theta[[group.index]], 
                                 group.Z, group.alpha, model.current$betas.covariates)
      X[[group.index]] = result$X
      model.current$knots[[group.index]] = result$knots
      model.current$proposed$knot.move = result$proposed
      model.current$accepted$knot.move = result$accepted
      # update fixed effects (includes coefficients for covariates and time varying slopes)
      if (dist == "gaussian") {
        result = updateFixedEffects.gaussian(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                             group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, group.times.observation, 
                                             group.covariates, X[[group.index]], model.current$Theta[[group.index]], 
                                             group.Z, group.alpha, model.current$betas.covariates, 
      } else {
        result = updateFixedEffects.binary(model.options, model.current$knots[[group.index]], 
                                           group.outcomes, group.times.dropout, group.times.observation, 
                                           group.covariates, X[[group.index]], model.current$Theta[[group.index]], 
                                           group.Z, group.alpha, model.current$betas.covariates)
      model.current$Theta[[group.index]] = result$Theta
      model.current$proposed$fixedEffects = TRUE
      model.current$accepted$fixedEffects = result$accepted
    } # END group-specific updates 
    # update fixed effects associated with covariates
    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
      if (dist == "gaussian") {
        result = updateFixedEffectsCovariates.gaussian(model.options, outcomes, covariates, 
                                                       X, model.current$Theta, 
                                                       Z, alpha, model.current$betas.covariates,
      } else {
        # binary outcome
        result = updateFixedEffectsCovariates.binary(model.options, outcomes, covariates, 
                                                     X, model.current$Theta, 
                                                     Z, alpha, model.current$betas.covariates)
      model.current$betas.covariates = result$betaCovariates
      model.current$proposed$fixedEffectsCovariates = TRUE
      model.current$accepted$fixedEffectsCovariates = result$accepted
    # update random effects
    if (dist == "gaussian") {
      alpha = 
        updateRandomEffects.gaussian(numSubjects, numObservations, firstObsPerSubject,
                                     subjectsPerGroup, data[,ids.var], outcomes, 
                                     data[,times.observation.var], covariates, 
                                     X, model.current$Theta, Z, alpha, 
    } else {
      alpha = 
        updateRandomEffects.binary(numSubjects, numObservations, firstObsPerSubject,
                                   subjectsPerGroup, data[,ids.var], outcomes, 
                                   data[,times.observation.var], covariates, 
                                   X, model.current$Theta, Z, alpha, 
    # update variance components
    if (dist == "gaussian") {
      result = updateCovarianceParameters.gaussian(model.options, nrow(data), 
                                                   numSubjects, firstObsPerSubject,
                                                   outcomes, covariates, X, model.current$Theta,
                                                   Z, alpha, model.current$betas.covariates,
    } else {
      result = updateCovarianceParameters.binary(model.options, numSubjects, firstObsPerSubject, alpha)
    model.current$sigma.error = result$sigma.error
    model.current$sigma.randomIntercept = result$sigma.randomIntercept
    model.current$sigma.randomSlope = result$sigma.randomSlope
    model.current$sigma.randomInterceptSlope = result$sigma.randomInterceptSlope
    # calculate marginal slope
    result = calculateMarginalSlope(knotsByGroup = model.current$knots, 
                                    ThetaByGroup = model.current$Theta, 
    model.current$slope.marginal = result
    # calculate dropout time specific slopes
    result = calculateDropoutTimeSpecificSlope(
      knotsByGroup = model.current$knots, 
      ThetaByGroup = model.current$Theta, 
    model.current$slope.dropoutSpecific = result
    # save the current iteration
    model.previous = model.current
    if ((i %% model.options$thin == 0 && i > model.options$burnin &&
         iterations.saved.next <= length(modelIterationList)) || 
        iterations.saved.next == length(modelIterationList)) {
      modelIterationList[[iterations.saved.next]] = model.current
      iterations.saved.next = iterations.saved.next + 1
  # return the estimates, with distributions, and the model results from each iteration
  return(bayes.splines.fit(model.options, dist, groupList, covariates.var, modelIterationList))
kreidles/informativeDropout documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 12:15 a.m.