
#'@description stat_friedman_test_with_post_hoc
#'@param norm.

#'@author Sili Fan \email{fansili2013@gmail.com}
# Originally published on:
# http://www.r-statistics.com/2010/02/post-hoc-analysis-for-friedmans-test-r-code

# good read: 	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedman_test
# 				http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/library/coin/html/SymmetryTests.html
# could have used: block = with(data, eval(parse(text = all.vars(formu)[3])))

stat_friedman_test_with_post_hoc <- function(formu, data, to.print.friedman = T, to.post.hoc.if.signif = T,  to.plot.parallel = T, to.plot.boxplot = T, signif.P = .05, color.blocks.in.cor.plot = T, jitter.Y.in.cor.plot =F)
  # formu is a formula of the shape: 	Y ~ X | block
  # data is a long data.frame with three columns:    [[ Y (numeric), X (factor), block (factor) ]]

  # Note: This function doesn't handle NA's! In case of NA in Y in one of the blocks, then that entire block should be removed.

  # Loading needed packages
    print("You are missing the package 'coin', we will now try to install it...")

    print("You are missing the package 'multcomp', we will now try to install it...")

    print("You are missing the package 'colorspace', we will now try to install it...")

  # get the names out of the formula
  formu.names <- all.vars(formu)
  Y.name <- formu.names[1]
  X.name <- formu.names[2]
  block.name <- formu.names[3]

  if(dim(data)[2] >3) data <- data[,c(Y.name,X.name,block.name)]	# In case we have a "data" data frame with more then the three columns we need. This code will clean it from them...

  # Note: the function doesn't handle NA's. In case of NA in one of the block T outcomes, that entire block should be removed.

  # stopping in case there is NA in the Y vector
  if(sum(is.na(data[,Y.name])) > 0) stop("Function stopped: This function doesn't handle NA's. In case of NA in Y in one of the blocks, then that entire block should be removed.")

  # make sure that the number of factors goes with the actual values present in the data:
  data[,X.name ] <- factor(data[,X.name ])
  data[,block.name ] <- factor(data[,block.name ])
  number.of.X.levels <- length(levels(data[,X.name ]))
  if(number.of.X.levels == 2) { warning(paste("'",X.name,"'", "has only two levels. Consider using paired wilcox.test instead of friedman test"))}

  # making the object that will hold the friedman test and the other.
  the.sym.test <- symmetry_test(formu, data = data,	### all pairwise comparisons
                                teststat = "max",
                                xtrafo = function(Y.data) { trafo( Y.data, factor_trafo = function(x) { model.matrix(~ x - 1) %*% t(contrMat(table(x), "Tukey")) } ) },
                                ytrafo = function(Y.data){ trafo(Y.data, numeric_trafo = rank, block = data[,block.name] ) }
  # if(to.print.friedman) { print(the.sym.test) }

    # if(pvalue(the.sym.test) < signif.P)
    # {
      # the post hoc test
      The.post.hoc.P.values <- pvalue(the.sym.test, method = "single-step")	# this is the post hoc of the friedman test

      # plotting
      if(to.plot.parallel & to.plot.boxplot)	par(mfrow = c(1,2)) # if we are plotting two plots, let's make sure we'll be able to see both

        X.names <- levels(data[, X.name])
        X.for.plot <- seq_along(X.names)
        plot.xlim <- c(.7 , length(X.for.plot)+.3)	# adding some spacing from both sides of the plot

          blocks.col <- rainbow_hcl(length(levels(data[,block.name])))
        } else {
          blocks.col <- 1 # black

        data2 <- data
        if(jitter.Y.in.cor.plot) {
          data2[,Y.name] <- jitter(data2[,Y.name])
          par.cor.plot.text <- "Parallel coordinates plot (with Jitter)"
        } else {
          par.cor.plot.text <- "Parallel coordinates plot"

        # adding a Parallel coordinates plot
        matplot(as.matrix(reshape(data2,  idvar=X.name, timevar=block.name,
                                  direction="wide")[,-1])  ,
                type = "l",  lty = 1, axes = FALSE, ylab = Y.name,
                xlim = plot.xlim,
                col = blocks.col,
                main = par.cor.plot.text)
        axis(1, at = X.for.plot , labels = X.names) # plot X axis
        axis(2) # plot Y axis
        points(tapply(data[,Y.name], data[,X.name], median) ~ X.for.plot, col = "red",pch = 4, cex = 2, lwd = 5)

        # first we create a function to create a new Y, by substracting different combinations of X levels from each other.
        subtract.a.from.b <- function(a.b , the.data)
          the.data[,a.b[2]] - the.data[,a.b[1]]

        temp.wide <- reshape(data,  idvar=X.name, timevar=block.name,
                             direction="wide") 	#[,-1]
        wide.data <- as.matrix(t(temp.wide[,-1]))
        colnames(wide.data) <- temp.wide[,1]

        Y.b.minus.a.combos <- apply(with(data,combn(levels(data[,X.name]), 2)), 2, subtract.a.from.b, the.data =wide.data)
        names.b.minus.a.combos <- apply(with(data,combn(levels(data[,X.name]), 2)), 2, function(a.b) {paste(a.b[2],a.b[1],sep=" - ")})

        the.ylim <- range(Y.b.minus.a.combos)
        the.ylim[2] <- the.ylim[2] + max(sd(Y.b.minus.a.combos))	# adding some space for the labels
        is.signif.color <- ifelse(The.post.hoc.P.values < .05 , "green", "grey")

                names = names.b.minus.a.combos ,
                col = is.signif.color,
                main = "Boxplots (of the differences)",
                ylim = the.ylim
        legend("topright", legend = paste(names.b.minus.a.combos, rep(" ; PostHoc P.value:", number.of.X.levels),round(The.post.hoc.P.values,5)) , fill =  is.signif.color )
        abline(h = 0, col = "blue")


      list.to.return <- list(Friedman.Test = the.sym.test, PostHoc.Test = The.post.hoc.P.values)
      if(to.print.friedman) {print(list.to.return)}

  # else {
      # print("The results where not significant, There is no need for a post hoc test")
      # return(the.sym.test)
    # }

  # Original credit (for linking online, to the package that performs the post hoc test) goes to "David Winsemius", see:
  # http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e8/help/09/10/1416.html
kwanjeeraw/metabox documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:07 p.m.