
Defines functions biplot3d.gge biplot3d biplot.gge plot.gge extend expand.range gge.matrix gge.formula gge.data.frame gge

Documented in biplot3d biplot3d.gge biplot.gge gge gge.data.frame gge.formula gge.matrix plot.gge

# gge.R
# Time-stamp: <20 Nov 2023 13:30:55 c:/drop/rpack/gge/r/gge.R>

# Note: 
# gge.formula and gge.data.frame are identical
# gge.formula will be deprecated at some point

#' GGE and GGB biplots
#' @name gge
#' @aliases gge-package
#' @author Kevin Wright, Jean-Louis Laffont

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Function to create a Red-Gray-Blue palette
#' A function to create a Red-Gray-Blue palette.
#' Using gray instead of white allows missing values to appear as white
#' (actually, transparent).
#' @param n Number of colors to create
#' @return A vector of n colors.
#' @author Kevin Wright
#' @examples
#' pie(rep(1,11), col=RedGrayBlue(11))
#' title("RedGrayBlue(11)")
#' @export
RedGrayBlue <- colorRampPalette(c("firebrick", "lightgray", "#375997"))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' GGE biplots
#' Fit a GGE (genotype + genotype * environment) model and display the results.
#' If there is replication in G*E, then the replications are averaged together
#' before constructing the biplot.
#' The singular value decomposition of \code{x} is used to calculate the
#' principal components for the biplot.  Missing values are NOT allowed.
#' The argument \code{method} can be either
#' 'svd' for complete-data or 'nipals' for missing-data.
#' @rdname gge
#' @param x A matrix or data.frame.
#' @param ... Other arguments (e.g. maxiter, gramschmidt)
#' @return A list of class \code{gge} containing:
#' \item{x}{The filled-in data}
#' \item{x.orig}{The original data}
#' \item{genCoord}{genotype coordinates}
#' \item{locCoord}{loc coordinates}
#' \item{blockCoord}{block coordinates}
#' \item{gen.group}{If not NULL, use this to specify a column of the
#'   data.frame to classify genotypes into groups.}
#' \item{env.group}{If not NULL, use this to specify a column of the
#'   data.frame to classify environments into groups.}
#' \item{ggb}{If TRUE, create a GGB biplot}
#' \item{genMeans}{genotype means}
#' \item{mosdat}{mosaic plot data}
#' \item{R2}{variation explained by each PC}
#' \item{center}{Data centered?}
#' \item{scale}{Data scaled?}
#' \item{method}{Method used to calculate principal components.}
#' \item{pctMiss}{Percent of x that is missing values}
#' \item{maxPCs}{Maximum number of PCs}
#' @author
#' Jean-Louis Laffont, Kevin Wright
#' @references
#' Jean-Louis Laffont, Kevin Wright and Mohamed Hanafi (2013).
#' Genotype + Genotype x Block of Environments (GGB) Biplots.
#' \emph{Crop Science}, 53, 2332-2341.
#' \doi{10.2135/cropsci2013.03.0178}.
#' Kroonenberg, Pieter M. (1997).
#' \emph{Introduction to Biplots for GxE Tables},
#' Research Report 51, Centre for Statistics, The University of Queensland,
#' Brisbane, Australia.
#' \url{https://three-mode.leidenuniv.nl/document/biplot.pdf}
#' Yan, W. and Kang, M.S. (2003).
#' \emph{GGE Biplot Analysis}.  CRC Press.
#' @examples
#' # Example 1.  Data is a data.frame in 'matrix' format
#' B <- matrix(c(50, 67, 90, 98, 120,
#'               55, 71, 93, 102, 129,
#'               65, 76, 95, 105, 134,
#'               50, 80, 102, 130, 138,
#'               60, 82, 97, 135, 151,
#'               65, 89, 106, 137, 153,
#'               75, 95, 117, 133, 155), ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
#' rownames(B) <- c("G1","G2","G3","G4","G5","G6","G7")
#' colnames(B) <- c("E1","E2","E3","E4","E5")
#' library(gge)
#' m1 = gge(B)
#' plot(m1)
#' biplot(m1, main="Example biplot")
#' # biplot3d(m1)
#' if(require(agridat)){
#'   # crossa.wheat biplot
#'   # Specify env.group as column in data frame
#'   data(crossa.wheat)
#'   dat2 <- crossa.wheat
#'   m2 <- gge(dat2, yield~gen*loc, env.group=locgroup, scale=FALSE)
#'   plot(m2)
#'   biplot(m2, lab.env=TRUE, main="crossa.wheat")
#'   # biplot3d(m2)
#' }
#' @import reshape2
#' @export
gge <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("gge")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @param data Data frame
#' @param formula A formula
#' @param gen.group genotype group
#' @param env.group env group
#' @param ggb If TRUE, fit a GGB biplot model.
#' @rdname gge
#' @export
gge.data.frame <- function(x,
                           ...) {
  # Author: Kevin Wright

    stop("This usage of gge requires a formula AND data frame.")

  # previous subset/filter could leave extra levels behind
  data <- droplevels(data)
  # Get character representations of all necessary variables.
  # There is probably a more R-like (tidyeval?) way to do this. Oh well.
  vars <- all.vars(formula)
  # Check for valid names (in the data)
    stop("Some of the terms in the formula are not found in the data.")
  .y <- vars[1]
  .gen <- vars[2]
  .env <- vars[3]

  # Make gen.group & env.group either NULL or quoted name in the data
  gen.group <- substitute(gen.group)
  env.group <- substitute(env.group)
  if(!is.null(gen.group)) {
    gen.group <- deparse(gen.group) # convert gen.group to text
    if(!is.element(gen.group, names(data)))
      stop("The argument 'gen.group' refers to non-existant column of data.")

    if(any(colSums(table(data[[gen.group]], data[[.gen]])>0)>1)){
      stop("Some values of '", .gen, "' have multiple gen.group.")
  if(!is.null(env.group)) {
    env.group <- deparse(env.group)
    if(!is.element(env.group, names(data)))
      stop("The argument 'env.group' refers to non-existant column of data.")

    if(any(colSums(table(data[[env.group]], data[[.env]])>0)>1)){
      stop("Some values of '", .env, "' have multiple env.group.")
      env.group <- NULL
  if(is.null(env.group)) ggb <- FALSE
  # Finally, reshape data into a matrix, average values in each cell
  datm <- reshape2::acast(data, formula(paste(.gen, "~", .env)),
                          fun.aggregate=mean, na.rm=TRUE, value.var=.y)
  datm[is.nan(datm)] <- NA # Use NA instead of NaN

  # Make gen.group and env.group to be vectors for the rows/cols of datm
  if(!is.null(gen.group)) {
    ix1 <- match(rownames(datm), data[[.gen]])
    gen.group <- data[[gen.group]][ix1]
  if(!is.null(env.group)) {
    ix2 <- match(colnames(datm), data[[.env]])
    env.group <- data[[env.group]][ix2]

  # Now call the matrix method and return the results
  invisible(gge.matrix(datm, gen.group=gen.group, env.group=env.group, ggb=ggb, ...))

## gge.formula and gge.data.frame are identical
## gge.formula will be deprecated

#' @rdname gge
#' @export
gge.formula <- function(formula,
                        ...) {
  # Author: Kevin Wright

  # Message introduced Jun 2020.  Plan to deprecate end of 2021.
  message("Please use `gge(data,formula)` instead of `gge(formula,data)`\n")
    stop("This usage of gge requires a formula AND data frame.")

  # previous subset/filter could leave extra levels behind
  data <- droplevels(data)
  # Get character representations of all necessary variables.
  # There is probably a more R-like (tidyeval?) way to do this. Oh well.
  vars <- all.vars(formula)
  # Check for valid names (in the data)
    stop("Some of the terms in the formula are not found in the data.")
  .y <- vars[1]
  .gen <- vars[2]
  .env <- vars[3]

  # Make gen.group & env.group either NULL or quoted name in the data
  gen.group <- substitute(gen.group)
  env.group <- substitute(env.group)
  if(!is.null(gen.group)) {
    gen.group <- deparse(gen.group) # convert gen.group to text
    if(!is.element(gen.group, names(data)))
      stop("The argument 'gen.group' refers to non-existant column of data.")

    if(any(colSums(table(data[[gen.group]], data[[.gen]])>0)>1)){
      stop("Some values of '", .gen, "' have multiple gen.group.")
  if(!is.null(env.group)) {
    env.group <- deparse(env.group)
    if(!is.element(env.group, names(data)))
      stop("The argument 'env.group' refers to non-existant column of data.")

    if(any(colSums(table(data[[env.group]], data[[.env]])>0)>1)){
      stop("Some values of '", .env, "' have multiple env.group.")
      env.group <- NULL
  if(is.null(env.group)) ggb <- FALSE
  # Finally, reshape data into a matrix, average values in each cell
  datm <- reshape2::acast(data, formula(paste(.gen, "~", .env)),
                          fun.aggregate=mean, na.rm=TRUE, value.var=.y)
  datm[is.nan(datm)] <- NA # Use NA instead of NaN

  # Make gen.group and env.group to be vectors for the rows/cols of datm
  if(!is.null(gen.group)) {
    ix1 <- match(rownames(datm), data[[.gen]])
    gen.group <- data[[gen.group]][ix1]
  if(!is.null(env.group)) {
    ix2 <- match(colnames(datm), data[[.env]])
    env.group <- data[[env.group]][ix2]

  # Now call the matrix method and return the results
  invisible(gge.matrix(datm, gen.group=gen.group, env.group=env.group, ggb=ggb, ...))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @param center If TRUE, center values for each environment
#' @param scale If TRUE, scale values for each environment
#' @param method method used to find principal component directions. Either
#' "svd" or "nipals".
#' @rdname gge
#' @importFrom nipals nipals
#' @export
gge.matrix <- function(x,
                       center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,
                       env.group = NULL,
                       comps=c(1,2), method="svd", ...) {

  # x: matrix of rows=genotypes, cols=environments
  # env.group: vector having the group class for each loc
  if(nrow(x) < 3)
    stop("Matrix needs at least 3 rows.")
  if(!is.null(env.group) && (length(env.group) != ncol(x)))
     stop("'env.group' is the wrong length.")
  if(!is.null(gen.group) && (length(gen.group) != nrow(x)))
     stop("'gen.group' is the wrong length.")

  x.orig <- x

  # Check for missing values
  pctMiss <- sum(is.na(x))/(nrow(x)*ncol(x))
  if(pctMiss > 0)
    cat("Missing values detected: (", round(100*pctMiss,0), "%)\n", sep="")
  if(pctMiss > 0 & method=="svd") {
    cat("Switching to 'nipals' method.\n")
    method <- "nipals"
  if(pctMiss > .10)
    warning("Biplots deteriorate for more than 10-15% missing values.")
  genPct <- apply(x, 1, function(xx) length(na.omit(xx)))/ncol(x)
  envPct <- apply(x, 2, function(xx) length(na.omit(xx)))/nrow(x)
  if(any(genPct<.2) || any(envPct<.2))
    warning("Missing data may be structured.")

  # Maximum number of PCs. Because of column-centering, row rank is reduced by 1
  maxPCs <- min(nrow(x)-1, ncol(x))

  if(!is.element(method, c('svd', 'nipals')))
    stop("Unknown method.  Use 'svd' or 'nipals'.")

  # Scale data
  x <- scale(x, center=center, scale=scale)  # Center / scale each environment


    x.pca <- NULL
    x.svd <- svd(x)
    R2 <- x.svd$d^2/sum(x.svd$d^2)

  } else if(method=="nipals"){

    x.svd <- NULL
    x.pca <- nipals(x, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, fitted=TRUE, ...)
    R2 <- x.pca$R2
    # estimate missing values to get complete data for calculating
    x[is.na(x)] <- x.pca$fitted[is.na(x)]
    x <- scale(x, center=center, scale=scale)


	if(!is.null(x.svd) && length(x.svd$d) == 1)
		stop("Only one principal component.  Biplot not available.")

  # The matrices G,W,R of Laffont et al are here x.g, x.gb, x.r
  # x.g is a matrix of identical columns of genotype means

  genMeans <- rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  x.g <-  genMeans %*% t(rep(1, ncol(x)))

  # x.gb is the same size as x, but has the G*B effect
  # First remove gen effects, average by group, then expand back to size of x
  x.cc <- x - x.g # x.cc = x.orig - envmeans - genmeans
  x.grp <- NULL

  if(ggb & !is.null(env.group)){
    groupNames <- names(table(env.group))
    for(i in groupNames) {
      # Need 'drop' so that a single-column is not converted to vector
      # block coord
      x.grp <- cbind(x.grp, rowMeans(x.cc[, env.group==i, drop=FALSE]))
    colnames(x.grp) <- groupNames
    x.gb <- x.grp[,match(env.group, colnames(x.grp))]
  } else {
    x.gb <- x.cc # No groups (each loc is its own group)

  # x.r is a matrix of residuals = x.orig - colmeans - rowmeans - G*B
  x.r <- x - x.g - x.gb

  # Orthogonal rotation matrix U
  if(method=="svd") {
    U <- x.svd$u
    D <- x.svd$d
  } else if (method=="nipals"){
    # U <- x.pca$scores %*% diag(1/sqrt(x.pca$eval))
    U <- x.pca$scores
    D <- x.pca$eig

  # Partition SSG, SSGB, SSR along each axis
  # Ex: SSGk = diag(u'x.g * x.g'u)
  #          = diag(crossprod(crossprod(x.g, u)))
  #          = colSums(crossprod(x.g, u)^2)
  SSGk <- colSums(crossprod(x.g, U)^2)
  SSGBk <- colSums(crossprod(x.gb, U)^2)
  SSRk <- colSums(crossprod(x.r, U)^2)

  # Data for mosaic plot
  mosdat <- data.frame(G = SSGk, GB = SSGBk, R = SSRk)
  mosdat <- as.matrix(mosdat)
  rownames(mosdat) <- 1:nrow(mosdat)
  names(dimnames(mosdat)) <- c("PC","")

  # coordinates (along at most 5 components) for genotypes
  maxcomp <- min(5, nrow(x)-1, ncol(x))
  U <- U[ , 1:maxcomp]
  D <- D[1:maxcomp]
  n.gen <- nrow(x)

  focus <- "env" # fixme: add options other focus methods

  # other biplot programs use 'v' matrix in calculating coordinates
  # but we create block coordinates, and then use U to rotate into position
  # browser()
  # commented code below comes from bpca
  # https://github.com/cran/bpca/blob/master/R/bpca.default.R
    # bpca: g.scal  <- sqrt(nrow(x)-1) * u
    # bpca: hl.scal  <- 1/sqrt(nrow(x)-1) * v %*% diag(d)
    genCoord <- U * sqrt(n.gen-1)
    blockCoord <- t(x.g + x.gb) %*% U / sqrt(n.gen - 1)
    resCoord <- t(x.r) %*% U * (1/sqrt(n.gen - 1))

  locCoord <- blockCoord + resCoord

  # completeObs matrix lacks rownames ?
  rownames(genCoord) <- rownames(x.orig)
  rownames(locCoord) <- colnames(x.orig)
  rownames(blockCoord) <- env.group
  # nipals results have column names, but svd does not, so tidy up
  colnames(genCoord) <- paste0("PC", 1:maxcomp)
  colnames(locCoord) <- paste0("PC", 1:maxcomp)
  colnames(blockCoord) <- paste0("PC", 1:maxcomp)

  ret <- list(x=x, x.orig=x.orig,
              genCoord=genCoord, locCoord=locCoord, blockCoord=blockCoord,
              gen.group=gen.group, env.group=env.group, ggb=ggb,
              genMeans=genMeans, mosdat=mosdat, R2=R2,
              center=center, scale=scale, method=method,
              pctMiss=pctMiss, maxPCs=maxPCs)
  class(ret) <- "gge"


expand.range <- function(xx) {
  # make sure the range of xx includes 0
  # xx is an object coming from range(), so xx[1] < xx[2]
  # expand.range(c(-2,-1)) = -2, 1
  # expand.range(c(-2,2))  = -2  2
  # expand.range(c(1,2))   = -1  2

  if(xx[1] > 0) xx[1] <-  - xx[1]
  else if(xx[2] < 0) xx[2] <-  - xx[2]

extend <- function(x,y,xlim,ylim){
  # Extend the line (0,0)-(x,y) to the edge of the box defined by (xlim,ylim)
  # This box has four 'quadrants' bottom,right,top,left. For example, 
  # the 'right' quadrant is a triangle bounded by the points:
  # (0, bottom-right corner, top-right corner)

  xmin <- xlim[1]
  xmax <- xlim[2]
  ymin <- ylim[1]
  ymax <- ylim[2]

  tr <- atan2(ymax, xmax) # Angle of line from 0 to top-right corner
  tl <- atan2(ymax, xmin) #   top-left
  bl <- atan2(ymin, xmin) #   bottom-left
  br <- atan2(ymin, xmax) #   bottom-right
  phi <- atan2(y, x)      # Angle of line to each point

  # Instead of many "if-else" terms, just sum(quadrant_indicator * ordinate)
  x2 <- (bl < phi & phi <= br) * (ymin*x/y) + # bottom edge
        (br < phi & phi <= tr) * (xmax) +     # right
        (tr < phi & phi <= tl) * (ymax*x/y) + # top
        (phi <= bl | phi > tl) * (xmin)       # left

  y2 <- (bl < phi & phi <= br) * (ymin) +
        (br < phi & phi <= tr) * (xmax*y/x) +
        (tr < phi & phi <= tl) * (ymax) +
        (phi <= bl | phi > tl) * (xmin*y/x)

  return(data.frame(x0=0, y0=0, x1=x, y1=y, x2=x2, y2=y2))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname gge
#' @export
plot.gge <- function(x, main=substitute(x), ...) {

  # title deprecated in gge 1.2, 2017
  args <- match.call()
  if( is.element("title", names(args)) ) {
    #main <- args$title
    stop("Argument 'title' is deprecated. Use 'main' instead.\n")
  op1 <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s", mar=c(3,5,2,1))
  R2 <- x$R2

  # Scree plot
  plot(1:length(R2), R2, type="b", axes=FALSE,
       main="", xlab="", ylab="Proportion explained")
  axis(1, at=pretty(1:length(R2)), cex.axis=0.75)
  axis(2, at=pretty(c(0,max(R2))), cex.axis=0.75)
  mtext(main, line=.5, cex=1)
  # Mosaic
  mosaicplot(x$mosdat, main="",
             col=c("darkgreen","lightgreen","gray70"), off=c(0,0))
  # Heatmap of the centered/scaled data. Omit missing values.
  Y <- as.matrix(x$x)
  Y[is.na(x$x.orig)] <- NA
  image(t(Y), col=RedGrayBlue(12), axes=FALSE)
  axis(2, seq(from=0, to=1, length=nrow(Y)), labels=rownames(Y),
       tick=FALSE, cex.axis=.4, col.axis="black", las=2, line=-.8)
  axis(3, seq(from=0, to=1, length=ncol(Y)), labels=colnames(Y),
       tick=FALSE, cex.axis=.4, col.axis="black", las=2, line=-0.8)



# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @param main Title, by default the name of the data. Use NULL to suppress the title.
#' @param subtitle Subtitle to put in front of options. Use NULL to suppress the subtitle.
#' @param xlab Label along axis. Default "auto" shows percent of variation explained. Use NULL to suppress.
#' @param ylab Label along axis. Default "auto" shows percent of variation explained. Use NULL to suppress.
#' @param cex.gen Character expansion for genotype labels, default 0.6. Use 0 to omit genotype labels.
#' @param cex.env Character expansion for environment labels/symbols.  Use lab.env=FALSE to omit labels.
#' @param col.gen Color for genotype labels.  May be a single color for all genotypes,
#' or a vector of colors for each genotype.
#' @param col.env Color for environments. May be a single color for all environments,
#' or a vector of colors for each environment.
#' @param pch.gen Plot character for genotypes
#' @param lab.env Label environments if TRUE.
#' @param comps Principal components to use for the biplot. Default c(1,2).
#' @param flip If "auto" then each axis is flipped so that the genotype
#' ordinate is positively correlated with genotype means.  Can also be
#' a vector like c(TRUE,FALSE) for manual control.
#' @param origin If "auto", the plotting window is centered on genotypes, otherwise
#' the origin is at the middle of the window.
#' @param res.vec If TRUE, for each group, draw residual vectors from the mean
#' of the locs to the individual locs.
#' @param hull If TRUE, show a which-won-where polygon.
#' @param zoom.gen Zoom factor for manual control of genotype xlim,ylim
#' The default is 1. Values less than 1 may be useful if genotype names are long.
#' @param zoom.env Zoom factor for manual control of environment xlim,ylim.
#' The default is 1. Values less than 1 may be useful if environment names are long.
#' Not used for 3D biplots.
#' @rdname gge
#' @import graphics
#' @import grDevices
#' @import stats
#' @export
biplot.gge <- function(x, main = substitute(x), subtitle="",
                       xlab="auto", ylab="auto",
                       cex.gen=0.6, cex.env=.5,
                       col.gen="darkgreen", col.env="orange3",
                       lab.env = TRUE,
                       zoom.gen=1, zoom.env=1,

  # title deprecated in gge 1.2, 2017
  args <- match.call()
  if( is.element("title", names(args)) ) {
    main <- args$title
    cat("Argument 'title' will be deprecated. Use 'main' instead.\n")
  # x: A model object of class 'gge'
  # Must include ... because the generic 'biplot' does

  gen.group <- x$gen.group
  env.group <- x$env.group
  ggb <- x$ggb
  genCoord <- x$genCoord
  locCoord <- x$locCoord
  blockCoord <- x$blockCoord
  genMeans <- x$genMeans
  R2 <- x$R2
  pctMiss <- x$pctMiss

  groupNames <- names(table(env.group))
  n.gen.grp <- length(unique(gen.group)) # 0 for NULL
  n.env.grp <- length(unique(env.group)) # 0 for NULL

  # add options to the subtitle
  if(is.null(subtitle)) {
    subtitle <- ""
  } else {
    if(subtitle != "") subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, ", ")
    subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, "method=", x$method)
    subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, ", center=", x$center)
    subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, ", scale=", x$scale)
    subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, ", missing: ", round(pctMiss*100,1), "%")

  # if the user did not give enough environment vector colors, add more
  if(n.env.grp > length(col.env)) {
    col.env <- c(col.env, "blue","black","purple","darkgreen", "red",
                 "dark orange", "deep pink", "#999999", "#a6761d")
    col.env <- rep(col.env, length=n.env.grp)

  # flip. If 'auto', flip the axis so that genotype ordinate is positively
  # correlated with genotype means.
  if(length(flip)<length(comps)) flip <- rep(flip,length=length(comps))
  for(i in 1:length(comps)){
    ix <- comps[i]
    if(flip[i]==TRUE | (flip[i]=="auto" & cor(genMeans, genCoord[,ix]) < 0)){
      locCoord[, ix] <-  - locCoord[, ix]
      genCoord[, ix] <-  - genCoord[, ix]
      blockCoord[, ix] <- - blockCoord[, ix]

  # set plot type to square
  op1 <- par(pty="s")

  # If alpha transparency is supported, use 70%=180
  if(.Device=="windows" | .Device=="RStudioGD") {
    # These devices do not support true transparency
  } else {
    col.env <- col2rgb(col.env)
    col.env <- rgb(col.env[1,], col.env[2,], col.env[3,],
                   alpha=180, maxColorValue=255)
    col.gen <- col2rgb(col.gen)
    col.gen <- rgb(col.gen[1,], col.gen[2,], col.gen[3,],
                   alpha=180, maxColorValue=255)
  xcomp <- comps[1] # component for x axis
  ycomp <- comps[2] # component for y axis

  # axis labels
  labs <- paste("PC ", c(xcomp, ycomp),
                " (", round(100*R2[c(xcomp,ycomp)],0), "% TSS)", sep="")
  if(!is.null(xlab)) {
    if(xlab=="auto") xlab <- labs[1]
  if(!is.null(ylab)) {
    if(ylab=="auto") ylab <- labs[2]

  # we are most interested in genotypes, so define the plotting window to 
  # have the best fit for the genotypes
    # expand the genotype ranges to include 0 in both axes
    rg1 <- expand.range(range(genCoord[, xcomp]))
    rg2 <- expand.range(range(genCoord[, ycomp]))
    # make genotypes fill the plotting window  
    xmid <- mean(range(rg1))
    ymid <- mean(range(rg2))
    # half-width (and half-height) of box
    half <- 1.05 * max(diff(rg1), diff(rg2))/2 # Add 5% on each side
  } else { # origin at 0,0
    xmid <- ymid <- 0
    half <- 1.05 * max(abs(genCoord[, c(xcomp,ycomp)]))
  # square window for plotting genotypes with equal-length sides, but not
  # necessarily the same coordinates for the two sides
  xlimg <- c(xmid-half, xmid+half)
  ylimg <- c(ymid-half, ymid+half)

  # calculate 'ratio' to shrink/expand window to fit the environments
  # we do not worry about block coords...they are always inside loc coord box
  re1 <- expand.range(range(locCoord[, xcomp]))
  re2 <- expand.range(range(locCoord[, ycomp]))
  ratio <- max(c(re1, re2)/c(xlimg, ylimg)) * 1.1 # 1.1 adds extra space
  # lastly, manual override zooming of environment window
  xlime <- xlimg * ratio / zoom.env
  ylime <- ylimg * ratio / zoom.env

  # use 'ratio' to scale genotype coordinates to fill environment window
  # manual override zooming
  genCoord <-  genCoord * ratio / zoom.gen
  # set up plot for environment vectors
  plot(NULL, type = "n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="",
       xlim=xlime, ylim=ylime)

  # Add the margin axis labels and titles
  mtext(xlab, side=1, line=.5, cex=.8)
  mtext(ylab, side=2, line=.5, cex=.8)
  mtext(main, side=3, line=2.5)
  mtext(subtitle, side=3, line=0.9, cex=.7)

  # is this true for different focusing?
  # because of the SVD, each environment vector has length 1
  # round(apply(x$locCoord, 1, function(x) sum(x*x)),2)
  # E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 
  #  1  1  1  1  1
  # for standardized biplots, draw a circle of radius 1 on locCoord scale
  # do this first so we don't overwrite labels
  if(x$scale) {
    angles <- seq(from=0, to=2*pi, length=100)
    radius <- 1
    xc <- radius * sin(angles)
    yc <- radius * cos(angles)
    lines(xc, yc, col="tan")

  # plot locs first (points OR labels, but not both) colored by group
  if(is.null(env.group)) {
    eix <- rep(1, nrow(locCoord))
  } else {
    eix <- as.numeric(factor(env.group))

  if(lab.env == TRUE) {
    text(locCoord[ , c(xcomp, ycomp), drop = FALSE],
         rownames(locCoord), cex=cex.env, col = col.env[eix])
  } else {
    points(locCoord[ , c(xcomp, ycomp), drop = FALSE],
           cex = cex.env, col = col.env[eix]) # pch = (1:n.env.grp)[eix])

  # No env groups. Draw vector to each loc, shorten to reduce over-plotting
  if(n.env.grp == 0){
    segments(0, 0, .95*locCoord[,xcomp], .95*locCoord[,ycomp],
             col = col.env[1])

  # One or more groups. NOT GGB. Draw vector to each loc, colored by group.
  if(n.env.grp >= 1 & !ggb){
    segments(0, 0, .95*locCoord[,xcomp], .95*locCoord[,ycomp],
             col = col.env[eix])
  # One or more groups. IS GGB.
  if(n.env.grp >= 1 & ggb) {
    # Draw solid-line part of the group vector
    unibc <- blockCoord[groupNames,,drop=FALSE] # Get unique row for each group
    segments(0, 0, unibc[ , xcomp], unibc[ , ycomp], 
             lwd = 2, col=col.env) # no 'eix'
    # End point
    # points(unibc[ , c(xcomp,ycomp)], pch = 16, col=col.env) # no 'eix'
    # The 'xy' variable extends the vector to the edge of plot
    xy <- extend(unibc[ , xcomp], unibc[ , ycomp], xlime, ylime)
    # Now the extended dashed-line part of the group vector.  Shorten by 10%
    # to reduce over-plotting.
    segments(unibc[ , xcomp], unibc[ , ycomp],
             .90*xy$x2, .90*xy$y2, lty = 3, col=col.env)
    # Add group label
    text(.95*xy$x2, .95*xy$y2, rownames(unibc), cex = 1, col=col.env)
  # One group. Add dashed line group vector in opposite direction for AEC
  if(n.env.grp == 1){
    unibc <- -1 * unibc 
    xy <- extend( unibc[ , xcomp], unibc[ , ycomp], xlime, ylime)
    segments(0, 0, .90*xy$x2, .90*xy$y2, lty = 3, col=col.env)
  # GGB with two or more groups. Draw residual vector from group mean to each loc
  if(ggb & n.env.grp >=  2 & res.vec) {
    segments(blockCoord[ , xcomp], blockCoord[ , ycomp],
             locCoord[ , xcomp], locCoord[ , ycomp],
             col = col.env[eix], lwd = .5)

  pch.gen <- c(pch.gen, setdiff(1:20, pch.gen))
  if(n.gen.grp < 2) {
    col.gen <- col.gen[1] # in case there are multiple colors
    pch.gen <- pch.gen[1]
  } else {
    col.gen <- rep(col.gen, length=n.gen.grp)
    pch.gen <- rep(pch.gen, length=n.gen.grp)

  # AEC = Average Environment Coordinate
  # One env group. Draw genotype perpendicular projection onto AEC
  if(n.env.grp == 1){
    m1 <- blockCoord[1,ycomp] / blockCoord[1,xcomp] # slope of AEC line
    # See formula here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1811549
    # x1=0, y1=0, x2=1, y2=m1, x3 & y3 are genCoord
    # k = (m1 * x3 - y3) / (m1^2 + 1)
    # x4 = x3 - k * m1
    # y4 = y3 + k
    k <- (m1 * genCoord[,xcomp] - genCoord[,ycomp])
    x4 <- genCoord[,xcomp] - k * m1
    y4 <- genCoord[,ycomp] + k
    segments(genCoord[,xcomp], genCoord[,ycomp], x4, y4, col="gray80")
  # Now overlay genotype labels and/or points
  if(cex.gen > 0 & n.gen.grp < 2) {
    text(genCoord[, c(xcomp, ycomp)], rownames(genCoord), 
         cex=cex.gen, col=col.gen)
  } else if (cex.gen > 0 & n.gen.grp >= 2) {
    gix <- as.numeric(as.factor(gen.group))
    points(genCoord[, c(xcomp, ycomp)], 
           cex=cex.gen, col=col.gen[gix], pch=pch.gen[gix])
    text(genCoord[, c(xcomp, ycomp)], paste(" ",rownames(genCoord)),
         cex=cex.gen, col=col.gen[gix], adj=c(0,.5))

  # which-won-where polygon
  # http://zonalandeducation.com/mmts/intersections/intersectionOfTwoLines1/intersectionOfTwoLines1.html
    # Hull polygon
    ch <- chull(genCoord[ , xcomp], genCoord[ , ycomp])
    ch <- c(ch, ch[1])
    segs <- genCoord[ch, c(xcomp, ycomp)]
    lines(segs, col="gray60")
    # Lines perpendicular to hull polygon
    for(ii in 1:(length(ch)-1)){
      # coordinates of endpoints for polygon line segment
      x11 <- segs[ii,1] ; y11 <- segs[ii,2]
      x22 <- segs[ii+1,1] ; y22 <- segs[ii+1,2]
      if(x22-x11 == 0) { # Polygon line is vertical
        xnew <- x11
      } else {
        m1 <- (y22-y11) / (x22-x11)        # Slope of polygon line
        m2 <- -1/m1                        # Slope of perpendicular line
        xnew <- (m1 * x11 - y11) / (m1-m2) # Point of intersection of the two lines
      ynew <- m2 * xnew
      # Draw to edge of genotype box
      xy <- extend(xnew, ynew, xlimg, ylimg)
      # Extended dashed-line part of the group vector.  Extend 10% to edge.
      segments(0, 0, 1.1*xy$x2, 1.1*xy$y2, lty = 2, col="gray60")


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname gge
#' @export
biplot3d <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("biplot3d", x)

#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @rdname gge
#' @method biplot3d gge
#' @export
biplot3d.gge <- function(x,
                         cex.gen=0.6, cex.env=.5,
                         col.gen="darkgreen", col.env="orange3",
  if(!("rgl" %in% installed.packages() ))
    stop("You must install the `rgl` package first.")
  # title/subtitle are not used
  gen.group <- x$gen.group
  env.group <- x$env.group
  genCoord <- x$genCoord
  locCoord <- x$locCoord
  blockCoord <- x$blockCoord
  R2 <- x$R2

  n.env.grp <- length(unique(env.group)) # 0 for NULL

  if(length(R2) == 2)
    stop("Only two principal components--3D biplot not available.")
  if(length(comps) < 3)
    stop("You need to specify 3 components for 3D biplot.")

  # Environment (group) colors (first one is used for environments)
  # Replicate colors if not enough have been specified
  col.env <- c(col.env, "blue","black","purple","darkgreen", "red",
               "dark orange", "deep pink", "#999999", "#a6761d")
  if(n.env.grp < 2) {
    col.env <- col.env[1]
  } else {
    col.env <- rep(col.env, length=n.env.grp)

  # Set up device

  xcomp <- comps[1] # Component for x axis
  ycomp <- comps[2] # Component for y axis
  zcomp <- comps[3] # Component for z axis

  # Axis labels
  labs <- paste("PC ", c(xcomp, ycomp, zcomp),
                  " (", round(100*R2[c(xcomp,ycomp,zcomp)],0), "% TSS)", sep="")
  xlab <- labs[1]
  ylab <- labs[2]
  zlab <- labs[3]

  # Determine the range for locs (use same range for all axes)
  envRange <- expand.range(range(locCoord[, c(xcomp,ycomp,zcomp)]))
  xlim <- ylim <- zlim <- range(envRange) * 1.05 # Add 5% for extra space

  # Plot locs first (points OR labels, but not both) colored by group
  if(is.null(env.group)) {
    eix <- rep(1, nrow(locCoord))
  } else eix <- as.numeric(factor(env.group))

    rgl::text3d(locCoord[,xcomp], locCoord[,ycomp], locCoord[,zcomp],
                cex=cex.env, col=col.env[eix], alpha=0.7)
  } else {
    rgl::spheres3d(locCoord[,xcomp], locCoord[,ycomp], locCoord[,zcomp],
                   radius=0.01*diff(xlim), col=col.env[eix], alpha=0.5)

  # Plot the environments (points OR labels, but not both).
  if(n.env.grp == 0) { # use the same color for all locs
  } else { # color loc by group.
    ##   # Very faint group labels
    ##   text3d(locCoord[,xcomp], locCoord[,ycomp], locCoord[,zcomp],
    ##          texts=rownames(locCoord),
    ##          col=col.env[env.group], alpha=.1)

  # Bounding box
  col.axis <- 'black'

  # Draw axes and label
  rgl::lines3d(xlim, rep(ylim[1],2), rep(zlim[1], 2),  col=col.axis, alpha=0.5)
  rgl::text3d(xlim[2], ylim[1], zlim[1],
              texts=xlab, cex=cex.env, col=col.axis, alpha=0.5)
  rgl::lines3d(rep(xlim[1],2), ylim, rep(zlim[1], 2), col=col.axis, alpha=0.5)
  rgl::text3d(xlim[1], ylim[2], zlim[1],
              texts=ylab, cex=cex.env, col=col.axis, alpha=0.5)
  rgl::lines3d(rep(xlim[1],2), rep(ylim[1],2), zlim, col=col.axis, alpha=0.5)
  rgl::text3d(xlim[1], ylim[1], zlim[2],
              texts=zlab, cex=cex.env, col=col.axis, alpha=0.5)

  # Add vectors (and group labels, if needed)
  if(n.env.grp == 0) {
    # Draw vector to each loc
    apply(cbind(locCoord[,c(xcomp, ycomp, zcomp)], col.env[1]), 1,
          function(xx) {
            rgl::segments3d(c(0, xx[1]), c(0, xx[2]), c(0, xx[3]),
                            col=xx[4], alpha=0.5) })
  } else {
    # Short residual vectors from group mean to each loc
    if(res.vec) {
      apply(cbind(blockCoord[ , c(xcomp,ycomp,zcomp)],
                  locCoord[ , c(xcomp,ycomp,zcomp)],
                  col.env[eix]), 1,
            function(xx) {
              rgl::segments3d(c(xx[1], xx[4]), c(xx[2], xx[5]), c(xx[3], xx[6]),
                              col = xx[7], alpha=0.5) })

    # Draw solid-line part of the group vector
    apply(cbind(blockCoord[,c(xcomp, ycomp, zcomp)], col.env[eix]), 1,
          function(xx) {
            rgl::segments3d(c(0, xx[1]), c(0, xx[2]), c(0, xx[3]),
                            col=xx[4], alpha=0.5, lwd=4) })
    # Origin is a black dot
                   radius=0.01*diff(xlim), col="black", alpha=0.5)
    # Add group label
    rgl::text3d(blockCoord[, xcomp], blockCoord[, ycomp], blockCoord[, zcomp],
                cex=cex.env*1.5, col=col.env[eix], alpha=0.9)

  # Overlay the genotype names (re-scale to fill the graph)
  genRange <- expand.range(range(genCoord[, c(xcomp,ycomp,zcomp)]))
  ratio <- min(xlim/genRange) * zoom.gen # Why only xlim?
  if(cex.gen > 0) {
    rgl::text3d(genCoord[,xcomp]*ratio, genCoord[,ycomp]*ratio, genCoord[,zcomp]*ratio,
                cex=cex.gen, color=col.gen, alpha=0.5)

kwstat/gge documentation built on July 19, 2024, 10:26 p.m.