

# get data files to be documented
#data.files = tools::file_path_sans_ext(list.files('data/', full.names = F))
#data.documentation = file.path('man/',paste0(data.files, '.Rd'))

test_that('documentation can be read and parsed into html',{
  file = 'data/goa_bp_table.Rd'
  result = parse_rd(readLines(file))
  expect_equal(result$title, "GO biological process annotations")
  #dat = lapply(data.documentation, function(file) genoppi:::parse_rd(readLines(file), what = c("title", "description", "source", "references"), combine.with = ' '))
  #names(dat) <- data.documentation
  # check that no nulls are present
  #expect_equal(dat$`../../man//gtex_table.Rd`$title, "GTEx tissue specificity annotations")
  #expect_false(any(unlist(lapply(dat, function(x) any(is.null(x))))))
lagelab/Genoppi documentation built on Oct. 13, 2022, 2:36 p.m.