Man pages for lakhanp1/chipmine
Analyze ChIP-seq Data

add_annotation_titlesAdd annotation column titles on the heatmap
best_replicate_peaksetGet good replicate's peakset from two or more ChIPseq...
bigwig_profile_matrixGenerate profile matrix using normalizeToMatrix()
chip_summaryTF ChIPseq data summary plots
combinatorial_binding_matrixGenerate the combinatorial peak association matrix with...
compare_ChIPseq_replicatesTF ChIPseq replicate correlation plots
compare_replicatesCorrelation plots for numeric data
draw_avg_profile_plotAverage signal plot for multiple samples
gene_length_heatmap_annotationGene length annotation as points
geneset_average_profileCalculate average profile for a gene list
get_expression_heatmap_listMultiple PolII expression heatmaps as list
get_fold_changeRaw log2 fold change value between two samples as log2(s2/s1)
get_peak_summit_seqGet DNA sequence from peak summit region
get_polII_expressionsPolII signal list from multiple samples
get_polII_signalRead polII binding signal data for a sample
get_profile_plot_listMultiple Enriched Heatmaps as list
get_sample_informationCreate sample information dataframe
get_TESExtract the TES position as GenomicRanges
get_TF_binding_dataGet the TF peak annotation data
get_txdb_exons_grExons GRanges object from TxDB
get_txdb_fiveUtr_gr5UTR GRanges object from TxDB
get_txdb_introns_grIntrons GRanges object from TxDB
get_txdb_threeUtr_gr3UTR GRanges object from TxDB
get_txdb_transcripts_grTranscripts GRanges object from TxDB
helloHello, World!
import_peaks_as_dfRead peak file as dataframe with selected columns
import_profile_from_fileRead profile matrix from file
import_profilesGenerate profile matrix list
merged_profile_matrix_clusterMerged profile matrix clustering
multi_profile_plots'EnrichedHeatmap' plots and 'ComplexHeatmaps' for multiple...
na_imputeReplace NA values by row mean
peak_target_matrixPeak target gene matrix for multiple samples
plot_MA_ggGenerate MA plot
plot_scatterGenerate XY scatter plot for two sets
preProcess_polII_expressionPre-process polII expression data
profile_heatmapGenerate profile heatmap
profile_matrix_kmeansProfile Matrix k-means Clustering
region_coverageCalculate mean coverage for regions.
region_coverage_matrixCoverage matrix for regions of interest
scale_matrix_columnscolumn wise z-score scaling of matrix
scale_matrix_rowsrow wise z-score scaling of matrix
signal_heatmapHeatmap for polII binding signal
lakhanp1/chipmine documentation built on March 6, 2021, 9:06 a.m.