#' Calculate steady state and kinetics values from Li-COR data.
#' Calculate steady state values and kinetics parameters and plot curves from data measured using the Li-COR photosystem.
#' @param identifier Keywords that distinguish the Li-COR .xlsx files for the different datasets (e.g. "wt", "mutant1").
#' @param transition Split your data into different time frames to distinguish between transition phases. Default uses all time points at once. Input as lists (e.g. 'list(c(14:25), c(26:37))')
#' @param stomden Normalise data by stomatal density (in unit stomata/mm2). Order of input must follow order of identifiers. (e.g. 'c(50, 100, 70)')
#' @param remove_outliers Optionally remove boxplot outliers by setting to "yes" (based on outliers from the 'A' column).
#' @param show_individuals Change final plot output in R to depict plots for each single input file. Default shows averaged plots for each identifier.
#' @param colours Set colour to be used for each identifier in final plots (e.g. 'c("red", "green")'). Default is black.
#' @keywords physiology plot co2 assimilation li-cor stomatal conductance leaf kinetics wue water-use efficiency photosynthesis gas exchange carbon water
#' @export
licorvalues <- function(identifier,
errorbars = "se") {
##load packages
if (!require(tidyverse)) install.packages('tidyverse')
if (!require(readxl)) install.packages('readxl')
if (!require(MetBrewer)) install.packages('Metbrewer')
if (!require(ggpubr)) install.packages('ggpubr')
if (!require(ggtext)) install.packages("ggtext")
#### set up data objects
if (!is_empty(colours)) {
colouring <- as.vector(colours)
colouring <- colouring[1:length(identifier)]
if (!is_empty(label)) {
datalabels <- data.frame(identifier=identifier,
else {
datalabels <- data.frame(identifier=identifier,
else {
if (!is_empty(label)) {
datalabels <- data.frame(identifier=identifier,
else {
datalabels <- data.frame(identifier=identifier,
if(!is_empty(stomden)) {
densities <- data.frame(identifier=identifier,
licorall <- NULL
finalresults <- NULL
#zone <- data.frame(mean_gsw=NA, sd_abs=NA,
# mean_relgsw=NA, sd_rel=NA, se_rel=NA,
# mean_A=NA, sd_A=NA,
# mean_WUE=NA, sd_WUE=NA)
print("Loading files...")
##### create data objects from the raw data
for (i in identifier) {
files <- dir(pattern=i)
for (onefile in files) {
new_file <- suppressMessages(read_excel(onefile, sheet=1, col_names = F, range = cell_cols(1:15)))
new_file <- new_file[-c(1:15),]
names(new_file) <- suppressMessages(as_vector(read_excel(onefile, sheet=1, col_names = F, range = "A15:O15")))
### I will need the columns obs, gsw, A, Time
lesslicor <- NULL
lesslicor$A <- as.numeric(new_file$A)
lesslicor$gsw<- as.numeric(new_file$gsw)
lesslicor$elapsed <- as.numeric(as.integer(new_file$elapsed))
lesslicor <- as.data.frame(lesslicor)
### create new columns
lesslicor$File <- onefile
lesslicor$ID <- i
lesslicor$Time <- as.integer(lesslicor$elapsed/60)
lesslicor <- na.omit(lesslicor)
#calculate relative stomatal conductance
lesslicor$relgsw <- lesslicor$gsw/max(lesslicor$gsw)
#calculate water use efficiency (WUE)
lesslicor$WUE <- lesslicor$A/lesslicor$gsw
#### remove outliers
if(remove_outliers=="yes") {
outliers<- boxplot(lesslicor$A, plot=FALSE)$out
lesslicor<- lesslicor[-which(lesslicor$A %in% outliers),]
## calculate means and standard deviation of the physiological values ---------------------------------------------
if(!is_empty(stomden)) {
## multiply stomatal density by 1000
stomden2 <- densities %>% filter(identifier==i) %>% .[1,2]
stomden3 <- stomden2*1000
## divide by stomatal density to normalise
lesslicor$gsw <- lesslicor$gsw/stomden3
lesslicor$A <- lesslicor$A/stomden3
lesslicor$WUE <- lesslicor$WUE/stomden3
licorall <- rbind(licorall, lesslicor)
licorall$elapsed <- plyr::round_any(licorall$elapsed, 10)
licorgeno <- suppressMessages(licorall %>% group_by(Time, ID, elapsed) %>%
summarise(mean_gsw=mean(gsw), sd_gsw=sd(gsw), se_gsw=sd(gsw)/sqrt(length(na.omit(gsw))),
mean_A=mean(A), #sd_A=sd(A), se_A=sd(A)/sqrt(length(na.omit(A))),
#### calculate steady state values ------------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Calculating steady state values for...")
steady_values_all <- NULL
for (i in identifier) {
licorgeno_short <- subset(licorgeno, licorgeno$ID %in% i)
for (tz in transition) {
##select a transition zone
if(tz[1] == "All") {
zone <- as.data.frame(licorgeno_short)
zone <- subset(licorgeno_short, licorgeno_short$Time %in% tz)
###calculate steady state gsw, A and WUE
##select last 5 timepoints
lastpoints <- tail(zone, 5)
gsw <- mean(lastpoints$mean_gsw)
gswvar <- sd(lastpoints$mean_gsw)
gswse <- sd(lastpoints$mean_gsw)/sqrt(length(na.omit(lastpoints$mean_gsw)))
A <- mean(lastpoints$mean_A)
Avar <- sd(lastpoints$mean_A)
Ase <- sd(lastpoints$mean_A)/sqrt(length(na.omit(lastpoints$mean_A)))
iWUE <- mean(lastpoints$mean_WUE)
iWUEvar <- sd(lastpoints$mean_WUE)
iWUEse <- sd(lastpoints$mean_WUE)/sqrt(length(na.omit(lastpoints$mean_WUE)))
## summarise
steady_values <- data.frame(ID=i, transition_zone=as.character(deparse(substitute(tz))),
gsw=gsw, gsw_sd=gswvar, gsw_se=gswse,
A=A, A_sd=Avar, A_se=Ase,
iWUE=iWUE, iWUE_sd=iWUEvar, iWUE_se=iWUEse)
steady_values_all <- rbind(steady_values_all, steady_values)
#### create required functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
opt.fun <- function(p, l)
if (any(p<0) | p[3] < 0 | p[4] < 1) return(Inf)
gmod <- p[1] + (p[2] - p[1]) * exp(-exp((p[3] - l$t) / p[4] + 1)) # McAusland et al. (2016)
ss <- (gmod - l$gobs)^2
w <- rep(1, length(ss))
w[1] <- 10
return(mean(ss * w))
sig_model <- function(time, gsw)
xy <- sortedXyData(time, gsw)
g0 <- gsw[1]
g1 <- mean(tail(gsw, 3))
xy <- subset(xy, time >= 0) # Omit any negative time points - escape for a bug
lambda <- 10
k <- 30
p <- c(g0, g1, lambda, k)
l <- NULL
l$time <- time
l$gobs <- gsw
opt.out <- optim(p, opt.fun, l=l, control = list(maxit=2000))
sig_model_predict <- function(time, p)
gmod <- p[1] + (p[2] - p[1]) * exp(-exp((p[3] - time) / p[4] + 1)) # McAusland et al. (2016)
### fit values to Vialet-Chabrand model and calculate stomatal kinetics for single individuals -----------------
print("Calculating stomatal kinetics values and visualize...")
### a folder called GraphModel will be created in the current folder
if (!dir.exists("GraphModel")) {
### new data object
kinetics_values <- NULL
plots_final_individuals <- list()
plots_final_identifiers <- list()
for (tz in transition) {
licorall_short <- as.data.frame(licorall[which(licorall$Time %in% tz),])
## set time to start from 0
licorall_short$time_sec_new <- licorall_short$elapsed - licorall_short$elapsed[1]
licorall_short$time_sec_new <- plyr::round_any(licorall_short$time_sec_new, 10)
### a folder called GraphModel will be created in the current folder
if (!dir.exists(paste0("GraphModel/", "minutes_", tz[1], "_", last(tz)))) {
dir.create(paste0("GraphModel/", "minutes_", tz[1], "_", last(tz)))
plots_individuals <- list()
### calculate and plot per individual file
for (f in unique(licorall_short$File)) {
dd <- subset(licorall_short, f == File)
## all values below 0 will be set to 0
dd$gsw[dd$gsw < 0] <- 0
## fit model
outG <- sig_model(dd$time_sec_new, dd$gsw)
fn <- paste0("GraphModel/minutes_", tz[1], "_", last(tz), "/", f, ".png")
plotcolour <- datalabels %>% filter(identifier==dd$ID[1]) %>% .[1,3]
dd$fitted_values <- sig_model_predict(dd$time_sec_new, outG$par)
if(!is_empty(stomden)) {
indi_plot <- ggplot(dd, mapping=aes(x = time_sec_new, y = gsw))+
geom_point(size=2, colour=plotcolour)+
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = time_sec_new, y = fitted_values), linewidth=1, alpha=1)+
theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown())+
labs(x="Time [s]", y= "Absolute *g*<sub>SW</sub> [mol stoma<sup>-1</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]")
else {
indi_plot <- ggplot(dd, mapping=aes(x = time_sec_new, y = gsw))+
geom_point(size=2, colour=plotcolour)+
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = time_sec_new, y = fitted_values), linewidth=1, alpha=1)+
theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown())+
labs(x="Time [s]", y= "Absolute *g*<sub>SW</sub> [mol m<sup>-2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]")
new_indi <- list(indi_plot)
plots_individuals <- c(plots_individuals, new_indi)
## calculate Slmax
SlG <- 1 / outG$par[4] * (outG$par[2] - outG$par[1]) / exp(1) * 1000 # in mmol m-2 s-2
## final dataframe
kinetics_values <- rbind(kinetics_values, data.frame(File=f, ID=dd$ID[1],
transition_zone = as.character(deparse(substitute(tz))),
g0=outG$par[1], g1=outG$par[2],
plots_final_individuals <- c(plots_final_individuals, plots_individuals)
### plot per identifier
plots_identifiers <- list()
for (i in identifier) {
dd <- licorgeno %>% filter(ID == i)
dd <- as.data.frame(dd[which(dd$Time %in% tz),])
## set time to start from 0
dd$time_sec_new <- dd$elapsed - dd$elapsed[1]
dd$time_sec_new <- plyr::round_any(dd$time_sec_new, 10)
## all values below 0 will be set to 0
dd$mean_gsw[dd$mean_gsw < 0] <- 0
## fit model
outG <- sig_model(dd$time_sec_new, dd$mean_gsw)
## plot
fn <- paste0("GraphModel/minutes_", tz[1], "_", last(tz), "/", i, ".png")
plotcolour <- datalabels %>% filter(identifier== i[1]) %>% .[1,3]
plotlabel <- datalabels %>% filter(identifier==i[1]) %>% .[1,2]
dd$fitted_values <- sig_model_predict(dd$time_sec_new, outG$par)
if(is_empty(stomden)) {
ident_plot <- ggplot(dd, mapping=aes(x = time_sec_new, y = mean_gsw))+
geom_point(size=2, colour=plotcolour)+
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = time_sec_new, y = fitted_values), linewidth=1, alpha=1)+
geom_errorbar(mapping=aes(ymin=mean_gsw - se_gsw, ymax=mean_gsw + se_gsw), alpha=0.5, show.legend = F, colour=plotcolour)+
theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
plot.title = element_markdown())+
labs(x="Time [s]", y= "Absolute *g*<sub>SW</sub> [mol m<sup>-2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]", title = plotlabel)
else {
ident_plot <- ggplot(dd, mapping=aes(x = time_sec_new, y = mean_gsw))+
geom_point(size=2, colour=plotcolour)+
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = time_sec_new, y = fitted_values), linewidth=1, alpha=1)+
geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(ymin=mean_gsw - se_gsw, ymax=mean_gsw + se_gsw), alpha=0.5, show.legend = F, colour=plotcolour)+
theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown(),
plot.title = element_markdown())+
labs(x="Time [s]", y= "Absolute *g*<sub>SW</sub> [mol stoma<sup>-1</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>]", title = plotlabel)
new <- list(ident_plot)
plots_identifiers <- c(plots_identifiers, new)
plots_final_identifiers <- c(plots_final_identifiers, plots_identifiers)
mean_kinetics <- suppressMessages(kinetics_values %>% group_by(ID, transition_zone) %>% summarise(lambda = mean(lambda_indi), se_lambda = sd(lambda_indi)/sqrt(length(na.omit(lambda_indi))),
lambda_min = lambda/60, se_lambda_min = se_lambda/60,
k = mean(k_indi), se_k = sd(k_indi)/sqrt(length(na.omit(k_indi))),
k_min = k/60, se_k_min = se_k/60,
Slmax = mean(Slmax_indi), se_Slmax = sd(Slmax_indi)/sqrt(length(na.omit(Slmax_indi)))))
finalresults <- merge(steady_values_all, mean_kinetics, by = c("ID", "transition_zone"))
if(isTRUE(show_individuals)) {
print(ggarrange(plotlist = plots_final_individuals))
else {
print(ggarrange(plotlist = plots_final_identifiers))
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