
Defines functions getColmeds

Documented in getColmeds

## This function gets the column medians
## Ideally, you won't need to calculate them more than once for the whole analysis.

#'Calculate the medians of the database.
#'\code{getColmeds} calculates the median of the samples of interest from the
#'database table. It is used in \code{\link{getLimmaInput}} and it's output can
#'be saved to avoid calculating it multiple times when running
#'It is assumed that the first column in the database is called \code{pos} and
#'contains genomic position.  Note that "group" must have the one fewer entries
#'than the database denoted by \code{dbfile} has columns (or, if colsubset is
#'used, one fewer entries than the length of colsubset).
#'@param dbfile Name/location (as character string) of database (usually ".db")
#'file containing nucleotide by sample coverage.
#'@param tablename Name of the table the database contains
#'@param colsubset Optional vector of column indices of the input file that
#'denote samples you wish to include in analysis. Should NEVER include 1
#'(genomic position).
#'@param nonzero If TRUE, use the median of only the nonzero counts as the
#'library size adjustment.
#'@return A vector with the column medians.
#'@author Alyssa Frazee. Code split from getLimmaInput by Leonardo
#'@seealso \code{\link{getLimmaInput}}
#'## add example here when we have a vignette
getColmeds <- function(dbfile, tablename, colsubset=c(-1), nonzero=FALSE) {
	## Load libraries
	## Define the database to use
	tab <- ExpData(dbfile, tablename)
	## Get the number of columns
	ncol  <- length(tab[1,])
	## Default behavior
	colsToCheck <- 2:ncol
	## Adjust the behavior if the user supplies colsubset manually
	if(length(colsubset) > 1) colsToCheck <- colsubset
	## Calculate the medians
	colmeds <- NULL
	med <- NULL
	for(i in colsToCheck){
			eval(parse(text=paste0("med = median(tab[,", i, "]$", names(tab[, i]), "[tab[,", i, "]$", names(tab[, i]), "!=0]", ")")))
			eval(parse(text=paste0("med = median(tab[,", i, "]$", names(tab[,i]), ")")))
		colmeds <- c(colmeds, med)
	} #get median of each column to use as adjustment variable
	## Finish
leekgroup/derfinder documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:30 p.m.