filter_taxa_from_table: Filter taxa from an individual taxa summary table

View source: R/taxonomy-based.R

filter_taxa_from_tableR Documentation

Filter taxa from an individual taxa summary table


Can use one or more of the parameters to do filtering. Threshold filtering takes precidence over taxa filtering. If taxa to keep and taxa to remove are both included, taxa to remove will be removed if the parameter entries conflict. Note that taxa string matching uses grep, so you can provide partial taxa strings. However, if there are multiple matches, all matching taxa will be removed.


filter_taxa_from_table(tax_table, filter_thresh, taxa_to_keep, taxa_to_remove)



Input taxa summary table from summarize_taxonomy (dataframe).


Filter taxa less than this number based on mean table values.


Keep only taxa that contain these names. Vector or string.


Remove taxa that contain these names. Vector or string.

leffj/mctoolsr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 1:27 a.m.