
# PepTools - An R-package for making immunoinformatics accessible              #
#     Copyright (C) 2017 Leon Eyrich Jessen                                    #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by         #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or            #
# (at your option) any later version.                                          #
#                                                                              #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License            #
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.       #

#' Check if a PSSM has the correct format
#' Check format according to criteria: i. Is a matrix, ii. Is numeric,
#' iii. Has 20, 21 or 22 columns, iv. Column names only contain allowed
#' amino acid residues '\code{ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV}'
#' @param PSSM A Position Specific Scoring Matrix
#' @return \code{TRUE} if checks are passed, otherwise \code{stop()} is called with a message
#' @examples
#' pssm = pssm_empty()
#' pssm[1:9,1:20] = rnorm(180)
#' pssm_check(PSSM = pssm)
pssm_check = function(PSSM){
  if( !is.matrix(PSSM) | !is.numeric(PSSM) ){
    stop("PSSM must be a numeric matrix")
  if( ncol(PSSM) < 20 | ncol(PSSM) > 22 ){
    stop("Number of columns in PSSM should be 20, 21 or 22:
         Format: Rows = Positions in peptide, columns = residue characters")
  if( PSSM %>% colnames %>% str_c(collapse='') %>% str_detect("[^ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYVX-]") ){
    stop("Invalid column names in PSSM. Only 'ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYVX-' allowed")

#' Compute the Kullback-Leibler Divergence
#' From a matrix of amino acid frequencies, where the peptide positions are the
#' rows and where the amino acids are the columns and the sum of the
#' rows all are equal to one, calculate the compute the Kullback-Leibler
#' Divergence for each \code{[p_i,res_j]}
#' @param PSSM A Position Specific Scoring Matrix of amino acid frequencies
#' @return A PSSM of computed Kullback-Leibler Divergences for each \code{[p_i,res_j]}
#' @examples
#' pep_ran(n = 100, k = 9) %>% pssm_freqs %>% pssm_kld
pssm_kld = function(PSSM){

  # Check that the input PSSM is a numeric matrix
  if( !is.matrix(PSSM) | !is.numeric(PSSM) ){
    stop("PSSM must be a numeric matrix")

  # Check that the input PSSM is a frequency matrix
  if( !all(PSSM %>% rowSums() %>% round(2) == 1) ){
    stop("PSSM must be a frequency matrix, where all row sums are 1")

  # Compute the postional relative Entropy (information content)
  kld_mat = pssm_empty()
  for( i in 1:nrow(PSSM) ){
    for( j in 1:ncol(PSSM) ){
      res = colnames(PSSM)[j]
      p   = PSSM[i,j]
      q   = BGFREQS[res]
      if( p > 0 ){
        kld_mat[i,j] = p * log2( p / q )
      } else {
        kld_mat[i,j] = 0

  ic_kld = rowSums( kld_mat )

  # Compute bits of information for all PSSM[i,j]
  bits_kld = PSSM * ic_kld

  # Done, return!

#' Compute the information content in bits
#' From a matrix of amino acid frequencies, where the peptide positions are the
#' rows and where the amino acids are the columns and the sum of the
#' rows all are equal to one, calculate the compute the bits of information
#' for each \code{[p_i,res_j]}
#' @param PSSM A Position Specific Scoring Matrix of amino acid frequencies
#' @return A PSSM of computed bits of information for each \code{[p_i,res_j]}
#' @examples
#' pep_ran(n = 100, k = 9) %>% pssm_freqs %>% pssm_bits
pssm_bits = function(PSSM){

  # Check that the input PSSM is a numeric matrix
  if( !is.matrix(PSSM) | !is.numeric(PSSM) ){
    stop("PSSM must be a numeric matrix")

  # Check that the input PSSM is a frequency matrix
  if( !all(PSSM %>% rowSums() %>% round(2) == 1) ){
    stop("PSSM must be a frequency matrix, where all row sums are 1")

  # Compute the postional relative Entropy (information content)
  ic = log2(20) + rowSums( PSSM * log2(PSSM) , na.rm = TRUE)

  # Compute bits of information for all PSSM[i,j]
  bits = PSSM * ic

  # check
  if( !all( round(ic,2) == round(rowSums(bits),2) ) ){
    stop("There was an error in computing the bits!")

  # Done, return!

#' Create empty Position Specific Scoring Matrix
#' Create an empty Position Specific Scoring Matrix with \code{npos} number of
#' rows and 20 columns sorted according to \code{ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV}
#' @param npos The number of positions
#' @return A numeric matrix with '0' entries with dimensions \code{npos} rows
#' and 20 columns
#' @examples
#' pssm_empty()
pssm_empty = function(npos = 9){
  res_chars      = AMINOACIDS$one
  pssm           = matrix(data = 0, nrow = npos, ncol = length(res_chars))
  rownames(pssm) = seq(1, npos)
  colnames(pssm) = res_chars

#' Create empty Position Specific Scoring Matrix
#' Create an empty Position Specific Scoring Matrix with \code{npos} number of
#' rows and 22 columns sorted according to \code{ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYVX-}
#' @param npos The number of positions
#' @return A numeric matrix with '0' entries with dimensions \code{npos} rows
#' and 22 columns
#' @examples
#' pssm_empty_long()
pssm_empty_long = function(npos = 9){
  res_chars      = c(AMINOACIDS$one,'X','-')
  pssm           = matrix(data = 0, nrow = npos, ncol = length(res_chars))
  rownames(pssm) = seq(1, npos)
  colnames(pssm) = res_chars

#' 'Flatten' PSSM to a single row
#' 'Flatten' PSSM to a single row, such that e.g. m x n = 9 x 20 becomes 1 x 180
#' @param PSSM A Position Specific Scoring Matrix with \code{m}
#' @return A numeric matrix with 1 row and m * n columns
#' @examples
#' pssm_empty() %>% pssm_flatten
pssm_flatten = function(PSSM){
  out_col_names = sapply(1:ncol(PSSM),function(i){
  }) %>% t %>% matrix(nrow=1)
  out = PSSM %>% t %>% matrix(nrow = 1)
  colnames(out) = out_col_names

#' Compute frequency matrix
#' From a vector of equal length peptides, calculate the corresponding frequency matrix
#' @param pep A character vector of equal length peptides
#' @return A numeric matrix with \code{length(pep)} rows and 20 columns
#' @examples
#' pep_ran(n = 100, k = 9) %>% pssm_freqs
pssm_freqs = function(pep){
  c_mat = pssm_counts(pep = pep)
  f_mat = c_mat / rowSums(c_mat)

#' Compute counts matrix
#' From a vector of equal length peptides, calculate the counts matrix
#' @param pep A character vector of equal length peptides
#' @return A numeric matrix with \code{length(pep)} rows and 20 columns
#' @examples
#' pep_ran(n = 100, k = 9) %>% pssm_freqs

# From a list of peptides, calculate the corresponding counts matrix
pssm_counts = function(pep){
  p_mat = pep_mat(pep)
  c_mat = pssm_empty(npos = ncol(p_mat))
  for( res in colnames(c_mat) ){
    c_mat[,res] = colSums(p_mat == res)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.correlate_pssms = function(PSSM_list, n = 10000, k = 9){
  if( !is_list(PSSM_list) ){
    stop("Input to correlate_pssms must be a list")
  test_peps = pep_ran(n = n, k = k)
  out = matrix(test_peps,ncol=1)
  ids = names(PSSM_list)
  for( id in ids ){
    pssm = PSSM_list[[id]]
    out = cbind(out, pep_score(pep = test_peps, PSSM = pssm))
  out = out[,-1]
  colnames(out) = ids
  out = apply(out,2,function(x_j){ return(as.numeric(x_j)) })
  rownames(out) = test_peps


# Information metric equations are taken from
#     O. Lund, S. Brunak, C. Kesmir, C. Lundegaard, M. Nielsen. Immunological
#     Bioinformatics. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England,
#     1 st edition, 2005. ISBN: 9780262122801
#     Chapter 4: Methods Applied in Immunological Bioinformatics
#     Section 4.2: Information Carried by Immunogenic Sequences

# 4.2.1 Entropy
# Eq. 4.7, p70
.shannon_entropy = function(pep){
  f_mat = res_freqs(pep = pep)
  s_mat = -1 * f_mat * log2(f_mat)

# As 4.2.1 but summed per position
.shannon_entropy_pos = function(pep){
  s_mat = shannon_entropy(pep)
  s_vec = rowSums(s_mat)
  names(s_vec) = rownames(s_mat)

# 4.2.2 Relative Entropy
# Eq. 4.8, p70
.kullback_leibler_divergence = function(x){
  bgfreq  = c('A'=8.76,'C'=1.38,'D'=5.49,'E'=6.32,'F'=3.87,
              'X'=4.55,'-'=4.55) / 100
  pep_mat = pep_mat(x = x)
  out_mat = pssm_empty(npos = ncol(pep_mat))
  for( i in 1:nrow(out_mat) ){
    p_i = pep_mat[,i]
    for( j in 1:ncol(out_mat) ){
      res  = colnames(out_mat)[j]
      prob = mean(p_i==res)
      if( prob > 0 ){
        q = bgfreq[res]
        out_mat[i,j] = prob * log2(prob/q) # D(p||q)

# As 4.2.2 but summed per position
.kullback_leibler_divergence_pos = function(x){
  kld_mat = kullback_leibler_divergence(x)
  kld_vec = apply(kld_mat,1,function(p_i){ sum(p_i) })
  names(kld_vec) = paste0('p',1:length(kld_vec))

# 4.2.3 Logo Visualization of Relative Entropy
# Eq. 4.8, p71
.information_content = function(x){
  pep_mat = pep_mat(x = x)
  out_mat = pssm_empty(npos = ncol(pep_mat))
  for( i in 1:nrow(out_mat) ){
    p_i = pep_mat[,i]
    for( j in 1:ncol(out_mat) ){
      res  = colnames(out_mat)[j]
      prob = mean(p_i==res)
      if( prob > 0 ){
        out_mat[i,j] = prob * log2(prob/(1/20)) # I

# As 4.2.3 but summed per position
.information_content_pos = function(x){
  ic_mat = information_content(x)
  ic_vec = apply(ic_mat,1,function(p_i){ sum(p_i) })
  names(ic_vec) = paste0('p',1:length(ic_vec))
leonjessen/PepTools documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:40 a.m.