
Defines functions colmult getSetsSNPID getSetsSNPID.StartEnd simu_ug.QTL simu_ug.eigenG Get_BetaMAF Get_CausalSNPs Get_testSNPsMAF simuBeta simuPower readLinesListf get_results getPower.singleSNP getPower.window getPower simu.XF_R simu.XF_StN

#Get columwise multiplication
#if ncol(Z2)=p, there are p chunks of Z1*Z2[,j] 
colmult = function(Z1, Z2) {
	#return Z3, Z3=(Z1*Z2[,1],Z1*Z2[,2],..Z1*Z2[,ncol(Z2)])
	if (!is.matrix(Z1) | !is.matrix(Z2)) {
		stop("columult arguments must be matrix ")
	p2 = ncol(Z1) * ncol(Z2)
	Z = matrix(nrow = nrow(Z1), ncol = p2)
	colID.Z1 = rep(0, ncol(Z))
	colID.Z2 = rep(0, ncol(Z))
	for (j in 1:ncol(Z2)) {
		for (i in c(1:ncol(Z1))) {
			col.ij = (j - 1) * ncol(Z1) + i
			Z[, col.ij] = Z1[, i] * Z2[, j]
			colID.Z1[col.ij] = i
			colID.Z2[col.ij] = j

	return(list(Z = Z, colID.Z1 = colID.Z1, colID.Z2 = colID.Z2))

getSetsSNPID <- function(snp.id, setsSNPnames) {
	##SetsSNPnames: a list of SNPnames for sets
	setsSNPID = list()
	nsets = length(setsSNPnames)
	for (i in 1:nsets) {
		setsSNPID[[i]] = which(snp.id %in% setsSNPnames[[i]])

##return the index for snps in each sets
##sample without replacement the consecutive sets. 
getSetsSNPID.StartEnd <- function(winsize, SNPstart = NULL, SNPend = NULL, chr = NULL, testchr = NULL, nsets = NULL) {
	##get sets Chr information
	if (is.null(chr) | is.null(testchr)) {
		if (is.null(SNPstart) | is.null(SNPend)) {
			stop("Must specify SNPstart and SNPend when chr and testchr not specified")
		nchr = 1
		totalSNP = SNPend - SNPstart + 1
		totalSets = ceiling(totalSNP/winsize)
		SNPChrStart = 1
		SNPChrEnd = totalSNP
		SetsChrStart = 1
	} else {
		nchr = length(testchr)
		SNPChrStart = SNPChrEnd = SetsChrStart = rep(0, nchr)
		testchr = sort(testchr)
		SetsChrStart[1] = 1
		totalSets = 0
		for (i in 1:nchr) {
			chr.i = testchr[i]
			whichchr = which(chr == chr.i)
			SNPChrStart[i] = min(whichchr)
			p = length(whichchr)
			SNPChrEnd[i] = SNPChrStart[i] + p - 1
			totalsetsPerChr = ceiling(p/winsize)
			if (i < nchr) {
				SetsChrStart[i + 1] = SetsChrStart[i] + totalsetsPerChr
			totalSets = totalSets + totalsetsPerChr
	##sample sets	   
	if (is.null(nsets)) {
		setsIDX = c(1:totalSets)
	} else {
		if (nsets > totalSets) {
			setsIDX = c(1:totalSets)
		} else {
			setsIDX = sample(1:totalSets, nsets, replace = F)

	nsets = length(setsIDX)
	setsSNPID = list()
	for (i in 1:nsets) {
		chr.set = max(which(SetsChrStart <= setsIDX[i]))
		SetsSNPStarti = SNPChrStart[chr.set] + winsize * (setsIDX[i] - SetsChrStart[chr.set])
		SetsSNPEndi = min(SetsSNPStarti + winsize - 1, SNPChrEnd[chr.set])
		setsSNPID[[i]] = SetsSNPStarti:SetsSNPEndi

simu_ug.QTL = function(SNPstart, SNPend, geno, nQTL, kg = 1, Sign) {

	bcQTLs = sample(SNPstart:SNPend, nQTL)
	Zg = geno[, bcQTLs]
	ug = simuBeta(Z = Zg, k = kg, Type = "Normal", Sign = Sign)$u
simu_ug.eigenG = function(eigenG, kg = 1) {
	ug = eigenG$U1 %*% rnorm(length(eigenG$d1), mean = 0, sd = sqrt(kg^2/mean(eigenG$d1)))

Get_BetaMAF <- function(Type, MAF, MaxValue = 1.6) {
	if (!(Type %in% c("LogMAF", "FixedMAF"))) {
		stop("Get_BetaMAF: Type must be in  LogMAF, FixedMAF")
	n <- length(MAF)
	re <- rep(0, n)
	IDX <- which(MAF > 0)
	if (Type == "LogMAF") {
		re[IDX] <- abs(log10(MAF[IDX])) * MaxValue/4
	} else if (Type == "FixedMAF") {
		re[IDX] <- MaxValue
	#Lian added this line
	re[which(re > MaxValue)] = MaxValue


##Get CausalSNPs for Normal or Equal variate with Causal.Ratio
##Get CausalSNPs for LogMAF and FixedMAF variate with MAF cutoff and Causal.Ratio
Get_CausalSNPs <- function(MAF, p, Type = c("Normal", "LogMAF", "FixedMAF", "Equal")[2], Causal.Ratio, Causal.MAF.Cutoff) {
	if (Type == "Normal" | Type == "Equal") {
		IDX = c(1:p)
	} else {
		IDX <- which(MAF < Causal.MAF.Cutoff)
	if (length(IDX) == 0) {
		msg <- sprintf("No SNPs with MAF < %f", Causal.MAF.Cutoff)
	N.causal <- round(Causal.Ratio * length(IDX))
	if (N.causal < 1) {
		N.causal = 1
if (length(IDX) > 1) {
		##if length(IDX)=1, sample(IDX) is acutally sampleing 1:IDX
		re <- sort(sample(IDX, N.causal))
	} else {
		re = IDX

Get_testSNPsMAF <- function(MAF, openLowerTestMAF = NULL, openUpperTestMAF = NULL) {
	if (!is.null(openUpperTestMAF)) {
		IDXu <- which(MAF < openUpperTestMAF)
	} else {
		IDXu = 1:length(MAF)
	if (!is.null(openLowerTestMAF)) {
		IDXl <- which(MAF > openLowerTestMAF)
	} else {
		IDXl = 1:length(MAF)
	IDX = sort(intersect(IDXl, IDXu))
	if (length(IDX) == 0) {

##MinMAF: minimum MAF frequency allowed for test. If MAF<MinMAF,this marker is not included in association test


simuBeta <- function(Z, k = NULL, Type = "Normal", MAF = NULL, causalID = NULL, Causal.Ratio = 1, Causal.MAF.Cutoff = 0.03, Sign = 0, MaxValue = 1.6, centerZ = T, scaleZ = T) {
	if (!(Type %in% c("Normal", "LogMAF", "FixedMAF", "Equal"))) {
		stop("simuBeta: Type must be in Normal, LogMAF, FixedMAF, Equal")
	p = ncol(Z)
	if (is.null(causalID)) {
		causalID = Get_CausalSNPs(MAF = MAF, p = p, Type = Type, Causal.Ratio = Causal.Ratio, Causal.MAF.Cutoff = Causal.MAF.Cutoff)
	n.causal = length(causalID)
	beta = rep(0, ncol(Z))
	Z = meanImpute(Z)
	Z = scale(Z, centerZ, scale = scaleZ)
	if (n.causal > 0) {
		Z_causal = Z[, causalID, drop = F]
		if (Type == "Normal") {
			##if you change sumvar to meanvar, the relative performance of singleSNPtest and Score test might change	
beta_causal = abs(rnorm(ncol(Z_causal), 0, k))
		if (Type == "Equal") {
beta_causal = rep(k, ncol(Z_causal))
		if (Type == "LogMAF" | Type == "FixedMAF") {
			beta_causal = Get_BetaMAF(Type = Type, MAF = MAF[causalID], MaxValue = MaxValue)
		if (Sign > 0) {
			temp.n <- floor(n.causal * Sign)
			if (temp.n > 0) {
				temp.idx <- sample(1:n.causal, temp.n)
				beta_causal[temp.idx] <- -beta_causal[temp.idx]

		u = Z_causal %*% beta_causal
		beta[causalID] = beta_causal
	} else {
		u = rep(0, nrow(Z))
	return(list(Z = Z, beta = beta, u = u, causalID = causalID, n.causal = n.causal))

##simulate power and size for GxE
##plink returns G matrix as the mena variance of marker genotype. 
##if a subset of individual is selected, will eigenG work for a smaller number of individuals?
##only test the autosome SNPs
simuPower = function(geno, SNPstart = NULL, SNPend = NULL, chr = NULL, testchr = NULL, nsets = NULL, setsSNPID = NULL, eigenG = NULL, kg = 1, ks = 0.2, kx = 0.1, winsize = 20, seed = 1, 
	nQTL = 0, Xf, Xe, windowtest = c("SKAT", "Score", NULL)[1], saveAt = NULL, singleSNPtest = c("LR", "t")[1], GxE = c(NA, "Normal", "LogMAF", "FixedMAF", "Multiply", "Equal")[4], betaType = c("Normal", 
		"LogMAF", "FixedMAF", "Equal")[1], Causal.Ratio = 1, MAF = NULL, Causal.MAF.Cutoff = 0.03, openLowerTestMAF = NULL, openUpperTestMAF = NULL, Sign = 0, removeZtFromG = T) {
	#geno:  matrix, or gds.class object, snps in columns and individual in rows.
	#Causal.MAF.Cutoff: only SNPs has MAF  less than this is considered as causal SNP
#SNPstart: start position of snp to be tested
#SNPend: end position of snp to be tested
#nsets: number of sets for simulation
#setsSNPID: A list of integer index for SNPs in each sets.
#eigenG: eigen decoposition for G matrix
#winsize: windowsize 
#nQTL: number of major QTLs in the genetic background, defaul is 0
#Xf: fixed effect (not included in GxE)
#Xe: fixed effect (included for GxE) 
#singleSNPtest: LR, t-test, or NULL
##begin subsetting populations
## betaType: "LogMAF","FixedMAF" used for rare variants. causal variants will be selected based on MAF.
	if (is.null(saveAt)) {
		saveAt = paste("ks", ks, "kx", kx, sep = "")
	saveAt.Windowtest = file.path(saveAt, "Windowtest.dat")
	saveAt.SingleSNPtest = file.path(saveAt, paste("SingleSNP_", singleSNPtest, ".dat", sep = ""))
	saveAt.betaZs = file.path(saveAt, "betaZs.dat")
	saveAt.betaZx = file.path(saveAt, "betaZx.dat")
	if (!file.exists(saveAt)) 
		dir.create(saveAt, recursive = T)

	n.windowtest = length(windowtest)
	n.singleSNPtest = length(singleSNPtest)

	if (betaType == "LogMAF" | betaType == "FixedMAF") {
		if (is.null(MAF)) 
			stop("must specify MAF if betaType is LogMAF or FixedMAF")

	cat("#kg=", kg, "\n", "#ks=", ks, "\n", "#kx=", kx, "\n", "#nsets=", nsets, "\n", "#winsize=", winsize, "\n", "#nQTL=", nQTL, "\n", "#n.windowtest=", n.windowtest, "\n", "#saveAt is ", 
		saveAt, "\n")
	file.create(saveAt.Windowtest, F)
	file.create(saveAt.betaZs, F)
	file.create(saveAt.betaZx, F)
	for (k in 1:n.singleSNPtest) {
		file.create(saveAt.SingleSNPtest[k], F)
	N = nrow(Xf)

	if (is.null(setsSNPID)) {
		#get the index of SNPs in each sets
		setsSNPID = getSetsSNPID.StartEnd(winsize, SNPstart = SNPstart, SNPend = SNPend, chr = chr, testchr = testchr, nsets = nsets)
	nsets = length(setsSNPID)
	nSNPs = sum(sapply(setsSNPID, length))
	#store results:should keep the initial values NA, so that for the markers not tested, this is still NA
	pvalue.window = matrix(NA, n.windowtest, nSNPs)
	pvalue.SingleSNP = matrix(NA, n.singleSNPtest, nSNPs)

	##fixed effects
	X = cbind(Xf, Xe)
	beta_x = rep(0.5/ncol(X), ncol(X))
	beta_xe = beta_x[(ncol(Xf) + 1):ncol(X)]
	e = rnorm(N, 0, 1)

	##simulate genetic background
	if (!is.null(eigenG)) {
		if (nQTL > 0) {
			ug = simu_ug.QTL(SNPstart, SNPend, geno, nQTL, kg = kg, Sign = Sign)
		} else {
			ug = simu_ug.eigenG(eigenG, kg = kg)
		y0 = X %*% beta_x + ug + e
	} else {
		y0 = X %*% beta_x + e

	#commented out on June 25,2015. P3D.NULL should fit the true phenotypes instead of y0
	# if(!is.null(singleSNPtest)){
# 	##fit P3D.NULL
# 	tSNP.fit0=P3D.NULL(y0,X,eigenG)
# }  
##begin simulating each window
setStarti = 1
	for (i in 1:nsets) {
		cat("set:", i, "\n")
		setsSNPIDi = setsSNPID[[i]]
		Zs = geno[, setsSNPIDi]
		MAFi = MAF[setsSNPIDi]
		Zs = simuBeta(Z = Zs, k = ks, Type = betaType, MAF = MAFi, Causal.MAF.Cutoff = Causal.MAF.Cutoff, MaxValue = 1.6, Sign = Sign, Causal.Ratio = Causal.Ratio)
		if (betaType %in% c("LogMAF", "FixedMAF")) {
			testID.Zs = Get_testSNPsMAF(MAF = MAFi, openLowerTestMAF = openLowerTestMAF, openUpperTestMAF = openUpperTestMAF)
		} else {
			testID.Zs = 1:ncol(Zs$Z)
		p.Zs = length(setsSNPIDi)
		p.testZs = length(testID.Zs)
		cat(Zs$beta, "\n", file = saveAt.betaZs, append = T)
		y = y0 + Zs$u

		###simulate GxE
		if (!is.null(GxE)) {
			Zx = colmult(Xe, Zs$Z)
			Zx.colID.Xe = Zx$colID.Z1
			Zx.colID.Zs = Zx$colID.Z2
			Zx = Zx$Z
			p.Zx = ncol(Zx)
			causalID.Zx = which(Zx.colID.Zs %in% Zs$causalID)

			if (GxE %in% c("Normal", "LogMAF", "FixedMAF", "Equal")) {
				Zx = simuBeta(Z = Zx, k = kx, Type = GxE, MAF = MAFi[Zx.colID.Zs], causalID = causalID.Zx, MaxValue = 0.8, Sign = Sign)

			} else if (GxE == "Multiply") {
				Zx = list(Z = scale(Zx, T, F))
				Zx$beta = beta_xe[Zx.colID.Xe] * Zs$beta[Zx.colID.Zs]
				Zx$u = Zx$Z %*% Zx$beta
				Zx$causalID = causalID.Zx
			} else {
				stop("GxE Type is not correct")
			cat(Zx$beta, "\n", file = saveAt.betaZx, append = T)
			y = y + Zx$u
			if (p.testZs > 0) {
				testID.Zx = which(Zx.colID.Zs %in% testID.Zs)
				p.testZx = length(testID.Zx)
			setCount = p.Zx #number of single tests in a window
		} else {
			setCount = p.Zs

		#end simulating GxE
		##do test for each window
		#if p.testZs=0, all the tests become NA

		if (p.testZs == 0) {
			#this should be changed, if Zs is not tested, this does not mean it is not causal.  
			cat(rep(NA, n.windowtest), "\n", file = saveAt.Windowtest, append = T)
			if (!is.null(GxE)) {
				for (k in 1:n.singleSNPtest) {
					cat(rep(NA, p.Zs * ncol(Xe)), "\n", file = saveAt.SingleSNPtest[k], append = T)
			} else {
				for (k in 1:n.singleSNPtest) {
					cat(rep(NA, p.Zs), "\n", file = saveAt.SingleSNPtest[k], append = T)

		if (p.testZs > 0) {
			#####start windowtest (always output both Score and SKAT test)
			if (!is.null(windowtest)) {
				if (is.null(GxE)) {
					ptm = proc.time()[3]
					out = testWindow(y, X = X, Zt = Zs$Z[, testID.Zs, drop = F], eigenG = eigenG, removeZtFromG = removeZtFromG)
				} else {
					ptm = proc.time()[3]
					##For GxE, you should not removeZtFromG, because when you remove the interaction matrix from G, you also removed the incidence
					#matrix for the fixed effects. The p-value in this case is 0. But I do not know why the p-value should be 0.
out = testWindow(y, X = X, W = list(Zs$Z[, testID.Zs, drop = F]), Zt = Zx$Z[, testID.Zx, drop = F], eigenG = eigenG, removeZtFromG = F)
				ptm2 = proc.time()[3]

				used.timeWindowtest = ptm2 - ptm
				cat("used.timeWindowtest:", used.timeWindowtest, "\n")
				for (wi in 1:n.windowtest) {
					if (windowtest[wi] == "SKAT") {
						pvalue.window.wi = out$p.SKAT$p.value
					if (windowtest[wi] == "Score") {
						pvalue.window.wi = out$p.Score
					cat(pvalue.window.wi, " ", file = saveAt.Windowtest, append = T)
					pvalue.window[wi, setStarti:(setStarti + setCount - 1)] = pvalue.window.wi
				cat("done window test\n")

			#####end windowtest
			#####start single SNP test
			if (!is.null(singleSNPtest)) {

				if (!is.null(eigenG)) {
					tSNP.fit0Var = P3D.NULL(y = y, X0 = X, eigenG)$Var
				} else {
					tSNP.fit0Var = NULL

				##if marker is non-polymorphic, fixed effect will not work!!	
				pmt.Me1 = proc.time()[3]
				if (is.null(GxE)) {
					Me = Meff(Zs$Z[, testID.Zs, drop = F])
				} else {
					Me = Meff(Zx$Z[, testID.Zx, drop = F])
				pmt.Me2 = proc.time()[3]
				cat("used.time calculating Me:", pmt.Me2 - pmt.Me1, "\n")

				for (j in 1:p.Zs) {
					if (j %in% testID.Zs) {
						#cat(setsSNPIDi[j],", ")	
						Zsj = Zs$Z[, j, drop = F]
						if (!is.null(GxE)) {
							col.Zxj = which(Zx.colID.Zs == j)
							Zxj = Zx$Z[, col.Zxj, drop = F]
							nZxj = ncol(Zxj)
							test = c((ncol(X) + ncol(Zsj)) + (1:nZxj))
							p.value = singleSNP(y, X0 = cbind(X, Zsj), Xt = Zxj, Var = tSNP.fit0Var, eigenG = eigenG, method = singleSNPtest)$p.value * Me
						} else {
							test = c(ncol(X) + c(1:ncol(Zsj)))
							p.value = singleSNP(y, X0 = X, Xt = Zsj, Var = tSNP.fit0Var, eigenG = eigenG, method = singleSNPtest)$p.value * Me
					} else p.value = rep(NA, n.singleSNPtest)

					for (k in 1:n.singleSNPtest) {
						cat(p.value[k], " ", file = saveAt.SingleSNPtest[k], append = T)
						pvalue.SingleSNP[k, setStarti + j - 1] = p.value[k]

				cat("Me", Me, "\n")
				ptm3 = proc.time()[3]
				used.timeSingleSNP = ptm3 - ptm2
				cat("used.timeSingleSNP:", used.timeSingleSNP, "\n")

			for (k in 1:n.singleSNPtest) {
				cat("\n", file = saveAt.SingleSNPtest[k], append = T)
		##update setStarti
		if (is.null(GxE)) {
			setStarti = setStarti + p.Zs
		} else {
			setStarti = setStarti + p.Zx
out = get_results(saveAt = saveAt, windowtest = c("SKAT", "Score"), singleSNPtest = c("LR"))
	saveRDS(out, file = file.path(saveAt, "results.rds"))
	if (!is.null(GxE)) {
		poweri = getPower(p.window = out$p.window, p.singleSNP = out$p.singleSNP, beta = out$beta.Zx, alpha = 0.05)
	} else {
		poweri = getPower(p.window = out$p.window, p.singleSNP = out$p.singleSNP, beta = out$beta.Zs, alpha = 0.05)


	saveRDS(poweri, file = file.path(saveAt, "poweri.rds"))

##do not put function argument as na.strings=na.strings in function definition
readLinesListf = function(con, split = "\\s+", na.strings) {
	dat = lapply(strsplit(readLines(con), split = split), function(a) {
		whichNa = which(a %in% na.strings)
		if (length(whichNa) > 0) 
			a[whichNa] = NA
		a = as.numeric(a)

get_results = function(saveAt, windowtest, singleSNPtest, na.strings = "NA") {
	out = list()
	out$p.singleSNP = vector("list", length(singleSNPtest))
	names(out$p.singleSNP) = singleSNPtest
	n.windowtest = length(windowtest)
	n.singleSNPtest = length(singleSNPtest)

	saveAt.Windowtest = file.path(saveAt, "Windowtest.dat")
	saveAt.SingleSNPtest = file.path(saveAt, paste("SingleSNP_", singleSNPtest, ".dat", sep = ""))
	saveAt.betaZs = file.path(saveAt, "betaZs.dat")
	saveAt.betaZx = file.path(saveAt, "betaZx.dat")

	p.window = scan(saveAt.Windowtest, comment = "#", na.strings = na.strings)
	out$p.window = matrix(p.window, ncol = n.windowtest, byrow = T)
	colnames(out$p.window) = windowtest
	for (i in 1:n.singleSNPtest) {
		out$p.singleSNP[[i]] = readLinesListf(saveAt.SingleSNPtest[i], na.strings = na.strings)
	out$beta.Zs = readLinesListf(saveAt.betaZs, na.strings = na.strings)
	out$beta.Zx = readLinesListf(saveAt.betaZx, na.strings = na.strings)

getPower.singleSNP = function(p.singleSNP, whNon0, wh0, alpha) {
	n.0 = length(which(wh0))
	n.Non0 = length(which(whNon0))
	out = rep(0, 2)
	whnotNA.singleSNP = sapply(p.singleSNP, function(a) !all(is.na(a)))
	whNon0.singleSNP = which(whNon0 & whnotNA.singleSNP)
	wh0.singleSNP = which(wh0 & whnotNA.singleSNP)
	if (length(whNon0.singleSNP) > 0) {
		p.singleSNP.power = sapply(p.singleSNP[whNon0.singleSNP], function(a) min(a, na.rm = T))
		power.singleSNP = length(which(na.omit(unlist(p.singleSNP.power)) < alpha))/n.Non0
		# cat("n.Non0",n.Non0,"\n")
		out[1] = power.singleSNP
	if (length(wh0.singleSNP) > 0) {
		#bonferroni correction
		p.singleSNP.size = sapply(p.singleSNP[wh0.singleSNP], function(a) min(a, na.rm = T))
		size.singleSNP = length(which(na.omit(unlist(p.singleSNP.size)) < alpha))/n.0
		out[2] = size.singleSNP
	names(out) = c("power", "size")

getPower.window = function(p.window, wh0, whNon0, alpha) {
	n.window = ncol(p.window)
	n.0 = length(which(wh0))
	n.Non0 = length(which(whNon0))
	whnotNA.window = apply(p.window, 1, function(a) !all(is.na(a)))
	whNon0.window = which(whNon0 & whnotNA.window)
	wh0.window = which(wh0 & whnotNA.window)
	out = rep(NA, n.window * 2)
	namesout = NULL
	if (length(whNon0.window) > 0) {
		power.window = apply(p.window[whNon0.window, , drop = F], 2, function(a) length(which(a < alpha))/n.Non0)
		out[1:n.window] = power.window
	namesout = c(namesout, paste("power_", colnames(p.window), sep = ""))
	#bonferroni correction
	if (length(wh0.window) > 0) {
		size.window = apply(p.window[wh0.window, , drop = F], 2, function(a) length(which(a < alpha))/n.0)
		out[(n.window + 1):(2 * n.window)] = size.window
	namesout = c(namesout, paste("size_", colnames(p.window), sep = ""))
	names(out) = namesout
	cat(out, "\n")

getPower = function(p.window, p.singleSNP, beta, alpha) {
	n.singleSNP = length(p.singleSNP)
	nobs.window = nrow(p.window)
	nobs.singleSNP = min(sapply(p.singleSNP, length))
	nobs.beta = length(beta)
	nobs.min = min(c(nobs.window, nobs.singleSNP, nobs.beta))
	if (nobs.min < nobs.window) {
		p.window = p.window[1:nobs.min, ]
	if (nobs.min < nobs.singleSNP) {
		p.singleSNP = lapply(p.singleSNP, function(a) return(a[1:nobs.min]))
	if (nobs.min < nobs.beta) {
		beta = beta[1:nobs.min]
	wh0 = sapply(beta, function(a) all(a == 0))
	whNon0 = !wh0
	out = NULL
	namesout = NULL
	out1 = getPower.window(p.window, wh0, whNon0, alpha)
	out = c(out, out1)
	namesout = c(namesout, names(out1))
	for (k in 1:n.singleSNP) {
		outk = getPower.singleSNP(p.singleSNP[[k]], whNon0, wh0, alpha)
		namesoutk = paste(names(outk), "_singleSNP_", names(p.singleSNP)[k], sep = "")
		out = c(out, outk)
		namesout = c(namesout, namesoutk)
	names(out) = namesout

##simulation by specific model
simu.XF_R = function(geno, MAF, betaType = c("LogMAF", "FixedMAF")[1], Causal.MAF.Cutoff = 0.03, Causal.Ratio = 0.05, Sign = 0.5, size = F) {
	N = nrow(geno)
	X = cbind(rnorm(N), rbinom(N, 1, 0.5))
	beta_x = rep(0.5, ncol(X))
	e = rnorm(N, 0, 1)
	Zs = geno
	testID.Zs = Get_testSNPsMAF(MAF = MAFi, openLowerTestMAF = NULL, openUpperTestMAF = Causal.MAF.Cutoff)
	n.test = length(testID.Zs)
	if (!size) {
		Zs = simuBeta(Z = Zs, k = NULL, Type = betaType, MAF = MAFi, Causal.MAF.Cutoff = Causal.MAF.Cutoff, MaxValue = 1.6, Sign = Sign, Causal.Ratio = Causal.Ratio, centerZ = F, scaleZ = F)

		n.causal = Zs$n.causal
		if (n.test > 0) {
			y = X %*% beta_x + Zs$u + e
			Zs$Z = Zs$Z[, testID.Zs]
			outWindow = GWAS.SW(y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs$Z, G = NULL)
			outSingleSNP = GWAS.P3D(y = y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs$Z, multipleCorrection = T, G = NULL, method = c("LR", "t"))
			obj <- SKAT_Null_Model(y ~ -1 + X, out_type = "C")
			p.SKAT = SKAT(Z = Zs$Z, obj, weights = rep(1, ncol(Zs$Z)), is_check_genotype = F)$p.value
			Me = outSingleSNP$Me
			p.SKAT_lian = outWindow$p.SKAT$p.value
			p.Score = outWindow$p.Score
			p.singleSNP.LR = min(outSingleSNP$p.value["LR", ])
			p.singleSNP.t = min(outSingleSNP$p.value["t", ])
		} else {
			Me = p.SKAT_lian = p.SKAT = p.Score = p.singleSNP.t = p.singleSNP.LR = NA
	} else {
		n.causal = 0
		if (n.test > 0) {
			y = X %*% beta_x + e
			Zs = Zs[, testID.Zs]
			outWindow = GWAS.SW(y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs, G = NULL)
			outSingleSNP = GWAS.P3D(y = y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs, multipleCorrection = T, G = NULL, method = c("LR", "t"))

			obj <- SKAT_Null_Model(y ~ -1 + X, out_type = "C")
			p.SKAT = SKAT(Z = Zs, obj, weights = rep(1, ncol(Zs)), is_check_genotype = F)$p.value
			Me = outSingleSNP$Me
			p.SKAT_lian = outWindow$p.SKAT$p.value
			p.Score = outWindow$p.Score
			p.singleSNP.LR = min(outSingleSNP$p.value["LR", ])
			p.singleSNP.t = min(outSingleSNP$p.value["t", ])
		} else {
			Me = p.SKAT_lian = p.SKAT = p.Score = p.singleSNP.t = p.singleSNP.LR = NA


	N = nrow(geno)
	out = data.frame(N = N, Causal.MAF.Cutoff, Causal.Ratio, Sign, n.causal, ncol(geno), n.test, Me, p.SKAT, p.SKAT_lian, p.Score, p.singleSNP.LR, p.singleSNP.t)
	colnames(out) = c("N", "Causal.MAF.Cutoff", "Causal.Ratio", "Sign", "n.causal", "nVariants", "nMA", "Me", "SKAT", "SKAT_lian", "Score", "SingleSNP_LR", "SingleSNP_t")


##simulate XF only, with siganal to noise ratio
#geno is the genotypes for a window (this is much easier than pass the whole BEDMatrix to all the slaves, and much easier to select both rows and columns)
simu.XF_StN = function(geno,StN = 0.1, size = F, Causal.Ratio = 0.05, Sign = 0.5) {
	N = nrow(geno)
	X = cbind(rnorm(N), rbinom(N, 1, 0.5))
	beta_x = rep(0.5, ncol(X))
	Zs = geno
	if (!size) {
		Zs = simuBeta(Z = Zs, k = 0.1, Type = "Normal", , MaxValue = 1.6, Sign = Sign, Causal.Ratio = Causal.Ratio, centerZ = F, scaleZ = F)
		n.causal = Zs$n.causal
		yhat = X %*% beta_x + Zs$u
		vare = var(yhat)/StN
		e = rnorm(N,mean=0, sd=sqrt(vare))
		y = yhat + e
		outWindow = GWAS.SW(y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs$Z, G = NULL)
		outSingleSNP = GWAS.P3D(y = y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs$Z, multipleCorrection = T, G = NULL, method = c("LR", "t"))
		obj <- SKAT_Null_Model(y ~ -1 + X, out_type = "C")
		p.SKAT = SKAT(Z = Zs$Z, obj, weights = rep(1, ncol(Zs$Z)), is_check_genotype = F)$p.value
	} else {
		n.causal = 0
		yhat = X %*% beta_x
		vare = var(yhat)/StN
		e = rnorm(N,mean=0, sd=sqrt(vare))
		y = yhat + e
		outWindow = GWAS.SW(y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs, G = NULL)
		outSingleSNP = GWAS.P3D(y = y, X0 = X, Xt = Zs, multipleCorrection = T, G = NULL, method = c("LR", "t"))
		obj <- SKAT_Null_Model(y ~ -1 + X, out_type = "C")
		p.SKAT = SKAT(Z = Zs, obj, weights = rep(1, ncol(Zs)), is_check_genotype = F)$p.value

	Me = outSingleSNP$Me
	p.SKAT_lian = outWindow$p.SKAT$p.value
	p.Score = outWindow$p.Score
	p.singleSNP.LR = min(outSingleSNP$p.value["LR", ])
	p.singleSNP.t = min(outSingleSNP$p.value["t", ])

	N = nrow(geno)
	out = data.frame(N = N, StN,Causal.Ratio, Sign, n.causal, ncol(geno), Me, p.SKAT, p.SKAT_lian, p.Score, p.singleSNP.LR, p.singleSNP.t)
	colnames(out) = c("N", "StN","Causal.Ratio", "Sign", "n.causal", "nVariants", "Me", "SKAT", "SKAT_lian", "Score", "SingleSNP_LR", "SingleSNP_t")

lian0090/SKAT2 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 6:11 a.m.