# Whole plot testing
#' @export
#' @import lme4
groupComparison <- function(contrast.matrix=contrast.matrix,
data=data) {
scopeOfBioReplication <- "expanded"
scopeOfTechReplication <- "restricted"
## save process output in each step
allfiles <- list.files()
filenaming <- "msstats"
if (length(grep(filenaming, allfiles)) == 0) {
finalfile <- "msstats.log"
processout <- NULL
} else {
num <- 0
finalfile <- "msstats.log"
while(is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
lastfilename <- finalfile ## in order to rea
finalfile <- paste(paste(filenaming, num, sep="-"), ".log", sep="")
finalfile <- lastfilename
processout <- as.matrix(read.table(finalfile, header=T, sep="\t"))
processout <- rbind(processout,as.matrix(c(" ", " ", "MSstats - groupComparison function"," "), ncol=1))
## check input is correct
## data format
rawinput <- c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge", "FragmentIon", "ProductCharge", "IsotopeLabelType", "Condition", "BioReplicate", "Run", "Intensity")
if (length(setdiff(toupper(rawinput),toupper(colnames(data$ProcessedData))))==0) {
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("The required input - data : did not process from dataProcess function. - stop")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("Please use 'dataProcess' first. Then use output of dataProcess function as input in groupComparison.")
## contrast. matrix
if (ncol(contrast.matrix)!=length(unique(data$ProcessedData$GROUP_ORIGINAL))) {
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("The required input - contrast.matrix: the number of column and the number of group are not the same. - stop")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("Please check contrast matrix. The number of group in data set is different with columns of contrast.matrix.")
## check whether row.names of contrast.matrix.sub exists or not
if (sum(is.null(row.names(contrast.matrix)))>0) {
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("The required input - contrast.matrix: need row names of contrast.matrix . - stop")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("No row.names of comparison exist.\n")
if (!(scopeOfBioReplication=="restricted" | scopeOfBioReplication=="expanded")) {
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("The required input - scopeOfBioReplication : 'scopeOfBioReplication' value is wrong. - stop")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("'scopeOfBioReplication' must be one of \"restricted\" or \"expanded\".")
labeled <- ifelse(length(unique(data$ProcessedData$LABEL))==1, FALSE, TRUE)
## all input
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("labeled = ",labeled,sep="")))
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("scopeOfBioReplication = ",scopeOfBioReplication,sep="")))
# processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("scopeOfTechReplication = ", scopeOfTechReplication,sep="")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## check whether case-control(FALSE) or time-course(TRUE)
repeated <- .checkRepeated(data$ProcessedData)
if (repeated) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste("Time course design of experiment - okay")))
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste("Case control design of experiment - okay")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
#data$PROTEIN <- factor(data$PROTEIN)
## for final result report
out <- NULL
outsummary <- NULL
outfitted <- NULL
dataafterfit <- NULL
## check input for labeled
## start to analyze by protein ID
message(paste("\n Start to test and get inference in whole plot..."))
if (data$SummaryMethod == "logOfSum") {
message(paste("\n * Use t-test for log sum summarization per subject."))
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste("Use t-test for log sum summarization per subject.")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
if (repeated) {
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("Only group comparsion is available for t-test.- stop")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("\n * Only group comparsion is available for t-test.")
## need original group information
rqall <- data$RunlevelData
processall <- data$ProcessedData
origGroup <- unique(rqall$GROUP_ORIGINAL)
groupinfo <- levels(data$ProcessedData$GROUP_ORIGINAL)
for (i in 1:nlevels(rqall$Protein)) {
sub <- rqall[rqall$Protein == levels(rqall$Protein)[i], ]
colnames(sub)[colnames(sub) == "LogIntensities"] <- "ABUNDANCE"
colnames(sub)[colnames(sub) == "Protein"] <- "PROTEIN"
# it is important to remove NA first, before we have the correct structure for each factor
sub <- sub[!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE), ]
## 1. for logsum, t-test
if (data$SummaryMethod=="logOfSum") {
## subject level
sub$GROUP <- factor(sub$GROUP)
sub$SUBJECT <- factor(sub$SUBJECT)
## testing and inference in whole plot
message(paste("Testing a comparison for protein ", unique(sub$PROTEIN), "(", i, " of ", length(unique(rqall$Protein)), ")"))
temp <- try(.ttest.logsum(contrast.matrix, sub, origGroup), silent=TRUE)
} else { ## linear model
sub$GROUP <- factor(sub$GROUP)
sub$SUBJECT <- factor(sub$SUBJECT)
sub$GROUP_ORIGINAL <- factor(sub$GROUP_ORIGINAL, levels = groupinfo)
sub$RUN <- factor(sub$RUN)
# singleFeature <- .checkSingleFeature(sub)
singleSubject <- .checkSingleSubject(sub)
TechReplicate <- .checkTechReplicate(sub) ## use for label-free model
# MissGroupByFeature <- .checkMissGroupByFeature(sub)
# MissRunByFeature <- .checkMissRunByFeature(sub)
MissSubjectByGroup <- .checkRunbyFeature(sub)
UnequalSubject <- .checkUnequalSubject(sub)
## testing and inference in whole plot
message(paste("Testing a comparison for protein ", unique(sub$PROTEIN), "(", i, " of ", length(unique(rqall$Protein)), ")"))
## fit the model
temp <- try(.fit.model.single(contrast.matrix, sub, TechReplicate, singleSubject, repeated, origGroup), silent=TRUE)
## fix(apr 16)
if (class(temp) == "try-error") {
message("*** error : can't analyze ", levels(rqall$Protein)[i], " for comparison.")
processout <- rbind(processout,c(paste("error : can't analyze ", levels(rqall$Protein)[i], " for comparison.", sep = "")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
tempresult <- list(result=NULL, valueresid=NULL, valuefitted=NULL, fittedmodel=NULL)
for(k in 1:nrow(contrast.matrix)) {
tempresult$result <- rbind(tempresult$result,
} else {
tempresult <- temp
temptempresult <- tempresult$result
## need to add information about % missingness and %imputation
if ( is.element("NumImputedFeature", colnames(data$RunlevelData)) ) {
subprocess <- processall[processall$PROTEIN == as.character(unique(sub$PROTEIN)), ]
temptempresult <- .count.missing.percentage(contrast.matrix, temptempresult, sub, subprocess)
## comparison result table
# out <- rbindlist(list(out,tempresult$result))
temptempresult$Label <- as.character(temptempresult$Label)
out <- rbind(out, temptempresult)
## for checking model assumptions
## add residual and fitted after fitting the model
if (data$SummaryMethod != "logOfSum" & class(temp) == "try-error") {
if (nrow(sub) != 0) {
sub$residuals <- NA
sub$fitted <- NA
} else if ( data$SummaryMethod != "logOfSum" & any(is.na(tempresult$result$pvalue)) ) {
## even though there is no error for .fit.model function, still output can have empty fitted and residuals.
sub$residuals <- NA
sub$fitted <- NA
} else if (data$SummaryMethod != "logOfSum"){
sub$residuals <- temp$valueresid
sub$fitted <- temp$valuefitted
## order concerned
# residuals <- data.frame(temp$valueresid)
# fitted <- data.frame(temp$valuefitted)
# sub <- merge(sub,residuals,by="row.names",all=T)
# rownames(sub) <- sub$Row.names
# sub <- merge(sub, fitted, by="row.names",all=T)
# rownames(sub) <- data$Row.names
# dataafterfit <- rbindlist(list(dataafterfit,sub))
dataafterfit <- rbind(dataafterfit, sub)
## save fitted model
outfitted <- c(outfitted, list(tempresult$fittedmodel))
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste("Finished a comparison for protein ", unique(sub$PROTEIN), "(", i, " of ", length(unique(rqall$Protein)),")")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
} ### end protein loop
processout <- rbind(processout,c("Comparisons for all proteins are done.- okay"))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## finalize result
## need to FDR per comparison
out.all <- NULL
out$Label <- as.character(out$Label)
for(i in 1:length(unique(out$Label))) {
outsub <- out[out$Label == unique(out$Label)[i], ]
outsub <- data.frame(outsub, adj.pvalue=p.adjust(outsub$pvalue, method="BH"))
# out.all <- rbindlist(list(out.all, outsub))
out.all <- rbind(out.all, outsub)
out.all$Label <- factor(out.all$Label)
processout <- rbind(processout, c("Adjust p-values per comparison are calculated - okay."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
temp <- data$ProcessedData[!is.na(data$ProcessedData[,"ABUNDANCE"]) & !is.na(data$ProcessedData[,"INTENSITY"]),]
temp <- temp[temp$ABUNDANCE > 2, ]
if ( abs(log2(temp[1, "INTENSITY"]) - temp[1, "ABUNDANCE"]) <
abs(log10(temp[1, "INTENSITY"]) - temp[1, "ABUNDANCE"]) ) {
colnames(out.all)[3] <- "log2FC"
if (abs(log2(temp[1, "INTENSITY"]) - temp[1, "ABUNDANCE"]) >
abs(log10(temp[1, "INTENSITY"]) - temp[1, "ABUNDANCE"])) {
colnames(out.all)[3] <- "log10FC"
## change the format as data.frame
out.all <- data.frame(out.all)
## change order of columns,
if (any(is.element(colnames(out.all), "ImputationPercentage"))) {
out.all <- out.all[, c(1:7, 11, 8, 9, 10)]
} else if (any(is.element(colnames(out.all), "MissingPercentage"))) {
out.all <- out.all[, c(1:7, 10, 8, 9)]
} else {
## logOfSum output
out.all <- out.all[, c(1:7, 9)]
## if just one condition is completely missing, replace adjust pvalue as zero
if (any(is.element(colnames(out.all), "issue"))){
out.all[!is.na(out.all$issue) & out.all$issue == "oneConditionMissing", "adj.pvalue"] <- 0
processout <- rbind(processout, c("Group comparison is done. - okay"))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
finalout <- list(ComparisonResult=out.all, ModelQC=dataafterfit, fittedmodel=outfitted)
### Model-based quality control plot
modelBasedQCPlots <- function(data,type,axis.size=10,dot.size=3,text.size=7,legend.size=7,width=10, height=10,featureName=TRUE,feature.QQPlot="all",which.Protein="all",address="") {
if (length(setdiff(toupper(type),c("QQPLOTS","RESIDUALPLOTS")))!=0) {
stop(paste("Input for type=",type,". However,'type' should be one of \"QQPlots\", \"ResidualPlots\" .",sep=""))
data <- data[!is.na(data$fitted),]
data <- data[!is.na(data$residuals),]
data$PROTEIN <- factor(data$PROTEIN)
#### choose Proteins or not
if (which.Protein!="all") {
## check which.Protein is name of Protein
if (is.character(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- which.Protein
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(setdiff(temp.name,unique(data$PROTEIN)))>0)
stop(paste("Please check protein name. Dataset does not have this protein. -", paste(temp.name, collapse=", "),sep=" "))
## check which.Protein is order number of Protein
if (is.numeric(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- levels(data$PROTEIN)[which.Protein]
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(levels(data$PROTEIN))<max(which.Protein))
stop(paste("Please check your selection of proteins. There are ", length(levels(data$PROTEIN))," proteins in this dataset.",sep=" "))
## use only assigned proteins
data <- data[which(data$PROTEIN %in% temp.name),]
data$PROTEIN <- factor(data$PROTEIN)
### normality, QQ plot
if (toupper(type)=="QQPLOTS") {
### test feature.QQPlot is something wrong.
#### one QQplot per protein, all features together
if (toupper(feature.QQPlot)=="ALL") {
#### save the plots as pdf or not
# If there are the file with the same name, add next numbering at the end of file name
if (address!=FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste(address,"QQPlot_allFeatures",sep="")
finalfile <- paste(address,"QQPlot_allFeatures.pdf",sep="")
while(is.element(finalfile,allfiles)) {
num <- num+1
finalfile <- paste(paste(filenaming,num,sep="-"),".pdf",sep="")
pdf(finalfile, width=width, height=height)
for (i in 1:nlevels(data$PROTEIN)) {
sub <- data[data$PROTEIN==levels(data$PROTEIN)[i],]
## get slope and intercept for qline
y <- quantile(sub$residuals[!is.na(sub$residuals)], c(0.25, 0.75))
x <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
slope <- diff(y)/diff(x)
int <- y[1L]-slope*x[1L]
ptemp <- ggplot(sub, aes_string(sample='residuals'))+geom_point(stat="qq",alpha=0.8,shape=1,size=dot.size)+scale_shape(solid=FALSE)+ geom_abline(slope = slope, intercept = int,colour="red")+scale_y_continuous('Sample Quantiles')+scale_x_continuous('Theoretical Quantiles')+labs(title=paste("Normal Q-Q Plot (",unique(sub$PROTEIN),")"))+theme(
panel.background=element_rect(fill='white', colour="black"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="grey95"),
panel.grid.minor =element_blank(),
message(paste("Drew the QQ plot for ",unique(sub$PROTEIN), "(",i," of ",length(unique(data$PROTEIN)),")"))
} ## end loop
if (address!=FALSE) dev.off()
} ## end QQplot by all feature
#### panel for each feature,
if (toupper(feature.QQPlot)=="BYFEATURE") {
#### save the plots as pdf or not
# If there are the file with the same name, add next numbering at the end of file name
if (address!=FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste(address,"QQPlot_byFeatures",sep="")
finalfile <- paste(address,"QQPlot_byFeatures.pdf",sep="")
while(is.element(finalfile,allfiles)) {
num <- num+1
finalfile <- paste(paste(filenaming,num,sep="-"),".pdf",sep="")
pdf(finalfile, width=width, height=height)
for (i in 1:nlevels(data$PROTEIN)) {
sub <- data[data$PROTEIN==levels(data$PROTEIN)[i],]
## label-free
if (length(unique(sub$LABEL))==1) {
## need to update for qline per feature
ptemp <- ggplot(sub, aes_string(sample='residuals',color='FEATURE'))+geom_point(stat="qq",alpha=0.8,size=dot.size)+facet_wrap(~FEATURE)+scale_y_continuous('Sample Quantiles')+scale_x_continuous('Theoretical Quantiles')+labs(title=paste("Normal Q-Q Plot (",unique(sub$PROTEIN),")"))+theme(
panel.background=element_rect(fill='white', colour="black"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="grey95"),
panel.grid.minor =element_blank(),
message(paste("Drew the QQ plot for ",unique(sub$PROTEIN), "(",i," of ",length(unique(data$PROTEIN)),")"))
## label-based : seperate endogenous and reference
if (length(unique(sub$LABEL))==2) {
## need to update for qline per feature
### endogenous intensities
sub.l <- sub[sub$LABEL=="L",]
ptemp <- ggplot(sub.l, aes_string(sample='residuals',color='FEATURE'))+geom_point(stat="qq",alpha=0.8,size=dot.size)+facet_wrap(~FEATURE)+scale_y_continuous('Sample Quantiles')+scale_x_continuous('Theoretical Quantiles')+labs(title=paste("Normal Q-Q Plot (",unique(sub$PROTEIN),") - Endogenous Intensities"))+theme(
panel.background=element_rect(fill='white', colour="black"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="grey95"),
panel.grid.minor =element_blank(),
### reference intensities
sub.h <- sub[sub$LABEL=="H",]
ptemp <- ggplot(sub.h, aes_string(sample='residuals',color='FEATURE'))+geom_point(stat="qq",alpha=0.8,size=dot.size)+facet_wrap(~FEATURE)+scale_y_continuous('Sample Quantiles')+scale_x_continuous('Theoretical Quantiles')+labs(title=paste("Normal Q-Q Plot (",unique(sub$PROTEIN),") - Reference Intensities"))+theme(
panel.background=element_rect(fill='white', colour="black"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="grey95"),
panel.grid.minor =element_blank(),
message(paste("Drew the QQ plot for ",unique(sub$PROTEIN), "(",i," of ",length(unique(data$PROTEIN)),")"))
} ## end loop
if (address!=FALSE) dev.off()
} ### end for QQ by FEATURE
} ### end QQplots
#### Residual plot
if (toupper(type)=="RESIDUALPLOTS") {
y.limdown <- min(data$residuals,na.rm=TRUE)
y.limup <- max(data$residuals,na.rm=TRUE)
x.limdown <- min(data$fitted,na.rm=TRUE)
x.limup <- max(data$fitted,na.rm=TRUE)
#### save the plots as pdf or not
# If there are the file with the same name, add next numbering at the end of file name
if (address!=FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste(address,"ResidualPlot",sep="")
finalfile <- paste(address,"ResidualPlot.pdf",sep="")
while(is.element(finalfile,allfiles)) {
num <- num+1
finalfile <- paste(paste(filenaming,num,sep="-"),".pdf",sep="")
pdf(finalfile, width=width, height=height)
for (i in 1:nlevels(data$PROTEIN)) {
sub <- data[data$PROTEIN==levels(data$PROTEIN)[i],]
sub$PEPTIDE <- factor(sub$PEPTIDE)
sub$FEATURE <- factor(sub$FEATURE)
ptemp <- ggplot(aes_string(x='fitted', y='residuals', color='FEATURE', shape='LABEL'), data=sub)+geom_point(size=dot.size,alpha=0.5)+geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="twodash", colour="darkgrey", size=0.6)+scale_y_continuous('Residuals',limits=c(y.limdown,y.limup))+scale_x_continuous('Predicted Abundance',limits=c(x.limdown,x.limup))+labs(title=levels(data$PROTEIN)[i])
if (length(unique(sub$LABEL))==2) {
ptemp <- ptemp+scale_shape_manual(values=c(2,19),name="",labels=c("Reference","Endogenous"))
ptemp <- ptemp+scale_shape_manual(values=c(19),name="",labels=c("Endogenous"))
if (featureName) {
ptemp <- ptemp+theme(
panel.background=element_rect(fill='white', colour="black"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="grey95"),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
ptemp <- ptemp+theme(
panel.background=element_rect(fill='white', colour="black"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="grey95"),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
message(paste("Drew the residual plot for ",unique(sub$PROTEIN), "(",i," of ",length(unique(data$PROTEIN)),")"))
if (address!=FALSE) dev.off()
} ## end residualplots
## fit.model
# check if measurements are missing for entire group
# if yes, length of group and length of contrast won't agree
.chechGroupComparisonAgreement <- function(sub1,contrast.matrix) {
tempSub <- as.numeric(as.character(unique(sub1[, c("GROUP")])))
positionMiss <- setdiff(seq(1,length(contrast.matrix)), tempSub)
contrast.matrix.sub1 <- contrast.matrix[tempSub]
# either one of the groups for the comparison of interest is not present
return(list(sign=length(setdiff(contrast.matrix[tempSub], 0)) < 2, positionMiss=positionMiss))
# check repeated (case-control? or time-course?)
.checkRepeated <- function(data) {
data.light <- data[data$LABEL=="L", ]
subjectByGroup <- table(data.light$SUBJECT_ORIGINAL, data.light$GROUP_ORIGINAL)
subjectAppearances <- apply(subjectByGroup, 1, function(x) sum(x > 0))
crossedIndicator <- any(subjectAppearances > 1)
# check single subject for both case-control and time-course?
.checkSingleSubject <- function(data) {
temp <- unique(data[,c("GROUP_ORIGINAL", "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL")])
temp1 <- xtabs(~GROUP_ORIGINAL, data=temp)
singleSubject <- all(temp1 == "1")
# check .checkSingleFeature
.checkSingleFeature <- function(data) {
sigleFeature <- length(unique(data$FEATURE)) < 2
# check .checkTechReplicate
.checkTechReplicate <- function(data) {
temp <- unique(data[, c("SUBJECT_NESTED", "RUN")])
temp1 <- xtabs(~SUBJECT_NESTED, data=temp)
TechReplicate <- all(temp1 != "1")
# check .checkRunByFeature
# it might not be right
.checkRunbyFeature <- function(data) {
data.light <- data[data$LABEL=="L", ]
RunByFeature <- table(data.light$RUN, data.light$FEATURE)
emptyRow <- apply(RunByFeature, 1, sum)
noRunFeature <- any(emptyRow == 0)
# check .checkMissGroupByFeature
.checkMissGroupByFeature <- function(data) {
temp <- unique(data[, c("GROUP", "FEATURE")])
temp1 <- xtabs(~GROUP, data=temp)
return(any(temp1 != temp1[1]))
# check .checkMissRunByFeature
.checkMissRunByFeature <- function(data) {
##temp <- unique(data[,c("RUN","FEATURE")])
temp <- unique(data[data$LABEL == "L", c("RUN", "FEATURE")])
temp1 <- xtabs(~RUN, data=temp)
return(any(temp1 != length(unique(data$FEATURE))))
# check .checkMissFeature for label-free missingness
.checkMissFeature <- function(data) {
dataByPeptide <- tapply(as.numeric(data$ABUNDANCE), list(data$FEATURE, data$GROUP_ORIGINAL), function(x) sum(x > 0, na.rm = TRUE))
missPeptideInd <- apply(dataByPeptide, 1, function(x) any(x == 0 | is.na(x)))
missingPeptides <- names(missPeptideInd)[missPeptideInd == TRUE]
# check .checkUnequalSubject
.checkUnequalSubject <- function(data) {
#temp <- unique(data[,c("GROUP_ORIGINAL","SUBJECT_ORIGINAL")])
temp <- unique(data[data$LABEL == "L",c("GROUP_ORIGINAL", "SUBJECT_ORIGINAL")])
temp1 <- xtabs(~GROUP_ORIGINAL, data=temp)
return(any(temp1 != temp1[1]))
.fit.model.single <- function(contrast.matrix,
origGroup) {
## input : output of run quantification
data2 <- data
data2$GROUP <- factor(data2$GROUP)
data2$SUBJECT <- factor(data2$SUBJECT)
## if there is only one condition between two conditions, make error message and next
if(length(unique(data2$GROUP_ORIGINAL)) == 1){
## each comparison
allout <- NULL
for(k in 1:nrow(contrast.matrix)) {
## choose each comparison
contrast.matrix.sub <- matrix(contrast.matrix[k, ], nrow=1)
row.names(contrast.matrix.sub) <- row.names(contrast.matrix)[k]
if( any(levels(origGroup)[contrast.matrix.sub != 0] == unique(data2$GROUP_ORIGINAL)) ){
message("*** error : results of Protein ", unique(data2$PROTEIN), " for comparison ",
row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), " are NA because there are measurements only in Group ",
unique(data2$GROUP_ORIGINAL), ".")
## need to check Inf vs -Inf
#if( contrast.matrix.sub[levels(origGroup)[contrast.matrix.sub != 0] == unique(data2$GROUP_ORIGINAL)] > 0 ){
if( contrast.matrix.sub[contrast.matrix.sub != 0 & (levels(origGroup) == unique(data2$GROUP_ORIGINAL)) ] > 0 ){
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub),
logFC=Inf, SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue='oneConditionMissing')
} else {
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub),
logFC=(-Inf), SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue='oneConditionMissing')
} else {
message("*** error : results of Protein ", unique(data2$PROTEIN), " for comparison ",
row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), " are NA because there are no measurements in both conditions.")
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub),
logFC=NA, SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue='completeMissing')
allout <- rbind(allout, out)
} ## end loop for comparion
finalresid <- NULL
finalfitted <- NULL
fit.full <- NULL
} else {
## when subject is fixed, it is ok using lm function.
## when single feature, consider technical replicates for time-course.
## case-control
if (!repeated) {
if (!TechReplicate | singleSubject) {
fit.full <- lm(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP , data = data2)
} else {
fit.full <- lmer(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP + (1|SUBJECT) , data = data2)
df.full <- lm(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP + SUBJECT , data = data2)$df.residual
} else { ## time-course
if (singleSubject) {
fit.full <- lm(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP , data = data2)
} else { ## no single subject
if (!TechReplicate) {
fit.full <- lmer(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP + (1|SUBJECT) , data = data2)
df.full <- lm(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP + SUBJECT , data = data2)$df.residual
} else {
fit.full <- lmer(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP + (1|SUBJECT) + (1|GROUP:SUBJECT), data = data2) ## SUBJECT==SUBJECT_NESTED here
df.full <- lm(ABUNDANCE ~ GROUP + SUBJECT + GROUP:SUBJECT , data = data2)$df.residual
} ## time-course
## get parameter from model
if (class(fit.full) == "lm") {
Para <- .getParameterFixed(fit.full)
} else {
Para <- .getParameterRandom(fit.full, df.full)
## each comparison
allout <- NULL
## get condition IDs which are completely missing.
emptycondition <- setdiff(levels(origGroup), unique(data2$GROUP_ORIGINAL))
for(k in 1:nrow(contrast.matrix)) {
## choose each comparison
contrast.matrix.sub <- matrix(contrast.matrix[k, ], nrow=1)
row.names(contrast.matrix.sub) <- row.names(contrast.matrix)[k]
if ( length(emptycondition) != 0 ) { # if there are any completely missing in any condition,
## one by one comparison is simple. However, for linear combination of condition can be complicated
## get + and - condition separately
count.pos <- levels(origGroup)[contrast.matrix.sub != 0 & contrast.matrix.sub > 0]
count.neg <- levels(origGroup)[contrast.matrix.sub != 0 & contrast.matrix.sub < 0]
## then check whether any + or - part is completely missing
count.diff.pos <- intersect(levels(origGroup)[contrast.matrix.sub != 0 & contrast.matrix.sub > 0], emptycondition)
count.diff.neg <- intersect(levels(origGroup)[contrast.matrix.sub != 0 & contrast.matrix.sub < 0], emptycondition)
## positive side
if(length(count.diff.pos) != 0){
flag.issue.pos <- TRUE ## TRUE : there are problematic conditions
} else {
flag.issue.pos <- FALSE ## FALSE : no issue about completely missing
## negative side
if(length(count.diff.neg) != 0){
flag.issue.neg <- TRUE ## TRUE : there are problematic conditions
} else {
flag.issue.neg <- FALSE ## FALSE : no issue about completely missing
## message and output
if( flag.issue.pos & flag.issue.neg ){ ## both sides are completely missing
message("*** error : results of Protein ", unique(data2$PROTEIN), " for comparison ", row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), " are NA because there are no measurements in both conditions.")
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), logFC=NA, SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue='completeMissing')
} else if ( flag.issue.pos | flag.issue.neg ) {
if(flag.issue.pos) {
issue.side <- count.diff.pos
message("*** error : results of Protein ", unique(data2$PROTEIN), " for comparison ", row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), " are NA because there are measurements only in Group ", paste(issue.side, collapse = ", "), ".")
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), logFC=(-Inf), SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue='oneConditionMissing')
if(flag.issue.neg) {
issue.side <- count.diff.neg
message("*** error : results of Protein ", unique(data2$PROTEIN), " for comparison ", row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), " are NA because there are measurements only in Group ", paste(issue.side, collapse = ", "), ".")
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), logFC=Inf, SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue='oneConditionMissing')
} else { # then same as regulat calculation
contrast <- .make.contrast.free.single(fit.full, contrast.matrix.sub, data2)
out <- .estimableFixedRandom(Para, contrast)
## any error for out, just NA
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), logFC=NA, SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue=NA)
} else {
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), out, issue=NA)
} else {
contrast <- .make.contrast.free.single(fit.full, contrast.matrix.sub, data2)
out <- .estimableFixedRandom(Para, contrast)
## any error for out, just NA
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), logFC=NA, SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue=NA)
} else {
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data2$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), out, issue=NA)
allout <- rbind(allout, out)
} ## end loop for comparion
if (class(fit.full)=="lm") { ## lm model
finalresid <- fit.full$residuals
finalfitted <- fit.full$fitted.values
} else { ## lmer model
finalresid <- resid(fit.full)
finalfitted <- fitted(fit.full)
} ## more than 2 conditions in the dataset
finalout <- list(result=allout, valueresid=finalresid, valuefitted=finalfitted, fittedmodel=fit.full)
} ## .fit.model.single
.ttest.logsum <- function(contrast.matrix, data, origGroup) {
#### each comparison
allout <- NULL
for(k in 1:nrow(contrast.matrix)) {
# choose each comparison
contrast.matrix.sub <- matrix(contrast.matrix[k,], nrow=1)
row.names(contrast.matrix.sub) <- row.names(contrast.matrix)[k]
#GroupComparisonAgreement <- .chechGroupComparisonAgreement(data,contrast.matrix.sub)
# if (GroupComparisonAgreement$sign==TRUE) {
# message("*** error : results of Protein ", unique(data$PROTEIN), " for comparison ",row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), " are NA because measurements in Group ", origGroup[GroupComparisonAgreement$positionMiss], " are missing completely.")
# out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data$PROTEIN),Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), logFC=NA,SE=NA,Tvalue=NA,DF=NA,pvalue=NA)
# }else{
## get two groups from contrast.matrix
datasub <- data[which(data$GROUP_ORIGINAL %in% origGroup[contrast.matrix.sub!=0]), ]
## t test
sumresult <- try(t.test(datasub$ABUNDANCE~datasub$GROUP_ORIGINAL, var.equal=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
if (class(sumresult)=="try-error") {
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data$PROTEIN), Label=row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), logFC=NA, SE=NA, Tvalue=NA, DF=NA, pvalue=NA, issue=NA)
out <- data.frame(Protein=unique(data$PROTEIN), Label=paste(names(sumresult$estimate)[1], " - ", names(sumresult$estimate)[2], sep=""), logFC=sumresult$estimate[1] - sumresult$estimate[2], SE=(sumresult$estimate[1] - sumresult$estimate[2]) / sumresult$statistic, Tvalue=sumresult$statistic, DF=sumresult$parameter, pvalue=sumresult$p.value, issue=NA)
rownames(out) <- NULL
# }
allout <- rbind(allout, out)
} # end loop for comparion
finalout <- list(result=allout, valueresid=NULL, valuefitted=NULL, fittedmodel=NULL)
.count.missing.percentage <- function(contrast.matrix, temptempresult, sub, subprocess){
totaln.cell <- aggregate(PROTEIN ~ GROUP_ORIGINAL, data=subprocess[subprocess$LABEL == "L", ], length) ## just for count total measurement, use PROTEIN instead of ABUNDANCE in order to prevent to remove NA in ABUNDANCE
colnames(totaln.cell)[colnames(totaln.cell) == "PROTEIN"] <- "totalN"
totaln.measured <- aggregate(NumMeasuredFeature ~ GROUP_ORIGINAL, data=sub, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
totaln.imputed <- aggregate(NumImputedFeature ~ GROUP_ORIGINAL, data=sub, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
totaln <- merge(totaln.cell, totaln.measured, by="GROUP_ORIGINAL", all=TRUE)
totaln <- merge(totaln, totaln.imputed, by="GROUP_ORIGINAL", all=TRUE)
if(any(is.element(colnames(sub), "NumImputedFeature"))){
temptempresult$MissingPercentage <- NA
temptempresult$ImputationPercentage <- NA
} else {
temptempresult$MissingPercentage <- NA
for(k in 1:nrow(contrast.matrix)) {
## choose each comparison
contrast.matrix.sub <- matrix(contrast.matrix[k, ], nrow=1)
row.names(contrast.matrix.sub) <- row.names(contrast.matrix)[k]
condition.needed <- contrast.matrix.sub != 0
MissingPercentage.new <- NA
ImputationPercentage.new <- NA
## total # missing
MissingPercentage.new <- 1 - sum(totaln[condition.needed, "NumMeasuredFeature"], na.rm=TRUE) / sum(totaln[condition.needed, "totalN"], na.rm=TRUE)
## # imputed intensity
if(any(is.element(colnames(sub), "NumImputedFeature"))){
ImputationPercentage.new <- sum(totaln[condition.needed, "NumImputedFeature"], na.rm=TRUE) / sum(totaln[condition.needed, "totalN"], na.rm=TRUE)
temptempresult[temptempresult$Label == row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), "MissingPercentage"] <- MissingPercentage.new
temptempresult[temptempresult$Label == row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), "ImputationPercentage"] <- ImputationPercentage.new
} else {
temptempresult[temptempresult$Label == row.names(contrast.matrix.sub), "MissingPercentage"] <- MissingPercentage.new
} # end loop for multiple comparisons
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