#extract pca compont1,2
modpcomp <- function(data, colors, nPC = 2,
plot = FALSE, filename = NULL, group = NULL){
modnum <- as.numeric(rownames(table(colors)));
pc <- list();
length(pc) <- length(modnum);
names(pc) <- paste0("mod",modnum);
if(plot & (is.null(group) | length(group) != ncol(data)))
warning ("Don't plotting because group information is error.");
for(i in modnum){
modulegene <- as.matrix(data[colors == i, ]);
modulepca <- prcomp(t(scale(t(modulegene))), center = FALSE, scale = FALSE);
pc[[paste0("mod",i)]] <- modulepca$rotation[ , 1:nPC];
if(plot & length(group) == ncol(data)) {
#install.packages("devtools", repo="http://cran.us.r-project.org")
# if (!requireNamespace("ggbiplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
# stop("ggbiplot needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)}
modulepca2 <- prcomp(scale(t(modulegene)), center = FALSE, scale = FALSE);
#pc[[paste0("mod",i)]] <- modulepca2$x[ , 1:nPC]
pic <- .ggbiplot(modulepca2, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1,
groups = group, var.axes = FALSE) +
scale_color_discrete(name = '') +
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1){
if (!dir.exists("plot")) dir.create("plot");
pdf(paste0("plot/", filename, " PCA plot mod", i, ".pdf"))
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1) dev.off()
groupmean <- function(data, group, method = c("mean","median"), name = TRUE){
if (length(group) != ncol(data))
stop ("Group length and data col length is not the same.");
group <- as.factor(group);
mean.matrix <- NULL;
method <- match.arg(method, c("mean","median"));
met <- match.fun(method);
for(i in 1:nlevels(group)){
pos <- which(group == levels(group)[i]);
mean <- apply(data[ , pos], 1, met, na.rm = T); #20190514
if (is.null(mean.matrix)) mean.matrix <- data.frame(mean)
else mean.matrix <- data.frame(mean.matrix, mean);
if(name) colnames(mean.matrix)[i] <- paste0(levels(group)[i], method)
else colnames(mean.matrix)[i] <- paste0(levels(group)[i]);
#20190509 fix error when any group in groups have no replication
multi.t.test <- function(data, group,
sig = 0.05, Adj.sig = TRUE,
grpAdj = "bonferroni",
tcutoff <- function(MEs_t, sig = 0.05){
MEs_t[MEs_t > sig] <- NA;
NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(rep(1, nrow(MEs_t)) %*% is.na(MEs_t)));
pos1 <- which(NA_num != nrow(MEs_t));
NA_num <- as.numeric(is.na(MEs_t) %*% drop(rep(1, ncol(MEs_t))));
pos2 <- which(NA_num != ncol(MEs_t));
list(pos2 = pos2, pos1 = pos1)
MEs_col <- t(data);
if (any(table(group) == 1)) {
delgroup <- names(table(group))[table(group) == 1];
delpos <- which(group %in% delgroup);
warning(paste("Group", delgroup, "is deleted because it have no replication. "));
group <- group[-delpos];
MEs_col <- MEs_col[-delpos, ];
if (nrow(MEs_col) != length(group))
stop ("Group length and data col length is not the same.");
if (length(table(group)) < 2)
stop ("It should be at least two groups to do t.test.");
if (is.null(colnames(MEs_col))) stop("wrong data rownames");
MEs.t <- NULL; vsname <- NULL; Nnum <- NULL;
for (i in 1:ncol(MEs_col)) {
t <- pairwise.t.test(MEs_col[ , i], group, p.adjust.method = grpAdj, ...);
t.list <- as.vector(as.matrix(t$p.value))
if (is.null(Nnum)) Nnum <- which(is.na(t.list) & !is.nan(t.list)); #20190514
if (is.null(MEs.t)){
MEs.t <- data.frame(M = t.list[-Nnum]);
for (j in 1:ncol(t$p.value)) {
for (k in 1:nrow(t$p.value)) {
vsname <- c(vsname,
paste(colnames(t$p.value)[j], "vs", rownames(t$p.value)[k]));
rownames(MEs.t) <- vsname[-Nnum];
} else MEs.t <- data.frame(MEs.t, M = t.list[-Nnum]);
colnames(MEs.t)[ncol(MEs.t)] <- colnames(MEs_col)[i];
geneAdj <- match.arg(geneAdj, p.adjust.methods);
if (geneAdj != "none") {
MEs.q <- MEs.t;
rownames(MEs.q) <- paste(rownames(MEs.q), geneAdj);
for (i in 1:nrow(MEs.t)) {
MEs.q[i,] <- p.adjust(MEs.t[i, ], method = geneAdj);
if (Adj.sig) {
pos <- tcutoff(MEs.q, sig = sig);
#MEs.q[MEs.q > sig] <- NA;
#NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(rep(1, nrow(MEs.q)) %*% is.na(MEs.q)));
#pos <- which(NA_num != nrow(MEs.q));
#NA_num <- as.numeric(is.na(MEs.q) %*% drop(rep(1, ncol(MEs.q))));
#pos2 <- which(NA_num != ncol(MEs.q));
MEs.q <- MEs.q[pos$pos2, pos$pos1];
MEs.t <- MEs.t[pos$pos2, pos$pos1];
} else {
pos <- tcutoff(MEs.t, sig = sig);
#MEs.t[MEs.t > sig] <- NA;
#NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(rep(1, nrow(MEs.t)) %*% is.na(MEs.t)));
#pos <- which(NA_num != nrow(MEs.t));
#NA_num <- as.numeric(is.na(MEs.t) %*% drop(rep(1, ncol(MEs.t))));
#pos2 <- which(NA_num != ncol(MEs.t));
MEs.t <- MEs.t[pos$pos2, pos$pos1];
MEs.q <- MEs.q[pos$pos2, pos$pos1];
MEs.all <- rbind(MEs.t, MEs.q);
if (geneAdj == "none") {
pos <- tcutoff(MEs.t, sig = sig);
#MEs.t[MEs.t > sig] <- NA;
#NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(rep(1, nrow(MEs.t)) %*% is.na(MEs.t)));
#pos <- which(NA_num!=nrow(MEs.t));
#NA_num <- as.numeric(is.na(MEs.t) %*% drop(rep(1, ncol(MEs.t))));
#pos2 <- which(NA_num!=ncol(MEs.t));
MEs.t <- MEs.t[pos$pos2, pos$pos1];
MEs.all <- MEs.t;
#anova analysis
#20190509 fix error when any group in groups have no replication
#20190514 fix some value is NA
anova_p <- function(data, group)
if (ncol(data) != length(group))
stop ("Group length and data col length is not the same.");
data <- t(data);
if (any(table(group) == 1)) {
delgroup <- names(table(group))[table(group) == 1];
delpos <- which(group %in% delgroup);
warning(paste("Group", delgroup, "is deleted because it have no replication. "));
group <- group[-delpos];
data <- data[-delpos, ];
if (length(table(group)) < 2)
stop ("It should be at least two groups to do anova analysis.");
if (is.null(colnames(data))) stop("wrong data rownames");
aov.p <- NULL;
for (i in 1:ncol(data)) { #20190514
gfactor<- levels(factor(group))
barttest <- NULL; samevalue <- NULL;
for(j in 1:length(gfactor)) {
bart <- data[which(group == gfactor[j]), i]
samevalue <- c( samevalue, length(table(bart)) )
barttest <- c(barttest, sum(!is.na(bart)))
if (all(barttest > 1) & any(samevalue) < 2) {
Btlt <- bartlett.test(data[,i] ~ group);
if(Btlt$p.value < 0.05){
anova <- oneway.test(data[,i]~group);
aov.p <- c(aov.p, anova$p.value);
if (Btlt$p.value > 0.05) {
anova2 <- aov(data[,i]~group);
aov.p<-c(aov.p, anova3$`Pr(>F)`[1]);
} else aov.p<-c(aov.p, 2)
#proteins which foldchange larger than cutoff vs.set2 vs vs.set1
fc.pos <- function(fc, vs.set2, vs.set1 = "WT", cutoff = 1,
datatype = c("none", "log2"), fctype = "all",
order = TRUE){
datatype <- match.arg(datatype, c("none", "log2"));
fctype <- match.arg(fctype, c("all", "up", "down"));
if (datatype == "log2") {
cutoff <- log2(cutoff);
fc_1vs2 <- fc[ ,colnames(fc) == vs.set2] - fc[ , colnames(fc) == vs.set1];
if (fctype == "up") fc.pos <- which(fc_1vs2 > cutoff);
if (fctype == "down") fc.pos <- which(fc_1vs2 < -cutoff);
if (fctype == "all") fc.pos <- which(fc_1vs2 > cutoff | fc_1vs2 < -cutoff);
} else {
fc_1vs2 <- fc[ , colnames(fc) == vs.set2] / fc[ , colnames(fc) == vs.set1];
if (fctype == "up") fc.pos <- which(fc_1vs2 > cutoff);
if (fctype == "down") fc.pos <- which(fc_1vs2 < 1/cutoff);
if (fctype == "all") fc.pos <- which(fc_1vs2 > cutoff | fc_1vs2 < 1/cutoff);
if(order) fc.pos <- fc.pos[order(abs(fc_1vs2[fc.pos]), decreasing = TRUE)]
#siginificant proteins vs.set2 vs vs.set1
#20190509 fix error when any group in groups have no replication
#20190513 fix t.test and pairwise t.test. do pairwise t.test when anova is TRUE.
changedID <- function(relative_value, group, vs.set2, vs.set1 = "WT",
rank = "none",
anova = TRUE, anova.cutoff = 0.05,
T.cutoff = 0.05, Padj = "fdr",
cutoff = 1.5, datatype = c("none","log2"), fctype = "all",
rank <- match.arg(rank, c("none", "foldchange", "anova", "t.test"));
Padj <- match.arg(Padj, p.adjust.methods);
if (rank == "foldchange") order = TRUE else order = FALSE;
vs.name <- c(paste(vs.set1, "vs", vs.set2), paste(vs.set2, "vs", vs.set1));
if (Padj != "none") vs.name <- paste(vs.name, Padj);
if (ncol(relative_value) != length(group))
stop ("Group length and data col length is not the same.");
if (any(table(group) == 1)) {
delgroup <- names(table(group))[table(group) == 1];
delpos <- which(group %in% delgroup);
warning(paste("Group", delgroup, "is deleted because it have no replication. "));
group <- group[-delpos];
relative_value <- relative_value[,-delpos];
if (length(table(group)) < 2)
stop ("It should be at least two groups to do anova analysis.");
vsgroup <- any(group == vs.set2, na.rm = TRUE) & any(group == vs.set1, na.rm = TRUE)
if (!vsgroup) stop ("no vs.set1 or vs.set2 in group.")
sig.pos = NULL; pos_1vs2 = NULL;
if (anova) {
Anova <- anova_p(relative_value, group);
sig.pos <- which(Anova < anova.cutoff);
if (rank == "anova") sig.pos <- sig.pos[order(Anova[sig.pos])];
if (is.numeric(T.cutoff)) {
t.test <- multi.t.test(relative_value, group,
sig = 1, geneAdj = Padj, ...);
vs.name <- vs.name[vs.name %in% colnames(t.test)];
if (length(vs.name) != 1)
stop ("vs.set1 and vs.set2 name is uncorrect");
p_1vs2 <- as.numeric(t.test[ , vs.name]);
pos_1vs2 <- which(p_1vs2 < T.cutoff);
if (rank == "t.test") pos_1vs2 <- pos_1vs2[order(p_1vs2[pos_1vs2])];
if (!anova & is.numeric(T.cutoff)) {
Ttestx <- which(group == vs.set1)
Ttesty <- which(group == vs.set2)
t.test <- NULL;
for (i in 1:nrow(relative_value)) {
TX <- as.numeric(relative_value[i,Ttestx]);
TY <- as.numeric(relative_value[i,Ttesty]);
samevalue <- c(length(table(TX)) > 1, length(table(TY)) > 1)
if (sum(!is.na(TX)) > 2 & sum(!is.na(TY)) > 2 & any(samevalue)){
Ttest <- t.test(TX, TY);
t.test <- c(t.test, Ttest$p.value)
} else t.test <- c(t.test, 2)
p_1vs2 <- t.test;
pos_1vs2 <- which(p_1vs2 < T.cutoff);
if (rank == "t.test") pos_1vs2 <- pos_1vs2[order(p_1vs2[pos_1vs2])];
fc <- groupmean(relative_value, group, name = FALSE);
fc_1vs2 <- fc.pos(fc, vs.set2 = vs.set2, vs.set1 = vs.set1,
cutoff = cutoff, datatype = datatype,
fctype = fctype, order = order);
if (is.null(sig.pos) & is.null(pos_1vs2))
pos <- fc_1vs2 else if (is.null(sig.pos) & rank == "foldchange")
pos <- fc_1vs2[fc_1vs2 %in% pos_1vs2] else if (is.null(sig.pos))
pos <- pos_1vs2[pos_1vs2 %in% fc_1vs2] else if (is.null(pos_1vs2) &
rank == "foldchange")
pos <- fc_1vs2[fc_1vs2 %in% sig.pos] else if (is.null(pos_1vs2))
pos <- sig.pos[sig.pos %in% fc_1vs2] else if (rank == "foldchange") {
pos <- fc_1vs2[fc_1vs2 %in% pos_1vs2];
pos <- pos[pos %in% sig.pos];
} else if (rank == "anova") {
pos <- sig.pos[sig.pos %in% pos_1vs2];
pos <- pos[pos %in% fc_1vs2];
} else {
pos <- pos_1vs2[pos_1vs2 %in% sig.pos];
pos <- pos[pos %in% fc_1vs2];
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