#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom sf st_area
cellError <- function(a, target) {
normA <- a / sum(a)
diff <- abs(normA - target)
breaking <- function(
a, target,
max = TRUE,
debug = FALSE,
prevError) {
if (max) {
# Stop when largest individual cell error is less than 1%
# (the default)
err <- cellError(a, target)
if (is.na(err) | is.nan(err)) err <- 1
if (debug)
message(paste("Difference: ", err,
" (", abs(err - prevError), ")",
"\n", sep = ""))
stopping <- {err < error_tol}
prevError <- err
} else {
normA <- a / sum(a)
diff <- abs(normA - target)
# Stop when *change* in *total* cell error is tiny
# (i.e., we are not improving the solution)
if (debug)
"Difference: ",
round(sum(diff), 2),
" (",
round(abs(sum(diff) - prevError), 3),
sep = ""
stopping <- abs(sum(diff) - prevError) < 0.001
prevError <- sum(diff)
stopping = stopping,
prevError = prevError
# Instead of adjusting by a multiple of current weight
# adjust by multiple of average absolute weights
# This avoids problem of getting stuck at a tiny weight
# (and stabilizes the algorithm generally)
# difference to original implementation: adjustment of maximal
# step change of weights to prevent crashing of algorithm
adjustWeights <- function(w, a, target, convergence) {
# OPTION: avoid extreme scaling values -> squareroot function
# to buffer strong difference between computed area and target
# and to buffer the global weight increase
# these increase stability but also computation time:
normA <- a / sum(a)
scaling <- ((target - normA) / target)
if (convergence == "slow") {
scaling <- ifelse(scaling < -1, -log10(abs(scaling)), scaling)
} else if (convergence == "intermediate") {
scaling <- ifelse(scaling < -1, -log(abs(scaling)), scaling)
} else if (convergence == "fast") {
scaling <- ifelse(scaling < -1, scaling/sqrt(abs(scaling)), scaling)
w + sqrt(mean(abs(w))) * scaling
shiftSites <- function(s, k) {
newSites <- mapply(function(poly, x, y) {
# Handle empty polygons
if (length(poly)) {
poly_centroid(poly[[1]][, 1], poly[[1]][, 2])
} else {
c(x = x, y = y)
k, as.list(s$x), as.list(s$y),
list(x = sapply(newSites, "[", "x"),
y = sapply(newSites, "[", "y"))
# Variation from published algorithm
# Allow factor adjustment per pair of sites
shiftWeights <- function(s, w) {
n <- length(s$x)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
if (i != j) {
# Deviation from published algorithm here
# to use abs(w) so that ensure non-overlapping
# circles even when weights are negative
f = sqrt((s$x[i] - s$x[j]) ^ 2 +
(s$y[i] - s$y[j]) ^ 2) / (abs(w[i]) + abs(w[j]))
if (f > 0 && f < 1) {
w[i] <- w[i] * f
w[j] <- w[j] * f
# The algorithm can fail to converge sometimes so
# just give up after 'maxIteration's
allocate <- function(
names, s, w, outer, target,
min_target = 0.01,
debug = FALSE,
debugCell = FALSE)
count <- 1
prevError <- 1
# check for extremely small cell size compared to theoretical average
target_fc <- target * length(target)
too_small <- target_fc < min_target
if (any(too_small)) {
"Found extremely small cell (<", round(min_target * 100, 1), "% of average size);\n",
"inflating cell size to prevent failure when calculating polygons."
correction <- ifelse(
-min_target/length(target) * sum(too_small)/sum(!too_small)
target <- target + correction
repeat {
# if all weights are identical the CGAL algorithm often fails
# in this case we introduce a bit of random variation
if (length(unique(w)) == 1) {
w <- w * rnorm(length(w), mean = 1, sd = 0.01)
# call to awv function, the additively weighted voronoi tesselation,
# wrapped within a trycatch statement to catch errors and start over
k <- tryCatch(awv(s, w, outer, debug, debugCell),
error = function(e) { message(e); NULL}
if (is.null(k)) {
areas <- lapply(k, sf::st_area)
# if debug=TRUE, every iteration is drawn to the viewport
# this can be very time and resource consuming and should be used
# with care. The result resembles the final treemap but is an overlay of
# many iterations
if (debug) {
list(names = names,
k = k, s = s,
w = w, a = areas,
t = target
debug, label = TRUE, label.col = grey(0.5),
lwd = 2, col = grey(0.5),
fill = grey(1, alpha=0.33)
info <-
area = round(unlist(areas) / sum(unlist(areas)), 4),
target = round(target, 4),
weight = round(w, 1),
areaAbs = round(unlist(areas))
colnames(info) <- names
stop_cond <- breaking(
debug = debug,
error_tol = error_tol,
prevError = prevError)
# if stop condition is fulfilled, return result in form of
# list of polygons and metadata
if (count == maxIteration || stop_cond$stopping) {
res <- lapply(1:length(names), function(i) {
name = names[i], poly = k[[i]],
site = c(s$x[[i]], s$y[[i]]),
weight = w[i], area = unlist(areas)[i],
target = target[i],
count = count)
}) %>% setNames(names)
} else {
w <- adjustWeights(w, unlist(areas), target, convergence)
s <- shiftSites(s, k)
w <- shiftWeights(s, w)
count <- count + 1
prevError = stop_cond$prevError
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