
Defines functions freq_ts

Documented in freq_ts

#' Extract frequency contours as time series
#' \code{freq_ts} extracts the fundamental frequency values as a time series.
#' @param X object of class 'selection_table', 'extended_selection_table' or data
#' frame containing columns for sound file name (sound.files),
#' selection number (selec), and start and end time of signal (start and end).
#' @param type Character string to determine the type of contour to be detected. Three options are available, "dominant" (default), "fundamental" and "entropy".
#' @param wl A numeric vector of length 1 specifying the window length of the spectrogram, default
#'   is 512.
#' @param length.out A numeric vector of length 1 giving the number of measurements of fundamental
#' frequency desired (the length of the time series).
#' @param wn Character vector of length 1 specifying window name. Default is
#'   "hanning". See function \code{\link[seewave]{ftwindow}} for more options.
#' @param ovlp Numeric vector of length 1 specifying \% of overlap between two
#'   consecutive windows, as in \code{\link[seewave]{spectro}}. Default is 70.
#' @param bp A numeric vector of length 2 for the lower and upper limits of a
#'   frequency bandpass filter (in kHz). Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param threshold amplitude threshold (\%) for fundamental frequency detection. Default is 15.
#' @param img Logical argument. If \code{FALSE}, image files are not produced. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param parallel Numeric. Controls whether parallel computing is applied.
#'  It specifies the number of cores to be used. Default is 1 (i.e. no parallel computing).
#' @param path Character string containing the directory path where the sound files are located.
#' If \code{NULL} (default) then the current working directory is used.
#' @param img.suffix A character vector of length 1 with a suffix (label) to add at the end of the names of
#' image files.
#' @param pb Logical argument to control progress bar. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param clip.edges Logical argument to control whether edges (start or end of signal) in
#' which amplitude values above the threshold were not detected will be removed. If
#' \code{TRUE} this edges will be excluded and signal contour will be calculated on the
#' remaining values. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' #' @param leglab A character vector of length 1 or 2 containing the label(s) of the frequency contour legend
#' in the output image.
#' @param leglab A character vector of length 1 or 2 containing the label(s) of the frequency contour legend
#' in the output image.
#' @param ff.method Character. Selects the method used to detect fundamental
#' frequency contours. Either 'tuneR' (using \code{\link[tuneR]{FF}}) or 'seewave' (using
#' \code{\link[seewave]{fund}}). Default is 'seewave'. 'tuneR' performs
#' faster (and seems to be more accurate) than 'seewave'.
#' @param raw.contour Logical. If \code{TRUE} then a list with the original contours
#'  (i.e. without interpolating values to make all contours of equal length) is returned (and no images are produced).
#' @param track.harm Logical. If \code{TRUE} warbleR's \code{\link{track_harmonic}} function is
#' used to track dominant frequency contours. Otherwise seewave's \code{\link[seewave]{dfreq}} is used by default. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param adjust.wl Logical. If \code{TRUE} 'wl' (window length) is reset to be lower than the
#' number of samples in a selection if the number of samples is less than 'wl'. Default is \code{TRUE}. Used only for dominant frequency detection.
#' @param entropy.range Numeric vector of length 2. Range of frequency in which to display the entropy values
#' on the spectrogram (when img = TRUE). Default is c(2, 10). Negative values can be used in order to stretch more
#' the range.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{track_freq_contour}}. for customizing
#' graphical output.
#' @return A data frame with the fundamental frequency values measured across the signals. If img is
#' \code{TRUE} it also produces image files with the spectrograms of the signals listed in the
#' input data frame showing the location of the fundamental frequencies
#' (see \code{\link{track_freq_contour}} description for more details).
#' @seealso \code{\link{sig2noise}}, \code{\link{track_freq_contour}}, \code{\link{freq_ts}}, \code{\link{freq_DTW}}
#' @export
#' @name freq_ts
#' @details This function extracts the dominant frequency, fundamental frequency or spectral entropy contours as time series.
#' The function uses the \code{\link[stats:approxfun]{approx}} function to interpolate values between frequency measures. If there are no frequencies above the amplitude threshold (for dominant and fundamental) at the beginning or end
#'  of the signals then NAs will be generated. On the other hand, if there are no frequencies
#'  above the amplitude theshold in between signal segments in which amplitude was
#'  detected then the values of this adjacent segments will be interpolated
#'  to fill out the missing values (e.g. no NAs in between detected amplitude segments).
#' @examples{
#' #load data
#' data(list = c("Phae.long1", "Phae.long2","lbh_selec_table"))
#' writeWave(Phae.long1, file.path(tempdir(), "Phae.long1.wav")) #save sound files
#' writeWave(Phae.long2, file.path(tempdir(), "Phae.long2.wav")) #save sound files
#' # run function with dominant frequency
#' freq_ts(X = lbh_selec_table, length.out = 30, flim = c(1, 12), bp = c(2, 9),
#' wl = 300, pb = FALSE, path = tempdir())
#' # note a NA in the row 4 column 3 (dfreq-1)
#' # this can be removed by clipping edges (removing NAs at the start and/or end
#' # when no freq was detected)
#' freq_ts(X = lbh_selec_table, length.out = 30, flim = c(1, 12), bp = c(2, 9),
#' wl = 300, pb = FALSE, clip.edges = TRUE, path = tempdir())
#' # run function with fundamental frequency
#' freq_ts(lbh_selec_table, type = "fundamental", length.out = 50,
#' flim = c(1, 12),  bp = c(2, 9), wl = 300, path = tempdir())
#' # run function with spectral entropy
#' # without clip edges
#' freq_ts(X = lbh_selec_table, type = "entropy", threshold = 10,
#' clip.edges = FALSE, length.out = 10, sp.en.range = c(-25, 10), path = tempdir(),
#'  img = FALSE)
#' # with clip edges and length.out 10
#' freq_ts(X = lbh_selec_table, type = "entropy", threshold = 10, bp = c(2, 12),
#' clip.edges = TRUE, length.out = 10, path = tempdir(), img = FALSE)
#' }
#' @author Marcelo Araya-Salas (\email{marcelo.araya@@ucr.ac.cr})
# last modification on mar-2021 (MAS)

freq_ts <- function(X, type = "dominant", wl = 512, length.out = 20, wn = "hanning", ovlp = 70, bp = NULL, threshold = 15, img = TRUE, parallel = 1, path = NULL, img.suffix = "frequency.ts", pb = TRUE, clip.edges = FALSE, leglab = "frequency.ts", track.harm = FALSE, raw.contour = FALSE, adjust.wl = TRUE, ff.method = "seewave", entropy.range = c(2, 10), ...) {
  #### set arguments from options
  # get function arguments
  argms <- methods::formalArgs(freq_ts)

  # get warbleR options
  opt.argms <- if (!is.null(getOption("warbleR"))) getOption("warbleR") else SILLYNAME <- 0

  # remove options not as default in call and not in function arguments
  opt.argms <- opt.argms[!sapply(opt.argms, is.null) & names(opt.argms) %in% argms]

  # get arguments set in the call
  call.argms <- as.list(base::match.call())[-1]

  # remove arguments in options that are in call
  opt.argms <- opt.argms[!names(opt.argms) %in% names(call.argms)]

  # set options left
  if (length(opt.argms) > 0) {
    for (q in seq_len(length(opt.argms))) {
      assign(names(opt.argms)[q], opt.argms[[q]])

  # check path to working directory
  if (is.null(path)) {
    path <- getwd()
  } else if (!dir.exists(path)) {
    stop("'path' provided does not exist")
  } else {
    path <- normalizePath(path)

  # if X is not a data frame
  if (!any(is.data.frame(X), is_selection_table(X), is_extended_selection_table(X))) stop("X is not of a class 'data.frame', 'selection_table' or 'extended_selection_table'")

  if (!all(c(
    "sound.files", "selec",
    "start", "end"
  ) %in% colnames(X))) {
    stop(paste(paste(c("sound.files", "selec", "start", "end")[!(c(
      "sound.files", "selec",
      "start", "end"
    ) %in% colnames(X))], collapse = ", "), "column(s) not found in data frame"))

  # if there are NAs in start or end stop
  if (any(is.na(c(X$end, X$start)))) stop("NAs found in start and/or end")

  # if end or start are not numeric stop
  if (any(!is(X$end, "numeric"), !is(X$start, "numeric"))) stop("'start' and 'end' must be numeric")

  # if any start higher than end stop
  if (any(X$end - X$start <= 0)) stop(paste("Start is higher than or equal to end in", length(which(X$end - X$start <= 0)), "case(s)"))

  # if any selections longer than 20 secs stop
  if (any(X$end - X$start > 20)) stop(paste(length(which(X$end - X$start > 20)), "selection(s) longer than 20 sec"))
  options(show.error.messages = TRUE)

  # bp checking
  if (!is.null(bp)) {
    if (bp[1] != "frange") {
      if (!is.vector(bp)) {
        stop("'bp' must be a numeric vector of length 2 or 'frange'")
      } else {
        if (!length(bp) == 2) stop("'bp' must be a numeric vector of length 2 or 'frange'")
    } else {
      if (!any(names(X) == "bottom.freq") & !any(names(X) == "top.freq")) stop("'bp' = 'frange' requires bottom.freq and top.freq columns in X")
      if (any(is.na(c(X$bottom.freq, X$top.freq)))) stop("NAs found in bottom.freq and/or top.freq")
      if (any(c(X$bottom.freq, X$top.freq) < 0)) stop("Negative values found in bottom.freq and/or top.freq")
      if (any(X$top.freq - X$bottom.freq < 0)) stop("top.freq should be higher than bottom.freq")

  # if type argument
  if (!any(type == "dominant", type == "fundamental", type == "entropy")) stop(paste("type", type, "is not recognized"))

  # if ff.method argument
  if (!any(ff.method == "seewave", ff.method == "tuneR")) stop(paste("ff.method", ff.method, "is not recognized"))

  # return warning if not all sound files were found
  if (!is_extended_selection_table(X)) {
    recs.wd <- list.files(path = path, pattern = "\\.wav$|\\.wac$|\\.mp3$|\\.flac$", ignore.case = TRUE)
    if (length(unique(X$sound.files[(X$sound.files %in% recs.wd)])) != length(unique(X$sound.files)) & pb) {
        length(unique(X$sound.files)) - length(unique(X$sound.files[(X$sound.files %in% recs.wd)])),
        "sound file(s) not found"

    # count number of sound files in working directory and if 0 stop
    d <- which(X$sound.files %in% recs.wd)
    if (length(d) == 0) {
      stop("The sound files are not in the working directory")
    } else {
      X <- X[d, , drop = FALSE]

  # if parallel is not numeric
  if (!is.numeric(parallel)) stop("'parallel' must be a numeric vector of length 1")
  if (any(!(parallel %% 1 == 0), parallel < 1)) stop("'parallel' should be a positive integer")

  if (type == "dominant") {
    contour_FUN <- function(X, i, bp, wl, threshold, entropy.range, raw.contour, track.harm, adjust.wl) {
      # Read sound files to get sample rate and length
      r <- warbleR::read_sound_file(X = X, path = path, index = i, header = TRUE)
      f <- r$sample.rate

      # if bp is frange
      if (!is.null(bp)) {
        if (bp[1] == "frange") bp <- c(X$bottom.freq[i], X$top.freq[i])

      b <- bp

      # in case bp its higher than can be due to sampling rate
      if (!is.null(b)) {
        if (b[2] > floor(f / 2000)) {
          b[2] <- floor(f / 2000)
        b <- b * 1000

      r <- warbleR::read_sound_file(X = X, path = path, index = i)

      # calculate dominant frequency at each time point
      dfrq1 <- track_harmonic(
        wave = r, f = f, wl = wl, plot = FALSE, ovlp = ovlp, bandpass = b, fftw = TRUE,
        threshold = threshold, dfrq = !track.harm, adjust.wl = adjust.wl

      dfrq <- dfrq1[!is.na(dfrq1[, 2]), , drop = FALSE]

      # make NA's the ones outside banpass freqs
      dfrq[dfrq[, 2] < b[1] / 1000, ] <- NA

      if (any(is.na(dfrq[1, ]))) {
        dfrq <- dfrq[!is.na(dfrq[, 1]), , drop = FALSE]

      # make a matrix containing results and name/order columns
      dfrq <- data.frame(dfrq, X$start[i] + dfrq[, 1])
      if (!is.data.frame(dfrq)) dfrq <- as.data.frame(t(dfrq))
      colnames(dfrq) <- c("relative.time", "frequency", "absolute.time")
      if (!is.data.frame(dfrq)) dfrq <- as.data.frame(t(dfrq))
      dfrq <- dfrq[, c(3, 1, 2), drop = FALSE]

      # remove NAs on edges only if more than
      if (clip.edges & nrow(dfrq) > 2) {
        dfrq <- dfrq[which(as.numeric(is.na(dfrq$frequency)) == 0)[1]:nrow(dfrq), , drop = FALSE]

        # clip end edges
        dfrq <- dfrq[1:max(which(as.numeric(is.na(dfrq$frequency)) == 0)), , drop = FALSE]

      # interpolate if no raw.contour
      if (!raw.contour) {
        # if more than one detection extrapolate else repeat value
        if (nrow(dfrq) > 1 | all(is.na(dfrq[, 3]))) {
          apdom <- try(approx(
            x = dfrq$relative.time[!is.na(dfrq$frequency)], y = dfrq$frequency[!is.na(dfrq$frequency)],
            xout = seq(
              from = min(dfrq$relative.time, na.rm = TRUE), to = max(dfrq$relative.time, na.rm = TRUE),
              length.out = length.out
            ), method = "linear"
          ), silent = TRUE)

          if (is(apdom, "try-error")) {
            apdom <- list(x = seq(
              from = 0, to = X$end[i] - X$start[i],
              length.out = length.out
            ), y = rep(NA, length.out))
        } else
        # repeat same value length.out times if only 1 detection
          apdom <- dfrq[rep(1, length.out), , drop = FALSE]
          apdom[, 1] <- seq(
            from = X$start[i], to = X$end[i],
            length.out = length.out

          apdom[, 2] <- apdom[, 1] - X$start[i]
          colnames(apdom)[3] <- "y"

        if (clip.edges & !raw.contour) {
          # fix for ploting with trackfreqs
          dfrq1[, 2][is.na(dfrq1[, 2])] <- 0

          # calculate time at start and end with no amplitude detected (duration of clipped edges)
          durend1 <- suppressWarnings(diff(range(dfrq1[, 1][rev(cumsum(rev(dfrq1[, 2])) == 0)])))
          durend <- durend1
          if (is.infinite(durend) | is.na(durend)) durend <- 0

          durst1 <- suppressWarnings(diff(range(dfrq1[, 1][cumsum(dfrq1[, 2]) == 0])))
          durst <- durst1
          if (is.infinite(durst) | is.na(durst)) durst <- 0

          by.dur <- mean(diff(apdom$x))
          clipst <- length(seq(from = 0, to = durst, by = by.dur))
          clipend <- length(seq(from = 0, to = durend, by = by.dur))

          apdom1 <- apdom
          apdom1 <- list(x = apdom$x, y = apdom$y)
          apdom1$y <- c(rep(NA, clipst), apdom, rep(NA, clipend))

          if (is.infinite(durst1) | is.na(durst1)) apdom1$y <- apdom1$y[-1]
          if (is.infinite(durend1) | is.na(durend1)) apdom1$y <- apdom1$y[-length(apdom1$y)]

          cstm.cntr <- data.frame(sound.files = X$sound.files[i], selec = X$selec[i], t(apdom1$y))

        if (!raw.contour) {
          cstm.cntr <- data.frame(sound.files = X$sound.files[i], selec = X$selec[i], t(apdom$y))
        } else {
          cstm.cntr <- dfrq

      if (img) {
          X = X[i, , drop = FALSE], wl = wl, osci = FALSE, leglab = leglab, pb = FALSE, wn = wn, bp = bp,
          parallel = 1, path = path, img.suffix = img.suffix, ovlp = ovlp,
          custom.contour = cstm.cntr, 
          # frange.detec = FALSE, 
      if (!raw.contour) {
      } else {

  if (type == "fundamental") {
    contour_FUN <- function(X, i, bp, wl, threshold, entropy.range, raw.contour, track.harm, adjust.wl) {
      # Read sound files to get sample rate and length
      r <- warbleR::read_sound_file(X = X, path = path, index = i, header = TRUE)
      f <- r$sample.rate

      b <- bp

      if (!is.null(b)) {
        if (b[2] > floor(f / 2000)) b[2] <- floor(f / 2000)
        b <- b * 1000

      r <- warbleR::read_sound_file(X = X, path = path, index = i)

      # calculate fundamental frequency at each time point
      if (ff.method == "seewave") {
        ffreq1 <- seewave::fund(r, fmax = b[2], f = f, ovlp = ovlp, threshold = threshold, plot = FALSE)
      } else {
        if (any(slotNames(r) == "stereo")) if (r@stereo) r <- mono(r, which = "both")
        suppressWarnings(ff1 <- tuneR::FF(tuneR::periodogram(r, width = wl, overlap = wl * ovlp / 100), peakheight = (100 - threshold) / 100) / 1000)
        ff2 <- seq(0, X$end[i] - X$start[i], length.out = length(ff1))

        ffreq1 <- cbind(ff2, ff1)

      ffreq <- matrix(ffreq1[!is.na(ffreq1[, 2]), ], ncol = 2)
      ffreq <- matrix(ffreq[ffreq[, 2] > b[1] / 1000, ], ncol = 2)

      if (nrow(ffreq) < 2) {
        apfund <- list()
        apfund$x <- ffreq1[, 1]
        apfund$y <- rep(NA, length.out)
        apfund1 <- apfund
      } else {
        if (!clip.edges) {
          # clip start edges
          ffreq <- ffreq[which(as.numeric(is.na(ffreq[, 2])) == 0)[1]:nrow(ffreq), ]

          # clip end edges
          ffreq <- ffreq[1:max(which(as.numeric(is.na(ffreq[, 2])) == 0)), ]

          # interpolate
          apfund <- approx(ffreq[, 1], ffreq[, 2],
            xout = seq(
              from = ffreq1[1, 1],
              to = ffreq1[nrow(ffreq1), 1], length.out = length.out
            method = "linear"
          apfund1 <- apfund
        } else {
          if (!raw.contour) {
            apfund <- approx(ffreq[, 1], ffreq[, 2],
              xout = seq(
                from = ffreq[1, 1], to = ffreq[nrow(ffreq), 1],
                length.out = length.out
              ), method = "linear"
          } else {
            apfund <- ffreq
          # fix for ploting with trackfreqs
          # calculate time at start and end with no amplitude detected (duration of clipped edges)
          durend1 <- suppressWarnings(diff(range(ffreq1[, 1][rev(cumsum(rev(ffreq1[, 2])) == 0)])))
          durend <- durend1
          if (is.infinite(durend) | is.na(durend)) durend <- 0

          durst1 <- suppressWarnings(diff(range(ffreq1[, 1][cumsum(ffreq1[, 2]) == 0])))
          durst <- durst1
          if (is.infinite(durst) | is.na(durst)) durst <- 0

          by.dur <- mean(diff(apfund$x))
          clipst <- length(seq(from = 0, to = durst, by = by.dur))
          clipend <- length(seq(from = 0, to = durend, by = by.dur))

          apfund1 <- apfund
          apfund1$y <- c(rep(NA, clipst), apfund$y, rep(NA, clipend))

          if (is.infinite(durst1) | is.na(durst1)) apfund1$y <- apfund1$y[-1]
          if (is.infinite(durend1) | is.na(durend1)) apfund1$y <- apfund1$y[-length(apfund1$y)]

      if (img) {
        warbleR::track_freq_contour(X[i, , drop = FALSE],
          wl = wl, osci = FALSE, leglab = leglab, pb = FALSE, wn = wn,
          parallel = 1, path = path, img.suffix = img.suffix, ovlp = ovlp,
          custom.contour = data.frame(sound.files = X$sound.files[i], selec = X$selec[i], t(apfund$y)), ...


  if (type == "entropy") {
    contour_FUN <- function(X, i, bp, wl, threshold, entropy.range, raw.contour, track.harm, adjust.wl) {
      # Read sound files to get sample rate and length
      r <- warbleR::read_sound_file(X = X, path = path, index = i, header = TRUE)
      f <- r$sample.rate

      # if bp is frange
      if (!is.null(bp)) {
        if (bp[1] == "frange") bp <- c(X$bottom.freq[i], X$top.freq[i])

      # in case bp its higher than can be due to sampling rate
      b <- bp
      if (!is.null(b)) {
        if (b[2] > floor(f / 2000)) b[2] <- floor(f / 2000)
        b <- b * 1000

      r <- warbleR::read_sound_file(X = X, path = path, index = i)

      # filter if this was needed
      if (!is.null(bp)) r <- ffilter(wave = r, from = b[1], to = b[2])

      # measure espectral entropy
      sp.en <- csh(
        wave = r, f = f, wl = wl, ovlp = ovlp, wn = wn,
        threshold = threshold, plot = F

      if (clip.edges) { # remove initial values with 0
        sp.en1 <- sp.en[cumsum(sp.en[, 2]) != 0, ]

        # remove end values with 0
        sp.en1 <- sp.en1[rev(cumsum(rev(sp.en1[, 2])) != 0), ]
      } else {
        sp.en1 <- sp.en

      apen <- approx(sp.en1[, 1], sp.en1[, 2],
        xout = seq(
          from = sp.en1[1, 1],
          to = sp.en1[nrow(sp.en1), 1], length.out = length.out
        method = "linear"

      # fix for ploting with trackfreqs
      if (clip.edges) {
        apen1 <- approx(sp.en[, 1], sp.en[, 2],
          xout = seq(
            from = sp.en[1, 1],
            to = sp.en[nrow(sp.en), 1], length.out = length.out
          method = "linear"

        # make 0s at start and end NAs so they are plot at the bottom by trackfreqs
        apen1$y[cumsum(apen1$y) == 0] <- NA
        apen1$y[rev(cumsum(rev(apen1$y))) == 0] <- NA
      } else {
        apen1 <- apen

      correc.apen <- entropy.range[1] + (entropy.range[2] - entropy.range[1]) * apen1$y

      if (img) {
        warbleR::track_freq_contour(X[i, , drop = FALSE],
          wl = wl, osci = FALSE, leglab = leglab, pb = FALSE, wn = wn,
          parallel = 1, path = path, img.suffix = img.suffix, ovlp = ovlp,
          custom.contour = data.frame(sound.files = X$sound.files[i], selec = X$selec[i], t(correc.apen)), ...

  # set clusters for windows OS
  if (Sys.info()[1] == "Windows" & parallel > 1) {
    cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(getOption("cl.cores", parallel))
  } else {
    cl <- parallel
  # run loop apply function
  lst <- .pblapply(pbar = pb, X = 1:nrow(X), cl = cl, message = if (img) "creating spectrograms overlaid with frequency contour" else "measuring frequency contours", current = 1, total = 1, FUN = function(i) {
    round(contour_FUN(X, i, bp, wl, threshold, entropy.range, raw.contour, track.harm, adjust.wl), 4)

  df <- data.frame(sound.files = X$sound.files, selec = X$selec, as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(lst), nrow = length(X$sound.files), byrow = TRUE)))

  colnames(df)[3:ncol(df)] <- paste("ffreq", 1:(ncol(df) - 2), sep = "-")

maRce10/warbleR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 6:35 p.m.