
Defines functions gt_brcplot

Documented in gt_brcplot

#' Best Response Plots
#' Function for plotting utilities for  games in which two players can each choose  a strategy from a continuous action space.  Best responses function or correspondence are plotted and Nash equilibria identified.  sequence from s1 to s2
#' @param u1 Player 1's utility
#' @param u2 Player 2's utility
#' @keywords Best response plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  gt_brcplot()

gt_brcplot = function(n.grid = 100,   # n.grid determines how accurate the graph is;
                     s1=0.01, s2=0.99,
                     a2=a1,                    # strategy range default is (0,1) (bounded away from 0 and 1)
                     u1=function(a1,a2){(a1-a2)^2},                              # payoff function for each profile of strategies
                     u2=function(a1, a2) {-u1(a1,a2)},
                     nash=TRUE, starfill="pink", tips=8, nashborder="black",	# Plot Nash
                     markbr = FALSE,
                     starfill2 = "red", # dominant strategy intersection color
                     radius=dist(range(a1))/30, border=NA,
                     tol=.001, # How close does close have to be to be called Nash?
                     type="surface",                                             # choose type of "surface" or "br" (for best response)
                     player= 1,    # 1 for 1, 2 for 2, 3 for both
                     screen = list(z = -245, x = -75),                                 # choose the angle of 3d plot
                     clevels = 10,                                                   #choose number of contour levels desired
                     brtype = "l", brcex1=.5, brcex2=.4,
                     brpch = 21,                               #choose type of plot; text and symbol size, line width
                     brlwd = 1,
                     BRI = FALSE,   # Mark the best response equilibrium
                     pch1 = 1,
                     pch2 = 21,
                     col1="turquoise", col1br="red", col1v="black",col2="grey",
                     col2v= "black",
                     colbg1br = "white", colbg2br = "white",
                     canvascolor = "white",
                     xlab = expression(a[1]), ylab=expression(a[2]), zlab="U",
                    toptitle = paste("best response plot"),
                    surface_br_pointtype = "l",
                    at_axis = c(0, .5, 1),
                    boxit = TRUE
                    ) {
  step <- (s2-s1)/(n.grid-1)
  U1 <-outer (a1,a2,u1)
  U2 <-outer (a1,a2,u2)
  br.int <- FALSE

  # Player 1 Best responses
  brmax1 <- a1[max.col(t(U1), ties.method = "last")] # max value of best response correspondence given a2
  brmin1 <- a1[max.col(t(U1), ties.method = "first")] # min value of best response correspondence given a2
  br1    <- cbind(brmax1,brmin1)  # max min value matrix

  brm1  <- matrix(NA,length(a1),length(a1)) # best response matrix
  for (i in 1: length(a1)){
    brm1[i,]=c( a1[a1 <= br1[i,1] & a1>=br1[i,2]] , rep("NA",length(a1)-((br1[i,1]-br1[i,2])/step+1)))
  brv1       <- as.vector(t(brm1))     # reshape the matrix to vector
  bri2       <- rep(a2,each=length(a2))
  best.resp1 <- cbind(brv1,bri2) # best response correspondence for player 1
  # Player 1 dominant strategy
  if (max(brmin1)==min(brmax1)) v1 <- max(brmin1) # weakly dominate strategy

  # Player 2 Best responses
  brmax2  <- a2[max.col(U2, ties.method = "last")] # max value of best response correspondence given a2
  brmin2  <- a2[max.col(U2, ties.method = "first")] # min value of best response correspondence given a2
  br2     <- cbind(brmax2,brmin2)  # max min value matrix
  brm2    <- matrix(NA,length(a2),length(a2)) # best response matrix
  for (i in 1: length(a2)){
  brv2  <-  as.vector(t(brm2))     # reshape the matrix to vector
  bri1  <- rep(a1,each=length(a1))
  best.resp2<-cbind(bri1,brv2) # best response correspondence for player 2
  # Player 2 dominant strategy
  if (max(brmin2)==min(brmax2)) v2  <-  max(brmin2) # weakly dominate strategy

  if (sum(abs(brmax1-brmin1)) == 0 & sum(abs(brmax2-brmin2)) == 0)
                {best.resp1 <- cbind(a1[max.col(t(U1), ties.method = "first")],a2)
                 best.resp2 <- cbind(a1,a2[max.col(U2, ties.method = "first")])
                 br.int     <- rowSums((best.resp1 - best.resp2)^2)<tol	}

  # intersection of best response functions
  U = c(as.vector(U1), as.vector(U2))
  i = c(rep(0, n.grid^2), rep(1, n.grid^2))


  if(type=="br" ){

    if(cont){  # Contout plot
      if(player ==1){
         contour(a1,a2,U1, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,col=col1, nlevels=clevels,main=toptitle, axes = FALSE)
         lines(best.resp1,col=col1br, type=surface_br_pointtype,  cex=brcex1, lwd=brlwd)
         if (max(brmin1)==min(brmax1)) abline(v = v1, lwd=brlwd, col=col1v)

      if(player ==2){
        contour(a1,a2,U2, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,col=col2, nlevels=clevels,main=toptitle, axes = FALSE)
        lines(best.resp2,col=col2br, type=surface_br_pointtype,  cex=brcex2, lwd=brlwd)
        if (max(brmin2)==min(brmax2))   abline(v2, 0, lwd=brlwd, col=col2v)

      if(player ==3){
        contour(a1,a2,U1, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,col=col1, nlevels=clevels,main=toptitle, axes = FALSE)
        contour(a1,a2,U2, nlevels=clevels, add = TRUE, col = col2)
        lines(best.resp1,col=col1br, type=surface_br_pointtype,  cex=brcex1, lwd=brlwd)
        lines(best.resp2,col=col2br, type=surface_br_pointtype, cex=brcex2, lwd=brlwd)

        if (max(brmin1)==min(brmax1)) abline(v = v1,lwd=brlwd, col=col1v)
        if (max(brmin2)==min(brmax2)) abline(v2, 0, lwd=brlwd, col=col2v)}

  else{  # No contours
    plot(a1, a2, type="n", ylim=c(0,s2), xlim=c(0,s2), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,main=toptitle)
    rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col = canvascolor)

    if(player ==1){
      lines(best.resp1,col=col1br, bg = colbg1br, type="p", cex=brcex1, lwd=brlwd, pch=pch1)
      if (max(brmin1)==min(brmax1)) abline(v=v1,  lwd=2, col=col1v)}

    if(player ==2){
      lines(best.resp2,col=col2br, bg = colbg2br, type="p", cex=brcex2, lwd=brlwd, pch=pch2)
      if (max(brmin2)==min(brmax2))   abline(v2, 0, lwd=2, col=col2v)}

    if(player ==3){
      lines(best.resp1,col=col1br, bg = colbg1br, type="p", cex=brcex1, lwd=brlwd, pch=pch1)
      lines(best.resp2,col=col2br, bg = colbg2br, type="p", cex=brcex2, lwd=brlwd, pch=pch2)}


    if (max(brmin1)==min(brmax1)&max(brmin2)==min(brmax2) & BRI & player ==3 ){
        symbols(v1, v2, circles=s2/40, add=TRUE, inches=FALSE, bg="gold")
      } else{
        if(nash & player ==3 & sum(br.int)>0){

                  outer=border) }

      axis(1, at = at_axis)
      axis(2, at = at_axis)
      if(boxit) box()


    u <- function(a1,a2,i){(i==1)*u1(a1,a2) + (i==2)*u2(a1,a2)}
    D <-  expand.grid(a1=a1, a2=a2, i=c(1,2))
    U <-  u(D$a1,D$a2,D$i)
    wireframe(U~D$a1*D$a2, groups=D$i, screen = screen,
              scales = list(arrows=FALSE, cex= .45, col = "black", font = 3),
              xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab)

macartan/hop documentation built on Jan. 4, 2022, 9:21 p.m.