
Defines functions RNAseq.data4Tyers

Documented in RNAseq.data4Tyers

RNAseq.data4Tyers <- function(expr.mat, annot.mat, cond, fit.main, contrast, specie="human", GOndKEGG=TRUE) {
  #expr.mat: matrix of expression in CPM(E expression provided by voom), TMM or in counts, with rownames = Geneid
  #annot.mat: matrix with annotations obtained with featurecounts it has to have a column with gene symbols named "Geneid"
  #cond: vector with sample conditions used in the contrasts, same order as colnames(expr.mat)
  #fit.main: model to use in limma
  #contrast: List of vectors with each contrast to use
  #specie: specie used to make annotations
  #GOndKEGG: Fem l'anotació amb kegg tarda força
  #Obtenim els valors dels contrastos amb limma
  ConList <- vector("list", length(contrast)) 
  for (i in 1:length(contrast)) {
    ConList[[i]] <- topTable(fit.main,n=Inf,coef=i, adjust="fdr")[,c("logFC","P.Value","adj.P.Val")]
    ConList[[i]] <- ConList[[i]][order(rownames(ConList[[i]])),]
  #Escalem els valors de la matriu de counts (normalitzada o no) per al heatmap
  colnames(est_scaled) <- paste(colnames(est_scaled),"scaled",sep=".")
  #Construim la matriu amb els mean per condici?
  u.cond <- unique(cond)
  mean.matrix <- matrix(data= NA, nrow=nrow(expr.mat), ncol=length(u.cond))
  for (ic in 1:length(u.cond)) {
    uc <- u.cond[ic]
    mean.matrix[,ic] <- apply(est_noctrls_s[,cond==uc],1,mean)
  colnames(mean.matrix) <- paste("mean",u.cond, sep=".")
  rownames(mean.matrix) <- rownames(est_noctrls_s)
  #Calculem el FC utilitzant els mean calculats anteriorment
  FC.matrix <- matrix(data= NA, nrow=nrow(expr.mat), ncol=length(contrast))
  col.FC.Names <- vector()
  for (ic in 1:length(contrast)) {
    FC.matrix[,ic] <- 2^abs(ConList[[ic]]$logFC) * sign(ConList[[ic]]$logFC)
    col.FC.Names <- c(col.FC.Names, paste("FC",contrast[[ic]][1], "vs", contrast[[ic]][2], sep="."))
  colnames(FC.matrix) <- col.FC.Names
  #Construim la matriu dels topDiff amb els c("FC", "logFC","P.Value","adj.P.Val")
  topDiff.mat <- matrix(data= NA, nrow=nrow(expr.mat), ncol=length(contrast)*4)
  col.topDiff.Names <- vector()
  for (ic in 1:length(contrast)) {
    icc <- 1+(4*(ic-1))
    cont.name <- paste(contrast[[ic]][1], "vs", contrast[[ic]][2], sep=".")
    topDiff.mat[,icc] <- FC.matrix[,ic]
    topDiff.mat[,icc+1] <- ConList[[ic]][,1]
    topDiff.mat[,icc+2] <- ConList[[ic]][,2]
    topDiff.mat[,icc+3] <- ConList[[ic]][,3]
    col.topDiff.Names <- c(col.topDiff.Names, col.FC.Names[ic],
                           paste(colnames(ConList[[ic]]), cont.name, sep="."))
  colnames(topDiff.mat) <- col.topDiff.Names
  #Si la opció GOndKEGG està activada aleshores anotem per aquests termes també
  if(GOndKEGG) {
    #Ordenem i construim la matriu amb les anotacions
    if (specie =="human") {
      annot.mat.complt <- Complete.Human.GO.nd.KEGG(annot.mat)
    } else if (specie =="mouse") {
      annot.mat.complt <- Complete.Mouse.GO.nd.KEGG(annot.mat)
    #Construim la matriu definitiva
    data4Tyers<-data.frame(est_scaled, annot.mat.complt,
                           topDiff.mat, mean.matrix,
  } else {
    #Construim la matriu definitiva
    data4Tyers<-data.frame(est_scaled,annot.mat, topDiff.mat, mean.matrix,
  #check if the order of the rows is the same and we can make merge with cbind
  # all.equal(rownames(est_scaled), annot.mat.complt$Geneid)#TRUE
  # all.equal(rownames(est_scaled), rownames(ConList[[1]]))#TRUE
  # all.equal(rownames(est_scaled), rownames(ConList[[2]]))#TRUE
  # all.equal(rownames(est_scaled), rownames(ConList[[3]]))#TRUE
  # all.equal(rownames(est_scaled), rownames(mean.matrix))#TRUE
machalen/AnalysisFunctions documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 10:26 a.m.