
Defines functions returnReportElements checkForValidColumns summaryDistance cleanUpMatrix cleanUpTaxa truncate ldCellRotater cell rotate tableReportListToAssociationResults tableReportList tableReportToDF

# === Table report functions ========================================

## Table reports to S4Vectors::DataFrame objects ----
#' @importFrom rJava .jevalArray
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
tableReportToDF <- function(x) {
    rJC <- rJava::J("net/maizegenetics/plugindef/GenerateRCode")
    tabRep <- rJC$tableReportToVectors(x)

    tabRepCols <- lapply(tabRep$dataVector, rJava::.jevalArray)

    tabRepCols <- do.call("data.frame", c(tabRepCols, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    colnames(tabRepCols) <- tabRep$columnNames
    colnames(tabRepCols) <- gsub(" ", "_", colnames(tabRepCols))
    # return(S4Vectors::DataFrame(tabRepCols, check.names = FALSE))

## Get table reports based on HashMap ----
#' @importFrom rJava .jrcall
#' @importFrom rJava .jstrVal
tableReportList <- function(x) {

    hashVectors <- rJava::.jrcall(x, "keySet")
    hashVectors <- lapply(hashVectors, rJava::.jstrVal)

    myList <- lapply(hashVectors, function(i) x$get(i))
    myList <- lapply(myList, tableReportToDF)

    names(myList) <- hashVectors

## Convert list to AssociationResults object ----
# @param trl A tableReportList object
# @param aType Association type
tableReportListToAssociationResults <- function(trl, aType) {
    result <- switch (aType,
        "BLUE" = {
                Class = "AssociationResultsBLUE",
                results = trl,
                traits = trl$BLUE_ANOVA$Trait,
                assocType = aType
        "GLM" = {
                Class = "AssociationResultsGLM",
                results = trl,
                traits = unique(trl$GLM_Stats$Trait),
                assocType = aType
        "MLM" = {
                Class = "AssociationResultsMLM",
                results = trl,
                traits = unique(trl$MLM_Stats$Trait),
                assocType = aType
        "FastAssoc" = {
                Class = "AssociationResultsFast",
                results = trl,
                traits = unique(trl$FastAssociation$Trait),
                assocType = aType
        "default" = {

    if (is.null(result)) {
        stop("Association Type ('aType') not defined")
    } else {

# === LD plot functions =============================================

## Rotate vector coordinates by a given angle ----
rotate <- function(x, y, angle = 135) {
    rad <- angle * (pi / 180)
    new_x <- x * cos(rad) - y * sin(rad)
    new_y <- y * cos(rad) + x * sin(rad)

            "x" = new_x,
            "y" = new_y

## Polygon coordinate, group, and value "class" ----
cell <- function(i, j, group, val, w = 1) {
        ##        bl, tl,    tr,    br
        x     = c(j , j    , j + w, j + w),
        y     = c(i , i + w, i + w, i    ),
        group = group,
        val   = val

## Rotated polygon coordinate, group, value "class" ----
ldCellRotater <- function(ldDF, angle) {
    rows <- cols <- length(unique(ldDF$coord1))
    grid_data <- matrix(data = data.frame(), nrow = rows, ncol = cols)

    # Generate path aesthetics - only half of matrix
    it <- 1
    for (i in seq_len(rows)) {
        for (j in seq_len(cols)) {
            if (i >= j) {
                sub <- ldDF[it, ]
                grid_data[[i, j]] <- cell(i, j, paste0(i, ":", j), sub[, 3])
                it <- it + 1

    # Convert to data frame
    grid_data <- sapply(
        simplify = FALSE
    grid_data <- do.call("rbind", grid_data)

    # Rotate and update coordinates
    rot <- rotate(grid_data$x, grid_data$y, angle)
    grid_data$x <- rot$x
    grid_data$y <- rot$y


# === TasselDistanceMatrix functions ================================

## Truncate taxa IDs if too long ----
truncate <- function(t, max = 10, etc = "...") {
    if (nchar(t) > max) {
        return(paste0(c(unlist(strsplit(t, ""))[1:(max - 3)], etc), collapse = ""))
    } else {

## Clean up taxa IDs and format spacing ----
cleanUpTaxa <- function(v, width = 10, regex = "^\"|\"$") {
    t <- gsub(regex, "", v)
    if (!is.null(width)) {
        t <- vapply(t, truncate, max = width, FUN.VALUE = "character")
        t <- format(t, width = width, justify = "right")

## Clean up summary matrix with formatting ----
cleanUpMatrix <- function(t, d, space = "...", size = 5, width = 10, nTaxa) {
    if (nTaxa <= size) {
        m2 <- rbind(t, d)
        m2 <- cbind(c(format(" ", width = width), t), m2)
    } else {
        vec <- c(1, length(t) + 1)

        space <- format(space, width = width, justify = "right")

        m1 <- matrix(space, nrow = nrow(d) + length(vec), ncol = ncol(d))
        m1[-vec, ] <- d

        m2 <- matrix(space, nrow = nrow(m1), ncol = ncol(m1) + length(vec))
        m2[, -vec] <- m1
        m2[1, ] <- m2[, 1] <- c(
            space, t[1:(length(t) - 1)],
            space, t[length(t)]
        m2[, nrow(m2) - 1] <- "   ..."
        m2[1, 1] <- format(" ", width = width)


## "Pretty" print distance matrices ----
summaryDistance <- function(kinJ,
                            width = 10,
                            etc = "...",
                            size = 5,
                            regex = "^\"|\"$") {

    if (kinJ$numberOfTaxa() <= size) {
        taxaCleaned <- cleanUpTaxa(
            v = kinJ$getTableColumnNames()[-1],
            width = width,
            regex = regex

        distMat <- apply(
            X = rJava::.jevalArray(kinJ$getDistances(), simplify = TRUE),
            MARGIN = 1,
            format, digits = 4, nsmall = 4, justify = "right", width = 10
    } else {
        indexes <- c(1:4, kinJ$numberOfTaxa())
        taxaCleaned <- cleanUpTaxa(
            v = kinJ$getTableColumnNames()[indexes + 1],
            width = width,
            regex = regex

        distMat <- matrix(nrow = length(indexes), ncol = length(indexes))

        for (i in seq_along(indexes)) {
            for (j in seq_along(indexes)) {
                distMat[i, j] <- format(
                            as.integer(indexes[i] - 1),
                            as.integer(indexes[j] - 1)
                        fmt = "%#.4f"
                    justify = "right",
                    width = 10

            t     = taxaCleaned,
            d     = distMat,
            space = etc,
            width = width,
            size  = size, nTaxa = kinJ$numberOfTaxa()

# === Data frame functions ==========================================

## ----
# @title Check for valid columns in a data frame object
# @param x A given column to check
# @param assocStats A \code{data.frame} object containing association stats
# @param neededCols A \code{character} vector containing desired columns
checkForValidColumns <- function(assocStats, neededCols) {
    for (col in neededCols) {
        if (!col %in% colnames(assocStats)) {
                "'", col, "' column not found in stats dataframe - need at least: ",
                paste(neededCols, collapse = ",")

# === Class helper functions (TEMP) =================================

## ----
# @title Get report elements
returnReportElements <- function(
    defaultCatchAll = "ALL",
) {
        if (!is.character(reportName) && !is.null(reportName)) {
            stop("'reportName' must be of type 'character'")

        if (is.null(reportName)) {

        if (toupper(reportName) == defaultCatchAll) {

        if(reportName %in% reportNames(assocRes)) {
        } else {
            stop("Report ID not found in object")
maize-genetics/rTASSEL documentation built on Nov. 13, 2023, 7:18 a.m.