
Defines functions plot_2tcm1kfit twotcm1k_fitDelay_model twotcm1k_model twotcm1k

Documented in plot_2tcm1kfit twotcm1k twotcm1k_fitDelay_model twotcm1k_model

#' Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping
#' Function to fit the Two Tissue Compartment Model to data. An irreversible
#' model can also be specified by setting the starting value, upper and lower
#' bounds of k4 to 0.
#' @param t_tac Numeric vector of times for each frame in minutes. We use the
#'   time halfway through the frame as well as a zero. If a time zero frame is
#'   not included, it will be added.
#' @param tac Numeric vector of radioactivity concentrations in the target
#'   tissue for each frame. We include zero at time zero: if not included, it is
#'   added.
#' @param input Data frame containing the blood, plasma, and parent fraction
#'   concentrations over time.  This can be generated using the
#'   \code{blood_interp} function.
#' @param weights Optional. Numeric vector of the weights assigned to each frame
#'   in the fitting. We include zero at time zero: if not included, it is added.
#'   If not specified, uniform weights will be used.
#' @param inpshift Optional. The number of minutes by which to shift the timing
#'   of the input data frame forwards or backwards. If not specified, this will
#'   be fitted, however this takes longer to compute. Recommended to perform
#'   once on a large ROI for each measurement, and to specify this value for the
#'   remainder of the regions. Or perhaps even to use a simpler model, such as
#'   1TCM.
#' @param vB Optional. The blood volume fraction.  If not specified, this will
#'   be fitted. Recommended to perform once on a large ROI for each measurement,
#'   and to specify this value for the remainder of the regions.
#' @param frameStartEnd Optional: This allows one to specify the beginning and
#'   final frame to use for modelling, e.g. c(1,20). This is to assess time
#'   stability.
#' @param K1.start Optional. Starting parameter for fitting of K1. Default is
#'   0.1.
#' @param K1.lower Optional. Lower bound for the fitting of K1. Default is
#'   0.0001.
#' @param K1.upper Optional. Upper bound for the fitting of K1. Default is 0.5.
#' @param k2.start Optional. Starting parameter for fitting of k2. Default is
#'   0.1.
#' @param k2.lower Optional. Lower bound for the fitting of k2. Default is
#'   0.0001.
#' @param k2.upper Optional. Upper bound for the fitting of k2. Default is 0.5.
#' @param k3.start Optional. Starting parameter for fitting of k3. Default is
#'   0.1.
#' @param k3.lower Optional. Lower bound for the fitting of k3. Default is
#'   0.0001.
#' @param k3.upper Optional. Upper bound for the fitting of k3. Default is 0.5.
#' @param k4.start Optional. Starting parameter for fitting of k4. Default is
#'   0.1.
#' @param k4.lower Optional. Lower bound for the fitting of k4. Default is
#'   0.0001.
#' @param k4.upper Optional. Upper bound for the fitting of k4. Default is 0.5.
#' @param Kb.start Optional. Starting parameter for fitting of Kb. Default is
#'   0.25.
#' @param Kb.lower Optional. Lower bound for the fitting of Kb. Default is
#'   0.0001.
#' @param Kb.upper Optional. Upper bound for the fitting of Kb. Default is 1.
#' @param inpshift.start Optional. Starting parameter for fitting of inpshift.
#'   Default is 0.
#' @param inpshift.lower Optional. Lower bound for the fitting of inpshift.
#'   Default is -0.5.
#' @param inpshift.upper Optional. Upper bound for the fitting of inpshift.
#'   Default is 0.5.
#' @param vB.start Optional. Starting parameter for fitting of vB. Default is
#'   0.05.
#' @param vB.lower Optional. Lower bound for the fitting of vB. Default is 0.01.
#' @param vB.upper Optional. Upper bound for the fitting of vB. Default is 0.1.
#' @param multstart_iter Number of iterations for starting parameters. Default
#'   is 1. For more information, see \code{\link[nls.multstart]{nls_multstart}}.
#'   If specified as 1 for any parameters, the original starting value will be
#'   used, and the multstart_lower and multstart_upper values ignored.
#' @param multstart_lower Optional. Lower bounds for starting parameters.
#'   Defaults to the lower bounds. Named list of whichever parameters' starting
#'   bounds should be altered.
#' @param multstart_upper Optional. Upper bounds for starting parameters.
#'   Defaults to the upper bounds. Named list of whichever parameters' starting
#'   bounds should be altered.
#' @param printvals Optional. This displays the parameter values for each
#'   iteration of the model. This is useful for debugging and changing starting
#'   values and upper and lower bounds for parameters.
#' @return A list with a data frame of the fitted parameters \code{out$par},
#'   their percentage standard errors \code{out$par.se}, the model fit object
#'   \code{out$fit}, a dataframe containing the TACs both of the data and the
#'   fitted values \code{out$tacs}, the blood input data frame after time
#'   shifting \code{input}, a vector of the weights \code{out$weights}, a
#'   logical of whether the inpshift was fitted \code{inpshift_fitted} and a
#'   logical of whether the vB was fitted \code{vB}.
#' @examples
#' data(pbr28)
#' t_tac <- pbr28$tacs[[2]]$Times / 60
#' tac <- pbr28$tacs[[2]]$FC
#' weights <- pbr28$tacs[[2]]$Weights
#' input <- blood_interp(
#'   pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Time / 60, pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Cbl_dispcorr,
#'   pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Time / 60, pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Cpl_metabcorr,
#'   t_parentfrac = 1, parentfrac = 1
#' )
#' fit1 <- twotcm1k(t_tac, tac, input, weights)
#' fit2 <- twotcm1k(t_tac, tac, input, weights, inpshift = 0.1, vB = 0.05)
#' @author Granville J Matheson, \email{mathesong@@gmail.com}
#' @references Rizzo, G., Veronese, M., Tonietto, M., Zanotti-Fregonara, P.,
#'   Turkheimer, F. E., & Bertoldo, A. (2014). Kinetic modeling without
#'   accounting for the vascular component impairs the quantification of [11C]
#'   PBR28 brain PET data. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 34(6),
#'   1060-1069.
#' @export

twotcm1k <- function(t_tac, tac, input, weights = NULL, inpshift = NULL, vB = NULL,
                     frameStartEnd = NULL,
                     K1.start = 0.1, K1.lower = 0.0001, K1.upper = 0.5,
                     k2.start = 0.1, k2.lower = 0.0001, k2.upper = 0.5,
                     k3.start = 0.1, k3.lower = 0.0001, k3.upper = 0.5,
                     k4.start = 0.1, k4.lower = 0.0001, k4.upper = 0.5,
                     Kb.start = 0.25, Kb.lower = 0.0001, Kb.upper = 1,
                     inpshift.start = 0, inpshift.lower = -0.5, inpshift.upper = 0.5,
                     vB.start = 0.05, vB.lower = 0.01, vB.upper = 0.1,
                     multstart_iter = 1, multstart_lower = NULL, multstart_upper = NULL,
                     printvals = F) {

  # Tidying

  tidyinput <- tidyinput_art(t_tac, tac, weights, frameStartEnd)

  modeldata <- list(
    t_tac = tidyinput$t_tac,
    tac = tidyinput$tac,
    weights = tidyinput$weights,
    input = input

  # Parameters

  start <- c(
    K1 = K1.start, k2 = k2.start, k3 = k3.start, k4 = k4.start,
    Kb = Kb.start, inpshift = inpshift.start, vB = vB.start
  lower <- c(
    K1 = K1.lower, k2 = k2.lower, k3 = k3.lower, k4 = k4.lower,
    Kb = Kb.lower, inpshift = inpshift.lower, vB = vB.lower
  upper <- c(
    K1 = K1.upper, k2 = k2.upper, k3 = k3.upper, k4 = k4.upper,
    Kb = Kb.upper, inpshift = inpshift.upper, vB = vB.upper

  vB_fitted <- T
  if (!is.null(vB)) {
    vB_fitted <- F

    start[which(names(start) == "vB")] <- vB
    lower[which(names(lower) == "vB")] <- vB
    upper[which(names(upper) == "vB")] <- vB

  multstart_pars <- fix_multstartpars(
    start, lower, upper, multstart_iter,
    multstart_lower, multstart_upper
  multstart_upper <- multstart_pars$multstart_upper
  multstart_lower <- multstart_pars$multstart_lower

  # Solution - Delay Already Fitted

  if (!is.null(inpshift)) {
    inpshift_fitted <- F

    par_keepindex <- names(start) != "inpshift"
    start <- start[par_keepindex]
    lower <- lower[par_keepindex]
    upper <- upper[par_keepindex]
    multstart_lower <- multstart_lower[par_keepindex]
    multstart_upper <- multstart_upper[par_keepindex]

    newvals <- shift_timings(

    modeldata$t_tac <- newvals$t_tac
    modeldata$tac <- newvals$tac
    modeldata$input <- newvals$input

    if (prod(multstart_iter) == 1) {
      output <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(
        tac ~ twotcm1k_model(t_tac, input, K1, k2, k3, k4, Kb, vB),
        data = modeldata,
        start = start, lower = lower, upper = upper,
        weights = weights, control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 200),
        trace = printvals
    } else {
      output <- nls.multstart::nls_multstart(
        tac ~ twotcm1k_model(t_tac, input, K1, k2, k3, k4, Kb, vB),
        data = modeldata,
        supp_errors = "Y",
        start_lower = multstart_lower,
        start_upper = multstart_upper,
        iter = multstart_iter, convergence_count = FALSE,
        lower = lower, upper = upper, modelweights = weights

  # Solution - Fitting the Delay

  if (is.null(inpshift)) {
    inpshift_fitted <- T

    if (prod(multstart_iter) == 1) {
      output <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(
        tac ~ twotcm1k_fitDelay_model(t_tac, input, K1, k2, k3, k4, Kb, inpshift, vB),
        data = modeldata,
        start = start, lower = lower, upper = upper,
        weights = weights, control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 200),
        trace = printvals
    } else {
      output <- nls.multstart::nls_multstart(
        tac ~ twotcm1k_fitDelay_model(t_tac, input, K1, k2, k3, k4, Kb, inpshift, vB),
        data = modeldata,
        supp_errors = "Y",
        start_lower = multstart_lower,
        start_upper = multstart_upper,
        iter = multstart_iter, convergence_count = FALSE,
        lower = lower, upper = upper, modelweights = weights

  # Check for parameters hitting limits

  limcheck_u <- purrr::map2_lgl(round(upper,3), round(coef(output),3), identical)
  limcheck_l <- purrr::map2_lgl(round(lower,3), round(coef(output),3), identical)
  limcheck <- limcheck_u + limcheck_l
  limcheck <- limcheck==1

  ) {
        "\nFitted parameters are hitting upper or lower limit bounds. Consider \n",
        "either modifying the upper and lower limit boundaries, or else using \n",
        "multstart when fitting the model (see the function documentation).\n") )

  # Output

  if (inpshift_fitted == T) {
    newvals <- shift_timings(
      modeldata$tac, modeldata$input,

    tacs <- data.frame(Time = newvals$t_tac, Target = newvals$tac, Target_fitted = as.numeric(fitted(output)))
    input <- newvals$input
  } else {
    tacs <- data.frame(Time = newvals$t_tac, Target = newvals$tac, Target_fitted = as.numeric(fitted(output)))
    input <- newvals$input

  par <- as.data.frame(as.list(coef(output)))

  if (inpshift_fitted == F) par$inpshift <- inpshift

  par.se <- par
  par.se[1,] <- purrr::map_dbl(names(par), ~ get_se(output, .x))
  names(par.se) <- paste0(names(par.se), ".se")

  par$Vt <- (par$K1 / par$k2) * (1 + par$k3 / par$k4)

  par.se$Vt.se <- par.se$Vt.se <- get_se(output, "(K1/k2) * (1+(k3/k4))")

  out <- list(
    par = par, par.se = par.se,
    fit = output, tacs = tacs, input = input, weights = modeldata$weights,
    inpshift_fitted = inpshift_fitted, vB_fitted = vB_fitted, model = "2tcm1k"

  class(out) <- c("2tcm1k", "kinfit")


#' Model: Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping
#' This is the Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping model itself by which predicted values are generated.
#' @param t_tac Numeric vector of times for each frame in minutes. We use the time halfway through the frame as well as a zero.
#' @param input Data frame containing the blood, plasma, and parent fraction concentrations over time.  This can be generated
#' using the \code{blood_interp} function.
#' @param K1 Parameter value for K1
#' @param k2 Parameter value for k2
#' @param k3 Parameter value for k3
#' @param k4 Parameter value for k4
#' @param Kb Parameter value for Kb
#' @param vB Parameter value for vB
#' @return A numeric vector of the predicted values of the TAC in the target region.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' twotcm1k_model(t_tac, input, K1 = 0.1, k2 = 0.08, k3 = 0.05, k4 = 0.02, Kb = 0.25, vB = 0.05)
#' }
#' @author Granville J Matheson, \email{mathesong@@gmail.com}
#' @references Rizzo, G., Veronese, M., Tonietto, M., Zanotti-Fregonara, P., Turkheimer, F. E., & Bertoldo, A. (2014). Kinetic modeling without accounting for the vascular component impairs the quantification of [11C] PBR28 brain PET data. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 34(6), 1060-1069.
#' @export

twotcm1k_model <- function(t_tac, input, K1, k2, k3, k4, Kb, vB) {
  interptime <- input$Time
  step <- interptime[2] - interptime[1]

  i_blood <- input$Blood
  aif <- input$AIF

  alpha <- ((k2 + k3 + k4) - sqrt((k2 + k3 + k4)^2 - (4 * k2 * k4))) / 2

  beta <- ((k2 + k3 + k4) + sqrt((k2 + k3 + k4)^2 - (4 * k2 * k4))) / 2

  A <- ((k3 + k4 - alpha) / (beta - alpha)) * exp(-alpha * interptime)

  B <- ((beta - k3 - k4) / (beta - alpha)) * exp(-beta * interptime)

  C <- vB * Kb * as.numeric(pracma::cumtrapz(interptime, aif))

  D <- vB * i_blood

  A_conv <- kinfit_convolve(A, aif, step)

  B_conv <- kinfit_convolve(B, aif, step)

  i_outtac <- (1 - vB) * (K1 * (A_conv + B_conv)) + C + D

  outtac <- pracma::interp1(interptime, i_outtac, t_tac)


#' Model: Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping with Delay Fitting
#' This is the Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping model itself by which predicted values are generated, which includes fitting of the
#' delay, inpshift.
#' @param t_tac Numeric vector of times for each frame in minutes. We use the time halfway through the frame as well as a zero.
#' @param input Data frame containing the blood, plasma, and parent fraction concentrations over time.  This can be generated
#' using the \code{blood_interp} function.
#' @param K1 Parameter value for K1
#' @param k2 Parameter value for k2
#' @param k3 Parameter value for k3
#' @param k4 Parameter value for k4
#' @param Kb Parameter value for Kb
#' @param inpshift Parameter value for inpshift, the delay.
#' @param vB Parameter value for vB
#' @return A numeric vector of the predicted values of the TAC in the target region.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' twotcm1k_fitDelay_model(t_tac, input,
#'   K1 = 0.1, k2 = 0.08, k3 = 0.05,
#'   k4 = 0.02, Kb = 0.25, inpshift = 0.1, vB = 0.05
#' )
#' }
#' @author Granville J Matheson, \email{mathesong@@gmail.com}
#' @references Rizzo, G., Veronese, M., Tonietto, M., Zanotti-Fregonara, P., Turkheimer, F. E., & Bertoldo, A. (2014). Kinetic modeling without accounting for the vascular component impairs the quantification of [11C] PBR28 brain PET data. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 34(6), 1060-1069.
#' @export

twotcm1k_fitDelay_model <- function(t_tac, input, K1, k2, k3, k4, Kb, inpshift, vB) {
  newvals <- shift_timings(t_tac, rep(1, length(t_tac)), input, inpshift) # Using ones instead of tac as don't need it

  t_tac <- newvals$t_tac

  i_blood <- newvals$input$Blood
  aif <- newvals$input$AIF

  interptime <- newvals$input$Time
  step <- interptime[2] - interptime[1]

  alpha <- ((k2 + k3 + k4) - sqrt((k2 + k3 + k4)^2 - (4 * k2 * k4))) / 2

  beta <- ((k2 + k3 + k4) + sqrt((k2 + k3 + k4)^2 - (4 * k2 * k4))) / 2

  A <- ((k3 + k4 - alpha) / (beta - alpha)) * exp(-alpha * interptime)

  B <- ((beta - k3 - k4) / (beta - alpha)) * exp(-beta * interptime)

  C <- vB * Kb * as.numeric(pracma::cumtrapz(interptime, aif))

  D <- vB * i_blood

  A_conv <- kinfit_convolve(A, aif, step)

  B_conv <- kinfit_convolve(B, aif, step)

  i_outtac <- (1 - vB) * (K1 * (A_conv + B_conv)) + C + D

  outtac <- pracma::interp1(interptime, i_outtac, t_tac)


#' Plot: Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping
#' Function to visualise the fit of the Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping to data.
#' @param twotcm1kout The output object of the 2TCM1k fitting procedure.
#' @param roiname Optional. The name of the Target Region to see it on the plot.
#' @return A ggplot2 object of the plot.
#' @examples
#' data(pbr28)
#' t_tac <- pbr28$tacs[[2]]$Times / 60
#' tac <- pbr28$tacs[[2]]$FC
#' weights <- pbr28$tacs[[2]]$Weights
#' input <- blood_interp(
#'   pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Time / 60, pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Cbl_dispcorr,
#'   pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Time / 60, pbr28$procblood[[2]]$Cpl_metabcorr,
#'   t_parentfrac = 1, parentfrac = 1
#' )
#' fit <- twotcm1k(t_tac, tac, input, weights)
#' plot_2tcm1kfit(fit)
#' @author Granville J Matheson, \email{mathesong@@gmail.com}
#' @references Rizzo, G., Veronese, M., Tonietto, M., Zanotti-Fregonara, P., Turkheimer, F. E., & Bertoldo, A. (2014). Kinetic modeling without accounting for the vascular component impairs the quantification of [11C] PBR28 brain PET data. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 34(6), 1060-1069.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export

plot_2tcm1kfit <- function(twotcm1kout, roiname = NULL) {
  if (is.null(roiname)) {
    roiname <- "ROI"

  measureddf <- data.frame(
    Time = twotcm1kout$tacs$Time,
    Radioactivity = twotcm1kout$tacs$Target,
    Weights = weights(twotcm1kout$fit),
    Region = paste0(roiname, ".Measured")

  inputdf <- data.frame(
    Time = twotcm1kout$input$Time,
    Radioactivity = twotcm1kout$input$AIF,
    Weights = 1,
    Region = "AIF"

  i_fit <- predict(twotcm1kout$fit, newdata = list(
    t_tac = twotcm1kout$input$Time,
    tac = pracma::interp1(
      method = "linear"

  # Correct for TAC shifting
  if( twotcm1kout$inpshift_fitted ) {
    mod_tac_start <- head(twotcm1kout$fit$m$getEnv()$t_tac)[-1]
    dat_tac_start <- head(twotcm1kout$tacs$Time)[-1]
    diffs <- dat_tac_start - mod_tac_start

    equal_diffs <- abs(max(diffs) - min(diffs)) < 10e-3

    if(equal_diffs) {
      tacshift <- mean(diffs)
    } else {
      tacshift <- 0
      warning("Cannot infer whether TAC was shifted. Fit line might be misaligned in time.")
  } else {
    tacshift <- 0

  fitdf <- data.frame(
    Time = twotcm1kout$input$Time + tacshift,
    Radioactivity = i_fit,
    Weights = 1, Region = paste0(roiname, ".Fitted")

  plotdf <- rbind(inputdf, measureddf, fitdf)
  plotdf$Region <- forcats::fct_inorder(factor(plotdf$Region))

  myColors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set1")
  names(myColors) <- levels(plotdf$Region)
  colScale <- scale_colour_manual(name = "Region", values = myColors)

  outplot <- ggplot(plotdf, aes(x = Time, y = Radioactivity, colour = Region)) +
    colScale +
    geom_point(data = subset(plotdf, plotdf$Region == paste0(roiname, ".Measured")), aes(shape = "a", size = Weights)) +
    geom_line(data = subset(plotdf, plotdf$Region != paste0(roiname, ".Measured"))) +
    guides(shape = "none", color = guide_legend(order = 1)) + scale_size(range = c(1, 3)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max(measureddf$Radioactivity) * 1.5))

  # print(outplot)
mathesong/kinfitr documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 11:07 p.m.