# Missing Values routines; also see polyanNA package
# code to implement the Available Cases method (also called Pairwise
# Complete) for handling missing data
######################## linear regression ##########################
# arguments:
# xy: data, with predictors in the first columns and the
# response variable in the last column
# nboot: if nonzero, this requests bootstrapped computation of the
# estimated covariance matrix of the estimated vector of
# regression coefficients
# value: an object of class 'lmac', with components
# coefficients: estimated regression coefficients
# fitted.values: est. regression ftn. values at
# complete cases (but with full coefs.)
# residuals: residuals at complete cases (but with full coefs.)
# r2: R-squared
# cov: optional est. covariance matrix of the coefs.
lmac <- function(xy,nboot=0) {
p1 <- ncol(xy)
p <- p1 - 1
tmp <- cov(xy,use='pairwise.complete.obs')
upu <- tmp[1:p,1:p]
upv <- tmp[1:p,p+1]
bhat <- solve(upu,upv)
lmacout <- list()
class(lmacout) <- 'lmac'
# bhat0 <- mean(y) - colMeans(x) %*% bhat
bhat0 <- colMeans(xy,na.rm=TRUE) %*% c(-bhat,1)
bhat <- c(bhat0,bhat)
lmacout$coefficients <- bhat
xycc <- na.omit(xy)
yhat <- cbind(1,xycc[,-p1]) %*% bhat
lmacout$fitted.values <- yhat
lmacout$residuals <- xycc[,p1] - yhat
lmacout$r2 <- (cor(yhat,xycc[,p1]))^2
if (nboot > 0) {
n <- nrow(xy)
bootonce <- function() {
idxs <- sample(1:n,n,replace=TRUE)
bootout <- replicate(nboot,bootonce())
lmacout$cov<- cov(t(bootout))
coef.lmac <- function(object,...) {
vcov.lmac <- function(object,...) {
############################# PCA ###############################
# arguments:
# indata: data frame or matrix
# value: list with components 'values' and 'vectors', as with eigen()
pcac <- function(indata,scale=FALSE) {
covcor <- if(scale) cor else cov
cvr <- covcor(indata,use='pairwise.complete.obs')
tmp <- eigen(cvr)
res <- list()
if (any(tmp$values < 0))
stop('at least one negative eigenvalue')
res$sdev <- sqrt(tmp$values)
res$rotation <- tmp$vectors
###################### log-linear model` ##########################
# log-linear model; at present, handles only the 3-factor casea
# arguments:
# x: data frame/matrix, one row per observation; use tbltofakedf()
# if data is in table form
# margin: a list of vectors specifying the model,
# as in loglin()
# value: $param and $fit components in the value emitted from R's loglin()
loglinac <- function(x,margin) {
# find lengths of the elements in the model, to determine what
# situtation we are in
termlengths <- Map(length,margin)
n1 <- sum(termlengths == 1) # singletons
n2 <- sum(termlengths == 2) # 2-way interactions
# mdlf() ("model function") will find the right cell means
# for the specified 'margin'
# fully independent?
if (n1 == 3) mdlf <- mindep else
# one var. independent of the other 2?
if (n2 == 1) mdlf <- mxindyz else
# 2 vars. conditionally independent, given the 3rd?
if (n2 == 2) mdlf <-myzcondindx else
# case of all possible 2-way interactions not implemented, for
# lack of a closed-form solution
stop('case of all 2-way terms not implemented')
# need an appropriate shell, with the right dimensions, labels etc.;
# the contents here are irrelevant and will be overwritten
x <- as.data.frame(x)
tbl <- table(x)
tbl <- mdlf(x,margin,tbl,termlengths)
# fully independent case
mindep <- function(x,margin,tbl,termlengths) {
nc <- ncol(x) # currently must be 3
probs <- list()
# find number of distinct values found in each variable, and the
# estimated marginal probabilities of each value
nvals <- vector(length=nc)
for (i in 1:nc) {
tmp <- table(x[,i])
probs[[i]] <- tmp / sum(tmp)
nvals[i] <- length(tmp)
# now find estimated cell probabilities
for (i in 1:nvals[1])
for (j in 1:nvals[2])
for (k in 1:nvals[3]) {
tbl[i,j,k] <-
probs[[1]][i] *
probs[[2]][j] *
# convert to estimated expected cell counts
tbl <- nrow(x) * tbl
# case of 1 variable, X, being independent of the other 2, Y and Z
mxindyz <- function(x,margin,tbl,termlengths) {
# which ones are Y and Z?
iyz <- margin[[1]]
nc <- ncol(x) # 3
# which variable is X?
ix <- setdiff((1:nc),iyz)
# find number of distinct values found in each variable, and the
# estimated marginal probabilities of each value
probs <- list()
nvals <- vector(length=nc)
nvals[1] <- length(table(x[,ix]))
nvals[2] <- length(table(x[,iyz[1]]))
nvals[3] <- length(table(x[,iyz[2]]))
tmp <- table(x[,ix])
probs[[1]] <- tmp / sum(tmp)
tmp <- table(x[,iyz])
probs[[2]] <- tmp / sum(tmp)
for (i in 1:nvals[1])
for (j in 1:nvals[2])
for (k in 1:nvals[3]) {
if (ix == 1) {
tbl[i,j,k] <-
probs[[1]][i] *
} else if (ix == 2) {
tbl[i,j,k] <-
probs[[1]][j] *
} else { # ix = 3
tbl[i,j,k] <-
probs[[1]][k] *
tbl <- nrow(x) * tbl
# case of 2 variables being conditionally independent, given the 3rd
myzcondindx <- function(x,margin,tbl,termlengths) {
# which variable is X?
ix <- intersect(margin[[1]],margin[[2]])
# which ones are Y and Z?
iyz <- setdiff(union(margin[[1]],margin[[2]]),ix)
iy <- iyz[1]
iz <- iyz[2]
# easier to keep track of all if iy < iz
if (iy > iz) {
tmp <- iz
iz <- iy
iy <- tmp
nc <- ncol(x) # currently 3
# find number of distinct values found in each variable, and the
# estimated marginal probabilities of each value
probs <- list()
nvals <- vector(length=nc)
# nvals[1] <- length(table(x[,ix]))
# nvals[2] <- length(table(x[,iy]))
# nvals[3] <- length(table(x[,iz]))
nvals[ix] <- length(table(x[,ix]))
nvals[iy] <- length(table(x[,iy]))
nvals[iz] <- length(table(x[,iz]))
tmp <- table(x[,ix])
probs[[1]] <- tmp / sum(tmp)
tmp <- table(x[,c(ix,iy)])
probs[[2]] <- tmp / sum(tmp)
tmp <- table(x[,c(ix,iz)])
probs[[3]] <- tmp / sum(tmp)
for (i in 1:nvals[1])
for (j in 1:nvals[2])
for (k in 1:nvals[3]) {
if (ix == 1) {
tbl[i,j,k] <-
probs[[3]][i,k] *
probs[[2]][i,j] /
} else if (ix == 2) {
tbl[i,j,k] <-
probs[[3]][j,k] *
probs[[2]][j,i] /
} else { # ix == 3
tbl[i,j,k] <-
probs[[3]][k,j] *
probs[[2]][k,i] /
tbl <- nrow(x) * tbl
# converts an R table to a fake data frame; the number of rows will be
# the number of cases in the table, i.e. sum(tbl), and the number of
# columns will be the dimension of the table, i.e. length(dim(tbl));
# if a cell has frequency k, it will appear k times in the output
tbltofakedf <- function(tbl) {
adf <- as.data.frame(tbl)
nc <- ncol(adf)
onecell <- function(adfrow) {
freq <- as.numeric(adfrow[nc])
if (freq == 0) return(NULL)
remainingrow <- adfrow[-nc]
m <- Reduce(rbind,apply(adf,1,onecell))
############################# misc. ###############################
# for testing purposes; randomly replacing each element of matrix m by
makeNA <- function(m,probna) {
if (!is.matrix(m)) stop('m must be a matrix')
n <- length(m)
nmiss <- rbinom(1,n,probna)
naidxs <- sample(1:n,nmiss,replace=FALSE)
m[naidxs] <- NA
# replace NAs by 0s
NAsTo0s <- function(x)
x[is.na(x)] <- 0
# replace 0s (or other) by NAs
ZerosToNAs <- function(x,replaceVal=0)
x[x == replaceVal] <- NA
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