Defines functions bestKperPoint l1 l2 nonparvarplot nonparvsxplot parvsnonparplot loclogit loclin vary mediany meany plot.kmin kmin predict.knn preprocessx knnest plotExpVars exploreExpVars kNNxv predict.kNNallK kNNallK predict.kNN kNN

Documented in bestKperPoint exploreExpVars kmin kNN kNNallK knnest kNNxv l1 l2 loclin loclogit meany mediany nonparvarplot nonparvsxplot parvsnonparplot plotExpVars predict.knn preprocessx vary

######################  k-NN routines  #############################

# kNN() is now the main k-NN routine in the package; knnest() is
# deprecated; see also knnClass()

# in its basic form, kNN() does both fitting and predicting; if the
# latter will be done repeatedly over time, call kNN() with newx = NULL,
# and use predict.kNN() for prediction

######################  kNN()  ###############################

# arguments:

#   x: matrix (df or vec will be converted), "X" of training set
#   y: vector or matrix, "Y" of training set; in multiclass (> 2) case,
#      y can be specified either as a matrix of dummies or a vector of
#      numeric class labels; in the latter case, if classif is TRUE,
#      dummies will automatically be generated
#   newx: vector or matrix; "X" values to be predicted, if any; if NULL,
#      compute regests values at each "X", saving for later
#      prediction using predict.kNN()
#   kmax: value of k requested
#   scaleX: x and newx will be scaled
#   PCAcomps: apply PCA (after scaling, if any) to x, newx, using this
#      many components; 0 means no PCA
#   smoothingFtn: op applied to the "Y"s of nearest neighbors; could be,
#      say, median instead of mean, even variance
#   allK: run the analyses for all k through maxK; currently disabled,
#      but there is kNNallK() for those who wish to use it; also see
#      saveNhbrs
#   leave1out: delete the 1-nearest neighbor (n-fold cross-validation)
#   classif: if TRUE, consider this a classification problem. 
#      Then 'ypreds' will be included in the return value.  See also the
#      entry for 'y' above.
#   startAt1: if classification case, labels 1,2,...; else 0,1,2,...
#   saveNhbrs: if TRUE, place output of FNN::get.knnx() into nhbrs of
#      component in return value
#   savedNhbrs: if non-NULL, this is the nhbrs component of a previous call

# value:

#    R object of class 'kNN', containing vector of nearest-neighbor
#    indices and a vector/matrix of estimated regression function values
#    at the rows of newx; these are conditional means, used directly as
#    predicted Y values in the continuous "Y" case; see also comments
#    about 'y' and 'ypreds' above

#    if newx is NULL, then return closest "X" to each "X" (accounting
#    for leave1out), regests, scaleX, x, leave1out

kNN <- function(x,y,newx=x,kmax,scaleX=TRUE,PCAcomps=0,
   if (PCAcomps > 0) stop('PCA now must be done separately')
   if (allK) stop('allK option currenttly disabled')
   if (identical(smoothingFtn,loclin) && kmax < 3)
      stop('loclin requires k >= 3')
   if (identical(smoothingFtn,vary) && kmax < 2)
      stop('vary requires k >= 2')

   noPreds <- is.null(newx)  # don't predict, just save for future predict
   startA1adjust <- if (startAt1) 0 else 1
   # checks on x
   if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
   if (hasFactors(x)) stop('use factorsToDummies() to create dummies')
   if (is.data.frame(x)) 
      x <- as.matrix(x)
   ccout <- constCols(x) 
   if (length(ccout) > 0) {
      warning('X data has constant columns:')
      x <- x[,-ccout]
      # if (scaleX) stop('constant columns cannot work with scaling')
   } else ccout <- NULL

   # checks on y
   nYvals <- length(unique(y))
   if (is.vector(y)) {
      if (classif && nYvals > 2) 
         y <- factorsToDummies(as.factor(y),omitLast=FALSE)
      else y <- matrix(y,ncol=1)
   if (!is.vector(y) && !is.matrix(y)) stop('y must be vector or matrix')
   if (identical(smoothingFtn,mean)) smoothingFtn <- meany
   if (ncol(y) > 1 && !allK) classif <- TRUE
   # checks on newx
   if (is.factor(newx) || is.data.frame(newx) && hasFactors(newx))
      stop('change to dummies, factorsToDummies()')
   if (is.vector(newx)) {
      nms <- names(newx)
      # is ti one observation or one predictor?
      newx <- matrix(newx,ncol=ncol(x))
      colnames(newx) <- nms
   if (is.data.frame(newx)) {
      newx <- as.matrix(newx)
   # at this point, x, y and newx will all be matrices

   if (nrow(y) != nrow(x)) 
      stop('number of X data points not equal to that of Y')

   if (noPreds) newx <- x

   kmax1 <- kmax + leave1out

   if (scaleX) {
      # x <- scale(x)
      # xcntr <- attr(x,'scaled:center')
      # xscl <- attr(x,'scaled:scale')
      # newx <- scale(newx,center=xcntr,scale=xscl)
      x <- mmscale(x)
      xminmax <- attr(x,'minmax')
      newx <- mmscale(newx,scalePars=xminmax)
   } else xminmax <- NULL
   # expand any specified variables
   eVars <- !is.null(expandVars)
   eVals <- !is.null(expandVals)
   if (eVars || eVals) {
      if (length(expandVars) != length(expandVals)) 
          stop('expandVars and expandVals must have the same length')
      x <- multCols(x,expandVars,expandVals)
      newx <- multCols(newx,expandVars,expandVals)  

   # find NNs
   if (is.null(savedNhbrs)) {
      tmp <- FNN::get.knnx(data=x, query=newx, k=kmax1)
   } else {
      tmp <- savedNhbrs
   closestIdxs <- tmp$nn.index[,1:(kmax+leave1out),drop=FALSE]
   if (leave1out) closestIdxs <- closestIdxs[,-1,drop=FALSE]

   # closestIdxs is a matrix; row i gives the indices of the kmax 
   # closest rows in x to newx[i,]

   # we might want to try various values of k (allK = T), up through
   # kmax; e.g.  for k = 2 would just use the first 2 columns

   # now, the predictions

   # treat kmax1 = 1 specially, as otherwise get 1x1 matrix issues
   if (kmax1 == 1) {
      regests <- y[closestIdxs,]
   } else {
      # in fyh(), closestIdxs is a row in closestIdxs, from the first k
      # columns; it will choose rows in x,y, to obtain neighboring x,y
      # values
      fyh <- function(newxI) smoothingFtn(closestIdxs[newxI,],x,y,newx[newxI,])
      regests <- sapply(1:nrow(newx),fyh)
      if (ncol(y) > 1) regests <- t(regests)

   # start building return value

   tmplist <- list(whichClosest=closestIdxs,regests=regests,scaleX=scaleX,
   tmplist$nhbrs <- if (saveNhbrs) tmp else NULL

   # MH dists for possible re-run using loclin()
   ## if (length(ccout) == 0) {
      meanx <- colMeans(x)
      covx <- cov(x)
      tried <- try(
         tmplist$mhdists <- mahalanobis(newx,meanx,covx),
      if (is.null(tried) || inherits(tried,'try-error')) {
         # warning('Mahalanobis distances not calculated')
         tmplist$mhdists <- NULL
   ## }

   if (classif && !noPreds) {
      if (ncol(y) > 1) {  # multiclass (> 2) case
         yp <- apply(regests,1,which.max) - startA1adjust
         if (!allK) {
           ypreds <- yp
         } else ypreds <- matrix(yp,nrow=kmax,byrow=TRUE)
      } else ypreds <- round(regests)  # 2-class case
      tmplist$ypreds <- ypreds

   # if (scaleX) {
   #    tmplist$xcntr <- xcntr
   #    tmplist$xscl <- xscl
   # }
   tmplist$x <- x
   tmplist$y <- y
   tmplist$ccout <- ccout
   tmplist$noPreds <- noPreds
   tmplist$leave1out <- leave1out
   tmplist$startAt1adjust <- startA1adjust
   tmplist$expandVars <- expandVars
   tmplist$expandVals <- expandVals
   class(tmplist) <- 'kNN'

# actual call is predict(kNNoutput,newx,add1); for each row in newx, the
#k 1-nearest row in kNNoutput$x is found, and the corresponding
# kNNoutput$regests value returned; should change this to k >= 1

predict.kNN <- function(object,...)
   x <- object$x
   regests <- object$regests
   classif <- object$classif
   arglist <- list(...)
   newx <- arglist[[1]]
   if (!is.null(object$ccout)) newx <- newx[,-object$ccout]
   # set k for the prediction phase
   newxK <- if(length(arglist) > 1) arglist[[2]] else 1

   # if newx is a vector or a 1-row/1-col matrix/df, need to determine
   # the value of p, the number of predictors/features; if not careful,
   # get a 1-row vector when it should be 1-col or vice versa
   p <- ncol(x)
   if (is.vector(newx)) newx <- matrix(newx,ncol=p)
   if (is.data.frame(newx) || is.matrix(newx)) {
      newx <- matrix(newx,ncol=p)

   if (object$scaleX)  
      # newx <- scale(newx,center=object$xcntr,scale=object$xscl)
      newx <- mmscale(newx,object$xminmax)

   # now start calculation of predictions
   if (is.vector(regests)) regests <- matrix(regests,ncol=1)
   expandVars <- object$expandVars
   if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
      newx <- multCols(newx,expandVars,object$expandVals)  
   tmp <- FNN::get.knnx(data=x, query=newx, k=newxK)
   # row i of closestPts will be the newxK nearest neighbors of data point 
   # i in the training set
   closestPts <- tmp$nn.index[,1:newxK,drop=FALSE]
   doOneNewxPt <- function(newxPtRowNum) 
      nghbrs <- closestPts[newxPtRowNum,]
      nghbrsRegests <- regests[nghbrs,,drop=FALSE]
   tmp <- sapply(1:nrow(newx),doOneNewxPt)

###    if (k == 1) {
###       # note: if k = 1, closestIdxs will be a 1-column matrix
###       closestIdxs <- tmp$nn.index
###    } else stop('k > 1 not implemented yet')
###    if (!classif) regests <- matrix(regests,ncol=1)
###    regests[closestIdxs[,k],]

# older version of kNN(); current versions disable the allK option,
# while this one does not
kNNallK <- function(x,y,newx=x,kmax,scaleX=TRUE,PCAcomps=0,
   noPreds <- is.null(newx)  # don't predict, just save for future predict
   startA1adjust <- if (startAt1) 0 else 1
   # general checks 
   if (identical(smoothingFtn,loclin) | identical(smoothingFtn,loclogit)) {
      if (allK) stop('cannot use loclin() yet with allK = TRUE')
   # checks on x
   if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
   if (hasFactors(x)) stop('use factorsToDummies() to create dummies')
   if (is.data.frame(x)) 
      x <- as.matrix(x)
   ccout <- constCols(x) 
   if (length(ccout) > 0) {
      warning('X data has constant columns:')
      if (scaleX) stop('constant columns cannot work with scaling')
   # checks on y
   nYvals <- length(unique(y))
   if (is.vector(y)) {
      if (classif && nYvals > 2) 
         y <- factorsToDummies(as.factor(y),omitLast=FALSE)
      else y <- matrix(y,ncol=1)
   if (!is.vector(y) && !is.matrix(y)) stop('y must be vector or matrix')
   if (is.matrix(y) && identical(smoothingFtn,mean)) 
      smoothingFtn <- colMeans
   if (classif && allK)  
      stop('for now, in multiclass case, allK must be FALSE')
   # if (classif && allK) print('stub')
   #    stop('classif=TRUE can be set only if allK is FALSE')
   if (ncol(y) > 1 && !allK) classif <- TRUE
   # checks on newx
   if (is.factor(newx) || is.data.frame(newx) && hasFactors(newx))
      stop('change to dummies, factorsToDummies()')
   if (is.vector(newx)) {
      nms <- names(newx)
      # is ti one observation or one predictor?
      newx <- matrix(newx,ncol=ncol(x))
      colnames(newx) <- nms
   if (is.data.frame(newx)) {
      newx <- as.matrix(newx)
   # at this point, x, y and newx will all be matrices

   if (nrow(y) != nrow(x)) 
      stop('number of X data points not equal to that of Y')

   if (noPreds) newx <- x

   kmax1 <- kmax + leave1out

   if (scaleX) {
      x <- scale(x)
      xcntr <- attr(x,'scaled:center')
      xscl <- attr(x,'scaled:scale')
      newx <- scale(newx,center=xcntr,scale=xscl)

  # expand any specified variables
   eVars <- !is.null(expandVars)
   eVals <- !is.null(expandVals)
   if (eVars || eVals) {
      if(xor(eVars,eVals)) {
        stop('expandVars and expandVals must be used together')
      if (length(expandVars) != length(expandVals)) {
          stop('expandVars and expandVals should have the same length')
      x <- multCols(x,expandVars,expandVals)
      newx <- multCols(newx,expandVars,expandVals)  

   if (PCAcomps > 0) 
      stop('PCA now must be done separately')

   # find NNs
   tmp <- FNN::get.knnx(data=x, query=newx, k=kmax1)
   closestIdxs <- tmp$nn.index
   if (leave1out) closestIdxs <- closestIdxs[,-1,drop=FALSE]

   # closestIdxs is a matrix; row i gives the indices of the kmax 
   # closest rows in x to newx[i,]

   # we might want to try various values of k (allK = T), up through
   # kmax; e.g.  for k = 2 would just use the first 2 columns

   # now, the predictions

   # treat kmax1 = 1 specially, as otherwise get 1x1 matrix issues
   if (kmax1 == 1) {
      regests <- y[closestIdxs,]
   } else {
      # in fyh(), closestIdxs is a row in closestIdxs, with the first k columns
      fyh <- function(closestIdxsRow) smoothingFtn(y[closestIdxsRow,,drop=FALSE])
      if (!allK) {
         if (identical(smoothingFtn,loclin)) {
            regests <- loclin(newx,cbind(x,y)[closestIdxs,])
         }else {
            regests <- apply(closestIdxs,1,fyh)
            if (ncol(y) > 1) regests <- t(regests)
      } else {
         regests <- NULL
         for (k in 1:kmax) 
            regests <- 
               if (ncol(y) == 1)

   # start building return value

   tmplist <- list(whichClosest=closestIdxs,regests=regests)

   # MH dists for possible re-run using loclin()
   if (length(ccout) == 0) {
      meanx <- rep(0,ncol(x))
      covx <- cov(x)
      tried <- try(
         tmplist$mhdists <- mahalanobis(newx,meanx,covx)
      if (is.null(tried) || inherits(tried,'try-error')) {
         warning('Mahalanobis distances not calculated')
         tmplist$mhdists <- NULL

   if (classif && !noPreds) {
      if (ncol(y) > 1) {  # multiclass (> 2) case
         yp <- apply(regests,1,which.max) - startA1adjust
         if (!allK) {
           ypreds <- yp
         } else ypreds <- matrix(yp,nrow=kmax,byrow=TRUE)
      } else ypreds <- round(regests)  # 2-class case
      tmplist$ypreds <- ypreds

   tmplist$scaleX <- scaleX

   if (scaleX) {
      tmplist$xcntr <- xcntr
      tmplist$xscl <- xscl
   if (noPreds) {
      tmplist$x <- x
   } else {
      tmplist$x <- NULL
   tmplist$leave1out <- leave1out
   tmplist$startAt1adjust <- startA1adjust
   tmplist$expandVars <- expandVars
   class(tmplist) <- 'kNNallk'

kn2 <- kNN

# actual call is predict(kNNoutput,newx,add1); for each row in newx, the
# 1-nearest row in kNNoutput$x is found, and the corresponding
# kNNoutput$regests value returned; should change this to k >= 1

predict.kNNallK <- function(object,...)
   x <- object$x
   regests <- object$regests
   arglist <- list(...)
   newx <- arglist[[1]]
   expandVars <- object$expandVars
   if (!is.null(expandVars)) 
      stop('separate prediction with expandVars is not yet implemented')
   if (is.vector(newx)) newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=1)
   if (is.data.frame(newx)) {
      newx <- as.matrix(newx)
   if (object$scaleX)  newx <- scale(newx,center=object$xcntr,scale=object$xscl)
   # k <- 1 + object$leave1out
   k <- 1
   tmp <- FNN::get.knnx(data=x, query=newx, k=k)
   if (k == 1) {
      # note: if k = 1, closestIdxs will be a 1-column matrix
      closestIdxs <- tmp$nn.index
   } else closestIdxs <- tmp$nn.index[,-1]
   if (is.vector(regests)) return(regests[closestIdxs])

# n-fold cross validation for kNN(); instead of applying "leave 1 out"
# to all possible singletons, we do so for a random nSubSam of them;
# return matrix of estimated regression ftn values, one row for each
# leave-1-out op; number of columns will be 1 in the regression case,
# and number of classes in the classification case; other than nSubSam,
# args are as in kNN()
kNNxv <- function(x,y,k,scaleX=TRUE,PCAcomps=0,
   if (!is.matrix(x) && !is.vector(x)) stop('x must be a matrix or vector')
   if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
   if (is.factor(y)) stop('y must not be a factor')
   if (is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y,ncol=1)
   n <- nrow(x)
   regests <- matrix(nrow=nSubSam,ncol=ncol(y))
   for (i in 1:nSubSam) {
      leftOutIdx <- sample(1:n,1)
      tmp <- kNN(x[-leftOutIdx,],y[-leftOutIdx,],x[leftOutIdx,],k,
      regests[i,] <- tmp$regests
######################  expandVars  ###############################

# exploration of the expandVars and expandVals arguments in kNN()

# arguments:
#    xtrn: vector or matrix for "X" portion of training data
#    ytrn: vector or matrix for "Y" portion of training data; matrix
#       case is for vector "Y", i.e. multiclass 
#    xtst,ytst: test data analogs of xtrn, ytrn
#    k: number of nearest neighbors
#    eVar: column number of the predictor to be expanded
#    maxEVal: maximum expansion 
#    lossFtn: loss function; internal offerings are 'MAPE' and 'propMisclass'
#    eValIncr: expansion value increment 

# value:

#    mean loss, evaluated from 0 to maxEVal, increments of eValIncr

exploreExpVars <- 
   lossFunction <- get(lossFtn)
   dfr <- data.frame(NULL,NULL)
   if (classif) ytst <- apply(ytst,1,which.max)
   for (w in seq(0.05,1.5,eValIncr)) {
      preds <- kNN(xtrn,ytrn,xtst,k,expandVars=eVar,expandVals=w,
      if (!classif) {
         prds <- preds$regests
      } else {
         prds <- preds$ypreds
      dfr <- rbind(dfr,c(w,mean(lossFunction(prds,ytst))))
   names(dfr) <- c('w',lossFtn)
   frmla <- as.formula(paste0(lossFtn, ' ~ w'))
   lwout <- loess(frmla,data=dfr) 

######################  plotExpVars()  ###############################

# plot output of exploreExpVars(), one or more runs on the same plot

# arguments:

#    as for exploreExpVars() above, but with

#    eVars: indices of the predictors to be expanded (1 at a time)
#    ylim: as in R plot(), lower and upper limits for Y axis

plotExpVars <- function(xtrn,ytrn,xtst,ytst,k,eVars,maxEVal,lossFtn,
   if (is.factor(ytrn) || is.factor(ytst))
      stop('factor Y not yet implemented; run factorToDummies()')
   for (i in 1:length(eVars)) {
      lwout <- exploreExpVars(xtrn,ytrn,xtst,ytst,k,eVars[i],maxEVal,lossFtn,
      if (i == 1) {
      } else {
   varNames <- colnames(xtrn)[eVars]


######################  knnest()  ###############################

# use kNN to estimate the regression function at each data point in the
# training set

# will refer here to predictor and response variable data as matrix X
# and vector/matrix Y (see below); together they form the training set

# to accommodate vector-valued Y, including multiclass classification
# problems, Y is allowed to be a matrix; it is a vector in the
# "ordinary" case

# X must undergo preprocessing -- centering/scaling, and determination
# of nearest neighbors -- which is done by calling preprocessx() before
# calling knnest() (even if some components of X are indicator
# variables)

# the Fast Nearest Neighbor (FNN) package is used

# arguments:
#   y: Y values in training set, vector or matrix (the latter case is
#      for multivariate Y, e.g. in a classification problem with more
#      than 2 classes)
#   xdata: X and associated neighbor indices; output of preprocessx()
#   k:  number of nearest neighbors
#   nearf: function to apply to the nearest neighbors 
#          of a point; default is mean(), as in standard kNN
# value: object of class 'knn':
#        x,scaling,idxs: from input xdata
#        regest: estimated reg. ftn. at the X values 
#        y: the Y values at those X values
#        nycol: dimensionality of Y, normally 1
#        k: input k value

# NOTE: knnest() does NOT have an argument corresponding to xval in
# preprocessx(); if it is desired that xval = TRUE, the user must call
# preprocessx() with that value before calling knnest()

knnest <- function(y,xdata,k,nearf=meany)
   if (class(xdata) != 'preknn' && class(xdata) != 'knn') 
      stop('must call preprocessx() first')
   # take only the idxs for our value of k
   idxs <- xdata$idxs 
   if (ncol(idxs) < k) stop('k must be <= kmax')
   if (is.vector(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
   if (ncol(y) == 2) stop('for 2-class case, use Y = 0,1 vector')
   idx <- idxs [,1:k]
   # set idxrows[[i]] to row i of idx, the indices of
   # the neighbors of the i-th observation
   idxrows <- matrixtolist(1,idx)
   # now do the kNN smoothing
   # first, form the neighborhoods
   x <- xdata$x
   xy <- cbind(x,y)
   nycol <- ncol(y)  # how many cols in xy are y?
   # ftn to form one neighborhood (x and y vals)
   form1nbhd <-  function(idxrow) xy[idxrow,]
   # now form all the neighborhoods
   nearxy <- lapply(idxrows,function(idxrow) xy[idxrow,])
   # now nearxy[[i]] is the rows of x corresponding to 
   # neighbors of x[i,], together with the associated Y values

   # now find the estimated regression function values at each point in
   # the training set
   regest <- sapply(1:nrow(x),
      function(i) nearf(x[i,],nearxy[[i]]))
   regest <- if (nycol > 1) t(regest) else as.matrix(regest)
   xdata$regest <- regest
   xdata$nycol <- nycol
   xdata$y <- y
   xdata$k <- k
   class(xdata) <- 'knn'

######################  preprocessx()  ###############################

# form indices of neighbors and scale the X matrix 

# arguments:

#    x: "X variables" matrix or data frame, cases in rows, predictors 
#        in columns
#    kmax: maximal number of nearest neighbors sought
#    xval: cross-validation; if TRUE, the neighbors of a point 
#          will not include the point itself

# value: object of class 'preknn', with components: 

#        x: result of scale(x); 
#        scaling: 2-column matrix consisting of the attributes 
#                 scaled:center and scaled:scale from scale(x)
#        idxs: matrix; row i, column j shows the index of jth-closest 
#              data point to data point i, j = 1+xval,...,kmax 

preprocessx <- function(x,kmax,xval=FALSE) {
   xval <- as.numeric(xval)
   if (is.data.frame(x)) {
      if (hasFactors(x)) stop('features must be numeric')
      if (ncol(x) == 1) x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
   if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
   x <- scale(x)
   tmp <- cbind(attr(x,'scaled:center'),attr(x,'scaled:scale'))
   result <- list(scaling = tmp)
   attr(x,'scaled:center') <- NULL
   attr(x,'scaled:scale') <- NULL
   result$x <- x
   tmp <- FNN::get.knnx(data=x, query=x, k=kmax+xval)
   nni <- tmp$nn.index
   result$idxs <- nni[,(1+xval):ncol(nni)]
   result$xval <- xval
   result$kmax <- kmax
   class(result) <- 'preknn'

######################  predict.knn()  ###############################

# do prediction on new data (or on the training set, if predpts is set
# that way); call via the predict() generic function

# arguments:

#    object:  output from knnest(), object of class 'knn'
#    predpts:  matrix/data frame of X values at which to predict Y
#    needtoscale:  if TRUE, scale predpts according to xdata

# value:

#    the predicted Y values for predpts

# note:  "1-nearest neighbor" is used here; for each row of predpts, the
# estimated regression function value for the closest point in the
# training data is used as our est. reg. ftn. value at that predpts row

predict.knn <- function(object,...) 
   if (class(object) != 'knn')
      stop('must be called on object of class "knn"')
   x <- object$x
   ### predpts <- unlist(...)
   arglist <- list(...)
   predpts <- arglist[[1]]
   if (is.vector(predpts)) {
      if (ncol(x) == 1) {
          predpts <- matrix(predpts,ncol=1)
      } else
          predpts <- matrix(predpts,nrow=1)
   if (!is.matrix(predpts)) 
      stop('prediction points must be in a matrix')
   # needtoscale <- arglist[[2]]
   if (!is.null(object$scaling)) {
      # scale predpts with the same values that had been used in
      # the training set
      ctr <- object$scaling[,1]
      scl <- object$scaling[,2]
      predpts <- scale(predpts,center=ctr,scale=scl)
   k <- 1
   # if (length(arglist) > 1) k <- arglist[[2]]
   if (k == 1) {
      tmp <- FNN::get.knnx(x,predpts,1)
      idxs <- tmp$nn.index
      # in regest[,], keep in mind that Y may be multivariate, 
      # thus regest's matrix form, rather than a vector
   # start loc linear regression code
   if (object$nycol > 1)
      stop('not capable of multiclass Y yet')
   if (k <= 1 + ncol(x))
      stop('need more neighbors than 1 + number of predictors')
   # for each predpt fit lin reg in neighborhood of that point, and use
   # it to predict Y for predpt
   tmp <- FNN::get.knnx(x,predpts,k)
   idxs <- tmp$nn.index
   npred <- nrow(predpts)
   result <- vector(length = npred)
   for (i in 1:npred) {
      nbhdyvals <- object$y[idxs[i,],]
      nbhdxvals <- object$x[idxs[i,],]
      tmp <- lm(nbhdyvals ~ nbhdxvals)
      result[i] <- coef(tmp) %*% c(1,predpts[i,])

######################  kmin()  ###############################

# finds "best" value of k by cross-validation, over a set of
# evenly-spaced values of k; "best" means minimum cross-validated loss

# arguments:

#   y: Y values in the data set
#   xdata: result of calling preprocessx() on the X portion of the data;
#          xval=True is suggested for that call
#   lossftn(y,muhat): measure of loss if muhat used to predict y
#   nk: number of values to try for k, evenly spaced; or, if specified
#       as a vector, the actual values to try
#   nearf: see knnest()

#   value: the value of k found to be "best"

kmin <- function(y,xdata,lossftn=l2,nk=5,nearf=meany) {
   if (is.matrix(y) && ncol(y) > 1)
      stop('not capable of multiclass Y yet')
   n <- nrow(xdata$x)
   x <- xdata$x
   xval <- xdata$xval
   kmax <- xdata$kmax
   meanerr <- function(k) {
      kout <- knnest(y,xdata,k,nearf)
      kpred <- predict(kout,x,needtoscale=FALSE)
   # evaluate at these values of k
   if (length(nk) == 1) {
      ks <- floor(kmax/nk) * (1:nk)
   } else ks <- nk
   if (min(ks) <= 1)
      stop('need k at least 2')
   merrs <- ks
   for (i in 1:length((ks))) merrs[i] <- meanerr(ks[i])
   names(merrs) <- ks
   result <- list(meanerrs = merrs)
   result$kmin <- ks[which.min(merrs)]
   class(result) <- 'kmin'

### ######################  plot.kmin()  ###############################

# x is output from kmin()

plot.kmin <- function(x,y,...) {
      xlab='k',ylab='mean error',pch=20)

######################  meany(), etc. ###############################

# these are the functions specifying the operation to be applied to the
# nearest-neighbor Y values; standard kNN uses the mean, implemented
# here as mean()

# note that xy = cbind(x,y) is used globally

# find mean of Y in the neighborhood of predpt; latter not used here
meany <- function(nearIdxs,x,y,predpt) 

# find median of Y in the neighborhood of predpt; latter not used here
mediany <- function(nearIdxs,x,y,predpt) 

# find variance of Y in the neighborhood of predpt; latter not used here
vary <- function(nearIdxs,x,y,predpt) {
   if (ncol(y) > 1) stop('vary() must have scalar y')

# fit linear model to the neighborhood data, and predict at predpt
loclin <- function(nearIdxs,x,y,predpt) {
   nxcol <- ncol(x)
   nycol <- ncol(y)
   if (nycol > 1) stop('loclin() must have scalar y')
   xNames <- paste0('x',1:nxcol)
   yNames <- paste0('y',1:nycol)
   colnames(x) <- xNames
   predpt <- matrix(predpt,nrow=1)
   colnames(predpt) <- xNames
   predpt <- data.frame(predpt)
   colnames(y) <- yNames
   # Check to see if y is 0,1
   # if not, we have to tune it to 1, 0
   if(length(sort(unique(y))) == 2){
      if(sort(unique(y))[1]== 1 & sort(unique(y))[2]== 2){
         y <- ifelse(y == 2, 1, 0)
   xy <- data.frame(cbind(x,y))[nearIdxs,]
   cmd <- paste0('lmout <- lm(',yNames[1],' ~ .,data=xy)')
   lmout <- eval(parse(text=cmd))  # assignment for CRAN

loclogit <- function(nearIdxs,x,y,predpt) {
   nxcol <- ncol(x)
   nycol <- ncol(y)
   if (nycol > 1) stop('loclogit() must have scalar y')
   xNames <- paste0('x',1:nxcol)
   yNames <- paste0('y',1:nycol)
   colnames(x) <- xNames
   predpt <- matrix(predpt,nrow=1)
   colnames(predpt) <- xNames
   predpt <- data.frame(predpt)
   colnames(y) <- yNames
   # Check to see if y is 0,1
   # if not, we have to tune it to 1, 0
   if(length(sort(unique(y))) == 2){
      if(sort(unique(y))[1]== 1 & sort(unique(y))[2]== 2){
         y <- as.factor(ifelse(y == 2, 1, 0))
      y <- as.factor(y)
   xy <- data.frame(cbind(x,y))[nearIdxs,]
   cmd <- paste0('glmout <- glm(',yNames[1],' ~ .,data=xy, family=binomial)')
   glmout <- eval(parse(text=cmd))  # assignment for CRAN
   predict(glmout,predpt, "response")

######################  parvsnonparplot(), etc. ###############################

# plot fitted values of parameteric model vs. kNN fitted
# arguments:
#    lmout: object of class 'lm' or 'glm' 
#    knnout: knnest()
parvsnonparplot <- function(lmout,knnout,cex=1.0) {
   parfitted <- lmout$fitted.values
   nonparfitted <- knnout$regest

######################  nonparvsxplot(), etc. ###############################

# plot, against each predictor, either nonpar or par - nonpar
# arguments:
#    lmout: object of class 'lm' or 'glm' 
#    knnout: return value of knnest()

nonparvsxplot <- function(knnout,lmout=NULL) {
   nonparfitted <- knnout$regest
   havelmout <- !is.null(lmout) 
   if (havelmout) {
      parfitted <- lmout$fitted.values
      vertval <- parfitted - nonparfitted
   } else vertval <- nonparfitted
   x <- knnout$x
   for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
      xlab <- colnames(x)[i]
      if (havelmout) abline(0,0)
      readline('next plot')

######################  nonparvarplot()  ###############################

# plots nonpar estimated conditional variance against nonpar estimated
# conditional mean 
# arguments:
#    knnout: return value of knnest()

nonparvarplot <- function(knnout,returnPts=FALSE) {
   nonparcondmean <- knnout$regest
   x <- knnout$x
   y <- knnout$y
   k <- knnout$k
   # tmp <- knnest(y,knnout,k,nearf=vary)
   tmp <- kNN(x,y,x,25,smoothingFtn=vary)
   if (returnPts) return(cbind(knnout$regest,tmp$regest))

######################  l2, etc.  ###############################

l2 <- function(y,muhat) (y - muhat)^2
l1 <- function(y,muhat) abs(y - muhat)

######################  matrixtolist()  ###############################

matrixtolist <- function (rc, m) 
    if (rc == 1) {
        Map(function(rownum) m[rownum, ], 1:nrow(m))
    else Map(function(colnum) m[, colnum], 1:ncol(m))

######################  bestKperPoint()  ###############################

# for each point in the training set, find which k would have produced
# the best (MAPE) prediction

# a single set is used for training and test, but with leave1out TRUE

bestKperPoint <- function(x,y,maxK,lossFtn='MAPE',classif=FALSE) 

   if (lossFtn != 'MAPE' && lossFtn != 'propMisclass') 
      stop('only MAPE or propMisclass loss allowed')
   if (lossFtn == 'propMisclass') {
      if (!classif) stop('classif must be TRUE here')
      yvals <- unique(y)
      if (yvals != 0:1 && yvals != 1:0)
         stop('Y must be coded 0,1 for classif=TRUE')
   } else {
      if (classif) {
         stop('did you want propMisclass?')
   knnout <- kNN(x,y,x,maxK,leave1out=TRUE,classif=classif)
   whichClosest <- knnout$whichClosest
   whichClosest <- whichClosest[,-1]
   n <- nrow(whichClosest)
   nc <- ncol(whichClosest)
   bestK <- function(i) {
      nearYs <- y[whichClosest[i,]]
      nearYbars <- cumsum(nearYs) / 1:nc
      if (lossFtn == 'MAPE') {
         which.min(abs(nearYbars -y[i]))
      } else {
         which.min((round(nearYbars) == y[i]))
matloff/regtools documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 2:08 a.m.