
Defines functions GetPkgMeta.scalar StdLon GetPkgRawDataPath

Documented in GetPkgRawDataPath StdLon

##' Simplifed loading of rwrfhydro data included with the package.
##' \code{GetPkgRawDataPath} is a simplified wrapper (for system.file) for
##' loading external rwrfhydro data included with the package.
##' @param theFile The external data file to load (this is in dirrefent places
##'   before, rwrfhydro/inst/extdata, and after build, rwrfhydro/).
##' @return The full path to the file.
##' @examples
##' GetPkgRawDataPath('gagesII_all.csv')
##' @keywords internal
##' @export
GetPkgRawDataPath <- function(theFile='') system.file("extdata", theFile, package = "rwrfhydro")

#' Standardize lon to (-180,180].
#' \code{StdLon} Standardizes longitude to (-180,180]
#' @param x The numeric objeect to be standardized.
#' @return The standardized object.
#' @examples
#' StdLon(0:360)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
StdLon <- function(x) {
  x[which(x>180.)] <- x[which(x>180.)]-360.

#' Expand limits by some amount or proportionally to their difference.
#' \code{PadRange} Takes limits and expands them by some amount or
#' proportionally to their difference.
#' @param limits A vector of length 2, an initial range, to be expanded.
#' @param delta An amount to add(subtract) from the upper(lower) limit.
#' @param diffMult A fraction of the passed range (\code{limits}) to use as
#'   \code{delta}.
#' @examples
#' PadRange(c(0,100))
#' PadRange(c(0,100), delta=.1)
#' PadRange(c(0,100), diffMult=.1)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
PadRange <- function(limits, delta=diffMult*diff(limits), diffMult=.05) {
  ## someday throw error if length(limits)>2

#' Rotate a matrix clock-wise.
#' \code{RotateCw} Rotates a matrix clock-wise. 
#' @param matrix A matrix.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(1:9, 3)
#' x
#' RotateCw(x)
#' RotateCw(RotateCw(x))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
RotateCw <- function(matrix) t(apply(matrix, 2, rev))

#' Rotate a matrix counter-clock-wise.
#' \code{RotateCcw} Rotates a matrix counter-clock-wise. 
#' @param matrix A matrix. 
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(1:9, 3)
#' x
#' RotateCcw(x)
#' RotateCcw(RotateCcw(x))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
RotateCcw <- function(matrix) apply(matrix, 1, rev)

#' Flip a matrix upside down.
#' \code{FlipUD} Flips a matrix upside down.
#' @param matrix A matrix.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(1:9, 3)
#' x
#' FlipUD(x)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
FlipUD <- function(matrix) apply(matrix,2,rev)

#' Flip a matrix from left to right.
#' \code{FlipLR} Flips a matrix from left to to right.
#' @param matrix A matrix.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(1:9,3)
#' x
#' FlipLR(x)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
FlipLR <- function(matrix) t(apply(matrix,1,rev))

#' Translate (i.e. invert) timezones to the so calle Olson names used by
#' POSIXct.
#' Translate formatted timezones codes to the so-called "Olson names" used by
#' POSIXct. \code{TransTz} translates the formatted timezone codes (incl those
#' from USGS) to Olson Names.
#' @param tz The timezone to be translated.
#' @examples
#' as.POSIXct('2012-01-01')
#' as.POSIXct('2012-01-01', tz='US/Pacific')
#' format(as.POSIXct('2012-01-01', tz='US/Pacific'),'%Z')
#' TransTz(format(as.POSIXct('2012-01-01', tz='US/Pacific'),'%Z'))
#' lubridate::with_tz(as.POSIXct('2012-01-01'),
#'                    TransTz(format(as.POSIXct('2012-01-01', tz='US/Pacific'),'%Z')))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
TransTz <- function(tz) {
  olson <- c(EDT ="US/Eastern",  EST ="US/Eastern",
             MDT ="US/Mountain", MST ="US/Mountain",
             PDT ="US/Pacific",  PST ="US/Pacific",
             CDT ="US/Central",  CST ="US/Central",
             AKDT="US/Alaska",   AKST="US/Alaska",
             HADT="US/Hawaii",   HAST="US/Hawaii" )[tz]
  # This is the full list of remaining US Olson names, given in R by OlsonNames()
  # "US/Aleutian", "US/Arizona", "US/East-Indiana", "US/Indiana-Starke",
  # "US/Michigan", "US/Pacific-New", "US/Samoa"
  if(any(is.na(olson))) warning('The supplied timezone code, ', tz,
                                ', is not covered by the cases programmed ',
                                'in TransTz (in read_observations.R). Please notify us or ',
                                'fix, commit, and send a pull request. Thanks!',

#' Returns the water year or the day of water year for a given POSIXct.
#' \code{CalcWaterYear} Returns the water year or the day of water year for a
#' given POSIXct.
#' @param POSIXct is a POSIXct variable.
#' @param dayOf signals if you want to get back the day of the water year
#'   instead of the water year.
#' @examples
#' CalcWaterYear(as.POSIXct(c("2011-09-30", "2011-10-01"), tz='US/Pacific'))
#' CalcWaterYear(as.POSIXct(c("2011-09-30", "2011-10-01"), tz='US/Pacific'), dayOf=TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CalcWaterYear <- function(POSIXct, dayOf=FALSE) {
  if (class(POSIXct)[1]!='POSIXct') {
    warning("Input is not of class POSIXct, returning NAs.")
    return( POSIXct*NA )
  y <- as.numeric(format(POSIXct,'%Y'))
  m <- as.numeric(format(POSIXct,'%m'))
  y[which(m>=10)] <- y[which(m>=10)]+1
  ## if only the water year is required
  if (!dayOf) return(y)
  ## if the day of the water year is desired:
  d <- as.numeric(format(POSIXct,'%d'))
  first <- as.POSIXct( paste0(y-1,'-10-01'), format='%Y-%m-%d', tz='UTC')
  POSIXctUTC <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(format(POSIXct,'%Y-%m-%d')))
  doyWY <- round((as.numeric(POSIXctUTC)-as.numeric(first))/60/60/24) + 1

#' Calculate standard date breaks.
#' \code{CalcDates} calculates standard date breaks.
#' Calculate standard date breaks.
#' @param x The input dataframe.
#' @return The input dataframe with date columns added.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CalcDates <- function (x) {
    x$day <- as.integer(format(x$POSIXct,"%d"))
    x$month <- as.integer(format(x$POSIXct,"%m"))
    x$year <- as.integer(format(x$POSIXct,"%Y"))
    x$wy <- ifelse(x$month >= 10, x$year + 1, x$year)
    x$yd <- as.integer(format(x$POSIXct,"%j"))
    x$wyd <- CalcWaterYear(x$POSIXct, dayOf=TRUE)

#' Calculate mean with forced NA removal.
#' \code{CalcMeanNarm} calculates a mean with forced NA removal.
#' Read a vector and calculate the mean with forced NA removal.
#' @param x The vector of values.
#' @return The mean.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CalcMeanNarm <- function(x) {
    mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)

#' Calculate mean with enforced minimum valid value.
#' \code{CalcMeanMinrm} calculates a mean with an enforced minimum valid value.
#' Read a vector and calculate the mean with all values below
#' a specified minimum value set to NA (and therefore ignored).
#' @param x The vector of values.
#' @param minValid The minimum valid value.
#' @return The mean.
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1,2,-1e+20,3)
#' mean(x) # yields -2.5e+19
#' CalcMeanMinrm(x, 0) # yields 2
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CalcMeanMinrm <- function(x, minValid=-1e+30) {
    mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)

#' Calculate cumulative sum with forced NA=0.
#' \code{CumsumNa} calculates a cumulative sum with NAs converted to 0s.
#' Read a vector and calculate the cumulative sum with NAs converted to 0s.
#' @param x The vector of values.
#' @return The cumulative sum vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CumsumNa <- function(x) {
    x[which(is.na(x))] <- 0

#' Calculate Bias
#' \code{Bias} calculates bias (m-o).
#' Calculate the bias for vectors
#' of modelled and observed values.
#' @param m The vector of modelled values.
#' @param o The vector of observed values.
#' @return bias
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
Bias <- function (m, o, na.rm=TRUE) {
  mean(m - o, na.rm=na.rm)

#' Calculate Normalized Bias
#' \code{Bias} calculates normalized or percent bias mean(m-o)/mean(o).
#' Calculate the normalized/percent bias for vectors
#' of modelled and observed values.
#' @param m The vector of modelled values.
#' @param o The vector of observed values.
#' @return bias
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
BiasNorm <- function (m, o, na.rm=TRUE) {
  mean(m - o, na.rm=na.rm)/mean(o, na.rm=na.rm) *100

#' Calculate Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
#' \code{Nse} calculates the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
#' Calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency for vectors
#' of modelled and observed values.
#' @param m The vector of modelled values.
#' @param o The vector of observed values.
#' @return The Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
Nse <- function (m, o, nullModel=mean(o, na.rm=na.rm), na.rm=TRUE) {
    err1 <- sum((m - o)^2, na.rm=na.rm)
    err2 <- sum((o - nullModel)^2, na.rm=na.rm)
    ns <- 1 - (err1/err2)

#' Calculate Log Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
#' \code{NseLog} calculates the Log Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
#' Calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency for vectors
#' of log-transformed modelled and observed values.
#' @param m The vector of modelled values.
#' @param o The vector of observed values.
#' @return The Log Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
NseLog <- function (m, o, nullModel=mean(o, na.rm=na.rm), na.rm=TRUE) {
    m <- log(m + 1e-04)
    o <- log(o + 1e-04)
    err1 <- sum((m - o)^2, na.rm=na.rm)
    err2 <- sum((o - nullModel)^2, na.rm=na.rm)
    ns <- 1 - (err1/err2)

#' Calculate Kling-Gupta Efficiency.
#' \code{Kge} calculates the Kling-Gupta Efficiency.
#' Calculate the Kling-Gupta Efficiency for vectors
#' of modelled and observed values: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169409004843
#' @param m The vector of modelled values.
#' @param o The vector of observed values.
#' @return The Kling-Gupta Efficiency.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
Kge <- function (m, o, na.rm=TRUE, s.r=1, s.alpha=1, s.beta=1) {
  use <- if(na.rm) 'pairwise.complete.obs' else 'everything'
  r     <- cor(m, o, use=use)
  alpha <- sd(m, na.rm=na.rm) / sd(o, na.rm=na.rm)
  beta  <- mean(m, na.rm=na.rm) / mean(o, na.rm=na.rm)
  eds = sqrt( (s.r*(r-1))^2 + (s.alpha*(alpha-1))^2 + (s.beta*(beta-1))^2 )
  kges = 1-eds

#' Calculate root mean squared error.
#' \code{Rmse} calculates the root mean squared error.
#' Calculate the root mean squared error for vectors
#' of modelled and observed values.
#' @param m The vector of modelled values.
#' @param o The vector of observed values.
#' @return The root mean squared error.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
Rmse <- function (m, o, na.rm=TRUE) {
    err <- sum((m - o)^2, na.rm=na.rm)/(min(sum(!is.na(m)),sum(!is.na(o))))
    rmserr <- sqrt(err)

#' Calculate normalized root mean squared error.
#' \code{RmseNorm} calculates the normalized root mean squared error.
#' Calculate the normalized root mean squared error for vectors
#' of modelled and observed values.
#' @param m The vector of modelled values.
#' @param o The vector of observed values.
#' @return The nrmalized root mean squared error.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
RmseNorm <- function (m, o, na.rm=TRUE) {
    err <- sum((m - o)^2, na.rm=na.rm)/(min(sum(!is.na(m)),sum(!is.na(o))))
    rmserr <- sqrt(err) / ( max(o, na.rm=na.rm) - min(o, na.rm=na.rm) ) * 100

#' Calculate center-of-mass.
#' \code{CalcCOM} calculates the time step of center of mass.
#' Calculate the time step when the center-of-mass of
#' a time series of values occurs.
#' @param x The time series vector.
#' @return The center-of-mass time step.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CalcCOM <- function (x, na.rm=TRUE) {
    cuml.x <- as.data.frame(CumsumNa(x)/sum(x, na.rm=na.rm))
    colnames(cuml.x) <- c("x")
    cuml.x$ts <- seq(from = 1, to = length(cuml.x$x))
    tmp <- subset(cuml.x, cuml.x$x > 0.5)
    ts <- tmp$ts[1]

#' Calculate Richards-Baker Flashiness Index.
#' \code{RBFlash} calculates the Richards-Baker Flashiness Index.
#' Calculate the Richards-Baker Flashiness Index for vectors
#' of modelled or observed values.
#' @param m The vector of values.
#' @return The Richards-Baker Flashiness Index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
RBFlash <- function (m, na.rm=TRUE) {
    sum(abs(diff(m)), na.rm=na.rm)/sum(m, na.rm=na.rm)

#' Flatten a list of matrices to a data.table with coordinate dimensions
#' @concept utilities
#' @family utilities
#' @export
FlattenMtxList <- function(the_list, mat_vars, implicit_varname='link', id.vars=NULL) {
  ## In a list, take mat_vars, by examining the dims of each matrix in mat_vars
  ## identify the 1-d variables in the list which correspond and use these
  ## to apply dimnames to the matrix. One implied variable name is allowed which
  ## takes an index along the dimname of 1:length(dim).
  ## Then use reshape2:melt to melt the matrix to a data.frame with
  ## the dimname information as abscissae variables.
  ## Do data.table joins of these to collect all the mat_vars requested.

  get_dims <- function(ll)
    if(length(dim(ll)) > 1) return(NULL) else return(c(length=dim(ll)))
  dim_df <- plyr::ldply(the_list, get_dims)
  if(!is.null(id.vars)) dim_df <- subset(dim_df, .id %in% id.vars)

  if(nrow(dim_df) != length(dim_df$length))
    stop('Dimensions of data sets do not have unique lengths, dying.')

  output <- NULL
  for(vv in mat_vars) {
    mtx <- the_list[[vv]]
    mtx_dims <- dim(mtx)
    if(length(mtx_dims) == 2) mtx <- rwrfhydro::FlipUD(mtx)
    ## Label the dims before melting
    for(dd in 1:length(mtx_dims)) {
      wh_dim <- which(dim_df$length == mtx_dims[dd])
      if(length(wh_dim) == 0) {
        dimnames(mtx)[[dd]] <- 1:mtx_dims[dd]
        names(dimnames(mtx))[dd] <- implicit_varname
      } else {
        dimnames(mtx)[[dd]] <- the_list[[dim_df$.id[wh_dim]]]
        names(dimnames(mtx))[dd] <- dim_df$.id[wh_dim]
    mtx_melt <- reshape2::melt(mtx, value.name=vv)
    if(is.null(output)) {
      output <- data.table::data.table(mtx_melt)
    } else {
      output <- merge(output, data.table::data.table(mtx_melt), by=names(dimnames(mtx)))


#' "Flatten" the output from GetMultiNcdf
#' \code{ReshapeMultiNcdf} flattens the output from GetMultiNcdf.
#' Take the output dataframe from GetMultiNcdf and reshape the dataframe
#' for ease of use in other functions.
#' @param myDf The output dataframe from GetMultiNcdf.
#' @return The reshaped output dataframe(s) (a single dataframe if
#' only one fileGroup, a list of multiple dataframes if multiple
#' fileGroups.
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
ReshapeMultiNcdf <- function(myDf) {
  newDfList <- list()
  for (j in unique(myDf$fileGroup)) {
    mysubDf <- subset(myDf, myDf$fileGroup==j)
    newDf <- subset(mysubDf[,c("POSIXct","stat","statArg")], 
    for (i in unique(mysubDf$variableGroup)) {
        newDf[,i] <- subset(mysubDf$value, mysubDf$variableGroup==i)
    newDf$wy <- ifelse(as.numeric(format(newDf$POSIXct,"%m"))>=10,
    if (length(unique(myDf$fileGroup))==1) {
    } else {
      newDfList <- c(newDfList, list(newDf))
  } # end for loop in fileGroup
  names(newDfList) <- unique(myDf$fileGroup)

#' Create and or name a list with its entries.
#' \code{NamedList} creates a list with names equal to its entries. 
#' @param theNames Vector to be coerced to character.
#' @return List with names equal to entries.
#' @examples 
#' NamedList(1:5)
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
NamedList <- function(theNames) {
  theList <- as.list(theNames)
  names(theList)<- theNames

#' Are all vector entries the same/identical.
#' \code{AllSame} check if all vector entries are same/identical.
#' @param x A vector.
#' @param na.rm Logical Remove NAs from output?
#' @return Logical
#' @examples 
#' AllSame( 1:5 )
#' AllSame( 0*(1:5) )
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
AllSame <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) all(x==x[which(!is.na(x))[1]], na.rm=na.rm)

# coversion constants
cfs2cms <- 0.0283168466  
feet2meters <- 0.30480

#' Get a package's metadata fields and associated entries.
#' \code{GetPkgMeta} Get metadata fields and associated entries from a package's
#' documentation (e.g. "keyword" or "concepts".)
#' @param meta Character the metadata field.
#' @param package Character The package to query for metadata.
#' @param quiet Logical Do not print summary to screen.
#' @param keyword Character A specific keyword to look for.
#' @param concept Character A specific concept to look for.
#' @param listMetaOnly Logical Just return the meta categories (without
#'   functons)?
#' @param byFunction Character Vector of functions for which concepts and
#'   keywords are desired.
#' @return List of metadata fields in alphabetical order with corresponding
#'   entries.
#' @examples 
#' GetPkgMeta()
#' GetPkgMeta('keyword', package='ggplot2')
#' GetPkgMeta(concept = 'foo', key='hplot' )
#' print( GetPkgMeta(concept = c('dataMgmt','foo'), key=c('foo','hplot') , quiet=TRUE))
#' str( GetPkgMeta(concept = c('dataMgmt','foo'), key=c('foo','hplot') , quiet=TRUE))
#' str( GetPkgMeta(concept = c('dataMgmt','DART'), key=c('internal','hplot') , quiet=TRUE))
#' GetPkgMeta(byFunction=c('MkDischargeVariance','SaveHucData'))
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
GetPkgMeta <- function(meta=c('concept','keyword'), package='rwrfhydro',  
                       keyword=NULL, concept=NULL, quiet=FALSE, listMetaOnly=FALSE, 
                       byFunction='') {
  ## if specifying keywords or concepts, gather them into a vector conKey
  if(!is.null(keyword)  | !is.null(concept)) {
    nameNull <- 
      function(n) tryCatch(ifelse(is.null(get(n)),NULL,n),warning=function(w) {})
    meta <- c(nameNull('concept'),nameNull('keyword'))
    conKey <- c(concept, keyword)
  out <- plyr::llply(NamedList(meta), GetPkgMeta.scalar, package=package, byFunction=byFunction)
  if(!is.null(keyword) | !is.null(concept)) {
    out <- plyr::llply(out, function(mm) mm[which(names(mm) %in% conKey)])
    ## GetPkgMeta.scalar returns lists organized by meta (can only apparently search on keywords not function names)
    ## so do the "inversion" here (seems like there might be a more elegant way, but .Rd_get_metadata is vague)
    out[which(!as.logical(plyr::laply(out, length)))] <- NULL
    if(!length(out)) return(NULL)
    out <- reshape2::melt(out)
    out$value <- as.character(out$value)
    out <- plyr::dlply(out, plyr::.(L2), function(ss) plyr::dlply(ss, plyr::.(L1), function(zz) zz$value))
    for (oo in names(out)) { 
      attr(out[[oo]], 'split_type') <- NULL
      attr(out[[oo]], 'split_labels') <- NULL
      attr(out[[oo]], 'meta') <- oo
      attr(out[[oo]], 'package') <- package
      attr(out[[oo]], 'class') <- c('pkgMeta', class(out[[oo]]))
    attr(out, 'split_type') <- NULL
    attr(out, 'split_labels') <- NULL    
  out <- out[which(as.logical(unlist(plyr::llply(out,length))))]
  if(listMetaOnly) out <- plyr::llply(out, function(ll) { for(cc in names(ll)) ll[[cc]] <- c(''); ll} )
  attr(out,'class') <- c('pkgMeta', class(out))
  if(!quiet) print(out)

GetPkgMeta.scalar <- function(meta='concept', package='rwrfhydro', byFunction='') {
  l1 <- plyr::llply(tools::Rd_db(package), tools:::.Rd_get_metadata, meta)
  l2 <- l1[as.logical(plyr::laply(l1, length))]  ## remove empties
  if(!length(l2)) return(NULL)
  l3 <- plyr::llply(l2, function(ll) ll[which(as.logical(nchar(ll)))] ) ## remove blanks
  ulStrsplit <- function(...) unlist(strsplit(...))
  l4 <- plyr::llply(l3, ulStrsplit, ' ') ## parse individual keywords
  names(l4) <- plyr::laply(strsplit(names(l3),'\\.Rd'),'[[',1)  ## remove .Rd from function doc names.
  out <- if(byFunction[1]!='') 
    l4[byFunction] else plyr::dlply(reshape2::melt(l4), plyr::.(value), function(dd) dd$L1 )
  out <- out[sort(names(out))]
  attr(out, 'split_type') <- NULL
  attr(out, 'split_labels') <- NULL
  attr(out, 'meta') <- meta
  attr(out, 'package') <- package
  attr(out, 'class') <- c('pkgMeta', class(out))

#' @export
print.pkgMeta  <- function(pkgMeta) {
  PrintAtomic <- function(atom) {
    meta <- attr(atom,'meta')
    package <- attr(atom,'package')
    anS <- if(grepl('s$',meta)) '' else 's'
    if(!grepl('keyword|concept',meta)) anS <- '()'
    pkgSep <- if(grepl('keyword|concept',meta)) ' ' else ': '
    cat(paste0(package,pkgSep,meta,anS), sep='\n')
    for (ii in (1:length(atom))) {      
      if(atom[[ii]][1]!='') {
        cat('* ',names(atom)[ii],':\n', sep='')
        writeLines(strwrap(paste('   ',atom[[ii]],collapse=' '),prefix='   '))
      } else cat(names(atom)[ii],'\n', sep='')
  plyr::llply(pkgMeta, PrintAtomic)

#' @export
`[.pkgMeta` <- function(x,i,...) {
  meta <- attr(x, "meta")
  package <- attr(x, "package")
  class <- attr(x, "class")  
  attr(x, 'class') <- 'list'
  x <- `[`(x,i,...)
  attr(x, "meta") <- meta
  attr(x, "package") <- package
  attr(x, "class")  <- class

#' Handle vector arguments to functions in a collated fashion.
#' \code{FormalsToDf} is called inside a function where some formal arguments may have
#' been supplied as vectors. \code{FormalsToDf} constructs a dataframe from the
#' arguments which can then be passed to plyr::mlply (or similar, e.g. mdply) to
#' return a list of results.  The assumption is that all vector arguments are
#' collated: 1) NULL arguments are dropped; 2) all arguments of length > 1 all have
#' the same length and are collated. 
#' @param meta Character the metadata field.
#' @param package Character The package to query for metadata.
#' @return Dataframe
#' @examples 
#' ## A stupid example where true vectorization is possible
#' myF.atomic <- function(x,y,z=NULL) if(is.null(z)) x+y else x+y+z  
#' myF <- function(x,y,z=NULL) { 
#'   col <- FormalsToDf(myF) 
#'   plyr::maply(col, myF.atomic, .expand=FALSE)
#'   }
#' myF.atomic(x=11:13,y=1:3)
#' myF(x=11:13,y=1:3)
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
FormalsToDf <- function(theFunc, envir=parent.frame()) {
  ## can only have formals of two different lengths other than zero.
  ## find the length of the formals
  theFormals <- names(formals(theFunc))
  formalLens <- plyr::laply(theFormals, function(ff) length(get(ff, envir=envir)))
  formalLensGt1 <- formalLens[which(formalLens>1)]
  nLenGt1 <- length(unique(formalLensGt1))
  if(nLenGt1>1) {
    warning('Formals are not collated as required.')
  theFormals <- theFormals[which(formalLens!=0)]
  formalLens <- formalLens[which(formalLens!=0)]
  sortFormals <- theFormals[sort(formalLens, index=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix]
  for (ff in sortFormals) {
    if (ff==sortFormals[1]) {
      df <- data.frame(get(ff, envir=envir))
      names(df) <- ff
    } else df[ff] <- get(ff, envir=envir)

#' Calculate number of days in a month.
#' \code{CalcMonthDays} calculates the number of days in a month.
#' Calculate the number of days in the month specified
#' by the given month and year.
#' @param mo The month.
#' @param yr The year.
#' @return The day count.
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
CalcMonthDays <- function(mo, yr) {
  #m <- format(date, format="%m")
  for (i in 1:length(mo)) {
    date <- as.Date(paste0(yr[i], "-", mo[i], "-01"), format="%Y-%m-%d")
    while (as.integer(format(date, format="%m")) == as.integer(mo[i])) {
      date <- date + 1
    res[i] <- as.integer(format(date - 1, format="%d"))

#' Calculate date object from POSIXct time
#' \code{CalcDateTrunc} takes a POSIXct object and outputs
#' a corresponding date object. POSIXct times are truncated
#' to a date, not rounded (e.g., 03/15/2014 23:00 will 
#' become 03/15/2014).
#' @param timePOSIXct Time in POSIXct format
#' @param timeZone Time zone (DEFAULT="UTC")
#' @return Date object
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
CalcDateTrunc <- function(timePOSIXct, timeZone="UTC") {
  timeDate <- as.Date(trunc(as.POSIXct(format(timePOSIXct, tz=timeZone), 
                                       tz=timeZone), "days"))

#' List objects with more detailed metadata
#' \code{LsObjects} lists objects with more detailed info on type, size,
#' etc. Taken from
## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1358003/tricks-to-manage-the-available-memory-in-an-r-session
#' Petr Pikal, David Hinds, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Tony Breyal.
#' @param pos           position
#' @param pattern       pattern
#' @param order.by      ordering variable
#' @param decreasing    decreasing order
#' @param head          head
#' @param n             n
#' @return dataframe
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
LsObjects <- function (pos = 1, pattern, order.by,
                         decreasing=FALSE, head=FALSE, n=5) {
  napply <- function(names, fn) sapply(names, function(x)
    fn(get(x, pos = pos)))
  names <- ls(pos = pos, pattern = pattern)
  obj.class <- napply(names, function(x) as.character(class(x))[1])
  obj.mode <- napply(names, mode)
  obj.type <- ifelse(is.na(obj.class), obj.mode, obj.class)
  obj.prettysize <- napply(names, function(x) {
    capture.output(format(utils::object.size(x), units = "auto")) })
  obj.size <- napply(names, object.size)
  obj.dim <- t(napply(names, function(x)
  vec <- is.na(obj.dim)[, 1] & (obj.type != "function")
  obj.dim[vec, 1] <- napply(names, length)[vec]
  out <- data.frame(obj.type, obj.size, obj.prettysize, obj.dim)
  names(out) <- c("Type", "Size", "PrettySize", "Rows", "Columns")
  if (!missing(order.by))
    out <- out[order(out[[order.by]], decreasing=decreasing), ]
  if (head)
    out <- head(out, n)

#' Shorthand call for LsObjects.
#' \code{lsOS} Shorthand call for LsObjects
#' @param n   n
#' @return    dataframe 
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
lsOS <- function(..., n=10) {
  LsObjects(..., order.by="Size", decreasing=TRUE, head=TRUE, n=n)

#' Calculate a running mean
#' \code{CalcRunningMean} takes series and calculates
#' a running mean over specified number of records
#' @param x Vector of values
#' @param n Number of records to use
#' @param sides Whether to use both sides (2=past and 
#' future) or just one side (1=past only).
#' @param ts Flag whether or not to return a time
#' series object or just a vector (DEFAULT=FALSE,
#' which returns a vector)
#' @return Vector of moving averages
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
CalcRunningMean <- function(x, n, sides=2, ts=FALSE) {
  out <- filter(x, rep(1/n,n), sides=sides, method="convolution")
  if (!ts) out <- unclass(out)

#' Fill outliers based on change between steps
#' \code{FillOutliers} is a simple utility
#' to fill outliers in a time series. Values that are 
#' more than some threshold change from the previous
#' time step are replaced by the value from that
#' previous time step. 
#' @param x Vector of values
#' @param thresh Threshold for change between timesteps
#' (in absolute value of x units)
#' @return Vector of values with outliers replaced by
#' previous value
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
FillOutliers <- function(x, thresh) {
  for (i in 2:(length(x)-1)) {
    if (!is.na(x[i]) & !is.na(x[i-1])) del <- (x[i]-x[i-1])
    if (abs(del) > thresh) x[i] <- x[i-1]

#' Convert long-ish integers to characters without mutilation
#' \code{AsCharLongInt} is simply a usage of format.
#' @param x Vector of values
#' @return Vector of characters.
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
AsCharLongInt <- function(vec) {
  allIntegers <- all((vec %% 1) == 0)
    warning("Non-integer values supplied to AsCharLongInt")
  if(any(abs(vec) > 2^.Machine$double.digits))
    warning("Values passed to AsCharLongInt exceed bounds of representable integers in R") 
  format((vec), trim=TRUE, nsmall=0, scientific=0,digits=16)

#' Return indices in native matrix dims
#' \code{WhichMulti} is same as which but returns indices
#' in native input dimensions. Blatantly copied from
#' Mark van der Loo 16.09.2011.
#' @param A Array of booleans
#' @return a sum(A) x length(dim(A)) array of multi-indices where A == TRUE
#' @keywords utilities internal
#' @export
WhichMulti <- function(A){
    if ( is.vector(A) ) return(which(A))
    d <- dim(A)
    T <- which(A) - 1
    nd <- length(d)
    t( sapply(T, function(t){
        I <- integer(nd)
        I[1] <- t %% d[1]
        sapply(2:nd, function(j){
            I[j] <<- (t %/% prod(d[1:(j-1)])) %% d[j]
    }) + 1 )

##' The standard posix origin 1970-01-01
##' \code{PosixOrigin} as either a character string or a POSIXct.
##' @param as.POSIX Logical for return type.
##' @param tz Character string for time zone to use.
##' @return The standard POSIX origin in requested format.
##' @keywords utilities internal
##' @export
PosixOrigin <- function(as.POSIX=FALSE, tz='UTC')
  if(as.POSIX) as.POSIXct('1970-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz) else '1970-01-01 00:00:00'

#' Translate standard state names, abbreviations, and codes.
#' \code{TranslateStateCodes} particularly translates USGS state_cd to other formats.
#' Data from:
#' https://www.census.gov/geo/reference/ansi_statetables.html
#' and particularly
#' http://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/reference/state.txt
#' The returnVal choice determines the format returned. Choices are: 
#'   "STATE" is the FISP state code in the range of 1-78 (with some missing).
#'   "STUSAB" is the common or postal 2 letter abreviation.
#'   "STATE_NAME" is the full name.
#'   "STATENS" is Geographic Names Information System Identifier (GNISID)
#' See internals of code to get the details of the data frame used for the translation.
#' @param inVector integer or character, a vector of one of the types of to convert. Not case sensitive for strings. 
#' @param returnVal Character string for the desired output format. Defaults to STUSAB and this choice overrides when the output type is the same as the input type.
#' @examples
#' stNums <- c(1,15,25, 5, 50, NA)
#' ab <- tolower(TranslateStateCodes(stNums))
#' ab
#' names <- TranslateStateCodes(ab); names  ## note default for abs in is names out
#' gnis <- TranslateStateCodes(tolower(names),'STATENS'); gnis
#' num <- TranslateStateCodes(gnis,'STATE'); num
#' all(num==stNums, na.rm=TRUE)
#' @keywords utilities 
#' @export
TranslateStateCodes <- function(inVector,
                                returnVal=c("STATE", "STUSAB", "STATE_NAME", "STATENS")[2]) {

  ## data collected, read, and brough internally via the following two commands
  ## stateData <- data.table::fread('http://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/reference/state.txt')
  ## dput(as.data.frame(stateData))
  stateData <- structure(list(STATE =
                             c(1L,   2L,  4L,  5L,  6L,  8L,  9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 15L, 16L,
                               17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 21L, 22L, 23L, 24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L, 29L,
                               30L, 31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L,
                               44L, 45L, 46L, 47L, 48L, 49L, 50L, 51L, 53L, 54L, 55L, 56L, 60L, 66L, 69L, 72L, 74L, 78L),
                             STUSAB =
                             c("AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "DC", "FL", "GA", "HI", 
                               "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN",
                               "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", 
                               "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY", "AS", "GU", "MP", "PR", "UM", 
                             STATE_NAME =
                             c("Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", 
                               "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Delaware", "District of Columbia", 
                               "Florida", "Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois", "Indiana", 
                               "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky", "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", 
                               "Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota", "Mississippi", "Missouri", 
                               "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire", "New Jersey", 
                               "New Mexico", "New York", "North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio", 
                               "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina", 
                               "South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia", 
                               "Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin", "Wyoming", "American Samoa", 
                               "Guam", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Puerto Rico", "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands", 
                               "U.S. Virgin Islands"),
                             STATENS =
                             c(1779775L, 1785533L, 1779777L, 
                               68085L, 1779778L, 1779779L, 1779780L, 1779781L, 1702382L, 294478L, 
                               1705317L, 1779782L, 1779783L, 1779784L, 448508L, 1779785L, 481813L, 
                               1779786L, 1629543L, 1779787L, 1714934L, 606926L, 1779789L, 662849L, 
                               1779790L, 1779791L, 767982L, 1779792L, 1779793L, 1779794L, 1779795L, 
                               897535L, 1779796L, 1027616L, 1779797L, 1085497L, 1102857L, 1155107L, 
                               1779798L, 1219835L, 1779799L, 1785534L, 1325873L, 1779801L, 1455989L, 
                               1779802L, 1779803L, 1779804L, 1779805L, 1779806L, 1779807L, 1802701L, 
                               1802705L, 1779809L, 1779808L, 1878752L, 1802710L)),
                        .Names = c("STATE", "STUSAB", "STATE_NAME", "STATENS"),
                        row.names = c(NA, -57L),
                        class = "data.frame")

  whNotNa <- which(!is.na(inVector))
  couldBeInt <- !any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.integer( inVector[whNotNa] ) )))
  if(couldBeInt) {
    ## found all integers
    if(all(nchar(inVector)<=2, na.rm = TRUE)) {

      ## all length=2 integers
      if(returnVal=='STATE') returnVal <- 'STUSAB'
      ret <- merge( data.frame(STATE=inVector),
                    stateData[, c('STATE',returnVal)],
                    by='STATE', all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE)[,returnVal]      
    } else if (all(nchar(inVector[whNotNa]) %in% 5:7, na.rm=TRUE)) {

      ## all length=5,6,7 integers
      if(returnVal=='STATENS') returnVal <- 'STUSAB'
      ret <- merge( data.frame(STATENS=inVector),
                    stateData[, c('STATENS',returnVal)],
                    by='STATENS', all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE)[,returnVal]      
    } else warning("The mixture of apparent integer lenghts supplied does not match expectation")

  } else {

    ## got at least some characters
    ## test that all are indeed characters??
    if(all(nchar(inVector)==2, na.rm=TRUE)) {

      ## all length=2 integers: state abbreviations
      if(returnVal=='STUSAB') returnVal <- 'STATE_NAME'
      mergeDf <- stateData[, c('STUSAB',returnVal)]
      mergeDf$STUSAB <- tolower(mergeDf$STUSAB)
      ret <- merge( data.frame(STUSAB=tolower(inVector)),
                    by='STUSAB', all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE)[,returnVal]      
    } else {

      ## state names spelled out.... deal with case sensitivity via tolower.
      if(returnVal=='STATE_NAME') returnVal <- 'STUSAB'
      mergeDf <- stateData[, c('STATE_NAME',returnVal)]
      mergeDf$STATE_NAME <- tolower(mergeDf$STATE_NAME)
      ret <- merge( data.frame(STATE_NAME=tolower(inVector), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
                   by='STATE_NAME', all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, sort=FALSE)[,returnVal]      


mccreigh/rwrfhydro documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 1:53 p.m.