
#' Extension of PCA to analyze multiple data sets
#' Three approaches are supplied in this function, consensus PCA (CPCA),
#' generalized CCA (GCCA) and multiple co-inertia analsyis (MCIA).
#' Select of weight for variables: In omics data, it is often true that low
#' intensity variables suffers more noise. Therefore, The variables with higher
#' intensities are more reliable. If we consider this, we can use the total sum
#' intensity of a variable (or a tranform of it) as weight, the model would
#' prefer to select high intensity variables.
#' @param x A \code{list} of \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}, where rows are
#' variables and columns are samples. The columns among the matrices need to be
#' match but the variables do not need to be.
#' @param ncomp An integer; the number of components to calculate. To calculate
#' more components requires longer computational time.
#' @param method A character string could be one of c("globalScore",
#' "blockScore", "blockLoading").  The "globalScore" approach equals consensus
#' PCA; The "blockScore" approach equals generalized canonical correlation
#' analysis (GCCA); The "blockLoading" approach equals multiple co-inertia
#' anaysis (MCIA);
#' @param k The absolute number (if k >= 1) or the proportion (if 0<k<1) of
#' non-zero coefficients for the variable loading vectors. It could be a single
#' value or a vector has the same length as x so the sparsity of individual
#' matrix could be different.
#' @param center Logical; if the variables should be centered
#' @param scale Logical; if the variables should be scaled
#' @param option A charater string could be one of c("lambda1", "inertia",
#' "uniform") to indicate how the different matrices should be normalized. If
#' "lambda1", the matrix is divided by its the first singular value, if
#' "inertia", the matrix is divided by its total inertia (sum of square), if
#' "uniform", none of them would be done.
#' @param maxiter Integer; Maximum number of iterations in the algorithm
#' @param moa Logical; whether the output should be converted to an object of
#' class \code{\link{moa-class}}
#' @param verbose Logical; whether the process (# of PC) should be printed
#' @param k.obs The absolute number (if k >= 1) or the proportion (if 0<k<1) of
#' non-zero coefficients for the observations. Sparse factor scores for
#' observation are used by sparse concordance analysis.  (New arguments from
#' v1.12)
#' @param w The weight of variables. It could be given in the following format:
#' 1) NA or a numeric value: all variables have the same weight; 2) A vector of
#' numeric values, the vecter has the same length as x: variables in each block
#' shares the same weight; 3) A list of vector, each vector in the list has the
#' same length as the number of row in the corresponding table/block, then each
#' variable use a different weight. See detail how to select weight.  (New
#' arguments from v1.12)
#' @param w.obs The weight of observations, see w. (New arguments from v1.12)
#' @param unit.p A logical value, whether the loading vectors (for variables)
#' for each table/block should be unit length.
#' @param unit.obs A logical value, whether the score vectors (for
#' observations) for each table/block should be unit length. (New arguments
#' from v1.12)
#' @param pos A logical value, whether only retain non-negative coefficients in
#' loading and score vectors.  (New arguments from v1.12)
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{moa-class}} (if \code{moa=TRUE}) or
#' an \code{list} object contains the following elements:
#' \code{tb} - the block scores
#' \code{pb} - the block loadings
#' \code{t} - the global scores
#' \code{w} - the wegihts of block scores to construct the global scor
#' @note no note
#' @author Chen Meng
#' @seealso see \code{\link{moa}} for non-iterative algorithms for multi-block
#' PCA.
#' @references For clustering problem: Meng et al. 2015 moCluster: Identifying
#' Joint Patterns Across Multiple Omics Data Sets. Journal of proteome
#' research.
#' @keywords multi-blcok PCA GCCA CPCA MCIA
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("NCI60_4arrays")
#' tumorType <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(NCI60_4arrays$agilent), split="\\."), "[", 1)
#' colcode <- as.factor(tumorType)
#' levels(colcode) <- c("red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "orange", 
#'                      "gray25", "brown", "gray75", "pink")
#' colcode <- as.character(colcode)
#' moa <- mbpca(NCI60_4arrays, ncomp = 10, k = "all", method = "globalScore", option = "lambda1", 
#'              center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
#' plot(moa, value="eig", type=2)
#' r <- bootMbpca(moa, mc.cores = 1, B=6, replace = FALSE, resample = "sample")
#' moas <- mbpca(NCI60_4arrays, ncomp = 3, k = 0.1, method = "globalScore", option = "lambda1", 
#'               center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
#' scr <- moaScore(moa)
#' scrs <- moaScore(moas)
#' diag(cor(scr[, 1:3], scrs))
#' layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2))
#' plot(scrs[, 1:2], col=colcode, pch=20)
#' legend("topright", legend = unique(tumorType), col=unique(colcode), pch=20)
#' plot(scrs[, 2:3], col=colcode, pch=20)
#' gap <- moGap(moas, K.max = 12, cluster = "hcl")
#' gap$nClust
#' hcl <- hclust(dist(scrs))
#' cls <- cutree(hcl, k=4)
#' clsColor <- as.factor(cls)
#' levels(clsColor) <- c("red", "blue", "orange", "pink")
#' clsColor <- as.character((clsColor))
#' heatmap(t(scrs[hcl$order, ]), ColSideColors = colcode[hcl$order], Rowv = NA, Colv=NA)
#' heatmap(t(scrs[hcl$order, ]), ColSideColors = clsColor[hcl$order], Rowv = NA, Colv=NA)
#' genes <- moaCoef(moas)
#' genes$nonZeroCoef$agilent.V1.neg
mbpca <- 
  function (x, ncomp, method, k = "all", center = TRUE, 
    scale = FALSE, option = "uniform", maxiter = 1000, 
    moa = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, 
    k.obs = "all", w = NA, w.obs = NA,
    unit.p = FALSE, unit.obs = FALSE, pos = FALSE) {
    method <- match.arg(method, c("globalScore", "blockScore", "blockLoading"))
    x <- lapply(x, t)

    call <- match.call()
    x <- processOpt(x, center = center, scale = scale, option = option)
    nc <- sapply(x, ncol)
    keepAllb <- k[1] == "all"
    keepAllt <- k.obs[1] == "all"
    prddata <- lapply(x, t)
    for (i in 1:ncomp) {
      if (verbose) 
        cat(paste("calculating component ", i, " ...\n", sep = ""))
      if (keepAllb & keepAllt) 
        r <- msvd(x)
      else {
        if (is.na(w)[1])
          w <- 1
        if (is.na(w.obs)[1])
          w.obs <- 1
        if (keepAllb == "all")
          keepAllb <- Inf
        if (keepAllt == "all")
          keepAllt <- Inf
        if (length(k) < length(x))
          k <- rep(k, length.out = length(x))
        if (length(k.obs) < length(x))
          k.obs <- rep(k.obs, length.out = length(x))
        r <- biSoftK(x, maxiter = maxiter, kp = k, kt = k.obs, unit.pb = unit.p, 
          unit.tb = unit.obs, weight.p = w, weight.t = w.obs, pos = pos)
      x <- deflat(x, r$t, r$tb, r$pb, method)  
      if (i == 1) {
        res <- r 
      } else {
        res$t <- cbind(res$t, r$t)
        res$w <- cbind(res$w, r$w)
        res$tb <- mapply(cbind, res$tb, r$tb, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        res$pb <- mapply(cbind, res$pb, r$pb, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    if (moa) 
      res <- toMoa(prddata, res, call = call)
mengchen18/mogsa documentation built on June 7, 2020, 6:05 p.m.