
Defines functions batchPick .call.fun.settings batchPickDIA comprehensiveBatchPick .getScantypeSettings

Documented in batchPick batchPickDIA comprehensiveBatchPick

#' Batch pick raw mzXML files
#' Peak picking using mostly enviPick. The function handles polarity switching raw files and parallel picking on multiple cores.
#' `batchPickDIA` additionally handles DIA files, including polarity switching DIA files, and picks every DIA scan separately.
#' Warning: `batchPick` doesn't actually use the `settings` at all! only batchPickDIA does.
#' @details 
#' `batchPick` picks either positive or negative mode data as specified. For a raw file `RAWFILE.mzXML`, the picked files (`writeData` output) have names
#' `RAWFILE.mzXML.MSlist.pos.RData` for positive mode, or `.neg.RData` for negative mode respectively.  For `writeList`, the files are `.csv` instead.
#' For `batchPickDIA`, the file names follow the pattern `RAWFILE.mzXML.MSlist.LEVEL-POLARITY-CENTER-WIDTH.RData`. For the MS1 scans, 
#' this is e.g. `1-pos--` because there is no isolation center or isolation width. For the MS2 scans, a positive scan with center 400 and isolation width
#' 200 would have `2-pos-400-200` in the name.
#' For legacy reasons, `batchPick` produces the objects `MSlist.pos` and `MSlist.neg` respectively, whereas `batchPickDIA` 
#' only makes `MSlist` regardless of polarity.
#' `batchPick` will soon be deprecated (or rather `batchPickDIA` will take over the name.)
#' If `multicore` is used, the processing messages ("output") are piped to the `logfile`. For single core, the output is displayed on screen.
#' @param files Array of paths to the raw files.
#' @param outputDir Folder to write picked file results to.
#' @param polarity For `batchPick`, `+`or `-`. Selects the polarity to pick. On one hand, this is needed to handle polarity switching files correctly; 
#' 	on the other hand, it also determines the file names to use downstream. 
#' @param writeData If `TRUE`, the picked file object (the `MSlist` from enviPick) is saved to disk
#' @param writeList If `TRUE`, the CSV picked peak table is saved to disk
#' @param settings Settings to use for enviPick. Read the settings file template for descriptions, or the enviPick documentation accordingly.
#' 		By default uses the settings as loaded.
#' @param multicore `FALSE` for single core processing, or an integer number for the number of cores to use. 
#' @param log Logfile output for multicore processing (irrelevant for single core).
#' @note `batchPickDIA` is the new name for `comprehensiveBatchPick`, which should not be used anymore. 
#' @return For `batchPickDIA`, returns a character vector of all scan types picked (the filename patterns for use in `fillProfiles` etc.).
#' @author stravsmi
#' @md
#' @export
batchPick <- function(files, outputDir, polarity = c("+", "-"), writeData = TRUE, writeList = TRUE,
					  multicore = FALSE, log = "logCluster.txt")
		# Initiate cluster
		cl <- makeCluster(multicore, outfile = log)
		clusterEvalQ(cl, library(enviPick))
		clusterEvalQ(cl, library(RMassScreening))
				parLapply(cl, files, function(file, outputDir, polarity, writeData, writeList, settings)
							batchPick(file, outputDir, polarity, writeData, writeList, settings)
						},outputDir=outputDir, polarity=polarity, writeData=writeData, writeList=writeList, settings=settings)
  scanSettings <- .getScantypeSettings(c("1-pos--", "1-neg--"), settings)
  settingsPos <- scanSettings[["1-pos--"]]
  settingsNeg <- scanSettings[["1-neg--"]]
  for(filepath.mzML in files)
    pos <- ("+" %in% polarity)
    neg <- ("-" %in% polarity)
    message("Step 1 - reading", appendLF = TRUE)
    # (2) Initialize an MSlist object and load this .mzML file into it:
    f <- readMzXmlFile(filepath.mzML)
      f.pos <- f[which(unlist(lapply(f, function(scan) scan$metaData$polarity == "+")))]
      MSlist.pos <-readMSdata.direct(f.pos, MSlevel=c(1))
      f.neg <- f[which(unlist(lapply(f, function(scan) scan$metaData$polarity == "-")))]
      MSlist.neg <-readMSdata.direct(f.neg, MSlevel=c(1))
    # (3) Partition the measurements now available in MSlist:
    message("Step 2 - agglomeration", appendLF = FALSE)
      #MSlist.pos <- mzagglom(MSlist.pos,dmzgap=10,ppm=TRUE,drtgap=500,minpeak=4,maxint=1E7)
      MSlist.pos <- .call.fun.settings("mzagglom", settingsPos, MSlist=MSlist.pos)
      message(" +", appendLF = FALSE)
      #MSlist.neg <- mzagglom(MSlist.neg,dmzgap=10,ppm=TRUE,drtgap=500,minpeak=4,maxint=1E7)
      MSlist.neg <- .call.fun.settings("mzagglom", settingsNeg, MSlist=MSlist.neg)
      message(" -", appendLF = FALSE)
    message("", appendLF = TRUE)
    message("Step 3 - clustering", appendLF = FALSE)
      MSlist.pos <- .call.fun.settings("mzclust", settingsPos, MSlist=MSlist.pos)
      message(" +", appendLF = FALSE)
      MSlist.neg <- .call.fun.settings("mzclust", settingsNeg, MSlist=MSlist.neg)
      message(" -", appendLF = FALSE)
    message("", appendLF = TRUE)
    message("Step 4 - picking", appendLF = FALSE)
      #MSlist.pos<-mzpick(MSlist.pos, minpeak = 4, drtsmall = 50, drtfill = 10,  drttotal = 200, recurs = 4, 
      #                   weight = 2, SB = 3, SN=2, minint = 1E4, maxint = 1e+07, ended = 2)
      MSlist.pos <- .call.fun.settings("mzpick", settingsPos, MSlist=MSlist.pos)
      message(" +", appendLF = FALSE)
      #MSlist.neg<-mzpick(MSlist.neg, minpeak = 4, drtsmall = 50, drtfill = 10,  drttotal = 200, recurs = 4, 
      #                   weight = 2, SB = 3, SN=2, minint = 1E4, maxint = 1e+07, ended = 2)
      MSlist.neg <- .call.fun.settings("mzpick", settingsNeg, MSlist=MSlist.neg)
      message(" -", appendLF = FALSE)
    message("", appendLF = TRUE)
    message("Step 5 - exporting", appendLF = TRUE)
        MSlist <- MSlist.pos
        save(MSlist, file=paste0(outputDir, "/", basename(filepath.mzML), ".MSlist.pos.RData"))
        MSlist <- MSlist.neg
        save(MSlist, file=paste0(outputDir, "/", basename(filepath.mzML), ".MSlist.neg.RData"))  
                      filename= paste0(basename(filepath.mzML), ".MSlist.pos.csv", sep = ""))
                      filename= paste0(basename(filepath.mzML), ".MSlist.neg.csv", sep = ""))

#' Call function with specified settings
#' Wrapper for formals() and do.call() which finds the arguments of \code{fun} and substitutes them
#' with the data in \code{settings} (but \code{settings} can have many more settings stored)
#' Arguments in \code{...} take precedence over those in \code{settings}
#' @param fun (character) Function name to be called
#' @param settings Settings (options) list
#' @param ... Additional settings to substitute into \code{fun} that are not in \code{settings}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #nope
.call.fun.settings <- function(fun, settings, ...)
  funFormals <- formals(fun)
  dotList <- list(...)
  funFormals[intersect(names(funFormals), names(settings))] <- settings[intersect(names(funFormals), names(settings))]
  funFormals[intersect(names(funFormals), names(dotList))] <- dotList[intersect(names(funFormals), names(dotList))]
  do.call(fun, funFormals)

#' @describeIn batchPick
#' @export
batchPickDIA <- function(files, outputDir, writeData = TRUE, writeList = TRUE, settings=getOption("RMassScreening")$enviPick,
                                   multicore = FALSE, log = "logCluster.txt")
    # Initiate cluster
    cl <- makeCluster(multicore, outfile = log)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(enviPick))
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(RMassScreening))
      runs <- parLapply(cl, files, function(file, outputDir, writeData, writeList, settings)
        batchPickDIA(file, outputDir, writeData, writeList, settings)
      },outputDir=outputDir, writeData=writeData, writeList=writeList, settings=settings),
		error = function(e) {runs <- c()}
  for(filepath.mzML in files)
    message("Step 1 - reading", appendLF = TRUE)
    # (2) Initialize an MSlist object and load this .mzML file into it:
    d <- readMzXmlFile(filepath.mzML)
    # read all scantypes from mzxml file headers
    scantype <- unlist(lapply(d, function(scan) 
            ifelse(scan$metaData$polarity=="+", "pos", "neg"),
    # define settings specific for every scantype
    allTypes <- unique(scantype)
    # get settings by scantype
    settings.sct <- .getScantypeSettings(allTypes, settings)

    # split the list of all scans (with data) by scantype
    d.tot <- split(d, scantype)
    # Make sure they are ordered as in the scantype list
    d.tot <- d.tot[allTypes]
    MSlist.tot <- lapply(seq_len(length(allTypes)),
                           msLevel <- as.numeric(substr(allTypes[[n]],1,1))
                           readMSdata.direct(d.tot[[n]], MSlevel=msLevel)

    # (3) Partition the measurements now available in MSlist:
    message("Step 2 - agglomeration", appendLF = FALSE)
    MSlist.tot <- lapply(seq_len(length(d.tot)),
                           MSlist <- .call.fun.settings("mzagglom", settings.sct[[allTypes[[n]]]], MSlist = MSlist.tot[[n]])
                           message(paste0(" ", names(d.tot)[[n]]), appendLF = FALSE)
    message("", appendLF = TRUE)
    message("Step 3 - clustering", appendLF = FALSE)
    MSlist.tot <- lapply(seq_len(length(d.tot)),
                           MSlist <- .call.fun.settings("mzclust", settings.sct[[allTypes[[n]]]], MSlist = MSlist.tot[[n]])
                           message(paste0(" ", names(d.tot)[[n]]), appendLF = FALSE)
    message("", appendLF = TRUE)
    message("Step 4 - picking", appendLF = FALSE)
    MSlist.tot <- lapply(seq_len(length(d.tot)),
                           MSlist <- .call.fun.settings("mzpick", settings.sct[[allTypes[[n]]]], MSlist = MSlist.tot[[n]])
                           message(paste0(" ", names(d.tot)[[n]]), appendLF = FALSE)
    message("", appendLF = TRUE)

    message("Step 5 - exporting", appendLF = TRUE)
      res <- lapply(seq_len(length(d.tot)),
                      MSlist <- MSlist.tot[[n]]
                      save(MSlist, file=paste0(outputDir, "/", basename(filepath.mzML), ".MSlist.", names(d.tot)[[n]],".RData"))
                      message(paste0(" ", names(d.tot)[[n]]), appendLF = FALSE)
        res <- lapply(seq_len(length(d.tot)),
                                      filename= paste0(basename(filepath.mzML), ".MSlist.", names(d.tot)[[n]],".csv", sep = ""))
                        message(paste0(" ", names(d.tot)[[n]]), appendLF = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @describeIn batchPick
comprehensiveBatchPick <- function(...)
	message("This call is deprecated, the function is now called batchPickDIA!")

#' Get settings per scantype
#' @param allTypes All scan types to be processed
#' @param settings enviPick settings in the format used in the enviPick listslot in settings.ini
#' This processes the settings such that the global settings are taken for all scan types,
#' and then for every specified scantype the global settings are overwritten with specific
#' settings if they exist (e.g. if a scantype has a specific "maxint" defined).
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
.getScantypeSettings <- function(allTypes, settings = getOption("RMassScreening")$enviPick)
  # define settings specific for every scantype

  settings.sct <- list() # settings by scantype, named list by scantype name
  settings.general <- settings # global settings
  settings.general$scantypes <- NULL
  for(st in allTypes)
    settings.sct[[st]] <- settings.general
  # For every scantype, overwrite the general settings if a specific setting exists
    types <- names(settings$scantypes)
    types.regex <- glob2rx(types)
    scanSettings <- sapply(types.regex, function(type.regex)
      grepl(type.regex, allTypes)
    rownames(scanSettings) <- allTypes
    for(st in allTypes)
      settingsMatch <- sum(scanSettings[st,])
      # check if there is one and exactly one match for each scan type
      if(settingsMatch == 0)
        warning(paste0("Specific settings exist, but not for scantype ", st, "!"))
      else if(settingsMatch > 1)
        warning(paste0("More than one specific setting type matches for scantype ", st, "!"))
        # overwrite the settings that are scantype-specific, leave the other settings untouched.
        settingScanList <- types[[which(scanSettings[st,])]]
        settingScan <- settings$scantypes[[settingScanList]]
        # for(name in names(settingScan))
        settings.sct[[st]][names(settingScan)] <- settingScan[names(settingScan)]
meowcat/RMassScreening documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 10:49 p.m.