
#' Diagnostic QQ function
#' @param TmbData TMB Model input data list
#' @param Report TMB Model output data list
#' @param savedir Directory to save plots, if NULL is specified then do not save plot
#' @param FileName_PP If NULL is specified then do not save this type of plot
#' @param FileName_Phist If NULL is specified then do not save this type of plot
#' @param FileName_QQ If NULL is specified then do not save this type of plot
#' @param FileName_Qhist If NULL is specified then do not save this type of plot
#' @param plot default 1:4 to plot all diagnostics
#' @param category_names names of categories for plotting labels
#' @examples Q <- QQ_Fn(TmbData = TmbData, Report = Report)
#' @return A list containing results for each specified categories
#' @export
plot_quantile_diagnostic <- function(TmbData,
    # Retrieve data based on model type
    if("n_e" %in% names(TmbData)){
        # VAST Versions 3.0.0, 4.0.0: names n_e, e_i and ObsModel_ez are added to support for error distns
        n_e <- TmbData$n_e
        e_i <- TmbData$e_i
        ObsModel_ez <- TmbData$ObsModel_ez
        sigmaM <- Report$SigmaM
    }else if("n_c" %in% names(TmbData)){
        # VAST Version < 3.0.0: names n_c, c_i and ObsModel are used to group by categories
        n_e <- TmbData$n_c
        e_i <- TmbData$c_i
        ObsModel_ez <- rep(1, n_e) %o% TmbData$ObsModel
        sigmaM <- Report$SigmaM
            # VAST Versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0
            sigmaM <- rep(1, n_e) %o% Report$SigmaM
        # SpatialDeltaGLMM
        n_e <- 1
        e_i <- rep(0,TmbData$n_i)
        ObsModel_ez <- matrix(TmbData$ObsModel, nrow = 1)
        sigmaM <- matrix(Report$SigmaM, nrow = 1)
    # else if("n_p" %in% names(TmbData)){
    #     # MIST: not supported, as MIST uses different definitions for ObsModel
    #     return(list(message="The function does not support MIST yet."))
    # }
    # Check data
    if(nlevels(as.factor(e_i))!=n_e) stop("Error in e_i: nlevels does not agree with n_e")
    if(nrow(as.matrix(ObsModel_ez))!=n_e) stop("Error in ObsModel_ez: nrow does not agree with n_e")
    if(nrow(as.matrix(sigmaM))!=n_e) stop("Error in sigmaM: nrow does not agree with n_e")
    # Check savedir
      dir.create(savedir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
      if(!dir.exists(savedir)) stop(paste0("Wrong directory, cannot save plots: ", savedir))
    # Return list
    Return <- vector("list", length = n_e)

    # utility function
    pow = function(a,b) a^b

    # Loop through each group (plot functions remain unchanged from previous version)
    for(i_e in 1:n_e){

      # Generate plot names
        if(!is.null(FileName_PP)) save_PP=paste0(savedir,"/",FileName_PP,"-",i_e,".jpg")
        if(!is.null(FileName_Phist)) save_Phist=paste0(savedir,"/",FileName_Phist, "-",i_e,".jpg")
        if(!is.null(FileName_QQ)) save_QQ=paste0(savedir,"/",FileName_QQ,"-",i_e,".jpg")
        if(!is.null(FileName_Qhist)) save_Qhist=paste0(savedir,"/",FileName_Qhist,"-",i_e,".jpg")

      # Find where b_i > 0 within category i_e
      Which = which(TmbData$b_i > 0 & e_i == (i_e-1))
      Q = rep(NA, length(Which)) # vector to track quantiles for each observation
      y = array(NA, dim=c(length(Which),1000)) # matrix to store samples
      pred_y = var_y = rep(NA, length(Which) ) # vector to track quantiles for each observation

      # Calculate pred_y
      # I can't use R2_i anymore because interpretation changed around March 9, 2017 (due to area-swept change in Poisson-process and Tweedie functions)
      # However, I CAN use P2_i, which has a stable definition over time (as a linear predictor)
      if( length(ObsModel_ez[i_e,])>=2 && ObsModel_ez[i_e,2]==2 ){
        Return[[i_e]] = list("type"=ObsModel_ez[i_e,], message="QQ not set up for Tweedie distribution")
      if( !(ObsModel_ez[i_e,1] %in% c(1,2)) ){
        Return[[i_e]] = list("type"=ObsModel_ez[i_e,], message="QQ not working except for when using a Gamma or Lognormal distribution")
      if( length(ObsModel_ez[i_e,])==1 || ObsModel_ez[i_e,2]%in%c(0,3) ){
        for(ObsI in 1:length(Which)){
          pred_y[ObsI] = TmbData$a_i[Which[ObsI]] * exp(Report$P2_i[Which[ObsI]])
      if( length(ObsModel_ez[i_e,])>=2 && ObsModel_ez[i_e,2]%in%c(1,4) ){
        for(ObsI in 1:length(Which)){
          if(sigmaM[e_i[Which[ObsI]]+1,3]!=1) stop("`QQ_Fn` will not work with Poisson-link delta model across all VAST versions given values for turned-off parameters")
          R1_i = 1 - exp( -1 * sigmaM[e_i[Which[ObsI]]+1,3] * TmbData$a_i[Which[ObsI]] * exp(Report$P1_i[Which[ObsI]]) )
          pred_y[ObsI] = TmbData$a_i[Which[ObsI]] * exp(Report$P1_i[Which[ObsI]]) / R1_i * exp(Report$P2_i[Which[ObsI]]);

      # Simulate quantiles for different distributions: Loop through observations
      for(ObsI in 1:length(Which)){
          y[ObsI,] = rlnorm(n=ncol(y), meanlog=log(pred_y[ObsI])-pow(sigmaM[i_e,1],2)/2, sdlog=sigmaM[i_e,1])   # Plotting in log-space
          Q[ObsI] = plnorm(q=TmbData$b_i[Which[ObsI]], meanlog=log(pred_y[ObsI])-pow(sigmaM[i_e,1],2)/2, sdlog=sigmaM[i_e,1])
          b = pow(sigmaM[i_e, 1],2) * pred_y[ObsI];
          y[ObsI,] = rgamma(n=ncol(y), shape=1/pow(sigmaM[i_e,1],2), scale=b)
          Q[ObsI] = pgamma(q=TmbData$b_i[Which[ObsI]], shape=1/pow(sigmaM[i_e,1],2), scale=b)

      # Make plot while calculating posterior predictives
      if(1 %in% plot){
        if(!is.null(FileName_PP) & !is.null(savedir)) jpeg(save_PP, width=10, height=3, res=200, units="in")
        if(is.null(savedir)) dev.new()
        par(mar=c(2,2,2,0), mgp=c(1.25,0.25,0), tck=-0.02)
        plot(TmbData$b_i[Which], ylab="", xlab="", log="y", main="", col="blue")  

        # Add results to plot: Loop through observations
        for(ObsI in 1:length(Which)){
          var_y[ObsI] = var( y[ObsI,] )
          Quantiles = quantile(y[ObsI,],prob=c(0.025,0.25,0.75,0.975))
          lines(x=c(ObsI,ObsI), y=Quantiles[2:3], lwd=2)
          lines(x=c(ObsI,ObsI), y=Quantiles[c(1,4)], lwd=1,lty="dotted")
          if(TmbData$b_i[Which[ObsI]]>max(Quantiles) | TmbData$b_i[Which[ObsI]]<min(Quantiles)){
        if(!is.null(FileName_PP) & !is.null(savedir)) dev.off()

      # Q-Q plot
      if(2 %in% plot){
        if(!is.null(FileName_Phist) & !is.null(savedir)) jpeg(save_Phist, width=4, height=4, res=200, units="in")
        if(is.null(savedir)) dev.new()
        par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,2,2,0), mgp=c(1.25,0.25,0), tck=-0.02)
        Qtemp = na.omit(Q)
        Order = order(Qtemp)
        main_label <- ifelse(n_e == 1, "Q-Q plot", paste0(category_names[i_e]," Q-Q plot"))
        plot(x=seq(0,1,length=length(Order)), y=Qtemp[Order], main=main_label, xlab="Uniform", ylab="Empirical", type="l", lwd=3)
        if(!is.null(FileName_Phist) & !is.null(savedir)) dev.off()

      # Aggregate predictive distribution
      if(3 %in% plot){
        if(!is.null(FileName_QQ) & !is.null(savedir)) jpeg(save_QQ, width=4, height=4, res=200, units="in")
        if(is.null(savedir)) dev.new()
        par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,2,2,0), mgp=c(1.25,0.25,0), tck=-0.02)
        main_label <- ifelse(n_e == 1, "Aggregate predictive dist.", paste0(category_names[i_e]," aggregate predictive dist."))
        hist( log(y), main=main_label, xlab="log(Obs)", ylab="Density")
        if(!is.null(FileName_QQ) & !is.null(savedir)) dev.off()

      # Quantile histogram
      if(4 %in% plot){
        if(!is.null(FileName_Qhist) & !is.null(savedir)) jpeg(save_Qhist, width=4, height=4, res=200, units="in")
        if(is.null(savedir)) dev.new()
        par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,2,2,0), mgp=c(1.25,0.25,0), tck=-0.02)
        main_label <- ifelse(n_e == 1, "Quantile histogram", paste0(category_names[i_e]," quantile histogram"))
        hist(na.omit(Q), main=main_label, xlab="Quantile", ylab="Number")
        if(!is.null(FileName_Qhist) & !is.null(savedir)) dev.off()

      # Return stuff
      Return[[i_e]] = list("type"=ObsModel_ez[i_e,], "Q"=Q, "var_y"=var_y, "pred_y"=pred_y )
    if(length(Return)==1) Return <- Return[[1]] # single species model
    return( Return )
merrillrudd/StreamUtils documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:31 a.m.