
Defines functions spell.test GDD CDD HDD qqgeom hist.spell exceedance.field exceedance.station exceedance.default exceedance wetmean nevents wetfreq count spell.station spell.old spell.default spell

Documented in CDD CDD exceedance exceedance.default exceedance.field exceedance.station GDD GDD HDD HDD hist.spell nevents qqgeom spell spell.default spell.station wetfreq wetmean

#' Spell statistics
#' Statistics of spell durations (consecutive wet and dry days), e.g. dry and
#' wet periods or duration of extremes. Similar functions include:
#' \code{count} returns a count of cases with values over s threshold value.
#' \code{exceedance} estimates statistics for peak-over-threshold, and
#' \code{nevents} returns the number of events with exceeding values (e.g. the
#' number of rainy days X > 1 mm/day).
#' \code{wetfreq} returns the wet-day frequency (a fraction) and \code{wetmean} returns the wet-day mean.
#' \code{CDD}: Cooling degree day
#' \code{GDD}: Growing degree days (\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growing_degree-day})
#' \code{HDD}: Heating degree day
#' \code{qqgeom} produces a quantile-quantile plot of streak statistics comparing the
#' empirical quantiles with the distribution function quantiles (see \code{\link[stats]{qgeom}}). 
#' @aliases spell spell.default spell.station hist.spell wetfreq wetmean
#' nevents exceedance exceedance.default exceedance.station exceedance.field
#' HDD CDD GDD qqgeom
#' @seealso hotsummerdays coldwinterdays coldspells heatwavespells nwetdays plot
#' @importFrom stats glm qqline
#' @param x station or field object
#' @param threshold threshold value
#' @param upper upper limit for maximum length - ignore any above this because they are likely erronoeus
#' @param higher argument of count, if TRUE: count values above threshold, FALSE: count values below threshold 
#' @param fraction TRUE: divide the number of counts by number of samples
#' @param FUN function
#' @return Station or field objects
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' # Example 1 : 
#' data(bjornholt)
#' x <- spell(bjornholt, threshold=.1)
#' plot(x, new=FALSE)
#' # Example 2 :
#' x.ann <- annual(x, FUN="max")
#' plot(x.ann, plot.type="multiple", new=FALSE)
#' # Quantile-quantile plot for the duration of dry and wet spells
#' # comparing their distribution against the geometric distribution
#' qqgeom(bjornholt, treshold=1, pois=TRUE)
#'#' # Growing degree days:
#' data(ferder)
#' plot(annual(ferder,FUN='GDD'), new=FALSE)
#' @export spell
spell <- function(x,threshold,...) UseMethod("spell")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export spell.default
spell.default <- function(x,threshold,upper=NULL,verbose=FALSE,...) {
  ## Simpler algorithm for spell duration statistics
  t0 <- Sys.time()
  if (verbose) print(paste('spell.default - threshold=',threshold))
  xgt <- coredata(x >= threshold)
  nt <- length(x)
  ## t is time index and y holds the length of spell length
  t <- rep(NA,nt); y <- matrix(rep(NA,2*nt),nt,2)
  t[1] <- index(x)[1]
  ie <- 1; ii <- 1; L <- 0; 
  if (verbose) print(table(xgt))
  for (i in 1:length(xgt)) {
    if (is.finite(x[i]) & is.finite(xgt[i]) & is.finite(xgt[ii])) { 
      L <- L + 1 ## Increment the spell length counter if there is valid data
      ## Check for changed from above to below or the other way - store the length
      ## of spell
      if (verbose) print(paste('i=',i,'#event=',ie,'ii=',ii,year(x[i]),x[i],xgt[i],L))
      if (xgt[i] != xgt[ii]) {
        if (verbose) print('...')
        ## Copy L into either wet or dry event
        y[ie,c(!xgt[i],xgt[i])] <- L
        t[ie] <- index(x)[i]
        if (is.na(L)) t[ie] <- NA
        L <- 0       ## Reset spell length counter
        ie <- ie + 1 ## Increment the event counter
    } else L <- NA ## Set L to missing if there is missing data  
    ii <- i
  y <- y[1:ie,]; t <- t[1:ie]; t[1] <- NA; t[ie] <- NA
  good <- is.finite(t) 
  y <- zoo(y[good,],order.by=as.Date(t)[good])
  if (is.T(x)) {
    attr(y,'variable') <-  c("warm","cold") 
    attr(y,'longname') <-  c("duration of warm spells","duration of cold spells") 
  } else {
    attr(y,'variable') <-  c("wet","dry")
    attr(y,'longname') <-  c("duration of wet spells","duration of dry spells") 
  attr(y,'location') <- rep(loc(x),2)
  attr(y,'station_id') <- rep(stid(x),2)
  attr(y,'longitude') <- rep(lon(x),2)
  attr(y,'latitude') <- rep(lat(y),2)
  attr(y,'altitude') <- rep(alt(x),2)
  attr(y,'unit') <- rep("days",2)
  attr(y,'threshold') <- rep(threshold,2)
  attr(y,'threshold.unit') <- rep(attr(x,'unit'),2)
  # attr(y,'chksum') <- rep(chksum,2)
  # attr(y,'uncredibly.high') <- t[ignoreh]
  # attr(y,'uncredibly.low') <- t[ignorel]
  # attr(y,'p.above') <- rep(sum(above)/length(above),2)
  # attr(y,'interpolated.missing') <- index(x)[missing]
  class(y) <- c("spell",class(x))
  if (verbose) print(paste('spell.default: Time lapsed',Sys.time()-1))

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export spell.old
spell.old <- function(x,threshold,upper=NULL,verbose=FALSE,...) {
  if (verbose) print('spell.old')
  ## Deal with missing data
  missing <- (1:length(x))[!is.finite(x)]
  if (min(missing)==1) {
    if (verbose) {
      print('strip away missing data at the beginning')
      print(paste('Data series length=',length(x),'number of missing data=',sum(missing)))
    remove <- is.element(1:length(x),missing)
    # Make sure that the series does not start with missing data
    y <- zoo(x[!remove])
    class(y) <- class(x)
    y <- attrcp(x,y)
    y -> x ; rm('y')
  ## Highlight the times when the values is above and below the given
  ## threshold:
  z <- coredata(x)
  mdate <- index(x)[!is.finite(x)]
  above <- z > threshold
  below <- z <= threshold
  above[!is.finite(above)] <- 0
  below[!is.finite(below)] <- 0
  if (verbose) print(paste('above=',sum(above,na.rm=TRUE),
  ## Check if threshold is outside the range of data:
  if (sum(above,na.rm=TRUE)*sum(below,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
    print(paste('The threshold',threshold,'is outside the range',
                paste(range(coredata(x,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE),collapse=' - ')))
    print("returning NULL")
  ## Estimate the length of the streaks of above/below
  n <- length(index(x))
  t <- 1:n
  ## Use cumsum for calculating the number of days
  cath <- cumsum(above)
  cbth <- cumsum(below)
  ## Use diff to find the times when the streaks start and stop
  dt <- c(0,diff(above))
  if (verbose) print(table(dt))
  ## A streak starts the fist day when the value is above
  start <- t[dt > 0]
  ## A streak ends the day before the value is below 
  end <- t[dt < 0]-1
  ## Remove NA's:
  start <- start[is.finite(start)]
  end <- end[is.finite(end)]
  if (verbose) print(c(length(start),length(end)))
  ## Always start with a fresh spell
  if (start[1] > end[1]) {
    end <- end[-1]
  ## Make sure that there are as many starts as endings
  if (length(start) > length(end)) {
    start <- start[1:length(end)]#-length(start)]
  if (length(start) < length(end)) {
    end <- end[1:length(start)]#-length(end)]
  chksum <- sum( (start - end) < 0)    
  if (verbose) {
    print(paste('Check sum=',chksum))
    # col <- c("blue","grey","red")
    # dev.new()
    # plot(t,cath,pch=19,cex=0.3,col=col[c(1+above-below)],...)
    # points(t[start],cath[start],col='red',lwd=2,cex=0.7)
    # points(t[end],cath[end],col='blue',lwd=2)
    # dev.new(); hist(diff(start),col="blue")
    # dev.new(); hist(diff(end),col="red")
    # dev.new(); plot(start,end,pch=19,cex=0.3)
    # lines(c(0,100000),c(0,100000),col=rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7,0.3))
  ## Estimate the streaks:
  #  low <- t[start[-1]] - t[end[-length(end)]]
  #  high <- t[end] - t[start]
  high <- diff(cath[start])
  low <- diff(cbth[end])
  if (verbose) {print("high:"); print(summary(high))}  
  if (verbose) {print("low:"); print(summary(low))}
  ## If an upper limit is provided then ignore the long spells
  if (!is.null(upper)) {
    ignoreh <- high > upper 
    ignorel <- abs(low) > upper 
    high[ignoreh] <- NA
    low[ignorel] <- NA
  } else {
    ignoreh <- rep(FALSE,length(high))
    ignorel <- rep(FALSE,length(low))
  Above <- zoo(high,order.by=index(x)[start])
  Below <- zoo(low,order.by=index(x)[end])
  ## Remove the spells with missing data:
  if (verbose) {
    print('remove spells when there are missing data')
    print(paste(sum(missing),'missing data')); print(summary(high)); print(summary(below))
  if (verbose) print(paste('Above:',length(Above)))
  for (ii in 1:length(Above)) {
    fromd <- index(Above)[ii]; tod <- index(Above)[ii]+coredata(Above)[ii]
    if (!is.finite(tod)) tod <- fromd
    if (sum(is.element(seq(fromd,tod,by="1 day"),mdate)>0)) Above[ii] <- NA
  if (verbose) print(paste('Below:',length(Below)))
  for (ii in 1:length(Below)) {
    fromd <- index(Below)[ii]; tod <- index(Below)[ii]+coredata(Below)[ii]
    if (!is.finite(tod)) tod <- fromd
    if (sum(is.element(seq(fromd,tod,by="1 day"),mdate)>0)) Below[ii] <- NA
  y <- merge(Above,Below,all=TRUE)
  if (is.null(attr(x,'unit'))) attr(x,'unit') <- 'NA'
  if (verbose) {
    dev.new(); plot(y,main=paste(varid(x),'above/below',
  if (is.T(x)) {
    attr(y,'variable') <-  c("warm","cold") 
    attr(y,'longname') <-  c("duration of warm spells","duration of cold spells") 
  } else {
    attr(y,'variable') <-  c("wet","dry")
    attr(y,'longname') <-  c("duration of wet spells","duration of dry spells") 
  attr(y,'location') <- rep(loc(x),2)
  attr(y,'station_id') <- rep(stid(x),2)
  attr(y,'longitude') <- rep(lon(x),2)
  attr(y,'latitude') <- rep(lat(y),2)
  attr(y,'altitude') <- rep(alt(x),2)
  attr(y,'unit') <- rep("days",2)
  attr(y,'threshold') <- rep(threshold,2)
  attr(y,'threshold.unit') <- rep(attr(x,'unit'),2)
  attr(y,'chksum') <- rep(chksum,2)
  attr(y,'uncredibly.high') <- t[ignoreh]
  attr(y,'uncredibly.low') <- t[ignorel]
  attr(y,'p.above') <- rep(sum(above)/length(above),2)
  attr(y,'interpolated.missing') <- index(x)[missing]
  class(y) <- c("spell",class(x))

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export spell.station
spell.station <-  function(x,threshold,upper=150,verbose=FALSE,...) {
  if (verbose) print('spell.station')
  if (!is.null(dim(x))) {
    if ( verbose & (dim(x)[2]>1) ) print('group of stations')
    for (is in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
      y1 <- spell.default(subset(x,is=is),threshold=threshold,upper=upper,verbose=verbose,...)
      if (!inherits(y1,'spell')) {
        ## When failure, then create two series with NA
        y1 <- zoo(as.matrix(rep(NA,4),2,2),order.by=range(index(x)))
        if (is.T(x)) {
          attr(y1,'variable') <-  c("warm","cold") 
          attr(y1,'longname') <-  c("duration of warm spells","duration of cold spells") 
        } else {
          attr(y1,'variable') <-  c("wet","dry")
          attr(y1,'longname') <-  c("duration of wet spells","duration of dry spells") 
        attr(y1,'location') <- loc(x)[is]
        attr(y1,'station_id') <- stid(x)[is]
        attr(y1,'longitude') <- lon(x)[is]
        attr(y1,'latitude') <- lat(y)[is]
        attr(y1,'altitude') <- alt(x)[is]
        attr(y1,'unit') <- "days"
        attr(y1,'threshold') <- rep(threshold,2)
        attr(y1,'threshold.unit') <- rep(attr(x,'unit'),2)
        attr(y1,'chksum') <- NA
        attr(y1,'uncredibly.high') <- NA
        attr(y1,'uncredibly.low') <- NA
        attr(y1,'p.above') <- NA
        attr(y1,'interpolated.missing') <- NA
        class(y1) <- c("spell",class(x))
      if (is==1) y <- y1 else y <- combine.stations(y,y1)
  } else {
    ## Single station
    missing <- (1:length(x))[!is.finite(x)]
    if (min(missing)==1) {
      if (verbose) {
        print('strip away missing data at the beginning')
        print(paste('Data series length=',length(x),'number of missing data=',sum(missing)))
      remove <- is.element(1:length(x),missing)
      # Make sure that the series does not start with missing data
      y <- zoo(x[!remove])
      class(y) <- class(x)
      y <- attrcp(x,y)
      y -> x ; rm('y')
    if (verbose) {print('Analyse spells'); str(x)}
    y <- spell.default(x,threshold=threshold,upper=upper,verbose=verbose,...)
    if (is.null(y)) return(y)
    y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore=c("variable","unit"))
    natr <- names(attributes(y))
    for (i in 1:length(natr)) 
      if (length(attr(y,natr[i]))==1) attr(y,natr[i]) <- rep(attr(y,natr[i]),2)

#' @export
count <- function(x,threshold=1,fraction=FALSE,higher=TRUE,...) {
  if(higher) count <- sum(x > threshold,na.rm=TRUE) else count <- sum(x < threshold,na.rm=TRUE)
  if (fraction) count <- count/sum(is.finite(x))

#' @export
wetfreq <- function(x,threshold=1,...) {
  if (inherits(x,'zoo')) x <- coredata(x)
  x <- x[is.finite(x)]
  x[x < threshold] <- NA
  y <- sum(is.finite(x))/length(x)

#' @export
nevents <- function(x,threshold=1,...) {
  y <- exceedance.default(x,threshold=threshold,FUN="count")

#' @export
wetmean <- function(x,threshold=1,...) {
  ## REB 2015-03-23 - slow
  #   y <- exceedance.default(x,threshold=threshold,FUN="mean")
  ## REB 2015-03-23 - faster
  ## Also add the standard error estimate based on the sample size
  ## and assuming an exponential distribtion for daily data
  ## (sigma = mu)
  if (inherits(x,'zoo')) x <- coredata(x)
  x[x < threshold] <- NA
  y <- mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  ##error <- sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)/sqrt(sum(is.finite(x))-1)

# Exceedance is a function that
#' @export
exceedance <- function(x,threshold=1,FUN='mean',...) UseMethod("exceedance")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export exceedance.default
exceedance.default <- function(x,threshold=1,FUN='mean',na.rm=TRUE,...) {
  #print("HERE");  str(x)
  yrs <- year(x); d <- dim(x)
  X <- x; X[X <= threshold] <- NA
  # ns = number of stations
  if (is.null(d)) ns <- 1 else ns <- d[2]
  if ((FUN!="count") & (FUN!="freq")) {
    if ( (sum(is.element(names(formals(FUN)),'na.rm')==1)) |
         (sum(is.element(FUN,c('mean','min','max','sum','quantile')))>0 ) )
      y <- apply(matrix(X,length(X),ns),2,FUN,na.rm=na.rm, ...) else
        y <- apply(matrix(X,length(X),ns),2,FUN, ...)
      attr(y,'unit') <- attr(x,'unit')
  } else if (FUN=="count")  {
    #print("Wet-day count")
    y <- sum(is.finite(X))
    attr(y,'unit') <- paste("counts | X >",threshold,attr(y,'unit'))
  } else if (FUN=="freq") {
    #print(paste("Wet-day frequency",sum(is.finite(X)),sum(is.finite(x)),
    #            length(x),length(X),sum(is.finite(X))/sum(is.finite(x))))
    y <- sum(is.finite(X))/sum(is.finite(x))
    attr(y,'unit') <- paste("frequency | X >",threshold,attr(y,'unit'))
  #y <- attrcp(x,y)
  attr(y,'variable') <- paste(attr(x,'variable'),": exceedance above",threshold,
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export exceedance.station
exceedance.station <- function(x,threshold=1,FUN='mean',...) {
  y <- exceedance.default(x,threshold=threshold,FUN=FUN,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export exceedance.field
exceedance.field <- function(x,threshold=1,FUN='mean',...) {
  y <- exceedance.default(x,threshold=threshold,FUN=FUN,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export hist.spell
hist.spell <- function(x,family='geom',...) {
  n <- seq(0,ceiling(max(c(abs(x)),na.rm=TRUE))+1,by=1)
  hh <- hist(x[,1],breaks=n,plot=FALSE)
  hl <- hist(abs(x[,2]),breaks=n,plot=FALSE)
  #  dh <- dgeom(n,attr(x,'p.above')[1])
  #  dl <- dgeom(n,1-attr(x,'p.above')[2])
  if (substr(family,1,4)=='pois') {
    dh <- dpois(n,lambda=mean(x[,1],na.rm=TRUE))
    dl <- dpois(n,lambda=mean(abs(x[,2]),na.rm=TRUE))
  } else {
    dh <- dgeom(n,prob=1/(mean(x[,1],na.rm=TRUE)))
    dl <- dgeom(n,prob=1/(mean(abs(x[,2]),na.rm=TRUE)))
  col <- c('red','blue')
  runs <- c('hot','cold')
  spelltype <- 'hot and cold'
  if (sum(is.element(attr(x,'variable'),c('wet','dry')))>0) {
    col <- c('darkblue','brown')
    runs <- c('wet','dry')
    spelltype <- 'wet and dry' 
  main=paste(attr(x,'location')[1],spelltype,'spell duration')

#' @export
qqgeom <- function(x,treshold=1,pois=FALSE,...) {
  s <- spell(x,threshold=treshold)
  x1 <- qgeom(seq(0,1,length=101),prob=1/(mean(coredata(s[,1]),na.rm=TRUE)))
  y1 <- quantile(as.numeric(s[,1]),probs=seq(0,1,length=101),na.rm=TRUE)
  x2 <- qgeom(seq(0,1,length=101),prob=1/(mean(coredata(s[,2]),na.rm=TRUE)))
  y2 <- quantile(as.numeric(s[,2]),probs=seq(0,1,length=101),na.rm=TRUE)
  xp1 <- qpois(seq(0,1,length=101),lambda=mean(coredata(s[,1]),na.rm=TRUE))
  xp2 <- qpois(seq(0,1,length=101),lambda=mean(coredata(s[,2]),na.rm=TRUE))
  xy <- c(x1,x2,xp1,xp2,y1,y2,y1,y2); ok <- is.finite(xy)
       type='l',main='q-q geometric of streak statistics',
       xlab='distribution function',ylab=expression(q[p]))
  if (pois) {
  if (pois) legend(min(xy[ok]),max(xy[ok]),
                   pch=c(rep(19,2),rep(15,2)),bty='n') else

#' @export
HDD <- function(x,x0=18,na.rm=TRUE) {
  cold <- x < x0
  hdd <- sum(x0 - x[cold],na.rm=na.rm)

#' @export
CDD <- function(x,x0=22,na.rm=TRUE) {
  warm <- x > x0
  cdd <- sum(x[warm] - x0,na.rm=na.rm)

#' @export
GDD <- function(x,x0=10,na.rm=TRUE) {
  gdd <- CDD(x,x0=x0)
  attr(gdd,'url') <- 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growing_degree-day'

#' @export
spell.test <- function(x,threshold=1,verbose=FALSE) {
  t0 <- Sys.time()
  S.old <- spell.old(x,threshold,verbose=verbose)
  print(paste('spell.old: time lapsed',round(Sys.time()-t0,2),'s'))
  t0 <- Sys.time()
  S <- spell.default(x,threshold,verbose=verbose)
  print(paste('spell.default: time lapsed',round(Sys.time()-t0,2),'s'))
metno/esd documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:07 a.m.