
Defines functions subset.radiosonde subset.dsensemble.multi sort.station subset.pc subset.trajectory subset.events subregion.Default subset.spell subset.dsensemble subset.trend subset.ds subset.corfield subset.pca subset.matrix subset.pattern subset.mvr subset.cca subset.eof subset.comb subset.zoo subset.field subset.Default

Documented in sort.station subset.cca subset.cca subset.comb subset.comb subset.corfield subset.corfield subset.Default subset.Default subset.ds subset.ds subset.dsensemble subset.dsensemble subset.eof subset.eof subset.events subset.events subset.field subset.field subset.matrix subset.matrix subset.pattern subset.pattern subset.pca subset.pca subset.radiosonde subset.spell subset.spell subset.trajectory subset.trajectory subset.trend subset.trend subset.zoo subset.zoo

#' Subsetting esd objects
#' The subset method tries to be 'intelligent', and if the list has no names,
#' then the list contains two vectors of length 2, then this is interpreted as
#' a region, e.g. argument \code{is = list(
#' c(lon.min,lon.max),c(lat.min,lat.max) )}. If, on the other hand, \code{is =
#' list( lon=1:50,lat=55:65 )}, then the function picks the longitudes and
#' latitudes which match these. This makes it flexible so that one can pick any
#' irregular sequence.
#' @aliases subset subset.station subset.eof subset.pca subset.cca
#' subset.events subset.trajectory subset.trend subset.corfield subset.ds
#' subset.dsensemble subset.comb subset.field subset.spell subset.zoo
#' subset.trajectory station.subset subset.zoo subset.stationmeta
#' subset.matrix subset.pattern subset.Default subset.mvcomb
#' @seealso matchdate sort.station
#' @param x Data object from which the subset is taken
#' @param it A list or data.frame providing time index, e.g. a range of years like c(1979,2010), a season ('djf'), or a month ('dec' or 'december').
#' @param is A list or data.frame providing space index, e.g. a list of longitude and latitude range like list(lon=c(0,60), lat=c(35,60)).
#' @param ip selection of patterns in PCA or EOF (used for e.g. filtering the data)
#' @param verbose If TRUE, print out diagnosics
#' @param ensemble.aggregate If TRUE, call \code{subset.dsensemble.multi} if
#' appropriate.
#' @param ic Argument of \code{subset.events}: A list providing criteria for selection of cyclones, 
#' ic = list(param, pmax, pmin, FUN), where param is a parameter or element type,
#' pmax and pmin are the upper and lower limit of the parameter.  If FUN is
#' "any" (default setting), subset selects cyclones or trajectories that are
#' within the chosen range at any point during their lifetime.  If FUN is "all"
#' and x is an 'events' object, subset selects all individual cyclones within
#' the range (pmin, pmax).  If FUN is "all" and x is a 'trajectory' object,
#' subset selects cyclone trajectories that are within the chosen range at all
#' points during their lifetime.)
#' @param \dots additional arguments 
#' @return An object of the same class as the input object
#' @author R.E. Benestad and A.  Mezghani
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' data(Oslo)
#' # January months:
#' jan <- subset(Oslo,it="jan")
#' # The last 10 years:
#' recent <- subset(Oslo,it=c(2003,2012))
#' # JJA season
#' jja <- subset(Oslo,it="jja")
#' # Seasonl values for MAM
#' mam <- subset(as.4seasons(Oslo),it="mam")
#' data(ferder)
#' # Aggregated values for May
#' may <- subset(as.monthly(Oslo),it="may")
#' # The last 10 aggregated annual values 
#' recent.ann <- subset(as.annual(Oslo),it=2004:2013)
#' gcm <- t2m.NorESM.M()
#' # Extract July months from a field:
#' gcm.jul <- subset(gcm,it="jul")
#' # Extract a period from a field:
#' gcm.short <- subset(gcm.jul,it=c(1950,2030))
#' # Extract data for the region 0-50E/55-65N
#' X <-  subset(gcm,is=list(c(0,50),c(55,65)))
#' # Extract data for a specific set of longitudes and latitudes
#' Z <-  subset(gcm,is=list(lon=c(1,30),lat=c(58,63)))
#' t2m <- t2m.NCEP(lon=c(-10,30),lat=c(50,70))
#' cal <- subset(t2m,it=c("1948-01-01","1980-12-31"))
#' # Example on how to split the data into two parts for
#' # split-sample test...
#' T2M <- as.annual(t2m.NCEP(lon=c(-10,30),lat=c(50,70)))
#' cal <- subset(T2M,it=c(1948,1980))
#' pre <- subset(T2M,it=c(1981,2012))
#' comb <- combine(cal,pre) 
#' X <- EOF(comb)
#' plot(X)
#' data(ferder)
#' y <- as.annual(ferder)
#' z <- DS(y,X)
#' plot(z, new=FALSE)
#' # Test of subset the commutative property of subset and combine: 
#' T2M <- as.4seasons(t2m.NCEP(lon=c(-10,30),lat=c(50,70)))
#' GCM <- as.4seasons(t2m.NorESM.M(lon = range(lon(T2M))+c(-2,2), lat = range(lat(T2M))+c(-2,2)))
#' XY <- combine(T2M,GCM)
#' X1 <- subset(XY,it="mam")
#' X2 <- combine(subset(T2M,it="mam"),subset(GCM,it="mam"))
#' eof1 <- EOF(X1)
#' eof2 <- EOF(X2)
#' plot(merge(eof1[,1],eof2[,1]),plot.type='single',
#'      col=c('red','blue'),lty=c(1,2),lwd=c(4,2), new=FALSE)
#' # OK - identical results
#' # Extract storm tracks for specific periods, regions and characteristics
#' # from the sample 'events' object \code{storms} (North Atlantic storms identified from ERA5 data)
#' data(storms)
#' # Subset deep cyclones...
#' x <- subset(storms, ic=list(param="pcent", pmax=970, FUN="any"))
#' # ... and trajectories with a lifetime of at least 12 time steps (72 hours)
#' x <- subset(x, ic=list(param="trackcount", pmin=12))
#' # Subset cyclones in the region 10W-10E/55-65N
#' x.is <- subset(x,is=list(lat=c(55,65),lon=c(-10,10)))
#' # ...and all cyclones passing going through the region
#' x.is2 <- subset(x,it=which(x$trajectory %in% x.is$trajectory))
#' # Subset cyclones in the spring season (march, april, may)
#' x.mam <- subset(x, it="mam")
#' # Subset cyclones in december 2016
#' x.201612 <- subset(x,it=c("2016-12-01","2016-12-31")) 
#' map(x.201612, new=FALSE)
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.Default <- function(x,it=NULL,is=NULL,ip=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) {print("subset.Default"); print(it); print(is); print(ip); print('---')}
  ## REB: Use select.station to condition the selection index is...
  ## loc - selection by names
  ## lon/lat selection be geography or closest if one coordinate lon/lat
  ##         if two-element vectors, define a region
  ## alt - positive values: any above; negative any below height
  ## cntr - selection by country
  ## REB 2015-02-02: renamed to subset.Default because this will be used to subset
  ## both field and station objects.
  nval <- function(x) sum(is.finite(x))
  ## Sometimes 'it' = 'integer(0)' - reset to NULL!
  if (length(it)==0) it <- NULL
  if (length(is)==0) is <- NULL
  ## Return the original value if 'it' and 'is' are not specified
  if (is.null(it) & is.null(is)) return(x)
  x0 <- x
  d <- dim(x)
  if (is.null(d)) {
    if (verbose)
      print("subset.Default: Warning - One dimensional vector has been found in the coredata")
    x <- zoo(as.matrix(coredata(x)),order.by=index(x))
    x <- attrcp(x0,x)
    class(x) <- class(x0)
  d <- dim(x)
  if (is.null(is)) is <- 1:d[2]
  #    if (is.null(it)) it <- 1:d[1] This lines causes a bug if is is given but not it...
  ## get time in t
  t <- index(x)
  if(inherits(t,"Date")) t <- as.Date(format.Date(t,"%Y-%m-%d"))
  if(!inherits(t,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) ii <- is.finite(t) else ii <- rep(TRUE,length(t))
  if (verbose) {print('subset.Default: time index it'); print(it)}
  if (is.character(it)) {
    if (levels(factor(nchar(it)))==10) it <- as.Date(it)
  ##  if (datetype=="Date") {
  if (inherits(t,c("Date","yearmon"))) {
    if (verbose) print('x is a Date or yearmon object')
    ## REB: replaced by lines below:
    ##    year <- as.numeric( format(t, '%Y') ) 
    ##    month <- as.numeric( format(t, '%m') )
    yr <- year(x)
    mo <- month(x)
    dy <- day(x)
  } else if (inherits(t,c("numeric","integer"))) {
    if (verbose) print('X has a numeric index - select by years')
    yr <- t
    mo <- dy <- rep(1,length(t))
  } else if (inherits(t,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) {
    if (verbose) print('X has a POSIXt index')
    yr <- year(t)
    mo <- month(t)
    dy <- day(t)
    hr <- as.numeric(format(t,"%H"))
    mn <- as.numeric(format(t,"%M"))
    if (!inherits(it,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) t <- format(t,"%Y-%m-%d")
  } else print("Index of x should be a Date, yearmon, or numeric object")
  if (is.logical(it)) {
    ii <- it 
  } else if(inherits(it,c("Date"))) {
    if ( length(it) == 2 ) {
      if (verbose) print('Between two dates')
      if (verbose) print(it)
      ii <- (t >= min(it)) & (t <= max(it))
    } else {
      ii <- is.element(as.Date(t),it) #is.element(t,it)
  } else if(inherits(it,"yearmon")) {
    ii <- is.element(as.yearmon(t),it)
  } else if (is.character(it)) {
    if (verbose) print('it is a string')
    if (sum(is.element(tolower(substr(it,1,3)),tolower(month.abb)))>0) {
      if (verbose) print('Monthly selected')
      ii <- is.element(month(x),(1:12)[is.element(tolower(month.abb),tolower(substr(it,1,3)))])
    } else if (sum(is.element(tolower(it),names(season.abb())))>0) {
      if (verbose) print("Seasonally selected")
      if (verbose) print(table(month(x)))
      if (verbose) print(eval(parse(text=paste('season.abb()$',it,sep=''))))
      ii <- is.element(month(x),eval(parse(text=paste('season.abb()$',it,sep=''))))
      #y <- x[ii,is] # REB Not here
    } else if (inherits(it,"Date")) {
      if (verbose) print('it is a Date object')
      ii <- is.element(as.Date(t),it)
    } else {
      str(it); print(class(it))
      ii <- rep(FALSE,length(t))
      warning("subset.Default: did not recognise the selection citerion for 'it'")
  } else if (inherits(it,c("numeric","integer"))) {
    if (verbose) print('it is numeric or integer')
    nlev <- as.numeric(levels(factor(as.character(it)))) # REB 2015-01-15
    if (verbose) {print(nlev); print(it)}
    #       if ((length(nlev)==1)) { REB 2015-01-20: the lines below will never happen with this line:
    if (length(it)==2) {
      if ( (min(it) >= 1800) & (max(it) <= 2500) ) {
        if (verbose) print("it most probably contains a years")
        ii <- is.element(yr,year(it[1]):year(it[2]))
      } else if ( (min(it) >= 1) & (max(it) <= length(yr)) ) {
        if (verbose) print("it most probably contains a indices")
        ii <- is.element(1:length(yr),it[1]:it[2])
      } else  if (min(it) >= min(yr)) {
        if (verbose) print("it most probably contains years")
        ii <- is.element(yr,it[1]:max(yr))
      } else  if (max(it) <= max(yr)) {
        if (verbose) print("it most probably contains years")
        ii <- is.element(yr,min(yr):it[2])
    } else if ((length(it)>2) | length(it==1)) {
      # if it is years:
      if (min(it) > length(yr)) {
        if (verbose) print("match years")
        ii <- is.element(yr,it)
      } else if (max(it) <= length(yr)) {
        if (verbose) print("pick by indices")
        ii <- is.element(1:length(t),it)
      } else {
        ii <- rep(FALSE,length(t))
        warning("subset.Default: did not reckognise the selection citerion for 'it'")
    } else if (inherits(it,c("Date","yearmon"))) {     
      ##        ii <- is.element(t,it)
      if (verbose) print('it is a date object')
      ii <- (t >= min(it)) & (t <= max(it))
    } else if (inherits(it,"logical") & length(it)==length(yr)) {
      ii <- it
    } else if (inherits(it,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) {
      if (verbose) print('it is a date & time object')
      if (!inherits(t,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) it <- as.Date(format(it,"%Y-%m-%d"))
      ii <- is.element(t,it)
    } else if (!is.null(it)) {
      ii <- rep(FALSE,length(t))
      warning("subset.Default: did not reckognise the selection citerion for 'it'")
    ## it <- (1:length(t))[ii]
  } else if (inherits(it,c("Date","yearmon"))) {       
    ##        ii <- is.element(t,it)
    if (verbose) print('it is a date object')
    ii <- (t >= min(it)) & (t <= max(it))
  } else if (inherits(it,"logical") & length(it)==length(yr)) {
    ii <- it
  } else if (inherits(it,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) {
    if (verbose) print('it is a date & time object')
    if (!inherits(t,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) it <- as.Date(format(it,"%Y-%m-%d"))
    ii <- is.element(t,it)
  } else if (!is.null(it)) {
    ii <- rep(FALSE,length(t))
    warning("subset.Default: did not reckognise the selection citerion for 'it'")
  class(x) -> cls
  ## update the class of x
  #class(x) <- "zoo" 
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  selx <- is.finite(lon(x)); sely <- is.finite(lat(x))
  selz <- rep(TRUE,n)
  selc <- selz; seli <- selz; selm <- selz; salt <- selz
  selp <- selz; selF <- selz ; sell <- selz
  # REB 11.04.2014: is can be a list to select region or according to other criterion
  if ( inherits(is,'list') & inherits(x,'station') ) {
    if (verbose) {
      print('spatial selection: station & is=list')
    nms <- names(is)
    il <- grep('loc',tolower(nms))
    ix <- grep('lon',tolower(nms))
    iy <- grep('lat',tolower(nms))
    iz <- grep('alt',tolower(nms))
    ic <- grep('cntr',tolower(nms))
    im <- grep('nmin',tolower(nms))
    ip <- grep('param',tolower(nms))
    id <- grep('stid',tolower(nms))
    iF <- grep('FUN',nms)
    if (length(il)>0) sloc <- is[[il]] else sloc <- NULL
    if (length(ix)>0) slon <- is[[ix]] else slon <- NULL
    if (length(iy)>0) slat <- is[[iy]] else slat <- NULL
    if (length(iz)>0) salt <- is[[iz]] else salt <- NULL
    if (length(ic)>0) scntr <- is[[ic]] else scntr <- NULL
    if (length(im)>0) snmin <- is[[im]] else snmin <- NULL
    if (length(ip)>0) sparam <- is[[ip]] else sparam <- NULL        
    if (length(id)>0) sstid <- is[[id]] else sstid <- NULL
    if (length(iF)>0) sFUN <- is[[iF]] else sFUN <- NULL
    if (length(sloc)>0) sell <- is.element(tolower(sloc(x)),sloc)
    if (verbose) print(paste('Number of points: ',sum(ii),sum(is),
    ## REB 2021-03-31: something strange happened here!
    if (!is.logical(is)) {
      warning('subset: Something strange happened! class(is)==NULL...')
    y <- x[which(ii),which(is)]
    class(x) <- cls; class(y) <- cls
    y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore=c("names"))
    if ( (inherits(x,'station')) & (length(is)>1) ) {
      if (verbose) print('station attributes')
      attr(y,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')[is]
      attr(y,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'altitude')))
        attr(y,'altitude') <- attr(x,'altitude')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'country')))
        attr(y,'country') <- attr(x,'country')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'source')))
        attr(y,'source') <- attr(x,'source')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'station_id')))
        attr(y,'station_id') <- attr(x,'station_id')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'location')))
        attr(y,'location') <- attr(x,'location')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'quality')))
        attr(y,'quality') <- attr(x,'quality')[is]
      ## attr(y,'history') <- attr(x,'history')[is]
      ## attr(y,'element') <- attr(x,'element')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'aspect')))
        attr(y,'aspect') <- attr(x,'aspect')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'variable'))) {
        if (length(attr(x,'variable'))==length(is)) {
          attr(y,'variable') <- attr(x,'variable')[is] 
        } else {
          attr(y,'variable') <- attr(x,'variable')
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'unit'))) {
        if (length(attr(x,'unit'))==length(is)) {
          attr(y,'unit') <- attr(x,'unit')[is] 
        } else {
          attr(y,'unit') <- attr(x,'unit')
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'longname')))
        attr(y,'longname') <- attr(x,'longname')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'reference')))
        attr(y,'reference') <- attr(x,'reference')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'info')))
        attr(y,'info') <- attr(x,'info')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'method')))
        attr(y,'method') <- attr(x,'method')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'type')))
        attr(y,'type') <- attr(x,'type')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'URL')))
        attr(y,'URL') <- attr(x,'URL')[is]
      if (!is.null(attr(y,'na')))
        attr(y,'na') <- attr(x,'na')[is]
    if (length(salt)==2) selz <- (alt(x) >= min(salt)) & (alt(x) <= max(salt))
    if (length(salt)==1) {
      if (salt < 0) {
        selz <- alt(x) <= abs(salt) 
      } else {
        selz <- alt(x) >= salt
    if (length(scntr)>0) selc <- is.element(tolower(cntr(x)),scntr)
    if (length(snmin)>0) selm <- apply(coredata(x),2,nval) > snmin
    if (length(sparam)>0) selp <- is.element(tolower(attr(x,"variable")),sparam)
    if (length(sstid)==2) {
      seli <- (stid(x) >= min(sstid)) & (stid(x) <= max(sstid)) 
    } else if (length(sstid)>0) {
      seli <- is.element(stid(x),sstid)
    if (length(sFUN)>0) selm <- apply(coredata(x),2,sFUN) # Not quite finished...
    is <- sell & selx & sely & selz & selc & seli & selm & selp & selF
    if (verbose) print(paste(sum(is),'spatial points'))
    ## Need to make sure both it and is are same type: here integers for index rather than logical
    ## otherwise the subindexing results in an empty object
  } else if ( inherits(is,'list') & inherits(x,'field') ) {
    if (verbose) print('spatial selection: field & is=list')
    ## KMP 2016-10-20 Can we subset across the dateline and greenwich now?
    y <- subregion.Default(x,is=is,verbose=verbose)
    if(!any(attr(y,"longitude")<0) & any(attr(y,"longitude")>180)) {
      x <- g2dl.field(x,greenwich=TRUE) 
    is <- attr(y,'ixy'); selx <- attr(y,'ix'); sely <- attr(y,'iy')
  } else if (is.null(is)) {
    if (verbose) print('spatial selection: is=NULL')
    is <- rep(TRUE,d[2]) 
  } else if (is.numeric(is)) {
    if (verbose) print('spatial selection: is=numeric')
    iss <- rep(FALSE,d[2]); iss[is] <- TRUE
    is <- iss
  } else {
    if (verbose) print('spatial selection: otherwise')
    is <- attr(y,'ixy'); selx <- attr(y,'ix'); sely <- attr(y,'iy')
  if (verbose) print(paste('number of points: ',sum(ii),sum(is),
  y <- x[which(ii),which(is)]
  class(x) <- cls; class(y) <- cls
  y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore=c("names"))
  if (inherits(x,'station')) {
    if (verbose) print('station attributes')
    attr(y,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')[is]
    attr(y,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'altitude')))
      attr(y,'altitude') <- attr(x,'altitude')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'country')))
      attr(y,'country') <- attr(x,'country')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'source')))
      attr(y,'source') <- attr(x,'source')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'station_id')))
      attr(y,'station_id') <- attr(x,'station_id')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'location')))
      attr(y,'location') <- attr(x,'location')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'quality')))
      attr(y,'quality') <- attr(x,'quality')[is]
    ## attr(y,'history') <- attr(x,'history')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'variable')))
      attr(y,'variable') <- attr(x,'variable')[is]
    ## attr(y,'element') <- attr(x,'element')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'aspect')))
      attr(y,'aspect') <- attr(x,'aspect')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'unit'))) {
      if (length(attr(x,'unit'))==length(is)) {
        attr(y,'unit') <- attr(x,'unit')[is] 
      } else {
        attr(y,'unit') <- attr(x,'unit')
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'longname')))
      attr(y,'longname') <- attr(x,'longname')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'reference')))
      attr(y,'reference') <- attr(x,'reference')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'info')))
      attr(y,'info') <- attr(x,'info')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'method')))
      attr(y,'method') <- attr(x,'method')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'type')))
      attr(y,'type') <- attr(x,'type')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'URL')))
      attr(y,'URL') <- attr(x,'URL')[is]
    if (!is.null(attr(y,'na')))
      attr(y,'na') <- attr(x,'na')[is]
    if (!is.null(err(y)))
      attr(y,'standard.error') <- err(x)[ii,is]
  } else {
    attr(y,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')[selx]
    attr(y,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')[sely]
    c(sum(selx),sum(sely),sum(ii,na.rm=TRUE)) -> attr(y,'dimensions')
  if(!any(attr(y,"longitude")<0) & any(attr(y,"longitude")>180)) {
    attr(y,"greenwich") <- TRUE
  } else {
    attr(y,"greenwich") <- FALSE
  ## Check if there is only one series but if the dimension 
  if ( (!is.null(d)) & is.null(dim(y)) ) {
    if (d[2]==1) dim(y) <- c(length(y),1)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
  if (verbose) print('exit subset.Default')
  if (inherits(y,"annual")) index(y) <- as.numeric(year(index(y)))

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.field <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print("subset.field")
  if (is.null(it) & is.null(is)) return(x) 
  if (verbose) {str(it); str(is)}
  y <- subset.Default(x,...,is=is,it=it,verbose=verbose)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.zoo <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print("subset.zoo")
  if (is.null(it) & is.null(is)) return(x)
  d <- dim(x)
  y <- subset.Default(x,is=is,it=it,verbose=verbose)
  ## Check if there is only one series but if the dimension 
  if ( (!is.null(d)) & is.null(dim(y)) ) {
    if (d[2]==1) dim(y) <- c(length(y),1)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.comb <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("subset.comb")
  if(verbose) print(paste("n.apps=",attr(x,'n.apps')))
  if ((is.null(it)) & (is.null(is))) return(x)
  n.app <- attr(x,'n.apps')
  y <- subset.field(x,it=it,is=is,verbose=verbose)
  y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore = c('longitude','latitude'))
  if (verbose) print('Subset the appendend fields')    
  for (i in 1:n.app) {
    if (verbose) print(paste0("z <- attr(x,'appendix.",i,"')"))
    eval(parse(text=paste0("z <- attr(x,'appendix.",i,"')")))
    class(z) <- class(x)[-1]
    attr(z,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')
    attr(z,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')
    yz <- subset(z,it=it,is=is,verbose=verbose)
    yz <- zoo(coredata(yz),order.by=index(yz))
    yz <- attrcp(z,yz)
    attr(yz,'dimensions') <- c(length(attr(z,'longitude')),
    if (verbose) print(paste0("yz -> attr(y,'appendix.",i,"')"))
    eval(parse(text=paste0("yz -> attr(y,'appendix.",i,"')")))
  n.app -> attr(y,'n.apps')
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.eof <- function(x,...,ip=NULL,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print("subset.eof")
  if (is.null(is) & is.null(it) & is.null(ip)) return(x)                                    
  if (is.null(it) & is.null(is[1]) & is.null(is[2]) & is.null(ip)) return(x) 
  d <- dim(x); greenwich <- TRUE
  clim <- attr(x,'mean')
  ## grep for appendices
  nm <- names(attributes(x))
  if (verbose) {print(nm); print(is)}
  id <- grep("appendix",nm)
  apps <- nm[id]
  # Pattern extracts certain modes/patterns
  if (!is.null(ip)) {
    if (verbose) print(paste('Chose pattern',ip))
    y <- x[,ip]
    y <- attrcp(x,y)
    class(y) <- class(x)
    attr(y,'eigenvalues') <- attr(y,'eigenvalues')[ip]
    attr(y,'pattern') <- attr(y,'pattern')[,,ip]
    attr(y,'longitude') <- lon(x)
    attr(y,'latitude') <- lat(x)
    attr(y,'variable') <- varid(x)
    attr(y,'unit') <- esd::unit(x)
    attr(y,'long_name') <- attr(x,'long_name')
    attr(y,'history') <- attr(x,'history')
    attr(y,'info') <- attr(x,'info')
    attr(y,'ref') <- attr(x,'ref')
    attr(y,'source') <- attr(x,'source')
    if (!is.null(attr(x,'n.apps'))) {
      n.app <- attr(x,'n.apps')
      if (verbose) print(paste(n.app,'appendixes'))
      attr(y,'n.apps') <- n.app
      for (j in 1:n.app) {
        appj <- attr(x,apps[j])[,ip]
        appj <- attrcp(attr(x,apps[j]),appj)
        attr(y,apps[j]) <- appj
    x <- y
  if (verbose) {print('spatial selection: is='); print(is); print(d)}
  if (is.null(is)) is <- 1:d[length(d)] else
    if (is.list(is)) {
      if (verbose) {print('Select space'); print(is)}
      if (length(is)==1) is[[2]] <- NULL
      if ( (is.null(is[[1]])) | (sum(is.finite(is[[1]])) < 2) ) is[[1]] <- c(-180,360)
      if ( (is.null(is[[2]])) | (sum(is.finite(is[[2]])) < 2) ) is[[2]] <- c(-90,90)
      # Select a subregion from the EOFs:
      if (verbose) print(names(attributes(x)))
      lons <- lon(x); lon.rng <- range(lon(x))
      lats <- lat(x); lat.rng <- range(lat(x))
      if (verbose) {print(lon.rng); print(lat.rng)}
      ## REB 2016-11-03: pca2eof forgot the greenwich attribute.
      if (is.null(attr(x,'greenwich'))) attr(x,'greenwich') <- TRUE
      X <- attr(x, "pattern")
      if ( (length(is[[1]])==2) & (length(is[[2]])==2) ) {
        lon.rng <- range(is[[1]]); lat.rng <- range(is[[2]])
        if ( (min(lon.rng) < 0) & (attr(x,'greenwich')) ) {
          if (verbose) print("convert to non-greenwich")
          lons[lons > 180] <- lons[lons > 180] - 360
          srt <- order(lons)
          X <- X[srt,,]
          clim <- clim[srt,]
          lons <- lons[srt]
          greenwich <- FALSE
        keepx <- (lons >= lon.rng[1]) & (lons <= lon.rng[2])
        keepy <- (lats >= lat.rng[1]) & (lats <= lat.rng[2])
        if ( (sum(keepx)==0) | (sum(keepy)==0) ) {
          print(is); print(lons); print(lats)
          stop('Check the coordinates')
        X <- X[keepx,keepy,]
        if (verbose) print(paste('New dimensions',sum(keepx),sum(keepy)))
        attr(x, "pattern") <- X
        lons[keepx] -> attr(x,'longitude')
        lats[keepy] -> attr(x,'latitude')
        clim <- clim[keepx,keepy]
        attr(x,'dimensions') <- c(sum(keepx),sum(keepy),d[2])
        is <- 1:d[2]
  if (is.null(it)) {
    if (verbose) print('Original time')
    it <- 1:d[1] 
    dates <- index(x)
    keept <- 1 : d[1]
  } else {
    if (verbose) {print('Select time'); print(class(it))}
    if (is.numeric(it) & !inherits(it,'zoo')) {
      if (verbose) print('numeric object - convert to dates')
      ## 00-99: assume 1-12 - months
      if (max(nchar(as.character(it)))[1]<=2)
        keept <- is.element(as.numeric(format(index(x),"%m")),it)
      ## 0000-9999: assume 1900-2100 - years
      else if (sum(nchar(as.character(it))==4) == length(it)) {
        if (length(it)==2)
          if (diff(it)>1)
            it <- seq(it[1],it[2],1)
        if (is.character(index(x)) | inherits(index(x),'Date'))
          keept <- is.element(as.numeric(format(index(x),"%Y")),it)
          keept <- is.element(index(x),it)
    } else if (is.character(it)) {
      if (verbose) print('it is a char object - convert to dates')
      if (nchar(it[1])==10) keept <- is.element(index(x),as.Date(it)) #format: YYYY-MM-DD
    } else if (inherits(it,'zoo')) {
      if (verbose) print('it is a zoo object - use its index')
      keept <- is.element(index(x),index(it)) 
    } else if(is.logical(it)) {
      if (verbose) print('it is a logical')
      keept <- it
    } else {
      print(paste('it is a',paste(class(it), collapse='/'),'object - not valid input in subset.eof'))
    if (!is.null(keept)) dates <- index(x)[keept]
    if (verbose) print(c(sum(keept),length(keept)))
  ## REB 2022-05-22 The operation done here has already bee ncarried out above...
  # if (length(id)>0) {
  #   nm <- nm[id]
  #   for (i in 1:length(nm)) {
  #     eval(parse(text=paste("a <- attr(x,'",nm,"')",sep="")))
  #     cls <- class(a)
  #     ## KMP 2021-04-22: The appendix has a different 
  #     ## time index than x so keept can't be applied to it! 
  #     #ais <- zoo(coredata(a)[keept,is],order.by=dates)
  #     #ais <- zoo(coredata(a)[,is],order.by=index(a))
  #     ## REB 2022-05-22
  #     ais <- zoo(coredata(a)[,ip],order.by=index(a))
  #     ais <- attrcp(a,ais)
  #     eval(parse(text=paste("attr(x,'",nm,"') <- ais",sep="")))
  #     rm(a,ais,cls)
  #   }
  # }
  class(x) -> cls
  ##keept <- is.element(index(x),it)
  if (!is.null(keept)) y <- x[keept,]
  class(x) <- cls; class(y) <- cls
  y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore=c('greenwich','mean'))
  attr(y,'greenwich') <- greenwich
  clim -> attr(y,'mean')
  attr(y,'pattern') <- attr(x,"pattern")
  attr(y,'eigenvalues') <-attr(x,"eigenvalues")
  #attr(y,'date-stamp') <- date()
  #attr(y,'call') <- match.call()
  attr(y, "dimensions") <- dim(attr(x,"pattern"))
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
  if (verbose) print('exit subset.eof')

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.cca <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("subset.cca")
  if (!is.null(is))  {
    x <- subset.pattern(x,is=is,...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.mvr <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL) {

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export 
subset.pattern <- function(x,...,is=NULL,ip=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  ## Takes a subset of the pattern attribute, e.g. a smaller region.
  if (verbose) {print('subset.pattern.'); print(dim(x))}
  if (is.null(ip)) ip <- 1:dim(x)[length(dim(x))]
  lons <- lon(x)
  lats <- lat(x)
  if (is.list(is)) {
    if (verbose) print('is is a list object')
    y <- attr(x,'pattern')
    nms <- substr(tolower(names(is)),1,3)
    IS <- 1:length(nms)
    if (verbose) print(nms)
    if (sum(is.element(nms,'lon'))>0) {
      inm <- IS[is.element(nms,'lon')]
      if (!is.null(is[[inm]])) {
        ix <- (lons >= min(is[[inm]])) &
          (lons <= max(is[[inm]])) 
      } else { 
        ix <- is.finite(lons)
    } else {
      ix <- is.finite(lons)
    if (sum(is.element(nms,'lat'))>0) {
      inm <- IS[is.element(nms,'lat')]
      if (!is.null(is[[inm]])) {
        iy <- (lats >= min(is[[inm]])) &
          (lats <= max(is[[inm]])) 
      } else {
        iy <- is.finite(lats)
    } else {
      iy <- is.finite(lats)
  } else {
    ix <- is.finite(lon(x))
    iy <- is.finite(lat(x))
  if (!is.null(attr(x,'pattern'))) {
    if (verbose) print('replace the pattern argument: [ix,iy,ip]')
    y[ix,iy,ip] -> attr(x,'pattern')
    lons[ix] -> attr(x,'longitude')
    lats[iy] -> attr(x,'latitude')
  } else {
    if (verbose) print(paste('subset the matrix:',sum(ix),sum(iy),length(ip)))
    if (verbose) print(dim(x))
    nd <- length(dim(x))
    if (nd == 3) {
      y <- x[ix,iy,ip]
    } else if (nd == 2) y <- x[ix,iy]
    y <- attrcp(x,y)
    attr(y,'variable') <- varid(x)
    attr(y,'unit') <- esd::unit(x)
    lons[ix] -> attr(y,'longitude')
    lats[iy] -> attr(y,'latitude')
    x <- y
  attr(x,'history') <- history.stamp(x)  

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.matrix <- function(x,...,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("esd::subset.matrix")
  if ( (is.null(is)) & (verbose==FALSE) ) {
    y <- base::subset.matrix(x,...)
    y <- attrcp(x, y)
  } else y <- subset.pattern(x,is=is,verbose=verbose)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.pca <- function(x,...,ip=NULL,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('subset.pca')
  y <- x
  if (!is.null(ip)) {
    if (verbose) {print('subset in pattern'); print(ip)}
    y <- y[,ip]
    y <- attrcp(x,y)
    class(y) <- class(x)
    attr(y,'eigenvalues') <- attr(y,'eigenvalues')[ip]
    attr(y,'pattern') <- attr(y,'pattern')[,ip]
    if (!is.null(attr(x,'n.apps'))) {
      attr(y,'n.apps') <- attr(x,'n.apps')
      attr(y,'appendix.1') <- attr(x,'appendix.1')
  if (!is.null(it)) {
    if (verbose) {print('subset in time'); print(it)}
    y0 <- y
    y <- subset.station(y,it=it,verbose=verbose)
    y <- attrcp(y0,y)
    rm('y0'); gc(reset=TRUE)
    class(y) <- class(x)
  if (!is.null(is)) {
    if (verbose) {print('subset in space'); print(is)}
    if (is.list(is)) {
      keep <- (lon(x) <= max(is$lon)) & (lon(x) >= min(is$lon)) & 
        (lat(x) <= max(is$lat)) & (lat(x) >= min(is$lat))
      attr(y,'pattern') <- attr(y,'pattern')[keep,]
      attr(y,'location') <- loc(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'longitude') <- lon(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'latitude') <- lat(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'altitude') <- alt(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'variable') <- varid(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'unit') <- unit(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'longname') <- attr(y,'longname')[keep]
      attr(y,'country') <- cntr(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'station_id') <- stid(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'source') <- src(y)[keep]
      attr(y,'quality') <- attr(y,'quality')[keep]
      attr(y,'url') <- attr(y,'url')[keep]
      attr(y,'mean') <- attr(y,'mean')[keep]
    } else if ((is.numeric(is)) | is.logical(is)) {
      attr(y,'pattern') <- attr(y,'pattern')[is,]
      attr(y,'location') <- loc(y)[is]
      attr(y,'longitude') <- lon(y)[is]
      attr(y,'latitude') <- lat(y)[is]
      attr(y,'altitude') <- alt(y)[is]
      attr(y,'variable') <- varid(y)[is]
      attr(y,'unit') <- unit(y)[is]
      attr(y,'longname') <- attr(y,'longname')[is]
      attr(y,'country') <- cntr(y)[is]
      attr(y,'station_id') <- stid(y)[is]
      attr(y,'source') <- src(y)[is]
      attr(y,'quality') <- attr(y,'quality')[is]
      attr(y,'url') <- attr(y,'url')[is]
      attr(y,'mean') <- attr(y,'mean')[is]
  if (length(y)==1) y <- y[[1]]
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.corfield <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('subset.corfield')
  y <- x
  dim(y) <- c(1,length(x))
  y <- zoo(y,order.by=1)
  attr(y,"dimensions") <- c(length(attr(x,"longitude")),
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  y <- as.field(y,param=attr(x,"variable"),unit=attr(x,"unit"),
  y <- subset(y,is=is,verbose=verbose)
  dim(y) <- length(y)
  attr(y,"dimensions") <- c(length(attr(y,"longitude")),
  class(y) <- "corfield"
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)  

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.ds <- function(x,...,ip=NULL,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('subset.ds')
  y <- x
  if (!is.null(it)) {
    if (verbose) print(paste('it=',it))
    if(inherits(x,'pca')) {
      y <- subset.pca(x,it=it,verbose=verbose)
    } else if(inherits(x,'station')) {
      y <- subset.station(x,it=it,verbose=verbose)
    } else if(inherits(x,'eof')) {
      y <- subset.eof(x,it=it,verbose=verbose)
    } else {
      if(verbose) print(paste("subset.ds doesn't do anything for objects of class",
                              paste(class(x),collapse=" ")))
    attr(y,'evaluation') <- subset(attr(x,'evaluation'), it=it)
    attr(y,'fitted_values') <- subset(attr(x,'fitted_values'), it=it)
    x <- y
  if (!is.null(ip)) {
    if (verbose) print(paste('pattern=',ip))
    if (inherits(x,'pca')) {
      y <- subset.pca(x,ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
      attr(y,'eof') <- subset.eof(attr(x,'eof'),ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
      xcols <- is.element(names(attr(x,'evaluation')),paste(c('X.PCA','Z.PCA'),rep(ip,2),sep='.'))
      ##attr(y,'evaluation') <- attr(x,'evaluation')[,c(2*(ip-1)+1,2*(ip-1)+2)]
      attr(y,'evaluation') <- attr(x,'evaluation')[,xcols]
      attr(y,'model') <- attr(x,'model')[ip]
      attr(y,'fitted_values') <- attr(x,'fitted_values')[ip]
      if (!is.null(attr(x,'n.apps'))) {
        natt <- attr(x,'n.apps')
        for (i in 1:natt)
          attr(y,paste('appendix.',i,sep='')) <-
      x <- y
    if (inherits(x,'eof')) {
      y <- subset.eof(x,ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
      attr(y,'eof') <- subset.eof(attr(x,'eof'),ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
      xcols <- is.element(names(attr(x,'evaluation')),paste(c('X.PCA','Z.PCA'),rep(ip,2),sep='.'))
      ##attr(y,'evaluation') <- attr(x,'evaluation')[,c(2*(ip-1)+1,2*(ip-1)+2)]
      attr(y,'evaluation') <- attr(x,'evaluation')[,xcols]
      attr(y,'model') <- attr(x,'model')[ip]
      attr(y,'fitted_values') <- attr(x,'fitted_values')[ip]
      if (!is.null(attr(x,'n.apps'))) {
        natt <- attr(x,'n.apps')
        for (i in 1:natt)
          attr(y,paste('appendix.',i,sep='')) <-
      x <- y
  if (!is.null(is))  {
    if (verbose) print(paste('is=',is))
    x <- subset.pattern(x,is,verbose=verbose)
  attr(x,'history') <- history.stamp(x)  

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.trend <- function(x,it=NULL,is=NULL,...,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("subset.trend")
  y <- subset.field(x,it=it,is=is)
  pattern <- attr(x, "pattern")
  lons <- attr(x,'longitude'); lon.rng <- range(lons)
  lats <- attr(x,'latitude'); lat.rng <- range(lats)
  if ( (length(is[[1]])==2) & (length(is[[2]])==2) ) {
    lon.rng <- range(is[[1]]); lat.rng <- range(is[[2]])
    if ( (min(lon.rng) < 0) & (attr(x,'greenwich')) ) {
      #print("convert to non-greenwich")
      lons[lons > 180] <- lons[lons > 180] - 360
      srt <- order(lons)
      pattern <- pattern[srt,]
      lons <- lons[srt]
      greenwich <- FALSE
    keepx <- (lons >= lon.rng[1]) & (lons <= lon.rng[2])
    keepy <- (lats >= lat.rng[1]) & (lats <= lat.rng[2])
    if ( (sum(keepx)==0) | (sum(keepy)==0) ) {
      print(is); print(lons); print(lats)
      stop('Check the coordinates')
    attr(y, "pattern") <- pattern
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)  

#' Subsetting esd objects
#' The subset method tries to be 'intelligent', and if the list has no names,
#' then the list contains two vectors of length 2, then this is interpreted as
#' a region, e.g. argument \code{is = list(
#' c(lon.min,lon.max),c(lat.min,lat.max) )}. If, on the other hand, \code{is =
#' list( lon=1:50,lat=55:65 )}, then the function picks the longitudes and
#' latitudes which match these. This makes it flexible so that one can pick any
#' irregular sequence.
#' @aliases subset subset.station subset.eof subset.pca subset.cca
#' subset.events subset.trajectory subset.trend subset.corfield subset.ds
#' subset.dsensemble subset.comb subset.field subset.spell subset.zoo
#' subset.trajectory station.subset subset.zoo subset.stationmeta
#' subset.matrix subset.pattern subset.Default subset.mvcomb
#' @seealso matchdate sort.station
#' @param x 'dsensemble' object (output of \code{DSensemble}) from which the subset is taken
#' @param it A list or data.frame providing time index, e.g. a range of years like c(1979,2010), a season ('djf'), or a month ('dec' or 'december').
#' @param is a list or data.frame providing a space index, e.g., station record or a lon(gitude) and lat(itude) range. If NULL include all.
#' @param ip a numerical or numerical vector with indices of the principle components to be included. If NULL include all.
#' @param im a numerical or numerical vector with indices of the ensemble members to be included. If NULL include all.
#' @param ensemble.aggregate If TRUE, call \code{subset.dsensemble.multi} if
#' appropriate.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, print out diagnosics
#' @param \dots additional arguments 
#' @return An object of the same class as the input object
#' @author R.E. Benestad, A. Mezghani and K. Parding
#' @keywords utilities
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.dsensemble <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,ip=NULL,im=NULL,
                              ensemble.aggregate=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) {print('subset.dsensemble'); print(class(x))}
  if (inherits(x,'list') & inherits(x,c('pca','eof')) &
      (inherits(x,'dsensemble')) & ensemble.aggregate) {
    if (verbose) print('list + pca/eof detected')
    #x <- as.station(x)
    ## Subset the PCA/EOF
    x <- subset.dsensemble.multi(x,it=it,is=is,ip=ip,im=im,verbose=verbose)
    if (verbose) print('exit subset.dsensemble')
  if (verbose) {print('list + pca/eof NOT detected');print(ensemble.aggregate)}
  if (!is.null(is) & !inherits(x,"station")) x <- as.station(x,verbose=verbose)
  if (inherits(x,'list') & !inherits(x,'zoo')) {
    if (verbose) print('list of elements')
    ## If x is a list of objects search through its elements
    Locs <- unlist(lapply(x,function(x) loc(attr(x,'station'))))
    Locs <- gsub(' ','',Locs)
    Locs <- gsub('-','.',Locs)
    if (is.character(is)) {      
      if (verbose) print('search on location names')
      ## search on location name
      Locs <- tolower(Locs)
      locs <- substr(Locs,1,min(nchar(is)))
      if (verbose) {print(is); print(locs)}
      is <- substr(is,1,min(nchar(is)))
      illoc <- (1:length(x))[is.element(locs,tolower(is))]
    } else if(is.numeric(is)) {
      if(verbose) print('is is numeric')
      illoc <- is#is[is %in% (1:length(x))]
    } else {
      if(verbose) print("is format not recognized - no spatial selection")
      illoc <- (1:length(x))
    if (length(illoc)==1) {
      x2 <- x[[illoc]]
      x2 <- attrcp(x, x2, ignore=names(attributes(x2)))
      x2 <- subset(x2,it=it,im=im,verbose=verbose)
    } else if (length(illoc)>1) {
      x2 <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(illoc)) {
        xx2 <- x[[illoc[i]]]
        xx2 <- attrcp(x, xx2, ignore=names(attributes(xx2)))
        xx2 <- subset(xx2,it=it,im=im,verbose=verbose)
        eval(parse(text=paste('x2$`',Locs[illoc[i]],'` <- xx2',sep='')))
        rm('xx2'); gc(reset=TRUE)
    } else if (length(illoc)==0) {
    if (verbose) {print(is); print(loc(x2))}
    if (verbose) print('exit subset.dsensemble')
  } else 
    if (verbose) print('Assuming station object')
  class(x) <- c(class(x)[1],class(attr(x,'station'))[2],"zoo")
  if (is.null(it) & is.null(is) & is.null(im) & length(table(month(x)))==1) return(x)
  if (verbose) print(paste("it=",it,collapse=', '))
  x0 <- x
  d <- dim(x)
  if (verbose) print(c('dimensions',d))
  if (is.null(im)) {
    if (verbose) print('Keep all ensemble members')
    im <- 1:d[2]
  } else if(is.logical(im) & length(im)==d[2]) {
    if (verbose) print('Subset ensemblemembers')
    im <- (1:d[2])[im]
  } else if(is.numeric(im)) {
    if(any(im>d[2])) {
      if(verbose) print("Warning! Model index 'im' contains values that are higher than number of ensemble members.")
      im <- im[im<=d[2]]
      if(length(im)==0) im <- 1:d[2]
  } else {
    if(verbose) print("Warning! Unexpected format of input 'im'. Keep all ensemble members.")
    im <- 1:d[2]
  x <- as.zoo(x0[,im], order.by=index(x0))
  x <- attrcp(x0, x)
  if("model_id" %in% names(attributes(x0))) {
    attr(x,"model_id") <- attr(x0,"model_id")[im]
  if("r.xval" %in% names(attributes(x0))) {
    attr(x,"r.xval") <- attr(x0,"r.xval")[im,]
  if (!is.null(it)) {
    if (verbose) print('Subset times')
    if (is.character(it)) it <- tolower(it)
    if (verbose) print(table(month(x)))
    if ( (length(rownames(table(month(x))))==1) & (it[1]==0) ) {
      if (verbose) print('Only one season is available')
      if (is.logical(it)) {
        y <- x[it,]
        y <- attrcp(x, y)
        class(y) <- class(x)
      } else y < - x
    ## Different ways of selecting along the time dimension
    if ( inherits(it[1],"logical") & (length(it)==length(x)) ) {
      if (verbose) print('subindexing with boolean index: y <- x[it,]')
      y <- x[it,]
    } else if (it[1]==0) {
      if (verbose) print("Annual means")
      if (inherits(x,'season')) {
        if (verbose) print('from seasons')
        djf <- subset(x,it='djf')  # REB 2016-11-07: is is dealt with below
        mam <- subset(x,it='mam')  # REB 2016-11-07: is is dealt with below
        jja <- subset(x,it='jja')  # REB 2016-11-07: is is dealt with below
        son <- subset(x,it='son')  # REB 2016-11-07: is is dealt with below
        yr1 <- year(djf)
        yr2 <- year(mam)
        yr3 <- year(jja)
        yr4 <- year(son)
        yr <- yr1[is.element(yr1,yr2)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr3)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr4)]
        if (verbose) print(yr)
        i1 <- is.element(yr1,yr)
        i2 <- is.element(yr2,yr)
        i3 <- is.element(yr3,yr)
        i4 <- is.element(yr4,yr)
        if (verbose) print(c(sum(i1),sum(i2),sum(i3),sum(i4)))
        y <- zoo(0.25*(coredata(djf[i1,]) +
                         coredata(mam[i2,]) +
                         coredata(jja[i3,]) +
                         coredata(son[i4,])), order.by=yr)
        y <- attrcp(x0,y)
        class(y) <- class(x0)
        if (verbose) print('...') 
      } else if (inherits(x,'month')) {
        if (verbose) print('from months')
        # REB 2016-11-07: is is dealt with below - set to NULL
        jan <- subset(x,it='jan',is=NULL)
        feb <- subset(x,it='feb',is=NULL)
        mar <- subset(x,it='mar',is=NULL)
        apr <- subset(x,it='apr',is=NULL)
        may <- subset(x,it='may',is=NULL)
        jun <- subset(x,it='jun',is=NULL)
        jul <- subset(x,it='jul',is=NULL)
        aug <- subset(x,it='aug',is=NULL)         
        sep <- subset(x,it='sep',is=NULL)
        oct <- subset(x,it='oct',is=NULL)
        nov <- subset(x,it='nov',is=NULL)
        dec <- subset(x,it='dec',is=NULL)
        yr1 <- year(jan)
        yr2 <- year(feb)
        yr3 <- year(mar)
        yr4 <- year(apr)
        yr5 <- year(may)
        yr6 <- year(jun)
        yr7 <- year(jul)
        yr8 <- year(aug)
        yr9 <- year(sep)
        yr10 <- year(oct)
        yr11 <- year(nov)
        yr12 <- year(dec)
        yr <- yr1[is.element(yr1,yr2)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr3)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr4)]
        yr <- yr1[is.element(yr,yr5)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr6)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr7)]
        yr <- yr1[is.element(yr1,yr8)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr9)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr10)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr11)]
        yr <- yr[is.element(yr,yr12)]
        if (verbose) print(yr)
        i1 <- is.element(yr1,yr)
        i2 <- is.element(yr2,yr)
        i3 <- is.element(yr3,yr)
        i4 <- is.element(yr4,yr)
        i5 <- is.element(yr5,yr)
        i6 <- is.element(yr6,yr)
        i7 <- is.element(yr7,yr)
        i8 <- is.element(yr8,yr)
        i9 <- is.element(yr9,yr)
        i10 <- is.element(yr10,yr)
        i11 <- is.element(yr11,yr)
        i12 <- is.element(yr12,yr) 
        if (verbose) print(c(sum(i1),sum(i2),sum(i3),sum(i4),
        y <- zoo(1/12*(coredata(jan[i1,])+
        y <- attrcp(x0,y)
        class(y) <- class(x0)
        if (verbose) print('...')
    } else if (is.character(it)) {
      if (verbose) print("it is character - select a season")
      months <- month(x)
      if (sum(is.element(tolower(substr(it,1,3)),tolower(month.abb)))>0) {
        ii <- is.element(months,(1:12)[is.element(tolower(month.abb),
        if (verbose) print(ii)
        y <- x[ii,]
      } else if (sum(is.element(tolower(it),names(season.abb())))>0) {
        if (verbose) print("season")
        sea <- eval(parse(text=paste('season.abb()$',it,sep='')))
        if (verbose) print(sea)
        ii <- is.element(months,sea)
        if (verbose) print(ii)
        y <- x[ii,]
      } else if (sum(is.element(tolower(it),tolower(month.abb)))>0) {
        if (verbose) print("month")
        mon <- which(is.element(tolower(it),tolower(month.abb))>0)
        if (verbose) print(mon)
        ii <- is.element(months,mon)
        if (verbose) print(ii)
        y <- x[ii,]
      } else {
        print('UNKNOWN TYPE! (1)')
    } else {
      if (sum(is.element(it,1600:2200)) > 0) {
        if (verbose) print("it contains year(s)")
        if(length(it)==2) {
          if(verbose) print("between two years")
          it <- seq(min(it),max(it))
        ii <- is.element(year(x),it)
        if (verbose) print(paste("Number of matches=",sum(ii)))
        y <- x[ii,]
      } else if (is.character(it)) {
        if (verbose) print("Dates")
        y <- matchdate(x,it)  ## REB 2024-04-24: changed x to y
      } else if (inherits(is,c('field','station'))) {
        ## Match the times of another esd-data object
        if (verbose) print("Match date with another object")
        y <- matchdate(x,it)
      }   else if (is.logical(it)) {
        if (verbose) print(paste('New dimension: ',dim(x[it,],collapse=' x ')))
        y <- x[it,]
        } else {
        print('UNKNOWN TYPE! (2)')
    if (verbose) print("housekeeping")
    d[3] <- length(index(y))
    class(y) <- class(x0)
    d -> attr(y,'dimensions')
    y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore='station')
    if ( (it[1]!=0) & (!inherits(attr(x,'station'),'annual')) ) {
      if (verbose) print('Also extract the same data for the station')
      attr(y,'station') <- subset(attr(x,'station'),it=it,verbose=verbose)
    } else {
      attr(y,'station') <- annual(attr(x,'station'))
  } else {
    y <- x
    y <- attrcp(x,y)
    attr(y, "model_id") <- attr(x, "model_id")[is]
    attr(y, "scorestats") <- attr(x, "scorestats")[is]
    if (length(is)==1) class(y) <- c("ds","zoo") else class(y) <- class(x)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)  
  if (verbose) print("exit subset.dsensemble")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.spell <- function(x,is=NULL,it=NULL,...,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("subset.spell")
  y <- subset.station(x,is=is,it=it)
  good <- is.finite(y) & !is.na(index(y))
  y <- zoo(y[good],order.by=index(y)[good])
  attr(y,'location') <- loc(x)[is]
  attr(y,'variable') <- varid(x)[is]
  attr(y,'unit') <- unit(x)[is]
  attr(y,'station_id') <- stid(x)[is]
  attr(y,'longitude') <- lon(x)[is]
  attr(y,'latitude') <- lat(x)[is]
  attr(y,'altitude') <- alt(x)[is]
  attr(y,'longname') <- attr(x,'longname')[is]
  attr(y,'aspect') <- attr(x,'aspect')[is]
  attr(y,'source') <- attr(x,'source')[is]
  attr(y,'URL') <- attr(x,'URL')[is]
  attr(y,'quality') <- attr(x,'quality')[is]
  attr(y,'country') <- attr(x,'country')[is]
  attr(y,'threshold') <- attr(x,'threshold')[is]
  attr(y,'threshold.unit') <- attr(x,'threshold.unit')[is]
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
  class(y) <- class(x)[-1]

subregion.Default <- function(x,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("subregion.Default")
  if(verbose) {print("Sub-region"); print(is)}
  if ( (is.list(is)) | (is.data.frame(is)) ) {
    if ( (is.null(is[[1]])) | (sum(is.finite(is[[1]])) < 2) ) is[[1]] <- c(-180,360)
    if ( (is.null(is[[2]])) | (sum(is.finite(is[[2]])) < 2) ) is[[2]] <- c(-90,90)
    nam <- names(is)
    if (is.null(nam)) nam <- c("lon","lat")
    # If ranges are provided
    if ( (length(is[[1]])==2) & (length(is[[2]])==2) &
         (nam[1]=="lon") & (nam[2]=="lat") ) {
      if (verbose) print('Select according to longitude-latitude ranges')
      # Select according to longitude-latitude ranges
      lon.rng <- range(is[[1]]); lat.rng <- range(is[[2]])
      #if ( (is.null(lon.rng)) | (sum(is.finite(lon.rng)) < 2) )
      #    lon.rng <- c(-180,180)
      #if ( (is.null(lat.rng))  | (sum(is.finite(lat.rng)) < 2) )
      #    lat.rng <- c(-90,90)
      #print("subset.field: lon.rng/lat.rng"); print(lon.rng); print(lat.rng)
      #print("g2dl"); print(attr(x,'dimensions')); print(dim(x)); print(class(x))
      if ( (min(lon.rng) < 0) & (max(lon.rng) <= 180) )
        x <- g2dl.field(x,greenwich=FALSE) else
          if ( (min(lon.rng) >= 0) & (max(lon.rng) > 180) )
            x <- g2dl.field(x,greenwich=TRUE)
      x <- sp2np(x)
      #print("subset.field: lon.rng/lat.rng"); print(lon.rng); print(lat.rng)
      d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
      xy <- rep(attr(x,'longitude'),d[2])
      yx <- sort(rep(attr(x,'latitude'),d[1]))
      inside <- (xy >= lon.rng[1]) &
        (xy <= lon.rng[2]) &
        (yx >= lat.rng[1]) &
        (yx <= lat.rng[2])
      y <- x[,inside]
      ix <- (attr(x,'longitude') >= lon.rng[1]) &
        (attr(x,'longitude') <= lon.rng[2])
      iy <- (attr(x,'latitude') >= lat.rng[1]) &
        (attr(x,'latitude') <= lat.rng[2])
      d <- c(sum(ix),sum(iy),d[3])
      d -> attr(y,'dimensions')
      attr(y,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')[ix]
      attr(y,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')[iy]
      attr(y,'ix') <- ix
      attr(y,'iy') <- iy
      attr(y,'ixy') <- inside
    } else {
      if (verbose) print('Select according to given coordinates')
      # Select the specific grid point values from the longitude
      # and latitude coordinates
      lon.pick <- is[[1]]; lat.pick <- is[[2]]
      d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
      if (verbose) print(paste("Select ",length(lon.pick),"x",length(lat.pick),
                               "grid points from the",d[1],"x",d[2],"grid"))
      xy <- rep(attr(x,'longitude'),d[2])
      yx <- sort(rep(attr(x,'latitude'),d[1]))
      ixy <- is.element(xy, lon.pick) &
        is.element(yx, lat.pick)
      ix <- is.element(attr(x,'longitude'),lon.pick)
      iy <- is.element(attr(x,'latitude'),lat.pick)
      y <- x[,ixy]
      d <-  c(sum(ix),sum(iy),d[3])
      d -> attr(y,'dimensions')
      #print(paste("d=",d[1],d[2],d[3]," sum(ixy)=",sum(ixy),"=",d[1]*d[2]))
      attr(y,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')[ix]
      attr(y,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')[iy]
      attr(y,'ix') <- ix
      attr(y,'iy') <- iy
      attr(y,'ixy') <- ixy
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)  

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.events <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,ic=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("subset.events")
  cls <- class(x)
  if (length(it)==0) it <- NULL
  if (length(is)==0) is <- NULL
  if (length(ic)==0) ic <- NULL
  ii <- rep(TRUE,dim(x)[1])
  if(!is.null(it)) {
    dt <- x[,"date"]*1E2 + x[,"time"]
    if(is.null(attr(x,"calendar"))) calendar <- "gregorian" else calendar <- attr(x,"calendar")
    if (requireNamespace("PCICt", quietly = TRUE)) {
      t <- PCICt::as.PCICt(as.character(dt),format="%Y%m%d%H",cal=calendar)
    } else {
      t <- as.POSIXct(as.character(dt),format="%Y%m%d%H")
    #t <- as.Date(strptime(x[,"date"],format="%Y%m%d"))
    if(verbose) print(paste('length of t',length(t)))
    is.datetime <- function(x) all(!is.months(x) &
                                     (is.character(x) &
                                        !grepl("-",x) &
                                        all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==10)) |
                                     (is.numeric(x) &
                                        all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==10)) |
    is.dates <- function(x) all(!is.months(x) & !is.datetime(x) & 
                                  (is.character(x) &
                                     all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==10) |
                                     all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==8)) |
                                  (is.numeric(x) & all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==8)) |
    is.years <- function(x) all(!is.months(x) & 
                                  is.numeric(x) & levels(factor(nchar(x)))==4)
    is.months <- function(x) all(sum(is.element(tolower(substr(x,1,3)),
    is.seasons <- function(x) all(sum(is.element(tolower(substr(x,1,3)),
    if (is.months(it)) {
      if (verbose) print('Monthly selected')
      mo <- month(t)
      ii <- is.element(mo,(1:12)[is.element(tolower(month.abb),
    } else if (is.seasons(it)) {
      if (verbose) print("Seasonally selected")
      mo <- month(t)
      if (verbose) print(table(mo))
      if (verbose) print(eval(parse(text=paste('season.abb()$',it,sep=''))))
      ii <- is.element(mo,eval(parse(text=paste('season.abb()$',it,sep=''))))
    } else if (is.datetime(it)) {
      if (verbose) print("Date and time")
      if (inherits(it,c("POSIXt","PCICt"))) it <- as.numeric(format(it,"%Y%m%d%H"))
      if (is.character(it)) it <- as.numeric(it)
      if ( length(it) == 2 ) {
        if (verbose) print('Between two dates')
        if (verbose) print(it)
        if (requireNamespace("PCICt", quietly = TRUE)) {
          it <- PCICt::as.PCICt(as.character(range(it)),format="%Y%m%d%H",cal=calendar)
        } else {
          it <- as.POSIXct(as.character(range(it)),format="%Y%m%d%H",cal=calendar)
        it <- as.numeric(format(seq(it[1],it[2],by="hour"),format="%Y%m%d%H"))
        #it <- strptime(range(it),format="%Y%m%d%H")
        #it <- as.numeric(format(seq(it[1],it[2],by="hour"),format="%Y%m%d%H"))
      } else {
        if (verbose) print('it is a string of dates')
        if (verbose) print(it)
      ii <- is.element(dt,it)
    } else if (is.dates(it)) {
      if (is.character(it) & all(grepl("-",it))) {
        if (requireNamespace("PCICt", quietly = TRUE)) {
          it <- PCICt::as.PCICt(it,cal=calendar)
        } else {
          it <- as.Date(it)
      } else if (!inherits(it,"Date")) {
        if (requireNamespace("PCICt", quietly = TRUE)) {
          it <- PCICt::as.PCICt(as.character(it),format="%Y%m%d",cal=calendar)
        } else {
          it <- as.Date(as.character(it),format="%Y%m%d")
      if ( length(it) == 2 ) {
        if (verbose) print('Between two dates')
        if (verbose) print(it)
        it <- format(seq(it[1],it[2],by='day'),format="%Y%m%d")
        t <- format(t,format="%Y%m%d")
        ii <- is.element(t,it)
      } else { 
        if (verbose) print('it is a string of dates')
        ii <- is.element(t,it)
    } else if (is.years(it)) {
      yr <- year(t)
      it <- as.integer(it)
      if ( length(it) == 2 ) {
        if (verbose) print('Between two years')
        if (verbose) print(it)          
        ii <- is.element(yr,seq(it[1],it[2],1))
      } else { 
        if (verbose) print('it is a string of years')
        ii <- is.element(yr,it)
    } else if (is.logical(it) & length(it)==length(t)) {
      if (verbose) print('it is a logical array')
      ii <- it
    } else if (is.numeric(it) & max(it)<=length(t)) {
      if (verbose) print('it is an index array')
      ii <- rep(FALSE,length(t))
      ii[as.integer(it)] <- TRUE
    } else {
      ii <- rep(FALSE,length(t))
      warning("subset.station: did not recognise the selection citerion for 'it'")
  jj <- rep(TRUE,dim(x)[1])
  if (inherits(is,'list')) {
    if (verbose) print('is is a list:')
    nm.x <- names(x)
    nm.is <- names(is)
    ok <- sapply(nm.is,function(n) any(grep(n,nm.x)))
    if (verbose) print(nm.is[ok])
    if(any(ok)) if(any(grepl("lon", nm.is[ok]))) {
      lon.rng <- range(is$lon)
      if ( (min(lon.rng) < 0) & (max(lon.rng) <= 180) ) {
        x <- g2dl(x,greenwich=FALSE) 
      } else if ( (min(lon.rng) >= 0) & (max(lon.rng) > 180) ) {
        x <- g2dl(x,greenwich=TRUE)
    for (n in nm.is[ok]) {
      jj <- jj & x[n][[1]]>=min(is[n][[1]]) &
  } else if (is.numeric(is)) {
    jj <- 1:dim(x)[1] %in% it
  } else if (is.logical(is) & length(is)==dim(x)[1]) {
    jj <- is  
  } else if (!is.null(is)){
    jj <- rep(FALSE,dim(x)[1])
    warning("subset.Default: did not reckognise the selection citerion for 'is'")
  kk <- rep(TRUE,dim(x)[1])
  if(is.list(ic)) {
    if(!is.null(ic$param) & (!is.null(ic$pmin) | !is.null(ic$pmax))) {
      if(ic$param %in% c("trajectory","trackcount","distance","tracklength")) {
        ic$FUN <- NULL
        if(!ic$param %in% names(x)) x <- trackstats(x)
      } else if(is.null(ic$FUN)) {
        ic$FUN <- "any"
      if(!is.null(ic$FUN)) {
        if(ic$FUN=="any" & !"trajectory" %in% names(x)) x <- track(x)
      if(!ic$param %in% names(x)) {
        if(verbose) print(paste("Unkown input param =",ic$param))
      } else {
        if(is.null(ic$pmin)) ic$pmin <- min(x[ic$param],na.rm=TRUE)
        if(is.null(ic$pmax)) ic$pmax <- max(x[ic$param],na.rm=TRUE)
        if(verbose) print(paste(ic$param,"in range",ic$pmin,"-",ic$pmax))
        if(verbose) print(paste("FUN =",ic$FUN))
        if (is.null(ic$FUN)) {
          kk <- as.vector(x[ic$param]>=ic$pmin & x[ic$param]<=ic$pmax)
        } else if (ic$FUN=="any") {
          ok.ev <- as.vector(x[ic$param]>=ic$pmin & x[ic$param]<=ic$pmax)
          kk <- x$trajectory %in% unique(x$trajectory[ok.ev])
        } else if (ic$FUN=="all") {
          kk <- as.vector(x[ic$param]>=ic$pmin & x[ic$param]<=ic$pmax)
          #  nok.ev <- as.vector(x[ic$param]<ic$pmin | x[ic$param]>ic$pmax)
          #  kk <- !x$trajectory %in% unique(x$trajectory[nok.ev])
        } else {
  ijk <- ii & jj & kk
  y <- x[ijk,]
  attr(y,"aspect") <- "subset"
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)  
  if (!is.null(is$lat)) attr(y,"lat") <- is$lat
  if (!is.null(is$lon)) attr(y,"lon") <- is$lon
  class(y) <- cls

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.trajectory <- function(x,...,it=NULL,is=NULL,ic=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("subset.trajectory")
  x0 <- x
  cls <- class(x)
  if (is.null(it) & is.null(is) & is.null(ic)) return(x)
  l <- dim(x)[1]
  if (is.null(it)) ii <- rep(TRUE,l)
  if (is.null(is)) ij <- rep(TRUE,l)
  if (is.null(ic)) ik <- rep(TRUE,l)
  # Generate sequence of days, months or years if range of it value is given
  if (!is.null(it)) {
    if(verbose) print('Generate sequence of time if it value is given')
    is.datetime <- function(x) all(!is.months(x) &
                                     (is.character(x) &
                                        !grepl("-",x) &
                                        all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==10)) |
                                     (is.numeric(x) &
                                        all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==10)) |
    is.dates <- function(x) all(!is.months(x) & !is.datetime(x) & 
                                  (is.character(x) &
                                     all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==10) |
                                     all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==8)) |
                                  (is.numeric(x) & all(levels(factor(nchar(x)))==8)) |
    is.years <- function(x) all(!is.months(x) & 
                                  is.numeric(x) & levels(factor(nchar(x)))==4)
    is.months <- function(x) all(sum(is.element(tolower(substr(x,1,3)),
    is.seasons <- function(x) all(sum(is.element(tolower(substr(x,1,3)),
    if(is.null(attr(x,"calendar"))) calendar <- "gregorian" else calendar <- attr(x,"calendar")
    if (requireNamespace("PCICt", quietly = TRUE)) {
      tstart <- PCICt::as.PCICt(as.character(x[,colnames(x)=="start"]),format="%Y%m%d%H",cal=calendar)
      tend <- PCICt::as.PCICt(as.character(x[,colnames(x)=="end"]),format="%Y%m%d%H",cal=calendar)
    } else {
      tstart <- as.POSIXct(as.character(x[,colnames(x)=="start"]),format="%Y%m%d%H")
      tend <- as.POSIXct(as.character(x[,colnames(x)=="end"]),format="%Y%m%d%H")
    yr <- year(x)
    mo <- month(x)
    dy <- day(x)
    if(verbose) print(paste('length of t',length(t),'yr',length(yr),
    if(verbose) print(paste('years',paste(unique(yr),collapse=",")))
    if(verbose) print(paste('months',paste(unique(mo),collapse=",")))
    if(verbose) print(paste('mdays',paste(unique(dy),collapse=",")))
    if (is.months(it)) {
      if (verbose) print('Monthly selected')
      ii <- is.element(mo,(1:12)[is.element(tolower(month.abb),
    } else if (is.seasons(it)) {
      if (verbose) print("Seasonally selected")
      if (verbose) print(table(mo))
      if (verbose) print(eval(parse(text=paste('season.abb()$',it,sep=''))))
      ii <- is.element(mo,eval(parse(text=paste('season.abb()$',it,sep=''))))
    } else if (is.dates(it)) {
      it <- format(it,format="%Y%m%d")
      t1 <- format(tstart,format="%Y%m%d")
      t2 <- format(tend,format="%Y%m%d")
      #it <- strftime(as.Date(it),format="%Y%m%d")
      #t1 <- strftime(as.Date(tstart),format="%Y%m%d")
      #t2 <- strftime(as.Date(tend),format="%Y%m%d")
      if ( length(it) == 2 ) {
        if (verbose) print('Between two dates')
        if (verbose) print(it)
        ii <- t1>=min(it) & t1<=max(it) | t2>=min(it) & t2<=max(it)
      } else { 
        if (verbose) print('it is a string of dates')
        ii <- it<=t2 & it>=t1
    } else if (is.datetime(it)) {
      it <- as.numeric(format(it,format="%Y%m%d%H"))
      t1 <- as.numeric(format(tstart,format="%Y%m%d%H"))
      t2 <- as.numeric(format(tend,format="%Y%m%d%H"))
      #it <- as.numeric(strftime(it,format="%Y%m%d%H"))
      #t1 <- as.numeric(strftime(tstart,format="%Y%m%d%H"))
      #t2 <- as.numeric(strftime(tend,format="%Y%m%d%H"))
      if ( length(it) == 2 ) {
        if (verbose) print('Between two dates')
        if (verbose) print(it)
        ii <- t1>=min(it) & t1<=max(it) | t2>=min(it) & t2<=max(it)
      } else { 
        if (verbose) print('it is a string of dates')
        ii <- it<=t2 & it>=t1
    } else if (is.years(it)) {
      it <- as.integer(it)
      if ( length(it) == 2 ) {
        if (verbose) print('Between two years')
        if (verbose) print(it)          
        ii <- is.element(yr,seq(it[1],it[2],1))
      } else { 
        if (verbose) print('it is a string of years')
        ii <- is.element(yr,it)
    } else if (is.logical(it) & length(it)==length(yr)) {
      if (verbose) print('it is a logical array')
      ii <- it
    } else if (is.numeric(it) & max(it)<=length(yr)) {
      if (verbose) print('it is an index array')
      ii <- rep(FALSE,length(yr))
      ii[it] <- TRUE
    } else {
      ii <- rep(FALSE,length(yr))
      warning("subset.trajectory: did not recognise the selection citerion for 'it'")
  # is can be a list to select region or according to other criterion
  if (inherits(is,'list')) {
    selx <- rep(TRUE,l); sely <- selx;
    selp <- selx; selF <- selx
    nms <- names(is)
    ix <- grep('lon',tolower(nms))
    iy <- grep('lat',tolower(nms))
    ip <- grep('slp',tolower(nms))
    iF <- grep('FUN',nms)
    if (length(ix)>0) slon <- is[[ix]] else slon <- NULL
    if (length(iy)>0) slat <- is[[iy]] else slat <- NULL
    if (length(ip)>0) sslp <- is[[ip]] else sslp <- NULL        
    if (length(iF)>0) sFUN <- is[[iF]] else sFUN <- NULL
    if (length(slon)==2 & length(slat)==2) {
      if (verbose) print(paste('is selects longitudes ',
                               paste(slon,sep="-"),'E ',
                               "and latitudes ",
                               paste(slat,sep="-"),'N ',sep=""))
      jx <- colnames(x)=='lon'
      jy <- colnames(x)=='lat'
      selx <- apply(x,1,function(x) any(x[jx]>=min(slon) &
                                          x[jx]<=max(slon) & x[jy]>=min(slat) & x[jy]<=max(slat)))        
    } else if (length(slon)==2) {
      if (verbose) print(paste('is selects longitudes ',
      jx <- colnames(x)=='lon'
      selx <- apply(x,1,function(x) any(x[jx]>=min(slon) & x[jx]<=max(slon)))
    } else if (length(slat)==2) {
      if (verbose) print(paste('is selects latitudes ',
      jy <- colnames(x)=='lat'
      selx <- apply(x,1,function(x) any(x[jy]>=min(slat) & x[jy]<=max(slat)))
    ij <- selx & selp & selF
  if(is.list(ic)) {
    if(is.null(ic$FUN)) ic$FUN <- "any"
    if(!is.null(ic$param) & (!is.null(ic$pmin) | !is.null(ic$pmax))) {
      if(!ic$param %in% colnames(x)) {
        if(verbose) print(paste("Unkown input ic$param =",ic$param))
      } else {
        ip <- colnames(x)==ic$param
        if(is.null(ic$pmin)) ic$pmin <- min(x[,ip],na.rm=TRUE)
        if(is.null(ic$pmax)) ic$pmax <- max(x[,ip],na.rm=TRUE)
        if(verbose) print(paste(ic$param,"in range",ic$pmin,"-",ic$pmax))
        if(verbose) print(paste("FUN =",ic$FUN))
        if (ic$FUN %in% c("any","all")) {
          fn <- function(x) do.call(ic$FUN,list(x[ip]>=ic$pmin & x[ip]<=ic$pmax))
        } else {
          fn <- function(x) do.call(ic$FUN,list(x[ip]))>=ic$pmin &  do.call(ic$FUN,list(x[ip]))<=ic$pmax
        ik <- apply(x,1,fn)
  if(verbose) print(paste('length(ii)',length(ii),'length(ij)',length(ij),'length(ik)',length(ik)))
  if(verbose) print(paste('it selects',sum(ii),'is selects',sum(ij),'ic selects',sum(ik)))
  ist <- (1:l)[(ii & ij & ik)]
  y <- x[ist,]
  if(verbose) print(paste('total subset',sum(ii & ij & ik)))
  class(y) <- cls
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  if (inherits(is,'list')) {
    if (length(slon)==2) attr(y,'longitude') <- slon
    if (length(slat)==2) attr(y,'latitude') <- slat
  if (is.seasons(it) | is.months(it)) class(y) <- c(class(y),'season')
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

## Function for extracting the subset from PCs stored as zoo
## not exported without keeping all metadata
subset.pc <- function(x,ip=NULL,it=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('subset.pc')
  d <- dim(x)
  if (!is.null(it)) {
    if (verbose) print('subset it')
    if ((is.numeric(it) | is.integer(it)) & is.dates(index(x))) {
      it <- c(as.Date(paste(it,'01-01',sep='-')),
    x <- window(x,start=min(it),end=max(it))
  if (!is.null(ip)) {
    if (verbose) print('subset pattern')
    x <- x[,ip]
    d <- dim(x)
  dim(x) <- c(length(index(x)),d[2])
  if(verbose) print(dim(x))

#' Routine for sorting the order of station series.
#' @export
sort.station <- function(x,decreasing=TRUE,...,is=NULL) {
  if (is.null(is)) is <- order(stid(x),decreasing=decreasing)
  y <- zoo(x)[,is]
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  attr(y,'station_id') <- stid(x)[is]
  attr(y,'location') <- loc(x)[is]
  attr(y,'variable') <- varid(x)[is]
  attr(y,'unit') <- unit(x)[is]
  attr(y,'longitude') <- lon(x)[is]
  attr(y,'latitude') <- lat(x)[is]
  attr(y,'altitude') <- alt(x)[is]
  attr(y,'cntr') <- cntr(x)[is]
  attr(y,'longname') <- attr(x,'longname')[is]
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

## Tools to subset or reduce the size of a dsensemble, e.g. removing the
## high-order modes of PCA/EOF that represent noise.
# internal function - no need to export?
#' @export subset.dsensemble.multi
subset.dsensemble.multi <- function(x,ip=NULL,it=NULL,is=NULL,im=NULL,
                                    verbose=FALSE,...) {
  if (verbose) print('subset.dsensemble.multi')
  cls <- class(x)
  Y <- list()
  Y$info <- x$info
  ## KMP 2017-06-07 Some dsensemble objects may have both a PCA and EOF attached
  if (any('pca' %in% names(x))) {
    if (verbose) print('subset pca')
    ## KMP 2017-06-07 Do not subset pca and eof in time!
    ## They typically cover a shorter time span than the ensemble members and
    ## if e.g., it = c(2050,2100) you will end up with an empty pca and eof.
    Y$pca <- subset(x$pca,is=is,ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
    #Y$pca <- subset(x$pca,it=it,is=is,ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
  X <- x
  gcmnames <- attr(X, "model_id")
  X$info <- NULL; X$pca <- NULL; X$eof <- NULL
  n <- length(names(X))
  if (verbose) print('subset gcm-zoo')
  ## KMP 2022-09-27 It is actually supposed to be subset.pc which is a 
  ## local function, not exported, defined above (and in aggregate.dsensemble 
  ## where it is also used). subset.pc is similar to subset.pca but much faster 
  ## as it isn't so careful about metadata and classes   
  y <- lapply(X,FUN='subset.pc',ip=ip,it=it)
  if (verbose) print(dim(y[[1]]))
  if (!is.null(im)) {
    ## Subset ensemble members
    if(verbose) print(paste('subset im',length(y)))
    if (is.logical(im)) if(length(im)==n) im <- (1:n)[im] else im <- 1:n
    for (i in rev(setdiff(1:n,im))) {
      y[[i]] <- NULL
      gcmnames <- gcmnames[-i]
    if(!is.null(attr(X, "r.xval"))) attr(X, "r.xval") <- attr(X, "r.xval")[im,]
    if(verbose) print(paste('subset im',length(y)))
  Y <- c(Y,y)
  if (any('eof' %in% names(x))) {
    if (verbose) print('subset eof')
    Y$eof <- subset(x$eof,is=is,ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
    #Y$eof <- subset(x$eof,it=it,is=is,ip=ip,verbose=verbose)
  ## Also need to copy the attributes
  if (verbose) print('copy the attributes')
  Y <- attrcp(X, Y)
  attr(Y, "model_id") <- gcmnames
  if (!is.null(Y$eof)) n <- length(Y) - 3 else n <- length(Y) - 2
  for (i in 1:n) Y[[i+2]] <- attrcp(x[[i+2]],Y[[i+2]])
  class(Y) <- cls

#' exportS3Method
#' @export
subset.radiosonde <- function(x,it=NULL,is=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('subset.radiosonde')
  y <- subset.station(x,it,is,verbose)
metno/esd documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:07 a.m.