
Defines functions bicovWeightsFromFactors bicovWeights bicovWeightFactors .bicov .linearModelCoefficients empiricalBayesLM .initialFit.requiresFormula .initialFit.defaultOptions .initialFit.defaultWeightName .weightedVar .weightedScale .colWeightedMeans.x

# ===================================================================================================
# Multi-variate empirical Bayes with proper accounting for sigma
# ===================================================================================================

.colWeightedMeans.x <- function(data, weights, na.rm) {
  nc <- ncol(data)
  means <- rep(NA, nc)

  for (c in 1:nc) {
    means[c] <- weighted.mean(data[, c], weights[, c], na.rm = na.rm)

  names(means) <- colnames(data)

.weightedScale <- function(data, weights) {
  weightSums <- colSums(weights)
  means <- .colWeightedMeans.x(data, weights, na.rm = TRUE)
  V1 <- colSums(weights)
  V2 <- colSums(weights^2)
  centered <- data - matrix(means, nrow(data), ncol(data), byrow = TRUE)
  scale <- sqrt(colSums(centered^2 * weights, na.rm = TRUE) / (V1 - V2 / V1))

  scaled <- centered / matrix(scale, nrow(data), ncol(data), byrow = TRUE)

  attr(scaled, "scaled:center") <- means
  attr(scaled, "scaled:scale") <- scale

.weightedVar <- function(x, weights) {
  V1 <- sum(weights)
  V2 <- sum(weights^2)
  mean <- sum(x * weights) / V1
  centered <- x - mean
  sum(centered^2 * weights) / (V1 - V2 / V1)

# Defaults for certain fitting functions

.initialFit.defaultWeightName <- function(fitFnc) {
  wNames <- c(rlm = "w", lmrob = "rweights")
  if (fitFnc %in% names(wNames)) {
    return(wNames[match(fitFnc, names(wNames))])

.initialFit.defaultOptions <- function(fitFnc) {
  defOpt <- list(
    rlm = list(),
    lmrob = list(model = FALSE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, control = lmRob.control())
  if (fitFnc %in% names(defOpt)) {
    return(defOpt[[match(fitFnc, names(defOpt))]])

.initialFit.requiresFormula <- function(fitFnc) {
  reqForm <- c(rlm = FALSE, lmrob = TRUE)
  if (fitFnc %in% names(reqForm)) {
    return(reqForm[match(fitFnc, names(reqForm))])

empiricalBayesLM <- function(
                             retainedCovariates = NULL,

                             initialFitFunction = NULL,
                             initialFitOptions = NULL,
                             initialFitRequiresFormula = NULL,
                             initialFit.returnWeightName = NULL,

                             fitToSamples = NULL,

                             weights = NULL,
                             automaticWeights = c("none", "bicov"),
                             aw.maxPOutliers = 0.1,
                             weightType = c("apriori", "empirical"),
                             stopOnSmallWeights = TRUE,

                             minDesignDeviation = 1e-10,
                             robustPriors = FALSE,
                             tol = 1e-4, maxIterations = 1000,
                             garbageCollectInterval = 50000,

                             scaleMeanToSamples = NULL,
                             getOLSAdjustedData = TRUE,
                             getResiduals = TRUE,
                             getFittedValues = TRUE,
                             getWeights = TRUE,
                             getEBadjustedData = TRUE,

                             verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  nSamples <- nrow(data)
  designMat <- NULL
  # mean.x = NULL;
  # scale.x = NULL;

  automaticWeights <- match.arg(automaticWeights)
  if (automaticWeights == "bicov") {
    weightType <- "empirical"
    if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..calculating weights.."))
    weights <- bicovWeights(data, maxPOutliers = aw.maxPOutliers)

  weightType <- match.arg(weightType)
  wtype <- match(weightType, c("apriori", "empirical"))

  if (!is.null(retainedCovariates)) {
    if (is.null(dim(retainedCovariates))) {
      retainedCovariates <- data.frame(retainedCovariate = retainedCovariates)
    if (any(is.na(retainedCovariates))) stop("All elements of 'retainedCovariates' must be finite.")
    if (nrow(retainedCovariates) != nSamples) {
      stop("Numbers of rows in 'data' and 'retainedCovariates' differ.")
    retainedCovariates <- as.data.frame(retainedCovariates)
    mm <- model.matrix(~., data = retainedCovariates)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    colSDs <- colSds(mm)
    if (any(colSDs == 0)) {
      stop("Some columns in 'retainedCovariates' have zero variance.")
    designMat <- mm

  if (is.null(removedCovariates)) {
    stop("'removedCovariates' must be supplied.")
  if (is.null(dim(removedCovariates))) {
    removedCovariates <- data.frame(removedCovariate = removedCovariates)
  if (any(is.na(removedCovariates))) stop("All elements of 'removedCovariates' must be finite.")
  if (nrow(removedCovariates) != nSamples) {
    stop("Numbers of rows in 'data' and 'removedCovariates' differ.")
  removedCovariates <- as.data.frame(removedCovariates)

  mm <- model.matrix(~., data = removedCovariates)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  colSDs <- colSds(mm)
  if (any(colSDs == 0)) {
    stop("Some columns in 'removedCovariates' have zero variance.")
  designMat <- cbind(designMat, mm)
  removedColumns <- (ncol(designMat) - ncol(mm) + 1):ncol(designMat)

  y.original <- as.matrix(data)
  N.original <- ncol(y.original)
  if (any(!is.finite(y.original))) {
      immediate. = TRUE,
      "Found missing and non-finite data. These will be removed."

  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- matrix(1, nSamples, ncol(y.original))

  if (any(!is.finite(weights))) {
    stop("Given 'weights' contain some infinite or missing entries. All weights must be present and finite.")

  if (any(weights < 0)) {
    stop("Given 'weights' contain negative entries. All weights must be non-negative.")

  originalWeights <- weights

  dimnamesY <- dimnames(y.original)

  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..checking for non-varying responses.."))
  varY <- colVars(y.original, na.rm = TRUE)
  varYMissing <- is.na(varY)
  varYZero <- varY == 0
  varYZero[is.na(varYZero)] <- FALSE
  keepY <- !(varYZero | varYMissing)

  y <- y.original[, keepY]
  weights <- weights[, keepY]
  yFinite <- is.finite(y)
  weights[!yFinite] <- 0
  nSamples.y <- colSums(yFinite)

  if (weightType == "apriori") {
    # Check weights
    if (any(weights[yFinite] < 1)) {
      if (stopOnSmallWeights) {
          "When weights are determined 'apriori', small weights are not allowed.\n",
          "Weights must be at least 1. Use weightType='empirical' if weights were determined from data."
      } else {
          immediate. = TRUE,
          "Small weights found. This can lead to unreliable fit with weight type 'apriori'.\n",
          "Proceed with caution."

  N <- ncol(y)
  nc <- ncol(designMat)

  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..standardizing responses.."))
  if (is.null(scaleMeanToSamples)) scaleMeanToSamples <- c(1:nSamples)
  if (is.null(fitToSamples)) fitToSamples <- c(1:nSamples)

  mean.y.target <- .colWeightedMeans.x(y[scaleMeanToSamples, ], weights[scaleMeanToSamples, ], na.rm = TRUE)

  if (is.logical(fitToSamples)) fitToSamples <- which(fitToSamples)
  nRefSamples <- length(fitToSamples)
  yFinite.refSamples <- yFinite[fitToSamples, ]
  weights.refSamples <- weights[fitToSamples, ]

  # Scale y to mean zero and variance 1. This is needed for the prior to make sense.

  y.refSamples <- .weightedScale(y[fitToSamples, ], weights.refSamples)
  mean.y <- attr(y.refSamples, "scaled:center")
  scale.y <- attr(y.refSamples, "scaled:scale")
  y.refSamples[!yFinite.refSamples] <- 0

  ## Note to self: original code above used y = .weightedScale(y, weights.refSamples);
  ## We now need to scale y according to the mean and scale calculated above.

  mean.y.mat <- matrix(mean.y, nrow = nrow(y), ncol = ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)
  scale.y.mat <- matrix(scale.y, nrow = nrow(y), ncol = ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)
  y.scaled <- (y - mean.y.mat) / scale.y.mat

  designMat.refSamples <- designMat[fitToSamples, ]

  if (any(is.na(designMat.refSamples))) {
      "The design matrix contains missing values. Please check that all variables\n",
      " entering the desing matrix have all values present."

  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..initial model fitting.."))
  # Prepaer ordinary regression to get starting points for beta and sigma
  beta.OLS <- matrix(NA, nc, N)
  betaValid <- matrix(TRUE, nc, N)
  sigma.OLS <- rep(NA, N)
  regressionValid <- rep(TRUE, N)

  # Get the means of the design matrix with respect to all weight vectors.
  V1 <- colSums(weights.refSamples)
  V2 <- colSums(weights.refSamples^2)
  means.dm <- t(designMat.refSamples) %*% weights.refSamples / matrix(V1, nrow = nc, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
  i <- 0
  on.exit(printFlush(spaste("Error occurred at i = ", i)))
  # on.exit(browser());
  pindStep <- max(1, floor(N / 100))
  if (is.null(initialFitFunction)) {
    # Ordinary weighted least squares, in two varieties.
    oldWeights <- rep(-1, nRefSamples)
    if (verbose > 1) pind <- initProgInd()
    for (i in 1:N)
      w1 <- weights.refSamples[, i]
      y1 <- y.refSamples[, i]
      if (any(w1 != oldWeights)) {
        centeredDM <- designMat.refSamples - matrix(means.dm[, i], nRefSamples, nc, byrow = TRUE)
        # dmVar = colSds(centeredDM);
        dmVar.w <- apply(centeredDM, 2, .weightedVar, weights = w1)
        # keepDM = dmVar > 0 & dmVar.w > 0;
        keepDM <- dmVar.w > minDesignDeviation^2
        xtxInv <- try(
            centeredDM.keep <- centeredDM[, keepDM, drop = FALSE]
            xtx <- t(centeredDM.keep) %*% (centeredDM.keep * w1)
          silent = TRUE

      if (!inherits(xtxInv, "try-error")) {
        oldWeights <- w1
        # The following is really (xtxInv %*% xy1), where xy1 = t(centeredDM) %*% (y[,i]*weights[,i])
        beta.OLS[keepDM, i] <- colSums(xtxInv * colSums(centeredDM.keep * y1 * w1))
        betaValid[!keepDM, i] <- FALSE
        y.pred <- centeredDM.keep %*% beta.OLS[keepDM, i, drop = FALSE]
        if (weightType == "apriori") {
          # Standard calculation of sigma^2 in weighted refression
          sigma.OLS[i] <- sum((w1 > 0) * (y1 - y.pred)^2) / (sum(w1 > 0) - nc - 1)
        } else {
          xtxw2 <- t(centeredDM.keep) %*% (centeredDM.keep * w1^2)
          sigma.OLS[i] <- sum(w1 * (y1 - y.pred)^2) / (V1[i] - V2[i] / V1[i] - sum(xtxw2 * xtxInv))
      } else {
        regressionValid[i] <- FALSE
        betaValid[, i] <- FALSE
      if (i %% garbageCollectInterval == 0) gc()
      if (verbose > 1 && i %% pindStep == 0) pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)
    if (verbose > 1) {
      pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)
    rweights <- weights.refSamples
  } else {
    fitFnc <- match.fun(initialFitFunction)
    if (is.null(initialFit.returnWeightName)) {
      initialFit.returnWeightName <- .initialFit.defaultWeightName(initialFitFunction)

    if (is.null(initialFitOptions)) {
      initialFitOptions <- .initialFit.defaultOptions(initialFitFunction)

    if (is.null(initialFitRequiresFormula)) {
      initialFitRequiresFormula <- .initialFit.requiresFormula(initialFitFunction)

    rweights <- weights.refSamples
    if (verbose > 1) pind <- initProgInd()
    for (i in 1:N)
      y1 <- y.refSamples[, i]
      w1 <- weights.refSamples[, i]
      dmVar.w <- apply(designMat.refSamples, 2, .weightedVar, weights = w1)
      keepDM <- dmVar.w > 0
      if (initialFitRequiresFormula) {
        modelData <- data.frame(designMat.refSamples[, keepDM, drop = FALSE])
        fit <- try(do.call(fitFnc, c(
          list(formula = "y1~.", data = data.frame(y1 = y1, modelData), w = w1),
      } else {
        fit <- try(do.call(fitFnc, c(
            x = cbind(
              intercept = rep(1, nRefSamples),
              designMat.refSamples[, keepDM, drop = FALSE]
            y = y1, w = w1
      if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
        beta.OLS[keepDM, i] <- fit$coefficients[-1]
        betaValid[!keepDM, i] <- FALSE
        rw1 <- getElement(fit, initialFit.returnWeightName)
        if (length(rw1) != nRefSamples) {
            "Length of component '", initialFit.returnWeightName,
            "' does not match the number of samples.\n",
            "Please check that the name of the component containing robustness weights\n",
            "is specified correctly."
        rweights[, i] <- rw1 * w1
        if (!is.null(fit$scale)) {
          sigma.OLS[i] <- fit$scale
        } else {
          # This is not the greatest estimate since it is non-robust and does not take the final weights into
          # account. The hope is that this will never be used.
          sigma.OLS[i] <- sum((w1 > 0) * fit$residuals^2) / (sum(w1 > 0) - nc - 1)
      } else {
        regressionValid[i] <- FALSE
        betaValid[, i] <- FALSE
      if (i %% garbageCollectInterval == 0) gc()
      if (verbose > 1 && i %% pindStep == 0) pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)
    if (verbose > 1) {
      pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)

  if (any(!regressionValid)) {
      immediate. = TRUE,
      "empiricalBayesLM: initial regression failed in ", sum(!regressionValid), " variables."

  if (all(!regressionValid)) {
      "Initial regression model failed for all columns in 'data'.\n",
      "Last model returned the following error:\n\n",
      if (is.null(initialFitFunction)) xtx else fit,
      "\n\nPlease check that the model is correctly specified."

  # beta.OLS has columns corresponding to variables in data, and rows corresponding to columns in x.

  # Debugging...
  if (FALSE) {
    fit <- lm(y.refSamples ~ ., data = data.frame(designMat.refSamples))
    fit2 <- lm(y.refSamples ~ ., data = as.data.frame(centeredDM))

    max(abs(fit2$coefficients[1, ]))

    all.equal(c(fit$coefficients[-1, ]), c(fit2$coefficients[-1, ]))
    all.equal(c(fit$coefficients[-1, ]), c(beta.OLS))
    sigma.fit <- apply(fit$residuals, 2, var) * (nRefSamples - 1) / (nRefSamples - 1 - nc)
    all.equal(as.numeric(sigma.fit), as.numeric(sigma.OLS))

  if (getEBadjustedData) {
    # Priors on beta : mean and variance
    if (verbose > 0) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "..calculating priors.."))
    if (robustPriors) {
      if (is.na(beta.OLS[, regressionValid])) {
        stop("Some of OLS coefficients are missing. Please use non-robust priors.")
      prior.means <- rowMedians(beta.OLS[, regressionValid, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
      prior.covar <- .bicov(t(beta.OLS[, regressionValid, drop = FALSE]))
    } else {
      prior.means <- rowMeans(beta.OLS[, regressionValid, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
      prior.covar <- cov(t(beta.OLS[, regressionValid, drop = FALSE]), use = "complete.obs")
    prior.inverse <- solve(prior.covar)

    # Prior on sigma: mean and variance (median and MAD are bad estimators since the distribution is skewed)
    sigma.m <- mean(sigma.OLS[regressionValid], na.rm = TRUE)
    sigma.v <- var(sigma.OLS[regressionValid], na.rm = TRUE)

    # Turn the sigma mean and variance into the parameters of the inverse gamma distribution
    prior.a <- sigma.m^2 / sigma.v + 2
    prior.b <- sigma.m * (prior.a - 1)

    # Calculate the EB estimates
    if (verbose > 0) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "..calculating final coefficients.."))
    beta.EB <- beta.OLS
    sigma.EB <- sigma.OLS

    # Get the means of the design matrix with respect to all rweight vectors.
    rV1 <- colSums(rweights)
    rV2 <- colSums(rweights^2)
    rmeans.dm <- t(designMat.refSamples) %*% rweights / matrix(V1, nrow = nc, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)

    if (verbose > 1) pind <- initProgInd()
    for (i in which(regressionValid))
      # Iterate to solve for EB regression coefficients (betas) and the residual variances (sigma)
      # It appears that this has to be done individually for each variable.

      difference <- 1
      iteration <- 1

      y1 <- y.refSamples[, i]
      w1 <- rweights[, i]

      centeredDM <- designMat.refSamples - matrix(rmeans.dm[, i], nRefSamples, nc, byrow = TRUE)
      dmVar.w <- apply(centeredDM, 2, .weightedVar, weights = w1)
      keepDM <- dmVar.w > 0 & betaValid[, i]

      beta.old <- as.matrix(beta.OLS[keepDM, i, drop = FALSE])
      sigma.old <- sigma.OLS[i]

      centeredDM.keep <- centeredDM[, keepDM, drop = FALSE]
      xtx <- t(centeredDM.keep) %*% (centeredDM.keep * w1)
      xtxInv <- solve(xtx)

      if (all(keepDM)) {
        prior.inverse.keep <- prior.inverse
      } else {
        prior.inverse.keep <- solve(prior.covar[keepDM, keepDM, drop = FALSE])

      while (difference > tol && iteration <= maxIterations) {
        y.pred <- centeredDM.keep %*% beta.old
        if (wtype == 1) {
          # Apriori weights.
          fin1 <- yFinite.refSamples[, i]
          nSamples1 <- sum(fin1)
          sigma.new <- (sum(fin1 * (y1 - y.pred)^2) + 2 * prior.b) / (nSamples1 - nc + 2 * prior.a + 1)
        } else {
          # Empirical weights
          V1 <- sum(w1)
          V2 <- sum(w1^2)
          xtxw2 <- t(centeredDM.keep) %*% (centeredDM.keep * w1^2)
          sigma.new <- (sum(w1 * (y1 - y.pred)^2) + 2 * prior.b) / (V1 - V2 / V1 - sum(xtxw2 * xtxInv) + 2 * prior.a + 2)

        A <- (prior.inverse.keep + xtx / sigma.new) / 2
        A.inv <- solve(A)
        # B = as.numeric(t(y1*w1) %*% centeredDM/sigma.new) + as.numeric(prior.inverse %*% prior.means);
        B <- colSums(centeredDM.keep * y1 * w1 / sigma.new) + colSums(prior.inverse.keep * prior.means[keepDM])

        # beta.new = A.inv %*% as.matrix(B)/2
        beta.new <- colSums(A.inv * B) / 2 # ...a different and hopefully faster way of writing the above

        difference <- max(
          abs(sigma.new - sigma.old) / (sigma.new + sigma.old),
          abs(beta.new - beta.old) / (beta.new + beta.old)

        beta.old <- beta.new
        sigma.old <- sigma.new
        iteration <- iteration + 1
      if (iteration > maxIterations) {
          immediate. = TRUE,
          "Exceeded maximum number of iterations for variable ", i, "."
      beta.EB[keepDM, i] <- beta.old
      sigma.EB[i] <- sigma.old
      if (i %% garbageCollectInterval == 0) gc()
      if (verbose > 1 && i %% pindStep == 0) pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)
    if (verbose > 1) {
      pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)
  } ### if (getEBAdjustedData)


  # Put output together. Will return the coefficients for lm and EB-lm, and the residuals with added mean.

  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..calculating adjusted data.."))

  fitAndCoeffs <- function(beta, sigma) {
    # fitted.removed = fitted = matrix(NA, nSamples, N);
    fitted.removed <- y ### this assignment and the one below just sets the dimensions and dimnames
    if (getFittedValues) fitted <- y ### Actual values will be set below.
    beta.fin <- beta
    beta.fin[is.na(beta)] <- 0
    for (i in which(regressionValid))
      centeredDM <- designMat - matrix(means.dm[, i], nSamples, nc, byrow = TRUE)
      fitted.removed[, i] <- centeredDM[, removedColumns, drop = FALSE] %*%
        beta.fin[removedColumns, i, drop = FALSE]
      if (getFittedValues) fitted[, i] <- centeredDM %*% beta.fin[, i, drop = FALSE]
      if (i %% garbageCollectInterval == 0) gc()
    # browser()

    residuals <- (y.scaled - fitted.removed) * scale.y.mat
    # Residuals now have weighted column means equal zero.

    meanShift <- matrix(mean.y.target, nSamples, N, byrow = TRUE)

    if (getFittedValues) {
      fitted.all <- matrix(NA, nSamples, N.original)
      fitted.all[, keepY] <- fitted * scale.y.mat + meanShift
      dimnames(fitted.all) <- dimnamesY

    residualsWithMean.all <- matrix(NA, nSamples, N.original)
    if (getResiduals) {
      residuals.all <- residualsWithMean.all
      residuals.all[, keepY] <- residuals
      residuals.all[, varYZero] <- 0
      residuals.all[is.na(y.original)] <- NA

    residualsWithMean.all[, keepY] <- residuals + meanShift
    residualsWithMean.all[, varYZero] <- 0
    residualsWithMean.all[is.na(y.original)] <- NA

    beta.all <- beta.all.scaled <- matrix(NA, nc + 1, N.original)
    sigma.all <- sigma.all.scaled <- rep(NA, N.original)
    sigma.all.scaled[keepY] <- sigma
    sigma.all[keepY] <- sigma * scale.y^2

    beta.all[-1, keepY] <- beta.fin * matrix(scale.y, nrow = nc, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
    beta.all.scaled[-1, keepY] <- beta.fin
    beta.all[varYZero] <- beta.all.scaled[-1, varYZero] <- 0
    # alpha = mean.y - t(as.matrix(mean.x)) %*% beta * scale.y
    alpha <- mean.y - colSums(beta * means.dm, na.rm = TRUE) * scale.y
    beta.all[1, keepY] <- alpha
    beta.all.scaled[1, keepY] <- 0

    dimnames(residualsWithMean.all) <- dimnamesY
    colnames(beta.all) <- colnames(beta.all.scaled) <- colnames(y.original)
    rownames(beta.all) <- rownames(beta.all.scaled) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(designMat))

      residuals = if (getResiduals) residuals.all else NULL,
      residualsWithMean = residualsWithMean.all,
      beta = beta.all,
      beta.scaled = beta.all.scaled,
      sigmaSq = sigma.all,
      sigmaSq.scaled = sigma.all.scaled,
      fittedValues = if (getFittedValues) fitted.all else NULL

  fc.OLS <- fitAndCoeffs(beta.OLS, sigma.OLS)
  if (getEBadjustedData) fc.EB <- fitAndCoeffs(beta.EB, sigma.EB)

  betaValid.all <- matrix(FALSE, nc + 1, N.original)
  betaValid.all[-1, keepY] <- betaValid
  betaValid.all[1, keepY] <- TRUE
  dimnames(betaValid.all) <- dimnames(fc.OLS$beta)

  finalWeights <- originalWeights
  finalWeights[fitToSamples, keepY] <- rweights

    adjustedData = if (getEBadjustedData) fc.EB$residualsWithMean else NULL,
    residuals = if (getResiduals & getEBadjustedData) fc.EB$residuals else NULL,
    coefficients = if (getEBadjustedData) fc.EB$beta else NULL,
    coefficients.scaled = if (getEBadjustedData) fc.EB$beta.scaled else NULL,
    sigmaSq = if (getEBadjustedData) fc.EB$sigmaSq else NULL,
    sigmaSq.scaled = if (getEBadjustedData) fc.EB$sigmaSq.scaled else NULL,
    fittedValues = if (getFittedValues && getEBadjustedData) fc.EB$fittedValues else NULL,

    # OLS results
    adjustedData.OLS = if (getOLSAdjustedData) fc.OLS$residualsWithMean else NULL,
    residuals.OLS = if (getResiduals) fc.OLS$residuals else NULL,
    coefficients.OLS = fc.OLS$beta,
    coefficients.OLS.scaled = fc.OLS$beta.scaled,
    sigmaSq.OLS = fc.OLS$sigmaSq,
    sigmaSq.OLS.scaled = fc.OLS$sigmaSq.scaled,
    fittedValues.OLS = if (getFittedValues) fc.OLS$fittedValues else NULL,

    # Weights used in the model
    initialWeights = if (getWeights) originalWeights else NULL,
    finalWeights = if (getWeights) finalWeights else NULL,

    # indices of valid fits
    dataColumnValid = keepY,
    dataColumnWithZeroVariance = varYZero,
    coefficientValid = betaValid.all

# ===================================================================================================
# Linear model coefficients
# ===================================================================================================

.linearModelCoefficients <- function(

                                     weights = NULL,
                                     automaticWeights = c("none", "bicov"),
                                     aw.maxPOutliers = 0.1,

                                     getWeights = FALSE,

                                     garbageCollectInterval = 50000,
                                     minDesignDeviation = 1e-10,

                                     verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  designMat <- NULL

  automaticWeights <- match.arg(automaticWeights)
  if (automaticWeights == "bicov") {
    if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..calculating weights.."))
    weights <- bicovWeights(responses, maxPOutliers = aw.maxPOutliers)

  if (is.null(dim(predictors))) {
    predictors <- data.frame(retainedCovariate = predictors)

  keepSamples <- rowSums(is.na(predictors)) == 0

  responses <- responses[keepSamples, , drop = FALSE]
  predictors <- predictors[keepSamples, , drop = FALSE]
  nSamples <- nrow(responses)

  if (nrow(predictors) != nSamples) {
    stop("Numbers of rows in 'responses' and 'predictors' differ.")
  predictors <- as.data.frame(predictors)
  mm <- model.matrix(~., data = predictors)
  colSDs <- colSds(mm[, -1, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
  if (any(colSDs == 0)) {
    stop("Some columns in 'predictors' have zero variance.")
  designMat <- mm

  y.original <- as.matrix(responses)
  N.original <- ncol(y.original)
  if (any(!is.finite(y.original))) {
      immediate. = TRUE,
      "Found missing and non-finite data. These will be removed."

  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- matrix(1, nSamples, ncol(y.original))

  if (any(!is.finite(weights))) {
    stop("Given 'weights' contain some infinite or missing entries. All weights must be present and finite.")

  if (any(weights < 0)) {
    stop("Given 'weights' contain negative entries. All weights must be non-negative.")

  originalWeights <- weights

  dimnamesY <- dimnames(y.original)

  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..checking for non-varying responses.."))
  varY <- colVars(y.original, na.rm = TRUE)
  varYMissing <- is.na(varY)
  varYZero <- varY == 0
  varYZero[is.na(varYZero)] <- FALSE
  keepY <- !(varYZero | varYMissing)

  y <- y.original[, keepY]
  weights <- weights[, keepY]
  yFinite <- is.finite(y)
  weights[!yFinite] <- 0
  nSamples.y <- colSums(yFinite)
  y[!yFinite] <- 0

  N <- ncol(y)
  nc <- ncol(designMat)

  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..model fitting.."))
  # Prepaer ordinary regression to get starting points for beta and sigma
  beta.OLS <- matrix(NA, nc, N)
  betaValid <- matrix(TRUE, nc, N)
  sigma.OLS <- rep(NA, N)
  regressionValid <- rep(TRUE, N)

  # Get the means of the design matrix with respect to all weight vectors.
  V1 <- colSums(weights)
  V2 <- colSums(weights^2)
  means.dm <- t(designMat) %*% weights / matrix(V1, nrow = nc, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE)
  i <- 0
  on.exit(printFlush(spaste("Error occurred at i = ", i)))
  # on.exit(browser());
  pindStep <- max(1, floor(N / 100))

  # Ordinary weighted least squares
  oldWeights <- rep(-1, nSamples)
  if (verbose > 1) pind <- initProgInd()
  for (i in 1:N)
    w1 <- weights[, i]
    y1 <- y[, i]
    if (any(w1 != oldWeights)) {
      # centeredDM = designMat - matrix(means.dm[, i], nSamples, nc, byrow = TRUE);
      centeredDM <- designMat # Do not center the design mat.
      # dmVar = colSds(centeredDM);
      dmVar.w <- apply(centeredDM, 2, .weightedVar, weights = w1)
      # keepDM = dmVar > 0 & dmVar.w > 0;
      keepDM <- dmVar.w > minDesignDeviation^2
      keepDM[1] <- TRUE # For the intercept
      centeredDM.keep <- centeredDM[, keepDM, drop = FALSE]
      xtx <- t(centeredDM.keep) %*% (centeredDM.keep * w1)
      xtxInv <- try(solve(xtx), silent = TRUE)
      oldWeights <- w1

    if (!inherits(xtxInv, "try-error")) {
      # The following is really (xtxInv %*% xy1), where xy1 = t(centeredDM) %*% (y[,i]*weights[,i])
      beta.OLS[keepDM, i] <- colSums(xtxInv * colSums(centeredDM.keep * y1 * w1))
      betaValid[!keepDM, i] <- FALSE
      y.pred <- centeredDM.keep %*% beta.OLS[keepDM, i, drop = FALSE]
      # if (weightType=="apriori")
      # {
      # Standard calculation of sigma^2 in weighted refression
      sigma.OLS[i] <- sum((w1 > 0) * (y1 - y.pred)^2) / (sum(w1 > 0) - nc - 1)
      # } else {
      #  xtxw2 =  t(centeredDM.keep) %*% (centeredDM.keep *w1^2);
      #  sigma.OLS[i] = sum( w1* (y1-y.pred)^2) / (V1[i] - V2[i]/V1[i] - sum(xtxw2 * xtxInv));
      # }
    } else {
      regressionValid[i] <- FALSE
      betaValid[, i] <- FALSE
    if (i %% garbageCollectInterval == 0) gc()
    if (verbose > 1 && i %% pindStep == 0) pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)
  if (verbose > 1) {
    pind <- updateProgInd(i / N, pind)


  if (any(!regressionValid)) {
      immediate. = TRUE,
      "linearModelCoefficients: initial regression failed in ", sum(!regressionValid), " variables."

  if (all(!regressionValid)) {
      "Initial regression model failed for all columns in 'data'.\n",
      "Last model returned the following error:\n\n",
      "\n\nPlease check that the model is correctly specified."

  # beta.OLS has columns corresponding to variables in responses, and rows corresponding to columns in x.

  # Extend results to all variables.

  beta.all <- matrix(NA, nc, N.original)
  beta.all[, keepY] <- beta.OLS
  dimnames(beta.all) <- list(colnames(designMat), dimnamesY[[2]])

  sigma.all <- rep(NA, N.original)
  sigma.all[keepY] <- sigma.OLS

  betaValid.all <- matrix(FALSE, nc, N.original)
  betaValid.all[, keepY] <- betaValid
  dimnames(betaValid.all) <- dimnames(beta.all)

    coefficients = beta.all,
    sigmaSq = sigma.all,
    # Weights used in the model
    weights = if (getWeights) weights else NULL,

    # indices of valid fits
    dataColumnValid = keepY,
    dataColumnWithZeroVariance = varYZero,
    coefficientValid = betaValid.all

# ===================================================================================================
# Robust functions
# ===================================================================================================

.bicov <- function(x) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  if (any(!is.finite(x))) {
    stop("All entries of 'x' must be finite.")
  nc <- ncol(x)
  nr <- nrow(x)
  mx <- colMedians(x)
  mx.mat <- matrix(mx, nr, nc, byrow = TRUE)
  mads <- colMads(x, constant = 1)
  mad.mat <- matrix(mads, nr, nc, byrow = TRUE)
  u <- abs((x - mx.mat) / (9 * mad.mat))
  a <- matrix(as.numeric(u < 1), nr, nc)

  topMat <- a * (x - mx.mat) * (1 - u^2)^2
  top <- nr * t(topMat) %*% topMat
  botVec <- colSums(a * (1 - u^2) * (1 - 5 * u^2))
  bot <- botVec %o% botVec

  out <- top / bot
  dimnames(out) <- list(colnames(x), colnames(x))

# Argument refWeight:
# w = (1-u^2)^2
# u^2 = 1-sqrt(w)
# referenceU = sqrt(1-sqrt(referenceW))

bicovWeightFactors <- function(x, pearsonFallback = TRUE, maxPOutliers = 1,
                               outlierReferenceWeight = 0.5625,
                               defaultFactor = NA) {
  referenceU <- sqrt(1 - sqrt(outlierReferenceWeight))
  dimX <- dim(x)
  dimnamesX <- dimnames(x)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  nc <- ncol(x)
  nr <- nrow(x)
  mx <- colMedians(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  mx.mat <- matrix(mx, nr, nc, byrow = TRUE)
  mads <- colMads(x, constant = 1, na.rm = TRUE)
  madZero <- replaceMissing(mads == 0)
  if (any(madZero, na.rm = TRUE)) {
      immediate. = TRUE,
      "MAD is zero in some columns of 'x'."
    if (pearsonFallback) {
      sds <- colSds(x[, madZero, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
      mads[madZero] <- sds * qnorm(0.75)
  mad.mat <- matrix(mads, nr, nc, byrow = TRUE)
  u <- (x - mx.mat) / (9 * mad.mat)
  if (maxPOutliers < 0.5) {
    lq <- colQuantileC(u, p = maxPOutliers)
    uq <- colQuantileC(u, p = 1 - maxPOutliers)
    lq[is.na(lq)] <- 0
    uq[is.na(uq)] <- 0

    lq[lq > -referenceU] <- -referenceU
    uq[uq < referenceU] <- referenceU
    lq <- abs(lq)
    changeNeg <- which(lq > referenceU)
    changePos <- which(uq > referenceU)

    for (c in changeNeg)
      neg1 <- u[, c] < 0
      neg1[is.na(neg1)] <- FALSE
      u[neg1, c] <- u[neg1, c] * referenceU / lq[c]

    for (c in changePos)
      pos1 <- u[, c] > 0
      pos1[is.na(pos1)] <- FALSE
      u[pos1, c] <- u[pos1, c] * referenceU / uq[c]
  if (!is.null(defaultFactor)) u[!is.finite(u)] <- defaultFactor

bicovWeights <- function(x, pearsonFallback = TRUE, maxPOutliers = 1,
                         outlierReferenceWeight = 0.5625,
                         defaultWeight = 0) {
  dimX <- dim(x)
  dimnamesX <- dimnames(x)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  nc <- ncol(x)
  nr <- nrow(x)

  u <- bicovWeightFactors(x,
    pearsonFallback = pearsonFallback,
    maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
    outlierReferenceWeight = outlierReferenceWeight,
    defaultFactor = NA

  a <- matrix(as.numeric(abs(u) < 1), nr, nc)
  weights <- a * (1 - u^2)^2
  weights[is.na(x)] <- defaultWeight
  weights[!is.finite(weights)] <- defaultWeight
  dim(weights) <- dimX
  if (!is.null(dimX)) dimnames(weights) <- dimnamesX

bicovWeightsFromFactors <- function(u, defaultWeight = 0) {
  dimU <- dim(u)
  u <- as.matrix(u)
  a <- matrix(as.numeric(abs(u) < 1), nrow(u), ncol(u))
  weights <- a * (1 - u^2)^2
  weights[is.na(u)] <- defaultWeight
  weights[!is.finite(weights)] <- defaultWeight
  dim(weights) <- dimU
  if (!is.null(dimU)) dimnames(weights) <- dimnames(u)
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.