
Defines functions moduleMergeUsingKME

## Merge modules and reassign module genes based on kME values
moduleMergeUsingKME <- function(datExpr, colorh, ME = NULL, threshPercent = 50, mergePercent = 25, reassignModules = TRUE,
                                convertGrey = TRUE, omitColors = "grey", reassignScale = 1, threshNumber = NULL) {

  ## First assign all of the variables and put everything in the correct format.
  if (length(colorh) != dim(datExpr)[2]) {
    write("Error: color vector much match inputted datExpr columns.", "")
  if (is.null(ME)) {
    ME <- (moduleEigengenes(datExpr, colors = as.character(colorh), excludeGrey = TRUE))$eigengenes
  if (dim(ME)[1] != dim(datExpr)[1]) {
    write("Error: ME rows much match inputted datExpr rows (samples).", "")
  modules <- colnames(ME)
  if (length(grep("ME", modules)) == length(modules)) modules <- substr(modules, 3, nchar(modules))
  if (length(grep("PC", modules)) == length(modules)) modules <- substr(modules, 3, nchar(modules))
  if (length(setdiff(modules, as.character(colorh))) > 0) {
    write("ME cannot include colors with no genes assigned.", "")
  names(ME) <- modules

  datCorrs <- as.data.frame(cor(datExpr, ME, use = "p"))
  colnames(datCorrs) <- modules
  modules <- sort(modules[!is.element(modules, omitColors)])
  modulesI <- modules # To test whether merging occurs
  datCorrs <- datCorrs[, modules]
  iteration <- 1
  if (is.null(colnames(datExpr))) colnames(datExpr) <- as.character(1:length(colorh))
  rownames(datCorrs) <- colnames(datExpr)
  colorOut <- colorh
  colorOut[is.element(colorOut, omitColors)] <- "grey"
  mergeLog <- NULL
  datExpr <- t(datExpr) # For consistency with how the function was originally written.

  ## Iteratively run this function until no further changes need to be made
  while (!is.na(iteration)) {
    write("", "")
    write("__________________________________________________", "")
    write(paste("This is iteration #", iteration, ". There are ", length(modules), " modules.", sep = ""), "")
    iteration <- iteration + 1

    ## Reassign modules if requested by reassignModules and convertGrey
    colorMax <- NULL
    whichMod <- apply(datCorrs, 1, which.max)
    cutNumber <- round(table(colorOut) * threshPercent / 100)
    cutNumber <- cutNumber[names(cutNumber) != "grey"]
    if (!is.null(threshNumber)) cutNumber <- rep(threshNumber, length(cutNumber))
    cutNumber <- apply(cbind(cutNumber, 10), 1, max)
    for (i in 1:length(whichMod)) {
      colorMax <- c(colorMax, modules[whichMod[i]])
    for (i in 1:length(modules)) {
      corrs <- as.numeric(datCorrs[, i])
      cutValue <- sort(corrs[colorOut == modules[i]], decreasing = TRUE)[cutNumber[i]]
      inModule <- corrs > (cutValue * reassignScale)
      if (convertGrey) {
        colorOut[inModule & (colorOut == "grey") & (colorMax == modules[i])] <- modules[i]
      if (reassignModules) {
        colorOut[inModule & (colorOut != "grey") & (colorMax == modules[i])] <- modules[i]

    ## Merge all modules meeting the mergePercent and threshPercent criteria
    for (i in 1:length(modules)) {
      cutNumber <- round(table(colorOut) * threshPercent / 100)
      cutNumber <- cutNumber[names(cutNumber) != "grey"]
      if (!is.null(threshNumber)) cutNumber <- rep(threshNumber, length(cutNumber))
      cutNumber <- apply(cbind(cutNumber, 10), 1, max)
      corrs <- as.numeric(datCorrs[, i])
      # Make sure you do not include more genes than are in the module
      numInMod <- sum(colorOut == modules[i])
      cutValue <- sort(corrs[colorOut == modules[i]], decreasing = TRUE)[min(numInMod, cutNumber[modules[i]])]
      colorMod <- colorOut[corrs >= cutValue]
      colorMod <- colorMod[colorMod != "grey"]
      modPercent <- 100 * table(colorMod) / length(colorMod)
      modPercent <- modPercent[names(modPercent) != modules[i]]
      if (length(modPercent) > 1) {
        if (max(modPercent) > mergePercent) {
          whichModuleMerge <- names(modPercent)[which.max(modPercent)]
          colorOut[colorOut == modules[i]] <- whichModuleMerge
          write(paste(modules[i], "has been merged into", whichModuleMerge, "."), "")
          mergeLog <- rbind(mergeLog, c(modules[i], whichModuleMerge))

    ## If no modules were merged, then set iteration to NA
    modules <- sort(unique(colorOut))
    modules <- modules[modules != "grey"]
    if (length(modules) == length(modulesI)) iteration <- NA
    modulesI <- modules

    ## Recalculate the new module membership values
    MEs <- (moduleEigengenes(t(datExpr), colors = as.character(colorOut)))$eigengenes
    MEs <- MEs[, colnames(MEs) != "MEgrey"]
    datCorrs <- as.data.frame(cor(t(datExpr), MEs, use = "p"))
    colnames(datCorrs) <- modules
  if (!is.null(dim(mergeLog))) {
    colnames(mergeLog) <- c("Old Module", "Merged into New Module")
    rownames(mergeLog) <- paste("Merge #", 1:dim(mergeLog)[1], sep = "")
  return(list(moduleColors = colorOut, mergeLog = mergeLog))
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.