
Defines functions cbk.plot.balance

Documented in cbk.plot.balance

#' @title Balance quantity of elements in whole rock and phases
#' @description Balance quantity of elements in whole rock and phases.
#'   This calculates quantity of elements in each phases from mode and
#'   element abundances of each phase.  Then from calculated
#'   whole-rock (WR) quantity of element by summation and measured WR
#'   quantity of element, this estimates surplus or deficit of
#'   elements.
#' @param pmlame_or_file A pmlame or CASTEML or TBLAME.csv with
#'   element abundance of phases without measured WR
#' @param reflame_or_file A pmlame or CASTEML or TBLAME.csv with
#'   element abundance of measured WR
#' @param modeinfo A pmlame or TBLAME.csv with mode and density of
#'   phases including WR
#' @param verbose Output debug info (default: FALSE).
#' @return A pmlame with element quantities and mode of phases
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reflame  <- cbk.ref("Anders.1989",property=cbk.periodic("atomicnumber"))
#' pmlfile  <- cbk.path("demo-trc0.pml")
#' message(sprintf("The pmlfile is located at |%s|.",pmlfile))
#' modeinfo <- cbk.path("demo-mode0.csv")
#' message(sprintf("The modeinfo is located at |%s|.",modeinfo))
#' MM       <- cbk.plot.balance(pmlfile,reflame,modeinfo)
cbk.plot.balance <- function(pmlame_or_file,reflame_or_file,modeinfo,verbose=FALSE){
errorbar.y <- function(x,y,yerror,length=0.01,col=1,code=3){
  arrows(x, y, x, y+yerror, code=code, angle=90, length=length, col=col)
  arrows(x, y, x, y-yerror, code=code, angle=90, length=length, col=col)

## Load element abundance and mode
if (is.data.frame(pmlame_or_file)) {
  ZZ     <- pmlame_or_file
} else {
  pmlext <- tools::file_ext(pmlame_or_file)
  if (pmlext == "csv") {
    ZZ      <- cbk.read.tblame(pmlame_or_file)
  } else {
    ZZ      <- cbk.read.casteml(pmlame_or_file)

if (is.data.frame(reflame_or_file)) {
  reflame <- reflame_or_file
} else {
  refext  <- tools::file_ext(reflame_or_file)
  if (refext == "csv") {
    reflame <- cbk.read.tblame(reflame_or_file)
  } else {
    reflame <- cbk.read.casteml(reflame_or_file)
ref0    <- cbk.lame.regulate(reflame,error=FALSE)

if (is.data.frame(modeinfo)) {
  DD      <- modeinfo
} else {
  DD      <- cbk.read.tblame(modeinfo)

if (verbose) {
  cat(file=stderr(),"cbk.plot.balance:51: ZZ <-",cbk.lame.dump(ZZ,show=F),"\n")
  cat(file=stderr(),"cbk.plot.balance:52: DD <-",cbk.lame.dump(DD,show=F),"\n")
  cat(file=stderr(),"cbk.plot.balance:53: ref0 <-",cbk.lame.dump(ref0,show=F),"\n")

## ----------------------------------------
##* Config
## ----------------------------------------
## property0     <- cbk.periodic(property)               # "atomicnumber","volatility","compatibility"
## ref0          <- cbk.ref(reference,"none",property0)  # "Wasson.1988","Boynton.1989"
## phases        <- c("ol","opx","cpx","gl")             # Revise accordingly
phases        <- rownames(ZZ)

spec0         <- data.frame(row.names=c("WR","WR (calc)","remainder",phases)) # legend properties
spec0[,'col'] <- c("black","black","black",2:(length(phases)+1))
spec0[,'pch'] <- c(NaN,NaN,2,1:length(phases))
spec0[,'lty'] <- c(1,2,2,rep(1,length(phases)))
spec0[,'lwd'] <- c(1,3,1,rep(1,length(phases)))

element       <- intersect(names(ref0),names(ZZ))
## XX         <- property0[element]
XX            <- 1:length(element)                       # distribute XX evenly
names(XX)     <- element                                 # distribute XX evenly

## Add CI as WR (June 19, 2017)
ZZ["WR",element] <- ref0[,element]

## ----------------------------------------
##* Process
## ----------------------------------------
phasianus        <- c(phases,"remainder")                       # list of phases including `missing phase'
density          <- cbk.vector(DD[,"density"])                  # note that density includes WR
names(density)   <- rownames(DD)
mode             <- cbk.vector(DD[,"mode"])                     # note that mode includes WR
names(mode)      <- rownames(DD)

ZZzCI            <- cbk.lame.normalize(ZZ,ref0)                 # normalization to draw data in `[Z] over CI'
ZZzCI_mean       <- cbk.lame.regulate(ZZzCI,mean=T,error=F)
ZZzCI_error      <- cbk.lame.regulate(ZZzCI,mean=F,error=T)

QQ               <- cbk.balance(ZZ,element,phases,mode,density) # Estimate remainder in both concentration and quantity
QQzCI            <- cbk.lame.normalize(QQ,ref0)                 # normalization to CI to draw remainder in `[Z] over CI'

## ref8          <- as.data.frame(t(cbk.vector(ZZ["WR",element]))) # obtain WR-meas
## QQzWR         <- cbk.lame.normalize(QQ,ref8)                    # normalization to WR-meas for `Q over WR'
QQzWR            <- cbk.lame.normalize(QQ,ZZ["WR",element])     # normalization to WR-meas for `Q over WR'
QQzWR[QQzWR<0]   <- NaN

mode1            <- QQ[phasianus,"mode"]                        # relative mode of phase with remainder
names(mode1)     <- phasianus
MMQ              <- QQzWR[paste(phasianus,"(quantity)"),]       # relavie quantity of element
MM               <- cbind(mode=mode1, MMQ)
MM[MM<0]         <- 0
## MM[is.na(MM)] <- 0

## ----------------------------------------
##* Plot setup
## ----------------------------------------
## par(mfrow=c(3,1),mar=c(2.5,4,0.1,0.1),mgp=c(3,1,0))

## ----------------------------------------
##* Concentration
## ----------------------------------------
## Make box
matplot(XX,t(ZZzCI_mean),type="n",log="y",axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="[Z] over WR",lwd=3)
## abline(h=(10^(-1:3)),lty="dashed") # grid

## Draw phases and WR
phaselist <- rownames(ZZzCI_mean)
for(iphase in phaselist) { # ol, opx, cpx, gl, WR
  if (length(ZZzCI_error) != 0) {

## Draw WR (calc) and remainder
calclist <- c("WR (calc)","remainder")
for(icalc in calclist) { # WR (calc), remainder

## ----------------------------------------
##* Quantity
## ----------------------------------------
## Make box
        xlab="",ylab="Q over WR",lwd=3)
box() # bounding box

## Draw WR, WR (calc), remainder, and phases
quantlist  <- c("WR","WR (calc)","remainder (quantity)",paste(phases,"(quantity)"))
for(iquant in quantlist) { # WR, WR (calc), remainder (quantity), ol (quantity), opx (quantity), cpx (quantity), gl (quantity)
  myphase  <- gsub(" \\(quantity\\)","",iquant)

## ----------------------------------------
##* Relative quantity
## ----------------------------------------
spec0["remainder","col"] <- "white"

## ----------------------------------------
##* Closing remarks
## ----------------------------------------
misasa/chelyabinsk documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 5:47 a.m.