# ========================================================================================================
# This function makes a prediction of a 'newdata' by using the results of 'object'.
# Depending on the class of the object (mint).(block).(s)pls(da) (16 classes so far), the input data is different
# and the preparation of the data is different - different scaling for instance if object="mint...."
# However, the prediction formula is the same for all classes, thus only one code
# ========================================================================================================
#' Predict Method for (mint).(block).(s)pls(da) methods
#' Predicted values based on PLS models. New responses and variates are
#' predicted using a fitted model and a new matrix of observations.
#' \code{predict} produces predicted values, obtained by evaluating the
#' PLS-derived methods, returned by \code{(mint).(block).(s)pls(da)} in the
#' frame \code{newdata}. Variates for \code{newdata} are also returned. Please
#' note that this method performs multilevel decomposition and/or log ratio
#' transformations if needed (\code{multilevel} is an input parameter while
#' \code{logratio} is extracted from \code{object}).
#' Different prediction distances are proposed for discriminant analysis. The
#' reason is that our supervised models work with a dummy indicator matrix of
#' \code{Y} to indicate the class membership of each sample. The prediction of
#' a new observation results in either a predicted dummy variable (output
#' \code{object$predict}), or a predicted variate (output
#' \code{object$variates}). Therefore, an appropriate distance needs to be
#' applied to those predicted values to assign the predicted class. We propose
#' distances such as `maximum distance' for the predicted dummy variables,
#' `Mahalanobis distance' and `Centroids distance' for the predicted variates.
#' \code{"max.dist"} is the simplest method to predict the class of a test
#' sample. For each new individual, the class with the largest predicted dummy
#' variable is the predicted class. This distance performs well in single data
#' set analysis with multiclass problems (PLS-DA).
#' \code{"centroids.dist"} allocates to the new observation the class that
#' mimimises the distance between the predicted score and the centroids of the
#' classes calculated on the latent components or variates of the trained
#' model.
#' \code{"mahalanobis.dist"} allocates the new sample the class defined as the
#' centroid distance, but using the Mahalanobis metric in the calculation of
#' the distance.
#' In practice we found that the centroid-based distances
#' (\code{"centroids.dist"} and \code{"mahalanobis.dist"}), and specifically
#' the Mahalanobis distance led to more accurate predictions than the maximum
#' distance for complex classification problems and N-integration problems
#' (block.splsda). The centroid distances consider the prediction in
#' dimensional space spanned by the predicted variates, while the maximum
#' distance considers a single point estimate using the predicted scores on the
#' last dimension of the model. The user can assess the different distances,
#' and choose the prediction distance that leads to the best performance of the
#' model, as highlighted from the tune and perf outputs
#' More (mathematical) details about the prediction distances are available in
#' the supplemental of the mixOmics article (Rohart et al 2017).
#' For a visualisation of those prediction distances, see
#' \code{background.predict} that overlays the prediction area in
#' \code{plotIndiv} for a sPLS-DA object.
#' Allocates the individual \eqn{x} to the class of \eqn{Y} minimizing
#' \eqn{dist(\code{x-variate}, G_l)}, where \eqn{G_l}, \eqn{l = 1,...,L} are
#' the centroids of the classes calculated on the \eqn{X}-variates of the
#' model. \code{"mahalanobis.dist"} allocates the individual \eqn{x} to the
#' class of \eqn{Y} as in \code{"centroids.dist"} but by using the Mahalanobis
#' metric in the calculation of the distance.
#' For MINT objects, the \code{study.test} argument is required and provides
#' the grouping factor of \code{newdata}.
#' For multi block analysis (thus block objects), \code{newdata} is a list of
#' matrices whose names are a subset of \code{names(object$X)} and missing
#' blocks are allowed. Several predictions are returned, either for each block
#' or for all blocks. For non discriminant analysis, the predicted values
#' (\code{predict}) are returned for each block and these values are combined
#' by average (\code{AveragedPredict}) or weighted average
#' (\code{WeightedPredict}), using the weights of the blocks that are
#' calculated as the correlation between a block's components and the outcome's
#' components.
#' For discriminant analysis, the predicted class is returned for each block
#' (\code{class}) and each distance (\code{dist}) and these predictions are
#' combined by majority vote (\code{MajorityVote}) or weighted majority vote
#' (\code{WeightedVote}), using the weights of the blocks that are calculated
#' as the correlation between a block's components and the outcome's
#' components. NA means that there is no consensus among the block. For PLS-DA
#' and sPLS-DA objects, the prediction area can be visualised in plotIndiv via
#' the \code{background.predict} function.
#' @aliases predict predict.pls predict.spls predict.plsda predict.splsda
#' predict.mint.pls predict.mint.spls predict.mint.plsda predict.mint.splsda
#' predict.mint.block.pls predict.mint.block.spls predict.mint.block.plsda
#' predict.mint.block.splsda
#' @param object object of class inheriting from
#' \code{"(mint).(block).(s)pls(da)"}.
#' @param newdata data matrix in which to look for for explanatory variables to
#' be used for prediction. Please note that this method does not perform
#' multilevel decomposition or log ratio transformations, which need to be
#' processed beforehand.
#' @param study.test For MINT objects, grouping factor indicating which samples
#' of \code{newdata} are from the same study. Overlap with \code{object$study}
#' are allowed.
#' @param dist distance to be applied for discriminant methods to predict the
#' class of new data, should be a subset of \code{"centroids.dist"},
#' \code{"mahalanobis.dist"} or \code{"max.dist"} (see Details). Defaults to
#' \code{"all"}.
#' @param multilevel Design matrix for multilevel analysis (for repeated
#' measurements). A numeric matrix or data frame. For a one level factor
#' decomposition, the input is a vector indicating the repeated measures on
#' each individual, i.e. the individuals ID. For a two level decomposition with
#' splsda models, the two factors are included in Y. Finally for a two level
#' decomposition with spls models, 2nd AND 3rd columns in design indicate those
#' factors (see example in \code{?splsda} and \code{?spls}).
#' @param ... not used currently.
#' @return \code{predict} produces a list with the following components:
#' \item{predict}{predicted response values. The dimensions correspond to the
#' observations, the response variables and the model dimension, respectively.
#' For a supervised model, it corresponds to the predicted dummy variables.}
#' \item{variates}{matrix of predicted variates.} \item{B.hat}{matrix of
#' regression coefficients (without the intercept).}
#' \item{AveragedPredict}{if more than one block, returns the average predicted
#' values over the blocks (using the \code{predict} output)}
#' \item{WeightedPredict}{if more than one block, returns the weighted average
#' of the predicted values over the blocks (using the \code{predict} and
#' \code{weights} outputs)}
#' \item{class}{predicted class of \code{newdata} for each
#' \eqn{1,...,}\code{ncomp} components.}
#' \item{MajorityVote}{if more than one block, returns the majority class over
#' the blocks. NA for a sample means that there is no consensus on the
#' predicted class for this particular sample over the blocks.}
#' \item{WeightedVote}{if more than one block, returns the weighted majority
#' class over the blocks. NA for a sample means that there is no consensus on
#' the predicted class for this particular sample over the blocks.}
#' \item{weights}{Returns the weights of each block used for the weighted
#' predictions, for each nrepeat and each fold}
#' \item{centroids}{matrix of coordinates for centroids.} \item{dist}{type of
#' distance requested.} \item{vote}{majority vote result for multi block
#' analysis (see details above).}
#' @author Florian Rohart, Sébastien Déjean, Ignacio González, Kim-Anh Lê Cao,
#' Al J Abadi
#' @seealso \code{\link{pls}}, \code{\link{spls}}, \code{\link{plsda}},
#' \code{\link{splsda}}, \code{\link{mint.pls}}, \code{\link{mint.spls}},
#' \code{\link{mint.plsda}}, \code{\link{mint.splsda}},
#' \code{\link{block.pls}}, \code{\link{block.spls}},
#' \code{\link{block.plsda}}, \code{\link{block.splsda}},
#' \code{\link{mint.block.pls}}, \code{\link{mint.block.spls}},
#' \code{\link{mint.block.plsda}}, \code{\link{mint.block.splsda}} and
#' visualisation with \code{\link{background.predict}} and
#' http://www.mixOmics.org for more details.
#' @references
#' Rohart F, Gautier B, Singh A, Lê Cao K-A. mixOmics: an R package for 'omics
#' feature selection and multiple data integration. PLoS Comput Biol 13(11):
#' e1005752
#' Tenenhaus, M. (1998). \emph{La regression PLS: theorie et pratique}. Paris:
#' Editions Technic.
#' @keywords regression multivariate
#' @name predict
#' @example ./examples/predict-examples.R
#' @rdname predict
#' @method predict mixo_pls
#' @importFrom methods hasArg is
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
predict.mixo_pls <-
dist = c("all", "max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist"),
multilevel = NULL,
# pass R check
newdata.scale = misdata.all = is.na.X = is.na.newdata = noAveragePredict = NULL
# input parameter: noAveragePredict=> no averagePredict calculation, used in tune.block.splsda
if(inherits(object, c("rgcca","sparse.rgcca")))
stop("no prediction for RGCCA methods")
#check on dist
if (!any(dist %in% c("all", "max.dist", "centroids.dist", "mahalanobis.dist")) & is(object, "DA"))
stop("ERROR : choose one of the four following modes: 'all', 'max.dist', 'centroids.dist' or 'mahalanobis.dist'")
#end general checks
ncomp = object$ncomp
if(is(object, "DA")) # a DA analysis (mint).(block).(s)plsda
#if DA analysis, the unmap Y is in ind.mat
#if not DA, Y is in object$Y
if(is.null(Y)) # block analysis
if(time) time1 = proc.time()
if(hasArg(newdata.scale)) # if an input `newdata.scale' is given, we use that one and we don't scale the data and don't do the logratio or multilevel
newdata = list(...)$newdata.scale
object$logratio = NULL
multilevel = NULL
mint.object = c("mint.pls", "mint.spls", "mint.plsda", "mint.splsda")
block.object = c("block.pls", "block.spls", "block.plsda", "block.splsda")
### if the object is a block, the input newdata is different, we check newdata, make sure it's a list and check newdata/X
if(!inherits(object, block.object)) # not a block (pls/spls/plsda/splsda/mint...)
stop("Something is wrong, object$X should be a matrix and it appears to be a list") #this should never happen/intern check
if(is.list(newdata) & !is.data.frame(newdata))
stop("'newdata' must be a numeric matrix")
# deal with near.zero.var in object, to remove the same variable in newdata as in object$X (already removed in object$X)
if(length(object$nzv$Position) > 0)
newdata = newdata[, -object$nzv$Position,drop=FALSE]
stop("'newdata' must include all the variables of 'object$X'")
#not a block, the input newdata should be a matrix
if (length(dim(newdata)) == 2) {
if (ncol(newdata) != p)
stop("'newdata' must be a numeric matrix with ncol = ", p,
" or a vector of length = ", p, ".")
if (length(dim(newdata)) == 0) {
if (length(newdata) != p)
stop("'newdata' must be a numeric matrix with ncol = ", p,
" or a vector of length = ", p, ".")
dim(newdata) = c(1, p)
#check col/rownames of newdata
check=Check.entry.single(newdata, ncomp,q=1)
if(length(rownames(newdata))==0) rownames(newdata)=1:nrow(newdata)
if(max(table(rownames(newdata)))>1) stop('samples should have a unique identifier/rowname')
# we transform everything in lists
ind.match = 1
# a block, newdata should be a list, each blocks should have the same number of samples
stop("'newdata' should be a list")
if(!is.null(object$indY) && !is(object, "DA")) #if DA, object$X is already without Y
X = object$X[-object$indY]
p = lapply(X, ncol)
#matching newdata and X
# error if no names on keepX or not matching the names in X
if(length(unique(names(newdata)))!=length(newdata) | sum(is.na(match(names(newdata),names(X)))) > 0)
stop("Each entry of 'newdata' must have a unique name corresponding to a block of 'X'")
# error if not same number of samples in each block of newdata
if (length(unique(sapply(newdata,nrow))) != 1)
stop("All entries of 'newdata' must have the same number of rows")
# I want to match keepX to X by names
ind.match = match(names(X), names(newdata))
warning("Some blocks are missing in 'newdata'; the prediction is based on the following blocks only: ", paste(names(X)[!is.na(ind.match)],collapse=", "))
#replace missing blocks by 0
newdataA = list()
for (q in 1:length(X))
if (!is.na(ind.match[q])) # means there is a newdata with the same name as X[q] #(q <= length(newdata))
newdataA[[q]] = newdata[[ind.match[q]]]
newdataA[[q]] = matrix(0,nrow = unique(sapply(newdata,nrow)), ncol = ncol(X[[q]]), dimnames = list(rownames(newdata[[1]]), colnames(X[[q]]))) # if missing, replaced by a 0 matrix of correct size
names(newdataA) = names(X)
newdata = newdataA
# deal with near.zero.var in object, to remove the same variable in newdata as in object$X (already removed in object$X)
# for each of the input blocks, checks to see if the nzv features have already been removed
# if not, then these features are removed here
for (x in 1:length(newdata)) {
if (nrow(object$nzv[[x]]$Metrics) == 0) { next }
if (all(!(rownames(object$nzv[[x]]$Metrics) %in% colnames(newdata[[x]])))) { next }
newdata[[x]] <- newdata[[x]][, -object$nzv[[x]]$Position,drop=FALSE]
if(length(newdata)!=length(object$X)) stop("'newdata' must have as many blocks as 'object$X'")
if (any(lapply(newdata, function(x){length(dim(x))}) != 2)) {
if (any(unlist(lapply(newdata, ncol)) != unlist(p)))
stop("'newdata' must be a list with ", length(p), " numeric matrix and ncol respectively equal to ", paste(p, collapse = ", "), ".")
if (any(lapply(newdata, function(x){length(dim(x))}) == 0)) {
if (any(unlist(lapply(newdata, ncol)) != unlist(p)))
stop("'newdata' must be a list with ", length(p), " numeric matrix and ncol respectively equal to ", paste(p, collapse = ", "), ".")
dim(newdata) = c(1, p) #don't understand that, Benoit?
#check dimnames and ncomp per block of A
for(q in 1:length(newdata))
check=Check.entry.single(newdata[[q]], ncomp[q],q=q)
#check that newdata and X have the same variables and that they are in the same order
for (i in 1:length(newdata)) {
X.names <- colnames(X[[i]])
newdata.names <- colnames(newdata[[i]])
if (any(X.names != newdata.names)) { # if there is any difference between colnames
if (length(setdiff(X.names, newdata.names)) > 0) { # if there is presence of novel feature/absence of existing feature
stop(paste("The set of features in 'object$X$",
names(X)[i], "' is different to 'newdata$",
names(newdata)[i], "'. Please ensure they have the same features.", sep = ""))
else if (all(sort(X.names) == sort(newdata.names))) { # if it is only a difference in order
stop(paste("The order of features in 'object$X$",
names(X)[i], "' is different to 'newdata$",
names(newdata)[i], "'. Please ensure that you adjust these to the same order", sep = ""))
#reorder variables in the newdata as in X if needed
if (all.equal(lapply(newdata, colnames), lapply(X, colnames)) != TRUE) {
newdata <- setNames(lapply(seq_along(X), function(i) {newdata[[i]][, colnames(X[[i]])]}), nm = names(X))
#need to reorder variates and loadings to put 'Y' in last
# logratio and multilevel transform if necessary
if (!is.null(object$logratio))
newdata = lapply(newdata, logratio.transfo, logratio = object$logratio)
newdata = lapply(newdata, withinVariation, design = data.frame(multilevel))
p = lapply(X, ncol)
q = ncol(Y)
J = length(X) #at this stage we have a list of blocks
variatesX = object$variates[-(J + 1)];
loadingsX = object$loadings[-(J + 1)]
scale = object$scale # X and Y are both mean centered by groups and if scale=TRUE they are scaled by groups
### if the object is not a mint analysis, the input study.test is missing and we can go faster to scale the data
# we only scale the data if the input `newdata.scale' is missing. Only use in tune functions where we do not need to scale for every prediction as we predict on the same newdata for a grid of keepX
if(!inherits(object, mint.object))#| nlevels(factor(object$study))<=1) #not a mint object or just one level in the study
{ # not a mint (pls/spls/plsda/splsda/block...)
# scale newdata if just one study
if (!is.null(attr(X[[1]], "scaled:center")))
newdata[which(!is.na(ind.match))] = lapply(which(!is.na(ind.match)), function(x){sweep(newdata[[x]], 2, STATS = attr(X[[x]], "scaled:center"))})
if (scale)
newdata[which(!is.na(ind.match))] = lapply(which(!is.na(ind.match)), function(x){sweep(newdata[[x]], 2, FUN = "/", STATS = attr(X[[x]], "scaled:scale"))})
if (any(unlist(lapply(newdata[which(!is.na(ind.match))], function(x){any(is.infinite(x))})))) {
newdata[which(!is.na(ind.match))] <- lapply(which(!is.na(ind.match)), function(x){df <- newdata[[x]]; df[which(is.infinite(df))] <- NaN; return(df)})
means.Y = matrix(attr(Y, "scaled:center"),nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE);
if (scale)
{sigma.Y = matrix(attr(Y, "scaled:scale"),nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE)}else{sigma.Y=matrix(1,nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q)}
# a mint analysis
#check study.test
stop("'study.test' is missing")}
if (any(unlist(lapply(newdata, nrow)) != length(study.test)))
stop(paste0("'study' must be a factor of length ",nrow(newdata[[1]]),"."))
#scale newdata if more than one study. If some levels of study.test are included in study.learn, the means/sigmas of study.learn are used to scale
newdata.list.study = lapply(newdata,study_split,study.test) #a list of lists. [[j]][[m]]: j is for the blocks, m is for the levels(study)
# each study is normalized, depending on how the normalization was performed on the learning set (center/scale)
newdata.list.study.scale.temp =NULL#vector("list",length=J) #list(list())
concat.newdata = vector("list",length=J)
for(j in 1:J) # loop on the blocks
for (m in 1:M) #loop on the groups of study.test
# case 1: sample test is part of the learning data set
if(m%in%match.study.indice) #if some study of study.test were already in the learning set
newdata.list.study.scale.temp=scale(newdata.list.study[[j]][[m]], center = attr(X[[j]],paste0("means:", levels(study.test)[m])), scale = attr(X[[j]],paste0("sigma:", levels(study.test)[m])))
}else{#if just one level in object$study, the normalisation attributes are not named the same
newdata.list.study.scale.temp=scale(newdata.list.study[[j]][[m]], center = attr(X[[j]],"scaled:center"), scale = attr(X[[j]],"scaled:scale"))
newdata.list.study.scale.temp=scale(newdata.list.study[[j]][[m]], center = attr(X[[j]],paste0("means:", levels(study.test)[m])),scale=FALSE)
}else{#if just one level in object$study, the normalisation attributes are not named the same
newdata.list.study.scale.temp=scale(newdata.list.study[[j]][[m]], center = attr(X[[j]],"scaled:center"),scale=FALSE)
# case 2: sample test is a new study # a new study which was not in the learning set
## if there is one sample from a new study to be scaled throw a condition and do not scale
if (scale == TRUE & dim(newdata.list.study[[j]][[m]])[1] == 1 ) {
warning("Train data are scaled but the test data include a single sample from a new study (which cannot be scaled). Mkaing prediction without scaling this test sample and thus prediction for this sample should be given with care. Consider scale=FALSE for model, or using more samples for prediction, or using a sample from model studies.\n")
newdata.list.study.scale.temp = newdata.list.study[[j]][[m]]
} else {
#concatenation of the scaled data
concat.newdata[[j]] = rbind(concat.newdata[[j]], unlist(newdata.list.study.scale.temp))#[[j]][[m]]))
# we now need to reorganise concat.newdata as newdata. Indeed, the concatenation was done without taking care of the order of the samples in newdata
for(j in 1:J) # loop on the blocks
#match indice
concat.newdata[[j]]=concat.newdata[[j]][indice.match,, drop=FALSE]
concat.newdata[[j]][which(is.na(concat.newdata[[j]]))]=0 # taking care of the NA due to normalisation: put to 0 so they don't influence the product below (in Y.hat), reviens au meme que de supprimer les colonnes sans variances au depart.
#loop on the blocks to define means.Y and sigma.Y for mint analysis
for(m in 1:M)
if(m%in%match.study.indice) #if some study of study.test were already in the learning set
means.Y[which(study.test%in%levels(study.learn)[match.study[m]]),]=matrix(attr(Y,paste0("means:", levels(study.test)[m])),nrow=length(which(study.test%in%levels(study.learn)[match.study[m]])),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE)
}else{#if just one level in object$study, the normalisation attributes are not named the same
# I want to build a vector with sigma.Y for each group
sigma.Y[which(study.test%in%levels(study.learn)[match.study[m]]),]=matrix(attr(Y,paste0("sigma:", levels(study.test)[m])),nrow=length(which(study.test%in%levels(study.learn)[match.study[m]])),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE)
}else{#if just one level in object$study, the normalisation attributes are not named the same
### end if object is a mint analysis
} else {
means.Y = matrix(attr(Y, "scaled:center"),nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE);
if (scale)
{sigma.Y = matrix(attr(Y, "scaled:scale"),nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q,byrow=TRUE)}else{sigma.Y=matrix(1,nrow=nrow(newdata[[1]]),ncol=q)}
if(time) time2 = proc.time()
if(time) print("scaling")
if(time) print(time2-time1)
### at this stage we have
# X # list of blocks
# Y # observation
# newdata #list of blocks for the prediction, same length as A, scaled
### replace NA by 0 in the training data
if( (hasArg(misdata.all) & hasArg(is.na.X)) && any(list(...)$misdata.all)) # ind.na.X: all blocks except Y
{ # if misdata.all and ind.na.X are provided, we don't calculate the is.na(X) as it takes time. Used in tune functions.
for(j in c(1:J)[list(...)$misdata.all])
X[[j]][list(...)$is.na.X[[j]]]=0 # faster than using replace
} else {
# replace NA by 0
X = lapply(X,function(x)
if (anyNA(x)){
ind = is.na(x)
x[ind] = 0
### replace NA by 0 in the test data
if( (hasArg(misdata.all) & hasArg(is.na.newdata)) && any(list(...)$misdata.all)) # ind.na.newdata: all blocks of newdata
# if misdata.all and ind.na.X are provided, we don't calculate the is.na(X) as it takes time. Used in tune functions.
concat.newdata = lapply(1:J, function(q){replace(concat.newdata[[q]], list(...)$is.na.newdata[[q]], 0)})
if (any(sapply(concat.newdata, anyNA)))
concat.newdata = lapply(concat.newdata,function(x)
if (anyNA(x)){
ind = is.na(x)
x[ind] = 0
# replace NA by 0 in Y
Y[is.na(Y)] = 0
if(time) time3 = proc.time()
if(time) print("NA")
if(time) print(time3-time2)
# -----------------------
# prediction
# -----------------------
B.hat = t.pred = Y.hat = list() #= betay
for (i in 1 : J)
Pmat = Cmat = Wmat = NULL
### Start estimation using formula Y = XW(P'W)C (+ Yr, residuals on Y) See page 136 La regression PLS Theorie et pratique Tenenhaus
# Estimation matrix W, P and C
Pmat = crossprod(X[[i]], variatesX[[i]])
Cmat = crossprod(Y, variatesX[[i]])
Wmat = loadingsX[[i]]
# Prediction Y.hat, B.hat and t.pred
Ypred = lapply(1 : ncomp[i], function(x){concat.newdata[[i]] %*% Wmat[, 1:x] %*% solve(t(Pmat[, 1:x]) %*% Wmat[, 1:x]) %*% t(Cmat)[1:x, ]})
Ypred = sapply(Ypred, function(x){x*sigma.Y + means.Y}, simplify = "array")
Y.hat[[i]] = array(Ypred, c(nrow(newdata[[i]]), ncol(Y), ncomp[i])) # in case one observation and only one Y, we need array() to keep it an array with a third dimension being ncomp
t.pred[[i]] = concat.newdata[[i]] %*% Wmat %*% solve(t(Pmat) %*% Wmat)
t.pred[[i]] = matrix(data = sapply(1:ncol(t.pred[[i]]),
function(x) {t.pred[[i]][, x] * apply(variatesX[[i]], 2,
function(y){(norm(y, type = "2"))^2})[x]}), nrow = nrow(concat.newdata[[i]]), ncol = ncol(t.pred[[i]]))
B.hat[[i]] = sapply(1 : ncomp[i], function(x){Wmat[, 1:x] %*% solve(t(Pmat[, 1:x]) %*% Wmat[, 1:x]) %*% t(Cmat)[1:x, ]}, simplify = "array")
### End estimation using formula Y = XW(P'W)C (+ Yr, residuals on Y) See page 136 La regression PLS Theorie et pratique Tenenhaus
rownames(t.pred[[i]]) = rownames(newdata[[i]])
colnames(t.pred[[i]]) = paste0("dim", c(1:ncomp[i]))
rownames(Y.hat[[i]]) = rownames(newdata[[i]])
colnames(Y.hat[[i]]) = colnames(Y)
dimnames(Y.hat[[i]])[[3]]=paste0("dim", c(1:ncomp[i]))
rownames(B.hat[[i]]) = colnames(newdata[[i]])
colnames(B.hat[[i]]) = colnames(Y)
dimnames(B.hat[[i]])[[3]]=paste0("dim", c(1:ncomp[i]))
if(time) time4 = proc.time()
if(time) print("Prediction")
if(time) print(time4-time3)
#-- valeurs sortantes --#
if(time) time4 = proc.time()
# basic prediction results
if(inherits(object, block.object) & length(object$X)>1 )
# average prediction over the blocks
temp.all =list()
for(comp in 1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])) #note: all ncomp are the same in v6 as the input parameter is a single value
temp = array(0, c(nrow(Y.hat[[1]]), ncol(Y.hat[[1]]), J), dimnames = list(rownames(newdata[[1]]), colnames(Y),names(object$X)))
for(i in 1 : J)
temp[, , i] = Y.hat[[i]][, , comp]
temp.all[[comp]] = temp
names(temp.all) = paste0("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])))
out$AveragedPredict = array(unlist(lapply(temp.all, function(x){
apply(x, c(1,2), mean)
})), dim(Y.hat[[1]]), dimnames = list(rownames(newdata[[1]]), colnames(Y), paste0("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])))))
out$WeightedPredict = array(unlist(lapply(temp.all, function(x){
apply(x, c(1,2), function(z){
temp = aggregate(rowMeans(object$weights),list(z),sum)
ind = which(temp[,2]== max (temp[,2]))# if two max, then NA
if(length(ind) == 1)
res = temp[ind, 1]
} else {
res = NA
})})), dim(Y.hat[[1]]), dimnames = list(rownames(newdata[[1]]), colnames(Y), paste0("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])))))
}else if(inherits(object, block.object)){ # a block but can have only one block (so e.g. a pls done with a block.pls)
} else {# not a block (pls/spls/plsda/splsda/mint...)
if(time) time5 = proc.time()
if(time) print("Y.hat")
if(time) print(time5-time4)
# get the classification for each new sample if the object is a DA
if(is(object, "DA")) # a DA analysis (mint).(block).(s)plsda
if(inherits(object, block.object) & length(object$X)>1 )
# predict class of AveragePredict, only with max.dist
out$AveragedPredict.class$max.dist = matrix(sapply(1:ncomp[1], ### List level
function(y){apply(out$AveragedPredict[, , y, drop = FALSE], 1, ### component level
paste(levels(Y.factor)[which(z == max(z))], collapse = "/")
}) ### matrix level
}), nrow = nrow(newdata[[1]]), ncol = ncomp[1])
# predict class of WeightedPredict, only with max.dist
out$WeightedPredict.class$max.dist = matrix(sapply(1:ncomp[1], ### List level
function(y){apply(out$WeightedPredict[, , y, drop = FALSE], 1, ### component level
paste(levels(Y.factor)[which(z == max(z))], collapse = "/")
}) ### matrix level
}), nrow = nrow(newdata[[1]]), ncol = ncomp[1])
rownames(out$AveragedPredict.class$max.dist) = rownames(out$WeightedPredict.class$max.dist) = rownames(newdata[[1]])
colnames(out$AveragedPredict.class$max.dist) = colnames(out$WeightedPredict.class$max.dist) = paste0("dim", c(1:min(ncomp[-object$indY])))
# creating temporary 'blocks' outputs to pass into the internal_predict.DA function
# getting classification for each new sample
object.temp = object
object.temp$X = object.temp$X[which(!is.na(ind.match))]
object.temp$variates = object.temp$variates[c(which(!is.na(ind.match)),J+1)] #J+1 is Y
if (!is.null(object$weights))
weights <- rowMeans(object$weights)[which(!is.na(ind.match))]
weights <- NULL
classif.DA=internal_predict.DA(object=object.temp, q=q, out=out.temp, dist=dist, weights = weights)
if(time) time6 = proc.time()
if(time) print("DA")
if(time) print(time6-time5)
out$call = match.call()
class(out) = paste("predict")
# Note that DA classes are a special case (subclass) of pls classes
# Note that mint.spls is also a mixo_spls
# Note that mint.pls is also a mixo_pls
#' @rdname predict
#' @method predict mixo_spls
#' @export
predict.mixo_spls <- predict.mixo_pls
#' @rdname predict
#' @method predict mint.splsda
#' @export
predict.mint.splsda <- predict.mixo_pls
#' @rdname predict
#' @method predict block.pls
#' @export
predict.block.pls <- predict.mixo_pls
#' @rdname predict
#' @method predict block.spls
#' @export
predict.block.spls <- predict.mixo_pls
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