
Defines functions nestidx

Documented in nestidx

#' Nested loop index
#' \code{nestidx} returns the index value for a matrix populated by nested loops.
#' @param vals a list of up to length three with the current indices and length of each index vector
#' @export

nestidx <-
  function(vals = list(a, b, b.vector, c = 0, c.vector = 0)) {
    return((vals[[1]] - 1) * length(vals[[3]]) + (vals[[2]] - 1) * length(vals[[5]]) + vals[[4]])

# @examples
# a.vector = seq(1:4)
# b.vector = seq(7:100)
# c.vector = seq(12:14)
# mk <- matrix(NA)
# for(a in 1:length(a.vector)){
# for(b in 1:length(b.vector)){
#  for(c in 1:length(c.vector)){
#     idx <- nestidx(vals = list(a,b,b.vector,c,c.vector))
#       cat(idx,"\n")
#       mk[idx] <- a*b
#    }
#  }
mkapur/kaputils documentation built on Nov. 14, 2021, 3:23 a.m.