
Defines functions .xycov .xcov .xycor .xcor .xvar .xnorm .xmedspa .xmean .subsetC .simpp.hub .scale .resid.pls .qqt .qqf .qqchisq .qqbeta .projscor .nipals .matrix .mah .kurt .knnr .knnda .findmax .eigpow .ellips .dw .corvec .dist .dis .detrend.poly .detrend.lowess .detrend.als .center

.center <- function(X, center = matrixStats::colMeans2(X)) 
    t((t(X) - c(center)))

.detrend.als <- function(X, lambda = 1e+07, p = 0.001, maxit = 25) {
    X <- .matrix(X)
    dimnam <- dimnames(X)
    eps <- 1e-8
    fun <- function(x, lambda, p, eps, maxit) asysm(x, lambda, p, eps, maxit)
    X <- X - t(apply(X, MARGIN = 1, FUN = fun, 
        lambda = lambda, p = p, eps = eps, maxit = maxit))

    dimnames(X) <- dimnam

.detrend.lowess <- function(X, f = 2/3, iter = 3) {
    X <- .matrix(X)
    dimnam <- dimnames(X)
    fun <- function(x, f, iter) lowess(x, f = f, iter = iter)$y
    X <- X - t(apply(X, MARGIN = 1, FUN = fun, f = f, iter = iter))
    dimnames(X) <- dimnam

.detrend.poly <- function(X, degree = 1) {
    X <- .matrix(X)
    dimnam <- dimnames(X)
    y <- seq_len(dim(X)[2])
    fun <- function(x, y, degree) 
        resid(lm(x ~ stats::poly(y, degree = degree)))

    X <- t(apply(X, MARGIN = 1, FUN = fun, y = y, degree = degree))
    dimnames(X) <- dimnam

.dis <- function(X, mu, row = TRUE) {
    # Calculates the square of the Euclidean distances 
    # between the rows of X and vector mu
    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    zdim <- dim(X)
    n <- zdim[1]
    p <- zdim[2]
    rownam <- row.names(X)
    X <- .center(X, mu)
    X <- matrix(rowSums(X * X), ncol = 1)

    row.names(X) <- rownam

.dist <- function(X, Y = NULL) {
    ## Calculates squared Euclidean distances
    ## X = n x p
    ## Y = m x p
    ## ----- Y == NULL
    ## ==> n x n symetric matrix of the squared distances between the rows of X
    ## ----- Y != NULL
    ## ==> n x m matrix of the squared distances between the rows of X and the rows of Y
    X <- .matrix(X)
    if(is.null(Y)) {
        sq <- matrixStats::rowSums2(X * X)
        pmax(outer(sq, sq, "+") - 2 * tcrossprod(X), 0)
    else {
        Y <- .matrix(Y)
        sqx <- matrixStats::rowSums2(X * X)
        sqy <- matrixStats::rowSums2(Y * Y)
        pmax(outer(sqx, sqy, "+") - 2 * tcrossprod(X, Y), 0)

.corvec <- function(P0, P, type = c("maxsub", "hot", "mult")) {
    ## Correlation between two matrix-column spaces
    ## P0 and P must be orthonormal matrices of same dimension
    type <- match.arg(type)
    P0 <- .matrix(P0)
    P <- .matrix(P)
    if(type == "maxsub") {
        ## Krzanowski, 1979, Hubert et al 2005, Engelen et al. 2005
        q <- min(eigen(crossprod(P, P0) %*% crossprod(P0, P))$value^.5)[1]

    if(type == "hot") {
        ## Vector correlation coefficient "q" (Hotelling 1936)
        ## Ye & Weiss Jasa 2003 p. 973-974
        ## Luo & Li Biometrika 2016
        ## q = det(P0'P) = det(P'P0P0'P)^.5
        ## q is bounded within [0, 1]
        q <- det(crossprod(P0, P))
        ## Same as
        ## eig = eig(P0'P) ; q = cumprod(eig)[k]
        ## eig = eig(P'P0P0'P) ; q = cumprod(eig)[k]^.5

    if(type == "mult") {
        ## El Ghaziri, E.M. Qannari 2015
        P0 <- .center(P0)
        P <- .center(P)
        A <- sum(diag(crossprod(P0, P)))
        B <- sum(diag(crossprod(P0, P0)))
        C <- sum(diag(crossprod(P, P)))
        q <- A / (B * C)
    q <- abs(q)

.dw <- function(x) {
    x <- c(x)
    sum(diff(x)^2) / sum(x * x)

.ellips <- function(shape, center = rep(0, ncol(shape)), radius = 1) {
    # The generated ellipse is = (x - mu)' * S^(-1) * (x - mu) <= r^2  
    # shape = variance-covariance matrix S (size q x q) of x (vector of length q)
    # center = mu (vector of length q)
    # radius = r
    theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 51)
    circ <- radius * cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta))
    z <- eigen(shape)
    d <- sqrt(z$values)
    V <- z$vectors
    X <- V %*% diag(d) %*% t(circ)
    X <- t(X + center)
    list(X = X, V = V, d = d)

.eigpow <- function(X, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, maxit = 30) {
    ztol <- 1
    iter <- 1
    v <- X[, which.max(.xvar(X))]
    while(ztol > tol & iter <= maxit) {
      zv <- X %*% v
      zv <- zv / sqrt(sum(zv * zv))

      ztol <- .xnorm(v - zv)
      v <- zv
      iter <- iter + 1

    list(v = c(v), niter = iter)

.findmax <- function(x, seed = NULL) {
    x <- which.max(x)
    n <- length(x)
    if(n > 1) {
        set.seed(seed = seed)
        x <- x[sample(seq_len(n), 1)]
        set.seed(seed = NULL)

.knnda <- function(Xr = NULL, Yr, Xu = NULL, Yu = NULL, weights = NULL) {

    colnam.Yr <- colnames(Yr)
    if(is.null(colnam.Yr)) colnam.Yr <- "y1"
    Yr <- as.factor(Yr)
    ni <- c(table(Yr))
    nclas <- length(ni)

    n <- length(Yr)
    # levels returns the sorted character level names 
    lev <- levels(Yr)      

        Yu <- as.character(Yu) 
        Yu <- NA
    if(length(Yu) != 1) 
        stop("Dimension of Yu must be 1x1.")
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    dat <- data.frame(y = Yr, w = weights)
    cnt <- dtaggregate(w ~ y, FUN = sum, data = dat)

    ind <- .findmax(cnt$w)
    fit <- lev[ind]
    y <- Yu
    r <- as.numeric(y != fit)
    y <- data.frame(rownum = 1, rownam = 1, y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    fit <- data.frame(rownum = 1, rownam = 1, fit, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    r <- data.frame(rownum = 1, rownam = 1, r)
    names(cnt)[1] <- names(r)[ncol(r)] <- names(fit)[ncol(fit)] <- names(y)[ncol(y)] <- colnam.Yr
    list(y = y, fit = fit, r = r, ni = ni, cnt = cnt)  

.knnr <- function(Xr = NULL, Yr, Xu = NULL, Yu = NULL, weights = NULL) {
        stop("Yr must be a matrix.")
    n <- dim(Yr)[1]
    q <- dim(Yr)[2]
        colnames(Yr) <- paste("y", seq_len(dim(Yr)[2]), sep = "")
    colnam.Yr <- colnames(Yr)

        Yu <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = q)
        Yu <- matrix(Yu, nrow = 1, ncol = q)
    colnames(Yu) <- colnam.Yr
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    ymeans <- colSums(Yr * weights)    # (Y * d = D %*% Y)
    y <- Yu
    fit <- matrix(ymeans, nrow = 1)
    colnames(fit) <- colnam.Yr
    r <- y - ymeans
    y <- data.frame(rownum = 1, rownam = 1, y)
    fit <- data.frame(rownum = 1, rownam = 1, fit)
    r <- data.frame(rownum = 1, rownam = 1, r)
    zq <- dim(y)[2]
    u <- seq((zq - q + 1), zq)
    names(r)[u] <- names(fit)[u] <- names(y)[u] <- colnam.Yr
    list(y = y, fit = fit, r = r)  

.kurt <- function(x) {
    mean(((x - mean(x)) / sd(x))^4) - 3

.mah <- function(X, mu, U = NULL, weights = NULL, row = TRUE) {
    # Calculate the square of the Mahalanobis distances between
    # the rows of X and the vector mu 
    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    zdim <- dim(X)
    n <- zdim[1]
    p <- zdim[2]
    rownam <- row.names(X)

    if(is.null(U)) {
            S <- cov(X) * (n - 1) / n
            S <- .xcov(X, weights = weights)
        U <- chol(S)
        U <- as.matrix(U)
    Uinv <- solve(U)
    zX <- X %*% Uinv
    zmu <- mu %*% Uinv
    .dis(zX, zmu)

.matrix <- function(X, row = TRUE,  prefix.colnam = "x") {
            X <- matrix(X, nrow = 1)
            X <- matrix(X, ncol = 1)
        X <- as.matrix(X)
        row.names(X) <- seq_len(dim(X)[1])
        colnames(X) <- paste(prefix.colnam, seq_len(dim(X)[2]), sep = "")

.nipals <- function(X, weights = NULL, 
  tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, maxit = 200) {
    ## Find p such as ||X - t'p|| = min, with ||p|| = 1
    ## t = X %*% p
    ## .nipals does not accept missing values in X
    n <- dim(X)[1]

        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    t <- X[, which.max(.xvar(X, weights = weights))]
    iter <- ztol <- 1
    while(ztol > tol & iter <= maxit) {
        ## Regression of X on t
        p <- crossprod(weights * X, t) / sum(weights * t * t)
        p <- p / sqrt(sum(p * p))
        ## Regression of X' on p
        zt <- X %*% p
        ztol <- sum((t - zt)^2)
        ## = .xnorm(t - zt)^2
        ## The following generates more iterations
        ## (more precision)
        ## ztol <- .xnorm(t - zt)
        ## End
        t <- zt
        iter <- iter + 1

    sv <- .xnorm(t, weights = weights)
    list(t = c(t), p = c(p), sv = sv, niter = iter)

.projscor <- function(fm, X) {
    ## fm = Output of functions pca or pls, 
    ## or of the PCA or PLS algorithm functions

    T <- .center(.matrix(X), fm$xmeans) %*% fm$R
    rownam <- row.names(X)
    colnam <- paste("comp", seq_len(dim(T)[2]), sep = "")
    dimnames(T) <- list(rownam, colnam)

.qqbeta <- function(x, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1) {       

  Fn <- ecdf(x)       
  p <- Fn(x)
  ## For escaping that q...(p) returns Inf
  p[p == 1] <- 1 - 1e-4
  y <- qbeta(p, shape1, shape2)
  list(x = x, y = y)

.qqchisq <- function(x, df = 1) {       

  Fn <- ecdf(x)       
  p <- Fn(x)
  ## For escaping that q...(p) returns Inf
  p[p == 1] <- 1 - 1e-4
  y <- qchisq(p, df)
  list(x = x, y = y)

.qqf <- function(x, df1 = 1, df2 = 1) {       

  Fn <- ecdf(x)       
  p <- Fn(x)
  ## For escaping that q...(p) returns Inf
  p[p == 1] <- 1 - 1e-4
  y <- qf(p, df1, df2)
  list(x = x, y = y)

.qqt <- function(x, alpha = 0, df = 1, plot = FALSE) {
    x <- c(x)
    y <- (x - mean(x)) / sd(x)
    .Fn <- ecdf(y)
    p <- .Fn(y)
    ## For escaping that q...(p) returns Inf
    p[p == 1] <- 1 - 1e-3
    a <- alpha / 2
    lim <- quantile(y, probs = c(a, 1 - a))
    u <- which(y >= lim[1] & y <= lim[2])
    zx <- qt(p, df)[u]
    zy <- y[u]

    if(plot) {
        xlab <- paste("Students' t Quantiles (df = ", df, ")", sep = "")
        plot(zx, zy, col = "#045a8d",
            xlab = xlab, ylab = "Standardized Data")
        abline(lm(zy ~ zx), col = "red", lty = 1)
    list(x = zx, y = zy)

.resid.pls <- function(fm, Y, ncomp = NULL) {
    Y <- .matrix(Y, row = FALSE, prefix.colnam = "y")
        fm$T <- fm$Tr
    zdim <- dim(fm$T) 
    n <-zdim[1]
        ncomp <- zdim[2]

    ymeans <- fm$ymeans
    Ymeans <- matrix(rep(ymeans, n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)

    T <- fm$T[, seq_len(ncomp), drop = FALSE]
    B <- t(fm$C)[seq_len(ncomp), , drop = FALSE]
    fit <- Ymeans + T %*% B
    r <- Y - fit 
    list(y = Y, fit = fit, r = r)

.scale = function(X, center = rep(0, dim(X)[2]), scale) 
    t((t(X) - c(center)) / c(scale))

.simpp.hub <- function(X, nsim = 1000, seed = NULL) {
    X <- .matrix(X)
    zdim <- dim(X)
    n <- zdim[1]
    p <- zdim[2]
    P <- tX <- t(X)
    if(nsim > 0) {
        zP <- matrix(nrow = p, ncol = nsim)
        set.seed(seed = seed)
        s1 <- sample(seq_len(n), size = 50 * nsim, replace = TRUE)
        s2 <- sample(seq_len(n), size = 50 * nsim, replace = TRUE)
        u <- which(s1 - s2 != 0)
        s1 <- s1[u]
        s2 <- s2[u]
        set.seed(seed = NULL)
        k <- j <- 1
        while(k <= nsim) {
            z <- tX[, s1[j]] - tX[, s2[j]]
            if(sum(z) != 0) {
                zP[, k] <- z
                k <- k + 1
            j <- j + 1
        P <- cbind(P, zP)
    P <- .scale(P, center = rep(0, dim(P)[2]), .xnorm(P)) 

.subsetC <- function(X, cols, values) {
    rows <- Reduce(
        function(z) X[, cols[z]] == values[z]
    X[rows, ]

.xmean <- function(X, weights = NULL, row = FALSE) {
    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    colSums(weights * X)   


.xmedspa <- function(X, delta = 1e-6) {
    X <- .matrix(X, row = FALSE)
    ##### COPY OF FUNCTION 'spatial.median' AVAILABLE IN THE SCRIPT PcaLocantore.R
    ##### OF PACKAGE rrcov v.1.4-3 on R CRAN (Thanks to V. Todorov, 2016)

    x <- X
    dime <- dim(x)
    n <- dime[1]
    p <- dime[2]
    delta1 <- delta * sqrt(p)
    #mu0 <- apply(x, 2, median)
    mu0 <- matrixStats::colMedians(x)
    h <- delta1 + 1
    tt <- 0
    while(h > delta1) {
        tt <- tt + 1
        TT <- matrix(mu0, n, p, byrow = TRUE)
        U <- (x - TT)^2
        #w <- sqrt(apply(U, 1, sum))
        w <- sqrt(matrixStats::rowSums2(U))
        w0 <- median(w)
        ep <- delta*w0

        z <- (w <= ep)
        w[z] <- ep
        w[!z] <- 1 / w[!z]
        w <- w / sum(w)
        x1 <- x
        for(i in seq_len(n))
            x1[i, ] <- w[i] * x[i, ]
        #mu <- apply(x1, 2, sum)
        mu <- matrixStats::colSums2(x1)
        h <- sqrt(sum((mu - mu0)^2))
        mu0 <- mu

    ##### END


.xnorm <- function(X, weights = NULL, row = FALSE) {
    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
        weights <- rep(1, n)
    sqrt(colSums(weights * X * X))

.xvar <- function(X, weights = NULL, row = FALSE) {
    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    xmeans <- .xmean(X, weights = weights)
    X <- .center(X, xmeans)
    colSums(weights * X * X)  / sum(weights)


.xcor <- function(X, weights = NULL, row = FALSE) {

    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    xmeans <- .xmean(X, weights = weights)
    xvars <- .xvar(X, weights = weights)
    X <- .scale(X, xmeans, sqrt(xvars))
    crossprod(sqrt(weights) * X)

.xycor <- function(X, Y, weights = NULL, row = FALSE) {

    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    Y <- .matrix(Y, row = row)
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
       weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    xmeans <- .xmean(X, weights = weights)
    xvars <- .xvar(X, weights = weights)
    ymeans <- .xmean(Y, weights = weights)
    yvars <- .xvar(Y, weights = weights)
    X <- .scale(X, xmeans, sqrt(xvars))
    Y <- .scale(Y, ymeans, sqrt(yvars))
    crossprod(weights * X, Y)

.xcov <- function(X, weights = NULL, row = FALSE) {
    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    xmeans <- .xmean(X, weights = weights)
    X <- .center(X, xmeans)
    crossprod(sqrt(weights) * X)

.xycov <- function(X, Y, weights = NULL, row = FALSE) {
    X <- .matrix(X, row = row)
    n <- dim(X)[1]
    Y <- .matrix(Y, row = row)
        weights <- rep(1 / n, n)
        weights <- weights / sum(weights)
    xmeans <- .xmean(X, weights = weights)
    ymeans <- .xmean(Y, weights = weights)
    X <- .center(X, xmeans)
    Y <- .center(Y, ymeans)
    crossprod(weights * X, Y)
mlesnoff/rnirs documentation built on April 24, 2023, 4:17 a.m.