#' Eliminate equivalent linkage phases
#' Generates all possible linkage phases between two blocks of markers
#' (or a block and a marker), eliminating equivalent configurations,
#' i.e. configurations with the same likelihood and also considering
#' the two-point information (shared alleles)
#' @param block1 submap with markers of the first block
#' @param block2 submap with markers of the second block,
#' or just a single marker identified by its name
#' @param rf.matrix matrix obtained with the function \code{rf_list_to_matrix}
#' using the parameter \code{shared.alleles = TRUE}
#' @param ploidy ploidy level (i.e. 4, 6 and so on)
#' @param max.inc maximum number of allowed inconsistencies (default = NULL: don't check inconsistencies)
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu} and Gabriel Gesteira, \email{gdesiqu@ncsu.edu}
#' @export generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haplo
generate_all_link_phases_elim_equivalent_haplo <-
function(block1, block2, rf.matrix, ploidy, max.inc = NULL) {
## Check block2 class (block or single marker)
if (length(block2)==1){
dp <- get(rf.matrix$data.name)$dosage.p1[block2]
dq <- get(rf.matrix$data.name)$dosage.p2[block2]
if(dp != 0) dp <- 1:dp
if(dq != 0) dq <- 1:dq
seq.ph = list(P = list(dp), Q = list(dq))
block2 = list(seq.ph = seq.ph, mrk.names = block2)
## Getting M matrix
M = list(P = rf.matrix$ShP[block1$mrk.names,block2$mrk.names],
Q = rf.matrix$ShQ[block1$mrk.names,block2$mrk.names])
## Parent P: all permutations between blocks
hP1 <- ph_list_to_matrix(L = block1$seq.ph$P, ploidy = ploidy)
p1 <- apply(hP1, 2, paste, collapse = "")
hP2 <- ph_list_to_matrix(L = block2$seq.ph$P, ploidy = ploidy)
p2 <- apply(hP2, 2, paste, collapse = "")
dimnames(hP1) <- list(block1$mrk.names, p1)
dimnames(hP2) <- list(block2$mrk.names, p2)
p2 <- perm_tot(p2)
## Parent Q: all permutations between blocks
hQ1 <- ph_list_to_matrix(L = block1$seq.ph$Q, ploidy = ploidy)
q1 <- apply(hQ1, 2, paste, collapse = "")
hQ2 <- ph_list_to_matrix(L = block2$seq.ph$Q, ploidy = ploidy)
q2 <- apply(hQ2, 2, paste, collapse = "")
dimnames(hQ1) <- list(block1$mrk.names, q1)
dimnames(hQ2) <- list(block2$mrk.names, q2)
q2 <- perm_tot(q2)
## WP: removing redundancy and accounting for shared alleles
wp <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(p2))
wp <- rbind(wp, paste(p1, p2[i, ], sep = "-"))
wp.n <- unique(t(apply(unique(wp), 1, sort)))
yp <- apply(t(apply(wp, 1, function(x) sort(x))), 1, paste, collapse = "|")
yp.n <- apply(wp.n, 1, function(x) paste(sort(x), collapse = "|"))
wp <- wp[match(yp.n, yp), , drop = FALSE]
ct <- numeric(nrow(wp))
for (i in 1:nrow(wp)){
a = matrix(unlist(strsplit(wp[i, ], "-")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
sharedP = tcrossprod(hP1[,a[,1], drop = FALSE], hP2[,a[,2], drop = FALSE])
ct[i] = sum((M$P != sharedP), na.rm = T)
## Checking inconsistency
id <- rep(TRUE, length(ct))
} else
id <- ct <= max.inc
## Maximum inconsistency
if (sum(id) == 0)
id <- which.min(ct)
wp <- matrix(wp[id, ], ncol = ploidy)
## WQ: removing redundancy and accounting for shared alleles
wq <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(q2))
wq <- rbind(wq, paste(q1, q2[i, ], sep = "-"))
wq.n <- unique(t(apply(unique(wq), 1, sort)))
yq <- apply(t(apply(wq, 1, function(x) sort(x))), 1, paste, collapse = "|")
yq.n <- apply(wq.n, 1, function(x) paste(sort(x), collapse = "|"))
wq <- wq[match(yq.n, yq), , drop = FALSE]
ct <- numeric(nrow(wq))
for (i in 1:nrow(wq)){
a = matrix(unlist(strsplit(wq[i, ], "-")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
sharedQ = tcrossprod(hQ1[,a[,1], drop = FALSE], hQ2[,a[,2], drop = FALSE])
ct[i] = sum((M$Q != sharedQ), na.rm = T)
## Checking inconsistency
id <- rep(TRUE, length(ct))
} else
id <- ct <= max.inc
## Maximum inconsistency
if (sum(id) == 0)
id <- which.min(ct)
wq <- matrix(wq[id, ], ncol = ploidy)
## Re-arranging phases
phase.to.test <- vector("list", nrow(wp) * nrow(wq))
cte <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(wp)){
for(j in 1:nrow(wq)){
P <- ph_matrix_to_list(hP2[,sapply(strsplit(wp[i,], "-"), function(x) x[2]), drop = FALSE])
Q <- ph_matrix_to_list(hQ2[,sapply(strsplit(wq[j,], "-"), function(x) x[2]), drop = FALSE])
names(P) <- names(Q) <- block2$seq.num
phase.to.test[[cte]] <- list(P = P, Q = Q)
cte <- cte + 1
phase.to.test <- unique(phase.to.test)
names(phase.to.test) <- paste0("config.", 1:length(phase.to.test))
#' Estimate a genetic map given a sequence of block markers
#' @keywords internal
est_haplo_hmm <-
function(ploidy, n.mrk, n.ind, haplo, emit = NULL,
rf_vec, verbose = TRUE, use_H0 = FALSE,
highprec = FALSE, tol = 10e-4) {
## Checking capabilities
if (verbose && !capabilities("long.double") && highprec){
cat("This function uses high precision calculations, but your system's architecture doesn't support long double allocation ('capabilities('long.double') = FALSE'). Running in low precision mode.\n")
highprec = FALSE
## In case no genotypic probabilities distributions are provided
emit <- vector("list", length(haplo))
for(i in 1:length(haplo)){
tempemit <- vector("list", length(haplo[[i]]))
for(j in 1:length(haplo[[i]])){
tempemit[[j]] <- rep(1, nrow(haplo[[i]][[j]]))
emit[[i]] <- tempemit
res.temp <-
PACKAGE = "mappoly")
} else {
res.temp <-
PACKAGE = "mappoly")
#' Estimate a genetic map given a sequence of block markers
#' given the conditional probabilities of the genotypes
#' @keywords internal
est_map_haplo_given_genoprob <- function(map.list,
tol = 10e-5){
## Checking capabilities
if (!capabilities("long.double")){
message("This function uses high precision calculations, but your system's architecture doesn't support long double allocation ('capabilities('long.double') = FALSE'). Running in low precision mode.\n")
ploidy <- map.list[[1]]$info$ploidy
## number of genotypic states
ngam <- choose(ploidy, ploidy/2)
## Number of genotypes in the offspring
n.gen <- ngam^2
## number of markers
n.mrk <- sapply(map.list, function(x) length(x$info$seq.num))
## number of individuals
n.ind <- dim(genoprob.list[[1]]$probs)[3]
## the threshold for visiting states: 1/n.gen
thresh.cut.path <- 1/n.gen
## Hash table: homolog combination --> states to visit in both parents
A <- as.matrix(expand.grid(0:(ngam-1),
rownames(A) <- dimnames(genoprob.list[[1]]$probs)[[1]]
## h: states to visit in both parents
## e: probability distribution
h <- e <- NULL
for(j in 1:length(map.list)){
e.temp <- h.temp <- vector("list", n.ind)
for(i in 1:n.ind){
a <- genoprob.list[[j]]$probs[,dim(genoprob.list[[j]]$probs)[2],i]
e.temp[[i]] <- a[a > thresh.cut.path]
h.temp[[i]] <- A[names(e.temp[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
h <- c(h, list(h.temp))
e <- c(e, list(e.temp))
map <- est_haplo_hmm(ploidy = ploidy,
n.mrk = length(h),
n.ind = n.ind,
haplo = h,
emit = e,
rf_vec = rep(0.01, length(h)-1),
verbose = FALSE,
use_H0 = FALSE,
tol = tol)
genoprob <- calc_genoprob_haplo (ploidy = ploidy,
n.mrk = length(h),
n.ind = n.ind,
haplo = h,
emit = e,
rf_vec = map[[2]],
ind.names = dimnames(genoprob.list[[1]]$probs)[[3]],
verbose = FALSE)
list(map = map, genoprob = genoprob)
#' Compute conditional probabilities of the genotypes given a sequence
#' of block markers
#' @keywords internal
calc_genoprob_haplo <- function(ploidy, n.mrk, n.ind, haplo, emit = NULL,
rf_vec, ind.names, verbose = TRUE,
highprec = FALSE) {
## Checking capabilities
if (verbose && !capabilities("long.double") && highprec){
cat("This function uses high precision calculations, but your system's architecture doesn't support long double allocation ('capabilities('long.double') = FALSE'). Running in low precision mode.\n")
highprec = FALSE
## In case no genotypic probabilities distributions are provided
emit <- vector("list", length(haplo))
for(i in 1:length(haplo)){
tempemit <- vector("list", length(haplo[[i]]))
for(j in 1:length(haplo[[i]])){
tempemit[[j]] <- rep(1, nrow(haplo[[i]][[j]]))
emit[[i]] <- tempemit
mrk.names <- names(haplo)
res.temp <- calc_genprob_haplo_highprec_cpp(ploidy,
as.numeric(rep(0, choose(ploidy, ploidy/2)^2 * n.mrk * n.ind)),
} else{
res.temp <- calc_genprob_haplo_cpp(ploidy,
as.numeric(rep(0, choose(ploidy, ploidy/2)^2 * n.mrk * n.ind)),
if(verbose) cat("\n")
dim(res.temp[[1]]) <- c(choose(ploidy,ploidy/2)^2,n.mrk,n.ind)
dimnames(res.temp[[1]]) <- list(kronecker(apply(combn(letters[1:ploidy],ploidy/2),2, paste, collapse = ""),
apply(combn(letters[(ploidy+1):(2*ploidy)],ploidy/2),2, paste, collapse = ""), paste, sep = ":"),
mrk.names, ind.names)
structure(list(probs = res.temp[[1]], map = rf_vec), class = "mappoly.genoprob")
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