#' Produce Weekly Summary of Cases
#' @description Replicates the calculations in the 'Weekly Summary' tab of the
#' ESFT depending on the input data source (WHO or Imperial). There are elements
#' of these calculations, such as the assumption that hospital incidence =
#' number of severe cases in the Imperial calculations, that the ICL team does
#' not make in its calculations. Therefore, keep in mind that this is just a
#' duplicate of the calculations in the ESFT, and not a critical appraisal of
#' these calculations. This calculation does not yield an output where the first
#' row contains the start date, as rows previous to the start date are needed
#' for the patient calculations.
#' Note: since proportion of mild and moderate are the same, the estimates of
#' these categories will be the same.
#' @param params Includes both estimates of beds and case severity proportions.
#' @param capacity From get_country_capacity
#' @param test_strategy_params From set_testing_strategy
#' @param data Specific country fit data, from the imperial model fits or from
#' WHO data
#' @param data_source Either WHO or Imperial.
#' @param user From user_input function
#' @return Dataframe of weekly summary, if data_source = "Imperial". If the
#' data_source = "WHO", the ICU and hospital columns will not be included.
#' \describe{
#' \item{week_begins}{Date the week summarized begins}
#' \item{week_ends}{Date the week summarized ends}
#' \item{hospital_demand}{Summed hospital demand: number of people who would
#' be using a hospital bed given enough healthcare capacity but won't
#' necessarily have it}
#' \item{ICU_demand}{Summed ICU demand: number of people who would be using a
#' hospital bed given enough healthcare capacity but won't necessarily have
#' it}
#' \item{hospital_incidence}{Summed hospital incidence: the total number of
#' new people who need a new hospital bed at the current time. This does not
#' include those recovering from ICU in a hospital bed or who already have
#' access to a bed.}
#' \item{ICU_incidence}{Summed ICU incidence: the total number of
#' new people who need a new ICU bed at the current time. This does not
#' include those who already have access to a bed.}
#' \item{infections}{Estimated number of new infections, from model fits}
#' \item{cumulative_infections}{Cumulative number of infections}
#' \item{new_critical_cases}{For Imperial input = new critical cases per week
#' as defined by as the ICU incidence. For WHO input, this is equal to the
#' number of new cases per week multiplied by the proportion of infections
#' that are critical}
#' \item{new_severe_cases}{For Imperial input = new severe cases per week
#' as defined by as the hospital incidence. For WHO input, this is equal to
#' the number of new cases per week multiplied by the proportion of infections
#' that are severe}
#' \item{new_mod_cases}{New moderate cases every week, found by doing a
#' transformation of the critical and severe cases and multiplying by the
#' moderate case proportion}
#' \item{new_mild_cases}{New mild cases every week, found by doing a
#' transformation of the critical and severe cases and multiplying by the mild
#' case proportion}
#' \item{cum_critical_cases}{Cumulative critical cases per week as defined by
#' the ESFT: cumulative ICU incidence}
#' \item{cum_severe_cases}{Cumulative severe cases per week as defined by the
#' ESFT: cumulative hospital incidence}
#' \item{cum_mod_cases}{Cumulative moderate cases, using the first moderate
#' case calculation}
#' \item{cum_mild_cases}{Cumulative mild cases, using the first mild case
#' calculation}
#' \item{sus_cases_but_negative}{Sum of all new cases multiplied by the
#' number of negative tests per positive case}
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @import countrycode
#' @importFrom data.table last
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @export
cases_weekly <- function(params, # from get_parameters
capacity, # country capacity, from get_country_capacity
test_strategy_params, # from set_testing_strategy
data_source = "Imperial",
user) {
params <- merge(params, capacity)
params <- merge(params, test_strategy_params)
if (is.null(params)) {
stop("Parameters must be called using get_parameters before calculating
the weekly summary.")
if (data_source == "Imperial") {
# add exists part here
data$date <- as.Date(data$date)
# data <- data %>% dplyr::select(-any_of(death_calibrated))
data <- data[!(names(data) == "death_calibrated")]
data <- data %>%
names_from = compartment,
values_from = y_mean
data <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(week_begins = cut(date,
breaks = "week",
right = FALSE, include.lowest = T
)) %>%
week_ends = data.table::last(date),
hospital_demand = max(hospital_demand, na.rm = TRUE),
ICU_demand = max(ICU_demand, na.rm = TRUE),
hospital_incidence = sum(hospital_incidence, na.rm = TRUE),
ICU_incidence = sum(ICU_incidence, na.rm = TRUE),
infections = sum(infections, na.rm = TRUE),
cumulative_infections = data.table::last(cumulative_infections)
data$week_begins <- as.Date(as.character(data$week_begins))
data <- data %>%
new_critical_cases = ICU_incidence,
new_severe_cases = hospital_incidence
} else if (data_source == "WHO") {
data$date <- as.Date(data$Date_reported)
data <- data[!(names(data) == "Date_reported")]
data <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(week_begins = cut(date,
breaks = "week",
right = FALSE, include.lowest = T
)) %>%
week_ends = data.table::last(date),
cases = sum(New_cases, na.rm = TRUE)
data$week_begins <- as.Date(as.character(data$week_begins))
data <- data %>%
new_critical_cases = cases * params$crit_i_proportion,
new_severe_cases = cases * params$sev_i_proportion
data[is.na(data)] <- 0
data <- data %>%
# moderate and mild cases, method in patient calcs:
# why only severe and critical here, and not moderate?
new_mod_cases = (new_severe_cases + new_critical_cases) *
params$mod_i_proportion / (params$sev_i_proportion
+ params$crit_i_proportion),
new_mild_cases = (new_severe_cases + new_critical_cases) *
params$mild_i_proportion / (params$sev_i_proportion
+ params$crit_i_proportion)
# subset to the weeks needed before hand to be able to have values for the
# first week
week_behind <- max(params$stay_crit, params$stay_mild, params$stay_mod,
params$stay_sev, na.rm=T)
week_behind = week_behind + 1
data <- subset(data, data$week_ends > (as.Date(user$week1)-7*(week_behind)))
data <- data %>%
cum_critical_cases = cumsum(new_critical_cases),
cum_severe_cases = cumsum(new_severe_cases),
cum_mod_cases = cumsum(new_mod_cases),
cum_mild_cases = cumsum(new_mild_cases)
data$cum_cases <- data$cum_critical_cases + data$cum_severe_cases +
data$cum_mod_cases + data$cum_mild_cases
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(sus_cases_but_negative = (new_mild_cases
+ new_mod_cases
+ new_severe_cases
+ new_critical_cases) * params$num_neg_per_pos_test)
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