#' Produce Weekly Summary of Patients
#' @description This function corresponds to the calculations in the Weekly
#' Summary tab under the headers 'Sick patients per week', 'Patients recovering
#' (or dying) from illness, per week'. It takes in the model output plus the
#' cumulative infections calculated by cases_weekly (which is the first step in
#' the weekly summary process). It then calculates hospital demands, including
#' bed capping. Note: there will be a lag on the appearance of the first value
#' for discharged_crit_patients, which is dependent on the length of stay
#' specified in the get_parameters() function and the structure of the
#' calculation.
#' Here is the description of the additional patient calculations:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{crit_patients_nocap}{ - ICU_demand if Imperial data, cum_crit_cases -
#' cum_rem_crit_cases if WHO}
#' \item{sev_patients_nocap}{ - hospital_demand if Imperial data,
#' cum_sev_cases - cum_rem_sev_cases if WHO}
#' \item{mod_patients_nocap}{ - cum_mod_cases - cum_rem_mod_cases}
#' \item{mild_patients_nocap}{ - cum_mild_cases - cum_rem_mild_cases}
#' \item{crit_beds_inuse}{ - crit_patients_nocap capped by beds allocated to
#' critical COVID}
#' \item{sev_beds_inuse}{ - sev_patients_nocap capped by beds allocated to
#' severe COVID}
#' \item{total_beds_inuse}{ - severe + critical beds in use}
#' \item{hosp_facilities_inuse}{ - total beds in use / avg. hosp beds per care
#' centre}
#' \item{rem_crit_patients}{ - cumulative removed critical patients -
#' cumulative removed critical patients shifted by avg. length of hospital
#' stay}
#' \item{rem_sev_patients}{ - cumulative removed severe patients - cumulative
#' removed severe patients shifted by avg. length of hospital stay}
#' \item{rem_mod_patients}{ - same as rem_mod_cases - new moderate cases
#' shifted by avg. length of stay in isolation}
#' \item{rem_mild_patients}{ - same as rem_mild_cases - new mild cases shifted
#' by avg. length of stay in isolation}
#' \item{discharged_sev_patients}{ - admitted severe patients shifted back by
#' avg. length of hospital stay}
#' \item{discharged_crit_patients}{ - admitted critical patients shifted back
#' by avg. length of hospital stay}
#' \item{sev_patients_admitted_cap}{ - admitted severe patients capped by
#' severe beds, number of beds in use, and number of patients discharged}
#' \item{crit_patients_admitted_cap}{ - admitted critical patients capped by
#' critical beds, number of beds in use, and number of patients discharged}
#' }
#' @param params From get_parameters
#' @param country_capacity From get_country_capacity
#' @param data Weekly summary dataframe - from cases_weekly
#' @param data_source Either WHO or Imperial.
#' @param user From user_input function
#' @return Dataframe of weekly summary
#' \describe{
#' \item{week_begins}{Date the week summarized begins}
#' \item{week_ends}{Date the week summarized ends}
#' \item{crit_patients_nocap}{If data_source = "Imperial", this is the
#' uncapped ICU demand, if data_source = "WHO", this is back calculated
#' from the difference between cum_crit_cases and cum_rem_crit_cases}
#' \item{sev_patients_nocap}{If data_source = "Imperial", this is the
#' uncapped hospital demand, if data_source = "WHO", this is back calculated
#' from the difference between cum_sev_cases and cum_rem_sev_cases}
#' \item{mod_patients_nocap}{cum_mod_cases - cum_rem_mod_cases}
#' \item{mild_patients_nocap}{cum_mild_cases - cum_rem_mild_cases}
#' \item{crit_beds_inuse}{ICU demand capped by beds allocated to critical
#' COVID, same as crit_patients_cap}
#' \item{sev_beds_inuse}{Hospital demand capped by beds allocated to severe
#' COVID, same as sev_patients_cap}
#' \item{total_beds_inuse}{Sum of severe and critical beds in use}
#' \item{hosp_facilities_inuse}{Total beds in use divided by the avg. number
#' of beds per hospital, as specified in parameters}
#' \item{rem_crit_patients}{Cumulative removed critical patients - the
#' cumulative removed critical patients shifted back by avg. length of
#' hospital stay}
#' \item{rem_sev_patients}{Cumulative removed severe patients - the
#' cumulative removed severe patients shifted back by avg. length of hospital
#' stay}
#' \item{rem_mod_patients}{Moderate cases who have completed avg length of
#' isolation}
#' \item{rem_mild_patients}{Mild cases who have completed avg length of
#' isolation}
#' \item{discharged_crit_patients}{Critical patients admitted number of weeks
#' ago that = avg. length of stay}
#' \item{discharged_sev_patients}{Severe patients admitted number of weeks
#' ago that = avg. length of stay}
#' \item{sev_patients_admitted_cap}{Severe patients admitted during the week
#' based on bed availability and numbers of discharged patients}
#' \item{crit_patients_admitted_cap}{Critical patients admitted during the
#' week based on bed availability and numbers of discharged patients}
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom data.table shift
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
patients_weekly <- function(params,
country_capacity, # from get country capacity
data_source = "Imperial",
user) {
# add exists part here
# the total bed capacity was calculated in the input excel sheet
# basically here you take the min of the new cases by severity/num beds avail
# and theoretically the control for time spent in bed (removal) should have
# already been done
params <- merge(params, country_capacity)
if (data_source == "Imperial") {
data <- data %>%
sev_patients_nocap = hospital_demand,
crit_patients_nocap = ICU_demand
# taken from cases weekly - maybe update here since admitted
data <- data %>%
cum_rem_mild_cases = data.table::shift(cum_mild_cases,
n = params$stay_mild
cum_rem_mod_cases = data.table::shift(cum_mod_cases,
n = params$stay_mod
# isnt this going to give a negative value?
cum_rem_severe_cases = cum_severe_cases -
cum_rem_critical_cases = cum_critical_cases -
} else if (data_source == "WHO") {
data <- data %>%
cum_rem_mild_cases = data.table::shift(cum_mild_cases,
n = params$stay_mild
cum_rem_mod_cases = data.table::shift(cum_mod_cases,
n = params$stay_mod
cum_rem_severe_cases = data.table::shift(cum_severe_cases,
n = params$stay_sev
cum_rem_critical_cases = data.table::shift(cum_critical_cases,
n = params$stay_crit
data <- data %>%
sev_patients_nocap = cum_severe_cases - cum_rem_severe_cases,
crit_patients_nocap = cum_critical_cases -
data <- data %>%
mild_patients_nocap = cum_mild_cases - cum_rem_mild_cases,
mod_patients_nocap = cum_mod_cases - cum_rem_mod_cases
data <- data %>%
sev_beds_inuse = ifelse(
sev_patients_nocap < params$severe_beds_covid,
sev_patients_nocap, params$severe_beds_covid
crit_beds_inuse = ifelse(
crit_patients_nocap < params$crit_beds_covid,
crit_patients_nocap, params$crit_beds_covid
data <- data %>%
total_beds_inuse = sev_beds_inuse + crit_beds_inuse,
hosp_facilities_inuse = ceiling(
(sev_beds_inuse + crit_beds_inuse) /
data <- data %>%
rem_mild_patients = data.table::shift(new_mild_cases,
n = params$stay_mild
rem_mod_patients = data.table::shift(new_mod_cases,
n = params$stay_mod
rem_sev_patients = cum_rem_severe_cases -
data.table::shift(cum_rem_severe_cases, n = 1),
rem_crit_patients = cum_rem_critical_cases -
data.table::shift(cum_rem_critical_cases, n = 1)
# initialize the columns
data$discharged_sev_patients <- c(rep(0, nrow(data)))
data$discharged_crit_patients <- c(rep(0, nrow(data)))
data$sev_patients_admitted_cap <- c(rep(0, nrow(data)))
data$crit_patients_admitted_cap <- c(rep(0, nrow(data)))
data[is.na(data)] <- 0
# depends on stay - there will be a lag between the start of the projections
# and the first occurrence of a discharged patient value based on how long
# the length of stay is in weeks
for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
if (params$stay_sev >= i && params$stay_crit >= i) {
discharged_sev_patients <- 0
discharged_crit_patients <- 0
sev_patients_admitted_cap <- data$sev_beds_inuse[i]
crit_patients_admitted_cap <- data$crit_beds_inuse[i]
} else if (params$stay_sev < i && params$stay_crit >= i) {
discharged_crit_patients <- 0
discharged_sev_patients <-
data$sev_patients_admitted_cap[i - params$stay_sev]
sev_patients_admitted_cap <- ifelse((data$sev_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
discharged_sev_patients + data$new_severe_cases[i]) >
params$severe_beds_covid - (data$sev_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
crit_patients_admitted_cap <- 0
} else if (params$stay_sev >= i && params$stay_crit < i) {
discharged_crit_patients <-
data$crit_patients_admitted_cap[i - params$stay_crit]
discharged_sev_patients <- 0
sev_patients_admitted_cap <- 0
crit_patients_admitted_cap <- ifelse((data$crit_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
discharged_crit_patients + data$new_critical_cases[i]) >
params$crit_beds_covid - (data$crit_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
} else {
# maybe should i add something here ??
# it still doesnt work if i subset before or after calculation
discharged_sev_patients <-
data$sev_patients_admitted_cap[i - params$stay_sev]
discharged_crit_patients <-
data$crit_patients_admitted_cap[i - params$stay_crit]
sev_patients_admitted_cap <- ifelse((data$sev_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
discharged_sev_patients + data$new_severe_cases[i]) >
params$severe_beds_covid - (data$sev_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
crit_patients_admitted_cap <- ifelse((data$crit_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
discharged_crit_patients + data$new_critical_cases[i]) >
params$crit_beds_covid - (data$crit_beds_inuse[i - 1] -
data$discharged_sev_patients[i] <- discharged_sev_patients
data$discharged_crit_patients[i] <- discharged_crit_patients
data$sev_patients_admitted_cap[i] <- sev_patients_admitted_cap
data$crit_patients_admitted_cap[i] <- crit_patients_admitted_cap
data <- data %>% dplyr::select(c(
week_begins, week_ends, crit_patients_nocap,
sev_patients_nocap, mod_patients_nocap,
mild_patients_nocap, crit_beds_inuse,
sev_beds_inuse, total_beds_inuse,
hosp_facilities_inuse, rem_crit_patients,
rem_sev_patients, rem_mod_patients,
rem_mild_patients, discharged_crit_patients, discharged_sev_patients,
sev_patients_admitted_cap, crit_patients_admitted_cap
# make sure first week is in there
data <- subset(data, data$week_begins >= as.Date(user$week1))
# subset by forecast length
data <- data[c(0:(user$forecast_period)),]
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