
Defines functions make_plot inspect

Documented in inspect

# ==================================================================== #
# TITLE                                                                #
# Tools for Data Analysis at Certe                                     #
#                                                                      #
# AUTHORS                                                              #
# Berends MS (m.berends@certe.nl)                                      #
# Meijer BC (b.meijer@certe.nl)                                        #
# Hassing EEA (e.hassing@certe.nl)                                     #
#                                                                      #
# COPYRIGHT                                                            #
# (c) 2019 Certe Medische diagnostiek & advies - https://www.certe.nl  #
#                                                                      #
# LICENCE                                                              #
# This R package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License          #
# version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation.           #
# This R package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                         #
# ==================================================================== #

make_plot <- function(data,
                      title = deparse(substitute(data)), 
                      subtitle = "",
                      subtitle_colour = "black") {
  colour_fill <- "#96E4F6"
  colour_border <- "#4DCFF0"
  data_classes <- c('Date', 'POSIXct', 'POSIXlt')
  character_x_labels <- FALSE
  # rsi
  if (any(class(data) == 'rsi') | all(data %in% c('I', 'R', 'S'), na.rm = TRUE)) {
    data <- as.rsi(data)
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 4, 2))
    p <- barplot(as.matrix(table(data)),
                 main = title,
                 beside = FALSE,
                 col = c(S = rgb(162, 245, 150, maxColorValue = 255), 
                         I = rgb(245, 222, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
                         R = rgb(254, 174, 150, maxColorValue = 255)),
                 border = c(S = rgb(162, 245, 150, maxColorValue = 255), 
                            I = rgb(245, 222, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
                            R = rgb(254, 174, 150, maxColorValue = 255)),
                 ylim = c(0, sum(table(data)) + 0.1 * sum(table(data))))
  } else if (any(class(data) == "mic")) {
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 4, 2))
    p <- barplot(data[!is.na(data)],
                 col = colour_fill,
                 border = colour_border)

  } else if (any(class(data) == "factor")) {
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 4, 2))
    p <- barplot(table(data), 
                 col = colour_fill,
                 border = colour_border,
                 main = title)
  } else if (any(class(data) == "logical")) {
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 4, 2))
    p <- barplot(table(data), 
                 main = title,
                 col = c(rgb(254, 174, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
                         rgb(162, 245, 150, maxColorValue = 255)),
                 border = c(rgb(254, 174, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
                         rgb(162, 245, 150, maxColorValue = 255)),
                 ylim = c(0, sum(table(data)) + 0.25 * sum(table(data))))
  } else if (any(class(data) %in% c('numeric', 'integer', 'double', 'single', 'raw',
                             data_classes, 'hms', 'difftime'))) {
    if (any(class(data) %in% c('Date', 'POSIXct', 'POSIXlt'))) {
      difference_days <- as.integer(max(data, na.rm = TRUE) - min(data, na.rm = TRUE))
      breaks <- dplyr::case_when(
        difference_days <= 30 ~ "week",
        difference_days <= 365 ~ "month",
        TRUE ~ "year"
      frmt <- dplyr::case_when(
        difference_days <= 30 ~ "%e",
        difference_days <= 365 ~ "%b",
        TRUE ~ "%Y"
    } else {
      breaks <- "Sturges" 
      frmt <- NULL
    par(mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 4, 2))
    p <- suppressWarnings(
           breaks = breaks,
           format = frmt,
           main = title,
           col = colour_fill,
           border = colour_border,
           xlab = "",
           ylab = "",
           las = 2,
           tick = FALSE,
           freq = TRUE))
  } else if (any(class(data) == "list")) {
    p <- plot(0,
              type = 'n',
              axes = FALSE,
              main = title)
  } else { # if (any(class(data) == "character")) {
    data_tbl <- rev(sort(table(data)))
    if (length(data_tbl) > 6) {
      data_tbl <- c(c(rest = sum(data_tbl[7:length(data_tbl)])),
      names(data_tbl)[1] <- paste0("Rest (x", length(table(data)) - 6, ")")
    par(mar = c(3, 1, 4, 1))
    # p <- barplot(data_tbl,
    #              horiz = TRUE,
    #              las = 1, # x tekst altijd horizontaal
    #              main = title,
    #              col = colour_fill,
    #              border = colour_border,
    #              xlim = c(0, max(data_tbl) + 0.25 * max(data_tbl)))
    p <- barplot(data_tbl,
                 horiz = TRUE,
                 las = 1, # x tekst altijd horizontaal
                 main = title,
                 col = colour_fill,
                 border = colour_border,
                 xlim = c(0, max(data_tbl) + 0.25 * max(data_tbl)), offset = 0,names.arg = FALSE)
    character_x_labels <- TRUE


  mtext(text = paste0(subtitle, collapse = " > "),
        line = 0.5,
        col = subtitle_colour)
  if (character_x_labels == TRUE) {
    axis(side = 4, 
         labels = names(data_tbl),
         at = (1 + length(data_tbl) / 35) * c(1:length(data_tbl)),
         cex.names = 0.7,
         las = 1, 
         tick = FALSE, 
         pos = -50,
         padj = 1.5)

#' Interactive summary
#' Dit opent een Shiny-applicatie voor interactieve samenvatting van alle data van een tibble of dataframe. Typ de tekst van een object in een document of in de Console en selecteer de optie in het menu Addins (of stel het in als sneltoets, bijvoorbeeld \code{F2}).
#' @param dfname Standaard is leeg. Een object of de naam ervan. Controleert eerst of er een tekst geselecteerd is in een document, of dat er tekst in de Console staat.
#' @export
inspect <- function(dfname = NA) {
  # GUI based on exploratory.io
  if (all(is.na(dfname))) {
    text_document <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$selection[[1]]$text
    text_console <- rstudioapi::getConsoleEditorContext()$contents
    if (text_console != "") {
      dfname <- text_console
    } else if (text_document != "") {
      dfname <- text_document
    } else {
      stop('No object found to be analysed.')
    data <- eval(parse(text = dfname))
  } else {
    if (NCOL(dfname) > 1 | NROW(dfname) > 1) {
      data <- dfname
      dfname <- deparse(substitute(dfname))
    } else {
      dfname <- as.character(match.call())[2]
      data <- eval(parse(text = dfname))
  # ui ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  title_df <- paste0('Summary of `',
                     '` (',
                     nrow(data) %>% format2(),
                     ' obs. of ',
                     NCOL(data) %>% format2(),
                     ' variables)')
  ui <- fluidPage(
    headerPanel(div('Summary of ',
                    nrow(data) %>% format2(),
                    ' obs. of ',
                    NCOL(data) %>% format2(),
                    ' variables'),
    # sidebarPanel(
    #   textAreaInput("filter1", "Filter:", resize = "none", placeholder = "Type new filter..."),
    #   submitButton("Apply filter", icon("play-circle"), width = '100%'),
    #   br(),
    #   actionButton("save", "Save as...", icon("floppy-o"), width = '100%'),
    #   style = 'position: fixed !important',
    #   width = 2),
      lapply(1:NCOL(data), function(i) {
        column(width = 2,
               plotOutput(paste0("plot", i), height = "250px"),
               #hr(style = 'margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:10px;border: 0;border-top:10px solid #B3D1D9;'),
               tableOutput(paste0("table", i)) #,
               #hr(style = 'margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:30px;border: 0;border-top:2px solid #D7D7D7;')
      width = 12 # moet 10 worden als sidebarPanel werkt
  # server ------------------------------------------------------------------
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
      progress <- shiny::Progress$new(min = 1, max = NCOL(data))
      progress$set(message = "Getting data...", value = 0)
      for (i in 1:NCOL(data)) {
          my_i <- i
          plotname <- paste("plot", my_i, sep = "")
          tablename <- paste("table", my_i, sep = "")
          data_thiscol <- data %>% pull(my_i)
          data_class <- class(data_thiscol)
          if (any(data_class == 'rsi')) {
            subtitle_col <- 'purple'
          } else if (any(data_class == 'mic')) {
            subtitle_col <- 'yellow4'
          } else if (any(data_class == 'character')) {
            subtitle_col <- 'blue'
          } else if (any(data_class == 'logical')) {
            subtitle_col <- 'orange3'
          } else if (any(data_class %in% c('factor', 'list', 'matrix', 'vector', 'array'))) {
            subtitle_col <- 'yellow3'
          } else if (any(data_class %in% c('numeric', 'integer', 'double', 'single', 'raw'))) {
            subtitle_col <- 'green4'
          } else if (any(data_class %in% c('hms', 'difftime'))) {
            subtitle_col <- 'orangered1'
          } else if (any(data_class %in% c('Date', 'POSIXct', 'POSIXlt'))) {
            subtitle_col <- 'orangered3'
          } else {
            subtitle_col <- 'darkblue'
          output[[tablename]] <- renderTable({
            progress$set(value = my_i,
                         message = 'Analysing...',
                         detail = substr(colnames(data)[my_i], 1, 22))
            if (length(data_thiscol[!is.na(data_thiscol)]) > 0) {
              if (any(data_class %in% c('numeric', 'integer', 'double', 'single', 'raw', 'hms', 'difftime'))) {
                # getallen
                t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", "Min", "Max", "Median", "Mean"), y = character(1))
                if (any(data_class %in% c('hms', 'difftime'))) {
                  t[2, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% as.POSIXct() %>% min() %>% format2('HH:MM:SS')
                  t[3, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% as.POSIXct() %>% max() %>% format2('HH:MM:SS')
                  t[4, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% as.POSIXct() %>% median() %>% format2('HH:MM:SS')
                  t[5, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% as.POSIXct() %>% mean() %>% format2('HH:MM:SS')
                } else {
                  t[2, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% min() %>% format2()
                  t[3, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% max() %>% format2()
                  t[4, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% median() %>% format2()
                  t[5, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% mean() %>% format2()
              } else if (any(data_class %in% c('Date', 'POSIXct', 'POSIXlt'))) {
                # datums
                t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", "Unique", "Oldest", "Newest", "Difference"), y = character(1))
                date_min <- data_thiscol %>% min()
                date_max <- data_thiscol %>% max()
                t[2, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% unique() %>% length() %>% format2()
                t[3, 2] <- date_min %>% format2("d mmm yyyy")
                t[4, 2] <- date_max %>% format2("d mmm yyyy")
                t[5, 2] <- paste0(difftime(date_max, date_min, units = 'auto') %>% as.double() %>% format2(), ' days')
              } else if (any(data_class == 'logical')) {
                # logicals
                t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", "% TRUE", "% FALSE", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;"), y = character(1))
                TFs <- length(data_thiscol[!is.na(data_thiscol)])
                Ts <- sum(data_thiscol)
                Fs <- sum(!data_thiscol)
                t[2, 2] <- (Ts / TFs) %>% format2(percent = TRUE)
                t[3, 2] <- (Fs / TFs) %>% format2(percent = TRUE)
              } else if (any(data_class == 'rsi') | all(data_thiscol[!is.na(data_thiscol) & data_thiscol != ''] %>% toupper() %in% c('I', 'R', 'S'))) {
                data_thiscol <- as.rsi(data_thiscol)
                # resistentie
                t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", "<i>Tested</i>", "% R", "<strong>% S+I</strong>", "% S"), y = character(1))
                t[2, 2] <- n_rsi(data_thiscol) %>% format2()
                t[3, 2] <- portion_R(data_thiscol) %>% format2(percent = TRUE)
                t[4, 2] <- paste0("<strong>", portion_SI(data_thiscol)%>% format2(percent = TRUE), "</strong>")
                t[5, 2] <- portion_S(data_thiscol)%>% format2(percent = TRUE)
              } else if (any(data_class == 'factor')) {
                # factors
                t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", "Levels", "Lowest value", "Highest value", "&nbsp;"), y = character(1))
                if (any(data_class == 'mic')) {
                  # MIC's
                  t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", "Levels", "Lowest MIC", "Highest MIC", "&nbsp;"), y = character(1))
                x <- data_thiscol[!is.na(data_thiscol)]
                n <- x %>% length()
                t[2, 2] <- length(levels(data_thiscol)) %>% format2()
                t[3, 2] <- sort(x)[1] %>% as.character()
                t[4, 2] <- sort(x)[1] %>% as.character()
              } else {
                # rest
                t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", "<i>Not listed</i>", "Unique", "Min length", "Max length"), y = character(1))
                NAs <- data_thiscol[is.na(data_thiscol)] %>% length()
                if (NAs > 0) {
                  NAs <- 1
                t[2, 2] <- max(0, n_distinct(data_thiscol) - 8 - NAs)
                t[3, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% unique() %>% length() %>% format2()
                t[4, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% nchar() %>% min() %>% format2()
                t[5, 2] <- data_thiscol %>% nchar() %>% max() %>% format2()
            } else {
              t <- tibble(x = c("<code>NA</code>", rep("&nbsp;", 4)), y = "&nbsp;")
            if (my_i == NCOL(data)) {
            NAs <- data_thiscol[is.na(data_thiscol)] %>% length()
            if (NAs == 0) {
              font_colour <- "green"
            } else {
              font_colour <- "#c7254e"
            t[1, 2] <- paste0('<font style="color:', font_colour, ';">', NAs %>% format2(),
                              ' (', (NAs / nrow(data)) %>% format2(percent = TRUE, round = 0), ')</font>')
          sanitize.text.function = function(x){x},
          colnames = FALSE,
          rownames = FALSE,
          align = 'lr',
          spacing = 'xs',
          width = "100%"
          output[[plotname]] <- renderPlot({
            if (length(data_thiscol[!is.na(data_thiscol)]) > 0) {
              p_title <- colnames(data)[my_i]
              p_title_abname <- p_title %>% gsub('_mic$', '', .)
              p_title_str <- paste0('   ', p_title, ' ')
              drug <- suppressWarnings(AMR::ab_name(p_title_abname, tolower = TRUE))
              if (!is.na(drug)) {
                p_title <- bquote(bold(.(p_title_str)) ~ italic(.(drug))) %>% as.expression()
              } else {
                p_title <- bquote(bold(.(p_title_str))) %>% as.expression()
              p <- suppressWarnings(make_plot(data = data_thiscol,
                                              title = p_title, 
                                              subtitle = data_class, 
                                              subtitle_colour = subtitle_col))
            } else {
              par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
              p <- plot(0, type='n', axes=FALSE, main = colnames(data)[my_i])
    # Listen for 'done'.
    observeEvent(input$done, {
    # observeEvent(input$save, {
    #   showNotification("Object saved.", type = "message")
    # })
  if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Linux") {
      current_resolution <- system("xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions/{print $2}'", intern = TRUE) %>% 
        strsplit("x") %>%
        unlist() %>%
  } else if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Darwin") {
    # macOS
      current_resolution <- system("system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType |grep Resolution", intern = TRUE) %>% 
        strsplit("x") %>%
        unlist() %>%
        gsub("[^0-9]", "", .) %>%
  } else {
      current_resolution <- system("wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution /format:value", intern = TRUE)  %>%
        strsplit("=") %>%
        unlist() %>%
  current_resolution <- current_resolution[!is.na(current_resolution)]
  current_resolution[current_resolution > 1920] <- 1920
  # Use a modal dialog as a viewer.
  viewer <- dialogViewer(dialogName = dfname,
                         width = current_resolution[1] * 0.95,
                         height = current_resolution[2] * 0.95)
    # suppressWarnings(
    runGadget(app = ui, server = server, viewer = viewer)
    # )

summary_interactive <- inspect
msberends/certedata documentation built on Nov. 26, 2019, 5:19 a.m.