
Defines functions format.freq as.vector.freq plot.freq boxplot.freq hist.freq as.data.frame.freq print.freq header top_freq format_header is.freq freq.hms freq.difftime freq.POSIXt freq.Date freq.integer freq.double freq.numeric freq.character freq.data.frame freq.table freq.matrix freq.list freq.factor freq.default freq

Documented in freq freq.Date freq.default freq.factor freq.hms freq.matrix freq.numeric freq.table header is.freq print.freq top_freq

# ==================================================================== #
# TITLE                                                                #
# cleaner: Fast and Easy Data Cleaning                                 #
#                                                                      #
# SOURCE                                                               #
# https://github.com/msberends/cleaner                                 #
#                                                                      #
# LICENCE                                                              #
# (c) 2022 Berends MS (m.s.berends@umcg.nl)                            #
#                                                                      #
# This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute   #
# it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the  #
# GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by  #
# the Free Software Foundation.                                        #
#                                                                      #
# This R package was publicly released in the hope that it will be     #
# useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY.              #
# ==================================================================== #

#' Frequency table
#' @description Create a frequency table of a \code{vector} or a \code{data.frame}. It supports tidyverse's quasiquotation and RMarkdown for reports. Easiest practice is: \code{data \%>\% freq(var)} using the \href{https://magrittr.tidyverse.org/#usage}{tidyverse}.
#' \code{top_freq} can be used to get the top/bottom \emph{n} items of a frequency table, with counts as names. It respects ties.
#' @param x vector of any class or a \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{\link{table}}
#' @param ... up to nine different columns of \code{x} when \code{x} is a \code{data.frame} or \code{tibble}, to calculate frequencies from - see Examples. Also supports quasiquotion.
#' @param sort.count sort on count, i.e. frequencies. This will be \code{TRUE} at default for everything except when using grouping variables.
#' @param nmax number of row to print. The default, \code{10}, uses \code{\link{getOption}("max.print.freq")}. Use \code{nmax = 0}, \code{nmax = Inf}, \code{nmax = NULL} or \code{nmax = NA} to print all rows.
#' @param na.rm a logical value indicating whether \code{NA} values should be removed from the frequency table. The header (if set) will always print the amount of \code{NA}s.
#' @param row.names a logical value indicating whether row indices should be printed as \code{1:nrow(x)}
#' @param markdown a logical value indicating whether the frequency table should be printed in markdown format. This will print all rows (except when \code{nmax} is defined) and is default behaviour in non-interactive R sessions (like when knitting RMarkdown files).
#' @param digits how many significant digits are to be used for numeric values in the header (not for the items themselves, that depends on \code{\link{getOption}("digits")})
#' @param quote a logical value indicating whether or not strings should be printed with surrounding quotes. Default is to print them only around characters that are actually numeric values.
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether an informative header should be printed
#' @param title text to show above frequency table, at default to tries to coerce from the variables passed to \code{x}
#' @param na a character string that should be used to show empty (\code{NA}) values (only useful when \code{na.rm = FALSE})
#' @param droplevels a logical value indicating whether in factors empty levels should be dropped
#' @param format a character to define the printing format (it supports \code{\link{format_datetime}} to transform e.g. \code{"d mmmm yyyy"} to \code{"\%e \%B \%Y"})
#' @param sep a character string to separate the terms when selecting multiple columns
#' @param wt frequency weights. If a variable, computes \code{sum(wt)} instead of counting the rows.
#' @param f a frequency table
#' @param n number of top \emph{n} items to return, use -n for the bottom \emph{n} items. It will include more than \code{n} rows if there are ties.
#' @param property property in header to return this value directly
#' @param decimal.mark the character to be used to indicate the numeric decimal point
#' @param big.mark character; if not empty used as mark between every `big.interval` decimals \emph{before} (hence big) the decimal point
#' @details Frequency tables (or frequency distributions) are summaries of the distribution of values in a sample. With the `freq` function, you can create univariate frequency tables. Multiple variables will be pasted into one variable, so it forces a univariate distribution. 
#' Input can be done in many different ways. Base R methods are:
#' \preformatted{
#' freq(df$variable)
#' freq(df[, "variable"])
#' }
#' Tidyverse methods are:
#' \preformatted{
#' df$variable \%>\% freq()
#' df[, "variable"] \%>\% freq()
#' df \%>\% freq("variable")
#' df \%>\% freq(variable)
#' }
#' For numeric values of any class, these additional values will all be calculated with \code{na.rm = TRUE} and shown into the header:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Mean, using \code{\link[base]{mean}}}
#'   \item{Standard Deviation, using \code{\link[stats]{sd}}}
#'   \item{Coefficient of Variation (CV), the standard deviation divided by the mean}
#'   \item{Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), using \code{\link[stats]{mad}}}
#'   \item{Tukey Five-Number Summaries (minimum, Q1, median, Q3, maximum), see \emph{NOTE} below}
#'   \item{Interquartile Range (IQR) calculated as \code{Q3 - Q1}, see \emph{NOTE} below}
#'   \item{Coefficient of Quartile Variation (CQV, sometimes called coefficient of dispersion) calculated as \code{(Q3 - Q1) / (Q3 + Q1)}, see \emph{NOTE} below}
#'   \item{Outliers (total count and percentage), using \code{\link[grDevices]{boxplot.stats}}}
#' }
#' \emph{NOTE}: These values are calculated using the same algorithm as used by Minitab and SPSS: \emph{p[k] = E[F(x[k])]}. See Type 6 on the \code{\link[stats]{quantile}} page.
#' For dates and times of any class, these additional values will be calculated with \code{na.rm = TRUE} and shown into the header:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Oldest, using \code{\link{min}}}
#'   \item{Newest, using \code{\link{max}}, with difference between newest and oldest}
#' }
#' In factors, all factor levels that are not existing in the input data will be dropped at default.
#' The function \code{top_freq} will include more than \code{n} rows if there are ties. Use a negative number for \emph{n} (like \code{n = -3}) to select the bottom \emph{n} values.
#' @section Extending the \code{freq()} function:
#' Interested in extending the \code{freq()} function with your own class? Add a method like below to your package, and optionally define some header info by passing a \code{\link{list}} to the \code{.add_header} parameter, like below example for class \code{difftime}. This example assumes that you use the \code{roxygen2} package for package development.
#' \preformatted{
#' #' @method freq difftime
#' #' @importFrom cleaner freq.default
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' freq.difftime <- function(x, ...) {
#'   freq.default(x = x, ...,
#'                .add_header = list(units = attributes(x)$units))
#' }
#' }
#' Be sure to call \code{freq.default} in your function and not just \code{freq}. Also, add \code{cleaner} to the \code{Imports:} field of your \code{DESCRIPTION} file, to make sure that it will be installed with your package, e.g.:
#' \preformatted{
#' Imports: cleaner
#' }
#' @keywords summary summarise frequency freq
#' @rdname freq
#' @name freq
#' @return A \code{data.frame} (with an additional class \code{"freq"}) with five columns: \code{item}, \code{count}, \code{percent}, \code{cum_count} and \code{cum_percent}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' freq(unclean$gender, markdown = FALSE)
#' freq(x = clean_factor(unclean$gender, 
#'                       levels = c("^m" = "Male", 
#'                                  "^f" = "Female")),
#'      markdown = TRUE,
#'      title = "Frequencies of a cleaned version for a markdown report!",
#'      header = FALSE,
#'      quote = TRUE)
freq <- function(x, ...) {

#' @method freq default
# force export this to support other packages:
#' @export
#' @export freq.default 
#' @rdname freq
freq.default <- function(x,
                         sort.count = TRUE,
                         nmax = getOption("max.print.freq"),
                         na.rm = TRUE,
                         row.names = TRUE,
                         markdown = !interactive(),
                         digits = 2,
                         quote = NULL,
                         header = TRUE,
                         title = NULL,
                         na = "<NA>",
                         sep = " ",
                         decimal.mark = getOption("OutDec"),
                         big.mark = "",
                         wt = NULL,
                         ...) {
  format <- list(...)$format
  # set header
  header_list <- list(class = class(x),
                      mode = mode(x))
  header_list$length <- length(x)
  NAs <- x[is.na(x)]
  if (na.rm == TRUE) {
    x_class <- class(x)
    x <- x[!x %in% NAs]
    class(x) <- x_class
  if (!is.null(levels(x))) {
    header_list$levels <- levels(x)
    header_list$ordered <- is.ordered(x)
    # drop levels of non-existing factor values,
    # since dplyr >= 0.8.0 does not do this anymore in group_by
    x <- droplevels(x)
  header_list$available <- header_list$length - length(NAs)
  header_list$na_length <- length(NAs)
  header_list$unique <- length(unique(x))
  # add class-specific properties set by freq.class() functions
  header_list <- c(header_list, list(...)$.add_header)
  # set nmax
  nmax.set <- !missing(nmax)
  if (identical(nmax, -1)) {
    nmax.set <- FALSE
    nmax <- getOption("max.print.freq")
  if (!nmax.set & is.null(nmax) & is.null(getOption("max.print.freq", default = NULL))) {
    # default for max print setting
    nmax <- 10
  } else if (is.null(nmax)) {
    nmax <- length(x)
  if (nmax %in% c(0, Inf, NA, NULL)) {
    nmax <- length(x)
  # set alignment for Item column
  x_align <- "l"
  if (any(class(x) %in% c("double", "integer", "numeric", "raw", "single"))) {
    x_align <- "r"
  column_align <- c(x_align, "r", "r", "r", "r")
  # create the data.frame
  if (!is.null(wt)) {
    if (!length(wt) %in% c(1, length(x))) {
      stop("length of weights ('wt') must be 1 or ", length(x), ", not ", length(wt), call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.numeric(wt)) {
      stop("argument 'wt' must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
    if (length(wt) == 1) {
      wt <- rep(wt, length(x))
    df <- stats::aggregate(x = list(wt = wt), by = list(x = x), FUN = sum)
  } else {
    df <- as.data.frame(table(x, useNA = ifelse(na.rm, "no", "ifany")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (NCOL(df) == 2) {
    colnames(df) <- c("item", "count")

  if (NROW(df) == 0) {
    # return empty data.frame
    df <- data.frame(item = character(),
                     count = double(),
                     percent = character(),
                     cum_count = double(),
                     cum_percent = double(),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    # reset original class
    if (length(NAs) > 0 & !isTRUE(na.rm)) {
      original <- c(sort(unique(x)), NA)
    } else {
      original <- sort(unique(x))
    tryCatch(df$item <- original, error = function(e) invisible())
    # sort according to setting
    if (sort.count == TRUE) {
      df <- df[order(-df$count), ] # descending
    } else {
      df <- df[order(tolower(df$item)), ] # ascending
    rownames(df) <- NULL
    # remove escape char
    # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_character#ASCII_escape_character
    if ("\033" %in% x) {
      df$item <- gsub("\033", " ", df$item, fixed = TRUE)
    if (is.null(quote)) {
      if (!is.numeric(x) & all(grepl("^[0-9]+$", x), na.rm = TRUE)) {
        quote <- TRUE
      } else {
        quote <- FALSE
    if (quote == TRUE) {
      df$item <- paste0('"', df$item, '"')
    df$percent <- df$count / sum(df$count, na.rm = TRUE)
    df$cum_count <- cumsum(df$count)
    df$cum_percent <- df$cum_count / sum(df$count, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (markdown == TRUE) {
    tbl_format <- "markdown"
  } else {
    tbl_format <- "pandoc"
  column_names <- c("Item", "Count", "Percent", "Cum. Count", "Cum. Percent")
  structure(.Data = df,
            class = unique(c("freq", class(df))),
            header = header_list, # header info
            opt = list(header = header,
                       title = title,
                       format = format,
                       row_names = row.names,
                       column_names = column_names,
                       column_align = column_align,
                       decimal.mark = decimal.mark,
                       big.mark = big.mark,
                       tbl_format = tbl_format,
                       na = na,
                       digits = digits,
                       nmax = nmax,
                       nmax.set = nmax.set))

#' @method freq factor
#' @export
#' @rdname freq
freq.factor <- function(x, ..., droplevels = FALSE) {
  if (isFALSE(droplevels)) {
    freq.default(x, ...)
  } else {
    freq.default(droplevels(x), ...)

#' @method freq list
#' @export
#' @noRd
freq.list <- function(x, ...) {
  freq(as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), ...)

#' @method freq matrix
#' @export
#' @rdname freq
freq.matrix <- function(x, ..., quote = FALSE) {
  freq(as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), ..., quote = quote)

#' @method freq table
#' @export
#' @rdname freq
freq.table <- function(x, ..., sep = " ") {
  x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # now this DF contains 3 columns: the 2 vars and a Freq column
  # paste the first 2 cols and repeat them Freq times:
  x <- rep(x = do.call(paste, c(x[colnames(x)[1:2]], sep = sep)),
           times = x$Freq)
  freq(x, ...)

#' @method freq data.frame
#' @importFrom rlang enquo enquos eval_tidy
#' @export
#' @noRd
freq.data.frame <- function(x,
                            sort.count = TRUE,
                            nmax = getOption("max.print.freq", -1),
                            na.rm = TRUE,
                            row.names = TRUE,
                            markdown = !interactive(),
                            digits = 2,
                            quote = NULL,
                            header = TRUE,
                            title = NULL,
                            na = "<NA>",
                            sep = " ",
                            decimal.mark = getOption("OutDec"),
                            big.mark = ifelse(decimal.mark != ",", ",", "."),
                            wt = NULL) {
  # unset data.table, tbl_df, etc.
  # also removes groups made by dplyr::group_by
  x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  x.bak <- x
  user_exprs <- enquos(...)
  if (length(user_exprs) > 0) {
    new_list <- list(0)
    for (i in seq_len(length(user_exprs))) {
      eval_result <- tryCatch(eval_tidy(user_exprs[[i]], data = x),
                                error = function(e) stop(e$message, call. = FALSE))
      if (is.data.frame(eval_result)) {
        stop("a data.frame (instead of e.g. a column name) was passed as a parameter to freq(df, ...), this is not allowed.", call. = FALSE)
      new_list[[i]] <- eval_result
      if (length(new_list[[i]]) == 1) {
        if (i == 1) {
          # only for first item:
          if (is.character(new_list[[i]]) & new_list[[i]] %in% colnames(x)) {
            # this is to support: df %>% freq("mycol")
            new_list[[i]] <- x[, new_list[[i]]]
        } else {
          # remove item - it's a parameter like `nmax`
          new_list[[i]] <- NULL
    x <- as.data.frame(new_list, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (!missing(wt) || !is.null(wt)) {
    wt <- enquo(wt)
    eval_result <- tryCatch(eval_tidy(wt, data = x.bak),
                            error = function(e) stop(e$message, call. = FALSE))
    if (is.data.frame(eval_result)) {
      stop("a data.frame (instead of e.g. a column name) was passed as a parameter to 'wt', this is not allowed.", call. = FALSE)
    wt <- eval_result
  if (NCOL(x) > 9) {
    stop("maximum of 9 columns allowed", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (NCOL(x) > 1) {
    # paste all columns together
    x <- do.call(paste, c(x[colnames(x)], sep = sep))
  } else {
    x <- x[, 1]
  freq(x = x,
       sort.count = sort.count,
       nmax = nmax,
       na.rm = na.rm,
       row.names = row.names,
       markdown = markdown,
       digits = digits,
       quote = quote,
       header = header,
       title = title,
       na = na,
       sep = sep,
       decimal.mark = decimal.mark,
       big.mark = big.mark,
       wt = wt)

#' @method freq character
#' @export
#' @noRd
freq.character <- function(x, ...) {
  freq.default(x = x, ..., 
               .add_header = list(shortest = min(nchar(x), na.rm = TRUE),
                                  longest = max(nchar(x), na.rm = TRUE)))

#' @method freq numeric
#' @export
#' @rdname freq
freq.numeric <- function(x, ..., digits = 2) {
  Tukey_five <- stats::quantile(x, probs = c(0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00), na.rm = TRUE, type = 6)
  Outliers <- grDevices::boxplot.stats(x[!is.na(x)])

  freq.default(x = x, digits = digits, ..., 
               .add_header = list(mean = round2(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits),
                                  SD = paste0(round2(stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits),
                                              " (CV: ", round2(cv(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits),
                                              ", MAD: ", round2(stats::mad(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits),
                                  `Five-Num` = paste0(paste(trimws(round2(Tukey_five, digits = digits)), collapse = " | "),
                                                      " (IQR: ", round2(Tukey_five[4] - Tukey_five[2], digits = digits), 
                                                      ", CQV: ", round2(cqv(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = digits), 
                                  outliers = paste0(length(Outliers$out),
                                                    " (", percentage(length(Outliers$out) / length(x[!is.na(x)]), digits = digits), ")")))
#' @method freq double
#' @export
#' @noRd
freq.double <- function(x, ...) {
  freq.numeric(x, ...)
#' @method freq integer
#' @export
#' @noRd
freq.integer <- function(x, ...) {
  freq.numeric(x, ...)
#' @method freq Date
#' @export
#' @rdname freq
freq.Date <- function(x, ..., format = "yyyy-mm-dd") {
  freq.default(x = x, ..., 
               format = format,
               .add_header = list(oldest = trimws(format(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                                         format = format_datetime(format))),
                                  newest = paste0(
                                    trimws(format(max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                                  format = format_datetime(format))),
                                    " (+", as.integer(max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
                                    " days)")))
#' @method freq POSIXt
#' @export
#' @noRd
freq.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
  freq.Date(x, ...)

#' @method freq difftime
#' @export
#' @noRd
freq.difftime <- function(x, ...) {
  freq.default(x = x, ...,
               .add_header = list(units = attributes(x)$units))
#' @method freq hms
#' @export
#' @rdname freq
freq.hms <- function(x, ..., format = "HH:MM:SS") {
  freq.default(x = as.POSIXlt(x), ...,
               format = format,
               .add_header = list(earliest = format(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                                    format = format_datetime(format)),
                                  latest = format(max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                                  format = format_datetime(format))))

#' @export
#' @rdname freq
is.freq <- function(f) {
  inherits(f, "freq")

#' @importFrom crayon silver green red
format_header <- function(x, markdown = FALSE, decimal.mark = ".", big.mark = ",", digits = 2) {
  newline <- "\n"
  if (markdown == TRUE) {
    newline <- "  \n"
    # no colours in markdown
    silver <- function(x) x
    green <- function(x) x
    red <- function(x) x
  header <- header(x)
  has_length <- header$length > 0
  # class and mode
  if (!header$mode %in% header$class) {
    header$class <- paste0(paste(rev(header$class), collapse = " > "), silver(paste0(" (", header$mode, ")")))
  } else {
    header$class <- paste(rev(header$class), collapse = " > ")
  header <- header[names(header) != "mode"]
  # levels
  if (!is.null(header$levels)) {
    if (header$ordered == TRUE) {
      levels_text <- paste0(header$levels, collapse = " < ")
    } else {
      levels_text <- paste0(header$levels, collapse = ", ")
    if (nchar(levels_text) > (options()$width / 2)) {
      # levels text wider than half the console
      levels_text <- paste0(substr(levels_text, 1, 70 - 3), "...")
      if (nchar(gsub("[^`]", "", levels_text)) %% 2 == 1) {
        # odd number of backticks, should be even
        levels_text <- paste0(levels_text, "`")
    header$levels <- paste0(length(header$levels), ": ", levels_text)
    header <- header[names(header) != "ordered"]
  # length and NAs
  if (has_length == TRUE) {
    na_txt <- paste0(format(header$na_length, decimal.mark = decimal.mark, big.mark = big.mark), " = ",
                     sub("NaN", "0", percentage(header$na_length / header$length, 
                                                digits = getdecimalplaces(header$na_length / header$length,
                                                                          minimum = 1, 
                                                                          maximum = digits),
                                                decimal.mark = decimal.mark), 
                         fixed = TRUE))
    if (!grepl("^0 =", na_txt)) {
      na_txt <- red(na_txt)
    } else {
      na_txt <- green(na_txt)
    na_txt <- paste0(", NA: ", na_txt)
  } else {
    na_txt <- ""
  header$available <- paste0(format(header$available, decimal.mark = decimal.mark, big.mark = big.mark),
                             " (", trimws(percentage(header$available / header$length, 
                                                     digits = getdecimalplaces(header$available / header$length,
                                                                               minimum = 1, 
                                                                               maximum = digits),
                                                     decimal.mark = decimal.mark)),
                             na_txt, ")")
  header$length <- format(header$length, decimal.mark = decimal.mark, big.mark = big.mark)
  header <- header[names(header) != "na_length"]
  # format all numeric values
  header <- lapply(header, function(x) {
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
      if (any(x < 1000, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        format(round2(x, digits = digits), decimal.mark = decimal.mark, big.mark = big.mark)
      } else {
        format(x, digits = digits, decimal.mark = decimal.mark, big.mark = big.mark)
    } else {
  # header names
  header_names <- paste0(names(header), ":  ")
  # capitalise first character
  header_names <- gsub("^(.)", "\\U\\1", header_names, perl = TRUE)
  # make all header captions equal size
  header_names <- gsub("\\s", " ", format(header_names,
                                          width = max(nchar(header_names),
                                                      na.rm = TRUE)))
  header <- paste0(header_names, header)
  header <- paste(header, collapse = newline)
  # add newline after 'Unique'
  gsub("(.*Unique.*\\n)(.*?)", paste0("\\1", newline, "\\2"), header)

#' @rdname freq
#' @export
top_freq <- function(f, n) {
  if (!is.freq(f)) {
    stop("`top_freq` can only be applied to frequency tables", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(n) | length(n) != 1L) {
    stop("For `top_freq`, 'n' must be a number of length 1", call. = FALSE)
  n_bak <- n
  if (n > 0) {
    n <- min(n, nrow(f))
    count_at_place_n <- f[n, "count"]
    items <- f[which(f$count >= count_at_place_n), ]
  } else {
    n <- nrow(f) + n + 1
    n <- max(n, 1)
    count_at_place_n <- f[n, "count"]
    items <- f[which(f$count <= count_at_place_n), ]
  vect <- items[, "item"]
  names(vect) <- items[, "count"]
  if (length(vect) < abs(n_bak)) {
    message("top_freq: selecting all ", length(vect), " items")
  } else if (length(vect) > abs(n_bak)) {
    message("top_freq: selecting ", length(vect), " items instead of ", abs(n_bak), ", because of ties")

#' @rdname freq
#' @export
header <- function(f, property = NULL) {
  if (!is.freq(f)) {
    stop("`header` can only be applied to frequency tables", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(property)) {
  } else {
    a <- attributes(f)$header
    if (any(property %in% names(f))) {
      a[names(a) %in% property]

#' @rdname freq
#' @method print freq
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom crayon bold silver
#' @export
print.freq <- function(x,
                       nmax = getOption("max.print.freq", default = 10),
                       markdown = !interactive(),
                       header = TRUE,
                       decimal.mark = getOption("OutDec"),
                       big.mark = ifelse(decimal.mark != ",", ",", "."),
                       ...) {
  opt <- attr(x, "opt")
  if (is.null(opt)) {
    # selection of frequency table, return original class
    class(x) <- class(x)[!class(x) == "freq"]
  if (!is.null(opt$format)) {
    x$item <- format(x$item, format = ifelse(is.Date(x$item), format_datetime(opt$format), opt$format))
  opt$header_txt <- header(x)
  if (is.null(opt$nmax)) {
    opt$nmax <- 0
  if (is.null(opt$tbl_format)) {
    opt$tbl_format <- "pandoc"
  dots <- list(...)
  if ("markdown" %in% names(dots)) {
    if (dots$markdown == TRUE) {
      opt$tbl_format <- "markdown"
    } else {
      opt$tbl_format <- "pandoc"
  if (!missing(markdown)) {
    if (markdown == TRUE) {
      opt$tbl_format <- "markdown"
    } else {
      opt$tbl_format <- "pandoc"
  if (!missing(nmax) | is.null(opt$nmax)) {
    opt$nmax <- nmax
    opt$nmax.set <- TRUE
  if (isTRUE(opt$nmax %in% c(0, Inf, NA, NULL))) {
    opt$nmax <- NROW(x)
    opt$nmax.set <- FALSE
  } else if (isTRUE(opt$nmax >= NROW(x))) {
    opt$nmax.set <- FALSE
  if (!missing(decimal.mark) | is.null(opt$decimal.mark)) {
    opt$decimal.mark <- decimal.mark
  if (!missing(big.mark) | is.null(opt$big.mark)) {
    opt$big.mark <- big.mark
  if (!missing(header)) {
    opt$header <- header
  if (!is.null(opt$title)) {
    title <- opt$title
  } else {
    title <- "Frequency table"
  if (isTRUE(opt$tbl_format == "pandoc")) {
    title <- bold(title)
  } else if (isTRUE(opt$tbl_format == "markdown")) {
    title <- paste0("\n\n**", title, "**  ") # two space for newline
  cat(title, "\n\n")
  if (NROW(x) == 0 | isTRUE(all(is.na(x$item)))) {
    cat("No observations")
    if (isTRUE(all(is.na(x$item) | identical(x$item, "<NA>") | identical(x$item, "(NA)")))) {
      cat(" - all values are missing (NA)")
    if (opt$tbl_format == "markdown") {
  if (is.null(opt$digits)) {
    opt$digits <- 2
  if (isTRUE(opt$header == TRUE)) {
    if (!is.null(opt$header_txt)) {
      cat(format_header(x, digits = opt$digits, markdown = (opt$tbl_format == "markdown"),
                        decimal.mark = decimal.mark, big.mark = big.mark))
  # save old NA setting for kable
  opt.old <- options()$knitr.kable.NA
  if (is.null(opt$na)) {
    opt$na <- "<NA>"
  if (isTRUE(opt$tbl_format == "markdown")) {
    # no HTML tags
    opt$na <- gsub("<", "(", opt$na, fixed = TRUE)
    opt$na <- gsub(">", ")", opt$na, fixed = TRUE)
  options(knitr.kable.NA = opt$na)
  x.rows <- nrow(x)
  x.unprinted <- sum(x[(opt$nmax + 1):nrow(x), "count"], na.rm = TRUE)
  x.printed <- sum(x$count) - x.unprinted
  if (nrow(x) > opt$nmax & isTRUE(opt$tbl_format != "markdown")) {
    if (opt$nmax.set == TRUE) {
      nmax <- opt$nmax
    } else {
      nmax <- getOption("max.print.freq", default = 10)
    x <- x[1:nmax, ]
    if (opt$nmax.set == TRUE) {
      footer <- paste("[ reached `nmax = ", opt$nmax, "`", sep = "")
    } else {
      footer <- '[ reached getOption("max.print.freq")'
    footer <- paste(footer,
                    " -- omitted ",
                    format(x.rows - opt$nmax, big.mark = opt$big.mark, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark),
                    paste0(" ", ifelse(x.rows - opt$nmax == 1, "entry", "entries"), ", n = "),
                    format(x.unprinted, big.mark = opt$big.mark, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark),
                    " (",
                    percentage(x.unprinted / (x.unprinted + x.printed), digits = opt$digits, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark),
                    ") ]\n", sep = "")
    if (opt$tbl_format == "pandoc") {
      footer <- silver(footer) # only silver in regular printing
  } else if (opt$tbl_format == "markdown") {
    if (opt$nmax.set == TRUE) {
      x <- x[1:opt$nmax, ]
      footer <- paste("\n(omitted ",
                      format(x.rows - opt$nmax, big.mark = opt$big.mark, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark),
                      " entries, n = ",
                      format(x.unprinted, big.mark = opt$big.mark, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark),
                      " [",
                      percentage(x.unprinted / (x.unprinted + x.printed), digits = opt$digits, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark),
                      "])\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      footer <- NULL
  } else {
    footer <- NULL
  if ("item" %in% colnames(x)) {
    if (any(class(x$item) %in% c("double", "integer", "numeric", "raw", "single"))) {
      x$item <- format(x$item, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark, big.mark = opt$big.mark)
  } else {
    opt$column_names <- opt$column_names[!opt$column_names == "Item"]
  all_unique <- FALSE
  if ("count" %in% colnames(x)) {
    if (all(x$count == 1)) {
      all_unique <- TRUE
    x$count <- format(x$count, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark, big.mark = opt$big.mark)
  } else {
    opt$column_names <- opt$column_names[!opt$column_names == "Count"]
  if ("percent" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x$percent <- percentage(x$percent, digits = getdecimalplaces(x$percent, minimum = 1, maximum = opt$digits), decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark)
  } else {
    opt$column_names <- opt$column_names[!opt$column_names == "Percent"]
  if ("cum_count" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x$cum_count <- format(x$cum_count, decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark, big.mark = opt$big.mark)
  } else {
    opt$column_names <- opt$column_names[!opt$column_names == "Cum. Count"]
  if ("cum_percent" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x$cum_percent <- percentage(x$cum_percent, digits = getdecimalplaces(x$cum_percent, minimum = 1, maximum = opt$digits), decimal.mark = opt$decimal.mark)
  } else {
    opt$column_names <- opt$column_names[!opt$column_names == "Cum. Percent"]
  if (opt$tbl_format == "markdown") {
  if (is.null(opt$row_names)) {
    opt$row_names <- TRUE
  if (is.null(opt$column_names)) {
    opt$column_names <- colnames(x)
                 format = opt$tbl_format,
                 row.names = opt$row_names,
                 col.names = opt$column_names,
                 align = opt$column_align,
                 padding = 2)
  if (!is.null(footer)) {
  if (opt$tbl_format == "markdown") {
  } else {
  if (all_unique == TRUE) {
    message("NOTE: All observations are unique.")
  # reset old kable setting
  options(knitr.kable.NA = opt.old)

#' @noRd
#' @method as.data.frame freq
#' @export
as.data.frame.freq <- function(x, ...) {
  attr(x, "opt") <- NULL
  attr(x, "header") <- NULL
  as.data.frame.data.frame(x, ...)

#' @noRd
#' @method hist freq
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics hist
hist.freq <- function(x, breaks = "Sturges", main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ...) {
  opt <- attr(x, "opt")
  if (!is.numeric(x$item) & !is.Date(x$item)) {
    stop("`x` must be numeric or Date.", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (missing(breaks)) {
    if (is.Date(x$item)) {
      message('Assuming "years" as specification of \'breaks\' in histogram')
      breaks <- "years"
  if (!is.null(opt$title)) {
    title <- paste(" of", opt$title)
  } else {
    title <- ""
  if (is.null(main)) {
    main <- paste("Histogram", title)
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- opt$title
  hist(as.vector(x), main = main, xlab = xlab, breaks = breaks, ...)

#' @noRd
#' @method boxplot freq
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot
boxplot.freq <- function(x, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ...) {
  opt <- attr(x, "opt")
  if (!is.numeric(x$item) & !is.Date(x$item)) {
    stop("`x` must be numeric or Date.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(opt$title)) {
    title <- opt$title
  } else {
    title <- "Frequency table"
  x <- as.vector(x) # there's a method for that, that keeps dates if needed

  if (is.null(main)) {
    main <- paste("Boxplot of", title)
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- title
  boxplot(x, main = main, xlab = xlab, ...)

#' @noRd
#' @method plot freq
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
plot.freq <- function(x, y, ...) {
  opt <- attr(x, "opt")
  if (!is.null(opt$title)) {
    title <- opt$title
  } else {
    title <- ""
  plot(x = x$item, y = x$count, ylab = "Count", xlab = title, ...)

#' @noRd
#' @method as.vector freq
#' @export
as.vector.freq <- function(x, ...) {
  v <- as.vector(rep(x$item, x$count), ...)
  if (inherits(x$item, "Date")) {
    as.Date(v, origin = "1970-01-01")
  } else if (inherits(x$item, "POSIXct")) {
             error = function(e) as.POSIXct(v, origin = "1970-01-01 0:00:00"))
  } else if (inherits(x$item, "POSIXlt")) {
             error = function(e) as.POSIXlt(v, origin = "1970-01-01 0:00:00"))
  } else {

#' @noRd
#' @method format freq
#' @export
format.freq <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
  x <- as.data.frame(x) # there's a method for that: as.data.frame.freq
  x$percent <- percentage(x$percent, digits = digits)
  x$cum_percent <- percentage(x$cum_percent, digits = digits)
msberends/cleaner documentation built on Nov. 7, 2022, 10:21 a.m.