
#' Create bibliographic information from PDF Metadata.
#' This function creates bibliographic information by reading the Metadata and
#' text of PDFs stored in a user specified directory using Poppler
#' (\url{https://poppler.freedesktop.org/}).  IF requested, the function
#' first searches for DOIs and downloads \code{BibTeX} entries from
#' \code{\link{ReadCrossRef}} if DOIs are found.  If this is not requested or
#' a DOI is not found for an entry, an attempt is made to build a BibTeX
#' entry from the metadata and text.
#' @param path character; path to directory containing pdfs or filename of
#' one pdf. \code{normalizePath} is used on the specified path
#' @param .enc character; text encoding to use for reading pdf and creating
#' BibEntry object. Available encodings for Poppler can be found using
#' \code{system("pdfinfo -listenc")}.  The encoding must also be listed
#' in \code{iconvlist()}.
#' @param recursive logical; same as \code{\link{list.files}}.  Should pdfs
#' in subdirectories of path be used?
#' @param use.crossref logical; should an attempt be made to download bibliographic
#' information from CrossRef if
#' any Document Object Identifiers (DOIs) are found? This is only supported if the Suggeseted package \code{bibtex} is found.
#' @param use.metadata logical; should the PDF metadata also be used to help
#' create entries?
#' @param progress logical; should progress bar be generated when fetching from
#' CrossRef?
#' @export
#' @details This function requires that the \code{pdfinfo} utility from Poppler PDF
#' \url{https://poppler.freedesktop.org/} be installed.
#' This function will create only \code{Article} or \code{Misc} \code{BibTeX} entries.
#' The absolute path to each file will be stored in the bib entry in a field
#' called \sQuote{file}, which is recognized by \code{BibLaTeX} (though not printed by
#' any standard style) and can be used by the
#' \code{\link{open.BibEntry}} function to open the PDF in the default viewer.
#' If the keywords metadata field is available, it will be added to the bib entry
#' in a field \sQuote{keywords}, which is recognized by \code{BibLaTeX}.
#' @return An object of class BibEntry.
#' @references \url{https://poppler.freedesktop.org/}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @seealso \code{\link{ReadCrossRef}}, \code{\link{BibEntry}},
#' \code{\link{open.BibEntry}}
#' @importFrom plyr llply progress_text
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' path <- system.file("doc", package = "RefManageR")
#' ReadPDFs(path)
#' }
ReadPDFs <- function (path, .enc = 'UTF-8', recursive = TRUE,
                      use.crossref = TRUE, use.metadata = TRUE,
                      progress = FALSE) {
  if (!nzchar(Sys.which("pdfinfo")))
      stop(gettextf("poppler does not seem to be installed.\n%s\n%s",
                    "ReadPDFs requires the `pdfinfo` utility from Poppler PDF be installed.",
                    "See https://poppler.freedesktop.org/"))
  path <- file.path(path[1])
  if (!file.exists(path))
      stop("Specified path does not exist")
  files <- list.files(path, pattern = '.pdf$', full.names = TRUE,
                      recursive = recursive)
  if (!length(files)){  # check if directory or file specified
      if (!grepl("[.]pdf$", path, useBytes = FALSE))
          stop(gettextf("%s must be a valid path containing PDFs %s%s",
                        sQuote("path"), "or a file name ending in ",
                        dQuote(".pdf"), domain = NA))
    files <- path
  n.files <- length(files)
  not.done <- seq.int(n.files)
  dois <- NULL

  # read metadata and search for DOI                                      #
  if (use.metadata){
    message(paste0('Getting Metadata for ', length(files), ' pdfs...'))
    out <- lapply(files, function(x)
        system2("pdfinfo", paste(shQuote('-enc'),
                stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE))

    dois <- vapply(out, SearchDOIText, "")
    doi.meta.ind <- vapply(dois, nzchar, FALSE)  # !is.na(dois)
    pages.idx <- lapply(out, grep, patt = "^Pages:")
    pages <- as.numeric(mapply(function(md, idx) sub("^[^0-9]*", "", md[idx]),
                               out, pages.idx))
    doi.meta.ind <- logical(n.files)
    pages <- rep(Inf, n.files)

  # search first two pages of pdf for DOI
  GetPDFTxt <- function(tpath, page, tfile, enc){
      system2("pdftotext", paste(shQuote('-f'), shQuote(page), shQuote('-l'),
                                 shQuote(page), shQuote('-enc'), shQuote(.enc),
                                 shQuote(normalizePath(tpath)), shQuote(tfile)))
    suppressWarnings(readLines(tfile, encoding = enc))

  tfile1 <- tempfile(fileext = '.txt')
  txt.files1 <- lapply(files, GetPDFTxt, page = 1, tfile = tfile1, enc = .enc)
  txt.files2 <- vector("list", n.files)
  for (i in seq_len(n.files))
      if (pages[i] > 1)
          txt.files2[[i]] <- GetPDFTxt(files[[i]], page = 2, tfile = tfile1, enc = .enc)
  ## check first page for JSTOR, if yes grab info from both pages, else NA
  resJSTOR <- mapply(CheckJSTOR, txt.files1, txt.files2, files, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  JSTOR.ind <- !is.na(resJSTOR)
  done.inds <- which(JSTOR.ind)
    not.done <- not.done[!JSTOR.ind]
  resJSTOR <- resJSTOR[JSTOR.ind]

  tind <- !JSTOR.ind & !doi.meta.ind
  ## get DOIs and read from CrossRef
  if (length(tind)){
    more.dois <- mapply(function(p1, p2){
      }, txt.files1[tind], txt.files2[tind])

    doi.text.ind <- which(tind)[vapply(more.dois,
                                       nzchar, FALSE)]  # !is.na(more.dois)

  ## don't call CrossRef if JSTOR already got info (need to check if DOI
  ##   from metadata and JSTOR)
  metadoi.pos <- which(doi.meta.ind)
  doi.ind <- c(metadoi.pos[!metadoi.pos %in% JSTOR.ind], doi.text.ind)
  comb.doi <- c(dois[!JSTOR.ind & doi.meta.ind], more.dois[nzchar(more.dois)])

  ## get bib info from CrossRef
  resCR <- CR.ind <- badCR.ind <- NULL
  if (use.crossref && length(doi.ind)){
    if (requireNamespace("bibtex")){
      message(paste0("Getting ", length(comb.doi),
                   " BibTeX entries from CrossRef..."))
      if (progress){
        progress <- progress_text(char = ".")
        progress <- "none"

      tmpbib <- tempfile(fileext = ".bib", tmpdir=getwd())
      resCR <- llply(as.list(comb.doi), ReadCrossRef, temp.file = tmpbib,
                     delete.file = TRUE,
                      .progress = progress)
      ## on very rare instances CrossRef doesn't have record for particular DOI
      CR.ind <- !vapply(resCR, is.null, FALSE)
      badCR.ind <- doi.ind[!CR.ind]
      if (any(CR.ind)){
         for (i in which(CR.ind))
           resCR[[i]]$file <- files[doi.ind[i]]
        not.done <- not.done[!not.done %in% doi.ind[CR.ind]]

      ## llply returns a list of BibEntry objs, NOT single BibEntry obj
      resCR <- MakeCitationList(resCR[CR.ind])
        warning("Argument ", sQuote("use.crossref"), " ignored since the ",
                dQuote("bibtex"), " package is not installed.")

  ## get bib info from first page. if dont find abstract on first page,
  ##  use second page too
  res <- lapply(txt.files1[not.done], ReadFirstPages, page.one = TRUE)
  ## not.done <- not.done[is.na(res) || !res$found.abstract]
  res2 <- lapply(txt.files2[not.done], ReadFirstPages, page.one = FALSE)

  resMeta <- NULL
  if (use.metadata && length(not.done)){
   resMeta <- lapply(out[not.done], ProcessPDFMeta, enc=.enc)
   res <- mapply(CleanAuthorTitle, res, res2, resMeta, files[not.done],
                 SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
   res <- mapply(CleanAuthorTitle, res, res2, file = files[not.done],
                 MoreArgs = list(bibMeta=NULL), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  #               JSTOR        ReadPDF+Meta           CrossRef
  done.inds <- c(done.inds, not.done[!is.na(res)], doi.ind[CR.ind])
  not.done <- not.done[is.na(res)]
  ## remove entries with no author or title info - done in MakeCitationList
  res <- res[!is.na(res)]

  res <- c(resJSTOR, res)
  if (length(res)){
      res <- withCallingHandlers(lapply(res, MakeBibEntry, to.person = FALSE),
                                 warning = function(w){
      if(any(grepl("recycled", w$message, useBytes = FALSE)))
        invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
    res <- MakeCitationList(res)

  if (length(resCR))
    res <- suppressWarnings(c(resCR, res))  # suppressWarnings in case res NULL

  ## add file names and dois as fields (if doi not done already)
  if (length(not.done) < length(res)){
    if (!use.crossref && length(doi.ind)){
      ind <- which(done.inds %in% doi.ind)
      ind2 <- which(doi.ind %in% done.inds)
      for (i in seq_along(ind))
        res[[ind[i]]]$doi <- comb.doi[ind2[i]]
    }else if (use.crossref && length(badCR.ind)){
      ## DOI's missed by CrossRef may be fixed up later
      ind <- which(done.inds %in% badCR.ind)
      ind2 <- which(doi.ind %in% badCR.ind)
      for (i in seq_along(ind))
        res[[ind[i]]]$doi <- comb.doi[ind2[i]]
  res <- MakeKeysUnique(res)
mwmclean/RefManageR documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 2:11 p.m.