# readability functions with appropriate assertthat fail messages
"%!in%" <- Negate("%in%")
.ordering.function <- function(vector,
data.frame) {
if(length(vector) == 1 && vector == "alphanumeric") {
data.frame[,group.by] <- factor(data.frame[,group.by], levels = str_sort(unique(data.frame[,group.by]), numeric = TRUE))
} else {
data.frame[,group.by] <- factor(data.frame[,group.by], levels = vector)
#Use to shuffle between chains
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Ye-Lin Son, Nick Borcherding
.off.the.chain <- function(dat, chain, cloneCall, check = TRUE) {
chain1 <- toupper(chain) #to just make it easier
if (chain1 %in% c("TRA", "TRG", "IGH")) {
x <- 1
} else if (chain1 %in% c("TRB", "TRD", "IGL")) {
x <- 2
} else {
warning("It looks like ", chain, " does not match the available options for `chain = `")
#Adding a chain check to prevent issues with TRA + TRD/IGH data
chain.check<- substr(str_split(dat[,"CTgene"], "_", simplify = TRUE)[,x], 1,3)
chain.check[chain.check == "NA"] <- NA
chain.check[chain.check == "NA;NA"] <- NA
chain.check[chain.check == "Non"] <- NA
any.alt.chains <- which(!is.na(chain.check) & chain.check != chain)
if(length(any.alt.chains) > 0) {
dat <- dat[-any.alt.chains,]
dat[,cloneCall] <- str_split(dat[,cloneCall], "_", simplify = TRUE)[,x]
dat[,cloneCall][dat[,cloneCall] == "NA"] <- NA
dat[,cloneCall][dat[,cloneCall] == "NA;NA"] <- NA
.padded_strings <- function(strings, max_length) {
x <- lapply(strings, function(str) {
str_len <- nchar(str)
str <- strsplit(str, split = "")[[1]]
if (str_len < max_length) {
c(str, rep(NA, max_length - str_len))
} else {
#' @importFrom dplyr desc ungroup count
#' @importFrom rlang ensym !!
.clone.counter <- function(meta,
cloneCall) {
clone.table <- meta %>%
group_by(across(all_of(c(group.by, cloneCall)))) %>%
count() %>%
na.omit() %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(!!ensym(group.by)) %>%
mutate(group.sum = sum(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(!!ensym(cloneCall)) %>%
mutate(clone.sum = sum(n)) %>%
.aa.counter <- function(input.data, cloneCall, aa.length) {
lapply(input.data, function(x) {
strings <- x[,cloneCall]
strings <- do.call(c,str_split(strings, ";"))
strings <- strings[strings != "NA"]
strings <- na.omit(strings)
strings <- strings[nchar(strings) < aa.length]
strings <- .padded_strings(strings, aa.length)
strings <- do.call(rbind, strings)
aa.output <- apply(strings, 2, function(z) {
summary <- as.data.frame(table(z, useNA = "always"))
res <- suppressWarnings(Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all = TRUE, by="z"), aa.output))
colnames(res) <- c("AA", paste0("pos.", seq_len(aa.length)))
res[which(!is.na(res$AA)),][is.na(res[which(!is.na(res$AA)),])] <- 0
}) -> res.list
#Pulling a color palette for visualizations
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl.colors
#' @keywords internal
.colorizer <- function(palette = "inferno",
n= NULL) {
colors <- hcl.colors(n=n, palette = palette, fixup = TRUE)
#Remove list elements that contain all NA values
#' @keywords internal
.checkBlanks <- function(df, cloneCall) {
count <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
if (length(df[[i]][,cloneCall]) == length(which(is.na(df[[i]][,cloneCall]))) |
length(which(!is.na(df[[i]][,cloneCall]))) == 0 |
nrow(df[[i]]) == 0) {
count <- c(i, count)
} else {
if (!is.null(count)) {
df <- df[-count]
#reshuffling df
#' @keywords internal
.groupList <- function(df, group.by) {
df <- bind_rows(df)
df <- split(df, df[,group.by])
# Ensure df is in list format
#' @keywords internal
.checkList <- function(df) {
df <- tryCatch(
if (!inherits(df, "list")) {
df <- list(df)
error = function(e) {
"Please ensure that the input consists of at least one dataframe"
#' @keywords internal
.checkContigs <- function(df) {
df <- lapply(seq_len(length(df)), function(x) {
df[[x]] <- if(!is.data.frame(df[[x]])) as.data.frame(df[[x]]) else df[[x]]
df[[x]][df[[x]] == ""] <- NA
#' @keywords internal
.bound.input.return <- function(df) {
if (is_seurat_or_se_object(df)) {
bind_rows(df, .id = "element.names")
#' @keywords internal
.list.input.return <- function(df, split.by) {
if (is_seurat_or_se_object(df)) {
split.by <- "ident"
df <- .expression2List(df, split.by)
#Get UMAP or other coordinates
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim
#' @keywords internal
.get.coord <- function(sc, reduction) {
if (is.null(reduction)) {
reduction <- "pca"
if (is_seurat_object(sc)) {
coord <- sc@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings
} else if (is_se_object(sc)) {
coord <- reducedDim(sc, reduction)
#This is to check the single-cell expression object
#' @keywords internal
.checkSingleObject <- function(sc) {
if (!is_seurat_or_se_object(sc)){
stop("Object indicated is not of class 'Seurat' or
'SummarizedExperiment', make sure you are using
the correct data.")
#This is to grab the meta data from a seurat or SCE object
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Idents
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @keywords internal
.grabMeta <- function(sc) {
messString <- c("Meta data contains an 'ident' column and will likely result
in errors downstream.")
if (is_seurat_object(sc)) {
meta <- data.frame(sc[[]], slot(sc, "active.ident"))
if("ident" %in% colnames(meta)) {
colnames(meta)[length(meta)] <- "ident"
} else if (is_se_object(sc)){
meta <- data.frame(colData(sc))
if("ident" %in% colnames(meta)) {
rownames(meta) <- sc@colData@rownames
clu <- which(colnames(meta) == "label") # as set by colLabels()
colnames(meta)[clu] <- "ident"
} else {
stop("Object indicated is not of class 'Seurat' or
'SummarizedExperiment', make sure you are using
the correct data.")
#This is to add the sample and ID prefixes for combineBCR()/TCR()
#' @keywords internal
.modifyBarcodes <- function(df, samples, ID) {
out <- NULL
for (x in seq_along(df)) {
data <- df[[x]]
if (!is.null(ID)){
data$barcode <- paste0(samples[x], "_", ID[x], "_", data$barcode)
} else {
data$barcode <- paste0(samples[x], "_", data$barcode)
out[[x]] <- data }
#Removing barcodes with NA recovered
#' @keywords internal
.removingNA <- function(final) {
for(i in seq_along(final)) {
final[[i]] <- na.omit(final[[i]])}
#Removing barcodes with > 2 clones recovered
#' @keywords internal
.removingMulti <- function(final){
for(i in seq_along(final)) {
final[[i]] <- filter(final[[i]], !grepl(";",CTnt))}
#Removing extra clones in barcodes with > 2 productive contigs
#' @importFrom dplyr slice_max
#' @keywords internal
.filteringMulti <- function(x) {
x <- x %>%
group_by(barcode, chain) %>%
slice_max(n = 1, order_by = reads)
#checking the number of productive contigs
table <- subset(as.data.frame(table(x$barcode)), Freq > 2)
if (nrow(table) > 0) {
barcodes <- as.character(unique(table$Var1))
multichain <- NULL
for (j in seq_along(barcodes)) {
chain <- x[x$barcode == barcodes[j],] %>%
group_by(barcode) %>%
slice_max(n = 2, order_by = reads, with_ties = FALSE)
multichain <- rbind(multichain, chain)
x <- subset(x, barcode %!in% barcodes)
x <- rbind(x, multichain)
#Filtering NA contigs out of single-cell expression object
#' @importFrom dplyr transmute
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @keywords internal
.filteringNA <- function(sc) {
meta <- .grabMeta(sc)
evalNA <- data.frame(meta[,"cloneSize"])
colnames(evalNA) <- "indicator"
evalNA <- evalNA %>%
transmute(indicator = ifelse(is.na(indicator), 0, 1))
rownames(evalNA) <- rownames(meta)
if (inherits(x=sc, what ="cell_data_set")){
return(sc[, !is.na(sc$cloneSize)])
pos <- which(evalNA[,"indicator"] != 0)
sc <- subset(sc, cells = rownames(evalNA)[pos])
#Organizing list of contigs for visualization
#' @keywords internal
.parseContigs <- function(df, i, names, cloneCall) {
data <- df[[i]]
data1 <- data %>%
group_by(data[,cloneCall]) %>%
colnames(data1)[1] <- cloneCall
data1$values <- names[i]
# This is to help sort the type of clone data to use
#' @keywords internal
.theCall <- function(df, x, check.df = TRUE) {
x <- .convertClonecall(x)
if(check.df) {
if(inherits(df, "list") & !any(colnames(df[[1]]) %in% x)) {
stop("Check the clonal variable (cloneCall) being used in the function, it does not appear in the data provided.")
} else if (inherits(df, "data.frame") & !any(colnames(df) %in% x)) {
stop("Check the clonal variable (cloneCall) being used in the function, it does not appear in the data provided.")
# helper for .theCall # Qile: on second thought - converting to x to lowercase may be a bad idea...
.convertClonecall <- function(x) {
clonecall_dictionary <- list(
"gene" = "CTgene",
"genes" = "CTgene",
"ctgene" = "CTgene",
"ctstrict" = "CTstrict",
"nt" = "CTnt",
"nucleotide" = "CTnt",
"nucleotides" = "CTnt",
"ctnt" = "CTnt",
"aa" = "CTaa",
"amino" = "CTaa",
"ctaa" = "CTaa",
"gene+nt" = "CTstrict",
"strict" = "CTstrict",
"ctstrict" = "CTstrict"
if (!is.null(clonecall_dictionary[[tolower(x)]])) {
} else {
warning("A custom variable ", x, " will be used to call clones")
# Assigning positions for TCR contig data
# Used to be .parseTCR(Con.df, unique_df, data2) in v1
# but now also constructs Con.df and runs the parseTCR algorithm on it, all in Rcpp
#' @author Gloria Kraus, Nick Bormann, Nicky de Vrij, Nick Borcherding, Qile Yang
#' @keywords internal
.constructConDfAndParseTCR <- function(data2) {
dplyr::arrange(data2, chain, cdr3_nt),
uniqueData2Barcodes = unique(data2$barcode)
#Assigning positions for BCR contig data
#Now assumes lambda over kappa in the context of only 2 light chains
#' @author Gloria Kraus, Nick Bormann, Nick Borcherding, Qile Yang
#' @keywords internal
.parseBCR <- function (Con.df, unique_df, data2) {
barcodeIndex <- rcppConstructBarcodeIndex(unique_df, data2$barcode)
for (y in seq_along(unique_df)) {
location.i <- barcodeIndex[[y]]
for (z in seq_along(location.i)) {
where.chain <- data2[location.i[z],"chain"]
if (where.chain == "IGH") {
if(is.na(Con.df[y,"IGH"])) {
Con.df[y,heavy_lines] <- data2[location.i[z],h_lines]
} else {
Con.df[y,heavy_lines] <- paste(Con.df[y, heavy_lines],
} else if (where.chain == "IGK") {
if(is.na(Con.df[y,"IGLC"])) {
Con.df[y,light_lines] <- data2[location.i[z],k_lines]
} else {
Con.df[y,light_lines] <- paste(Con.df[y, light_lines],
}else if (where.chain == "IGL") {
if(is.na(Con.df[y,"IGLC"])) {
Con.df[y,light_lines] <- data2[location.i[z],l_lines]
} else {
Con.df[y,light_lines] <- paste(Con.df[y, light_lines],
#Producing a data frame to visualize for lengthContig()
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
.lengthDF <- function(df, cloneCall, chain, group){
Con.df <- NULL
names <- names(df)
if (identical(chain, "both")) {
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
clones <- str_remove_all(df[[i]][,cloneCall], "_NA")
clones <- str_remove_all(clones, "NA_")
length <- nchar(gsub("_", "", clones))
val <- df[[i]][,cloneCall]
if (!is.null(group)) {
cols <- df[[i]][,group]
data <- na.omit(data.frame(length, val, cols, names[i]))
colnames(data) <- c("length", "CT", group, "values")
Con.df<- rbind.data.frame(Con.df, data)
} else {
data <- na.omit(data.frame(length, val, names[i]))
colnames(data) <- c("length", "CT", "values")
Con.df<- rbind.data.frame(Con.df, data) }}
} else {
for (x in seq_along(df)) {
strings <- df[[x]][,cloneCall]
val1 <- strings
for (i in seq_along(val1)) {
if (grepl(";", val1[i]) == TRUE) {
val1[i] <- str_split(val1[i], ";", simplify = TRUE)[1]
} else { next() } }
chain1 <- nchar(val1)
if (!is.null(group)) {
cols1 <- df[[x]][,group]
data1 <- data.frame(chain1, val1, names[x], chain, cols1)
}else if (is.null(group)){
data1 <- data.frame(chain1, val1, names[x], chain)
colnames(data1) <- c("length", "CT", "values", "chain")
data <- na.omit(data1)
data <- subset(data, CT != "NA" & CT != "")
Con.df<- rbind.data.frame(Con.df, data)
#General combination of nucleotide, aa, and gene sequences for T/B cells
#' @keywords internal
.assignCT <- function(cellType, Con.df) {
if (cellType == "T") {
Con.df$CTgene <- paste(Con.df$TCR1, Con.df$TCR2, sep="_")
Con.df$CTnt <- paste(Con.df$cdr3_nt1, Con.df$cdr3_nt2, sep="_")
Con.df$CTaa <- paste(Con.df$cdr3_aa1, Con.df$cdr3_aa2, sep="_")
Con.df$CTstrict <- paste0(Con.df$TCR1, ";", Con.df$cdr3_nt1, "_",
Con.df$TCR2, ";", Con.df$cdr3_nt2)
} else { # assume cellType = B
Con.df$CTgene <- paste(Con.df$IGH, Con.df$IGLC, sep="_")
Con.df$CTnt <- paste(Con.df$cdr3_nt1, Con.df$cdr3_nt2, sep="_")
Con.df$CTaa <- paste(Con.df$cdr3_aa1, Con.df$cdr3_aa2, sep="_")
#Sorting the V/D/J/C gene sequences for T and B cells
#' @importFrom stringr str_c str_replace_na
#' @keywords internal
.makeGenes <- function(cellType, data2, chain1, chain2) {
if(cellType %in% c("T")) {
data2 <- data2[data2$chain %in% c("TRA", "TRB", "TRG", "TRD"),]
data2 <- data2 %>%
mutate(TCR1 = ifelse(chain %in% c("TRA", "TRG"),
str_c(str_replace_na(v_gene), str_replace_na(j_gene), str_replace_na(c_gene), sep = "."), NA)) %>%
mutate(TCR2 = ifelse(chain %in% c("TRB", "TRD"),
str_c(str_replace_na(v_gene), str_replace_na(d_gene), str_replace_na(j_gene), str_replace_na(c_gene), sep = "."), NA))
} else if (cellType %in% c("B")) {
data2 <- data2[data2$chain %in% c("IGH", "IGK", "IGL"),]
heavy <- data2[data2$chain == "IGH",] %>%
mutate(IGHct = str_c(str_replace_na(v_gene), str_replace_na(d_gene), str_replace_na(j_gene), str_replace_na(c_gene), sep = "."))
kappa <- data2[data2$chain == "IGK",] %>%
mutate(IGKct = str_c(str_replace_na(v_gene), str_replace_na(j_gene), str_replace_na(c_gene), sep = "."))
lambda <- data2[data2$chain == "IGL",] %>%
mutate(IGLct = str_c(str_replace_na(v_gene), str_replace_na(j_gene), str_replace_na(c_gene), sep = "."))
data2 <- bind_rows(heavy, kappa, lambda)
#Getting the minimum repertoire size for diversity boots
#' @keywords internal
.short.check <- function(df, cloneCall) {
min <- c()
for (x in seq_along(df)) {
min.tmp <- length(which(!is.na(unique(df[[x]][,cloneCall]))))
min <- c(min.tmp, min)
min <- min(min)
# check if object is a dataframe or list of dataframes
#' @keywords internal
is_df_or_list_of_df <- function(x) {
if (is.data.frame(x)) {
} else if (is.list(x)) {
if (length(x) == 0) {
return(all(sapply(x, is.data.frame)))
} else {
#Pulling meta data
#' @keywords internal
.expression2List <- function(sc, split.by) {
if (!inherits(x=sc, what ="Seurat") &
!inherits(x=sc, what ="SummarizedExperiment")) {
stop("Use a Seurat or SCE object to convert into a list")
meta <- .grabMeta(sc)
split.by <- "ident"
unique <- str_sort(as.character(unique(meta[,split.by])), numeric = TRUE)
df <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(unique)) {
subset <- subset(meta, meta[,split.by] == unique[i])
subset <- subset(subset, !is.na(cloneSize))
df[[i]] <- subset
names(df) <- unique
#Making lists for single-cell object, check blanks and apply chain filter
#' @keywords internal
.data.wrangle <- function(df, split.by, cloneCall, chain) {
df <- .list.input.return(df, split.by)
df <- .checkBlanks(df, cloneCall)
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
if (chain != "both") {
df[[i]] <- .off.the.chain(df[[i]], chain, cloneCall)
# Calculates the normalized Levenshtein Distance between the contig
# nucleotide sequence.
#' @importFrom stringdist stringdist
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame components graph_from_edgelist
#' @keywords internal
.lvCompare <- function(dictionary, gene, chain, threshold, exportGraph = FALSE) {
overlap <- NULL
out <- NULL
dictionary[dictionary == "None"] <- NA
dictionary$v.gene <- stringr::str_split(dictionary[,gene], "[.]", simplify = TRUE)[,1]
tmp <- na.omit(unique(dictionary[,c(chain, "v.gene")]))
#chunking the sequences for distance by v.gene
edge.list <- .createBcrEdgeListDf(dictionary, chain, threshold)
if(exportGraph) {
if (is.null(edge.list)) {
return(graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(edge.list)[, c(1, 2)]))
if (!is.null(dim(edge.list))) {
edge.list <- unique(edge.list)
g <- graph_from_data_frame(edge.list)
components <- igraph::components(g, mode = c("weak"))
out <- data.frame("cluster" = components$membership,
"filtered" = names(components$membership))
filter <- which(table(out$cluster) > 1)
out <- subset(out, cluster %in% filter)
if(nrow(out) > 1) {
out$cluster <- paste0(gene, ":Cluster", ".", out$cluster)
uni_IG <- as.data.frame(unique(tmp[,1][tmp[,1] %!in% out$filtered]))
} else {
uni_IG <- as.data.frame(unique(tmp[,1]))
colnames(uni_IG)[1] <- "filtered"
if (nrow(uni_IG) > 0) {
uni_IG$cluster <- paste0(gene, ".", seq_len(nrow(uni_IG)))
output <- rbind.data.frame(out, uni_IG)
colnames(output) <- c("Cluster", "clone")
#' create an edge list dataframe from clustering BCR data with edit distance
#' This is a helper for the internal [.lvCompare()] that constructs a directed
#' graph edge list as a dataframe, with weights being the normalized edit
#' distance between two v genes.
#' @param dictionary row binded loadContigs output with a column `v.gene`
#' @param chain string. Which v gene type.
#' @param threshold single numeric between 0 and 1
#' @return A data.frame with the columns `to`, `from`, `distance`. To and from
#' represents a directed edge between two v genes, and the distance being the
#' normalized edit distance. Those that exceed the threshold are filtered.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.createBcrEdgeListDf <- function(dictionary, chain, threshold) {
vGenes <- str_sort(na.omit(unique(dictionary$v.gene)), numeric = TRUE)
edge.list <- lapply(vGenes, function(v_gene) {
filtered_df <- dplyr::filter(dictionary, v.gene == v_gene)
nucleotides <- filtered_df[[chain]]
nucleotides <- sort(unique(str_split(nucleotides, ";", simplify = TRUE)[, 1]))
if (length(nucleotides) <= 1) return(NULL)
out <- rcppGetSigSequenceEditDistEdgeListDf(nucleotides, threshold)
edgeListDf <- do.call(rbind, edge.list)
if (!is.null(edgeListDf) && nrow(edgeListDf) == 0) {
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